CCP113 Errors & OmissionsCITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number ERRORS AND OMISSIONS INSURANCE FOR CONSULTING AGREEMENTS 1 of 2 11/3/87 113 It is the policy of the City Council that the following guidelines be utilized in deter- mining when to require errors and omissions insurance from consultants who are under contract with the City for professional services. I. General Rule Contracts with consultants providing for professional services shall include a requirement that the consultant shall maintain, during the term of the agree- ment, errors and omissions insurance for professional negligence. II. Waiver of Errors and Omissions Insurance Errors and omissions insurance may be waived from professional consulting agreements where one or more of the following factors are considered applicable: A. The nature of the consulting work involves only general planning studies or development of base data; B. The consulting work is not connected with the design and construction of a significant capital improvement; C. The total cost of consulting services is small (for example under $10,000), whereas the cost of securing errors and omissions insurance relative to the cost of the service is high; D. Few proposals have been submitted to the City; E. City Attorney concurs that the waiver of errors and omissions insurance would not result in significant liability risk to City based on considerations of nature of the exposure created by the service provided and the applicability of governmental immunities provided under state law. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number ERRORS AND OMISSIONS INSURANCE FOR CONSULTING AGREEMENTS 2 of 2 11/3/87 113 III. Procedure The appropriate department head and City Attorney shall make an initial recommendation as to the requirement of errors and omissions insurance. For consulting agreements under $10,000, the City Manager shall have final authority in determining whether errors and omissions insurance shall be required. Consulting agreements of more than $10,000 shall be decided upon by the City Council. ###