Ordinance Number 616 ATTEST: City Cl-rk Pro Tem State of California ) County of Orange )ss City of San Juan Capistrano) I, Ernest Thompson, City Clerk Pro Tem of the City of Svn Juan Capistrano, do hereby certify that the foregoing end attached Crdinance was finally passed, approved andadopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano at a regular meeting therof held on the 24th day of April, 1961. (SEAL) AYES: Councilmen: Bathgate, Chezmak, Durnford, Olivares, Buchheim. Noes: Councilmen: None ABSENT: Councilmen: None City Clerk Pro Tem ORDINANCE NO. 6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, ESTABLISHING AND ADOPTING DY REFERENCE THE BUILD- ING CODE OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE AS THE BUILDING CODE OF THE CIi OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AND DP.CL- ARING THE URGENCY THIFREOF. The City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. There is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano for the purpose of requiring permits and providing rules and regulations for the erection, construction, enla- gement, alteration, repair, vioving, removal, conversion, demolition, occunany, Pequinment, use height, area of building, structures and tents, in the City of San Juan Capistrano, that certain Ordinance of the Coun- ty, State of California, known as "OR9INANC7 7_70. 1183 AN ORpTNANCf OF TIIE COUN'"Y OF ORA �:, STATE OP CALIFORNIA, REQUIRING PF.RiIITS SND ,'ROVID- ING RULES Ai1D 't79,0LATION5 TOR TH^ ERF;;TIO:T CONSTRUCTION, DNLARG-,14-c;NT, ALT-RATMN, R -PAIR, iOVING, :7'10VAL, C':G'IERS-ICN, DE:OLITION, OC,UPANY ECUIPMENT, USE, HEIGUT, ARIA, OF BUILDIPOS, STRUCTURES AND TENTS; PROV- TDING P":n =T,S I'OR THE VTOL:aTT_JId-HTPEOP; ADOPTING BY REi'ERENCF, THE UNIFORI4 EUILDING COGS, 1958 EDITION, VCLUMa I, I3CLUDINi, SECTIO!.S i10R T_IROUGH 5113 %,PID Ti.31,E 51 OF T'C: &1'PDNDIX TH RETO, ;ND U;1170M BUILD- ING CODs -VOLUME LII UNIFO^7d _'UILDlNG CODE STANDARDS, 1958 T.DITIOidp ,�i1D R°:FEALING-ORDINANCE NOS. 922, 955, 1035 AND SECTIJN L OF 1049, AND SEC- TION L OF 1062 OF THE Ml,TY OF MABGiO,.." Three (3) copies of said code are on file with the City Clerk, end are open to public inspection. The same are adopted hereby and incorporated herein as though fully set fo- rth in length. SECTION 2. This ordinance is an ordinance for the immediate pres- ervation of the public peace, health and safety and the following is a declaration of the Pacts constituting the urgency. The City of San Juan Capistrano, a municipal corporation, became duly incorporated on the 19th day of April, 19,61. On said date the rules, regulations and ordinance of the County of Orange that were in effect and operative in the area within the boundaries of the present City of San Juan Ca.)istrano are no longer of any force or effect by reason of the incorporation of the city. in order that the public will be protected immediately, it is necessary that this Ordinance be adop- ted as an urgency measure. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately and with- in fifteen (15) days shall be published in the Coastline Dispatch, to- gether with the names of the City Councilmen voting for and against the same. Passed, approved and adopted this 24th day of April, 1901. Mayor of San Juan Capistrano ATTEST: City Clerk Pro Tem State of California ) County of Orange )ss City of Can Juan Capistrano) I, Ernest Thompson, City Clerk Pro -empoe of the City of :an Juan Capistrano, so hereby certify that the foregoing and atta :lied Ordinance was finally passed, approved and adopted by the City Council of the City of San Juan Canist.rauo at a regnlar meetinC thereof held on the 24th day of April, 1961. 20 (SEAL) AYES: Councilmen: Bathgate, Chermak, Durnford, Olivares, Buchheim. NOES: Councilmen: None. AB'S BPiT: Councilmen: :done. City- Clerk Pro Tem ORDI;dANCE [10. 7 AN ORJINAKE OF THF, CITY OF SAP JUatd CAFISTiA140, ?ST;: LISHING AND ,MFTTNG Bf RZP'ERENCE THS ORAN- GE COUNTY ADMINSTRATI'VE ELECTRICAL CODE AS THE ELECTRICAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTIi- ANO.AND FROVIDING FOR PENALTIES A'U) THE URGE;iCY THEREOF, The City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. There is hereby :adopted bg the City Council of the City of San ,Juan Capistrano for the purpose of requiring permits for and ,-providing rules and regulations governing electrical installation and wiring, in the City of San Juan Capistrano, known as "ORDINANCE NO 1222, AN ORDINANCR OF THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIF016IA, REO.UIRING PERMITS FOR AIOI PROVIDIidG RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS AND WIRING; ADOPTING 1Y REFERENCE THOSE CER- TAIN REGULATIONS ENTITLED 'ELECTRICAL SAPFTY ORDER OF T:fE STATE OF CALIFORNIA', EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1955, ISSUF,.D BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA D-PARTMEN7 OF INDUSTRIAL RELATMNS, DI✓TSIO',I OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY: PRO- VIDING PS'NALTI?;S FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF: aIDD REPEALING ORDINANCES N0. 786, A20, 908, SECTION 3 OF ORDITIANCH TJO. 1049, AVD SECTION 3 OI ORDIN- ANCE !10. 1062." Three(3) copies of said code are on file with the City Clerk, and are open to public ins,,ection. the same are adopted hereby rind incorCorated herein as though fully setforth in length. i SECTION 2. This ordinance is an ordinance for the immediate ore- I servation of the public peace, health and safety and the following is a declaration of the facts constituting the urgency. The Cita of San Juan Capistrano, a ounici?al corporation, became duly incorporated on the 19Ci day of Aoril, 1,;6I. On said date the rules, regulations .rind ordin:-nces of the County of Orange that were i.n effect and operative in the area wi thia the boundaries of the nresent