02-0604_CVWD_Minutes_Regular Meeting1 MINUTES June 4, 2002 CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS CLOSED SESSION (610.85) - None Chairman Bathgate called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Capistrano Valley Water District to order at 7:35 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Wyatt Hart, Collene Campbell, David M. Swerdlin, Vice Chairman John S. Gelff and Chairman Diane Bathgate BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: George Scarborough, City Manager; Julia Silva, Assistant City Manager; John Shaw, City Attorney; Meg Monahan, City Clerk; Thomas Tomlinson, Planning Director; William Huber, Engineering and Building Director; Cynthia Russell, Administrative Services Director; Lt. Rick Stahr, Chief of Police Services; Al King, Jr., Community Services Director; Amy Amirani, Public Works Director CONSENT CALENDAR Board Action: Moved by Director Campbell seconded by Director Hart and carried unanimously, 5-0, to approve item 1 as recommended by Staff. MINUTES FROM THE REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 7, 2002, APPROVED AS SUBMITTED BOARD ACTIONS: INTRODUCTION OF THE 2002-2009 SEVEN-YEAR WATER ENTERPRISE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (330.40) Proiect Descri tion: A seven-year Capital improvement Program (CIP) is required to be consistent with the State Congestion Management Program and the County Measure M Program. The program introduced includes the seven- year water enterprise CIP for both the City and the water district. Written Communications: Agenda Report dated June 4, 2002, submitted by William Huber, Engineering and Building Director. 06-04-02 1 CVWD Minutes Oral Presentation: William Huber, Engineering and Building Director, provided an overview of the proposed CIP and indicated the item was scheduled for a Public Hearing on June 18, 2002 to receive public testimony. Board Action: Moved by Director Hart, Seconded by Vice -Chairman Gelff and carried unanimously to receive and file the report introducing the 2002-2009 seven-year water enterprise Capital Improvement Program INTRODUCTION OF THE FISCAL YEAR 2002-2003 PROPOSED WATER ENTERPRISE FUND OPERATING AND DEBT SERVICE FUND BUDGETS (330.90) Project Descriotion: This item serves to introduce the annual water enterprise fund operating and debt service fund budgets. The second phase of a phased rate increase will be implemented. The rates were increased 5.3% in 2001-02 and 5.3% in 2002-03, and 2% for each of the following three years. The proposed budget provides for the "breakeven" budget originally anticipated. No action by the Board of Directors is required, as the item is scheduled for a Public Hearing on June 18, 2002 to receive public testimony. Written_ Communications: Agenda Report dated June 4, 2002, prepared by Cynthia Russell, Administrative Services Director. Presentations: Cynthia Russell, Administrative Services Director, provided an overview of the proposed budget. Board Action: Moved by Director Campbell, seconded by Director Hart and carried unanimously to receive and file introduction of the Fiscal year 2002-2003 proposed water enterprise fund operating an debt service fund budgets. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman Bathgate adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m. to Tuesday, June 18, 2002, in the City Council Chamber. Respectfully su mitt d, T R. MONAHAN, CLERK OF THE BOARD Approved: July 2, 2002 06-04-02 2 CVWD Minutes