10-0615_SMD1_Minutes_Regular MeetingMINUTES June 15, 2010 SAN,JUAN CAPI TRANO SEWER MAINTENANCE DISTRICT NO. 'I BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vice Chair Freese called the June 15, 2010, Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors of the San ',Juan Capistrano Sewer Maintenance District No. 1 to order at 11:37 p.m. ROLL CALL BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Laura Freese and Directors Sam Allevato, Tom Hribar, and Mark Nielsen. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Dr. Londres Uso CONSENT CALENDAR - None BOARD ACTIONS -- None ADJOURNMENT There b ing o further business, Vice Chair Freese adjourned the meeting at 11:37 p uesday, ,June 21, 2011, at 0:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Respcmui7mitted, r rlr SECTARY Approved: July P,201 DR. LONDRES UM,CHAIRMAN 6-15-2010