16-0621_SJCHA Minutes_Special MeetingMINUTES June 21, 2016 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HOUSING AUTHORITY SPECIAL MEETING BUSINESS SESSION : Chair Perry called to order the June 21, 2016, Special Meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Housing Authority at 7:41 p.m., in the City Council Chamber. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Derek Reeve, Pam Patterson, Esq., Sam Allevato and Vice-Chair Kerry K. Ferguson and Chair John M. Perry . COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: None. Agenda items are presented in the originally agendized format for the benefit of the minutes' reader, but were not necessarily heard in that order. CONSENT CALENDAR: Commission Action : Moved by Commissioner Reeve , seconded by Commissioner Allevato, and carried unanimously to approve consent calendar items 1 through 5 , as recommended by staff. 1. HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES -REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 3, 2016, APPROVED 2 . CHECK REGISTERS FOR CHECKS AND ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS DATED APRIL 15, 2016, TO APRIL 28 , 2016; APRIL 29, 2016, TO MAY 12 , 2016 , AND MAY 13 , 2016 , TO MAY 26, 2016, RECEIVED AND FILED (300.30) 3 . CASH AND INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDED APRIL 30, 2016, RECEIVED AND FILED (350.30) 4 . SJCHA RESOLUTION 16-06-21-01 ADOPTED ENTITLED "A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HOUSING AUTHORITY, ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEARS 2016-2017 AND 2017-2018 OPERATING BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATIONS RELATED THERETO " (330 .20) 5. HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES-SPECIAL MEETING OF MAY 23, 2016 , APPROVED BOARD ACTIONS : None . BOARD COMMENTS: None . 1 6/21/2016 ADJOURNMENT: ing no further business, Chair Perry adjourned the meeting at 7:42 p.m. to Au st 2, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. for the public Business Session, in the i l hamber. MA Approved: August 2, 2016 ATTEST : 2 6/21/2016