CCP507 Stop signsCITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 1 of 11 9/3/96 507 Stop signs are installed to establish right-of-way at intersections, reduce vehicle delay and decrease accidents. Stop signs are placed at entrances to designated through highways or at any intersection designated by resolution as a stop intersection in accordance with Section 4- 6.707 of the Municipal Code. All-way stops are usually installed at the intersections of streets with similar traffic volumes or where justified by other criteria. Only those intersections meeting certain criteria should be considered for stop signs. The criteria contained herein have general national acceptance as factors to be analyzed to determine where stop signs should be installed. In special situations, stop signs may not be advisable because of the adverse effect they could cause in a total area traffic pattern, despite other justifying factors. It is the policy of the City Council that the installation of stop signs shall be made using engineering judgment based on the following criteria, and that such analyses, measurements, and computations as may be required in determining the appropriate traffic controls shall be the responsibility of the City Traffic Engineer or his/her designee. CRITERIA A. 2-Way Stop Control Installation Criteria The total possible points are 30. The installation of 2-way stop control is justified with a total of 15 points. 1. Accident Experience - 9 points possible. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 2 of 11 9/3/96 507 Three points are assigned for each accident susceptible to correction by stop signs that occurred during the previous year. The 15-point requirement may be waived and stop signs installed based entirely on accident experience. 2. Visibility Conditions - 9 points possible. Where the critical approach speed to the intersection is less than 20 miles per hour, 1 point shall be assigned for each mile per hour under 20 miles per hour. The 15-point requirement may be waived and stop signs may be installed by the critical approach streets of 10 miles per hour or less. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 3 of 11 9/3/96 507 3. Traffic and Pedestrian Volumes - 9 points possible. Points are dependent upon the 24-hour main street volume and the peak hour side street volume. The side street volume also considers pedestrians crossing the side street during the peak hour. The following table shall be used to assign points. POINT ASSIGNMENT TABLES FOR TWO-WAY STOP SIGNS Traffic and Pedestrian Volumes: Total of Main Street Approach Vehicular Volumes Combined Total of Side Street Approach Vehicular Volumes and Pedestrians Crossing the Side Street Approaches 24-Hour Volume Points Peak-Hour Volume Points 0-500 501-600 601-700 701-800 801-900 901-over 0 1 2 3 4 5 0-24 25-49 50-74 75-99 100-over 0 1 2 3 4 4. Special Conditions - 3 points possible. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 4 of 11 9/3/96 507 Special conditions include, but are not limited to schools, fire stations, playgrounds, steep hills, bus routes, strip commercial districts, parks, libraries, hospitals and post offices. Points are assigned on the basis of engineering judgment. The 15 point requirement may be waived and stop signs may be justified based entirely on special conditions if, in the determination of the City Traffic Engineer, the special conditions are critical to the health and safety of the community. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 5 of 11 9/3/96 507 B. All-Way Stop Control Installation Criteria The total possible points are 50. All-way stops may be installed when justified by 25 or more points at intersections that include a street classified as "Major". At other intersections, 20 or more points is sufficient. 1. Accident Experience - 15 points possible. Three points are assigned for each accident susceptible to correction by an all- way stop that occurred during the previous year. The 25-five point and 20-point installation requirement may be waived and an all-way stop may be justified if five or more accidents have occurred during the previous year and attempts using less restrictive controls have not corrected the problem. 2. Special Conditions - 5 points possible. Special conditions include, but are not limited to schools, fire stations, playgrounds, visibility conditions, steep hills, bus routes, strip commercial districts, parks, libraries, hospitals, post offices, pedestrian, bicycle and vehicle circulation patterns and other conditions that may be identified by the community. Points are assigned on the basis of engineering judgment. The 25- point and 20-point requirements may be waived and an all-way stop may be justified based entirely on special conditions if, in the determination of the City Traffic Engineer, the special conditions are critical to the health and safety of the community, or if the criteria for the installation of traffic signals has been met in accordance with CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 6 of 11 9/3/96 507 manual on uniform traffic control devices warrants. 3. Traffic Volumes - 15 points possible. Points are dependent upon the magnitude of vehicular volumes entering the intersection from the main street approaches and the highest-volume side street approach during the four highest hours of an average day. The following table shall be used to assign points. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 7 of 11 9/3/96 507 POINT ASSIGNMENT TABLES FOR ALL-WAY STOPS Traffic Volumes: Main Street Approaches Highest-Volume Side Street Approach 4-Hour Volume Points 4-Hour Volume Points 0-400 401-600 601-800 801-1000 1001-1200 1201-2600 2601-2900 2901-3200 3201-3500 3501-3800 3801-over 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 0-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601-700 701-800 801-900 901-1000 1001-1100 1101-over 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. Traffic Volume Difference - 10 points possible. All-way stops operate best when the traffic volumes on both intersecting streets are nearly equal. The traffic volume difference is calculated by subtracting double the highest volume side street approach from the total of the main street CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 8 of 11 9/3/96 507 approaches using the four highest hours of an average day. If the result is a negative number, then use a traffic volume difference of zero for the purpose of assigning points. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 9 of 11 9/3/96 507 Traffic Volume Differences (4-Hour Count) Points 0-150 151-300 301-450 451-600 601-750 751-900 901-1050 1051-1200 1201-1350 1351-1500 1501-over 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 5. Pedestrian Volumes - 5 points possible. Points are assigned based on the volume of pedestrians crossing the main street approaches during the four highest hours of an average day. Pedestrian Volumes: Pedestrian Volume Crossing Main Street Approaches (4 Highest Hours) Points CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 10 of 11 9/3/96 507 0 1-50 51-100 101-200 151-200 201-over 0 1 2 3 4 5 CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS 11 of 11 9/3/96 507 6. School Crossings Street crossings, which are the primary access to elementary and middle schools, and which do not exceed two lanes of traffic, and which do not exceed 10,000 vehicles per day, shall warrant an all-way stop if the number of school children using the crossing exceeds 200 in any one-hour period of an average day. ###