CCP424 Traffic congestion relief programCITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF 1 of 3 3/18/03 424 I. Purpose The purpose of the Traffic Congestion Relief Policy is to provide guidance to staff in establishing a uniform procedure for evaluating traffic congestion, determining priorities and programming of improvement funds. The Traffic Congestion Relief Policy is specifically targeted at the best use of dedicated road improvement funds to be used on the City=s arterial street network. II. History The City Council on May 21, 2002 adopted the Capistrano Circulation Fee Program (CCFP). The CCFP was adopted to implement the goals and policies provided in the Circulation Element of the 1999 update to the City=s General Plan. The CCFP establishes an equitable funding mechanism to pay for needed circulation improvements throughout the City to mitigate the impacts of new development. On October 15, 2002 the City Council adopted a Strategic Transportation Plan. The plan looked at the impacts of regional projects on the City. The plan proposed and supported those projects that helped to divert regional traffic away form the community. The City Council on March 18, 2002 considered and approved initiation of the Traffic Congestion Relief Program. This program=s goal is to specifically allocate available funding to highly needed projects to relieve traffic congestion. III. Policy With adoption of the Capistrano Circulation Fee Program and the Traffic Congestion Relief Program, implementation of projects require budget programming to insure the highest priority projects are implemented as early as possible. Development of a long range, 7 Year, Capital Improvement Program is needed to provide the planning tool to assure proper project budget allocation and project scheduling. All available funding sources should be considered in the 7 year plan including City, County, State and Federal resources. Finally under the State=s AB 1600 requirement the City must obligate the developer impact fees to projects within the statute time frames provided by law. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF 2 of 3 3/18/03 424 This policy provides the guidance to staff in the development of capital projects with the specific goal to provide congestion relief through early implementation of projects through the use of various City, County, State and Federal funding sources. This policy is intended to provide guidance and should be considered flexible if community priorities change. A. Program Development 1. Develop existing baseline traffic conditions using current roadway conditions and existing traffic to determine current intersection and link deficiencies. 2. Develop a 7 year projection of traffic based on known development projects, including phasing. Included in the projection will be a projection of the circulation system to include all roadway projects anticipated to be built within the 7 year period. 3. Develop a list of future intersection and roadway link deficiencies that will occur in the next 7 years. 4. From existing Traffic reports and EIR=s determine if there are additional traffic congestion relief projects that need to be implemented, coordinated or jointly funded in the program. 5. From the list of deficiencies, generated by 2, 3 and 4 above, develop a prioritized list of deficiencies and cost estimates. The list should give the highest priority to those projects providing the highest congestion relief wile recognizing the availability of funds and grants. 6. Develop a 7 year projection of revenues from the various potential funding sources, including any anticipated grant funding. 7. Based on priority and funding opportunities develop a 7 year Capital Improvement Program. CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy Page Date Number TRAFFIC CONGESTION RELIEF 3 of 3 3/18/03 424 B. Process 1. The Traffic Congestion Relief program will be incorporated in the City=s 7 Year Capital Improvement Program process which is updated on an annual basis. This process includes review by the Transportation Commission and City Council. 2. To reduce costs the traffic data and deficiency list will only need to be updated every other year. C. Ad Hoc Committee 1. An Ad Hoc Committee, consisting of two members of City Council, The City Manager or designee, Director of Planning and the Director of Engineering and Building, will annually review the list of deficiencies to establish priorities and project funding. 2. The City Council will appoint two members of City Council to sit on the Ad Hoc Committee. Said appointees may be re-appointed or replaced by the City Council during the regular Council Committee appointment review process. ###