CCP414 Residential monument signsCITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy OFF-SITE MONUMENT SIGNS Page Date Number FOR LARGE RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 1 of 2 5/19/92 414 It is a policy of the City Council that off-site identification signs for residential neighborhoods may be permitted when certain criteria are met. These criteria are based on the Council's determination that certain large residential neighborhoods are located at some distance from main arterial travel routes through the City. As such, they are difficult to locate by visitors, service businesses, and others. In view of the above, it may be desirable, in certain restricted cases, to permit an off- site identification sign located near a main arterial to identify the neighborhood in question. Such signs are to be limited to residential neighborhoods of substantial size so as to be of benefit to a sufficient number of residents and visitors to justify the use of an off-site sign. Off-site signs permitted under this policy are intended to provide directional identification for the benefit of a neighborhood's residents. As such, they are to be permanent identification signs and not temporary directional signs intended to assist in lot or home sales. The Director of Planning Services may approve off-site residential identification signs if the Director determines that all of the following conditions are met: 1. The neighborhood has one overall "project" name and is of sufficient scale such that a substantial number of residents would be benefited by an off-site sign -- i.e., approximately 40 acres or 40 lots or dwelling units, or more. 2. The off-site sign has been requested by the neighborhood's homeowners' association or by at least two-thirds of the residents and/or owners within the development. 3. None of the entries to the neighborhood are visible from a primary or secondary arterial highway. 4. Because of the lack of visibility of the neighborhood and the presence of intervening residential development between the neighborhood and its nearest arterial highway access, the off-site sign is necessary to minimize confusion and provide adequate directional identification for visitors. 5. The neighborhood's location and its access routes are such that an off-site sign would, in fact, be effective in increasing development identification to visitors. (Some developments may be so situated that even if all other criteria listed here are met, the off-site sign would still be of no help in giving directional identification). CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COUNCIL POLICY Subject: Effective Policy OFF-SITE MONUMENT SIGNS Page Date Number FOR LARGE RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS 2 of 2 5/19/92 414 6. The precise location of all off-site monument signs shall be approved by both the Director of Planning Services and the Director of Engineering and Building Services. Signs may be located either within public right-of-way or on private property. 7. Off-site monument signs shall conform to the following design standards: * Maximum one sign per development. * Maximum height six feet; maximum size eight square feet. * Sign materials shall be of wood, cast concrete, or tile. Plastic materials are prohibited. * Sign colors shall be primarily earthtones (grays, brown, tan, pale yellow, beige, etc.). * Sign structure shall be permanent monument type. Pole signs are prohibited. * Illumination, if any, shall be by ground-mounted exterior lighting. Interior illumination is prohibited. Final sign design plans shall be approved by the Director of Planning Services prior to construction. Design, construction, and maintenance of the off-site sign shall be provided for by the person(s) requesting sign approval. ###