12-0620_SJCOB_Minutes_Regular Meeting MINUTES JUNE 20, 2012 OVERSIGHT BOARD TO THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,I ? REGULAR MEETING u BUSINESS SESSION: Laura Freese, Chair, called the Regular Meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Oversight Board to the Successor Agency of the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency at 3:03 p.m. Vice-Chair Kerr led the Pledge of Allegiance. BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Lori Doll, Clark Hampton, Kim McCord, Bruce Tatarian, Larry Thomas, Ginny Kerr, Vice-Chair and Laura Freese, Chair. BOARD MEMBERS ABSENT: None. Agenda items are presented in the originally agendized format for the benefit of the minutes' reader, but were not necessarily heard in that order. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: • Ken Steelman, representing Home Depot. CONSENT CALENDAR: Moved by Vice-Chair Kerr, seconded by Board Member Tatarian, and carried unanimously to approve item 1. J 1 1. OVERSIGHT BOARD MINUTES — REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 16, 2012, APPROVED BOARD ACTIONS: 1. APPROVED TRANSFER OF THE PASEO VERDUGO PROPERTY AND TERMINATION OF OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (TERMINATION AGREEMENT) BETWEEN 26755 VERDUGO, LLC AND THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ACTING AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY (SUCCESSOR AGENCY) TO THE FORMER SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (FORMER REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY) (600.45) Cindy Russell, Chief Financial Officer, provided an agenda report and responded to questions. Board Action: Moved by Board Member Thomas, seconded by Board Member Tatarian, and carried unanimously to 1) the transfer of the Paseo De Verdugo property; and 2) the termination of Owner Participation Agreement (Termination Agreement) between 26755 Verdugo, LLC and the City of San Juan Capistrano acting as Successor Agency of the former San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency. i vrl 1 6-20-2012 SD 2. OVERSIGHT BOARD RESOLUTION 12-06-20-01 ADOPTED APPROVING THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FROM JULY 1, 2012, TO DECEMBER 31, 2012, PURSUANT HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34177 0); SUCCESSOR AGENCY AUTHORIZED TO TRANSMIT THE ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET ORANGE COUNTY AUDITOR- CONTROLLER, STATE CONTROLLER'S OFFICE AND STATE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE; AND, POSTING ON THE CITY'S WEBSITE (330.20) Michelle Bannigan, Accounting Manager, provided an agenda report and responded to questions. Board Action: Moved by Board Member McCord, seconded by Board Member Doll, and carried unanimously to adopt Oversight Board Resolution 12-06-20-01 entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD TO THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY OF THE SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, APPROVING THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE BUDGET FROM JULY 1, 2012, TO DECEMBER 31, 2012, PURSUANT HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE SECTION 34177 0); Successor Agency authorized to transmit the Administrative Budget to the Orange County Auditor-Controller, State Controller's Office and State Department of Finance; and, posting on the City's website. 3. REVIEW OF OFFICIAL CORRESPONDENCE AND STATUS OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTS TRANSMITTED TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, STATE CONTROLLER'S OFFICE AND ORANGE COUNTY AUDITOR- CONTROLLER'S OFFICE AND OTHER CORRESPONDENCE, RECEIVED AND FILED (400.10) Cindy Russell, Chief Financial Officer, provided an agenda report and responded to questions. Board Action: Moved by Board Member Thomas, seconded by Vice-Chair Kerr, and carried unanimously to receive and file official correspondence and status of required documents transmitted to the State Department of Finance, State Controller's Office and Orange County Auditor-Controller's Office and other correspondence. BOARD COMMENTS: None. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Freese adjourned the meeting at 3:41 p.m. to Wednesday, July 18, 2012, at 3:00 p.m. for the public Business Session, in the City Council Chambers. 2 6-20-2012 RespectFu _ b itted, MART IS-,-CITY I Approved: July 25, 201 ATTEST: LAURA FREES , CHAIR 3 6-20-2012