1993-1207_CVWD GENERAL EMPLOYEES_Agenda Report_Board of DirectorsAGENDA ITEM December 7, 1993 TO: Honorable Board of Directors FROM: Ray A. Auerbach, General Manager SUBJECT: Adoption of Resolution Amending the District's Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan SITUATION The attached Resolution amending the District's Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan institutes the salary provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the District's General Employees Association (General employees) for the 1993-94 year providing for a 2.5% salary increase effective July 1, 1993. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS The compensation increase will constitute an additional cost to the District of $16,518. The 1993-94 Budget assumed a 2.0% Increase in salaries or an amount of approximately $13,500. The additional $3,000 required to fund this proposed MOU is available from salary cost reductions due to a vacant position that has not been filled during the first half of the fiscal year. ALTERNATE ACTION 1. Adopt the Resolution amending the District's Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan. 2. Request additional information from staff. RECOMMENDATION By motion, adopt the Resolution amending the District's Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan. Respfiptfully^^bpmittj Ray A. Auerbach General Manager .AGND.GENMOU 1 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT AND THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT GENERAL EMPLOYEES Section 1. Agreement This agreement is entered into by the parties on behalf of the Capistrano Valley Water District (District) and the Capistrano Valley Water District General Employees (General Employees) in accordance with the provisions of Section 3500-3510 of the California Government Code, otherwise known as the Meyers-Milias, Brown Act. All provisions of this agreement are effective upon adoption of this agreement by the District Board of Directors unless otherwise specified. Section 2. Recognition The District recognizes the General Employees as the "recognized employee organization" for non-management and non-confidential, full and part time employees. Section 3. Rules and Regulations The personnel rules and regulations that govern wages, benefits, work conditions, standards of performance and conduct are contained in a Employee Handbook dated December, 1992. This handbook replaces and supersedes all previous versions and previous MOUs. Changes agreed upon in this MOU through negotiations will be incorporated by issuing revised pages to the December, 1992 version. Section 4. Salary and Benefits The District agrees to continue the merit pay increases to eligible employees in accordance with the Employee Handbook. Expect for the changes in this MOU, all benefits covered in the Employee Handbook, including those subject to renewal by the General Manager will be continued for Fiscal Year 1993/94. A general increase to the General Employee Salary Ranges of 2.5% will be implemented, effective on July 1, 1993. Section 5. Performance Pay Plan The District and General Employees agree to eliminate the Performance Pay Plan, Section 316. Section 6. Bilingual Pay The District will add to the Employee Handbook Section 324 regarding the payment, of bilingual pay of $65 per month. This benefit will be patterned after the City San Juan Capistrano's program and will become effective on Jan. 1, 1994. Section 7. Insurance The District agrees to continue the payment of health insurance premiums for employees and their eligible dependents. The rate to be paid by the District is the prevailing HMO rate for the coverage in place at August, 1993. The District agrees to continue current coverage and payments for Dental and Vision insurance for employees and eligible dependents. Section 8. Wellness benefit The wellness benefit for Fiscal Year 1993/94 will be paid to all eligible employees in accordance with Section 313. The Wellness benefit will be clarified in the Employee Handbook dated 12/92 to apply on a prorated basis for employees employed after the July 1 start of the year and will be further prorated for part-time employees. Section 9. Requirements for Water Technician II The District will create new standards in the Job Description for Water Technician II on the requirements for a Water Technician I to become eligible to become a Water Technician II. Section 10. Term The term of this agreement runs through June 30, 1994. Section 11. Separability The provisions contained in this agreement have been bargained for and agreed to independently, and no particular clause, condition, or agreement is contingent or dependent upon any other therefore, should any such clause, condition, or agreement be held to be void or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms and conditions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement, entered into this 7th day of December, 1993. Capistrano Valley Water District Capistrano Valley Water District General Employees Ray A. Auerbach, General Manager ATTACHMENT A Requirements for Water Technician I to become a Water Technician II A Water Tech I shall become a Water Tech II upon meeting the following conditions: A. ' Minimum 2 years as Water Tech I B. Certification as Grade I Water Distribution Operator C. Successful completion of Cla-Valve School D. Completion of Shoring Training E. Current Red Cross First Aid and CPR Certificate F. Ability to operate equipment, including backhoe. District to provide training. G. Ability to operate SCADA System H. Training in Pump Operation and Maintenance I. Mandatory attendance at all Safety Meetings (or excused absence). J. Traffic Control Class The District will provide the above training where applicable including cost of outside training, and time during working hours for training sessions offered only during working hours. \PERSONNE\GENMOU.93 RESOLUTION NO. 93-12-7-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT AMENDING THE DISTRICT'S PERSONNEL CLASSIFICATION AND COMPENSATION PLAN WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Capistrano Valley Water District is authorized and directed under the District's Personnel Rules and Regulations to adopt and amend a Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan; and WHEREAS, the Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan was last revised on October 5, 1993, and WHEREAS, the Board has approved the 1993-94 Memorandum of Understanding for General Employees, and WHEREAS, compensation for General Employees have increased by 2.5% per the 1993-94 Memorandum of Understanding. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Capistrano Valley Water District does hereby amend the District's Classification and Compensation Plan as set forth in Exhibit A. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 7th day of December, 1993 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Collene Campbell, Chairman ATTEST: Clerk of the Board 93-12-7 salrng933 EXHIBIT ''A' CAPISTR/I^MllXEY WATER DISTRICT SALARY RANGES AS AT JULY 1. 1993 RUN: GENERAL INCREASE EFFECTIVE 7/1/93 29-NOV-93 2J0?t SCHEDULE #0F MO. SALARY RANGE JOB TITLE NUMBER EMP UNIT FROM TO STEPl STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 STEPS PERCENT+ ACCOUNTING CLERK A-12 1 G ANNUAL 22348 23.952 25,368 26.784 28.188 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE A-12 1 G 1.879 - 2.349 MONTHLY U79 1.996 2.114 2.232 2.349 230% METER READER A-12 C HOURLY 1034 1132 12J0 12.88 1335 SENIOR CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. B-21 1 0 ANNUAL 25.344 26.928 28300 30.108 31.680 CONSERVATION COORDINATOR (PARTTIME) B-21 03 G 2.112 - 2,640 MONTHLY 2.112 25144 2.375 2309 2.640 230% HOURLY 12.18 12.95 13.70 14.48 15J3 WATER TECHNICIAN I B-22 4 G ANNUAL 26.352 27.996 29,640 3U96 32.928 ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN B-22 1 G 2.196 - 2.744 MONTHLY 2.196 2.333 2.470 2.608 2.744 230% HOURLY 12.67 13.46 14515 15.05 15.83 WATER TECHNICIAN 11 B-24 1 G ANNUAL 27.948 29.688 31.440 33.180 34.932 2.329 - 2.911 MONTHLY 2.329 2.474 2.620 2.765 2.911 230% HOURLY 13.44 14.27 15.12 15.95 16.79 WATER OUALITYTECHNICIAN B-25 0 G ANNUAL 32.412 34.440 36.456 38.484 40312 2.701 - 3,376 MONTHLY 2.701 2370 3.038 3.207 3.376 230% HOURLY 1538 1636 1733 1830 19.48 MECHANIC B-26 1 G ANNUAL 33.108 35.184 37.260 39.324 41.388 2.759 - 3.449 MONTHLY 2.759 2.932 3.105 3J77 3.449 230% HOURLY 15.92 16.92 17.91 18.91 19.90 WATERTECHNICIAN III B-27 1 G ANNUAL 31.488 33.456 35.424 37.392 39.360 2.624 - 3.260 MONTHLY 2.624 2.788 2.952 3.116 3J80 230% HOURLY 15.14 16.08 17.03 17.98 18.92 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN B-32 1 G ANNUAL 31.608 33388 35 368 37348 39316 2.634 - 3.293 MONTHLY 2.634 2.799 2.964 3.129 3.293 230% HOURLY 15.20 16.15 17.10 18.05 19.00 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR B-33 1 G ANNUAL 34.932 37,116 39.300 41.484 43.668 2.911 - 3.639 MONTHLY 2.911 3.093 3.275 3.457 3.639 230% HOURLY 16.79 17.84 18.89 19.94 20.99 FOREMAN - DISTRIBUTION B-34 1 0 ANNUAL 36.024 38.280 40324 42.792 45.036 FOREMAN - PRODUCTION B-34 1 G 3.002 - 3.753 MONTHLY 3.002 3.190 3.377 3366 3.753 230% HOURLY 17.32 18.40 19.48 2037 21.65 ASSISTANT ENGINEER C-51 1 0 ANNUAL 40.956 43.512 46.068 48.624 51.180 3.413 - 4.265 MONTHLY 3.413 3.626 3.839 4.052 4.265 230% HOURLY 19.69 20.92 22.15 23.38 24.61 EXECTUriVE SECRETARY B-23 1 M ANNUAL 27.456 29.160 30.888 325192 34.320 2.288 - 2.860 MONTHLY 2.288 2.430 2374 2.691 2.860 HOURLY 13.20 14.02 14.85 1533 1630 FIELD SUPERINTENDENT C-43 1 M ANNUAL 40.728 435172 45.816 48.360 50.904 3.394 - 4.242 MONTHLY 3.394 3.606 3.818 4.030 4.242 HOURLY 1938 20.80 22.03 23.25 24.47 ACCOUNTING OFFICER C-52 I M ANNUAL 40.308 42.840 45.360 47.880 50.388 3.359 - 4.199 MONTHLY 3.359 3.570 3.780 3.990 4.199 HOURLY 19.38 20.60 21Mi 23.02 24.23 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES MANAGER D-62 1 M ANNUAL 46.104 48.984 51.864 54.756 57.648 3.842 - 4.804 MONTHLY 3.842 4.082 4.322 4363 4.804 HOURLY 22.17 2335 24.93 26.33 27.72 DISTRICT ENGINEER D-72 1 M ANNUAL 55360 59,364 62.856 66.336 69.840 4.655 - 5320 MONTHLY 4.655 4.947 5J38 5328 5.820 HOURLY 2636 2834 30.22 31.89 3338 GENERAL MANAGER CONTRACT 1 M ANNUAL N/A N/A N/A N/A 90.984 7.582 MONTHLY N/A N/A N/A N/A 7382 HOURLY N/A N/A N/A N/A 43.74 TOTALS 243