1993-0316_CVWD GENERAL EMPLOYEES_Memorandum of UnderstandingMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT AND THE CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT GENERAL EMPLOYEES Section 1. Agreement This agreement is entered into by the parties on behalf of the Capistrano Valley Water District (District) and the Capistrano Valley Water District General Employees (General Employees) in accordance with the provisions of Section 3500-3510 of the California Government Code, otherwise known as the Meyers-Milias, Brown Act. All provisions of this agreement are effective upon adoption of this agreement by the District Board of Directors unless otherwise specified. Section 2. Recognition The District recognizes the General Employees as the "recognized employee organization" for non-management and non-confidential, full and part time employees. Section 3. Rules and Regulations The personnel rules and regulations that govern wages, benefits, work conditions, standards of performance and conduct are contained in a new Employee Handbook dated December, 1992. This handbook replaces and supersedes all previous versions and previous MOUs. Changes agreed upon in this MOU through negotiations are incorporated in the December, 1992 version. Section 4. Salary and Benefits and Term The District agrees to continue the merit pay increases to eligible employees in accordance with the Employee Handbook. All benefits covered in the Employee Handbook, including those subject to renewal by the General Manager will be continued for Fiscal Year 1992/93. The term of this agreement runs through June 30, 1993. Section 5. Holidays The current practice of the General Employee observing Lincoln's Birthday as a holiday will be continued for the General Employees. Section 6. Performance Pay Plan The District agrees, for FY 92/93 only, to pattern the payment of funds budgeted for the Performance Pay Plan similar to the City of SJC MOU for FY 92/93. The amount to be paid for this years plan will be established at the same level as the City of $254.23 per full-time employee in the bargaining unit and prorated for new employees and prorated for part-time employees since July 1, 1992. Payment of this one time benefit will be paid on the next regular payday, after final approval of this MOU to remaining active employees at the date of this payment. This payment represents the Performance Pay Plan for FY 1992/93 that would usually be paid during FY 1993/94. The estimated cost of this item is $4,577. Section 7. Insurance The District agrees to continue the payment of health insurance premiums for employees and their eligible dependents. The rate to be paid by the District is the prevailing HMO rate for the coverage in place at August, 1992. The District agrees to continue current coverage and payments for Dental and Vision insurance for employees and eligible dependents. Section 8. Wellness benefit Payment of the $300 wellness benefit for Fiscal Year 1992/93 will be paid to all eligible employees without regard to actual expenditures and receipts for eligible medical related costs reimbursements. Payment of this one time benefit will be paid on the next regular payday, after final approval of this MOU to remaining active employees at the date of this payment. The estimated cost of this item is $5,402. The Wellness benefit will be clarified in the Employee Handbook dated 12/92 to apply on a prorated basis for employees employed after the July 1 start of the year and will be further prorated for part-time employees. Section 9. Items for next year. Good faith bargaining produced agreement between the District and the General Employee's negotiation committee on all items and issues except two items. The provisions of 1) Section 714 DRUG TESTING, and 2) the absence of a general pay increase in FY 1992/93. (See the attached letter.) All the provisions of the Employee Handbook (dated December, 1992) will be implemented as written and the salary ranges remain as is with the understanding the General Employees Association may pursue these two items as subjects of negotiation in the next year. Section 10. Separability The provisions contained in this agreement have been bargained for and agreed to independently, and no particular clause, condition, or agreement is contingent or dependent upon any other therefore, should any such clause, condition, or agreement be held to be void or unenforceable, the remainder of the terms and conditions of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement, entered into this day of March, 1993. Capistrano Valley Water District General Employees Ov/.^ Capistrano Valley Water District Ray A. Auerbach, General Manager Capistrano "Valley" "Water "District DATE FAX TRANSMITTAL C.V.W.D. FAX NO. (714) 493-3955 TO: ^JO^ ^racOr\ PC KA- FROM: SUBJECT: Capistrano Valley Water District Sent to FAX: Area Code Fax Number Transmitting ^—pages, including cover sheet. P.O. Box 967, San Juan Capistrano, California 92693 Phone 714-493-1515 32450 Pasco Adebrnto • San Jucin Capistrano, California 92675 FAX 714-493^3955 JOHN H. SAWVER. MKKJU. MAMMKI ^QCE A ' mmmmammm ORANGE COUNTY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION 830 N. noaa IT., MNTA ANA, CA taroi PAX (714) BAI-WJA Fvbruary 16, 1993 Mr. Gvorgo Scarborough City Manager CITY OF SAN JtlAM CAPISTRANO 32400 Paaao Adelanto San Juan Caplatrano, California 92675 Daar Mr. Scarborough: Th« Orange County EnployeeB ABSociation feels the City and the EnploYeea Aesaciation have met in good faith in the hopee of reaching an agreenent on the 1993 contract. Although ve have reached inpass on economic issuea, the Employees Assfjciation feels it is in the best interest of all concerned to implement those items on which we have reached agreement. aopefully, the City's economic condition improves in the coning months and our future negotiations will be more fruitful and agreeable to all concernad. Sincerely, ORAMGB lYEBS ASSOCIATION oyee Relations Administrator IiRL/lkp |A HALF CENTURY OF ACHIEVEMENT FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYEES I