1993-1019_CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT_Minutes Ms. Pendleton explained that staff considered charging a percentage of market value and determined the rents would not comply with HUD requirements for rent consistency for all tenants. She stated that the City has the option of leaving the rents as they are today, which are below the 30% income level. She noted that there is a waiting list of about 30 people for the Little Hollywood houses. Council Member Hausdorfer stated that options were few in this matter since the Community Redevelopment Agency purchased these properties with HUD assistance,and that the City must comply with HUD restrictions. He suggested that the hearing be continued so that staff could provide a series of options, from the minimum to the maximum. Mr. Tomlinson noted that the proposed rent structure would not become effective until each unit had been completely rehabilitated. Continuation of Hearing: It was moved by Council Member Hausdorfer, seconded by Council Member Vasquez, that the hearing be continued, to a date uncertain, for staff to provide a series of options, including guidelines for people who wish to apply for this housing. The motion carried unanimously with Mayor Jones abstaining. The hearing will be re-noticed and re-advertised when scheduled for the agenda. RECESS AND RECONVENE Council recessed at 7:55 p.m. to convene the San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency, and reconvened at 8:00 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE ITEMS DIRECTOR OF ADMTNISTRATIVE SERVICES Chairman Nash left the Chamber at 8:00 p.m. 1. CONSIDERATION OF AGREEMENT FOR CITY ATTORNEY TO PROVIDE LEGAL SERVICES TO THE CAPI.TRANO VALLEY WATER D[STRICT600.`3`0 Written Communication: 1 Report dated November 2, 1993, from the Director of Administrative Services, recommending that the Agreement for Legal Services between the City and the Capistrano Valley Water District be approved to provide legal services to the District by the City Attorney, at a cost of$25,000 for fiscal year 1992-93. For the duration of the agreement, the District will be charged for actual costs of the City Attorney and staff, which includes the current hourly rate plus current City overhead. Approval of Agreement: It was moved by Council Member Vasquez, seconded by Council Member Hausdorfer, that the Agreement for Legal Services be approved between the City and the Capistrano Valley Water District for legal services to be provided by the City Attorney. The City Manager was authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of the City. The motion carried unanimously, with Council Member Nash absent. Chairman Nash returned to the Chamber at 8:01 p.m. City Council Minutes -6- 11/2/93