Ordinance Number 954ORDINAN CIO NO. 954 FIN ORDINANCE] OF 11HB CITY OF %c --IAN JL FIN CARISTRANO, CFILIFORNIA, AMEN OIN CI THE] OFFICIIAL ZON IN CI MAR ICI CIFAN Ga TF R 2ION IN G OF THE SIL OJECI RRORERIY FROM TF B OFFICE COMMERCIAL (OC) ❑E%cIIGN FITION IO TF B PLAN N BD COMML N ITN (RC) AIN, A❑ORTION OF COMPRBF BNSIVB ❑BVBLOFIMEN I KLAN a9 -a1. (REaON B (184107) (CAF IFI MBDICFIL BL ILDIN G) 11HE] C111Y COUNCIL OF IF B CITI CIF SAN SIL AN CARI1ITRAN CI, CFIL IFORNIA, DOE%cI F BREO'� CIR❑AIN AS FOLLOWS: SSCITION 11. Callagapical Bxemplian. WhEmeas, thEl Calagarical Hmamptian is appnaved as provided by Exhibil "Al" abact ed henata and incanpanalEld hanain. SSCITION 2. Findings. WhEInGas, 1hEl pnapaseld pnclject has bEIEIn pracEISSEld punsuant la SElclion 9- 2.3(1'1, Develapmeni REIViEIw and 9-2.3'15, ChangEl oil ache Distinct al 1hEl Land L a a Cade; and, WhElneas, 'Ihe Bmlinanmenilal Administnalan has reviewed 1hEI pnajElcl punsuant to �Iaclian 'I 5CIE 'I all it a Calilklrnia Enviilonmenial Quality Alat (CE]QA) and deilanmined that thEl project qualifies far a Class 3 calaganical axemplian, and will causE1 1hEI Nalice cd Omimplicln to bEI pasted punsuant la Seation 1506,1(d) all 1ha CEQA GuidEllincl whicl pnclvides that "ilhe nCIUCEl shall r, al t e ilrlec with) OPR cr thO cclunty clW l until fiiEi l rajCcl alas bElEvi aplpravEi0;° and, WhElneas, thEii Fllanning Clammis i ion canduclEid a duly -noticed public heaping an January) 27, 20C19 pursuant 1(1 Ii1IIEI 9, Land USEI Clode, %lection 9-2.335, City Cauncil Rcllicy 5, and Rlanning DepartmElnt Rcllicy 5101 to cansiden public im timany an the prapasEld pnclject and has cansidenEld all ilelevanI public comments. WhEineias, the City Cauna it canducled a duly-ncrlicec public hElaning cin Manct 3, 20a9 puilsuan-1 1a Title 9, Land L se Code, Seickin 9-2.339, City Cauncil Policy 5, and Rlanning ❑apar meant Rolicy 9'IClic i aansidEin publia tesiimany an 11 a propasad pilojelcl and has cansidElred all nedElvant public commanls; and, WhEmeas, the prapased zone a I ange consisils cif It a change all prapElrty fnam thEl OfficE1 CammElrcial designation to RlannEld Cammunily and It a adaptian al a ClomprehElnsivei ❑eVEl11opmE6 Hlan. Rarl cd lhEi aVElnall pnajElcl is 1hEl General Rlan Amendmanl whict would changEl 1hEl cifFcial Gaminal Man ❑wignalian fnarn ClfficELIREiseanct Park 11cl Hlanned Cklmmunily. the avenall pnclject is cansisilElnl wi'lh the Land Lso, Clirculalian, clalElly, and Cammunity Design BlemElnt9 . Ihenr4Ian 11hE1 pncljElcl has beEln laund to be cansistan-1 miith 'Ihe applicablEl GEInenal Rlan Goals, palicies and objeGliVEIS; and, Wheneas , the proposed zones changes is consistent wilt thei Land L se C odea, including Artiale 'I Cleincinal F Ian Review and lable12-1, coning C ansistency h allrix becausei the pnapaseid nezonei would change the zaning designatian from Cleineinal Ogen Space to F lanned Cammuni Iy and the F tanned Camn unVy Zoning Deisignation is consisllent with the General F Ian Land L s e Clesignation a-1 Planned Comn unilly and all p Cipased uses and development standands pnapas ed ane cansis tern) with the Mun is ipal Cade standands cr1 similar zaning leis igna1lian s; and, Wheneas, the subjeat s ile is cunnently Iciaateiiwithin 11he Office,IReseanch Parts Gcinemal Plan designatian. As par of ilhis prajecll is a General Plan pinendmeinl which change the existing ClfliceilReseanch Paull designa-lian -Ia -Ite Flanneid Cammuni-ly Designatian. The subjeict nezone seeks to change the official zoning desig nation fnam Office Cammeira ial to F lanneid Camn unVy. Alec. 9-2.105. General zoning and Icil nequillcmenls liable 2.1 Zaning Cansisteincy matnix establist es tha1l the Geineuial Plan designatian cd Planned Cammunily is consis'Ient with the pnapaseid zoning designation of Flanneid Cammunily. Ellecause the Muniaipal Cade identifies the F lanned Cammunily zoning des igna ficin as consisllent wish tt ei General F Ian Deisignatian of Planned Cammunily, the sut ject ueizane is found to bei cansis1lent wish 11t a General Plan i]esignatian ikir thEi pnajecI site; and, Wt eneas, the subject nezane and adoplJon cif a C amprehensivei Deive ilopment Plan takes inla account the puaper y's unique situation. phis principally deals with thel ap pncipnia le farm of dew ilopment. The propased C ompneihen sive Clevelcipmeint Rlan gnafIs 11he exislling Office Cammercial dewilapment sllandards and uses inta it. While It a sister is innegulanly shaped and has unique tapagnapt iaal issuers, thei sites would be ablei to be developed to tt a identified standards and wauld not result in a Icrl wt ich is subs landand ar require any varianceis akin the punpases of deivelap ment. llhe subject variances pnopased as pari cd It is actian aneilla ensure a higher quality design is attained. llhenelfane-It a pilapased zone change would result in cleiveilapment of land uses suitablei to the pnaperlY'S unique situatian; and, Wheneas, the subjeicll site is surrounded by cammemial, affiae, residential, and neligicius uses. llhe contiguous pauper ies lo It a nar I have nesidenllial structures. Fur hem north is an existing C t unch. The cantiguaus pnopeir y to the south is a neiceintly develaped office k uilding. Furl hen sauth is a recently cc nstruated gas slatian and mini mart. Ta the eas-1 of the subjecll si1le is a lange office pank. Ta theiwest is a neimnant undevelaped A arce d, further wes1l is thea 1-5 fneeway. The subjecll site is adjaceinl to Clflicei Cammencial and Planned C amn unilly designalians. Both designailians are cansislent with the pnapcised Rlanned Cammunity designatian. Beaause the site is a mplimentary and cansistent to existing developments and daes not cneatei a negathie impaat an 11hese develapmenlls'It ei pncipased project is consistenll wilt the existing land uses andAor zoning class ificatiano.. :IBCTION 3. Amendment. 2 SBCI7I111O11IN 3. Amendmenil. l he Oflicial caning Map a-1 the City all Elan Juan Capislnana, CA 92675 is heneby amended la change Vhe affla ial Zaning designalian flim Office Cammencial (OCI) to Rlanned CammunHy (PC) as pnovided by °Bxhibil 8" attached henela and incanpanaled henein. the Clampnehensiye ❑ovelapmeni Plan 09-01 is hereby adapted as pnayided by "Exhibit C" atlachEid hene'lo and incanpanaled herein. passage. SB TIlOh 4. 8ffecliye Dale. phis Ondin ana e s hall tal' a effect and be in farce thir y (30) days aflen its II9aTION 5. Clily ClenE's Cler ification. llt a Ci'ly CIe0 s hall cer dy to 1 a adaptian ail 1 is OrdinancEi and cause the same to be pas led at the duly designalEid pasiling places wiilhin the City and published anae within fifteEin (15) days aflen passage and adaplian as naquined bylaw; an, in It a alllEinnalive, the Clily Cllenk may cause la be published a summaryl cif this OrdinancEi and a cerliled copy al'Ihe 1E1xl olIhis Ondinance s hall be pasted in'It a Office a -lit a City Clerk live (5) days pnian to Ihei dallo a-1 adaption a-1 this Ordinance; and, within lifleen (15) days after adaplion, the City Cllenk shall cause 'Io be published the afanemenlianed summaryl and shall past a cartilied copy of this OrdinancE1, tageihen with -It a solei kir and against It a same, in the Oflice of 1hEi City Cleirk. RASSED, APRR0V90 M 0 ADORTIED 'It is day a-1 '17TH Manct , 2009. 7V, 5 �, � , ,tNIELStN, MAYOR STATE OF CAL IRORh to ] CIOL NTY OR ORAh a9 )SS. CITY CIS SAN JL Ah CIARISTRAT O j 1, MARGARET R. N ONAF AIS, appointed City Clerk oillhe Clity oil San Juan Capisliiano, do I ereby cer ify 1hal ii a faiiegaing is a ince and mireci copy oil Onc iniarice No. 5154 which was neigulanly inliiodw ed and pla(ed upan its finsi neading at the Regulaii Meeting all the City Council an the "'I"' day of Manch 2009 and lhat lhgneaflen, said Ordinance was duly adapted and passed at the REigular Meaiing all thEi Cily Cauncil an the ' 7t' day of Manch 2009 by Iha fallawincl vale, la wit: PIYES: N06� ABStN� CICIL � CIL ME MBEIRS: POUNCIL MEMBERS: dUNCIL MEMBEIRS: AllEivato, l- nibar, F neEis e, L so, and Mayon NieISEin N one N anEi S1 ATH OFI CALIFORNIA I COL h TY OFI ORANGE I ss AFIRIOAVIT OFI ROST1h G anY OF SAID JUAN CAP1S11R.PNO ] I, NARGAR13T R. MONAHAN, declare as lallows: That I arri 'II a duly appointed and qualified Clily Cllenk cif the City cif San Juan Capis tnan a; 7ha-1 in( arripliance with Staie laws, Gavernrminl Cade sectian '369'.13(11) cif the Stale crl Cali'lonnia, cin the 4t�l day of March 20051, at IEias1 5 days prion to March ' 7, 2009, the da1Ei crl adopiion of the ardinance, I caused lobe paSiEid, in 'lhe Ciiy CIE ink's Office a( er ified capy crl thEi pncipased Ordinance eni ii led: AN ORDINANCE OF 7F E CITN OF SPIN JUAN CFIRISTRAI� O, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING 7F E OFF ICIIAL ZONING MPIR 11CI CIF ANG8 IF 8 ZON IN CI OF IFE11 SL BJEC7 FIROFIE RTY F RCIM THEI OF F ICIE CIOMME RCIAL (OC) DESICII PITION TO 11HE FIILAI N E D COMMUNITY ijRC) PIN, PIOCIFITION OF CICIMPREIF BN SIVE DE% BLOPMEN7 RLPIN 09-0' . (IREWO E 08-007) (CPIF IPI MEDICAL BUILW G) 4 STAIR OR CAU IFIORNIA ] COU N TYI OF ORANGE ] sisi AFIRIDA% IT OF FIO:ITlING CITY! OF PIAN JUAN CARISTRAN O ] I, MARGARET R. MON AF AN, declare as -killows : That I am the duly appainted and qualified City Clerk cif I he City cd San Juan Capis lnanci; T hat in compliance wiilh State laws, Gavunnmeni Clodei sectian 36933111) cl the Slate cif Calitirnia. On the 18'� day crl March 2009 1 causfid W bei gasicid, in the Ci-ly Cllenk's crlfice, a certHieid copy of Ordinance No. 954, adopted by 'lhe City Council on March '17, 2009 entitled: AN ORDINANCE CIF IHE CIITY CIF SAN JUAN CARISTRANCI, CALIF CIRN IA, AMEN DIN G TIHR CIFIFICIIAIL ZONING MAR TO Cl- ANGE THE aON IN G OF -91-E Sl OJBCT RRCIRERIY FROM TIHa OF FIC9 COMM ORCIAL ilOCI) DBSIGNATIION ICI TF 0 PLAN N 80 COMN+ L N ITIY (RCI) AN, ADOFITION OF COMRR9F ON SIV V LOPMBNI KLAN 09-01. ilRBaON 0 08-007) JCAF IAI MODICAIL IL I ) MAR AR R. MONAFr CITY CL San Juan Clapistnano, CA Iifdrnia 5 EXHIHI T A (above fa i use by Clot w ty C Ve*-Re coj ider'a Office w i lyj �o �e NOTICE CF EIXEMPTIC N • city ad scan Juan c aplisirano, calilicmnia 1. ARPILICAN T: Steven L a agfond Anchitects (.Ion Staley, rep nesentative) 2. AOURM111: 29'12 Daimlen St. Santa Ana, CAI 92749 3. L SAO AGEN M.- Clity of San Juan Capistrano 4. PIROJE(I11 MGR.: Justin Kink As s oa iate F Ian nen, (949) 443-6327 5. PIRCIJECI11717LS: General Pla n Almendrn a n t (GRA) 08-0 02, Fie aon E (RZ) 08-0 0 7, Ara I iter ural Clontnol (AIC) 08-005 61 Zone \ a niance (aV) 08-006; Claa t is N edia a I Offices 6. 088(IRIFMION: AI nequest fon a General Man Almendrnent 'bi the change in General Rlan Land LJ se Designation Morn Clffics Clomrn E ncia I (CICI) to Planned Community (PCI), a Rezone to change the official coning designation Irom Office Clomnnencial (OC) to Manned Community (RCI) and neview and appro\ial of final dE sign plans'br a prop ove d 7,488 squarE Hoot two story office building witr a '12,539 squame lbot subtennanean parking anea on a '15,342 squarE lbot p a ncel loo a to d at 31551 Avenida L os Oernitos, (AIRN 650-151- 16) ADMINIS11RAl11VS DE11ERMIN AITION : We Rlann ing I]epar rn ent staff t as completed a p neliminary review of this p noject in accordance with the City o1I : an Juan Capistra no's adopted guidelines fon implementing tt a California En\iironmental Quality Act (CEQAI). Based on that review, the Elnvironmental Adminis-lrator finds that It a proposed project qualifies bn a Mass 3 "Clategonical E xenn ption", New consil ulation or aonvension of small strucilura s t ecause the pnojecil is less than 10,000 squane feet does not result in any significant change in land use or intensify of use. W enefone, tt e Environmental Adminis Irator t as detenmined tt al further envinonmental evaluation is not regluined. [ ] "7t a activity is covered by tt a genenal rule that CIBQ/1 applies on171 to projects which have tl a potential fon causing a significant effect on the environment. \A he me it can be seen with aeriainty that theme is no possibility that the activity in gUestion may have a significant efleat on tt a envinonment, the activity is not 8Ubject to CIBQA" (: ection 1506'l (t )(3)); on, [ ] the pnoject is statutorily exempt, ; ection , (Sections '15260-15277); on, [x] 1he project is categonicall)l e)iempt, Class 3, New Conslruation on cont ersion oil srr, al! structures (E ection '15303); or, [ ] 'Rha pnojecl sloes not a on s tituie a "projea t" as defin ed by CE CIA (. eclion '15378). Justin Kink, Associate Rlannen Daie ca: [] p nojE at file [] CIBQAI file I] Counlly CITE nk Emb ibit B Rezane CI I-W"A i- CM 1 rt c Pn Harty to ahange from Off lae Commiercia to Planned Qommll arty #JPC, EXHIBIT C tlampnehensive Develcipmen1l Plan: 0941 Runpase and Inlnenl: llhe purpose and intent of ❑DFI 09-01 is to pibvide Ilor tF a devela prnent oil office centers and accessory net,. iling and s en ice uses to genmitted office uses and provide 'bl t1 a small-scale development o'1 office complexes and individual buiklingls which can be located so as to be corn gatit le with adjacen4 properties. Local lam: ri Llevelcipment %andards: Subject 9ite Table 'I �Ajiea lcumFIcion One One One llwa llwci 7wci Auea j Story S#ory Ratio Ralia i% 2nd Min. Min. Min. Min N in. Min. Min. E 'I sl Fir la Sri eel (Front Elide Rean Fncinl k Elide Rear Fli,ILall .1st Bldg EFnantage' if d' Yd.',' Yd.:,' if d.' Yd.',' IYd.'" Ai ea Fin I F gt log -oil do ft. �10ft. 5 ft. ; 20 ft. 120 ft. 10 ft. [20 ft. { 0.30 35ft. IS ole: N in.=Minimum, DL=Clwellingl L ni-1, Yd=Ya nd, Fiu=Floon, Bldg -Building, and F gt=F eight ' Lots will s tneet -Ira ntages below t1 a min im tim set forth in this table may be genmitted wiihout 0 a appuoval o'l a vaniz n oe i l all o'l tl• a to [lowing conditions are met: (a) T1 a lot's stneel iiontage nemains a minimum of 20 feet; (b) T1 a lot is designed s lid that the reduce cl miidth portion constitute 4 . n acc e s s coni idol to t1 a buildable por ion, which is set t s a F away Torn 0 e s tneet; (c) V a min im aim width of the buildable por ion of t1 a lot a nionms to the regluinements oil this table; and (d) The Manning Qommission determines tt at adequate visiton parking will t a pnovided on the lot to comp e n s a le ion the loss oil street frontage parking. EIXHIBIT C llhe actual creatia n of neduced frontage lots shall be subject to normal City approval of required tnact oc parcel rn a p:. The re (hired tiontage I onion oil such lots shall not be included in the computation of lot a nea (see Section 9-4.319 Incegular a nd Clul-de-9aa Lots). 7t E cnitenia fon rnow Lining setbacks on incegularly-9t aped and cul-de-aaa lots are : at for h in Section 9-4.319 Innegular and Ckil-de-fla a I ots . 3 Anchitectural projections may extend into nequiced side yards no move than 40% oilthe applica ble c li: tnic nequilement, an more tt an 3 ileet whicheven is greaten. 'i On lolls witt an existing1 building) setba cl a icnoachment in110 a ne9luined lean ya nd, stnuctulal additions having tt e : am e said encnoachments shall be permitte d wilhoLit tt e approval o'l a vara ice. H owever, no new encnoachment in excess oil that exisling, nor any new encroachment maybe permitted without tt a approval o1a variance (see Election 9-3.353 Nonconibcrn ing L ses, Lots, and Structure a). 9 Desig n 9tan(lands (a) All development and redevelopment in the Tounist Cla mmeicial (C -l), Neighborha od Cla mmeicial (N Cl), Clenenal Commeraial (CIC), and Clffice Commercial (CICI) ❑istcicls it a II conform to tt a follamiing standards: (1) General, Da r ie log ment shall a a ni pl)1 with 11he design g ri'ncipa is in the General Rlan Cla ni munily Iles ign Blement; (2) Architectural design. Riojects shall aampl)I with the applicable policies of the City's adopted Anchitectulal Design Cluidelinea; (3) Riohibited 'leatunes. Features wit ich detract room the a nchitectunal design includin gl, but noel limited to, pain) -on facades, super graphics, and structures which via Lially dominate histoiiic sites of buildings shall be prohibited. (b) The folloviing nequilement it all also apply in the Neighboct aad Clorn m ericial (CIN) Disilrict: (1) Scale. N e igt bonhood centeni will be scaled to serve the residential neigh bonhoods vit ich adjoin and Hiould to served by them. Buildings stall be arranged in pedestnian- orienled, clusters of shops as oggoaed to airangled in a single linean structure. (d) Projects pioposed within the ResidenliallAlgriaullure (RA), Hill; ide Residenlial (HR), Single -Family -40,000 (R.rIB-40,000) Elingle-Family-20,000 (WIS-a 0,000),,linglla-Family- 10,000 (R.cI-'10,000), Single -Fa m ily-],000 (R9-7,000), :lingle-Family-4,000 (RS -4,000), Res idential Garden -7,000 (RG -3,000), Residentis I Cla nden-4,0 00 (RCI -4,000), N ission Residential Di3tnict-4,000 (N R13-4,00 0), Multiple -Family (RM), Aflocdat le Famil)l/Senior F our ing (AIF ISH ), and N of ilehorn a F arl (MF P) Distnicts a t a 11 be aut jest to a pplicable reviews gnoceduces as set lorth in Article 3, ❑evelopment Review FioaedLines, of Chaplet 2 of this title. (e) Fan sigh, packing, lence, swimming pool, and similar reglulatia ns fan the Residential. ATdcultune (RA), F illside Res ide n tial (H R), Single -Family -40,0 00 (R99- 40,000) Single -Family -20,0 00 (RSE-20,000), Single -Family -10,000 (RS -10,000), Single - Family -7,000 (R:I-7,000), Single -Family -4,000 (RE -1-4,000), Residential Clacden-7,000 (RCI -7,000), Residential Gaiden-4,000 (RG -4,000), Mission Residential Distnic -4,000 (MRO -4,000), N Liltiple-Famil)l (RN ), AN ridable Familyd9e n is n H a using (AIF/9H), and Mobile I ome Rank (MHR) ❑istiicts, see Arlicle 9, 9upplementa ry Disilrict Regulations, oil this atagten. (f] Environmental overlay standards. Standards nelaled to rnanagemenil of project effects on., ensitive natLinal resources (i.e., laadplains, nidgelines, etc.) shall be as set for in Alr icle 4, anAnonmental Overlay D itniat: , of t1 is ahapte n. (§ 2, Clncl. 869, as amended b)I § 3 9xh. A (part), Ond. 910) EXHIMI CI L se: : b) U! e: negulations. (1) Uses li- tecl a; as nditiona lly permitted uses ane subject to the rf Niiew neqtiirf rnents and conditions contained in ;If ation 9 -2.3'17 Conditional L s e Hermit o'1 tt e C ity oll ala n Juan C api� tnano's Municip a I Code. Acce— ory u., e., ane subject to the iieview iequNern( it., and conditions contained in Section 9-3.501 Flccessory Use: and Structures oil the City of San Juan C apisil ano's N uniaipal Code. (3) The "notes and e)ice p tions " colurn n of T able 2 indicates move p reci: ely -I he us e regulations -Ior spf aifc uses on op( nating characteristics. The notes and f 7iceptions mtisl be reviewed in conjunction Witt tt a othei in'brri ation loi the class oil use. (4) C erta in q ei mitted uses and conditionally pei mit ed tis es may t e s Lit jeat to s pea ial conditions eega cling lova lion, o I eration, of tt f Iles ig n of the use. l he s eations o-1 -I his title govei ning the: a tis es are iclentii>f cl in tt a "notes and wiceptions" column at Table 2. P= Princip a I use p erm ittec I It y i igl t = Not p erm ittec I A = A Icces : ory i is a permitte d by rig It t (subje c t to Section 9-3.501 Ala cess ory Us es a n d Stn ctures) C = Conclitiona I use permit required (subjeat to Section 9-2.317 Conditional Use Permit) i Clubs and lodg f s (pi ivate) Mable 2 U se F-1 NcOes and Camra enl1s 'Alcoholic beve age retail Sale flor ofl-G remisf as nsurnption. sale (including wine tasting) Ambulance services — Automated telle rna ct inf s 7I f !Bed and breakfasts C ISubject to Section 9-3.509 Bed and —D ,Bookbinding eakllasts. �— Car washes (auto rn atic) �dispensing — (Permitted only in conjunction witt Biel j slations in compliance wiitt Section 9-3.541 Service and Ftif I Dispensing Otations. Caretak( r residences F--- Subject to rlf c ion 9-3.5,1 I Caietake (permanent) lResidences. ,Caretaker i esidences A Subject to Ele ction 9 -3.553 7e m porary Uses [ !(tempo iary) land ::It tic tines. Cemeteries � C i Child day carie aentf rs i Clubs and lodg f s (pi ivate) EXHIBIT C Convenience services — Such as dry-cle-, nens, launduornats, banbeu shops, beauty shops, man icuue s t c p!, mail services, t ome appliance uepairs, t icycle repair, tz ilor : t c p! , photognapt y studios, ticket a gencie s , miatch repain, lock! m itt pet gnoorn in g , and similan uses. Dancing z ncl live enter ainment Uating and duinkingl PI l,establh t rn ents Financial servia V M es 14 a. Includes banks, savings and loan association, and cnedit unions. b. For GCI District - Wcludes check cashing (facilities. `Finishing on working oil -- jewelry, leatt e n goods, pottery, and : imilau items j(small-sci le) Fuel dispensing station IF -In accordance with the proNiisions oil Section 9-3.54'1. Ga rn e machines (three [3] on femien) Ga m e machines centers {three [3]) Gasoline on Fuel Di: pansingl �- Facilities Hospitals �! [Hotels and motel! 1 — Massage theuagy � As defined in Section 5-24.0 c fl chis j Municip-I Clode. (Massage therapy — JAs defined in Section 5-24.01 oflhis [(accessory) Municipal Clode. kMedical and dental offices [--�4—�development. maximum cI three (3) suet offices pen 'Medical and Da ntal Clente rs R is nd Ck rn plexes ;Mining, oil drilling, and others Q Includes necessary incidents I building< and nesouwrce exta c ion III appurtenances. Mortuaries — iClffice M e< FP - -----�-� inclticles business, g noilessi< nal, neat estate, (genesial) travel agencies, and similan office uses. iParking lots ((commercial and put lic) �� EXHIHI7 (I ;Ret stones Pool hails and billia nd 7 outdoor facilities) (centers 'Sections 9-< .501 Accessory Uses a nd Public buildings and ilacilities �P a. Includes museums, lit navies, R Subject to Section 9-5:1 Recycling governmental buildings, paiN s, public utility identifies the specifia allowed veaycling offices a n d exa t a n gles, bus, taxica t, a nd uses. Religia us fnatevnal, on railroad stations, and tounist infom ation service ovganiza ions (na n- monasteries, religious retneats, and other (centers. places of veligious worship ad other kfraternal b. For TCI, IN C and OC Districts- Exa ludes service ovgan izations. public schools, police stations,lhne stations, P Includes vesearat and development o-1 and hospitals. F—lc. Fou GC District — Ina ludo s p a lice stations and fine stations. Radio and televis ion tomieni [CI Subject to Section 9-3.501 Antennas. and installations, nadar and aonstnuction of photo-t}1pes rna)I t e installations, microwave � relay stations, and cellulae !towers and installations l(comrnencial) Recreation and leisuee uses C Includes bowling lanai, ice and nollen (without outdoa n facilities) j ,skating rinks, tt eaters, athletic/health clubs. In....�,...a:......f .. /-... �,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, �.-..�..d.... _;_L.a I:a: &_ L. L...:Ca:.... IlG41GQ EluIIQL UAC.7 t1Oy UI11111 V1 i1116.Iu4G.? 1llyllL IHJII Ll"N1 Mull JU41I IBOLAULIVO, outdoor facilities) such as tennis clot s, in corn p fiance with 'Sections 9-< .501 Accessory Uses a nd :Structures and 921: .529 Lighting Elta nda nds; 'Recycling laailities R Subject to Section 9-5:1 Recycling Facilities. Section 9-5:7 Recycling Facilities identifies the specifia allowed veaycling uses. Religia us fnatevnal, on 'C Includes churches, temples, synagogues, service ovganiza ions (na n- monasteries, religious retneats, and other pna fit) places of veligious worship ad other kfraternal and other fnatevnal and carn rn un its service ovgan izations. Research and development P Includes vesearat and development o-1 computer 3oft►rVare, information systems, communication systems, tvansporta tion, geographic infonmation systems, multi- media and video to ct nolo gy. LleNielopment and aonstnuction of photo-t}1pes rna)I t e associated witt this use. Residential dwellings iC Shall be in conjunction %viii h a ca mrna ncia I (townhouse on apartrnenl) ;establishment or use. Retail sales (general) ia. Fon V] District - Including sale of � �iapparel, fabvic, dry goods, annamental plants, flowevs, candy, bal' ed go o c Is , I obby EXHIBIT C `supplies, a ri and c raft s upplie s, photography s iipplies , s tatior a ry, newspapers, magazines, and similaii items which nequine small-scale netail outlets which are eonsistot t with a geclestnian shopping envinonmer I. b. For N C Dis tri a t – Reta it sales oil meats, groceries, baN ed go a cls, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, r a tion s, flowers, jewelry, stationery, apparel, nevispager9i, magazines, fabrics, computers, video. a udia Emedia and similan seta it sales activities which serve r e igt borhood reside r tia I a neas Retail sales (small scale) Such as the sale of a rtwa nk, photograq h) I antiques, curios, gifils, novelties, books, jewelry, lean en goods, pottery , and similar items. Retail sales (small-scale A a. InclUcles office caletenias, delicatessens, accessory) Esnack t ans, pharmacies, newsstands, mail services, at d other small-scale accessory retail uses. �Ib. May be permitle d outdoors as set -lorth it Section 9-3.949 . tora ge and Dis q la JI. !Retail sales (large scale) !— °a. Fon NC District – It a ludes groc( nies , meats, bakery auto –p a ris supplie s, bicycles, handwane, q a in it, loon and wall !covering materials, pets, and supnorlimg goods. b. Fon GC District – In a hide s tt e s a IE s of bicycles, lunnitune, home appliances, 1groceries, meats, musical instruments and I =supplies, hardware, paint, spor ing gaacls, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, feed and gna in, nurseries, and Hoon a n cl miall covering materials. Secondhand store a — Prohibited activities stall to thos( uses defined as s( aon c (hand dealers, pawnbrol ( r9i, and coin-cunrenc}I dealens by ISection 5., 8 o-1 tt e h uniaiga I Code. at ools (business P Fa. In c ludes secreta nial, ari dance, drama, 'vocational, and q noless ion a I ;and rn usi( schools schools not nequiningl ;outdoor facilities) Ib. Bxcludes swimming schools, preschools, I j !and public and pniva to primary and € ;secondary schools. Storage and display 1Subject to % e(tion 9 -3.549 ': tonage and EXHIBIT C (outside) !Display. jTavern s and buewpu bs [Taxi -cab services j---� Theaters (wall -in) Veterinary offices and clinia s IC I