Ordinance Number 953ORDINAN CB N O. 953 AN ORDINANCE OR THE CIITYI OR SAN JL AN CAPISIIRANO, CALIRORN IA, AMENDING SECTIONS OF IIF E MUNICIRAL CIODE TIILB 2, CII- ARTER 2 — COMM ISSION S AND BOARDS RE LF TIED TO ME MBE RSF IR TIF E CITY COI. N CIL OR THE CIT)I OR SAN JUAN CAHISTIRANO, CALIFIORN IA, DOE�I F E ROBY ORDAIN AS ROLLOWS: SE CITIION 'I. Cade AmEindmenls . 7itle 2, Clha pten 2 Cammis s ians and Elaands , is amended as kdlaws : a. TitlEi 2, Clhaptein 2, Article 'I MUmbenship, thea -bllawing sectian is henEit y added la ilhe Municipal Cade: "Sec. 2-2.110. Membership MembEinship cin City Cauncil appainilEid cammissians E nd bciands shall be estE blis hEid by Resalutian of ilhe Citi Council." b. Titles 2, Chapilein 2, AIrticlei 2 F ausing AIdvisary CorrirniME i, is heineib)I mEindEid a s kiliaws : "Sec. 2-2.202. Membeust ip." is deleted in ills enilireity. C. Titles 2, Clha ptEir '2I, Art iclei 3 Clultunai F eWilagei Clammission, is hEmeby E meindeid as follows: "Seictian 2-2.302. MembEinship." is delerlcd in its EmlinEity. d. Title 2, Chap'len 2, Ariale 5. Hanks, Recueailion and ElquEislnian Cammissian, is hEinEib)l amended E s follows: "SEiatian 2-2.502. MernibEirs hip." Is delErled in its einIinally. e. Ili'lle 2, Chap'len 2, Article 7. Planning Cammission, is huffiby amended as follows: "Section 2491.702. Mernibenship" is deleted in ills enlireN. f. Tlifle 2, Chap'len 2, Article 8. Tuanspa0ation Cammission, is heilaby amended as lkillaws: "Seic'lion Membeust ip" is heireby delEited in its enilireN. Page 1 o12 CI 9!11 g. lille 2, Clhaiptan 2, Ar icle 11. Design R(iview Clornimitice, is heliEiby amended as 11allaws : "Section 2-2.1102. Memt east ip" is he reby deleited in its COW ty. t . l itle 2, Chap11E n 2, Article 12. Uililies Cammiission, is henE t y Sime nded as 1killows : "SEction 2-2.1202. Membership." Is helEk y d( Ielod in its entireily. SECT ION 2. EfIE c tive Date. This C idinance shall iak( effect and be in fONCE thirty (30) days af1E n its passage. SECTION 3. City CII( nk's Ceriiilicaition. I T he City CIIE ik shall cer if)l la the adaplian all this OndinancE and cause J a samEi -lo be pas11E d zit the duly dE signated pas ting plaices wilt in the City and publish( d once within 'lif een (19) days af1E n passage znd aidaptian as requinEd by law; on, in 1hE alteinalivE , the City Clleik may causes to be publishE d ai summair)l of -It is Ondinance and a cer i -lied copy cif the 1E xt of this Ordinance shall be pas11E d in the Officei oil ihE Cily Clenk -liv( (5) days pnicu is the darl( cel adaplian aUhis Ondinan cei; and, within lifieE n (15) days ziften adaplian, the City CIErk shall cause to be publishEd the allonEmen-lioned summary) and shall pas-) a CE riillied copy cd this OrdinancE, lagelhE n with ihE vo11E kiii and against ihE saime, in ihE Office cri the Cily Clleik. PASSEID, AIRPROVED AIN 0 ADORTED 11his 3`1 da f MaO 2009. I� 1 MA K IELSEN, YOR AITTEISI : MARGARE11 R1 MONAHM, 01TYXLERK Page 2 of 2 CI 953 SIIAIIE OF CALIFCIRN IA } COUNT) CIF ORAN GE )S5. CITY OF SAN .IL AIN CARISIIRAN CI } I, MARGAREIII R. MON AHAN , appointed Clit)l Cleik of the Clity o-1 Elan duan Clap is tnano, do heneby aeriify that the 11oregoing is a tnue and aonnect copy of Ordinance Nci. 953 whicl was reg ulauly introduced and placed upon its 1iist neading at the Regulan Meeting oil the Clity Clounail on the 17" day oil Febnuary 2009 and that theneatteu, said Ondinance was duly adopted and passed at the Regulan Meeting oli the Clity Counail on the 3d clay oil Manch 2009 by the 'following vote, to wit: AYES: C UNCIL N EMBE REI: Plllevato, F nit an, Fneese, Uso, and Mayon Nielsen NOre6)UNCIL h E MBE REL• N one AESENI UNCIL N BMBEIREI: N one MONA«!P{AN. `Citi Cl IITAIT9 CIF CIAILIFORN IAl ) CICU. NTY OF CIRAIN (IEI } ; s AFFIDAVIII OF RO%91IIN CI CIIT) CIF SAIN JUAN CIAPISTRAINO) I, NAIRGAREI7 R. IVICINAHAIN, declane as 'lollows: That I am the duly appointed and gUalifiecl Clity Cllerl oil tt a Clitl of Elan Juan Clapistnano; That in compliance with State larnis, Government Cloc le section 36933(l) oil tl a State o1 Calfilov ia, on the 10t� da) l of February 2009, at least 9 days prior to Manct 3, 20C 9, the (late o'l adoption of tt a oulinance, I caused to be posted, in the Clity CleiVs Office a aerliflied copy orl tt a pnoposecl Clndinance entitled: AN OROIN ANCIS OF IIHE CI -1Y OF SPIN ,I AMON DING 9E CITION 9 CIF -RHO MUN 1CIIR, COMMISSICIN S AN D OCIPIRD9 R8U TOD T San 7u'an PIS -IRAN O, CPII IFORN IA, TITL9 2, CH PIPIIEflR 2 — ERSHIP ONAI�AN, CI" ino. C lif rnia MATH CIF CALIFORN IA ) COL NTY OF CIRpINGH } as AFFIDAVI71 OF PO:ITllN CI CITY OF SAN JUAN CIAPKITIRAINO) I, MARGARHT R. N ON AHAN , declaue as follows: That I arni the duly aq pointed and qualified City Cie nk o-1 the City oil San Aian Capistnano; llhat in compliance with State lavas, Clovennment Code sea tion 36933(-) of the State oil Clalifoin ia. On tf a 4'r clay of N anch 20 09 1 a aus a cl to k e posted, in the Clity Cllenl 's office, a certified copy of Ondinance Na. 953, adopted by tt e City Council on N a nch 3, 20 09 entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF 7F- E CITY CIF SAN J AMEN DIN G :IEC1110MI OF 7F- E N L N ICIF� CICIN MISS101` S AN 0 BOARDS Ff9LATEM , CIAFI TRANO, CALIFORN IfiI, 3I�E ITLE 2, CIHAR1113R 2 — MBE SHIP MARGR� N�ONAHITY CLERK San Jua ap" trano, Ca orn a