Ordinance Number 951ORDINANCE NO. 01 AN ORDINANCE OR THE [11Th OR SAN JL AN CAPISTRAN O, CIALIRORN IA TO CIBRTIF) 7F 8 N 9GAl11VE 08CILARATION AND APPROVE RE30NB (R31 08-008 TO AMEN 13 THE ORAICIAL ZONING MAP BY BS7ABLISF IN G A CM 1COMMBRCIAL MANURAICITURIN CI; ZON IN CI UBSIGNATION AOR A ON 8 11; ACRE FIARCBLWI71- IN 111- B LOWER ROSAN RANCH FIROPORT)i PRIOR TO AN N 8XA71ON ijAPN '12'1-240-731 Wt emeas, 11hei Elan Juan Capisliano Community Reideveilopmen1l AgEincy 1CRA) awns an appnaximialc iifleiein 115) acnEi parceil known as Lawem Rosan Ranch; and Wheicas, the subjeial anew acnEi pancel is a iniangular shapEid Io11 Ihal pnotnudeis inla 1hEi LawEir Rasan Ranct pnopeirly lhei(iby cicating an inneigulan shapeid panted and inhibiling pnopEir sitE1 planning far dEivelapmEinl; and W heWas, the subject ane acre panceil 1AFIN '12,1-240-73) is IocallEid north crlSlanehill Unive beitweEin IhEi San Juan Cneek IEiveei and IhEi OnangEi County-lranspartallian Alulhanity 1OCTA1) milmad within the CiN a1 Dana Flainl; and W hufflas, the City of Dana Rain -1 t as no accoss to 11he pnapert� and I as aulhonizEid IhEl Ci'ly oil San Juan Capistrano to punsuE1 annexalion; and WhEmEias, the Orange CaUnq Aloud Contnal Dislnicl awns the subjecll pnoper y and has authanized iho City, al San Juan Capisimna Io punsue anneixalian; and WhEineas, IhEi Clity o-1 San Juan Capistnana Citi Council and Cammiunilly RUdevEdopmen'I Agency haves autholizEul staff to punsue annexation of thEi onEi acnEi pamEil 11ram thea Clity cd Dana Rain -1 inla 1hEi City of San Juan Clapistnana; and WhEireas, IhEi City1 of plan Juan Capislnano has lkinmally submitlEid annexation application -Io the Local Agency Ronmalion Cammissian QLAFCOI callEld REianganizalion Application QRO; 08-02; and W heneas, U RCO t as nalilliEul IhEi Clity in ardEirforthEi annexa -lion applicalion la bei dEiermld compleIE1 thE1 Cit}1 mus'I cerlif} Einvinanmcntal reviEiw and adapt a pic-zoning dEisignalion of the subject piapEirly; and WheWas, IhEi Envinanmenial AIdministnatan has evaluaiEid 11he rezane Initial Study and t as delEirmined 11hal 11he prajacl would nal hams any s ignillicanll Einviianmenllal impacts and pneipaned a NEigalliVU DEiclanalian; and WhEinEias,1hei LawEln Rasan Ranch pncipEirty and SUnnounding pnopEirliEis along IhEi east s idEi o1 Camina Capisllrano haves CM +jCommercial Manutlacluning' zoning designations, 1lhmikire 'It a nezane would be consisllEint wilt the vicinit�j; and Page 1 a f 3 02-17-2009 WhenEias, it a CIM zoning dEisiglnalion is consistan'l with thea San Juan Clapis-lnano Genenal Rlan and would not neqtlinei a gEineiral plan amendirieinl; and WhenEias, the San Juan Capislnano Planning Cammissicin canduciEid a duly no-liced put Iia heaning on January)13, 2009 and necommEindEid unanirriously 'lha-1 the Citi Cauncil cEirtiN ihe NagalivEi Declaration and appnove REizanEi (Ra) (18.008; and Wheimas,11he City Council has conducleid a duly noticEid public hEiaiiing on FEibnuar)l 3, 2009 and considEineid all public onal and written leis-limcin)l. NOW THERBROREI, TFEI CITY COLI` CIIL OH THEI CIITY OF SAID JLAN CARISTRM O, CALIRORh 1fi1, DOES H EIRBBY ORDAIN AS HOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Enviaanrmenial ReviEiw ThEi Clit�l Clauncil detemmineis Thal the Initial Study idEintilies Thal the nEizonEiwill t avE1 no impacts on ihe Einvincinmen-1 and coir ifies ilhe NEigalivEi Ileclanallian. SECTION 2. REizanEi ilhe City Cauncil appncnies amending the official zaning map tci designalEi a anEi (' ) aceEi pancEil (ARI', 1?J -24 0-73) in Laweiu Rci, an Ranch 11ci CIM (Ccimmencial Manufacturing). SEICTION 3. Validity of Ondin ance 11 any pari cif This andinance is hEild to bei invalid fan any neason, sua h deici, ion shall ncd affect thEi validity al thEi iiemaining pailicin of This Clndinance, and 11hi, Citi Cauncil t eneby declanes 11hal FI wauld haves passed -It ei remaindon cif this aiidinance i1 such invalid partian it auecrl had bEien delErled. SEICITION 4. Bffeciiwi Da1IEi This OndinancEi shall takEi efloct and be in faiicei thirty (30) days aflein its passage. SaCITICIN 5. Clity Cleirk's Ceirtiflicallicin The Ciiy CUE* shall ceirtiN 1ci ihe adop1licin oil l N, Oiidin ana a and cau, a lha ,' amEi to bEi pas -led a'l thEi duly designaiEid pasting places within thEi Clil)l and publi, hEid anc(i wilt in liflean ('15) day, afleii passage and adaptian as nequinEid by law; cir, in ihe atlennalivei, -It e City Clerk may causE1 to be publishEid a summary) cif -This Ondinan cei and a cer ified ccip)l a1 the text cif this OrdinancEi shall bEi paslEid in lhei ClflicEi cilthEi Cite CllenkilivE1(5) days piiionio the date cd acloptian cif this OrdinancEi; and, wilt in Moen (' 5) days after adoplicin, the Citi ClEirk shall aausEi la be published the ailanemonfloned summary and shall pas11 a certified copy cd -this Ondinanca, togeithEin with 11he vcrle for an again, t 1hEi same, in thEi Office cif the City Cleink. Paye 2 of 3 (11 -11-3 d a 9 PASSED, APPROVED AN D ADOPI9D This 17tr day of February 2009. SIIAII9 CIF ChIL IFORN IA ) COL NTN CIF ORANG9 ) ss. CIIIY OF SFIN JUAN CIARISIIRAN O } JIEL ESN, MAYOR I, MAACIAROT H. MONAF AN, appointed City Cllerl of tt e Clity oil Elan Jlla n Clap istnano, do hereby certify that the fouegoin g is a true and connect as p) I o-1 Ordinance Na. 951 whin R was iegulanly intiodtiaed and placed upon its ilinst reading at the Regulan Meeting oil the Clity Counail on the 3"' dal of Rebnuary 2009 and that thereafteii, said Ordinance vial duly adopted and passed at the Regulaii Meeting of the City Clouncil on the 17" day oil February 2009 by the following vote, to wit: UNCIL MEM98R.I: Allevato, Fiiiban, Freese, U so, and N ayon Nielsen UNCIL MEM98RII: None UNCIL MUM98RII: None N, `City P Page 3 oil 3 a 1-t ]-9 a a g S11A119 OF CAL IFCIRNIA ) COLD NTY CIF ORANGH ) ss AFFIOPNI7 CIF ROSIIING CITY OF SAN .IL1AN CARISIIRAN0) I, MARGARV R. MON PIH AN, dea lare as lollovis . It at I am tl a duly appointed and qualified City Clerk of the Clity of San .Tuan Capistrano; 11 at in complianae witt Eltate laws, Goveiinment Code section 36933(1) of the Eltate of Califonnia, on the 12t' day of Febnuary 2009, at least 5 da)ls pnior'la February 17, 2009, It a date of adoption of the ordinance, I caused to be posted, in tt a Clit)l Cllerl's Of lice a aerlilied copy cd tt a proposed Ordinance entitled: /IN OROIN AN CIB OF -1HE1 CI -1Y OF SAN IIO CIBRiIIFN -RH 0 N BGA -RIVE OBCLPIRATPN AN O PIPRROVB RE2IONEI (Ra) 08-008 il0 PIN SIN O 7F B OFFICIIAL ZO (COMM BRCIIPIL MAN L FACIIURIN CI) Z ACIRB RARCIBL WIIF IN TF B LOWBR O ANNDAMON (AIIN 19'1-240-36) fWx MAR AR NAH CLER flan Juan api trano. Cal fo is JUAN CPIRIEITRANO. CIPILIFORNIA G M Y EIS7Al1LIJHING PI CIA IN D NAiIION FOR A ONE (1) SA H RROPEIR7Y PRIOR TO STATH CIF CIPILIFORN IPI ) CICIL IN TY OF CIRAIN C-18 ) as AFFIDAVIII OF ROEITIN GI CITY OF:IPIN JUAN CIPIRIOTRAN0) I, N ARGAREIT R. N ON AHAN , decla ie as follows: Ilhat I an to duly appointed and qualified City Cllenk ori tt e City oil San Juan Capistrano; ilhat in compliance wiilh Stale lavas, Clovennment Code seclion 36933(1) of the State of Clalifannia. (In the 18" day o-1 Febnuary 2009 1 caused to be posted, in t1 a Citi Cllenk's oflice, a certified copy o1 Oncinance Nci. 951, adoplled t ll the City Council on Fa bruary 17, 2009 entitled: PIN OROINAN CIE I CIF TF B CITY OF SAN il0 CIERTIFY TF EI N EIGPITi'v E DUCK ARA' 08-008 TO AMEIIN O IIHEI OFFICIAL ZON (COMMEIRCIIAL A PIN UFACITL RING) ZO PICREI RARCIEL W IIIHIN III- E I LOVA BR R ANNOXAiIION (ARN 121-240-38 JU PIN CIARI197RAN CI, CIAL WORN IPI JGI PROVE RHOON EI (Ra) ElfIIIABLISH IN Cl A CIM A111ON FCIR A ON B (1) C RRORBRIIY FIRIOR W] San Juan Capistrano, Ca SIP