Ordinance Number 950ORDINAL CBI � O. 950 AN EX11EINDED L RGENCY CIRDIWII` CIO OF ZIHE CIITNI COUNCIL OF 11HE CIIN OF SAN JUAN CIAIRISTRAN CI, CIALIFORN IA AU 11F CIR13IN Cl A 1IEMRORAIRY OXIIONSION OF iIHE MAXIMUM TIMO Bl cr-D OSS FIROMOTIONAL �'IIIGNS MAIN BE DISPLAYaI] Wheneas, SEIC1ion 9-3.543 of the Ilan Juan Capi; tnana Municipal Clade au lharizes the Clity to issue penrrii-Is fan busine; ; pnamalional sign; fan maximum plEiniads cif bEitMleen '14 to 32 days; and Whcivas,'It a business cammunil)l t as nequEi, ted a 'lerrippiiarynapnieve-lnam thEi si�iict ap plicatian all the sign aigulatians pEirlaining to business pncimallicinal signs to assist lacal businEisses in piiornoting economic acilivity in the city; and Wheircvs, business piiamatianal signs include banners, parable signs, A- fname signs, sandwich boands, and lempanarA wincicw signs; and Wheregis, 'It a Dly Clauncil hinds that gran'ling a tempararyl exlEinsian ail'lt e miaximurn time business pnarriallianal signs may be displayed is necessary) and beneficial -kin tt a public welilare of the San duan Capislnana comrmuni-ly; and WNeiregis, 'It a OnvinanmEmtal Adminislnalon has evaluated the ungency ardinancEi and detenminEid the andinance is exEimpl -Inam the Calikmnia 9nviranmental Quality Act (CISQ/1; guidEdines puusuanl to a Class 'I Exerripticin i1existing facilitiEis); and Whereas, -It a'clan Juan Capislnanci City Clauncil canducled a hEianing an OcIcibEin 21, 2008 and adapted an urgency aidinanae It all would expire an February) 28, 2009 unlEiss ext EmdEid; and Wheieas, rho City Cauncil t as conducted a t eaning an Febnuaryl 171, 2009 and determined Iha-1 the upda-led sign andinance may not be completed until lalon in 1hEi year, llhe curnent ungEincy ardinancEi explines Fobnuary 28, 2009, and dEitenminEid an exiensian aillt a ungEincy cindinance fcui faur (14) manllhs wauld be in the inlenEisl of the Ciily and business aarrimunily. It OW, 1 F EREFORE, 6811 RESOL% 9D, the Cily Council cif the Ci,)l ai."lan Juan Clapislnana, Califcuinia, doEis heneb)l midain as lkillows: BECTON 1. Temporary axtEinsian of N aximum lime Business Pnorriatianal Signs May be Displayed. � cftlnit standing the maximum dime periods Eisiablist ed by Seclion 9-3.543 and 9-3.5z 7 a -I IhEi San Juan Capistnana Municiplal Cade, 1Ihe Clammunity ❑evEilapmernl DEipar ment may issue penmils fat business pnamaflanal signs tlar pleriods cif up ilo ane hundnEid twenty Q1201 days, pnavided llhai ihElAme pEmiads.kin penrriils issued punsuanil to this ondinance shall not exceEid -It a pleiiad duuing wt ich this Page 1 017 0950 aiKlinance is in effect. Fail example, a peumit i„ ued within ninety ((110) days cd e)ipinatian cif chis andinance shall nai exceed a lime periad cif ninety (510) day:. lit i, ungency and in ance extension shall be valid lar a period cr1 faur manihs la bagin cin Manch 'I, 20051 and expire an , une 30, 2009. SE CITION 2. Urgency. This uugencyaiKiinance Eixtensian is nEicessarA lonlhe irrrr ediale pncrleciian a1,11 a public heaih, wellane, and genenal safety in that many bw inErsses in the Cily are in noad all additianal promotional Eiven-ls and signs to fasllen pramolianal business activity in the Ci-ly, wt ich would incuease eMnarr is activity in the City, and result in a conuEr, ponding incuease in , ales tax revenue that wauld allciw the City to continue to piKivide necessary) and appraprialEi IevEIIS cif funding and resouncEis fail its goveunrrEinial puaguams and aclivilies. SE CITION 3. Validity of Oudin ance If any part of 11 is ardinance is hEdd to be invalid lin any reason, , uch decisian shall ncrl aflEict the va lidily of 11 a nemain ing par icin cd -11 i, Ondin ance, and i his City Council heneby dEiclaiies Thal i1 watild have passed the remainder alit is ordinance it stich invalid pori ion iheneail had beEin dEileled. SE CI-HICV 4. E nvininmental Bindings. The Clity Clauncil finds that the adaptian cif this ordinance is EixEimp'l fncim enviranmental review Linden the Clalilinnia — Enviranmenial Quality Act (CE Qll) subject la a Class 1 e)iemptian (e)iisting lacililiErs) in that it is ardinance allows the can1nued ipenatian a1 exi, ting , twatunes in ilacililies involving negligible use bEiyand that existing a-1 thEi time all 11 a adoptian alit i, ardinance. SE C-RION 5. "3evenabilily. If any seciian, , ubsectian, clause an p1 Rase cif this Ordinance cin any par Iherecrl is -kin any new an held la be invalid, tincan, tituilional au unenfanceable by the decisicin cif any court of carr pe-Ieni junisdic'licin, Stich decisicin shall nal affecll -Ihe validity allhe remaining parlian alihe Ondinance. llhe City Cauncil dEiclanes 'it a1 ill wauld have pa„ ed each sectian, subseclian, paragraph, senlenae, clause cin phnase 'I1 enea-1, irrespective ailihe lace it a1 any ane all mane, eciian, subsection, senlenco, clause an pt ra, a wiLild be declaned invalid, uncap, litulianal cin unenfanceable. RAS: E CI, ARRROVED AND ADOPI ED Ihis '17th day of Rebnuar)i, 2000. — � 1_�Z_ MARK NIELSEN, MAY ATTaST�/ //A c_ . R. MONNAAN, CITY qqRK aae3ofd 0919 STAITa CIR CALIFORNIA ) CCIL N TY OF CIRANCIE CITY OF S/ IN JL AN CIAIPISTRANO 1 t, MARGARET R. N CIN A F AN , appointed Clity Cllerk of the Clity of San Juan Clan istrano, clo hereby certifi that the foregoing is a tree and cor ect canyof U'ge nail Oodinanae No. 950 vir ich wias adopted and passed ata Regula�,Meeting o the City Clouncil on the 17th clay of February: a09 bytt a following date, to viit: AYE CCILJN CIL N EMBERS: Alllevato, L so, Freese and N ayor N ielse r NC S CCIUN CIL N EN KERS: Hribar AB E CICIIJ N CIL N EN BERS: None , City Cle rN STAVE OR CALIRORNIA ] (IOL N IY OR ORAh GE ] SS ARFIDAVI7 OR ROSTING alTN1 OF SAN JL Ah (IARISTRANO ] I, MARGARE T R. MOh Ah Ah, dea lame as -lollaws: That I ami the duly appainied and qualiilied Oi'y Clenk all the Ci -y of San Jllan Capisilrana; Thal in camplianae wilt Siale laws, Governmenll Clade SElatian 36933(1) all It EI Slal(i (if Clalifarnia, an thEl 1V day of Rebnuary 2009, al least 5 days pnior to the adoptian of J a andinance, I causEld to be pastEld a aelr ified copy of the prapased cindinancEl etnlitled: AN URGENCY OF1111N AN CIB OR TF 8 CII'Y CIOUNCIL OF TF E CITN OR SAN JUAN CIAIRISTRAN O, CIALIFIORN 1A, EXTE N 011 G A TE MPORAR) EXTENSION OR THE MAXIML N 71E BLSINESS RROMOTIONAL SICIN S MAY BBDISFIILAN ED. A phis documen-1 was passed in IhEI OflicEI 01 MA'RGAKM R. N ON� San Juan Capistrano, CITY�LERK ilarnia Page 3 of 4 0 99a