Ordinance Number 209374 ORDINANCE NO. 209 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AMENDING - ORDINANCE NO. 115 AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT WITH SAID AMEND- MENT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That Section 4.14 of Ordinance No. 115, consisting of subsections 4.14.1 through 4.14.10 inclusive, isrescindedand the following substituted therefor: 4.14 RP "RESIDENTIAL PROFESSIONAL DISTRICT" 4.14.1 USES PERMITTED: A. Professional uses are the main use and all uses per- mitted in_R1, R2 and R3 districts in combination with a professional use are permitted only as an accessory use to the main use provided they occupy the same structure. ..B. Professional uses to include: 1) Accountants, architects, attorneys, doctors, - - dentists and other state recognized medical practices. 2) Engineers, interior decorators, insurance and real estate brokers, planners. 3) Photographer not engaged in sales. 4) Business offices where no merchandising occurs. - 5) Accessory buildings normally incidential to per- mitted residential and professional uses. - 4.14.2 CONDITIONAL USES: A. The following additional uses may be permitted subject to an approved Land Use Permit: f 1) Emergency clinics. 2) Ambulance services. 4.14.3 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 35 feet 4.14.4 MAXIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE COVERAGEBYALL STRUCTURES: 608: 4.14.5 MINIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE FRONTAGE REQUIRED: 60 feet. 4.14.6 MINIMUM FRONT YARD REQUIRED: 20 feet. 4.14.7 MINIMUM SIDE YARD REQUIRED: 5 feet. 4.14.8 MINIMUM REAR YARD REQUIRED: 15 feet. 4.14.9 MINIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE AREA REQUIRED: 7,200 sq. ft. 375 4.14.10 PURPOSE: A. The RP "Residential Professional District" has been created to assure that professional districts will be compatible with the general character of the City of San Juan Capistrano. - 4.14.11 REVIEW: A. An Architectural Board of Review will review all applications for construction of new buildings and sig- nificant exterior alterations of existing buildings ,. within the district and make recommendations to the Planning Commission. If the total Bost of any exterior alteration work performed within any twelve (12) con- secutive months shall exceed 58 of the full cash value of the building, as determined by the latest equalized assessment roll, the alteration work shall be considered a significant alteration. The assessed value shown on the latest equalized assessment roll shall be deemed to be 258 of the full cash value. 4.14.12 DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE: A. Preliminary Review: .Preliminary plans consisting of site plans and preliminary architectural sketches of the proposed buildings shall be reviewed by the Archi- tectural Board of Review. The Board shall make such suggestions to the applicant as it deems necessary and applicant shall return with revised preliminary plans* and sketches if required.. B. Planning Commission Approval: Upon recommendation of the Architectural Board of Review, the Planning Com- mission wi11 review preliminary site plans and archi- tectural sketches and may approve same as precise. C. Final Review: Seven (7) copies of final plans, to in- clude detailed architectural drawings and plot plans to a workable scale, shall be submitted for reviewand approval by the Architectural Board of Review. These shall include but not be limited to the following, 1) Locations of Proposed Buildings on the site. . 2) Location of off-street Parking and Loading and Unloading areas. - 2 - 3 3) Location of Trash, Garbage Area, (properly screened). 4) Location and Type of Landscaping. 5) Location and Type of Fences, Floodlights, and Signs. 6) Proposed Sidewalks and Driveways. 7) Grading and Drainage Plans, (as called for)'. 8) Plans and Elevations of Buildings. -- 9) Roof Plans indicating any Roof Mounted Equipment and method of screening same. 4.14.13 PARKING REQUIREMENTS: See Section 5.08 of Ordinance. - 4.14.14 .DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A. All storage areas shall be completely enclosed. B. All structures within the .district (except signs, trim, and minor architectural features) shall be constructed of ceramics, masonry, metal, concrete, wood frame and stucco, metal frame and stucco and exposed wood or other similar materials. C. Open area shall be utilized for screen planting, lawn area, trees, shrubs and other feasible landscaping fee tures. Openarea excludes driveways, walkways,. utility . facilities and permitted signs. A minimum of five per- cent (58), of the area of the site not covered by buildings shall be landscaped. D. .Screening of mechanicaldevices.-(ie. air conditioning units, evaporativecoolers, exhaust fans,- blowers,,- . - meters andmeter boxes, gas electric, water or air - conduits, piping or ducts), shall be part of this con- . • trol and building or installation permits shall not be issued until approval has been granted by the Planning Commission. SECTION (2. That Section 4.15 of Ordinance No. X15, consisting of subsections 4.15.1 through 4.15.10 inclusive, is rescinded and the following substituted therefor: 4.15- C-1 "LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICT" 4.15.1 USES PERMITTED: A. The following uses when conducted within a building: - Appliance Shops Ambulance Services Antique and Curio Shops _ Art Goods and Studios - 3 - Banks 377 Bakeries (Retail Only) Barber Shops Beauty Parlors Bicycle Shops Business Offices Camera Sales and Repairs Candy Stores Catering Establishments - Cleaning and Pressing Agencies Clothing Stores Drug Stores and Department Stores Employment Agencies Florists -- Furniture Stores - Grocery Stores Hardware Stores Hotels and Motels - - - --Ice Cream Parlors Laundromats (Coin Operated) Locksmith Shops- - Musical Supply & Instrument Shops News Stands Notion and Novelty Shops Nurseries (Retail) Parking Lots - Photographic Supply Shops Professional Offices Real Estate Offices Restaurants - Shoe Repair Shops Stationery Shops Tailor Shops - Travel Agencies Utility Offices and Exchanges - - B. Other retail stores and businesses which are determined to be similar in character or tourist oriented by Planning, Commission action. 4.15.2 . A. The following additional uses may be permitted subject to approved Conditional Use Permit: - - Auto Supply Stores .Bowling Alleys - Commercial Swimming Poole Commercial Display & Sales Offices for Mobilehomes and, Recreational Vehicles Dog Grooming Parlors Fraternal Organizations - Mortuaries On -sale & Off -sale Beer and Liquor Licenses Dancing Live Entertainment Model Home Complexes - Pet Shops Service Stations Social Halls & Lodges Theatres 4.15.3 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 35 feet 4.15.4 MAXIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE COVERAGE BY ALL STRUCTURES: 608. 4.15.5- MINIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE FRONTAGE REQUIRED: 60 feet. 4.15.6 MINIMUM FRONT YARD REQUIRED: 20 feet - (may be reduced as part of Site Plan approval). , - 4 - 3 '/ 4.15.7 MINIMUM SIDE YARD REQUIRED: 5 feet - (may be reduced • ,V V as part of Site Plan approval). 4.15.8 MINIMUM REAR YARD REQUIRED: 25 feet - (may be reduced as part of Site Plan approval). 4.15.9 MINIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE AREA REQUIRED: 7,200 Sq. Ft. 4.15.10 PURPOSE: - A. The C-1 "Local Business" District has been created to - assure that commercial districts will be compatible with - - the general character of the City of San Juan Capistrano. 4.15.11 REVIEW: Al An Architectural Board of Review will review all applications for construction of new buildings and signi- ficant exterior alterations of existing buildings within.; the district and make recommendations to the Planning Commission. If the total cost of any exterior altera- tion work performed within any twelve (12) consecutive _ - months shall exceed 58 of the full cash value of the building, as determined by the latest equalized assess-ment roll, the alteration work shall be considered a- cFsignificant alteration. The assessed value shownonthe, ., latest equalized assessment roll: shall be deemed to be 258 of the full cash value. 4.15.12 DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE: - A. Preliminary Review: Preliminary plans consisting of site plan'sandpreliminary architectural sketches of the pro- posed buildings shall be reviewed by the Architectural Board of Review. The Board shall make such suggestions to the applicant as it deems necessary and applicant P shall return with revised preliminary,plans and sketchd if required. B. Planning Commission Approval: Upon recommendation of the Architectural Board of Review, the Planning Com- mission will review preliminary site plans and archi- tectural sketches and may approve same as precise. C. Final Review: seven (7) copies of final plans, to in - elude detailed architectural drawings and plot plans to - 5 - 379 a workable scale, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Architectural Board of Review. These shall include but not be limited to the following: 1) Location of Proposed Buildings on site. 2) Location of off-street Parking and Loading and Un- loading areas. 3) Location of Trash, Garbage Area, (properly screened). 4) Location and Type of Landscaping. 5) Location and Type of Fences, Floodlights and Signs. - 6) Proposed Sidewalks and Driveways. - ( 7) Grading and Drainage Plans (as called for). 8) Plans and Elevations of Buildings. 9) Roof Plans indicating any Roof Mpunted Equipment and methodof screening same. 4.15.13 PARKING REQUIREMENTS: See Section 5.08 of Ordinance. 4.15.14 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A. All storage area shall be completely enclosed. B. All structures within the district (except signs, trim, and minor architectural features),'shall be constructed of ceramics, masonry, metal, concrete, wood frame and stucco, metal frame and stucco and exposed wood or .other- similar materials. .C. Open area shall be utilized for screen planting, lawn area, trees, shrubs and other feasible landscaping fea- tures. Open area excludes driveways, walkways, utility facilities and permitted signs. A minimum of five-per- cent (58) of the area of the site not covered by'build- ings shall be landscaped. D. Screening of mechanical devices (is. air conditioning units, evaporation coolers, exhaust fans, blowers, meters and meter boxes, gas, electric, water or air conduits, piping or ducts)shall be part of this control and building or installation permits shall .not .be issued until approval has been granted by the Planning Commission SECTION 3. That Section 4.16 of Ordinance No. 115, consisting of subsections 4.16.1 through 4.16.10 inclusive, is rescinded and the following substituted therefor: - 4.16 C1-H "LOCAL BUSINESS MISSION DISTRICT" - 6 - 180 4.16.1 USES PERMITTED: A. The following uses when conducted within a, building: Appliance Shops Antique and Curio Shops Art Goods and Studios Banks Bakeries Barber Shops Beauty Parlors Business Offices Camera Sales and Repair Shops " Candy Stores Catering Establishments _ Cleaning Agencies Clothes Pressing Department Stores - Drug Stores Employment Agencies Florists Grocery Stores - -- Hardware Stores (Retail) Hotels and Motels Ice Cream Parlors Laundromats (Coin Operated) Muscial Supply and Instruments News Stands - Notions and Novelties Parking Lots Pet Shops (House Pets Only)- . Photographic Studios Professional Offices. Real Estate Offices - - - Restaurants - Shoe Shops Tailor Shops- - - - - - Utility Offices and Exchanges_. (Amended per Ordinance No. 154) B. Other retail and businesses -which -are determined to be similar in character or tourist oriented by Planning Commission action. - - - C. All uses in this district subject to Architectural Con -� trol established by this ordinance. 4.16.2- CONDITIONAL USES: A. The following additional uses may be permitted subject- to approved Land Use Permit: Arts and Crafts - - Auto Parts Bicycle Shops (Non -motorized) Fraternal Organizations - - Dancing Dog Grooming Parlor Live Entertainment On -Sale s Off -Sale Beer and Liquor Licenses Post Office Social Balls s Lodges Theatres (Amended per Ordinance No. 154) - 7 - B. Building configuration shall be approved by the Ai'EhiY tectural Board of Review prior to Planning Commission action on application. 4.16.3 MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT: 35 feet. 4.16.4 MAXIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE COVERAGE BY ALL STRUCTURES: 608. 4.16.5 MINIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE FRONTAGE REQUIRED: 60 feet. 4.16.6 MINIMUM FRONT YARD REQUIRED: 20 Peet. 4.16.7 MINIMUM SIDE YARD REQUIRED: 5 feet. 4.16-.0 MINIMUM REAR YARD REQUIRED: -25--feet. - - 4.16.9 MINIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE AREA RT.QUIRED: 7,20b's4.,ft. 4.16.10 PURPOSE: A. The C1 -H "LOCAL BUSINESS MISSION DISTRICT"-has.been . created to assure, that commercial districts, will be*,:_eo�'-` patible with the general character..of the'City of San Juan Capistrano. - - - - 4.16.11 REVIEW: .- :;is A. - An Architectural Board of Revie'W'Wi�.k;:Yevie�a...all ag�li- cations for construction of new.bgLadings"and.signifi cant exterior alterations of:eaistitig'..buildings.within the district and make recommendations" toth¢.'P.lannlnLJ Commission. If the total costi'`ofany exterior altera- tion work performedwithinany twe15e'(12) consecutive:" monthsshallexceed 58 of the full caah`value�of the building, as determined by the latest equalized assess- ment roll the alteration work shall be considered a significant alteration. The assessed value shown on the latest equalized assessment roll shall be deemed to be 258 of the full cash value. 4.16.12 DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE: A. Preliminary Review: Preliminary plans consisting of site plans and preliminary architectural sketches of the proposed buildings shall be reviewed by the Archi- tectural Board of Review. The Board shall make such - suggestions to the applicant as it deems necessary and applicant shall return with revised preliminary plans and sketches if required. B. Planning Commission Approval: Upon recommendation of the Architectural Board of Review, the Planning Com- - 8 - 382 mission will review preliminary site plans and archi tectural sketches and may approve same as precise. C. Final Review: Five (5) copies of final plans, to include detailed architectural drawings and plot plans to a work- able scale, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Architectural Board of Review. These shall in- clude but not be limited to the following: 1) Locations of'Proposed Buildings on site. 2) Locations of off-street Parking and Loading and Un- ,, loading Areas. 3) Location of Trash, Garbage Area, (properly screened) 4) Location and Type of Landscaping. 5) Location and Type of Fences, Floodlights, and Signs. 6) Proposed Sidewalks and Driveways. 7) Grading and Drainage Plans, (as called for). 8) Plans and Elevations of Buildings. 9)— Roof Plans indicating any Roof. Mounted Equipment and method of screening same. _4.16.13 PARKING REQUIREMENTS: See Section 5.08 of Ordinance. 4.16.14 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A. All storage area shall be completely enclosed. B. All structures within the district (except signs, trim, and minor architectural features) shall be constructed of ceramics, masonry, metal, concrete, wood frame and stucco,, metal frame and stucco and exposed wood or other similar materials. C. Open area shall be utilized for screen planting, lawn ) area, trees, shrubs and other feasible landscaping fea- tures. Open area excludes driveways, walkways, utility .facilities and permitted signs. A minimum of five per- cent (5%) of the area of the site not covered by buildings shall be landscaped. D. Screening of mechanical devices (ie. air conditioning units, evaporation coolers, exhaust fans, blowers, meters and meter boxes, gas, electric, water or air conduits, piping or ducts), shall bepart of this control and - 9 - 383 building or installation permits shall not be issued until approval has been granted by the Planning Com- mission. E. The requirements of Section 9 shall be observed. SECTION 4. That Section 4.17 of Ordinance No. 115, consisting of subsections 4.17.1 through 4.17.10 inclusive, is rescinded and the following substituted therefor: 4.17 C2 "GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT". 4.17.1 USES PERMITTED: 'A. All uses permitted in Cl District plus the .following general or wholesale type businesses: Arcades Auction Rooms - - Auto Display Rooms Auto Laundries ' Auto Repair and Storage Auto Sales (New and Used) Bakeries - - Boat Sales Body Works Bottling Works Bowling Alleys Building Materials Ceramics (Under Roof) Cleaning Establishments Confectioner's Supplies - Dyeing Works _ Electrical Shops _ Fountain Supplies Fuel Yards - Glass Shops Greenhouses - .Laundries - Lumber Yards w/Planing Mills Machinery Sales Rooms Mattress Factories - Mortuaries Newspaper Publishing 'Nurseries and Plant Storage Parking Lots Printing and Bookbinding Plumbing Shops Roofing Establishments Saddle and Leather Goods Factories Shooting Galleries Storage Warehouses . Tire and Battery Shops Transfer and Trucking Businesses .Upholstery Shops Veterinary Hospitals (Soundproof Building) Motorcycle Sales and Service (Amended per Ordinance No.. 154) B. Other general or wholesale businesses which are deter- mined to be similar in character by the Planning Com- mission. 4.17.2 CONDITIONAL USES: A. The following additional uses may be permitted subject - 10 - SiB4to approved Land Use Permit: Auto Salvage Boat Construction Fraternal Organizations Impound Yards Light Manufacturing Machine Shops Ornamental Iron Works Sheet Metal Shops Social Halls and Lodges - - Stage Depots - Yard Construction and Equipment Storage Heavy Equipment, Sales and Service - Truck Storage (Amended per Ordinance No. 154) 4.17.3 MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT: 35 feet. 4.17.4 MAXIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE COVERAGE BY ALL STRUCTURE: 608. 4.17.5 MINIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE FRONTAGE REQUIRED: 60 feet. 4.17.6 MINIMUM FRONT YARD REQUIRED: 20 feet. 4.17.7 MINIMUM SIDE YARD REQUIRED: 5 feet. 4.17.8 MINIMUM REAR YARD REQUIRED: 25 feet. 4.17.9 MINIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITEAREAREQUIRED: 7,200 sq. ft. 4.17.10 PURPOSE: A. The C2 "GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT" has been created to assure that commercial districts Vill be compatible with - the general character of the City. of San_Juan Capistrano. 4.17.11 REVIEW: A. An Architectural Board of Review will review all -appli- cations for construction of new buildings and signifi- cant exterior alterations of.existing buildings within " the district and make recommendations to the Planning Commission. If the total cost of any exterior altera- tion work performed within any twelve (12) consecutive [ months shall exceed 58 of the full cash value of the ! building, as determined by the latest equalized assess- ment roll, the alteration work shall be considered a �- significant alteration. The assessed value shown on the latest equalized assessment roll shall be deemed to be 258 of the full cash value. 4.17.12 DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE: A. Preliminary Review: Preliminary plans consisting of site plans and preliminary architectural sketches of the pro- posed buildings shall be reviewed by the Architectural - 11 - Board of Review. The Board shall make such suggestions to the applicant as it deems necessary and applicant shall return with revised preliminary plans and sketches if required. B. Planning Commission Approval: Upon recommendation of the Architectural Board of Review, the Planning Commission will review preliminary site plans and architectural sketches and may approve same as precise. C Final Review: -Five (5) copies of final plans to include detailed architectural drawings and blot.plans to a workable scale, shall be submitted for review and approval by the Architectural Board of Review. These shall -in- clude but not be limited to the following: 1) Locations of Proposed Buildings on site. 2) Location of off-street Parking and Loading and On - loading Areas. 3) Location of Trash, Garbage Area, (properly screened). 4) -Location and Type of Landscaping. - 5) Location and Type of Fences, Floodlights, and Signs. 6) Proposed Sidewalks and Driveways. 7) Grading and Drainage Plans, (as called for). °8)- Plans and Elevations of Buildings. 9) Roof Plans indicating any Roof Mounted Equipment and method of screening same. 4.17.13 PARKING REQUIREMENTS: See Section 5.08 of Ordinance. 4.17.14 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: A. All storage area shall be completely enclosed. B. All structures within the district (except signs, trim, J and minor architectural features) shall be constructed ,of ceramics, masonry, metal, concrete, wood frame and stucco, metal frame and stucco and exposed wood or other similar materials. C. Open area shall be utilized for screen planting, lawn area, trees,, shrubs and other feasible landscaping fea- tures. Open area excludes driveways, walkways, utility facilities and permitted signs. A minimum of five per- cent (5%) of the area of the site not covered by buildings shall be landscaped. - 12 - s D. screening of mechanical devices (ie. air conditioning 386 units, evaporation coolers, exhaust fans, blowers, meters and meter boxes, gas, electric, water or air conduits, piping -or ducts), shall be part of this con- trol and building or installation permits shall not be issued until approval has been granted by the Planning Commission. SECTION 5. That Section 4.18 of Ordinance No. 115, consisting of subsection 4.1 8.1 through 4.18.2 inclusive, is rescinded and the following- substituted ollowing substituted therefor: 4.18 C2 -A "RESTRICTED GENERAL BUSINESS DISTRICT" 4.18.1 USES PERMITTED: A. All uses permitted in C-1 District plus the following general or wholesale type businesses. Auction Rooms - Auto Display Rooms Auto Repair and Storage - Auto Sales (New and Used) Boat Sales Bottling Works Ceramics (Under Roof) - Cleaning Establishments Confectioners' Supplies Dyeing Works Electric Shops - - Feed Stores (Retail and Wholesalewith no outside storage) Glass Shops ' Greenhouses Laundries Motorcycle Sales 5 Service- - Machinery Sales Rooms - - Newspaper Publishing - Painting &.Decorating Shops - - - Nurseries (Wholesale S Retail) - Plumbing Shops Printing and Bookbinding _ Saddle and Leathergoods Factories - - Skating Rinks Storage Warehouses Tire, Muffler, Battery and Brake Shops ! Transfer Businesses Upholstery Shops . B.. Other general or wholesale businesses which are deter -L_, mined to be similar in character by the. Planning Com- mission. 4.18.2 CONDITIONAL USES: A. The following additional uses may be permitted subject to approved Conditional Use Permit: Arcades Auto Laundry Boat Construction Bowling Alleys Building Supply Warehouses and Yards - 13 - REVA Commercial Swimming Pools Light Manufacturing Machine Shops Ornamental Iron Works Service Stations Sheet Metal Shops Social llalls and Lodges Recreational Vehicle Parks Veterinary Hospitals (Soundproof Building) 4.18.3 MAXIMUM HEIGHT LIMIT: 35 feet. 4.18.4 MAXIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SIT£ COVERAGE BY ALL STRUCTURES: 608. 4.18.5 MINIMUM LEGALBUILDINGSITE FRONTAGE REQUIRED: 60 feet. 4.18.6 MINIMUM FRONT YARD REQUIRED: 20 feet - (May be reduced as part of site plan approval).( 4.18.7 MINIMUM SIDE YARD REQUIRED: 10 feet on corner side, otherwise 5 feet (May be reduced as part of site approval). - 4.18.8 MINIMUM REAR YARD REQUIRED: 29 feet (May be reduced as part of site plan approval). 4.1$.9 MINIMUM LEGAL BUILDING SITE AREA REQUIRED: 7,200 sq. ft. 4.18.10 PURPOSE: A. The C -2A "RESTRICTED GENERAL BUSINESS" District has - -- been created to assure that commercial districts will be compatible with the generalcharacter of the City of San Juan Capistrano. 4.18.11 REVIEW: A. An Architectural Board of Review will review all applica-. .tions for construction of new buildings and significant exterior alterations of existing buildings within the district and make recommendations to the Planning Com- mission. If the total cost of any exterior alteration work performed within any twelve (12) consecutive months shall exceed 59 of the full cash value of the building, as determined by the latest equalized assessment roll, - the alteration work shall be considered a significant alteration. The assessed value shownonthe latest equalized assessment roll shall be deemed to be 25% of the full cash value. 4.18.12 DEVELOPMENT PROCEDURE: A. Preliminary Review: Preliminary plans consisting of site plans and preliminary architectural sketches of the proposed buildings shall be reviewed by the Archi- tectural Board of Review. The Board shall make such 14 - 3 g suggestions to the applicant as it deems necessary and -- applicant shall return with revised preliminary plans and sketches if required. i B. Planning Commission Approval: Upon recommendation of the Architectural Board of Review, the Planning Com- mission will review preliminary site plans and archi- tectural sketches and may approve same as precise. C. Final Review: Five (5) copies of final plans, to include detailed architectural drawings and plot plans to a "F workable scale, shall be submitted for review and apprc 1,1 by the Architectural Board of Review. These shall in- clude but not be limited to the following information: 1) Locations of Proposed Buildings on Site. 2) Location of off-street Parking and Loading and Un- loading Areas. 3) Location of Trash, Garbage Area, -(properly screened). 4) Location and Type of Landscaping. 5) Location and. Type of Fences, Floodlights, and Signs. 6) Proposed sidewalks and Driveways. . 7) Grading and Drainage Plans. 8) Plans and Elevations of Buildings. - 9) Roof Plans indicating any Roof Mounted Equipment and method of screening same. - _- 4.18.13PARKING REQUIREMENTS: See Section 5.08 of Ordinance. 4.16.14 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: - A. All storage area shall be completely enclosed. B. All structures within the district (except signs, trim, P and minor architectural features) shall be constructed of ceramics, masonry, metal, concrete; wood frame and stucco, metal frame and stucco and exposed wood or other similar materials. C. Open area shall be utilized for screen planting, lawn area, trees, shrubs and other feasible landscaping fea- tures. Open area excludes driveways, walkways, utility facilities and permitted signs. A minimum of five per- cent (58) of the area of the site not covered by buildings shall be landscaped. - 15 - D. Screening of mechanical devices (ie. air conditioning units, evaporative coolers, exhaust fans, blowers, meters and meter boxes, gas electric, water or air conduits, piping orducts)shall be part of this con- trol and building or installation permits shall not be issued until approval has been granted by the Planning Commission. - SECTION 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause the same to be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of San Juan Capistrano within fifteen (15) days following the passage thereof, d PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 13th day of November, 1972, by the following vote, to wit: ' AYES: COUNCILMEN: BYRNES, GAMMELL, THORPE, WEATHERS NOES: COUNCILMEN-. CHERMAR ABSENT: COUNCILMEN: NONE ATTEST: �i Qcnw�tc d J-�o�;p� y r of the City of San Juan Capistrano City clerk - - 16 -