Ordinance Number 779449 ORDINANCE NO. 779 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING TITLE 9, CHAPTER 3, SECTION 9-3.614 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, ESTABLISHING REVISED STANDARDS FOR EXTERIOR LIGHTING WITHIN THE CITY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Whereas, the City Council has previously initiated consideration of amendments to the Land Use Code and the City proposes amendments to the Exterior Lighting provisions of Section 9- 3.614 of the Land Use Code; and, Whereas, the Ad Hoc Committee and the Business Task Force have reviewed the existing exterior lighting regulations, identified various issues related to the effectiveness of lighting, and made recommendations for amendments to those regulations; and, Whereas, the Environmental Administrator has issued a negative declaration and the City has complied with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (1970) as they apply to this project and otherwise carried out all applicable provisions of that Act; and, Whereas, the Ordinance has been prepared so that it is consistent with the goals, policies and objectives of the San Juan Capistrano General Plan, in particular the Community Design Element; and, Whereas, the Planning Commission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on April 9th and May 14, 1996 and recommended that the City Council adopt the Ordinance. SECTION 2. Amendment Text. Based upon the findings set forth in Section I preceding, the following amendments to the Municipal Code are hereby enacted: "Section 9-3.614. Exterior Lighting Standards. (a) Purpose and Intent. It is the intent of these provisions to balance the goals of the General Plan to maintain a small -village, rural atmosphere, with the need to provide for the safe movement of vehicles and people in all districts. To meet this intent, recommended lighting levels are -1- 450 to be defined at minimum levels to protect the public safety and at the same time enhance the appeal of buildings and landscaping to protect the desired atmosphere of the community. (b) Commercial, Industrial, and Public Institutional Districts. All properties located within a commercial (CN, CT, CG, CM, FM and CO), industrial (MG and MP), public institutional (IP) districts, special districts including Planned Community (PC), Planned Development (PD),, and Precise Plan (SP) districts shall be subject to the exterior lighting regulations set forth. For the purposes of this section the minimum illuminance standards for pedestrian and parking lot lighting shall also serve as the maximum illuminance levels. (1) Parking Lot Lighting. Parking lot lighting is vital for traffic safety; for protection against assault, theft and vandalism; for convenience and comfort to the user. Parking lot lighting design standards of Figures 1 and 2 have been established to provide for the safe movement of both vehicles and pedestrians; consistent with the recommended standards of the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES). (A) Activity categories. The following categories are established for the purpose of establishing illuminance levels for parking facilities as shown in Figure I below: (i) High Activity. This category is defined as including the CT and CG Districts located within the Design Overlay District as designated by Section 9-3.507 of this Title. (ii) Medium Activity. This category is defined as including all areas in the CG, CN, PC, PD, PR and IP Districts and include uses which involve a large number of vehicles including sites for cultural, civic or recreational events). (iii) Low Activity. This category is defined as including all areas in the CM, MP, MG, PR, and IP Districts (except for those specific uses which involve a level of night time activity with a large number of vehicles shall be met the standards for Medium Activity). (B) Parking Lot Lighting Design Standards. The following lighting design standards shall apply to parking lots. -2- 4J1 Maintained Horizontal Illuminance for Parking Lots Fieure 1 {lpert rWa TraCil;hes f�eneralFatk3ng8£�edestriatt�lrea Vehc�etiseAtaCOct} Le�C1 oP L l oatcattdie ! iittiEot itwt;[Ysza Fadtcancla Xiitily ActiYitg i (lxtsnitntntt (ivli..... Iiatia ssn aYemen£) (A£tra to T atits onFavernettt) mift (AYerage: PaYensettt} (� *t"` Miniakut€t) tuft£si£ettuul =' High 10 0.9 4:1 22 2 3:1 Medium 6 0.6 4:1 11 1 3:1 Low* 2 0.2 4:1 5 0.5 3:1 i74YC1Cd Ptg FaCIIttACB Azea� �.ttte Faofc&(esa " Iaixe Fr>otcandEes U�tnipRaiiu (Ataget� (tltKetageon Cr�weragcau (rageoa (Avage; l5$aenlert£ P&Ye;TiOttt #�' ">6YCmCllt:. P&Yemeflt. .M1n3A3Um .. ......... General parking 54 5 54 5 4:1 and pedestrian areas Ramps and 110 10 54 5 4:1 comers Entrance areas 540 50 54 5 4:1 lttvtge ©fTlluttrmaoce Line Ftxsteudies Stairways *** 100-150-200 10-15-20 * This is based on the requirement to maintain security at any time in areas where there is a low level of nicht time acuvuy. ** Sum of electric lighting and daylight. * * * For General Parking and Pedestrian Area, the average measurement on pavement shall not be less than for Vehicle Use Area. -3- 4SL Parking Lot Lighting Design Standards Fesiure Standard (i) Fixture Height. Pole mounted fixtures shall not exceed fourteen (14') feet in height as measured from finish grade to the bottom of the light fixture. Concrete pedestals shall not exceed twenty-four (24") inches and shall be included in the overall height. Building mounted fixtures shall be located below the roof cave and not exceed the height of the pole mounted fixture (14') whichever is lower. (u) Light Source. Metal halide, high pressure sodium, and similar sources shall be permitted. Halogen and mercury vapor sources shall be prohibited. (ii) Fixture Type. Within the D (Design) Overlay District, contemporary styled fixtures shall be prohibited. Light fixtures must comply with the City -established list of pre -approved fixture styles. For building mounted fixtures, the Director shall insure that the proposed fixture type will be in scale with the building elevation on which it is to be installed. The Director may refer this latter determination to the Planning Commission. (iv) Spacing of Fixtures The distance separating lights shall be determined by the type of light fixture and the requirement to satisfy the intensity provisions of (i) above. (v) Shielding. Where light fixtures are adjacent to residential districts or developments, lighting fixtures shall by use of fixture cutoffs and/or use of optically controlled fixtures to control light spillover and glare. Said shielding shall be required so that light measured five (5) feet outside the propery boundary shall not exceed 0.1 Footcandle. (2) Pedestrian Walkway Lighting. The following minimum standards have been established by the Illuminating Engineering Society and shall be satisfied to insure the safe movement of pedestrians within a commercial, industrial or public project (excluding public facilities where the site is closed during non -daylight hours. In areas where special pedestrian security is desired, the property owner should consider the specific recommendation for such activity areas noted in the following Figure for lighting illuminance: Average Maintained Illuminance Levels for Pedestrian Ways Fieure 2 (A) Sidewalks (adjacent toI 10 I 22 roadways) and on -street bikeways (B)Walkways (not adjacent to roadways) and off-road bikew * For pedestrian identification at a distance. Values at 1.8 meters (6 feet) above walkway Notes: 1. For approximate value in footcandles, multiply by 0.1. 2. The average -to -minimum uniformity ratio in non -special pedestrian security areas shall not exceed 4:1. 3. The average -to -minimum uniformity ratio in special pedestrian security areas shall not exceed 5:1. ME 4S3 Pedestrian Ways Design Standards Feature' Standard: (i) Illuminance. Minimum lighting shall meet the requirements as set forth above. Furthermore said light shall be directed in such a manner that any changes in elevation of the walkway (i.e. steps or curbs) shall be illuminated such that said features are clearly discemable (without shadow). (ii) Fixture Type. Pedestrian walkway light fixtures can be a combination of free-standing pole, bollard, in- place step or building mounted fixtures. For building mounted fixtures, the Director shall insure that the proposed fixture type will be in scale with the building elevation on which it is to be installed. The Director may refer this latter determination to the Planning Commission. (iii) Fixture Heights. Light fixtures shall not exceed the following height provisions: (aa) Free-standing pole - Not greater than fourteen (14') feet as measured from finish grade to the bottom of the light fixture. (ab) Building -mounted - Shall be located below the roof eave or fourteen (14') feet whichever is less. (ac) Bollard - Said fixture type shall not exceed a height of forty-two (42") inches as measured from finish grade to the top of the fixture. (3) Architectural and Landscape Lighting. The use of architectural or landscape lighting to highlight the unique features of a building and/or surrounding landscape treatment may be considered during the Development Review process. In order to consider whether such lighting should be approved, the following procedures and criteria have been prepared to assist in the consideration of such applications: (i) The consideration and approval of said type of lighting shall require review and approval by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission in considering such architectural and landscape highlighting determine whether the lighting satisfies both of the following criteria: (aa) The lighting will illuminate an architectural feature or landscape feature that is unique to the particular project due to the use of materials, colors, or design characteristics which are not commonly found within the City; and, (ab) The architectural lighting proposal will enhance the design of a project and is not solely used as an attraction getting device. (ii) The following general guidelines have been developed by the Illuminating Engineering Society and shall be considered by the Planning Commission in reviewing applications for Architectural and Landscape Lighting: -5- 454 (aa) Location of Fixtures. Highlighting fixtures may be located either on the building, on adjacent ground, and on ornamental standards. These fixtures are to be arranged such that they are not generally visible from the public. (ab) Shielding for Glare. Highlighting fixtures should be located and designed in such a manner that the actual lamp and reflector are shielded or louvered so that it is not seen from a normal public viewing area. It is especially important in areas where there is considerable vehicle and pedestrian traffic that direct glare be avoided. (4) Exterior Display Lighting. Display lighting for use defined and permitted in accordance with Section 9-3.616 shall meet the following standards: Exterior Display Lighting Design Standards (i) Illuminance The lighting of the display area will optimize the dispersion of light for a smooth transition throughout the display area. The amount of display area light projected onto the ground surface shall not exceed a fifty -footcandle average (initial light intensity) with an average to minimum ratio of not less than five to one (5:1). This shall be the initial reading and not the maintained level of lighting. (ii) Fixture Height The height of exterior light fixtures shall be as follows: (aa) Building -mounted fixtures shall be located below the roof eave. (ah) Pole -mounted shall not exceed twenty (20') feet as measured from finish grade to the top of the light fixture. Concrete pedestals used to protect the light pole shall not exceed twenty-four (24") inches in height and shall be included in the overall height calculation. (ac) Roof mounted display lights are prohibited. (5) Security Lighting. Security lighting shall be provided and shall include all pedestrian lighting, signs (if used as security illumination), a minimum one-third of the parking lot lights (these lights shall be equipped with a photo -cell for dusk to dawn illumination), and required lights over all building entries. Exterior lighting including parking lots shall be reduced in intensity after 10:00 p.m., or one-half hour after close of business, whichever is later. (c) Outdoor Recreational Lighting. Outdoor lighting associated with a permitted recreational use, shall be subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit.by the City. All outdoor recreational lighting shall be designed to comply with the following standards: M 45S Outdoor Recreational Lighting Design Standards (1) Illuminance. The average and/or maximum light illuminance, measured in footcandles, shall not exceed the recommended average or maximum guideline established for the proposed recreational use by the Illuminating Engineering Society. The City may, as part of the conditional use permit process, restrict lighting to a level less than the Illuminating Engineering recommended guideline. (2) Pole Height. The maximum height of outdoor lighting for courts (basketball, volleyball, handball, horseshoe, etc.) shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet as measured from finished grade. The maximum height of outdoor lighting for athletic fields (baseball, softball, football, soccer, etc.) shall be determined by the Planning Conunission during consideration of the Conditional Use Permit. (3) Lighting Source. Lighting source shall be limited to metal halide. (4) Shielding. Lighting shall be directed to areas within the property line to minimize glare in surrounding areas. Spillover and glare shall be minimized by using fixture cutoffs and optically controlled luminaries at the boundaries of lighted areas. (5) Submission Requirements. Application submission requirements shall be the same as those listed under sub -section (e)(1), below. (6) Tennis Court Light Standards. Specific standards regarding tennis courts are found under Section 9-3.607(e)(4) of this Chapter. (d) Residential Districts. All properties zoned for residential use shall be subject to the following exterior lighting standards. Standards apply to security lighting and decorative lighting: -7- 456 Residential Lighting Design Standards i Feature: StartdatxE (1) illuminance. The amount of light projected onto any surface shall not exceed five (5) footcandles. (2) Future Height. Building -mounted lights shall be installed below the eave line and no higher than fourteen (14') feet unless used to illuminate a second story entry eave, balcony, or outside stairway or door where in such case it shall be no higher than eight (8') feet above the floor elevation of the second story. Pole or wall -mounted fixtures shall be limited to eight (8') feet in height above finished grade. (3) Spacing of The distance separating lights shall be a minimum of thirty-five (35') feet. An Futures. exception to this provision is for decorative lights located at the entrance to the main driveway to the residence where said lights are to be located to opposite sides of the edge of the driveway surface and Low level pedestrian walkway lights (18", not more than five footcandles in intensity. (4) Location of Lighting shall only be installed adjacent to buildings, walkways, driveways, or activity Fixtures, areas (swimming pools, spas, outdoor dining areas, equestrian barns, and other similar uses) and focal landscape areas located in close proximity to the residence or activity area. (5) Light Source The use of high pressure sodium and metal halide are permitted light sources. (6) Shielding. Where the light source is visible from outside the property boundaries, such lighting shall not exceed one (1) footcandle as measured at the property line common with an adjacent private property. (e) Administrative Procedures. The following administrative procedures shall be used in considering applications for exterior lighting permits: (1) Plan Submission Requirements. Applications for exterior lighting shall be in a form approved by the Planning Director. (2) All Commercial, Industrial, and Public Institutional Districts (Sub -section (b), above). The following procedures shall be used in considering exterior lighting plan applications: (A) New Development Applications. Exterior lighting plans associated with a new development application (Architectural Control Application) shall be submitted at the same time as development plans are processed in accordance with Section 9-2.306 of this Title. Said plans shall be reviewed for compliance with the regulations and design standards set forth in this Section. If the plan is determined to be in compliance with these design regulations and substantially consistent with the pre -approved list of lighting fixtures, said application may be approved by the Planning Director. Review of architectural and landscape lighting shall be considered consistent with the provisions of Subsection (b)(3) of this section. (B) Modification to Existing Facilities. Applications to modify an existing lighting plan shall be reviewed for compliance with the regulations set forth in this Section. If the plan In ns7 is determined to be in compliance with these design regulations and in substantially consistent with the pre -approved list for lighting fixtures, said application may be approved by the Planning Director. (3) Outdoor Recreational Lighting (Sub -section (c), above). All such uses are subject to review and approval of a conditional use permit by the Planning Commission. Procedures for consideration of a conditional use permit shall be per Section 4-2.303. (4) All Residential Districts (Sub -section (d), above). All such permit actions are to be reviewed and determined to be in compliance with the applicable provisions of this section. Said permit approval is a ministerial action by the Planning Director. (5) Exceptions. Exceptions to the above standards shall be considered by the Planning Commission after conducting a duly noticed and advertised public hearing. Exceptions shall only be granted by the Planning Commission if the following findings are determined: (A) The exception is consistent with the intent and purpose of these standards and it will not adversely impact immediately adjacent properties, and; (B) The exception is necessary to provide minimum lighting levels to provide for the safety of the public. (f) Definitions - The following terms as used within this section shall have the following meanings: (1) "Footcandle" shall mean a unit of illuminance on a surface that is everywhere one foot from a uniform point source of light of one candle and equal to one lumen per square foot. (2) "Lumen" shall mean a unit of luminous flux equal to the light emitted in a unit solid angle by a uniform point source of one candle intensity. (3) "Lux" shall mean a unit of illumination equal to the direct illumination on a surface that is everywhere one meter from a uniform point source of one candle intensity or equal to one lumen per square meter. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the same to be posted at the duly designated posting places within the City and published once within fifteen (15) days after passage and adoption as required by law; or, in the alternative, the City Clerk may cause to be published a summary of this Ordinance and a certified copy of the text of this M 51-V Ordinance shall be posted in the Office of the City Clerk five (5) days prior to the date of adoption of this Ordinance; and, within fifteen (15) days after adoption, the City Clerk shall cause to be published the aforementioned summary and shall post a certified copy of this Ordinance, together with the vote for and against the same, in the Office of the City Clerk. June ATTEST: PASSED, APPROVED , 1996. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AND ADOPTED this 18th da of y :, WYATT ART, MAYOR ss I, CHERYL JOHNSON, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 779 which was introduced at a meeting of the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, held on June 4 '1996, and adopted at a meeting held on June 18 , 1996, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Jones, Nash, Swerdlin, Campbell and Mayor Hart NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None (SEAL) �) CHERYL JONSPN, CITY CLERK -10-