Ordinance Number 840021 ORDINANCE NO. 840 APPROVING REZONE 99-2 - OSO RANCH COMPANY/ SADDLEBACK VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING REZONE 99-2, A CHANGE OF DESIGNATION FROM GROWTH MANAGEMENT AND PLANNED DEVELOPMENT, TO PLANNED DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PRIVATE SCHOOL LOCATED AT ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 121-070-55, -56 AND -57 (OSO RANCH COMPANY/SADDLEBACK VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Findings. The City Council finds that: 1. The proposed zoning is consistent with the Land Use, Circulation and other General Plan elements which govern the property and is otherwise consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan; and, 2. Any subsequent development of the property, or use installed thereon, under the proposed zoning will conform to the development standards and other applicable provisions of Title 9 of the Municipal Code. 3. As conditioned, the proposed project complies with all applicable provisions of the Land Use code relative to Section 9-3.503(e) General Standards and Section 9-3.503(f) Site Development Standards of the Land Use Code and is capable of complying with Section 8-11.113, Standards of Construction; and, 4. As conditioned with mitigation measures included in the City Council Resolution No. 99-8-3- 3 confirming Planning Commission approval of Architectural Control 99-5, the proposed project is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. SECTION 2. Amendment Text. Based upon the findings set forth in Section 1, preceding, the City Council ordains that Rezone 99-2 from Growth Management and Planned Development to Planned Development, pursuant to Specific Development Plan 99-1, included as Attachment 1 attached hereto, is approved to permit the establishment of a private school on property located at the northwest corner of Oso Road and Avenida de to Vista. -1- 022 SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. SECTION 4. City Clerk's Certification. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause the same to be published once as required by law and posted at the duly designated posting places within the City of San Juan Capistrano within fifteen (15) days after its passage. PASSED, APPROVED August '1999. ATTEST: �� CITY CLE AND ADOPTED this 17th day of Z"- JqiIN GREINER, MAYO -2- 023 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ) I, CHERYL JOHNSON, City Clerk of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 840 which was introduced at a meeting of the City Council of the City of San Juan Capistrano, California, held on August 3 , 1999, and adopted at ameeting held on August 17 1999, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Jones, Swerdlin, Hart, Campbell and Mayor Greiner NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None (SEAL) � yZ2 CHERYL JOHN O , CITY CLERK -3- 1114 CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO OSO RANCH AND THE SADDLEBACK VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL A SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN SDP 99-01 ADOPTED AUGUST 3, 1999 CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE No. 840 025 OSO RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN OSO RANCH AND THE SADDLEBACK VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose and intent of Specific Development Plan SDP 99-01, in accordance with Section 9-3.423.5 (Planned Development District) of the Municipal Code is to: 1. Provide a method to establish development guidelines and the precise regulation of land I ses to facilitate implementation of the Land Use and other elements of the General Plan; and 2. Provide for the utilization of innovative land planning and building design as a means of achieving high quality, variety, flexibility, and efficiency in the design of the proposed private school and adjoining parcels. In cases where standard regulations or other issues are not addressed in this Specific Development Plan, the appropriate provisions of Title 9 of the Municipal Code shall regulate. SITE CHARACTERISTICS PHYSICAL CONDITIONS The project site contains approximately 67 acres of creek channel, flat and sloping land. The eastern portion of the site was graded to accommodate a citrus orchard in the early 1960's and has been abandoned the last two decades. The middle portion of the site contains creek channel. The most westerly portion of the site includes gently sloping hillside. This parcel is generally in a natural state, with the exception of din access roads that extend around the perimeter of the site. Access is provided to the site from Oso Road, which is paved at the easterly end and turns to a dirt path just west of the intersection of Oso road and Avenida de la Vista and continues across the creek and extends westerly. Only the paved section is public, the remainder of Oso Road is private. See Exhibit 1 for location of study area and parcels. - 2 - 026 OSO RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN SITE LOCATION The study area is bordered by Oso Road to the south, the AT&SF Railroad on the east, Oso Creek to the north and hillside open space to the west. Camino Capistrano is located west of the site, adjacent to the railroad tracks. The City's "North San Juan Open space" is situated directly to the north, above the confluence of Oso/Trabuco Creeks. The multi- family residential neighborhood known as Capistrano Villas is located south of the site, across Oso Road. EXISTING LAND USES The project study area is currently being utilized as grazing land and open space, with a portion containing an abandoned citrus orchard. Approximately 5 to 10 acres of the site contain Trabuco Creek, which has also been used for recreational trails serving the nearby stables and hikers, though dedicated right-of-way for such use has not been provided. Adjacent land uses include: a multifamily housing project to the south; the AT86F railroad tracks to the east; Oso and Trabuco Creek confluence to the north; and vacant land to the west. Camino Capistrano and multifamily dwellings are further east of the railroad tracks, The vacant Pueblo Serra site is also to the east and north of the project. The recently approved senior housing project is directly across the tracks at the northern end of the site, Agricultural uses are located on the City's North Open Space, located north of the creek channel. Further to the west of the site is Colinas de Capistrano Open Space hillside. PROJECT DESCRIPTION GENERAL A private school is proposed to be established on a portion of Oso Ranch, identified as Area 1 at this time. Although there are no current plans for changes to the use of Areas 2 and 3, this is included within the study area since it is part of the Oso Ranch and is under the same ownership. Furthermore, the ultimate development of the permanent facility for the private school master plan may affect the use and access to Area 3. The proposed private school requires a rezone of Area 1 since the site is currently zoned Planned Development (PD) with an approved Specific Development Plan (SDP 88-1) which does not permit schools. The study area is being rezoned to Planned Development (PD) District in order to establish specific guidelines, standards and criteria for the development of the site, while at the same time establishing a timeframe for the development of the permanent buildings. The project consists of a request for approval of a zone change, site plan and architectural plans for the development of a private school for children ages preschool through high school. The applicant proposes to use temporary modular units to accommodate a maximum of 500 students. The first phase of the plan would be to install temporary structures for the initial enrollment of 275 students, with space to house an additional 225 student for future growth. The permanent strictures would be built at the end of the 5`h year for approximately 500 students, at which time the modular structures would be 3- 027 Oso RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN removed. The subject site is part of a larger Oso Ranch. Any future development of the remainder of the Ranch will require further environmental review and architectural design. The applicant is proposing to modify the Specific Development Plan (SDP) which is part of the current Planned Development (PD) zoning designation to permit the private school and to establish specific use and site development standards. In order to more adequately address the site planning and access to the remainder of the Oso Ranch, staff has recommended that the adjacent parcels of the Ranch be included within the zoning study area. The project site is also situated within the Floodplain Management Overlay District (FMOD), which requires processing a Floodplain Land use Permit with the City. The project site has been damaged by flooding during the past three decades and has been unattended since 1980. Based upon the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FU", a portion of the property is situated within the 100 - year floodplain. Adjacent land uses include: multi -family housing and equestrian facilities to the south; Trabuco Creek to the west and north, the railroad tracks and Camino Capistrano to the east, with multi -family further east across Camino Capistrano. Agricultural lands are to the north across Trabuco Creek. A Master Plan for developing the remaining 55 acres, including the creek improvements and the western portion of the site has not been prepared. Any future use of the site and proposed permanent creek channelization will require further environmental review and site analysis by the City. There is no specific timing proposed for these additional developments. - 4 - W. OSO RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN STUDY AREA LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT 1 029 OSO RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN PERMITTED AND CONDITIONALLY PERMITTED USES AREA 1- 1. Principal uses and structures permitted within Area 1 shall include the following: a. Private schools b. Child day-care centers, pre-schools and nursery schools; c. Cultural and exhibition centers; and d. Museums and libraries. 2. Conditional uses and structures permitted within Area 1 shall include the following: a. Religion -related uses, including churches, temples, synagogues, convents, monasteries, religious retreats, and other places of worship; b. Outdoor night lighting of recreational facilities, provided that such facilities are incidental to a principal permitted or conditional use and they conform to the requirements of Section 9-3.607 and 9-3.614 of the Municipal Code. 3. Accessory uses and structures permitted includes the following: a. Retail and service uses which are incidental to and integrated with a principal use; b. Caretaker residence which is incidental to and integrated with a principal use and in conformance with the requirements of Section 9-3.612 of the Municipal Code; and c. Outdoor recreational facilities and play fields. 4. Temporary uses and structures permitted includes the following: a. Temporary structures and modular buildings for permitted uses, subject to the requirements of the Development Phasing section of this SDP for their replacement with permanent facilities; and b. Carnivals and festivals, subject to the requirements of Section 9-3.623(g) of the Municipal Code. AREA 2 — Trabuco Creek Principal, Conditional and Accessory uses and structures permitted within Area 2 shall include the uses identified iu the "FO" Floodplain Overlay District, Section 9-3.401 of the Municipal Code. Any proposed alterations or improvements to the creek channel shall also - 6 - 030 OSO RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN be consistent with the goals and policies of the Floodplain Element of the General Plan. Such alterations shall require processing a Floodplain Land Use Permit for review and approval by the Planning Commission and City Council, subject to the provisions of Section 9-3.423.5(d)(4) of the Municipal Code. All of the uses identified in the "IP" Public Institutional District, Section 9-3.401 of the Municipal Code shall be conditionally permitted within Area 3. Parcel "C" may be incorporated into Area 1 to permit the uses listed above for Area 1, provided the parcels become a part of a Master Development Plan for the site. Such modification to the site plan requires the Planning Commission to approve an amendment to the SDP, subject to the provisions of Section 9-3.423.5(d)(4) of the Municipal Code. UNLISTED USES The Planning Director has the authority and responsibility to review uses not listed in this Specific Development Plan. A proposed unlisted use may be permitted as a principal or conditional use if the Director determines that the use is of a comparable nature to the other uses specified in the Area, is compatible with other permitted uses and will not be detrimental to property in the vicinity of said use. Such determination shall be reviewed and confirmed by the Planning Commission after providing public notification of such review. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS All proposed development within the study area shall comply with the development standards outlined in Section 9-3.425(c) of the Municipal Code in addition to the criteria discussed below. DESIGN STANDARDS 1. The project design should provide visual access to surrounding open space, including both distant and nearby features. Structures should be set back a sufficient distance from Oso Road to allow for views from the street to the ridgelines to the north. 2. Large, sterile, horizontal or vertical spaces, such as blank walls or parking lots, shall be avoided or otherwise treated to minimize visual impacts. For example, trees shall be incorporated within the parking lots to buffer the view. Large two-story classroom buildings and gym facilities should incorporate architectural treatments such as balconies, windows, trellis and arcades to minimize building mass. 3. Structures should be clustered or give the appearance of being clustered to give the impression of varied building setbacks and to add interest with light, shadows, form and texture. In particular, the buildings along the east and south project boundary should not appear as a continuous wall plane, but rather have variation. 7- 031 OSO RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN 4. Where feasible, one and two-story structures and building elements should be intermixed to provide a variety of rooflines, building mass and setbacks. Buildings along the south project boundary should be one-story in height if the setback is less than 30 feet in order to provide a more compatible building mass with the existing character of development. 5. A strong pedestrian circulation system should be provided to facilitate movement throughout the site and to separate vehicular traffic from pedestrians. The courty£fds should be connected by pathways and developed to encourage access and use. ARCHITECTURAL STANDARDS 1. Building designs shall be compatible with and accent surrounding areas and structures in color, style, materials, building massing and character. Where feasible, the buildings should incorporate residential design elements. All architectural elements of a building shall be designed as an integral part of the structure. Architectural integrity should be adhered to with respect to building form, roof form and building materials. Individual buildings shall be designed so as to consistently carry out an overall architectural theme. The architectural theme of the Oso Ranch Development will be established when the plans for development of permanent structures within Area 1 are submitted for architectural design review by the Panning Commission, pursuant to Section 9-2.306 of the Municipal Code. To reinforce the historic early developments in the Northwest portion of San Juan with ranches, it is recommended that the theme include Monterrey style Early California design elements, including low pitched flat shingle roofs, landscaped courtyards, arcades and covered balconies, wood trim, siding and details. Highly reflective colors and materials are discouraged. HEIGHT DEVIATIONS The overall building heights may be increased above the 30 -foot limit because of special use requirements or space needs of a particular structure. Such deviations may be approved by the Planning Commission, without requiring a zone variance, during review of the Design Review application for the permanent structures. In order to approve the height deviation, the Commission must determine that: • The modifications are necessary for the project to meet the spirit and intent of the General Plan; and • That the overall quality of the project would be less if the deviation was not granted; and That the minimum requirements of other compensating standards have been significantly exceeded; and LZ 032 OSO RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN That the overall architectural design and specific individual elements are improved with the deviation; and That the building massing of the structure are minimized through the use of horizontal and vertical wall articulation, structural features, design details and variation in materials. LANDSCAPING Landscaping shall be provided along the east and south property lines to buffer the private school from the adjoining residential uses. 2. Landscape berm and shrubs shall be provided to screen the view of parking areas. 3. Existing mature trees located within the study area shall be preserved to the maximum extent possible and integrated into the design of the project. CIRCULATION AND PARKING Numerical standards for parking, driveways and on-site circulation shall be as provided for in Title 9 of the Municipal Code. SITE ACCESS Parcels A and B have frontage on Oso Road. Access to Parcel C is gained from a private dirt road extension of Oso Road through the creek. The Oso Road frontage will be improved and widened as part of the development of Area 1 to provide access to the school. It is anticipated that the access to Area 2 will continue to be provided by the dirt road across the creek. The City is currently studying the alternative alignment for an extension of Oso Road to provide access to the northern extension of Alipaz Street. Should this occur, access to the current interim uses on Area 2 could be achieved from this new road. Should Area 2 develop prior to the completion of this alternative road extension, then permanent access shall be provided from either an extension of Alipaz Street or a bridge extension of Oso Road. DEVELOPMENT PHASING The applicant plans to develop the site in phases. The applicant intends to construct the interim phase of temporary modular strictures in Year 1. Prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for the modular units, the applicant shall submit a capital fundraising plan to - 9 - 033 Oso RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN the City for review to ensure that there is a plan for funding the construction of permanent facilities. Prior to the beginning of each school session in Years 2 and 3, the applicant shall submit an annual report on progress achieved during the past 12 months to ensure compliance with the schedule to replace the temporary modular buildings. This progress report shall address the fundraising efforts and the status of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' floodplain study. Prior to the beginning of the school session in Year 3, the applicant shall deposit with the City $10,000 as a cash surety. Said funds shall be returned upon completion of the removal of the temporary modular structures. The surety may be used by the City for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this phasing plan. Prior to the end of the school session in Year 4, the applicant shall submit to the City plans for the development of permanent facilities, as required by Section 9-2.306 of the Municipal Code. Said application shall be reviewed in accordance with the provision of the Municipal Code and will include establishing the architectural theme of Oso Ranch. All modular buildings shall be removed from the site prior to the beginning of the school session in Year 6 (September 2004). Failure to satisfy any of these phasing requirements shall deem the approval of the temporary use of modular buildings null and void and said use shall be immediately terminated and the temporary modular units removed within 90 days. REVIEW PROCEDURES The applicant shall submit to the City a development plan for the construction of permanent buildings to replace the temporary modular units, subject to the provisions of Section 9-2.306 of the Municipal Code. Such application shall be submitted to the Planning Department prior to the end of the school session in Year 4. The future development of the western portion of the ranch will also require submission of development plans to the City, though there is no established time deadlines. Said applications shall be reviewed in accordance with the provision of the Municipal Code and will include establishing the architectural theme of the Master Plan. Plans for the development of the buildout of the Master Plan shall also be subject to the provisions of Section 9-2.306 of the Municipal Code. SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS The Supplementary District Regulations of Article 9-3.6 of the Municipal Code shall apply to this Planned Development District. However, specific supplementary district regulations adopted as part of this SDP shall supercede such provisions. - 10 - 034 OSO RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN CONCEPTUAL SITE PLANS 11- v V) EXHIBIT 2 a > U - U ¢ z z o. U � QEF V) EXHIBIT 2 035 OSO RANCH SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN CONCEPTUAL SITE PLANS < _ ,7 a o 0 z ¢ ci z z Z -- - l Jim