09-0317_SO CAL PUMP & WELL DRILLING, INC._Construction Contract CONSIIR 1 CITION Clop -9RACT, IIHIS CON TRACH is made and ernlened inlci, to be effective, 11his '17-It day of Mauch, 29mag, by and between -It e CM OH SAN JLAN CIAPIS11RAN0, heneinaflen ilufennEid Ila as "Clity," and SaClal Rump and Well Milling Inc., hereinafter nelEirnEid -lo as "Coniracian." Cily and Cantnaclan mutually agnEie as fallaws: ecticin 'I. Geneual Canditions. Contnaclar cerli-li€is and agnees thal all the teams, canditians and abliga-lians o-1 thEi Conlract Documents as hereinafteii defined, the locatian of the job SAE1, and the conditions Linden which the wank is to be perfoumed have beEin lhanaughly iieviEiWod, and €intens inta 11his Canlnact based upcin COntnaGIOn'S investiclaticm all all such matters and is in no way nelying upon any apinions ai nepnEll en-latian: til City. It is atlneed that this CanNact nepnesenls the EintinEi aclreEiment between the Aar ies. 111 is IludheFi aclreEid that the Clonllract DacUmEIntS including thEi N olice Invi-ling Bids, Special Instruclicin s to Giddens, if any, and Ccinluacicief Rropa:al ane inconponaled in this Clan-lnacl by ilufelienc€i, wilh the same fauce and eflect as if the samE1 WOW set lorth at IEingih henein, and tt a1 Con-Inaclan and its : ubconlractors, i-I any, will be and are bound by any and all ail said Cantnact Documents inscifan as they nelate in any part cin in any way, direc111y or indirectly, to 11he wank coveuEid by This Contract: "pnaject" as usEid henEiin deilinus the enUie scope of 11he wank covEined by all thEi Conllracll d ocuments. Anything mentionEid in It a Speciilicatians and nol indicated in the Plans, on indicaled in the Plans and nal mEintionEid in the %c pecifications, shall be cif like Eiffacl as if indicated and mentianEid in both. In cases cif discimpancy in thEi Plans an Spacilica-lions, the rriatien shall be immediately submitted to City's Enclineer, wiffioul whose decision Cantnacton shall nal adjust said discrepancy savEi only all Canlnaclon's awn risk and expensE1. Ilhe decision o'l thEi 9nclinEiEin shall be ilinal. eclian 21. MalEirials and Laba . Conlractan shall ilunnish, unden 1ho condilions EixpnEissed in the plans and 9pecificatians, at Conlnaclan's own expense, all laban and malEinials nEicessary, excEipl such as ane mentianEid in thEi 9pecificalians to be llunnis hed by the C ily, lci canstnuct and CITY ON SAN JUAN CAF ISTRAP O AGREEN ENT EAS79FI N WE[LS OR ILI ING CIP 171 9-1 carrlple-le It a Rrajecl, in good warl mean lil e , nd subsian tial ander. If Caninacic r fails lo pay 1k a laban or malenials whEin due, Clity may settle suah claims by making demand upon the sunely ici This Caninacl. In 'It a evens of thEi llailune an rEdus, I cill the sune1ly to saiislly said claimis, Ciiy may settle it erri dinec111y and dEiduc'l the amcit n1l cif payments fnarni -It a Cluntracl price and any amciunls due 1ci Cantnactar. In 'Ihe evenl City neceives a silcip nalice JIM any labaner an matenial supplien alleging nein-payment by Conlracic n, Cnly shall be enlilled is deduct all of FIs casts and expenses incunned nela-ling lheilete, inch ding but nal limited Ila adminisilralive and legal flees. Seclian 3. Desanip-licin of Hnajact. llhe PEi(iject is desanibed as: Drilling and Develcipment cif Bastenn Wells KIIP 775) as delineated in the Fllans and Speciflicalicins pnepaiiEid by AKM Cansulling 9ngineens, Inc. nEdeasad .Ianu€ r% 2009. Wonk lci include: lit a VI onk includes lhEi The V1 and camipnises the dnilling and pumping devEdcipmenil of t\Ac (2) ground wailan piiaduclicm wells in San Juan Capisirana kin It a Clily till San Juan Clapis1nano. The pnajElCt cansisis of two wells, the ilirs t cif \A hitt is Souil h Cc oks Vt all \A hitt is located in Cloaks Flank appnciximalely 50 feel east cif an existing monillaning well and , djacenl to the San Juan Creel . llhe second is VI all 5 which is Ic caled 50 Viet south west of thEi pueviaus well location. Seaiian 4. Rlans and Specilicalic ns. The vAank lci be done is shown in a se-1 cit detailed Plans and Specilicalions Emi it led: DEiilling and Developman'l oil Easlenn VI ells KIM 775; aid Mans and SpEicilicalicins and any nevisians, arniendments cin addenda iheneta ane atiact ed herela and incanpana-lad henein as part cif this Cantnaat and relenned la by relenence. ec1licin 5. Mime c I CammanCElment and Caniple'licln. Ccinllractan agrees la commence the RnajEict wFlhin ten ('10) calendars days fncm the dale se11 kirth in 'Ihe "Nctice to RraCEed" Sent by Cily and shall diligently pnasecule the wain to curripletian within sevE1ty-11ivE1 (75) cE lendar days Intim -Ihe dE 1e til the "f dice to Pnoceed" is sued by the Clity Eixcluding delays c, used c n auihoEiized by the Clity as SE I for h in SE aticns 7, 8 and 9 henecil. SE ctian 6. TirrlE is crl the es se nce. CITI OR SASI JUAPI aAPIS7RANO AGRMEIME I'll EM-1HRN WML A DRILL ING CIR 715 BA Mime is of tt a essenae of chis C on-lnact. As requined by the C oninact Occumen Is, Contractor shall prepare and oblain approval oil all shop dnawings, clellails and samples, and do all other things necessary) and incidEinial to the pnoseculion of Conlraclon's wonk in conllonmancEl wilh an approved aons1lruclion progness sahedule. Coniracion shall coondinale the wonk covered by chis Contnact with that of all olhen C onlnactons, a ubaon-lnac1lons and oil the City, in a mannen It al will lacili'laiEl the efliciElni completion of thEi enline wonk in accondancEi wilh Seation 5 henElin. C Ply shall havEi complErle control cf 1hEl pnEimises on wt ich tt a wonk is to be performed and shall have 1he right 'lo decide thEl timE1 or onden in which the vanic us portions oil the wonk s hall be installEid or iho prionfly o'I tt a wonk of oft er subcon1lrac1lons, and, in general, all matters nepnEisen1ling the lirmely and ondunly conduct o'I thEi wonk oil Contractor on the pr(irnises. SEiclion 7. ExcusablEi 0elays. C on'Inaclon shall bEi excused ilor any delay in the pnosElaulion on aorrlplelion of the Pnojecl causEid by acts of God; inclement weathen; darrlages caused by Hine or other casualty for wt ich Conlracton is not responsible; any ac1l, neglect c n dEifaul-1 oil City; lailune of Cily to make limely payments to Contraclon; late deliver)f oil malenials requined by Ihis Contnact to be funnishEid by C fly; combinEul action of 11he workers in no way caused by or rEisulling lnorn dailault or collusion c In the pari of Contractor; a Ioakoul by C ity; on any other delays unforeseEm by Coniracton and beyond Contractor's nEiasonablEl contnol. City shall extend the 11ime fixed in Suction 5 for completion oil the Project by the numbEir of days Contnacton has thus been dEllayed, provided Mail C on-Inacllon A rEiaanls a written nequesl to City 'Ion such time extension within fifteEln ('15) days of thea corrlmencernEinl of such dElay and City Hinds that IhEI dEday is juslli-liEid. City's dEwision will be conclusive on tt a parties to Ihis Contnact. Hailure 1Io ilile such licquest within the Iirrie allowed shall be daerTied a waivan of the alairri by Conlnaclor. IN o claims by C on'Inaclon 1c n addilic nal aompEinsalion on damages ilon delays will bEi alit wed unless Conlracton satisilies City that suah delays were unavoidable and nol thEi result cf any action on inaclion oil C on'Inaclon and that Contnaater look all available mEiasures to mitigate such damages. 8xtensions oil time and exira compensation as a nesult of incunring Lindiscloseid uliliiiEls will be determined in accordance wilh clac-lion C- CITY ON SAN JUAN CA A ISTRAP O AGREMMENT EASTRFIP WE[LS 0 BILI ING CIP 311 A-3 9(f) all the General Rravisions. The Clily's decision will be conclusive cm all parries la this Clonll rac1. Seclicin 8. 9xtna Wank. The Cantnacl price includes compensation ikir all wank perfaiimed by Clanlnactaii, unless Cantnaclan ab'lains a wnitlen change cinden signEic by a designalElc nElplilesenlalive all Clily specifying the exact na'ItinEi cif Ihe ex'Ina wank ant Ihe amount all Eixtna compensation to be plaid all as mane plarticularly sErl forth in Ileclicin 9 heiieol. City shall exlEind thEi lime fried in SEICtian 5 fail CclmpllEitian all the RncijEict t y Ihe numt er a'1 days Reasonably Required fan Clanlnaclail la plerfarmi 'It a extra work, as c elevnined by Clity's 9ngineElr. ThEi decisicm cd thEi Br gineeil shall be ilinal. Secl ion €I. Changes in RraiEicl. Al. Cily may al any lime, wilhciul nalice 'lo any SUREity, by written clnCEln designatec or inc icalEic to be a change cinCEir, make any change in 'Ihe work within the gEineral scape cif the Cantnact, including bu'I nail limilElc la changes: 'I) in 1hEi clIplecificalicins (including dilawings and designs); 2) in the lime, melhad cin mannen cif plElrlanmancE1 oll the work; 3) in the Cilly-furnished 'lacilities, equipment, mialeiiials, SEIrmiC£Is or SirlEl; cin 4) directing acceleralian in the Flerlanmance a1 the wank. B. A change cincEin shall also be any olheii wnitlen anc en (including ( ineclian, insln clian, inlenplrelaiian an c elEirminatian) flim 'It e Ci'ly which cauSEis any ct ange, pncividec CantRaclar gives the City wnitlen nalice staling ilhe da-Ie, cincumslances anc sauxe cif the aiic en and that Cantnactaii regaids the anc er as a change anden. C. Excepll as plravic ed in this Section 9, no circ en, slalen ten l ail cant ucil ail Ihe City cir ils iiepiiesentalivEls st all bEi liiealed as a ct ange undeii this Sealian 9 oil entitle Canlilaclar to an equitable adjuslmiEint. ❑, 1'1 any change under this EIecllicin 9 cauSEi, an increase ail c ecrease in Clantnactan's actual, direct cast on 'Ihe lime nEiquiiled ilei plerfarm any part all 'It a wank under this Cantiacl, whelhei on not changed by any order, the Clity shall miake an equitable adjus'ImEint anc mac ify the Cantnact in wniling. Bxcopl kir claimis basec cin de'leclive specillicatians, na claimi ikin any changEi uncEnl planagnarlt (0) abave shall be CITY ON SAN JUAN CA HISTRAPIO AGREEMENT EASTMR P I WE[LS C H ILl ING CIP 175 E-4 ailawed flan Giny casts incuurEd mare Than twenly (20) c aiys be'kine 1he Cantnaalar gives wnitlen ncrliae as rEquinec in paivagikiph (B). In 1he casE crl dE fecilivE specilicatians akin which the Clity is nespansible, the equitable aic juslrrienl s heill include any incnE ased dinecl nasi Clon'Inaicilon rEasanably inaunred in abEmpling to camply wish those defecilive S PE cifia ai ions. E. 11 Clan'lraclan ink nds 10 assE 0 a claim 'Ion Gin E quillable adjustmE n1 unden Ihis .lec'lian 9, ii muss, wilhin thirty (30) days af1E n 11CCEipl cifl a wdtlen chancles ander unden paragraph (A) or the funnishind oil a written notiCE1 unden paragraph (B), submil a wnittein stadlcmeint to the City sEtting lorlh the g6neiral nalune and rrionelaryl cxlent all such claire. the City may ex end the thir y (30) clay period. Contnaclor may includes the slaleimenl oil claim in thEi ncrliae under paragraph (B) all This SEiclion 9. R. Na claim by Contnaalan fon an equitable adjusimen'I shaill bEi alloweid it rriadEi aflen final payrrienf uncE n 'Ihis AgneernEinl. G. Canlractor henE by agrees to reakE any and all ct ancles, furnish the rrialErials aind perfanm the wonk 11hal City may rEquinE wilhout nulliNind Ihis Clantmat. Cantnaator shall adhere slniclly to the plans and rIpEciflicallians, unlEss a chanclE -It ene lnom is autharizec in wnitincl by the Clity. L ncen na canditian shall Clonllraciar rniakE any chancles lo the ArajEct, eiIhEr in addi'lions on deduatians, will houll the wnitlEn ordEn cif the City and the Ciiy shall no-1 pay lion any E)itna chancles made by Cantnactor that havE not bEen aclneEd upon in advance in wni'ling by JE Ci1Iy. Canlnaclor shall submil immediately Io the Clity written CopiEs oil its finm's Casl on cnedil proposal fan chancle in IhE wank. Disputed wonk s hall be perlonrriE d as andenE d in wnitind by the City and the pnapE r aosl or cnedil bnE akdawns 1hE ne-kme shall be submitled wilhaull delay by Conlracllon ilo Clity. H. It in the apinion of -It e Ciily's 8ngineen, i1 is in 'It a Ci'ly's bEsl WE nE sl and ill is deemad nEicessarM to praceed with Gi nequired Ct angE in the Coninacl Dacurrienls, and lime gnecludES submittal of the Cantnaaton's prapasal or, Iharouclt analysis cif the Caninacior': proposal, on IhE parties fail to nE ach an adnEemEnt, ilhe City may andE n it e Coninactor i1a pnaceed (PnaaeEd Onden) on the basis of a len'lative, nal to ExceEd price rased an IhE best E stirriatE available a1 IhE tiME , with 11he firm pnicE and IimE impact to irE dE Ienmined laler. If a Pnoceed Onden is iss uEd, the Contnaa lon stall submit his CITY OF 9AN JUAN CAPI8TRANO AGREEMENT 9ASTERN Vi ELI S DRIL LIP G a IP 171 9-9 proposal for the changE s in 'It a wank within 7 aalendar days a,l the Rnoceed Orden, and a Ct ange Order :tall be nEgotia-IE d and fully exE cutE d within 30 calf ndar days (11 the F roceed Orden. Seation '10. LiguidaiE( Damages lion DElal . IhE parties agreE that ill the total wank Calle( loin undE n -This Contraat, in all parts anc nequinE mE nts, is not completE d within the tirniE spea ified in lection 5 plus IhE allowance made lar dE lays cin E xtens ions authoniaE d unc E n SE(lions 7, 8 anc cll, 1h( City will sustain damagE, whict would bE exlnerniely difficult anc impnac1licable to ascerain. ThE pari iE s thenE fore agree that Contractar will pay to Ci1Iy the sum of On( Thausand Dallans ($1,000) pen day, as liquidate( damagEs, anc nat as a pEnal1ly, fon Each and E veryl Cale ndar clay c uring whia h ComplE tion of the Pnaject is so dE layec. Clontractan agreE s W pay such IiquidatE d damages anc further agreEs that City may affsE1l the amount oil liquicated darniagE s lrorri any rrianies due on 'It all may bE aame due Cantuaaton unden Ihis Cantnaci. Section '11. Conlnacl H MCE anc ME thoc of PaymE nt. Cily agneE: 1I(i pay anc Contractor aclnE E s to acCE pt as lull cans WE ration fon the laillhlul per#orrniance cif this Canteact, sut ject to any subs( quent additions cin c ed uctians as pnavided in appnovec change orders, the surra of Three HundrE d 0igh ly-Ma Thousanc ThreE Hundrec ant Rarly-Eighll Clollaus ($382,348.00) as itEmiaE( an the at achE( 9xhibit "A" Within tt iri y (30) c ays lnum the commenc( mE ni ail wort , tt E re s hall bE paic to IhE Contractar a sum equal to ninelly pencent (910%) of IhE value of the actual wonk completed plus a IikE pencentage cif IhE value al material suitably stoned all the waI4 site, 'InEatrriE ni plant (in appncivec sllonage yards subjECt la an under 'It a contnal cif 1hE City, since 11he cammencernienl oil the work as c eiE rmined by the Ci1Iy. TheneaflE n, on a sct ec tile issued by IhE City at the commencenienl oil the job whict show: a minimum of cinE payment made to the Cantracion pen manth fon eact successive manth as the work progresses and the requesll fon payment due dates 'Iram the Coninaatan la meet -It e paym( nt schedulE, 1ha Cantractan shall be paic suah sum as will bring the llotal payME nis received s ince the ccimrriE ncement of the we nk lip to ninety peiaenl (1:10%, of the value of the work aerriplE-led since 1lhe ccimmencE mens of wo6 as deienrriinec by 11he CITY OF 9 AN JUAN CAA ISTRANO AGREEMENT 9ASTERN VIIELL S DRIL I ING CIP 77! 9-9 City, IEss all pnevicius paymEnls, piicivided Ihat the Cantnaclon submits the nequEsl fon payrriE n1 pnion to It E end of IhE day nEquinEd Io ME el the payment schedule. ThE City will retain 'len pEraen'I (10%; o1 each appnoved progness paiyrrIEnt until It a Vitally is fifty pE ncE n1 (501A) carrIplE1E . Then, the C ily may at its aplion suspend fur t Er neiatinage until the final pnagnEss payment. -Hhe City RE serves 'It a night is nEinsta'IE up to len PE ncent ('10%; nE lainage of the total oil IhE \Houk iil'it E C ity determines, al its discuetion, 1hai1 the Contnaatan is nal pErforming the Wonk salisikiclouily, ar It elle is cithen spEcifia caus a akin suct iE lainagE . Payments shall be made on demands dnaiw n in 'It a manneii uequirEd by law, accompanied by a CErtilicaie signed by IhE Cily's 8nginE en, staling Thai the worl fou which payment is derriandEd t as bEen perfonmed in accoiidance with the leiims of the Contract, and Thai the arriounl slaled in IhE cerliftcaiE is due undeu the 1Errris cif the Conllracl. Partial paiymEnts on 'It a Contrac:i price shall not bE cansidEred as an aiccE ptance o11 any par all IhE Wonk. SEction 'I2. Subslilulion cilSecunilies in LIEU oil RelEnlian of Funds. Runsuani ici Public Conluacl CodE "Elecilicin 221300 ei seq., IhE Canlnactau will be EnWIEd to post appnoved sEcuniiles wilh the City cir an appnoved finanaial institution in cinden to have the C ily relEaisE funds retained by the C ily io inst HE perlonmance cif it e CanlRaict. Cantnactau shall be Required to execulE an addendum tai this Cantuact logetheu with escuow inslnuatians and any cilhEr dacumEnls in ouden to efleci Ihis substitution. 9eciion 1,3. CarriplEtiCln. Willhin ien ('I0) days afllEm 'It a conliiacl completion dale al IhE RrojEicl, Conivaiclor shall dile wi11h the City's 8ngineein its affidavit slatting Thal all wonkens and pensans erriplayed, all finrris supplying rrialeaials, and all subcontuactons upon the R najecl havEi bEE n paid in iluli, and that thenEi ane na clainis ciulstanding against the Piiojec-I for eilheu labon or material, exaepl those certain items, d any, ici be set ikirih in an affidavi'I covering dispulEd clairrls, all illerris in cannEdion with Stop Na,lices which have been filE d undeu 11he piiovisicins of IhE slaiu'les of the 9IalEi cif California. Clity may requinE CITI CIR 9A A .IIIA T CAP131RANCI AGR98 MINT EA31ERN WOLI 9 ORII LINGUR 715 B-1 affidavits cin cer ificale: cit paymenil aindkir relea; es horn any subcantnaiclon, lalbanen ail nialenial suppliE n. Seclion 14. Cantnacicn's B mplciyees' Ccimpensatian. Al. Davis-Bacon Acts Clonilractan will pay and will requine all subcanlnaclar, to pay all E mplayeE s cin said PncijE ct a saiarM (in wage al least Eqt al to -It a pnE nailing nale of pE n diem wages Els dEterminEd by the SEcrelaryl cit Labain in accandancE with the Davis-BEican �lc1 fan each cnaft an type all wonkE n needed to pE rlcinm the Conilracl. The p1Kivi3 ions ail the 13avis-Baican Acil : haill apply only if IN Cantnact is in excess al Twa That saind Dallans ($2,000.00) un when twenily Hive pewenil (25%) an mare ail 1hE Cainlracl is funded by fedenal assislance. If It a alkinEsaid canditians ane met, a caipy ail the pnovisians cif -Ihe Davis.Bacon Acl to be carriplied with ane inc anpanated herein Els a part cd this Cantnac i and reik niiE d 11ci by reference. B. GenE nal Prevailing RalE : Clity has ascE Mained ilrom the Stale of Clalifarnia DinE(tall crl Indusilrial Helaticins the genE nal prevailing rate cif pen diErni wages and the genEral prevailing vale far legal haliday and civ( ri ime wank in the lacailiily in wl ich the wank is 10 be pedcirmE d fan eact cnafl cin type of work nE edE d 'lo Exec utE this Conlracil, and copies of the same EnE an file in the Office of the Engineen crl City. ThE Canluaclan agnees that nat less than said prevailing nailE s shall be paid to wonkens emplaiyed on thi' public wanks conlract a; nE quined by Labon Code .leciicin '1774 of IN ."ItallE all Californ ia. C. FlarfEillunE Flan Vialalicin: Cantnaclan shall, as a penally to the Clity, larfE FI Flifiy Dallars ($5(1.00) far Each cvIendan day on pariian thEneaf fon eact wanken paid (eilt Er by the Cantnaclan cin any subccinina(tau undE n it) less 11han the prevailing ualE of pen diE m wagE: as se'l by tt E Dineclar al Indt silikil RElatiam , in accordance wiilh SEclions 177(1-'178CI cif 11 he California Labar Cade lkin the work pnavided lar in Ihis Clanlnact, all in accordance with Sec-lion '1775 cif the Labar Cade of the .Ilate of Cali-lornia. D. TravEI and EIubsislencE pan: CITY 0 A SAN JUAN 0ARISTRAt 0 AGREEMENT EAS-NE R PI WML L9 DRILL ING CIP 173 EI-8 :lecticin 1773.8 cif the Labon Clade o-1 the Shite of Cali'lonnia, rega Wing the paymernl cd tnavel and subsistence parymE nis, is applicable 11a 'Itis Clanlnacl and Caninactar shall comply ihenewith. 9. AppnE niicE s: 9E ction '1777.5, 1777.E1 and '1777.7 of the Laban Clode oil the Eltaille of California, regarding the employment of apprentices, is applicable to this Clanlnact and the Contractor shall comply ihenewith if the prime canlnacl involves Thiry -llhausand Dallairs (930,000.00) or more cin twenty (20) working days, an rrionE; ar ill contnacla of specially Cantnactons not bidding fon wonk Ihnough the gE neral on prime Clon1lracilan EIQE llwo llhousand Dollans (12,000.00) on mone on five (5) wcnrking days or mane. I'll. V`onkdav: In the perfarmancE of lhis Contract, not mane than eigh1l (8) haters shall constilute a day's wank, and Cantnactan shall not requine mare 11han eight (8) hcILIAS of laiban in El daffy fnorn any person employed by him heneunden except as provided in panagnaph (a) abavE . Clonllractan sl all con'kmm to Pldicle 3, CII apter 'I, Rar 7 (1leclians 1810 Ej sea. of the Labor Code of the Slate cif Calillomia and shall lkideit to the Ci'ly as a penalty, -It e SUM all 11wE my-five ❑ollairs ($25.00) lion each wcrnkE r E mpkryed in the EXE cullicin o1 this Contnaict by Clonlnaclan an any subcantnactor 'Ion Each calendain clay duning which any worker is nEquined an permitted to labon mane Ihan E igh11 (8) hour; in any anE calf ndan day and forty (40) t ours in any one \NE ek in vialalicrn all said Article. Cantnactor shall keE p an aiccunarle record showing the name and acllual hours worked each calEndar day and each calendan week by each wonkE n E mployed by Contracton in connection with the RnojE Ct. G. Record of Wages; Inspeclion: Contnacton aignees to Maintain aiccuna to paynall neconds showing the name, address, social secunity number, work classillicaitian, stnaight-limE and av( dime hcwrs %anked each day and week, and the actual pen diE mi wagE s paid to each jaunneyman, aipprenllicE , warkEr or all' Er ErriplayE a employed by it in connection with the FlnajE ct and EICIAEE s to require than each all its subcontnacllans does the same. All paynoll reconds shall be CE rlilied as acculOtE by tl E applicablE Cantnaiclor or subconlnaclau or its agent havin g au l hority ovE r s uch mattE ns. Clanlnacton ilud hen agneE s II at its paiynall records Q ITY O■SAN,IUAN CAH ISTRANO AGREEMENT 9ASTERN WEI LS QRILI ING CIP 7M 8-5 and -If ose o'l ils a ubccinlracicirs shall be available 'lo 11he employee or Eimplque's uepuesen'lalivE1, 11he Uiviaion oil Laban Siandards 9nikircemen'l, and the Divisicin c11 Appren'liceship Slandanda and stall coniply wVh all al 11he pnovisians all Labor ClodEr "leci icin 1776, in general. 9eclian '19. 9uuety Bands. Cantuactar stall, bEifone Ernteuing upon thEi percnimancEi of This Conilracll, ilurnish bands appncived by the City Caunsel -- onEi in the amouril al ane hundred peucenll ('1001A) of the Ccrnlliacl pnice bid, to guaranleer thEi ilaiIt lkal perforrniance cif 11he work, and the olf eu in thEi amaun'I cif one hundned peuaenl ('1001A) al 11he Clanlnacl pnice bid to guauan'lee payment of all claims -kui labon and rnialenials fuuniahed. phis Conluacl shall nal became effeclive until such bands ane supplied to and appiiaved by 11he Ci11y. SEiclion 16. Insuuancu. A. Conluaclor i; alio aware all 11he provisions Of 90ctian 3700 of the Labar Cade, which uequineis Eiveryl employen to bEi ins unad againsl liabilily ikir Workers' CampEim align ar under akEi sfdf-insunance in acccmdance wish thEi pncivis ions of that Cade and will comply with such pravisians bekinEi COMMEinaing the periallmance a-1 the wank ail 111' is Cantuacl. B. Clanlnactali and all subccinluaclars will canr}I wad ens' campensalian insurance fou thEi piiatecllian ail ills employeE s during 11he puoguess of the wank. ThEi insuuer shall waive ila righlls cd submagallicin againsl Clily, HS OfficEus , agEnts and employEes and shall issua a cerliilicale ilei 1hE policy evidencing same. C. Con'I raccluu stall al all 1 irries carry, on all opeualians hE neunden, bodily injuryl, inaluding dealh, and pnopery daniage liabiliily insunance, inaluding aularnotive upeualiana, badiIN injury and propf riy damage caverage. All insunancE caveriage ,hall be in amounts spEci-iEd by Cily in Ja Insurance Aequirerrif nls and shall be Evidenced by 11he issuance cif a aer ificale in a -kiiim prE s cdbed by the Cily and shall be unde►vr ni1lE n by inauuance companies satisilactar71 Ila City fou all aperalicins, s ubconluact woo , conluaclual abligatians, praduct On ccimplE led apena-lions, all ownE d vehicles and non-owneid wihicles. Said im uuancEi coveuagei clbiained by the Clonlraclou, Eixcepiing waukE ns' COMPE nsaiion coverage, shall name IN Clily, its DirEclors, Officers, AIgeinls , 13mplaNces, 9nclinEEms, and Consulllanls kir Ihis canlnacl, and all public ageinaies fnam CITY OR SAN JUAN CA F ISTRANO AGRERMEN7 EASIRR('I WEl L9 0 R ILI ING CIP 171 B-10 wt am punmits w ill be ab-laineld and tt EW DNE clan , Ofllcar; , AgE n1s and EmplayE E s, a: WE m7ined by 11he City, as addi1licinal in; uuE ds cin said palicies. D. HE flare Conlraclan perlanrnl: any wank at, on pnE pares au delivers malE vials -Io, IhE site all cansluuclian, Cantmalar shall funnist cE OlicatEs all insunance evidencing 11he laregaing insurance cavEragE i and : uch cerlillicates shall piiavidE -Ihe name and policy number of Eiach caunieu and policy and 11hat IhE insunance is in lance and will not be canaelEd wilhaul Ihir y (30) days' wnitlE n nalice to Ci11y. Contraclon shall maintain all cd it E laregaing insunance cavE nages in fancE until the wark unden 11t is Canbiact is llully camplE led. llhe requinEmEnt lan canrAing the laregaing insurance shall nat denagalE tuorn the puovisians far indemnitica-licm cif City bbl Canlnaclau unden Sectian '17 all this Con0act. I`aMithc tanding nar diminishing 1hE abligalian9 at Cantuaclar willh nEspect 1a tt E ilanegoing, Canlraclan shall subscribe tar and mainlain in ilull farce and efiE at duping the li'le cd This Cantmat, -IhE following insurancE in arnlounts not IESs 11han 1he arrlounts :pecHied and issued by a company admitted in Califaunia and having a 9es1's Guide Railing of A-Class 1►11 ar bEtteu: Warker's ClornlpEnsalian In accandancE with -IhE Wankers' Campensa-lion Ac11 at-It e Stale of Califounia -- Minimum of $i,aoo,00a Rublic Liabilily, in the larm cit $i,aoo,oC10, pen accurnence, cm ON n Campnehensive GEnenal altennatively, Liabililly an ClammErcial Genenal $i,aOCI,oC10 aggnE galle, sE paralE Liabilily wniti en an a peu-accunnE ncE lar this pncyE c1. basis AullamabilE liability, including $1,000,000 per accunuence nan-awned and hired vehicles CI1 Y OF 9 AN, l A P I CAPIS- RJ NO AGRE HMP Il AA;TERN NIEU 3 DRII L ING CIN 715 8-11 City on its repnesenlatives s I sill all Ell lirnies have ilhe nigh'l to inspect and ueceive the aniginEl cin ai cert lfied capy of all said p alicies of insunance, including cera ificates. Conlractan shall pay the puerniums cin the insunance heueinabovE requinEd. Sea tian ' 7. Risk and Indernm iflcation. VIII waO coven d by t1 is Canlnaat done a-1 the sill( of canstruclian an in pnE pairing an delivening malE n'ads 10 the site shall bE at 1hE risk of Clan-lnacilan alane. Clan-lnaictan agilE es la save, indemnify and keep Clily, its Diu( clary , Ofilicens, AgE"is, Emplayees, Engin eE ns, and Cansullanls fan This Clanlnaicl, and aill public agenciE s ilrarri wham permits will be ab-lained End thein Directans, Oflicens, Agents and BmpicryeE s hEinmiess agains-1 an)1 and all liabilil)I, claims, judgmEnts, cosls and demands, including demands ainising foam injuniEs ou dearth of pE nsans (Caninaclans' emplayees inaludE d) and damage 1a plKipE rty, ainising dinectly an indinectly ouil oil-Ihe aibligatians hErein un dE d0 en on aut of the ap( nFrliains conducted by Canlnacton, savE and exCEpl claims an liligatian arising ihnaugh 11he scale n(gligE nce on sale willful misconduct all Clity, and will make gaad to and nE imbunse Cli1)I lar any Expenditunes, including nE asanablE atonneys' kE s City maty incur by neasan of such matters , and A neques-led by City, will dellend any suct s uils at 1hE salE cast and expensE of Canlnaatan. 9eclian ' 8. Slap NOIicE Adminis-Inail ion. City rE s ernes the night la change Canlnaiclar fan City's aclual administnailive timE (including Fit anney's timE ) to adrministE n and pnac( ss s top notices filed by Contnaatar's s ubconlnactars, rmatE nialrmen, an any athE r claiinianl or .lienholder. Section ' 9. TE rmination. 11. This Conluact ma)l be terminEitEd in whalE on in part in wniling by eithen pair 11 in the even) cif su,ibstanlial tailunE by the othE n party to -Itlfiil ills abligailians unden this CanlnEict lhnough no fault all the 1Erminating party, puovided That no tenminatiain may be efieated unless the olhE n pairty is given: (1 ) nat less Ihan ten ('10) calEndain days' writtEn notice (delivEred by cE dillied mail, netunn IIE CEipt uequEsled) all inlEnt la tenminate, and (2) an opparlunity lar consullatian wiilt the -Iermina-ling party piicin 10 -1enminail ian. B. This Conilnact may be tenminailed in wt ole or in part in wniling by the City akin ills canveniE nce, puovided That the Clonilnacilan is given (' ) not IE ss than IEn (10) calendan days' writtEn nafice (delivered by UrlilliEd mail, nellunn reCEipt nequesled) ai CITY OF SAN,UAN CAPISTRANO AGREEMENT MA STERN WELLS DRIL LING 0 IP III B-12 intent to tenminate, and (21) an opportunity lar const. Itaticin with the terminating par y p0cm to teiminaitian. C. It teiminatian lion deikiull of ccinveniencEi is eflacleid by IhEi City, an equ'rlable adjustment in the p1icEi providEid skin in this Contract shall bEi mado, but (1) na aMOL nt shall be allawEid floe anticipaled prafil an unpEirlcirmcd ser\ices all tither wonk, and (a) any paymEint due la 1hEi Conlnacton a1 the timE1 cit tEmminalian may bEi adjusted to coven any add iIianal casts to thEi Clity bEicause of the Cantmctan's default. 111 tenminaition fall deilkiull is EiffeclEid k y the Clcmtracton, the equitable adjuslaienl shall include a reasonablEi pnolli'l kin seRicEis or tither work perfonmed, but na aidjus'ImEM will be allowed fon an'licipallEid gncifits. The Eigt itable adjus'ImEint lkin tiny termination shall providEi lar pErymenl tai the Contneicton fon seRicEis iiendenEid and expenses incurred prior to the teumination, in addi'lian to lerminatian setllerricni costs reasonably incuniied by 1hEr Conlnaclon relating to commilmernts which had beicame ilirm priaa to the 1Einmination. D. L pan neceipt oil a tEirminatian action unden panagnaphs (A) oa (B) at OvEi, thEi Clanlnaclon shall (1) pnorriptly discontinue all aflected \monk (unless thEi nail ice dinEictS athemiiSEi), and (21) deliver on otharwise make availablEi to the Clity all data, dkiwings, spEICHicatians, Iiepciris, estimates, summanias and such tilt en inikinmalion and materials as may havEi been accumulated by the Clanlnaclon in performing this Canlnact viihethen completed of in prcacEiss. 0. Upon tEmminallion unden panagnaphs (A) an (8) above, the Clity may take aver the worl and may awand anothEin par y an aigffiemenl to corriplelEr the wonk undEln 11his Clontnacl. Contnactou agnecs tai perfonm all vionk unden this Contract in accondancE1 with the City's deisigns, daawings and spOcifications. "rhe Clantnacloii guananteeis fon a pemiad a,l at IEVISt ane(1) year,fnom the datEr ail substantial completion o-1 thEi wank-II at IhEr carr plated wort is fnee ilrorn all defects due Io faulty mateiiials, equiprriEint of wort manship and thal her shall promptly maM a wheiIMEir adjustments ort cciniiectians which may be necEissar) to cuue any dEifecls, including nepairs o-1 any damage to alf or parts cif the system NEisulting facim such dErfEiCts. 'rhEi City shall pnompily gruel no-licu to the Conteaator cif obSEirved defects. In the evEmt 'It ai thEi Clantnaclon fails 'Io make adjusimunls, nEipairs, coniuclions on olhei wank rr adEi neccs sari by such delEicts, Zhu Clity may do so and change the CX1 OF 9V ,IIIA D CAPISIRM O A GRMONIE P T EA97ERN YISLI S DRII LING CIR Alf U-13 Caninaadar the cast inciunee. the perionmE ncei tont shill nemain in lull farce anc effect ihnaugti the c ueirsrte3e pgrioc. The Caniracicirls obligations uncen this alause mic in site itian to it Ccininactai's tither express or impiliad a ssune noes u r de r this Ccini rci ci an state Jami arc it no way c iminish siny athen nighis tt all thea Clity may helve against the ConfilValcir akin faulty mE teirials, eiquirImer t or wcrk. Sect iein X. Assicr imer t. No Essignmeri'l ty ihei Ccintneictan ail this CanWict cin any part liercial, or of fiJnds is tai receiivad hereurider, will to rattle nim by thei City unless au& assigrmeri,l ll hed priaiwritien aclgncival Bind ccinsaril 01 the Cily end lha sc nErly. Electicin 21. Altarnays' Rees. If any E ctiari Ell law on in eclufly is necessary -la enilkincm or in-learlrell if a -lerms cif this Clarrinact, 11he gieivailincl rlariy sheill bE Eintiilad la reeisanable aillanneys' fees, costs aric neeessery c isturseimienils in accelion 'la E niy alhan nelief 11a wrier it meiy tE Entitlec. If any actlion is traughil ceclainsll the Caniracic n an any sutcontliaeiar 110 arkince ei %fItap h office or Ncitice to Withr ole, whish rieimEls it a Clity as a plairty to saie sic ion, the City shall he antillac to reeisonEible altarneys' fees, casla and riecesscry cisbursemeinis Einisirig cwt till the deleinse of such Eictiari by ttla Crly. Thel Cli-ly stE ll be enlliileid 1lo ceducl FIs cas-Is far any S1IoFl Notice filed, wr eitt•ein,caur sic ion is invalveic an nal. actian:12. ResalL'lion cd Dispu as. llhe Clily aric ire Clonillracdcin shall comply wish the revisians cif Clalikrniai Rutlici Caniiiacis CIocEI Sac ions 20104, erl se ., re(gaidinic resalulion at canstructiari claims lion any claims whict arise between lha Conlnac an and the Ciiy. Section '913. Nalic:es. Any naticei recluinac cm Fleirmit-led under this Clantrac may ba given ty ardiriary mE it ell it a eidclless sed far h telciw. Any pleirty whose E dcress chariges shall nio ify 1It1 e al her Fpirty in writ incl. To Ci,ly: City cif Elan Juan Ceiclistiana 21�Ram sacs Ac aleinia Elan Juan Claplistreno, CA 912478 I-tin: L tilities Direct an a ITY OF SAN JUAN CA PISTRAP la AGREEMENT EAST9i1? WEI La DRiLL ING CIA 775 B-14 lo Cantnactar: SoCal Rump and \A all Drilling,Inc. 19'10 Ralmyuilla /Iva. Rivers ide, CIA 92507 ;Ibn, 91' iniey E Eiand IN WITNOSS WF BREOF, the parties herela havE executed -It is Canslnuctian (Ionilraci as o" the dalle first henEinabove wnitien. CITY OR SAS JUAN CAPISTRANO .. By: h ank Niels en M ayon :IOCAL RL MR AIN 11 V1 SLL DRILLING, INC. e y: c - JhinlE) Beard RnEside nt pITTBSm E y: art R. Monaha City CIE nk APPROVED AS TO RORM: By: L Oma Sandaval, Cilly A orney CRY OF BAN ILIAN CAP131RANO AGR9EMONT EASTERN N EUS DRII LIP IG CIR 735 E-A 1 1 I 1 I BIC I This is EXHIBIT AI,consistinc of one page, refs rre d to in made and I a part o the I ACIREEMENiI I eM sen the CIWNER a nd the aONTRACITOR ' BID TCI: CITU OF SPIN JUAN CA11ISTRANCI TI,e t ndersigne d Bklder Il ra poses a nd a gross,If ti is Bid is aaca p ed,to e n er into a n Al gree men with the Cltty in tf a farm ineludc cl in the Contract Dau ments(as defined in Article iI o the Agreement)to pgrform tt a Work as speaified or Indicated in said Clontrac Doct menta entftlacl: Drilling and lDev6opmwd a Eastern Wells C.I.P. No.771 Bit Icler aacepts all of tt a tem s and conditions of it a Contract Doauments,isalut ling without limitation those in tfle Notice Inviting Elds.nd the Ins n ctio ns to Bidders dealing witt the clisgosilion o the Bid Sect rity. 1 TI is Bid will rem a in a pen for the ped e d s ated I in the Notice Invi ing Bids,unle ss otherwise required by latei. Bidder will anter irr o;n A groom ant witt in the time and in It a me nne r require d in tt a Ins ructions to Bidtlers,and will fumist the insurance ca rlrfiaates, Payment Bond,Perfarmance Bond, and all Permi s reqs ired t y tt a Cla ntraot Documents. Bidder has exr min ed a opie s a f all the Clontra ct Doo um a nts,inaluding tt a fa Ilowing A We nda(receipt of Y iiia t is I e rebll 1 ackrowiaclged): 1 G 1 Nt mbe r ( M to �-"l3_ 1 Numt er Ila to Numk er Date l Number [late 1 Bidder has familiarize d itself with if e n ature an cl ex est of the Contract Doauni ants,the Work,the site.the localitj wheral i the WoM is to be pe rforma cl,the leg a I re quirelments(federal,W to,a nd local law. ,ordinances,rhea,and reg t lations), and the conclitic ns affect Ing cos,p rogres s,a r pe rforme nce of tt e W ori I,an cl he s rn ads sue h independent investigati(xis as Bidder cleems sacessary. In conform, n ce with tt e 4L hent s tatu ory reqs irene nts of Ca liforn is La bor Cocle Seation 188C,e t se q.,the t More igned confirms the followinc as its 4artiflaatian: E i arm am are of it a prow cions of Seatia n 3700 a f the Lat or Code,whict require eN ery eml loge r to k e in sure d against link 1141 fa r+oiorker s aom gensation,or tot nderta ke self-insurance in aceordanaa Witt the provisions, ' before commencing the gerfom anee of the Worl of tt is C7ontract. To all the foregoing,and inaluding all Bid Sohedt le(s),List of Sutk ontraotors,Nan-collusion Affidavit,Bldcle rs Clenen I information,,nd Bid Bont I con aired in ti ese Bid Rorma,said Bidde r furthe r ac ret=s to complete tt a Wa dl re quired uncler the Clontrac Doauments within the Ca n1 rac Tim e s ipt late d in said Clontra ct Dahlman ts,and to aacellt In full pa line nt there or tt a Contrac Priea be seal on the I Limp Sum or Unit Bid Price(s) named in the aforementioned Bidding Sche clula(s). Dated: `�' 0 / Bidden By: J (Signature)001 rr�� X081..-3ona l,waa END (PROPC:ISAIL) him 2001 130 FOP MS - PAIGE 'I 1♦ I1� This is Page 1 of Exblhit 8 consisting of 6 pag as,referred to in and made a part of the AGREEMENT between tl a OW NER and the wI CONTRACTOR. Irl E ID SCHEME 11111 CIP h t]. 775 Ir R SOUTH COOKS WEIUL N Schedule A N Installatlon of Auger Hole M R 1 em Qaact pI Ion Es Inim eil Uni Unh Amount No. Quantity Price M All Mobilization I LEI A2 26"to 30 N C iani eta n by a W N inirs uni 115 l F Thickness Temporary Steel Casing $ /72 $ / ,I,:)ga I X13 Auger hole '115 LF 1 A14 Mobilization and Clemobilization of Pump. 1 LEI Resting Equipment $ e2 QDD $ e ODD i $ $ 116 Site Pnel aration and Clieanup .1 LEI AI7 Idditianal (Engineer IIppiaved) C:ontnac oe 48 h R Standby Time $ 2(J $ At Cemobilization 1 L;I $2DD0 $ z o oG Subtotal fon Old Schedule A $ fos- FQRMU-3a LNl1 TRIG■ LH IT RRI00 BIC MCI-EC t1 L E Nw W unn.w a BIC FORM:I-PAIGE 1 r Schedule B , Insiallailcin of Casing and Sclreen Item Descrlpr Fon Estimated Unit Unit Anioun No. Ouarttltv Price . 91 Blank M(It Cas ing '16° Uiameter x 5A 61' 72 LF Minimum Thickness 316 SS S�2 2 s 3 B2 Steel Wir( Wrap Well E cneen, '16° Diameter 30 1 F by 0.050"or 0.060"Opening 316 SS $ $ B3 16" Diameter x 5,116"Thick Clelle r Pipe and .10 LH End Ca 316 SS $ $ B4 Glrai is I Paak, 8 x '16 on 6) 12 Gradation 59 LF B5 Remove liemporary Portion of a E"to X Diameter by Nil" Minimum-lhil aness, Steel 'I 13.9 LF Casing. $ $ 2 `7�� B6 Cloncaete E ankary Seat 60 LF $ 13C $ 7�?4d B, Alignment Hest 1 LS $2064 $ 1 D C o • 98 RUrn ping Deii(iopment 81 PraclllctioR I Is Testing $2�d ODD $ 2 op . 99 Disinfectian '1 L; MOO $ )000 B10 Color Vic If a Log .1 Lc • $ 92(JD $ IZ4t3 B11 3"Gravel Pacl Read Line and Cap(3'16 67 LF /, SS 7 with Padlock I a ck $ Z.. $ 29141 . 9'12 2"E ounding Tube and Clap(3,16 SS)Witt f LF Padlock Lock S Sublolai fon Bid Schedule 8 $ /© f monk 11-w I I IhirT RI ICU L N IT PH IC19 BID:CH EEIULE - o�iOC1 BID FOAIV: - PAGE 2 N Schedule C Aklandon huller Holt Rem Desaript on ii stimaw Unit IN It Aniaunt No. Quardity PrWe Ci' Alban da n men t 04 Auger F ole and LS Installation of Impervious Seal and Backfill I $2S GSD $ .2 Z040 a2 Dia pgsal of Excm ated and Rerw ova I 1 LS N ateriah an c Bacl ftilin g witl Inn ported $ d L $ /GT 0 �II Sacl fill h aterial 5ubtotdi for gid Schedule C $SDUD SUB110TAL - SC UTH CC OK9 W EL L(SCHEDUL ES A 8 a) Fa i the sum al !-o� !il 11 l9/,3G y (Price in figures) Nate: Schfidul(i C is lail inicinmaiicln all punpaiseis ciniy. !�I WELL 5A Schedule D Installation of filuger Hole 1 sm Description ilstlmated tic Unit Anioun No. Quantity Price I7' Mobilization 1 LS $ $ 171 26"to 30" Diameter by 318" Minimum . 15 LF Thickness Temporary Steel Casing 1 $ 122- 113 lager E ole 115 LF $ MS- $ 2 Z 1-126-- 134 2S1]4 Mobilization and 13emiot ilizr tion of Pump 1 1 SI Testing E ui ment1 z 40C $ 2 !J 1 $ $ 136 Site Preparation an d Cleanup 1 Is $ o $ /006) E17 Alddilional (9ngineer Ppproved)Contrac or 48 HF Standby Time $ 2 06 $ 6D 138 Demobilization LS $ Subtolal I& Bid Schedule C $�6S 1016 tPA ICE UN IT PF ICE BID SCIHHDL LE II ow 2 011unk.*pd un .wpd BID FORMS- PAIGE 3 t� :Iche(lute E Installaticin(if Casing and Sateen I en Dascrip Ion Estimated un I Un It Ardount No. Ouantity Price E1 Bit n Well Casing 16" lliameter x 5)16" 712 LF Minimum Thickness 316 SS $ z $ 02 Steel Wire Wrap W ell9crsen, '16' Cliameter 30 LF , by 0.050"on 0.060"Opening 316 SS $ .3 ,�— $ /L OSp E3 16" Diameter x 51161'1 hicl Cellar Pirx an cl '10 LH End Ca 316 SS $ S-7e s5-260 ' E4 Grave Pack, 8 x '16 or 6 x 12 Gradation 59 LF F $ z $ G i Els Remove Temporary Portion of 26"to 30" i Diameter by 3,8' N inin cern Tl icknes9, Steel 113.5 LF i Casin . $ c tt 2 S I E16 Concrete Sanita ry ,le a 1 60 L F s Z3,0 $ 7900 � i E17 IIlignmentTest 1 LS $200D s24,00 24b { 88 Pumping Uevelopme n EI Produc ion I L9 T estin g $.2g,'pp p $2 EOoo1 E39 Elisinfeation 1 L9 $ 104 s /0,90 E110 Ciolor%idea Log 1 is ! $ /2oa $ 12-00 ! E111 3"Gravel Pack Fee( linear( Cag(316 67 LF SS) witt Padlock Lock I s, 1/2— $ :2 S� I 812 2"Elot r cling 1 ube and Clap(3'16&9)with 4 LF i Padlock Lock $ 4S I $ 266 ! Subicital foo Old Schedule E I I I I I 1 +I 1 Fro F M F.•3D7 i NIT PRICE U N IT PH ICEI BID 901-E13ULE3 ►+o M uin.Wpa 8113 FOPM.rI- PAIGS 4 Schedule F Abandon Auger F ole item Desarlptlon EA tIrmtet Unk Unl Anwunt ,I No. Quanft Price F1 Pbandonment of Auger H ole and 1 is Installation of Impervious Seal and Backfill s-25",9,00 $ 2 S ODD ,I Ila 17ispos al of Excavate c and Rern oA al 1I LS N ate rials an(I Bacl f illin g witt ern A o rte cl $ L DL IG $ /G/OL D Backfill Material lubfolal fol Bid Schedule F $_3�&DOL SLETUM - WRL11 SA IISCHBDUUSS D 81 B) Far the sum cif I_� , L Y �l_ (Price In figures) Nclte: Schedule F is iloa iniarmEtiam I plunpluses cinly. A TCITAL - FOR SOUTH CC011S WELL AND WELL ;IfiI I1SCHEDULES A, B, E, alnid E) � pU Far 1he sum of 39 2.3 i _ (Price in figures) (Priae Inwoods) 1 r f Ian ie o f Bidde r a t Arm I BAVIV OF AWARD: The low bid s hall be the s um of schedules I, E, El,an d G.Hchedules C and F aile'lo be at thonized as a change ordeil to the conlracl only it the welll1s)can not be completed as planned :loulh Cool s Well N olice io Proceed will be given inilially lou Sid Schedule El ON 0. Schedule A consists of installation of the Auger F ole to allow telling oil the aquifen and 1he quality of 1he wale i produced. Eased on an evalualion I of the testing and the waten quality produced by the aquilen, a decision will be rn ade 10 construci 1) I {Schedule 6) an extraction only well, on 21) {Schedt le Cl) abandon the Auger F ole. N o guailaniee is made l .Thal a Notice To Rroaeed will I:a isst ed lois an)l parr o tt a puoject oiheil It an Bid Schec ule A. The Owden les ernes the n ghi io Awand eaat Schede le sepanale ly wiihout irn pact fo,Ihe pnice paid i o It a contiacton foil I A01Mu•3M unrreRICO LH IT RRUE BID SCh ECIL i 8 X0WNm opo "r t BIC FORMS- RAGE 5 1 1 � any olhen por ion. The cu,ii nacton shall include all cost; lou rn oblii ration of eclL ipment to per orm all of the wonk uequined by;at edules A, on B, on C in ;at edule A. No additional me nies will be paid Ilou mobilizalicn ou demobilizatic n of additional equip mens requined to perform-Ihe V onk. The aoninaclon ag Hees as pari of this Bid Rnc pos al that the Additional(E ngineen Approved) Hourly Clonlaaclon S-lan dby Time is all the compensation tt a coninacton s t all receive fon sta ndt y and impact caused by the Owrlen cndened delay-,11c revieH and assess conditions uelated 10 construction of the well. The Bid item quanlit in B id Item A71 may be mote on less than tl a quantity listed in the H id Schedule Al. Well 5A Notice'lo RIK ceed will be given inii!ally for Bid Schedule DON LN. Schedtile.U a onsists of instalial'on o1 the Alugen Hole to allow testing of the aq uifeu and the duality of the water pnoduced. Based on an evaluEdion c f the testing and tt a waleu quality prc duced by the aquiteu, a decision will be made to constrict 1) Schedule E, an extraction only well, on 2) JEchedt le H] abandon the Ai gen hole. IN o guarantee is made that a N otiae Tc Rrnceec will be issued lou any pari o'l the project oihei it an Bid Schedule D. Tlhe Owner neserves the night to Alward each Schedule sepauatel)l without impact to the pnice paid to the contracton ilor any olhen por ion. The coninactot shall include all costs lon mobilization o-1 equipment toper orm all oll tt-e worn ueq uined by Schedules D, or E, on R in Schedule 11. h c addillonal monies will be paid for mobilizailon on demobilization of additional equipment red,ired to perlonrn the work. The coninacicr agrees as part o,, 'It is Bid Rnoposal that the Additional 119ngineerAppnoved) Hcurly Conivacton Standby Time is all the compensailon the contnactou shall necei ie 11or slandby and impacl caused bytheOwrlen ordered delays'lo neview and as s ess a onditlons nelaied to constnuciion of the well. Tlhe Bid ilern duantity in Sid Item D71 may be mone c u les s than the quantity listed in the Bid Schedule A. 101 MU-M OF rrsoME L Nlll RRICIE Ril]SCHE13U LE xoJ01nn.,.p I CW 11 RID FORK S - RAIGS 9 -. ::. i .. ... ,,, _.: ::= =. .. '' . : .... -.:: ..: : ... : .. B .Bf�ND•: - i[Nw A :i:: B :TME F'IR .: : : ,.- .. ... 5 perm ru 7 ;5�,ok P& 11e1f w� ;.1r .. % . ... ., , .. .-. �. pncf Was#irrltora lriterriatC6rt Xns :. ,�. . . -:, lai,aRCe t f�eid�1.��•b�u�Atli Tl�te .. . ." . , Cocrfl�anu - :�tyr.. ." rf � i 1 i�diad th$"C]tA Sei" tFl 9 rtif-G i::. �n Par of: rd Achgt�rlt ... 3' a. .,. a� ►f bre}"a 644 -- - - 1. l� .. (noi lea�+ r a 0 p�rrft a# sE: f the b�3j; FlB; QE WhCf1 Tlr fAF9 elnd. E !T► �� 1NA:J�S1yto I $�,9C�$,' -a3dm l#br „�[nc es, ,r a grr u�ra ,aii crly.'. ti. 00,.. 1Alli�R , i(d 'r1r Tpelh 3 nE# ski to saitl perfc�rrri. ti �NQrlt"riaquir t�htiei'tfi ma I_..:... ..- -.. :; !' rlt»d` ; id►tft : li : +llT6 h�L V1I. 'HE1 E RI ,ff_ kl rirraipal as tt d Ci�nau :i :, d-�7a" r. 1�'[t i7."th�:.m� i�f:tl •.. 117411'fl1QY#7, quirlid f6 O �r"tVr�€1� tf riiEl3C t}1 iAf1# 117C !bii l 1.m. I.� i��iSi x#15 7aAr11�iCr .T(14�r 6t1�Qi _ t!F! SIB �3rrt1 l B 18f1Glik1C M1 # $ X3011 ,-:E�Id p;3�1BS MI6 - �` tib :irt [ l;�i ndfl t��1.F r glsh+ee i c�fa3t�.i�ar a , .ftl rthi �e hal " .... :e1n�void,taf'bi*"I'Sh�rorty, m#ii1�f i tfect.•��rrt�t e t m i 'brr lt. r -atrrf blamer prvatis,saidre 'slraq:p> /eUTAirCaxrd try ssil1.i7�rfJe�`:tri itm+ i a g' i is6ri i i4niy'ey.is 1e8 ter b tiiiw by�ths u t:. ; .. . ,. _ . ... . �N�: t1.Ei :1=e v, . 1. :... - . ( r tr ( j ,:: .. AowE EiEtri StJE - I_ :. . .- - `sa. (. 7 oy .= :. ( 1 � . , . --"--,---­-:---'_--'---'-.-,----.. - 0 - .. .�,_- - - .:, : [. ?eirr►p!$�. erxr'a iris~ - t4ihift ir+[ernatty�&G c,,, .:" - ... .- .. : . ,., . . , - - . ti. :. sLLL n.':. #..--: - ;F ct.'. --;" �:.-. _ : Y" .y .. .: .. ism awlto iD ," { i{}.S�C+YIf i`fYi _- Yfltlhmiaviptlii3- {' Fl1+JIS-.'P.l�ii>e B �. 4au1 e• - ''. " I . STARE C F S.L C( UNn (F C I , bafom me, 1►9- LIl Oh) N olary Public PERT(NALLYAPPF4RELI Aaarronally kna wn to uie(oii Am vad to Baa sin to a basis of sati Ifaatorr ii viz ante)to 1 e tha parsmr(s)whane nama(s)islaw scibsaribad to td a wild in instrnunant and i ckntiwlec gad to ma that he sho0l a] axauaihid td a lama in d ish elfthai,i aufd oriaad,iapunityjjiai),acrid that i I-his/he.AA ein sidnatui a s)om the int triunient td a parsan(s),a,i td a autirl ullon bahalj I (f wd icA td a perison(r)aulec,axadutad tha histit niamt. EY lA 1. ROR O r *- COMM. 1 18026412 WIMIES9mij-hand and affm aJsaal. Nulaq ILbha • a I IIda(Ila x Rive r.l ide County zotrm.EXWS.tun.27,2012 9 Signature This area far(faial Natanial Sial O P-110NAZ Thougl thr data belcmi is act requited t y lam I, it may llralve valuath to pgrsuna relying or file dowment aid could preuest fraudulent reatUlcl ment of this farm. CAPACITY CLQ WED BY SIGNER DISCRIPnCIN 01 ATTACHND DO UN ENT ❑ &IDIVIC l A L ❑ 4OF BORATE OHFICIR TITLE OB TYRE OF DOCUME NT TMIR ❑ RARTIIBR(S) ❑ I IMITH ❑ GENEF AL ❑ ATTOB P aWN-BACT P It IMII E R OF R AGES ❑ TRUSTBE(S) ❑ GUARDIANK OPISERVA11OA ❑ OTHER: C ATE OR DOCUMENT SIGPIER 19 RE:PRIISENTIPI(I: wwaOFPeRs"fl)aRetrM(ias) SIGNERS OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE I°-+2U(REV.snn) A LL-FIL RROSE P CIS NCI"LECIGEN EM T SWE(IF A lrijona S. CG UNTY 6F Mariaopa On Februa rV 24tt .20041 d efara mia, Kirstin N.Evertlart AERSGMALJIYAPPE,lRED .le r' Lyr n TI a rr p:a n p irsanall] know to me(an pimied to me on rhe d a;is af.iathjlicuiq euidenca)to ba the)Jeh 011(s)w1 osa iiame(a)im ira alit,caiid ad to tAa wild in imtrument and aaknowiadA ad to it e that A eliA el h.iy as eautad td a same in hiAarltA ein au hariied cap( Oy Jim),and that b} A is/he,Vrhai,i ignamre(a)an th hu tauwmiant tha pen on(,).9 n tha antit) tipe n d eA alf of whiah thii parson(;)actad,eweLmid N e instiumemt. KMMMI I.Ersrlwt Hawn, PuNd-Mm" WMIIDOfA OOUNW WATNESS n y)aml and of sial ieciL {'i0111 mmaim Expires owl a,M a E! Signator - TA is acba fon Ofj+ual notarial Saal C RTIC NAU TNoI gh tt e(lata t ek w is not reqs incl b)l law,It n1a)l prove vah able to p(Irsons rel)ling on the doaunic nt an(I COUN If re,lent frau(Idle nt rea ttaahment of tt is fora. CAPACITY CLAW ED BY SIC INIR DESCIRIPTICIPI OF ATV ICHED wauMENT ❑ INDIVIDUAI ❑ CORPORATR OFIIICER TITHE OF TYR I OF DOCUMENT mg(s) ❑ PA RTNER(l) ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL ❑ A TTC]RNEY-IN-FA47 NUMBER Ofl PA GES ❑ TAUSTEE(S) ❑ GUA RE IAWCONSERIIATOR ❑ 07HER: DA TE OR DOCUMONT SIGI IER IS ARPRESENI1ING: NAM1 a A e asorifsi oe E rare Kns) SIGNERS OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 11-1 M2(REN.5MI) PILL-FIL Rfl0C19 PICIH N OV1 L 904EM9NT NAS SURETY GK UP 'NCIIi M AMMIXICAD I SPECIALTY M UELKN CE CCM 10 NY WAa MOWN 11VT9RNA'IIONIAL INSURAN CE CC MAINS GMMRAII PQWEIII CIF A'ITCIRNEM KNIC151N All L MEI+ BY THEE E PRESEM,THAT Norib America)I Specialt3 IW ura¢ar Con puny,a co rporstiom dub. orgm izud ares existing under laws of the State oil New Hampshire and hm iing ibl prnlcipoI ofl1ce in the Cir al N and leiter,New HamIshim,and Wshingtoe Internal Tonal Inaruand Caanpagy,i corpotWon ergaoha and enistiry unde th I laws a l l thla S Labe a:l Nc%Hampgllire ant having its principa a ff c4 irl tbul Cit l of Itasca,Urinals,each does hereby males,const'M to and appgir t MICHAI IL 1.MESM RD K,DAVID J.MCKMAN, 1ARI LYNN TIIClWSON,MARIA LUCENIO and DAWN FYK IS 101baLY OR SMVERALLY Its true aid lawful Attomey(i)-id-Fad to make execute,sea and deliva%N or 41 on its Itt half ant a its ac and deed.boards os oft d writings oblige[{rM in the natrtn 14 f e boat on behalf of each ail saic Companies,e.surst7,on contracts of surety ship as ase or moo b requires w permitter 1 y law,rogu ation,contract or a tberwise,pmvic led that nes bone oat under akint o oontrac ce slmdysWI euecuded under this authdrity she I exooe d the am WWI of: TWENTY-FIVE.MILLION{S 21,000,00(1.01)DOLLARS This Hower oil homey is granted and is signed by facsimile under antl by the authorit3 a.1 dul frlllowing Resolution adopted by tlx l Board if Dir i chm o1 beth Nares Amor atm 9peeialty Lmrt =a Ca mpm ry ani Washing m i ltAft mtiuna 1 lmuranab Compoe y at me adugre dull oalle and k aL oat th 114' a:I IN erch.2000: .'RESOLVEII,tbaa any two oflthe Presidentl,any Ma¢aen g Director,anyl Sed'e r 1 ice President,w y`lice Preaideni arty Asaistani Viai President the Serreh4 or la g I As lisbwt Secs tar, b,end eau h or an3t a f then l I erebr is authorized tc execu to a Pott er of i Ittotney qualifying the atlomey named in tf le gives Powes a:I Aborr ley to execua i n behalf of the I Con Ipny bonds,u ndertaltings and all con tract: o.1 surely,and that)each o r any a II therd hereby is mdhorized to attest tc thel a xmutkx I o.1 any such Pa we o f A Ilborw y ea I td attad I d lueis themes of fl le Compau13, and itis FLIAMER RESOLVED,fiat thtl signature oilsud I i fill cera and title sat IQ f tied Coml ax i3l m,ty be sM ed to any arch lower o1 Attorney oat to anal a.,erdlici u redlining Ih=W b t6cal¢el le,and any ata h Panvei l i fl Allard ly co rxrt'Gi i4 beta rel such rmmllnl a migngl>auen t r facsimile scat shalt i a binding upaq the Coulpany wl er i sat i axed and irl thil firtud wittl regod bi any l ond,undertaking or itomen c o f sun ty la wl ich it is ad&chfcV' apt rIN BY G ` a r SEWI ,As BeMse Asoittmq heddok�CII e1RvRgave oaiaQ aratnWsadn IN lrnramul wmuim Gbopeuy � SEAL1� rq1 A seers yl4 het lane o I kwlt Am flans ado 1 retrain Campnl Dae1dM raymaa,ladW Vka nlwee6i{leahleasemta ens rreaCumpa�' d Vk a Rddeet.ulm Y Ammten epadi IM r smite awpmal IN WrFNES9 WHEREOB,No& Amariea„I Spi eisiq Int euance ComHan31 and Washington i Internstkm r inuxam tblomganyl have sensed rh.'ir A da std u b ham unto affixed,ani 9 ese preseat tc b signer I y their�whorized oft vers this 11 th day ail Sep embe 201 8 . North Amarictin Spedeltl lase mate Company Weshla Ston In bI mea t'i t a I lou rat cc Comb stay State oil Mfibo la G unty e f Dd Pagi ss: On this 30th day a it 31104ullx 20 01 'befoda me,a Notar3 Put Iia personally appearet &even P.Anderson ,Preddent and CEO of Washington latemational It m map Compaqy ant Senio Vic: Presidedt a 1114ora Americml Spq cislq Insures ce Compe4j ant WtI M.I+aymen t $enol Vice President of S1Vatr nngton In=atbonal Insurance Company anc Vice Pxeside>i t of N arth Americas i 1 pecialt; Int mum Company, Persona iy known td me,wf a being by me duly)awmrn.admowledged that they sWyid the abr ve I o wer of Attorney as i)icer a f and admowledgcc sail instrument to be the voluntary act and decd of'their resnee ve companies. bIIiAD.9tiISt18 �v I 13o®n I1.31d cars,Notary Pak I'c I, James A.Catwicnter , flan dull elected Assistant Secretary a'I Nodi American Speci&. bx> wertce Compear.l said V ahington Intonational Insurance G Imp=M,do herr byl eeri'N that 0 a above ar d:bregolq it■trul and comae coP1 a f a l owa o,, Attmw.I giver i t y sad N orth An Iedean apecbhy Iasorrmce Compawl enc Mkoft gtnn I¢ternl tonal Insarranoi Cemil er Il,wt id rs s Zell to tul Losec ani■liter. IN VMWE.93 VMMOF,l have ad m311 and and affixed th I seals oft tbe.Companies this l ilthday of Fa t ruary 71 (19, Je.oa A.c,�p..r{{riot P1ni0i eta Aae6teaa 1 nrwemmpm•fetwrde«r ler,r v rampiti a P4w&Amescd SA cW1yJd mmsaaeegny r s 1 3 } 1 IA(ONRAlt9if¢ 5 AE DENS I-M N O. 1. 10 TF E FITAINS, SPEC IFICAI1IGI I AND I ROB OSAL DOCUMENTS FOR DR.ILILII� C RIND DEVI LOP1V EN11 OF BAS'IIHRN WHLIMI, CI1P NO, 771 Febrwar}I 12, 2008 To: All 14E P F olders nI From: The Clit.3 of Sar Juan Capistr ano f: 1�otia a is ha reb3 g Mn lo pros pa cl ive bidder is thal 1 he 110 lowing change,, additions, and/ori deletions .,ne 1 eraby mace a pari o1 the Plans, Specifications and Proposal Doaumer b for dr.'lling ar d developmant a it the 9a: teras Wella, UP r a. '''I, frilly and cci mpletely as it the ramie were fully aat fort h therein. This Alddendum No. "I Shall form r part o1 the Puoposa l E ocumiends and take pnea ec ence al the original Pnopov l Documents. I roposers s hall acknowh dge rea aipt oil this Ad(er dum No. l by signing page 2 and faxing a copy of page I to the Clily ora San Juan Clapiat,ano at{1949; 493-J 9'I'I by Thunfty, February 19,2409. Page 7 :shall also be included in the ClonlrE dors', bidding documenil paakage. 4 s DATED: FebrLiary 12, 2009 oe Mankawich Associate ftg ina e r City of San J uan C,pi;trano i,P q r' Me following changes, addillonsi,deletions, or mod'ficallons shall be nnm d+ Io the Piiaposal 11eaumm n1s and shall iahe preec c(nae over the original Pia pwial Da euments; all other( provb ionsi in It I i ops�al Documenisi i emir in the!i ame. 1. The Clity v ill prna vidt waten t t no change to the ca ntracton. Thema ter usie must I ( c oaumented and masanat le floor the scope of woil . The Clity will neduire the t tl a contractor obtain a c o n;tru(tion met(n fi om tic City, except as noted hemeinafler. Theme in En$800 re fundable daposit foii the comstrmc tiar m(tem. d There is a 2-incl ijriga tion mainline in the p,,rk in the vicinity of the South Claol s Well lite. Tlhe par k is wm t(me( i t ri ight so the conte a ctoi rn ay tap int( this water supply dur'r g the day. Tl ( water take from this line w( uld have to be metes ed. Any modifies tic m to { the irrigation piping mio uld have to be nemoved and the enis ting lines returnee to previous conditiot s after c ompl(tion of the well drilling. I; 3. Theme is ar active watanlinc and PAN on tl a Well No. 5 ! ite the t (o til( I a t tilize( ilou well thrilling water. Again the take Moor this line would have to be (netan((I. Tlhene i; an existing inactive SI8" mete( ream the v(11 site gate. If tl is would provide(naugh water the conte actor may ti tilizi m a ter thorn his mete a and ibrego the neci s sity of a constru( tion meter. 4. Delete igid Item A-5 and D-5, Aquif(r I!o k tiara 2one'Ile: ting, from the bid and c ontnac t document" . The cantiactoi shall coos s t:hiiough these item: on tl a bid cheats. Aquifer Isolation il( ne Te:tit p is not a pai toil this projeat. 5. At the contsacton's option, Ilerrnanent conductors ca:ings ame aceaptable to the City piiovidirng that prc;pei 50-le4t.,anitai y seals peri California Depai tmant c 1Public Het Itli and Oiang( Cloun ty H e alth Cai a Agency aj a pi ovi((d between the c( aduat(r (a sing ane its bomehole. IIhe cos t a i conductor cas ings, if used, will be include( in Eli( Items A l and D1, as apps opriate. ` i G. No live strea rn di:chat ges to San Juan Ci eel mull N a Ile wed. The c on ti ac t( r mu;t tj di;c harge to tl a sloe rn drain loca tions indicated in the project document;; a n conform to y` the discharge perm it requirements in(hu ad in the proje(t d(c ument;. Yk `r t S44 3 1 ;41 i. li 2 THIS I AICIR 70 BB AT11ACHEID lCl I ROPCV AM DOCIUMBN7S. I haiiq r(aelved Pages 1-7, Aldd(ndum t,( . I t( the I laii�, Specifluatious and Piliap(sal Ilocuments iloii Diii1ling and Dviflopm4nt c1 Ba stern W4113, CIP No. 113. Date fit ceived I y Piioposev: fly: Propo is Compan Nam Proposer's 56,diature Typed oti Piiinled Namt Yi 10, ..I I� CERITIFICATF OF ACKNGWLRDGMENT Slale of California Cloullty of _& . On 1 a fore me, (Ht rt insert noir( ar At i a f tt a o tl lca r) panlonally appea ra d / L I e� b who piloved to me an the basis of salisfacloryl (videnc(I to 14 ti a gorslonlls; whose name is A,lalla subscnil ed to the witl•in instrument and acknowledged to me that N/sheAhey exaauted tl a same in his/hehllhei autl oriaad ( apacit�j(jie9), and that byhis/}lar,fieil signatura(s (in the insirurnenll the pellsai (s), oilhe entity upon behalf of which the pellson(s) ailed, e)laculled the inslmmanl. I cer ifyj under AHP ALTY OF HHRJURN under The laws ai the Slale of(laliforr is Thal The fon( ga i1 g paragraph ii tru e and torr(cl. 111DIA J.WIN90i VbUTNH9 S n , 1 z nd and offia is 1 seal COMM x18(196,42 z r + Lia Ir No my Pi bhl - Cahlornii o Riverside County (No Colina.Expires Jun.27,2012 t Jig otine of'Ni tall Pul lia ADDITIONAL ONTIONAL INAORMAMON INSTHUCTICINS 11014 COME LETINCI THIS NORM Airy anknowhidgmem campleted in Ca ifonara mull ri,antain verlial a eaaidj m I3E5 CPj1PT1OT, CIF THE ATTACHI]D E IOCUW NT appetw i atone in the norarp se.it,an or a separate adknowlecgnl+am fore n xst be properly mlr,pletec and anaahecl to the t docan ent. The only exceAdoai 41 if a cbcument i.1 to.I a retarded sur.ude of Gnli)lania.Ai m i0 imiarnies,arty allernar'ue (-lith ar d(saainiiln of Itiacl ed doinment) acknowledgment wrAhige as may de prined on .larch a cbcunrani sa lonl as the raid nage clot s rat requrrl the notary to alo som+ilJ ing the f if rlleF ul�Er a notary in aahipr,i+a #.a eartrfyrng iM a[aAarrz ld&gndty of Ihl srgnerij. Alenie all eak the (TitJt ar(Iasrnpt an t f a ii ct t+l docunani continued) cbcuneru caoefullyfor proplr natmaral wiordital am artaa)l d is form rfregtureel • state and Ca au ty in]armatiau muss be tht 9tatt as id donity wl ere tl a dotument 1`um1 Er oil paga5 Z10a11r11(]It D<te signor(s)persaially alpeartd bellarc thlenatary lutlie Ioracknowl(,lgtrlent • Dltit 4fioiar'zatianrustbethe datetbEtthdsignar(s)Nrsanall, appeal ii.lwhAh mustalsabethlsante,lat rherllnwedgmiltitislcmplated (A Idaranal udarmaual) • The notary public must ]hint his c I er rams as it appears At LH n hs or I e commission lallowet 1, a aamn is and tflaei,out tali(notary pul lie). • Priu thk uame(s) of doowwnt sign,r(s) who p r onall) appea at tl a ttmi of notarization C.E AICITY CLATMHD B Y TI 1E SICINER • 1:dicete the aarsect sutgular or plural lrrms 1 y eresstnj off inecrreat fermi(I e ❑ Indi,lidwil(s) halsheltlrey;-u/are)Ir aircling the correct forms.Ilailuae to adrre-id,l indioato tH s an armat an ma}I l ad to rej+ak n ofl,lot umrnt reicrdulg. ❑ CarporlteOffaer • Th notary sial impression must b alew and flJotogr41hrlall11 repraduattle lmllre sion rnuu net cruel tex it]ine1.If sea] unptessian sr udl s,n-seal if suftia is n t an I perrq its_otherwiise romp k to a dif krent a clo a,ledgmt■t Ann • Siggaturt oath netary putlic must tnatet.the sign tur on 44 with U cf o of LJ Parti�r(l) th-i conaa7 clerl ❑ f Ittarney-in-11 a1 t •5 Additanai u4arm tion is not red uiied i ut r•Icld help to emurr this ❑ Tnuttoe(s) ai]a oudedgnuj t is net misused ar anwh I to a dtff-erert do<umert. ❑ O111er Ildicate tit ear type,Iflattacl ed doniment,nun be a(pages grid datt Indicate dx a luaity clairm I y the sign dr. 11 the alarmed capacity is I i orpgmte afllccr,intiicat th+ tint(i.i.(EO,Clo,3elretaay). • leauut]: attael this document to if le signet dacurriei t 04 8 tlersian CAPA 117 14.47 800-873-98115 wwe Ala tart(lash s.aom IN FORN A11110H RBOUIREIO CIF BIDDER LIST OF SUBCC$TRACTORS As required tinder Seati(n 4100,at saq.,of tt a Put Iii Clantract Coc e,tt a Bidder sh,II lis bel(wthe n ams and bi sin(s:s address of eact a ubcantrac for wl o will perform W(r l under thia Bi(I in excess of c no-h,t1 of are pen(nt of tit ❑ontracta is Total Bicl Pdc(,an cl st a II also list tt a pa rlion of the Worl v ihia h willl bl dont by suet st t contracts r. Atte r tt e(pening of Bids,no changes orsut slitutions will I a allowed e)cept as ott erviise prouidec b� 1,w. Th( listingof more tt an a n e s Ubcon tracta r for each item of Worl tote ps rfa rmed wuttl the wa rc s n dlor"wull na t be p ermitied. Railureto a om p ly witt this requirement wilt ren(le r the Bid as non-res pons iv( and may cat se t a re jection. Ca ntra(tor's Uc ens(i Wart to t( Perforrne d Number SuN ontrac ors dame &Address 47 sag a 3 'eI 9 e 7 s MORM L-43° l IST OF SIUHMNlIRAIMC AS wg3001 bs.wpe 131D FORWI- PAIGE 4 � J NC H-CC L LL X110 N A FRIDAY IT TO BE EXECUTED BY BIDDER A h 0 '%c IL BMIT1IBD WITH BID Ita to o Clalifo rn is ) a ) :S. Could of �(/tlfit,4.crrt-P ) I eing first c It 6 :worn, deposes an c I c ayq tt at he on she is li he parry making the i foregoing Bid,tt at the Bid is not rn a de in tt a interest of,or on be hatf 1,an 7 undis c loses I person,q artrler,hip, l company,also(iation,a rg ar ization,of corporation;that the Bic I is go n t ine and n of colli sive of s I am;that the Bidder has n a t direc% or in clirectly induces I or solic ited a n y ott a n Bid(a n to put in a 1.1als a or sham Bid,and has not directly of indinectly colluded, cons Aired,connh ed, of agreed with any Bidder or any(n else to put in a I sham Bid,or that anyc n shall refrain from bidding;tt at the Bicldei has n of in any rn anner,directtl of indirectN, 'I I sought I y agreement,communication,oar con fere n ce H lith ay yc ne to fix ttl a Bid pni co of the Bidder of ani other i Eliddei, or to fi)i any overhead, prolit, or cost element of the Bid price, or of that of ani other Bidder, o r to secure ani advantage against the public body awiaiding tt a Gdntiact of anyone interested in the proposed Contraol; that all siaternents contained in tt a Bid are true; and, furthen, that the Siddei has not, cliiectly a in direr ly, submitted his or her Si(I price, or any blieakdomin (here a f, or tt a contents theueof, of c livulgec I in foiimation or data relative thereto,or paid,and will nol pay,anyfee io any co rpgraiion,partnerst ip,company, as,,ac iation,orglan izai is n,bid c le pository,orlo ani member or a glen t thereof,to of ecl uaia a ca Ilus ive or sham 8 id. I C1� +,rr I � ��•�r d� Bidder c'e� P i BY Organization �cz;oa_Q.Q R�_i/+-- J —Q-L tu pldduess m-10 6j M' '411 1 tx - �lV+�rSi d�- �CA -07 MORM 11-484 IS CIN-CIOLLL SICIN AIFFIDAIVI7 M1-480col.Wpd "2001 B 10 FCIFIN SI- NIC E;I !1 !I E BIDDER'S GEN E FML INFORMA1101N E The E idder s hall fumh t tile folia wing information. Ha ilure to aomplete all Items will call:a the Bid to be � non-respons ive and m ay cans a hs rejectio n. 1. BIOCIBRAC ON-IRA IC11OR'; Dame and c treat Aciclre4 E: ' 5o C,�L / i� � �t �� r�lt� 0 ! q2-S6 7 2. C ON TRS ICHOR'. lkelephone N urnk e r: Fac9im ! } ile ! Ncirnber: (95,1 ) 3C//—SG � S &?c /jilcW�e1/ E-rn ail address do' ig✓t ri !e !'I a0; 0 C-C, 11-02 41.,,I e• 4 c I� 3. C ON TR/IC11OR'S Licens a: Prim ary C lass ification._ ., G-`S7 . C"'16 tate License ti\umbers) S1 d836 �I uppie rn e ntal License Classifications 7 c:f —G / I� 4. C urety Company and Alg ant who will;provide the req ulrecI Bonds on this C ontract: Name of Surety Address u� 2 0 y/d 6(/, 1411X /76) 1 40, Surety C ompany N a n u� 1 llelept one N c rn be rs: A Igo n t(4Z- ) 2 S -/3c d Surety( ) 5. llypc of llirm (Individl al, Partn a rs t ip or Corporation): 1 6. C orporation organized under the laws of the State of: � I 7. List the names and addresses of the puineipal rne rnt ers of tI a firm or narne s and tities of the principal I officers of the a'orpgration oii fiiim: Co G Fa HONK LI-420 BIDIIER'E GEN ERAL INFORMATICIN x11U-Q01rfo.wpd E ID FCIRM.c - PAIGE 7 1 I 2001 HIMER':I QEN ERAL Ih FORD fiMION (Qon-llnued; 8. N t rnt E n of ye jars expeiiienci as a con tnac an in tt is sped Hic tyr a of con s 1 ri c ion wa rk; 9. Lia t it leasl lhuee i r/elated pnoje c s of cam q i nable size and I complexity carng leted to dale: 1. Ownerk&442 -G Alddness IODD &if 9114.1,01 Z-A Contact &e- N Cliass of wiouk Phone (- l0) Sop � W 1115 Clont is ct amount y44_ elm' Projec Date comph ted C6/ Irrri��-JoLrr Cg 1���57'r9Q! 2. Owi er �� Alddresa .z 7? 1Y, / 4P - 4 ,'� Contact Glass of wonk qzA ,Q' Fit g—pn— Flt one Clontifact am of n t �G D, 4 d G T Flnojec ( } Date corn g leted D-^ ow 3. Ov in er -,��'1�. rrr��.G�_ Addres s 5'M -� • 9��� /�V� 1-.A } Con tac ed CIa;s of work F t one al,_1 a1 ti Contnact amount 4 0,6 U F roje ct U Date aompletesl 10. L ist t a am( an title of the q a ison v�t o will supervis 'lult-tim a the proposed work lou rim your 'UvAFvr Ps - 11. Is lull-tirn a supervis a n an e rn q loy(le Y con tnact s ervices ? 12. A linancial statement or olher inloumation and refeiiencea suffiaienll)l corngnelenaive to permit an appraisal of your cuuuent linanaial canditian maybe required b71the Engineer. FORD 11-120 I1IDDER'9 GENERAL IN FORMAMOIS 4SL Wnic.wp4i BID FOR%9- PAIGE 8 Nov 2a t �I �I WORN BR'S CC N RENSAi ION CERT IRICAITE N (AIS REQIUIF SD BY SECIION 1861 OR THE CAU IROF NIA LABOR COC 8) 1 I aim am ai*I all the piKNisians all Suciian 33oa of 111 a Califarnia Lat on Cade, which recluine eiv eryl employer to t a insured against liat ilitg lou warker's eorrlpensailian, on to undertake sell-insullanca in accarciance wilt the p11ICN isions of saic C ac c i, zinc I will comply with such pincN isions t elare cominiencing -I he pler onmancie of lhei Wonk of This Caninacl. 1 1 , 1 Caninacta,i 1 � By � �1i11fi � Q I l 1 1 1 i 1 1 � �F iP wpd WCIRKER'S CIOMFI 9N SAIMON CEIRTIFICU ITE Aug 2011 AICIREEMERT AINEI BONDS- PAICIS 3 Bond o. 99090 304 PAYME N7 HON❑ KNOV, AL L MEN BY - HESE PRESENTS, Th4t Washington Intern atiarnal Inst nance Company �s Sur,, r ra held tirrnly tOUMI unto tl,t Clity c f San Juan Clapist anv,a legal entity. orclanized and x:;,r:rtl I., of ill ra nge. State a f C,alffoimia, t ereina f,er t allied the "Ckner,"tri the -c'l"n oi: Thtlee Hundred Eighty Two Tt Q sand Threa Fun(Ired Fort)I Eight and no/1aa----------� far IkE payinar t of whiah sura wall and truly to be rT a de, +nye t ind (Wrselv--j. ,)t it h�-ir:. ,oxo-^.rr.ar irC r')1r11!I tr'T.fC I'S, S!IaC093Qr5, an,cl c'<s:tiigrl�, joir tlyl and sevcral,y,r"irrr ly�y 1t E Se (Jr�!',i=11L'.�. y'JHBREAlS, said Clan,ractor t a s beer 21L'Ardc d and I. about to enter into IF e r`nr.r'.: o d Chi•ner to g a rl(rm the Wor',f a., s pet ifiea a r rdia aced in the C d ntract Documer,; ^niifl;� : Milling r• rid Elavelopmeni all Ea�terrn Welts CIP NO.775 NOW THEREFORE,it said Contra( tar,it4,sub( a ntractors,ib i heirs,a:icctlor3,c�(in�!rlh'ta"citOrY,s!.a.cw.,�clr: c r F,--3 ictn s s hall tail to pa}l for any rna teriah. provisions,prove rider,eq Milani er,t.or alfa r uplllie!ti I,r-=d In,:-1Pon_ for.or i t c ut tt,a per`orra anae of the V4orl"(iontnaated to t e dont .or for a nywork a r labor thcrcoti n f za-iy t incl, or for ainiounts dale under tl a Unarnpla;lrnent insurance Clods,or for any amounts re.quirrrrJ to '~}a rlc;rluc[e`ri, ,vikF I-nlrt. ,rid I)Rid ovrt" to the Fin r lowil ar+s t pw—V n nm?tYt Dr-o;4rIma rt frri rn tiir� !.rar!n a! rwn r,!r,•,. r•' i t�,., Contractor end h.- 3LbconlraQlors purll.iarii to 9actkhi 73420 of the t,IneInplolmcnt lrl:(I!.I!I(;c; 'wttl respect to I uah hrbar, all as rsquirecl by tHia proriisiane of Title X4, Ghapter7. Sections 3247-'112152. frclu,i,.,o l,f the civil Earle if the C!-1ld OTa;i,2r--d �L(Os an alnclator,to cranf, and " %!';,P.)r' " :,f rill (Uld . ;i,[ r.!r_• t'ta to of ClaMc mia re forced to therein and a c t;amlendata r} thereof,ar d la ralvi(Ic`rl ttlat tl re tic ';i)1 r!�,l'i_;1..L:sn!c:s. a-r a orporatio ns o a furnii hing said n is k rials, provisions, c quigment, or olt ar s uppiies. appliri r ice c. (,q priwom csed,n, u1cr,for,araboOperformarrceofthe%orkoontractec tokaexecutedoiflerfonr„.!d,cirrtl,°�i',r:;;crc, (ompari)l,or eorporatia n rentin g or t iring irrplc rnent9 or rnachinvr or paver for,all contiibulinq I% to be t la ne, or .a ny gerson who F erfol ms work or labor upon It a saris e,•ol anal penton yvt a :;+.,pt)Itn-,; u0411 trfor k a r,d craters(:; herefor,:hall hada c, rngliF d with tt 9 C rovisloci of;'aid ia!,Ihaf►s; id:s(:r c N twill lir`;10,,' ;;•r'Ir in an a fnouni noL a xcemling tt I: '!,t irr hereir Saefore a at forth,and also will purl, in ca:�4 :uli i-,t rc uat al 'Ipon tri: o n c 1, a rea-a nabfa attorn6j1'7 fed am shall be filed by the Car.rt. Thir Scl n d shall inure. to bc.r,r_t,t irr (any al; nar-nr-- ■—rnrl 6m r# !Fc- r.„ir ('nrin n-f tlrn Ci++n off•�lifr...i, ,. .•• ,: ,,. :_f r.l motion to tl-,ern ar tfleir aa:ign:, in,i ny!!uit brougt t uK on this bon(l. PRUVIDEE , that a ny alterationo in tt a War', to be dorsa c r the matr,ria Is to t c ft:+r,rihod, or ch;ir!,,jrl!: in ',no 1lrriE. al completion, whit h may t•a raafcle pursuant to the le rrr s of said Clantract Cocuments, r.r ,n t,n%j w ay rely a se a id C ontraata r c r saicl 9 urs� thereurr(la r, nor shall any a),ensions oi.tir ie yrantool :`rctpr 11-lc provi�ibnS of laid Contract Cloctlment! rel(i2se either said Con,traotcr or !ni d $ur_•t;. ra? 1 r', l,t :.II z;clid aft( rut=ons a e,;I.Ln sia nc of the Aflreement is herebr-waNed i�I avid Surety. SIGNEID AN-0 SEAM ED. this .1 St clr I of .,April 20 09 Ca n,rc ctor 9oCal PUMI 1J.11 cl VI all Quilling In Sural, A ashin tan In ational ranee Company �Wv� E'}l By w__ -fitl6 PM-4-� Title i Lynn Thornpaon Attggney_in-Fait_ (SEALANDNOTARIAL ;f'F:fy�rrrLEl l 1"i !�it CIIll SURETY) ;!7.4 hfY::M'i ACIREEMEN'n AND BONDS - PAC-,= F, Ba g d � o. S9 060304 P9l3FCIFIMAf C 9 130ND KNOT V �L L MEN BY THE 9 E PRaSENTS, 11h�L _SoCla I Pump and WeII Drilling, Ina. -- -_ as Cowl rra ceor Vla:tington IntennationallnsUfam Clornpan!1 are t eld firrrLhf ba L nd un t: the City of San Juan Clapi:trr,no• a legal a.ntlt7, o:gam ZlmI .ani' o->i�ting in the County of Qrt3sae, Crllit ornia,ht rtl inatier aalto d tha -ClwrPr. in ih"c zurn nl P we F-undned Eig I b 11via Ihousa nc-llhnee H undrvI Forty Eight and not100--------------_----------------------_ -------- fc r the pa}In,eat of r,ihiat. ;un ,vc,ll Gntl Iruiy to t e mads, we t inti otsr^"r Ives, slur he ii: Llxectitc r2• admiristri tcr., stiaceesor.,• and aS2lgn5, ja:ntty and anvo-azily firm 1, t.tiI trlp,,e II re c ent�' WHEREAS said Clor traclor has been awarcle c and it, at jut to er.ter inta V a .ulnexc ki Agre£ mane v i M >riid ClaIli kir to Mtorre tt a W a 0 as fjacified or indil-t t0d irk the C ontracrl Dock imenla a ntifie d: Driifinrit and Develogrnent of F=ag t,-rn Wails CIP Pin.775 NOW THEREFOAR, it laud Cwtraator st E11 parfarrn all It a raGuirarrenie° of Said Crilrtitr.ict Dock imants ra.q Hired to t c perfortnad on its part, at the fin e9 ansl in t1 a, rvirser °pei;;Ileci l•£ ra in, tnen tl-l!. c n lic la tior shrill bt t1.It and Va id, Who rwi!ie it 9 t'atl re main m ft Ii i ora e- E nd off r_et. Al i ct argc!i itrr thfl. tins of anmplidi0r•". V t W 1`11 hl} t a rill acle A suart to 0t 14rrzrs ^f rias Cc ntl act Dac urnents,s ha I na t in a ny way releaso said Clc ntracta r or said Surety there Jr CIO. .,r ,".,:r, 'k,„si.V el uIC PI vl; [Ulla til -,04'J (,LllWeL,:i L`i'Ctlr:itta:. rete ri°e r ill rer said Cor tractor-a r said Suret),alit d rtotia a of s,uct altars lions•at £xi.cWtionr of ti le Agri,ern ent is hereat y"+wali`ied I )I sa Id Suret- I. SIGNSD AND SEAL ED.lh- s _3t•._,_._clayof-._-_ Apnil- - 't, Q9. C imrc.ctor S°Clal Pump and Wti II Drilling, Ina. Sur,- Wast ingtan Internation- nsurance Cgmparl� By BY - 1lilt- _ Title eri Lynn Thompson, Attorney-in-Fact (SEAL AND NCITARiA.L ACIKNOWLEDGKIENT Clfl SURET)1) nrur”:•s�o A ERFORI'AANE.F BON1 t,•iil-�� ::,,�lA AGREELNII-NTAND 30NM - PA(JC 3TATA C AU. SS. CC UNTY 0 F l G On 7 / J / -/ lefnrema,1.t1D► � - J • ��/!US 0A . Nollary Public AERSC AIAIJI I I APP&AAD Srl!/e l `� �� eJ�1� !) p4 inally knot,ri to ma(anpsoued to me in thi 1 clic of satisfmittiry anidinai)to l a rhe Aealor i(s)11 oaa nan a(a)is ani and saaibdd to fl,i within instnin ant a►d aaknowlidg ed ti me that 1 irlil ihA e)l ixaautad rhe can a in hisll ar/tA ain ai thnrized a pjci{{iej),and that t,,1 isli amW air signatum(,)on to a inanumint tha paalom(s),o■t;,i er tit.11 i pori A el alf aJIwl icl tl a pi in(a)aatid,eiiew red nl a imtrumi mt. LMA1 o COMM. 01802642 Z tx Votary Public •Uiforrwo A %JTNEIS tri:,hantI and(i�aial mal. Z a lr�� o Conrn.Expires Jun.22,2012 f 1 Signatur TI is area fir C ffiaial Nitarial lea! CIP7ICINAL Thougl the data N low is not required I)l laHl, it ma)l prow valuat le to pgrsc na reIlling on the doc urnent and c auk pmlenttra)Idulentreattaclmen tofthis farm. CIAPACITY(lU WED BY SICINOR DESCIRIPTICIPI OF AIMOHED DOWMENT ❑ IP t IVIDUA I. ❑ CORPORATE OORICER TITIt9 OF TYPO OR DOWN ENT cru IS) Cl PARTNER(9) ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL ❑ A TIIORNEI I-IN-FA UT NUN BER ON PAGES ❑ 7RUSTI O(S) ❑ GUAO[ IAWCONSERVATOR ❑ 07FIBR: DATO OF DOCUMEN-1 SIGNOR IS 89PRESOP171NG: NAME 01 P1 F4 149)ON rnf 1"IES) SIGNERS OTI OR THAN NAMED ABOVE ID-12,3(m.-r m1) ALL-AL FIRO`IE PICH NCI"LEG GOMU T !TATE OF Arizona 9S. COUNTY OF N ae'copa On Aprfl 1,2 00 9 d efa ue ma, Dawn Ilvkes PEASOPIALLYAPPEiI RED jen'Lynn TI a mpsa n p,lruonalty Aiiawn to ma(on prowl to wd an the bari ii of satisfaatwy auidanae)to 1 e tha mamon(s)i•A oa,l nenia(.0 is,baa.rut saribad to to e within histrainient and auknowladgecl td me that hishha4A eJl axaautad the same in 1 isJA rnhheia aj tha risec l aapl lair,f ids),and that E a-A islhedtA-lir JignattelgI(r)ori tAa inrtrumiolnt tAapanran(s),oa tAe entirl i pon 1 aAalf of wA 0 to a p irmi n(i)aamd,anew ted to a in.inuatlent• Da n in ■y I e s Natary Put Iia -A r4ana MlIT14ESI mg-hand and affil ial iieal. M,rice pa County My Con mission 1xpireis DECEMBER 22,1009. NJ natt me Ti is area jo a Ofaial144 tasdal Jeal OPTIONAL Though the clad b4lani is nat req Wad I)I lav i, it ma)l prow valuat Is to jersuni rel)ling on the doaunlent a n(I cauhl pre)lent fraudulent re alta cl men t of this fa rrr. CAR ACITY{ILS IMED BY SICINOR DESCIRIPTICIN CSF M-7AOHED DOCUMENT ❑ It ID IVIDUn L ❑ CORPORATE OFRICER TITLE OF TYPE OFI DOCUM ENT rrnElsJ ❑ PAFTNER(9) ❑ LIMITED ❑ GENERAL ❑ II T71ORNEY-IN-FII C T NUMBER ON PAGES ❑ 7F USTMa(S) ❑ GUARD IANICONSSF VATOR ❑ 07HOR: DATIA OF DOCUMENT SIGNAF IS RIAPRES8FI71NG: NAININ 04 PIFWKS)ON OWMKIES) SIGNERS OTHER THAN NAN ED ABOVE 113.1in (xeV.srai) ALL-FIUFIFIOSE PICU NCI"LE CIGEME�7 Ill AS SURBT]I C IR CIUP NC111171IAN 11IMCM, SHMALT9INSURANCE CONPAINY WAS HINarC N MTRM 7U NAL BNS URAT CE COMB E NY CIEMR.AL POWE14 OF ATTC WIRY KNOW All L MEN EY TERSE PMENIS,THAI Nardi An lerican S peeialty ant ursnce Conlpanll,a ctrrpgraiial dcdyl ore ani=I ant wdstitgl m dllr laws oil Ore State o1NewHmnpsl irel and liviing its prisl cipal off ce in Ole City ail M in id lastel,New Hampsbir.,and%&ngtan International Iasi rams Coni pony,a eorpgrsticn organized and wiisfng undc iiia laws c 11 the State all New Hampshin and I sving its principal office in the Q ity a f Its ca,Mina is,ataa:h doe hereblt make,coniftil to said api oiri MIC MIL J.MESENBRESI&DAVID J.MCKMAIN, SERI LYNN THOMPSON,MARIA LU4E RO and DA WN FYK13 JOrNTLY OR SaVERALLY Its trw at d lawful Anorney(a)-irl-Face Id make,exaaute,sea m d dslivel,Er ark I on its bl hall and a: it ast and Gleed bonds or other writings obligati rya in d le natarl i f a berm on bt half i f each a 11 satic Can penia s,as suretl,os a nincts of surety ship u are or nleyl t a required as permitter 1 y law,mgulatlon,contract ca a therwise,11 rovided that no 1 and of undminkine as contrac err suretyshi 1 etlecated under this sa thdrity shall exceec &I alar a MA a f. TWENTY-1 IVE MILLION(11 1,000,1100.10)DOLLARS This B ower of�homcll is granted and is ligmed be fadsimile under am I by the at thority a f th I Hallowing Resolw is m adopted by To Boards of Din etov c f both North Amarican Speoldty Inas rasa Ca mpm iy and I Wnohingtan Infarnai oris Ind uraua Ca mparpr at me t'a ga dl Ly called as held a th 110 a f ftl arch,7 000: "RESOLVED,tha t soy twe of the Ptesid le s,anyl Mahal is S Dir Ictot,on] Smit a Vice President,anyl Vice Presitieni amyl Almistar t`ice Prreidentl INN Secretary a r eery As idem Secn M be,and a etas of ani I i f tl 11 m here I y is as thio rizel td tmecute a lower c 1 Attorne± quality{int I ti k 1 ttonrey i amed in the ghien Powell of Afton lay to emccute on t shelf of the Companyl bondl,undertalch gs ant l all wstristt al f surety,and thol ec ch or andl t f tl Iml k en by is mWwriz d Ie amcst td ttls a xeealtia n of an)l m ch Pa wer a l A std meyl m d u attach therein the seal c 1 the(ompazly; ani I it is FURTHER RESOLVED,tl lat tbll sigamm f 1st ch officers and the sl eI of th Gmpmlry mai I■aflh ed to anll a ctI lower c 1 Atb me; tr to arty tad 4'1lta w n1 nit g ihCMW 1 y facaimila,aid anal such E iiwet of Atlanteyl ul ctaitiltt•aln bearing auch fad'unila signalurca tm Ilausimfin seal shall l e t im ing upol thll Corspany whet ser IfFixed and u d 11 Spice wid I r,egarc to amy 1 and nrdow sk'nk m a ntr ct a l surety to whicl I it is attack a d." %Llvi �_ 8tv i P.Al Mrs n,PrWdmt i i lalef Rmeall"0MI0W al 54 mWMM inWT A*i l L cream Cod peal �' ■aceta Vke Pul8nt al l"1a Am.Asn sp.dYq Wooee aaopuy■r i�,.�'�, r 9av1eM %Mr .%-kl Vk IPM etas t1W*di6I mr"nVd as SamraaalCM pray a V to Pm Oval of Narih Ameiem 9p dehr Irvarmee Cwllpuy IN WUNF51S WHEREOF,North Ao Imium Specialty Ito manta Conpat y and Wast inn on mien t lions Inyuranr, Cali ipm y have tensed their official seals tobehaeuntx affixed snc ft a preserltsto bt :ignld t]llhlirmil]Iodw iftiasrsthi334tll dsyol leptembet 1018 . Nord AmericanSpeuialt7 Insun rseCarrijany Weal u gton Iotas natkna I ami uni asv Gmgen:I State a f l Ilincas aouaty oil Du Page SC On this 3utll dry of sh 1 ltanber .71 Q g'b fart ma,a Ni tery P1 t lie personally appeetec Steven P.Andctson ,PP sir lent and CEO of Vilashingtl n Itrtemt dwal Insurance(om pan!I and Semim Vice President oil North Arneric eel!P1 cialtj Trowar cc Ca mpaey is d David Ik4.Laymal , Son"Vice President o1WaA*ngton Inbemational Ina trance Q omparjl and 1 ice President of North Americas I:1 pec Wq Insuradee Companyl, m onalll l lmarwi t>:me,who behm til sal t my mm.aclmov ledged that th11y siwpd flu abs va B i wax of Attorney as afficen if m d aclmt wledk ed said instnimel t to b thl I I n1untaty act and deed a:I tb air r 9mitive cams anie_ SMEM t�adAD.BBi.BNS � .1100,=] Uomla D.Sid cna,H olaq I rl tic > Maxib I Imes A.Cementer_, the duly Ilected Assistant Set � a f Nora American Spccie It1 Insararwe Colrtparai arid Washington InternadoM I Insurance Company,i o hereby cerl'fy that t]a above and It tees ing is a trot and ca Acct copy if i 1 ower ni Atlomel given l y se ld Noith Aakrlcsn 31 cc ally hMrancc Compaft a cl Mlashington L=rni Hanel Inslaanci Ca ml ara b wl ich If still in MI filme and sfft ct. IN WITNESS WFIEAEOH,1hat a se mal hand and a fllxed Ole seals of the Companies this 18t dell i f Plpell 211(9. arum A Cup-4.slice Pmeid ntdo Ari vmre Se®my uR hWihg1®bwoobmd lawn mCompmy d Nd11h m=t--SPac+tyld meaoe Conpaay MBMORWNDI M 1CL M eg MonahE n, CHy ClerM FRCIM: Joe Man kawich DA'IE: Q'I3,109 SL MISCIT: kotiae to Rnoceed fon Easiern Wells Develonmenl (CIR 775) Ile Hollowing in-lonmation is pnovided fon the Notice to Pnoaeed on the above iefenenced project: Name oil Clontiaalon: SoCal Rump and VI ell Onilling Inc. Addiiess oil Clontnacton: 119'10 Ralm)inita Ave. Riverside CA 92507 0egin wonk on: 4413109 Complele in 75 calendar days. Completion (late is: Jt ne 26, 2009 Amollni o-1 Cloniiaat $ 382,348.00 LigUidaied damages ane $ 'I,000A[Iay PP , JO f�Ml4h 32400 A ASEO AOEL A F 170 MEMO SO S OII 7HE 01TY Cd L11 W IL 9AFI.IIIAFICAPISTRANO,GA 92675 -j (9 49)493-1171 " SAM ALLEVA 70 (949)493-11033 FA)1 mmArAAArfA LAIIRARRE�SE [STAALISM[I fill THOMAI I W.I IR IBA F ww'K.sanjllailCApismann.oig 17;6 MARK PHOL51 N • DR.LC NO RES USO • NOTICE 10 PROCEEM TO: SoClal Rump and WEIII Onillin g Inc. 1510 Ralmynita Ava. RivEinside, CA 92507 Rnajeict: Baslern WEdls Developmani JCIIR 775) Amou nil of Cladract: $ 3821,318.00 Yau anEi t ereby na11i'lied la cammance wank an the nedlenenced cantnacl an AIpnil 13, X"1009 and -lo fully carmplele all al the wonk of said cantnact wilt in 1175 days) calendar (lays. Yaun corriplei icm date is JunEi 26, 2009. Tho con1lraci pravides lar an assawneni all the sum cif $'1,000 pen day as liquidated darriages lkin each canseculive calendan day aflen JunEi 26, rclMl chat 11he walk n6mains inaarrip101Ei. Date i 1 r day of Ap it 2009. I M�ri i Deputy ty Cleil ACC®RTANCE OF NOTICE Receipt ani IhEi laregaing �aiice is RnacEied is heuEiby acknowledged by Ihis 0ay of `L 21009. 171-1 41 Ely., Title: !/. dale Fllease siglrl arc iatwn orae original, retain the other irir y{ow recorc;s. Cla: Jae Mankawiah, Associaki 9nginE1011 %in Juc,n Ccpistrat.ioi: Pros(irving the Posll ,loi Elrihonee the Fuilure Ermled in 100%re cycled paper Bid Of ening Mep art Bids apened February 2,e , 2(1019 at 2:CI(I pl.m. Prajucil Title 9as,leon Wells CIP 775 Projecil Engineer Jue Mankawict Rue Bic Ssilimate $SCJCI,OOICI Bic den Bid Amaunt Bid Honcl Ac denc ail �E 5 BAKEP SF l LLD WELL ATA PUMP $ �\ l� [D C ,3. SuCal Purrl a Well $ sal 3. $ 1 4. 1 5. $ 1 6. 1 7. 1 8. 1 Sign t Daile ` Q 6 ca: Clity C114rk StaK(7; No, 3) 'cc] Departmul +� Clity N onager{11 IN above bid amioun l s have nal be en checked. The bid it 01 a is ane sub'ecl l o a orrecl ion afilem the bids have been aamiplelely rc viev ad. Al FIHAV]T OF HUBLICA7ION AAOOH OH PUBHICATION wewpm an "BATH OF CA I HMORNIAI, I � 3S. flerogia" New EM".!0q""WWb1 Qounty a1C nanga ) w qqy�the btdl b 1tM dEalMg sid fayfrn Wsq w�D�ieoelwd�I 1tir ailka a1 a,I I CMW of aw Cli d S- W= w+J CsMst- I arri at itizon oil the United States and a msidunt , ,�. ,"' ' (ill the Countil afa re sa id; I am a ien tt e a ga (ill v=r*. �awea d we*WW,',�,d adalma wtdch*11 6e o .d ty ttwqry�VWw et a ighto en;lears, and no t a 11 arty to a r in tens sto d in 10 am.an Tuesday, n0-7PW rt vallim r owficl- pab in a,.probit!wrAlk dFr4u� t1le at ova entitled matter. I ani tho p iiincipal c leak �e w eatiwasr#1aNtlraems n a + #AftpmDmd to all tla Gapi�itrsio 'lalle]l News, a nowspapen I smanWset04city of ft Plena and apsoMicsaarw ofte,CRY 01 am,anon aaiM Paseo ti at I as ba o n a djuc Iger to I a a ne wspag eii a 1 AdslerAo,aan A,.n c , = �b- ter,ed°a>ra naielu $10 far esrh so of Pann a" tmasd 'o no ra I circ ulatia n t y the Sup enion Ca urt of the mor.mton+wlion. oontace •Associate 4d(baa► -4319. Cloun ty oil Cl ung e, State a f Ca life mia, on luno 7, Dated: Jer"ary 22,2e0i _ I9 F 4, Casa T o. F 1-122'.1�9 in an d fou the Clity a 1 San Juan Clapistra no, Cla linty a 1 Clrang e, Sta to a f °� no..M m Calilarniia; that the nctica, oil wt ich tl a annened �a�NM err,�w Publish:CaoYstreria 1 Ials NMI Feb�vary a.2006 is a true]]Hinted cop,], has I can put lis]ed in each 404 nadular and entire issue at said nav<tspapeu and not it any supplement thenar f an tt e following data s,to wit: Fie bru a ry 9,24 U 9 U1 2 s "I aerlify (on daalaro) uridar the penalty 41 ccs �, -ci 11 o i jury un den tha lavas o1 the 9ltata of California brT tl at t]o fonag oinl is true and aonteat": y Executed at Santa Ana, Onanga Claunh, T D Clalifarnia, an fT .' M Elate: Fet ruary`,A 0 o Signa tui e Cs J isli ano Malley News 621 N.CIr> ad Ave. Santa Ana,GA 192701 (714) 196-21 d 9 ]ArI 30 2009 913:54 FR 7147962294 71,17962294 74 91949493199 P.(11,102 NOTIDE lI N VMN 6 111 It SI Mao Drilling and De vaicipm ent elf I asd ei n Wells (a A N a. 775 Nonce is hereby qn an 9 at �ealed bids for the drlllinq and development of Eastern Wells will t a recenled at the office of it a GO ❑jerk of tt a Clit)I of San Juan Ch pistrano, C]alifc r- nia. until 7 p.m. on Tuesda�I. February 24,4009 at whlcl time tt a 1 I%fill t e a pened and read aloud. Prospective bidders are invited to attend a pro 4 1d wi 5 tt rot cih of the pro[o:ed work site and existmq facilities Whist will t o conducted t V d a City Utilities C ev rtment at 111 a.m. an Tuesday. February 10, 9449. Failure to partici- pate in the pre-bid wall %ill i of disgUa lifv a bidder as bein ql non-responsM . 1 t e pre-bid Nlisit ;Ail) start at the Sc tett Cloo4 s lA ell located at the soutl east intersection of Calle AIr- roVo and Rancho Vielo Raad adiacont to San ,Tuan Clree 4 a n d tt a n proceed to IA eil 5AI. Copies of tt a Plans anc Specifications are on file <t the Oiry Cllert 's Office, Clay of San Juan Capistrano, 32400 Paseo A delanto. San J1 an Clapistrano, California, i n c may be ob- tained at the non-refundable charge of $20 plus a charge of 410 for eas l set of Plans anti Specifications nailed. For more info rmation, plea:e contact Joe Mani a wia t , Alsi a a late Emginaar at (9,19) 467-4313" Clated: Iant ar1122, 2+x09 /s,l N argi ret R. Monahan Mi RCIAREi R. MONAHAN, CITY CLERK CITY Clfl SPIN JUAN CAPISTRANO ORA NCIE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Publish: Capistrano�atlell Nevi Febrt ar�15, 2009 9d-9I 604 N OTIC9 OF TRAh SMITIAL CARISIRAN O VAU L HN N EWS Legal PuHlicatians CHARGE TOACCOUN7 NO: L{411'9150.GL FOR RUBL ICA710N ON : FBBRL ARY 5, 2009 FBBRL ARY - 9, 2009 OCICIL N ShT 10 HE RUBUISH90 � OIIICIB INVIIIIN G BIDS — FOR DRILLING 81 DBVELOPMEI` II OF EVISIORN WULLE-1 (CIFI 775) RROOF OF RL BLICIATION: Fllease -IE x to: City Clerk's Office, City F all 32400 Flaseo pldelanto Elan Juan Capistrano, CIA 92675 ]lax (949) 493 053 telepl one (949) 493 17' ALTI- CIAIZIEO BjJa ret R. Moral an, Clity Cllenk ❑ATB: ry 22, 2009 Date of Bid Clpening - 02,124112009 ❑1 te(s) notice published - 02,105112009 - 02,1'9)12009 ❑E to affidavit deceived - ❑z to notia a posted in - 02,109112009 design ted posting places N01109 Ih V11D a 9101 Hair Drilling and Deveiloorrifmit aif 9asiterni Wells (CIP Na. 775) Ncrliae is hanuk y given 11ha1 sealed bids kir -I1 a dnilling and dovelapmEinl of Bastenn Wells will be neccived all 1hEi affiaa cif 11 he Ci1Iy Cllenk a11ho City of San Juan Clapis-lnana, Caliiknnia, unlit 2 p.m. an Tuesday, Hebruar)l 24 , 200 9 at which lime 11hey will be apenEid and nead alaud. PucispEiclivei biddEns anE1 invilEid la atlEind a pre-bid wO 1hraugh cit the pnaposed wank silEi and ei)ii9ling lacili-Iies wt ich will bEi can ducled by thEi City I„tilities Eleparlmen-I all '10 a.m. an Miesday, REibuuary1 10, 2009. Illailurei la participate in lt a pue-bid walk will nail disqualify] a bidden as being) nan-respansive, ThEi P110-bid vis it will star a1 the Souih Caaks Well lacaiEid at the saulhoasll inters eclicin of CIallEi Arnaya and Rancha Vieja Raad adjacEint la San Juan Cnecl and Then pnacced la WEdI 5A. Capies all thEi Plans and %IpEICHicalians ane an Tile a1 1hEi Ci11y Clerk's Offices, City of San Juan Clapisllrano, 32400 Raseci AIdelanta, San Juan Capistnana, Califaunia, and may be ak lained a1 -I1 a n an-nEifundablEi changEi cd $20 plus a changEi a] $10 lln Eiach sei of Rlans and Elnecillicaliam mailed. Ran manEi iniknmalian, plEiasEi canlacl Jae Mankawict , AssacialEi Bnginoeii a1 (94 9) 487-� 313. Daleid: Ianuar)l 22, 2009 AR RET R. MONAF AN, CM CILEIRK CWHY F PIAN JL AN CIAPIEMRAN O ORCIN E COUNW, CALIFORN IAI CITY OF SAN J L AIN CAPISTRpNO NOTICE INVITING BIDS Fon Drilling and Develapment of Baslenn Wells C.I.R. N a. 775 h-1. NOTICE IS HERRON GIVEN that sealed bids foil the chilling and develapmenl of Bastenn Wells will be neceived at the office al the City CIE nk all the City cit San Juan Capisilrana, Cali'lonnia, until 2 prri on 24 Febnuary 2009 a1 whiah time 4r ey will be apenE d and nE ad aloud. N-2 DHEICIRIRTIOA OF 11HE WORM : The Vllod campilises the dnilling and pumping devE lapmen'l all twlo (2; gnaund wale r pradualian wells in San Juan Capisilrano fclr 1hE City all San Juan Capislnana. -nhe pnajEct cansisls of twa wells, the 11irsi of which is Sou-14 Caaks Well which is lacated in Ccloks Park appnoximalely 50 ileel east of an Exisling manilaning WE II and adjacen-I to the San Juan Creek. llt a sE cand is Well 5 whict is IcicalEd 50 ileei south \+lest of the pnevious well Iocalicln. N-3 UOCIATIOIS OF 11HE WORM : ThE Warl to be conslnucled is lacailed: Sau1h Cloaks Well: Soulheasi of the inlenseclion of Calle Arnaya and Rancho Viejo Raad adjacent la San Juan ClneE k. Well 5A: SoulhEasl of tt a inlensection of Clalle Anraya and Via Parna adjacent Io "Ian Juan Cueek in Cloaks Rank. in 1hE Clity cif San Juan Clapislnana, CA. N-4 CIOMRLE 'flI OF 11H9 WORM : Time is of the Essence. All waiii must be carnpletEd within 75 Clalendar days aflen it a dale specified in 1hE N mice to Rraceed. Liquidated damages will be assessed as set 1klri h in -It a Agreement ikm ilailune to meE l the specilliE d complE tian dallE . N-5 AWARE] OF CIONIRACT: (al The City nEseruE s the night after apening bids to rejEccl any on all bids, to waive any in-lanmaliiy (nan-respansivenEss) in a bid, all to makE awand to the IowE St HE spclnsive, nespansiblE bidden and neject all alhen bids, as i1 may best servia lha intE nes-1 o111 a City. (b; As a candillian of awand, the successful t iddE n will be ilequired to submil payment MORMX05U- LI-030 Std. NCITICIE INIV ITING BILIS xO5U-030std.wpd rliv2001 PAIGE 1 and pErfonmancE bonds and insurancE in an amount ofl 100 percE nil aiilhe caniraci pnicE. N -EI BID SECURITY: Eacl bid shall be accanipan ied by a CE ified or cashien's check on E id E and in 'Ihe amaunil of 10 penceni of the iolal bid pnice, payable la IhE Clilly of San Juan Capistnana. IS -7 BIDS TO REMAIN OP9N : The E iddE n shall guananlE a the latal Bid pnicE floe a period of 60 calendars days aflE n the date of gid opening. h -8 CONTRACIl1OR'S UlaENSO CILASSIFlICAIICIN : III a Conlnaclanshall passess a valid Cllass C-57 Clon'lnacilan IicE nse al 'lhe 'lime cif submitting bids. N 41 CALIFIURN IA WAGS RATE ROQUIREMBNTS: III a Coninaclor shall pay the general pnevailing rale(if pen diE m wages as dE'lenmined by II a Dineclan cif,J a Depart mend of Industrial Relalians of 1hE StailE ai Califannia kin the iacalily WI ere the wart is la be perfarmed. A copy all said wage nates is on -file all the officE of the Clily. 111 E Contraclar and any subcantractons shall pay not IEss Ihan s aid speCAE d nates and shall pos-1 a copy of said wagE na les at the projE cl site. N -10 REMAIN ALIS RRON RAYM9N TS: ThE Clan-Inaclan may elect to receive '100 percent of paymenils duE under the Conilracl Documen-Is fnam lime to time, without nelentian (it any partian of the payment by the Ci'ly, by depositing SE coni'lies all equivalenll valUE with the Clily in accondancE with IhE pncivis ions of Seclion 22300 of the Flublic Clon'lnac'l Clode. IS -11 PR9-BID VISIT 70 WORK SITS: (a) FlnaspectivE bidders anE invi led i10 attend a pnE-bid wall cif IhE praposed warl s ile and existing laciliJE s which will bE conducted by the Clity U1ililies Deparlmenl at 010 am an 10 FE bnuary 2009. (b) Failune 1a parlicipate in the pre-bid wall will not disqualify a bidden as being non- nE sponsive. (c)llhe pnE-bid visit will s1arl at the Sau-ll Caol s VA Ell and 'lhen pnaceed to Well 5A, seE paragraph � -3 for lacatians. h-12 OBTAINING GR INSPSCITING CIONIRACT DOCL MSN IIS: (a)(Ionlnacl DacumEnts may be ins pecled willhau'I cI arge at IhE Clfiice ollhe Clity Cllerk, City all San Juan Clapis'lrano, 32400 Paseo Adelanla, San duan Capistrano, CIA 92675. (b) Carmplele SE is all said Caninaci Dacurrienls maybe punchasEd a1 $20.00 dollars per set and are ablainable fnam the Office cif the Clilly Clank. No neiund will bEi made oil any charges far sets of Coniraci Dacurnen'ls. FC RAM-030 x05L1-030std.vd d NOTICI9 1N%IIINCI BIEIS Nav2011 PACIE 9 (c) AN addilic nal -lee (I $'1 CIAO) will bEl changEld R n sE1ts c f do cumenlls send by mail. N-13 ADDROSS AND MARKING OR BIDS: III ei einvelopEi E incicsing the Bid shall bEl sealed and addnElssed to to CVy o1 San Juan CaF isiiano, and shall bE1 dEilivElned of mailEld 1c thEl Ci ly Cllenk ai 324[10 F1asE10 fIdEllanic , E an Juan Capisiranc , Cf 192675. -Ihe Elnvelc pe shall r ei plainly mankEld in 1hEl upper left hand cc rnElrwilh 1hE name and addiiElss ellihe BiddEln and st all beaii Ihei wonds "Bid Floi..."followed bylhe FlncjElct 1iilE1, daiC and I can c-1 c pElning Bids. ThE1( or ified c n cashieWs check or Bid He nd shall be E1ncIcsEld in the same envelope wilh thE1 Hid. BY OR❑BR OR THB Cll1 OFI EAN JL AN CIAPIS7RplN C Date CITY OFI E AIN JL PIN CAIRIESTRAN O By MargarErl R. Mc nat an, CMC Clity Clerk NOH M 11-030 45U-030stdmo NaTIQE INV ITINGI BUS fliv2001 PPGE 3 $2400 PASEO ADELA 1 7 O ,i I M9MA ERS OR THIS 41TY Co l I IQ IL SAN.IL AN CAPISTRANO,(IA92675 (949)493.1171 !AM A HRE O (949)493-1053 FAQ IA[AAPIAAIiA LAL RA fSAIItIS1E1 � 1A�r THt!MA3W.w.HR IIRIBAR it N w.manjuarlcapistikit io.org 173 MARPI P101-SIN 0 R.I ONO REI 1$O T RAIN SMIIITAL -n0: r9oCal Pump & Well Chilling, Inc '15101 Palmy0a Ah ie Riverside, CA 92EIC17 At n: Shirley Beand 11ATH: Apnil 9, 2009 FROM: Cf nisly ,lakl, Adminisiraiive 9pecialisl (9y 9) 443-63'ICI RE: Canstnuctian Cloniraci — Drilling 81 CI evelcipmenl oII 9as-lenn Wells CIP 7-9 ,51 Itani you far providing dacumanlaiion canfinming campliance wilt the 1Eirms cif the caninaci 1101aied is insurance. Rlease keE1p in mind chis dacumentalian muss remain curnerii wish aur afflae duping the term cif this coniraci. III you have quEistians nelaied 'la insunance requinemenls, pleasEi call ma ai (94 9) 44 3-631 G. III you have queslicins c(incenning the cantnaat, pleasEi coniaat ,tae Mankawict , AssacialEi Bngineen al (94c1I)487-z 3'13. An aiiginal agimemeni is enclaied fan )iaur neaands. Cc: JaEi Mankawich, Assaciaie EngineEln &v Ju6in Ccpis,lranci: 7lreserving ;lhe Flcist iIci Elnhance ;Ihe Tbilure Rnnled an 100*A recycled paper &11742009 AGENDA RERORII D$ TO: Clave Adams, City Manager FROM: John G. O'Clannell, Utilities Clineclon SUBJECT: Cansidenalian all Award of Clanslnuclion Ccintuacl 1km 11he Easlenly Wells and Flip alinEis HrajEict (WEIII ElevelapmEinl Phase; (CIP 775. (SaCal Flume and %A all Dnilling Inc.) RECOMMENDATION: By malian, award the Canstruclian Cantnact ikir the Eastenn Wells and Flipelines Naject (Well Develapmenl Hhase) (CIIFI 775) la �IaCal Pump and Well Drilling, Inc. in the amauni of $382,34a.m. SillUATION: On � avemben 4, 20CIE1, City Cauncil appraved an agneement wilh Al M Cansuhling Engineers to pnavide design skin the Hasteirn Nells and Ripelines Hrojecl, CIH 775. -1 he Easlenn Wells will provide addilianal raw wateii loam tt a San Juan Basin to increase the productian and reliabilily of the Graundwa-len Recaveryl Fllani. At the meeting, staff was dinecled that the project goal was a minirriurri well praduclian al 600 gallans pan mingle (gpm . While existing wells and manilaring wells in the area would suggest that these goals can bEr rriait, ill is impossible to guaranllee wall piKiduclion bekine drilling the well. In onden 11ci reducE1 It a costs expended an a well It all may nal meet thEr gaal, staff has biial en the pucijecll inla three pt ases: Well Drilling & Develapment, PipEdine Canstructian and VI ellhead and FlUrrip Installalian. Hiieaking that pnajecl inta thnee phases serves Ma important func ions. 'By drilling thEr wells and ensuning They are goad producers befanEi pracauding, we avoid pipeline rerouting and redesign of the pumps s hauld the wells nal meal Eixpaclalians. Rhasing the piKijecl also reduces canslruclion casts buaausu the phases anu genenally handled by separate specialized contnactaris. Putting those under ane cantnact watild t avEi includErd mankups cm These specialty subcanlnacls. On January 22, 2aC19, the Utililkis Depar mEint released Plans and Sgecilicalians fail the Drilling and Duvelcipmaint of the Baslunn Wells. A well atlEindErd Hnei-Bid Cankinence was held on Hebiivary 'ICI, 2009. On Februaryt 2� , No% thEi City imaaived twa bids ikm the prajelcl: SaCal Pump and Well Drilling, Inc. $382,34EI.aa BakErrsfaid V< all and Rump Ca. $53EI,380.3CI Agenda Repar Rage 2 Manch 17, 200(11 The low biddEin, SoOal Pump and Wall Chilling, has perlonmed similan wonk fon a numben of water agencies and caunlr71 clubs and has been a succetiOul well dnilling conlnaclon fan aver tAenly years. Relerences gave the bim pnaise lion Iheiu wanF and -Iheh abililly to being the projec-l: in cin time and within budget. Hae 11hese neasans ;taff recaniman ds awaiid oil 111 a well develcipmeni phase of the SaslEirn Wells and Ripelines Rnajeal to 9oClal Pump and Wall Chilling, Inc. in the amaunl of $382,348.00. S-lafl will relunn -lo City Oouncil fail appnaval oil the Plan; and :Ipecifiaalions akin the Ripelina and WellhEiad pha;es of the puojecl afler the wells ane pnoven to Meel puoduc-licm goals. CICIMM1991CIN ABOARD REVIEW AND RECC N MBNDATIC NS: The U11ililiEis Cammission was updated on INN pnajecl al Thein REibnuaryl 24, 2009 meEiting. FINANCIAL CCNSIDERAMONS: The iliscal year 2(10$.2CI(19 budget ibn the Ba:tenn Wells and RipelinEia Hnajecl (CIIR 779) is $1 ,2110,000. 1 here is a canryl oven Incim 1hEi pnevious fiscal yean all $2,115,702 fou a lolal budgell of $31,4 '15,7x2. the amount cif the well devEdopmeni con'lnac'I lar this piKijecl is 8, and wi-lhin -I1 a amounl budgelEid. IN O111RICAVON: SoUal Rump and WEIII Chilling Inc. Bal Enfield WEN and Rump Clo. RECOMMENDAMCN: By ma-Rin, award the Consluuclian Contmat lkin the Bastenn WEills and Ripelines Pnojecl (Well DEIVEdopmen'I Rhase) (OIR 775) ila 9aCal Rump and Well Drilling, Inc. in III e amaunl cif$;182,;14FLOCL REI: pectfuIly submitted, Pre ared by: 01 n G. O'Donnell JOEI Mankawich Utilities Clirecclon Assaciate EngineEln Allacl mEinls: I. Rlans and SpEiciflicallians 2. Bid Resulls .1I. Cant uacl ATTIACHMSII T 1 Due to the size cif This atlachmenil, a copy I as been provided to the Clity Ccrt ncil fau review. In addition, a copy cif the attachment is available fou public review at the Ci-ly Clerk's Offiae located at 3122 as Pasea Adelania, San .luan Capistriano, CIA 92EI75 Attar rh mann 1 Bid OF elni ng Wport Bic a Opuneid Rubwalry 24, 2009 al 2:00 q.n . Flnojacil Tillie) 9asifinn Wells CIP 775 Rnojucil Bnginelfin Jaa WInlcalwich Arles Sid Eutin a111e 3I50CI,[ICICI Bid c or Bic Am ou nil Bid Bonc Ac deint.-IA QS �. BA KERSFIADD WELE AND PUIIP 5-3&3Z 30 O Al. SoCal Pump & del] Vs 1 3. $ 1 �I 4. 1 5. $ 1 �1. 1 71. / 8. 1 r 9igni Drite `C cc: Chly ClenN Staff(13; Firo'e a t Departrx anit (13; Clity N ana gar I ll) IN above bid amounts flat c not been chaaked. 'IIHe bid tatals ame sub'eat 10 correctioru afler the bids have beeni comiple le ly neviewed. AT7ACI-MM 712 CON STRI CIIQO CONTRAC11 TF IS CONIRAOT is made and enlened inia, la be efleclive, this '17.11 day of Manch, 2009, by and betvreE n the CIIN OR SAN Jt.AN CAPIEIIIRANO, hE nE inaflE n nelErnEd ila as "Gly," and SaCal Rump and WE II Drilling Inc., hereinafler relenned la as "Clans naclon." Clily and Canluaclar mutually agme as killaws: Secl ion 1. GE nE nal Canditians. Canlnacion cErliliEs and agrees that all 1hE lenms, canditians and abligalians of the Cantnact 11acumEints as heneinaflen delinE d, the lacalion cil the jot SHE, and tt e candi-lions unden whict the crank is 10 bEi perfaumEd have been Iharaudhly uevia"Ed, and enions inla This Canlnacl based Lipan Canlnaclan's invas'ligatian all all such rriattEins and is in na way nelying upon any opinions an nepresentalians al City. It is agnEiad that this Claninacl nepnEisenls 1hEi enflim aclneemeni bellMlEien thEi parties. II is fur t er agneud -Thal the Conlnacl Dacuiriunls including the Na-lice Invilincl Bids, Special Instuuctians la Eidders , ill any, and Canlnacl&s Rnoposai anEi incorporated in this Canlracl by nefenence, with J a same -kincEi and Eiffect as ill thEi same wEine sell far t at length herein, and that Canlnaclon and its sUbcontnactao , ill any, will be and ane bound by an11 and all oil said Can'Inacl Documents inso-lan as it ey 9Eila1Ei in any part an in anal \ray, dineclly all indirectly, la the \rank cavaned b)l this Conlracl. "Rnciject" as USE d t anein deilines it a an-line scope of it a work cavEinEid by all the Cantnacl DocumEinis. Anything manlianed in the SpEicificalions and not indica'led in the Rlans, ar indicated in thEi Mans and not menlicmad in the Specilicaiions, shall bEi oil like Eiffeci as ill indicalEid and mentioned in both. In case all discrepancy in 1t a Rlans on cipEicificalions , 1hEi mattEir shall be immediately submitted lo City's BngineEir, withaut whcise decision Claninaclan shall not adjust said discrepancy savE1 only at Cloninacian's own nisk and expensE1. The decisian ail IhEi angineen shall be final. SEIClion 2. MalEirials and Labor. Qonlraclon shall -Ikinnis h, unden the candilians expnessEid in the Plans and Specificaiians, at Clanlnaclon's awn expensEi, all labor and maienials necEissarA, except such as aro mEintionEid in it a Specilicalicins la bEi lunnished bylhEi City, la canslrucl and CITII OR 9 A I'I.IIIA PI CAPI9IRA NC1 A GR99M91PIT EAS79RN VIOL 19 DRII L ING CIF 779 B-1 A7ITACHMSNT 3 cernpIE'le the RrcjECl, in goad wcrkrranlikE and subs'lantial cndEn. 111 Ccntnacicr -lails tc pay 'Ion labc n cr mallE nials when due, City may setlle such claims by making dErr and upon the surely IC ll his Cc nilrael. In IhE Event cf 'I he lailunE cr rElusal cf IhE SUR'ly Ic sa'l isfy said claims, City may SEME i hE m d iuecl ly and dE ducl IN amc uni cf payrrie n l s frc rn the CcnInacl price and any amcunls duE Ic Ccntnaator. In the Event City nEceiVES a sic nctice -IncrT any labc ren ou material supplier alk ging nc n-payrriE nil by Clonlnaclon, City shall bE E ntillE d to dE duc'I all c-1 ills cc sts and E xpE nsES incunE d Wall 'Iherelc, including bull not limited to adminisiralivE and legal 1EE S. 'Elecilic n 3. DEscriplic n cf Rno*f c1. It a PnojE c1 is de scribE d as: Drilling and DevE Ic Drrren'I c f Baste rn Vi lells (CIR 775) as dE Iinealed in 'It a Rlans and SpE cilicalions pnE pared by AIV N Consulling BnginEiEns, Inc. nE IeasE d Januar, 21(1[19. Vi IorM io includE: ThE We rk includE s the ThE We nk cc rniprises lhE drilling and pumping dEVE lopmen'I cf Iwo (2) gnc and wall production wE II; in San Juan Clapisirano lion IhE City o1 San Juan Capisinanc. IhE puc jecl consist: cf No wE 11" , 1hE -lirsl of which is South Clocks WE II wt ich is IccalEd in Cooks Park apprcxinialE ly 50 1EE t E as1 of an Existing monitorir g wE II and adjaCE nil 'Io the San Juan CUE ek. ME SE ccnd is WE 115 which is Iccaled 5a feEl south wEs'I o1'It E pnE ViouS WE II locallic n. Secllion 4. Mans and SPE ci-licat ions. ThE work Io be donE is : hown in a :el c I df IailEd Rlans and SpE cificalions Entitled: Chilling and DE VEIC prr Ein1 c f 9asl( nn Wells (CIR 775) Said Plan: and :SpE cificalions and any nEvisic ns, arTiendniE nt: ( n addE nda 1hE nE Io are attached herelc and ince rpc ralE d henE in as part of this Contnaci and nE-lened I by relEirencE . Seclic n 5. -lime c f Cc mrriE ncE ME nt and Cc mplE tion. Cc nlracic r agreES IC cc mrr encE 'I he Rnc jE cl within 1E n (1 Cl) calendar days 1uc m N dalE SEI forth in 'IhE "Nc ticE tc RrcCE ed" SE nil by Chilly and shall diligE nilly pnc sECutE the worts to corrlplelicn wilhin SE VE ty'IIVE (75) Calf ndan days llrom the da1IE c'I the "Nc ticE is RrcCEed" issuEd by the City excluding delays cauSEd cr aulhorizad by the Cily as set forth in 9eclions 7, 8 and 9 heirecf. SE ciion Q. Time is c f the EssencE. CITY ON SAN.IUAN CARISTRANO AGRUENEINT EASTNRPI WEI CS 0 RILL ING CIP 171 B-1 Time is sill 11 he E ssEnoe cif This Clan Inac1. As nEquined t y the Canlnacl 130cuMEnts, Cantnactar shall pnepaIIE and abtain appnaval cif all shap drawings, details and samples, and da all aihen things nECE ssar5l and incidenlal la the pncisecuiian cif Caninacion'e work in conkinrriancE with an appravEd canstnuatian pnogness schedule. Canilraclan shall cciondinalE 'IhE wark aavE red by itis Clanlnacl wilt thal cif all olhE n Cant naatarsi, subcanivaatans and cif 11 he Ci-ly, in a manner Thai will facilitate IhE efl'iciE ni carriplEllicin cif the E niine wark in accordancE with SEcllicin 5 hE nE in. City shall havE ccimplE tE coni ral cif the pnE"Iises cin whist the wark is 11a bE pErfarmEd and shall have 'I he righ'I to decide ihE lime on andE n in which 1hE various partians all IhE wank shall bE inslallEd cin 11he pnicirity of the wank cif alheii s ubcani racians, and, in gE nEral, all rriatiErs liepliesenting IhE timE ly and andE my canduct crl the wank o1 Caninaclar an ihE premises. Se cl ion 7. Excus ablE CI a lays. Clanl nacl an st all be E xcusE d lar any dE lay in 1 hs pncisecui tan cm ccimplE tian of l he PiKijeci causEd by acls of Gad; inalemE ni WE aihen; damages CERISEd by lire cin cithE n cas ual-Iy lar which Claninaclan is nal responsible; any act, neglecl all dE'lauli cit Cily; ikiilunEi all Ciiy to mak( 1irnEily paymEinis la Clanlnactan; Ia1Ei dE INEiryl cif rrialE rials required by this Cloniraci io bEi furnished by Clity; combined ac'Iian cif ihEi warty ens in no way caused by on rersul-ling Inarri default on callusian an thEi pari cif Claninacion; a lackau-1 by Ciiy; an any olhEin delays unikineseen t y Canlnaclar and bE yand Canlnactan's nevisanable cant fol. Clity st all extend the lime -Iixad in Sectian 5 lar camplEitian all ihEi Pnojecl by thEi number all days (lanlnaclon has thus bEian delayed, pravidEid Ihai Claninaclau presents a wnitten neques'I -lo Ciiy ilcin suet lirriE exiEinsian within fifteEin (115; days cif thEi cammencEiment of such dEday and Clity finds lhai the dEilay is justified. City's decision will be canclusive cin it a parties la it is Caniiiacl. Flailure 'lo 'IilEi such nequesi within thEi iirrie allowed shall be d0eirried a waNEir al thEi claim by Cloniradan. IN a alairris by Clanlnaclan lcin addiiianal ccimpEinsa'lion an damages far delays will bEi allowed unless Clonlracian salis11iEis City that such dEilays wEinEi unavciidabkl and nal the nesult of any aclian on inaction al Clontnaatar and chat Clanlraclan taaE all availablEi mEiasunEis to miligalEi such damages. E)dEinsicins cif 'IimEi and ex na caMpEinsalion as a rEisuli al incunning undiscicisEid utilities will be dEitenminEid in accandancEi wish 9eciicin C- 0 ITY OF 9 AN.ILIAN CAPIS IRANO AGREaMENI 8A STERN ViIELI 5 DRII LING G IP' -j5 8-3 91(f) of ih€i GenEinal Flncvisic ns. Me Clity's decisic n will be conclusive on all parliE a 'lo this Coni raci. 'cleciicn 8. axtna Wcrk. ThEi CcnInacl puiCE includEs CCMPE nsal ion icr all werl per cinmed by Cantnacten, unless Cc nlnacic r ❑blains a wnitlE n change cindE n sionEd by a dE signalEd nE pnE sEntalivE al Ci11y specifying the E xaci nalure al 11he Ex11na wark and It E amaunl al E xtna CamPE nsallicin ici bE paid all as rricinE particularly sE'l forth in Seclian g heIIE al. (lily shall E xtE nd IhE lime -lixed in SE ctian 5 fail ccimplE tian of IhE Riaject by IhE numben of days HE asanably HE quined fan Cantnaatan la PE dorm the Ext na wank, as dE tE rminE d by Clity's 9ngineE r. -f hE dE cisicin cif the BngineE r shall be linal. SEc-licin c1I. Changes in RrolECI. Al. City may at any tirriE , withau'l nciticE to any suiieiy, by wnitlen andE i designalEd ar indicalE d la be a change anden, rnakE any changE in IhE wark within the genE nal SCOPE of 11he Caninaci, including but nart lirrii'led to changE s: 1) in the SPE cificallicins (including dnawings and designs); 2) in 11 he llirriE, ME'It ad an manner all perfanmance of thEr waul ; 3) in 'Ihe Clily-1innist ed lacili'lius, equipmiEinl, malEnials, servicEs an SHE; an 4) din€ cling acc€ lenatian in the p€ ricinrriancE of 11he wank. S. A ahangE ardEr st all alsa bE any olh€ n wniti€ n onden (including dinEctian, instnuctian, inleiipi0allian ar dEtenminalian) fllClm 'It E Ci11y wt ich causEs any change, pnavided Cantnactaii gives the City wni111E n ncitice stating 11he dale, cincumislancE s and sciunce all IhE ainden and tha-1 Clan Inaclan nEgarc s ihE ardE r as a change alideli. C. EXCE pi as pravid€d in this S€ctian g, na anden, stall EimE nt ar cc n duct of the City ar ills IiE pnesE WallivE s shall bE 1nea1E d as a changE undo r 'I his SE ctian 9 ar entill IE Caninaclar to an E quillable adjustor€ nil. C . 1.1 any change under This Se ctian �I causes an in caE asE cin decIlE asE in Cc nlnaciar's actual, dinecl cast an IhE Mime requinEd to percnrn any par al the wa4 undElr This Clonllracll, whErlt Er aii nal changEld by any anden, IhE Ci-ly shall make an Equitable adjuslrTi€ n1 and mcidify the Clon'lnaci in writing. ExCEpt fan claims based an d€fEclive spEcillicatians, na claim fan any changE undE n paiiagnaph (8) above shall b€ CITY OF 9A N,IIIA N CAPI;7RANO ACRE HIVIEN1 EIA:TERN VIEILI S DRU LING CIF 715 E 4 allawed loin any cas-Is incunned more than Mentyl (20) c ays balkine ihE1 Caniraciar gives written naiice as sequined in panagnaph (B). In thEi case a-1 cE1feclivE1 specillicatians akin whiah the Ciiy is aEispansible, the equilable adjusimen-1 shall includEi any incneased dinEict co,t Conlractan reasanably incurred in atlEimpling to carniply with 'Ihase defeclive speci-licat ian: . E. If Claninaclon intEinds to assert a claim fan an equilable adjuslrrien'l unden 'This ."Iec1lion 9, ill rniusi, within thirty (30) days afler receipt all a written ahange andEin under paragnapt (A) on it a furnishing all a wnibEin nalicEi unden panagnaph (B), submit a wnitlEm slalerrieni la the City setting lkirih thEi genEinal nalune. and rrionetar%A Eixlen'l cif such claim. ThEi Clity may extend the lhirly (30) day period. Clonlnaclon may include the stallernEmt of claim in 11he notice unden panagnaph (a) of this Llection 9. 9. N a claim by Conlractar for an equilablEi adjustment shall be allowed if made after final payment unc er this Agreement. G. Contnactar henEiby agnees to male any and all changes,, funnish the materials and perfanm the wank that Cily may requinEi wilhaut nullifying this Cantnact. Clanlnaclon shall adhere stnicllly to the Pians and .Ipecificalians, unless a change Ihere faom is authorized in writing by the Cily. l nden n condition shall Clon'Inaclon make any change: to the Flnoject, ei'll er in addillions an deductions, wilhau-1 the waitlen onden cif the City and the City shall nol pay fon any extra chaiKles made by Cantraclan 11 at havEi nal tEien agaEied upon in advance in wailing by the Cily. Conlnaclon shall ; ubmil immediately to the City wnitlEin copies o-1 its fiarni'; cost or cnedil pnopasal fon change in thEi wank. Cispuled work shall be perlorrned as or( Bred in waiting ky the City and the puopen cos-1 an cnEidit breakdowns 1henefore shail be submitled without delay by Cantnactor to Ci1Iy. F. Ill in the opinion o-1 the City's EngineE n, it is in the City's besll inleresll and it is dE EimE d necessar)l 'lo pnoceE d with a nE quined change in the Coni nacl Documents, and timE pnecludes submittal of 'It a Clon-lnacc on's proposal or, -It orough analysis of 'I he Cantnacton's proposal, on the par ies fail to neach an agreE men 1, the City may ondE n 11he Cantnactor la pracE E d (Flnoceed Orden) on the basis oil a -enllative, nci i a Exceed price based an the best estimate available at 11he timE , with the firm price and time impact to bE dElenminEd Ia1Er. I-I a PnoceEd Orden is is: uEd, the Canlnactar shall submit his CITY aF 9AN,IUAN CAPIS TRANO AGR 9EMONT EASTERN VHELL S ARIL LIP IG d IP 171 B-1 prapasal ilcin the changes in the wars' within 71 calendan c ays cal the Pncicead Order, and a Change Oncan shall be nagalialEid anc fully exEiculEic within 30 calendar days cit IhEi PIICIa eac OiK all. clec'lian 10. Liquidatec C arniagas kir Delay.. The par ies agime that ill the ki-lal work aallec kir undEir 'I his Canlracl, in all par s and requinemenls, is nal COMpletEK within the tirria spacifiec in clec-lian 5 plus the allawance mad Er lar delays cin extEinsians aulharized unden Suatians 71, 8 and 9, 'IF a Cily will s uslain c arniagEr, which waulc be ElXtIlElMEdy difficult and impnaaticable 'Io ascEirtain. ThEr parr iEis 'Ihenelore agree that Clanlraclon will pay la CVy 'It a surni of One llhausanc Dallans ($1,000) leu day, as liquida-led damages, and nal as a penally, Ian aaah anc Eivery calEindarday during which campleiicin crl the Rrajecl is Sa c Elayed. Cantnactai agnees to pay Sua h liquic atEc c arriagE s and furthE r agnues that Clity may aflsE It the amount cif liquidated c arTiagE s lrorri any manies due cin 'IF ail may tErcarne c uE Clanlraclan unden this Cantnaat. SE clian 'I '1. Clonlraci Rrice zinc Me'IF ac all Paymenl. City agrees io pay anc Contnactor agnI 'Io aCCEpl as ilull ccinsidErallicin fall the faithful peranmanco a'I this Clontnaccl, subject to any sutsE quE nt adcilicins cit c ac uciicins as pravided in appiKivec change orders, the surra of ThreE Hundrec Eighty-Na Thousand Three Hundrec anc Rcirly-eighl dollars ($382,348.00) as ilernized cin the aillachEc Whibill "A." Within Thiry (30) c ays ilrom the carrimEnaerTienil crl work, the FIE shall be paic la thEr Clonilraclor a sum equal is ninEty percEnl (901/c) ail the value ail the actual wark carnipleled plus a D a pencE nilage of 'Ihe value of rnialErrial suitably starec at the wcinksi'le, timairnien'I plant ar approvEc stallagE yards subject to cin uncei the canlral ail the Clity, since the corrimencE mE M of thEr wonk as deteurniinEc by the City. ThErnsafler, an a SchEIdUIEI iSSUEIc by'lhE Cily al the carrnmEincerrnenl olllhe jab which shaves a rriinirniurri of ane payrriE nl maca to IhEi Ccintractar pan rnianlh akin Each sucrl ssive month as the monk progresses anc 'Ihe nequesi ilan paymErnt cue dales ilrorni J a Cantnactar la meal 1he payment schec ule, the Ccmtraciar shall be paid such surra as will bring the fatal pElymEints recEMid since the carnirriancEiment of the wank up to ninely percent (90%) ail the value o-1 the wonk comple'Ied since -11 a commencierrianl of work as delanminec by 'lhe CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO AGASEN SPIT SA 3TERN WELL S DRIL LIPIG CIP 171 a-e Ciiy, less all pnevicius payments, pnovidEid that the Ccinlnaclar submits the nequesi lar payrriani pi ficin to the and cifl the day naquired tci rriaall the payrrlenil schedule. llhe Cily will ne'lain len paracent ('10%) all each appravad pncigiiEiss payrrienl until 1ha Wank is fifly penceni (50%) ccimplERE1. llten, the Cily may ail iils apiicin suspend Airheu ralainage until the final piiagness paymEinl. The Cily Kiserves the iiigt 1 1a nein;tailEl up 10 JIM pencen'l (101/) ralainaga cd the ilcital cit -Ill a Word if 11he City dularminas, at ills discnelian, hal the Canlnaclon is nal peromming iha Wank sa1Aac,lonily, cir Ihare is olhan spElcific cause kir suct IiEgainage. Payments shall be rriadEi on demands drawn in the mannan nequiiiEid by law, accompanied by a certifiicaie signEid by 1he City's 9nginear, stalling that the wank kir which paymEinl is demanded has been perlarmed in accardanae with the 1Elnrris cif the Canlnacl, and Ihai1 ilhe amauni slailEid in the car ifica'le is due undEin 1hEi Iaiims all the Cantnact. Flar ial paymEinis an 1hEi Conlnaat pnicEl shall not be aansideliEld as an acceptance cit any pari cif the wark. clecilicin 12. clubstituiicin crl9ecunilies in Lieu all REitentian o1 Flunds. Rursuani 1a Flubiic Cantnacl Code 9ec1licin 222ioa ail sEiq., the Cantnactan will be entilled 1a posl appnavEid ! ecurities with 1hE1 City ar an appnoved fiinancial insiilutian in cirdEin la havEl the CVy relea: a funds relained by the Clity 'lo insure peronrniance ofl the Canlnacl. Canlnactaii shall bEi required io exEicuile an addEindum to this Clonilracl 1ogErlhen wish escraw inatnuctians and any ciihEln dacumEinis in ordEir 'Ici Elffecl this subsiiilutian. SEictian '121. Completian. Wilhin len (10) days after 1hEi cantnact complEitian data ofl 'It a Rrojecil, Cantr clan st all file wish 1hEi City's EngineEin ills affidavill staling that all wcinkEins and persans Elmployed, all ;lirrr s supplying makinials, and all subcantiractoiis upon 'Ihe FlnajOct haVU been paid in ilull, and 'It all thEire anEi nci claims ciuls'Ianding againsl 'It a Rrajecl kir Eiilhen labon ar rriateiiial, excep1 thane CEirilain iierris, H any, ici be : ESI -lorh in an affidavi-1 covEirinc dispulEid claims, au illems in ccinnElction wi,lh 9tap Notices which t avE1 beEin filed under the pravisicins o1 1hEi statutes oil the 9talEi of Caliilorria. City may nequinEi CITY OH SAN JUAN CAA ISTRANO AGREEMENT EAST@RF I WE[LS 0 RILI ING CIP 779 E-7 affidavits oil CErtilicales all paymEnt and,lau IlEileases from any ; ubcon'lnaalall, IabauEm all malenial : uppliell. 9E clian '14. Clanlnaclau's 13MOMMS' CcimpEinsaIlan. A. Davis-Bacon Act: Canlnaclan will pay and will requina all subcanluaclar; la pay all f mplayef s an aid FlnajEicl a salary) cin wagE all IaaSl Equal to IhEi plievailing nate of pall diEm AagEis as dErlanminEid by thEi SE crelaryl all Laban in accandance u ill the Dmli:-H actin Acl kir E ach craft ar 1ypEi all wauken REEided to per aurri 1hEi Cantnact. ThE pauvisiam cd the Davis-Bacon Plat shall apply only it 'IhE Conllracll i; in OXCEN ; ail Twa Thausand Lkdlans ($2,aaaam ar whEin Menty-live pEME nl (25%) cin mcinE cd the Clanlnacl is 'landed by lodelial assistance. 1'I the alarosaid conditions are met, a aapy of IhEi pravisians al 1hEi Davis•Bacan Act to be complied with are incarparalE d henEiin as a par of)hit Canlnacl and nelE rnEid la by nEdEniencE1. B. GEneual RIIElllailina Fa1Er City ha: ascertained lncim the .1111ale al Clalillarnia DinEiclau crl Industrial Rela'licins the general pnEivailing ualEi of pEin cliErni Aages and thEi gEinEmal pnEvailing nate lar IEigal haliday and avE rlirne wonk in IhEi Iacalilly in which the monk is la bEi PE rlormed fan eaah craft ar type of work nEiedf d lci OXEICILIM this Clon-lrac'I, and copies of the same anEi an file in 1hEi OfficEI cif 1hEi 8nginEen cr1 Cilly. ThE Con-Iraclon agneEl! that nal IESS than said puevailing raves shall bEi paid 'Ici wauken f replayed an -It is public wanks canlnacl as nequinf d by Laban Clade :leclian 1774 oil ilhe Slate of Caliikirria. C. RcirlEiituue Ron Vialalian: Canhaclar : hall, as a penally la thEi Cily, farfeil Rifly Dallans ($5CI.00I) fon each calendar day au partian 1heuEial lar each HcmkE n paid (ailhen by the Clanlraclon ar any subconilracicin undau i1) less than thEi prEivailing nate of pen diem wagEm as sell by the DinEIGIOII of Industnial Pala-lions, in accandance Wlh 9eclians 177(1-178CI cit the Califannia Laban Cade kir IhEi mink puavidEid fail in 'It is Clanlnacl, all in accardanae with Seclian '1775 of the Laban CladEi a'I the Slate al Cali'lonnia. D. TravEll and 9ubsis'lencE Flay: CITY OH SAN JUAN 0A RISTRANO AGREEN ENT EASTaRtI WELLS 0RILI ING CIP 171 B-8 Seclion '1773.8 a-1 the Labar Cade a1 the .I1a1e cif Cali-lornia, regarding the payment all tnavel and s ubsis'lence p%rnanls , is applicable la Ihis Cantnact and Clanlraclon st all comply thEirewilh. E. PIppren'l ices: SEictian , 777.5, 1777.6 and '1777.7 cif the Laban Clade cif the State o1 Clalilarnia, nEigarding the emplayment of apprentices, is applicable to this Conliiacl and IhE Cantnaclau s hall carniply 11heiiewith i-1 IN prime cantnact involves Thirty Thousand Dcillars ($30,000.00) an mare on twenty (20) wcirkinc days, ar nnane; or if contracts crl specially Cantnaclons nal bidding fan work thnough the gent vial an pnirne CanUacior are Two 1haus and Dollars ($2,000.00) or mom ar live (5) warking days on mare. F. Warkday: In -Ihe perorrnance cif this Cantraci, nal rricuiE than eight (8) hcnriis s hall consti'lulE a day's wonk, and Clantracton shall nal require rniane than eight/ (8) hamis of lat an in a day ilrarri any person ernployEd by him herE under except as piiovided in paragraph (9) at avE . Coniracicir shall canikinm to Article 3, Clhapten 1 , Rar 7 (.leciicins 1810 el sea. of IhE Labor Cade cif the Stale of Calilarnia and shall 1kirleil to the Clity as a penalty, IhE sum of TWE n1y=live Dollars ($25.00] akin each wcmkE r employed in the E xecutian all chis Cantnact by Canlnactan cin any subcanlnactar foil Each calendars day durinc which any workEr is FEquined ou pEnmitled to labon mare than eight (8; hauris in any ane calendars day and ikirly (20; haurs in any one week in vialatian cif said Article. Clanlracat shall kEep an accunale recand shawing the narriE and actual hauns wcinkEd Each calendars clay and each calendar WEE k by each wart en erniplayE d by Cantnactor in cannedian with the Pnajeci. CI. Recond a-1 WaaE s; Inspecticin: Clontraclan agneEs 'lo main-lain accuriate payrall necands shawing IhE name, address, social security number, wants classiilicatian, stnaighl=limE and aver imE hours warked Each day and week, and the actual per diE rni wages paid to each jouineyrnian, appuenlice, warkEr ar alher emplayE e E mpllciyEd by it in canneciicin wish the Piiajecl and ac NE es to nE quire ihai each of its subcanlnaclons daEs -It a sarnE. All payrall necands shall be cerlilliEd as accunalE by IhE applicablE Conlnacior cin subcaninaclar cin its agen'l having authoniiy ovE n such matiens. Cantnactar fur t E r agrees that its payrall UE conds CI1 Y OF SAN.IIIA N CAPIS 1 RANO AGREMMEI Il MA 97ERN Vti E Ll S CRIT Lit IG CIR 715 E-9 and lhuse ail its subcanlnaclars shall be availEible to 'Ihe emplayEie cin employeEi's nEipnEiseniEitive, the [livis ion all Labar Slandands EnfcincEiment, and IhEi Divisian of Apprenticaship S-Iandands and shall camply with all cd the pnovisions (d Labau Code Seciian '1776, in genEinal. I'lecllan '19. flunely Bands. Canlnaclon shall, beiare enllaning upan thEi parlonmance all )his Coniracl, lurnish bands EippravEid by the Cli'ly Qoum el -- ane in the amclunl of ane hundned penceni (100%) a1 the Clantnact price bid, -Io guairan'lea thEi lai11hful per onmance cif the wank, and the alhen in 11he Eimaunl cd one hundred peraenl ('100°/a) of Nil ClanlnEict pdcfi bid la guauEinlEiEi paymenl cif all clairrls tan latan and rniadEmials funnis had. phis Clanllract shall not boaarrie effective until such bands Eine supplied to and appnoved by 'lhe (lily. Secllicin -Ifl. Insurance. A. Canlnacian N aha aiweire of -Ihe pravisions of Sadicin 370a o-1 11he Laibou Cade, which requinEiS Eiveryl erniplayen lci be insured againsl liability fon Wori ens' CcimpEmsGplion cin undertake sell-insuliancEi in accaniance with the pravisions al 'It ail Cade and will comply wish such pncivisions befane commencing 11he pEirfarmance al the wank of this Conlracl. a. Conlracian Eind all subcontnaatars will cairryl wcinkans' aompensEltian insuivince lkrn the priallEictian crf its ermplayeas during 1hEi pncrgnErsS of the %ank. The insuuEin stall waivEi its nigHs of subnagalian against Ci11y, its Officers, agEints and Eimplayeas and shall is suEi a certificate la 1hEi pcilicy evidEmlcing Sarrle. CI. Caniraclan shall al all limes canry, on Bill ciperalians henEiunden, bodily injury), including dEialh, and pnoper y dan iaige liaid ililly ins unance, including autarriolive operations, badily injury) and prapEldy dE MgEi cavenage. All insullancEI coveliage shall be in amounts speci-lied by City in it a Insunance Requinernienlls and st all be evidEinced Hy 'Ihe issuancE1 of ai car ificalEi in a fanmi prescnided ty 1he City wind s heill bEr undEirwnilllEin by insurancE1 campan ies saillisfactaryl to Ci11y lar all apEinatians, subcan-lnaccl wonk, conllraccltial abligalions, pnoducl ar corripllelEid openatians, Eill cm nod \,Ell' icles and non-owned vehiclEis. Said insurancEi cavEinage abtainEid by the Canlracian, eXCEiplincl workers' compensalicin coveragEi, shall narrIl thEl Ciiy, ills Dinecians, Officers , Agents, ErriployaEiS, Bngineens, and Cansultants far this conllract, and all public agenciEis -Tram UP OF SAN.ILIAPI CAPISTRM 0 AGREAMEN7 EAS-NERN VIEL.I S DRII L ING CIA 7179 B-10 whorri permits will b(i oblainEid and thEiir Directors, OffICEIns, Agents and ErriplayaEis, as detenrriined by thEi City, as additional insureds an said paliciEis. D. 061011Ei Conlnactali pEirfarms any work al, an pnepares an dEilivem mialenials to, the site of canstnuction, Conlnaclon shall lunnish cerlificates all insunEincEi evidEmcing ihE1 fanegaing insulianCEi covenagEis aind such cerlillicates shall provide INN name and palicy numiber of Eiach-cairrien aind palicy and 'It ail 1hEi insunance is in 'I011cE1 and will nalt bEi canceled wilhoui Ihir y (3(1) dai)Is' NinitlEin naiice is Ciiy. Con'Ina1GIOII shall maiinivin all of the lane(laing insL mince cavenagEis in lance un-Iil the work undEin Ihis Coninacl is 'Iull)I campleWd. ThEi rEiquinerrieni fan canryling the lionegoing insunainCe shall nal derogarle 11rarri the pnavisians Jon indEiminificaiiion o'l CIiI)I by Canlractor undEir Section 17 o-1 this Coninact. Notwithsllainding nor diminishing thEi abligallions o-1 Coniraiclon with nEispEicl la the faregaing, Conlnaiclon shall subscribe fan and maintain in full fanCEi and Eiffeci during the Ii1Ei o11 this Clonlnaict, -It a following inSL mince in amaunls nai less ftin thEi arriaunis specified and issuEid by ai carripany admilled in Cailclomia wind halving a 9esi's Guide Rating o-I A-Claiss '� II or bEitter: Warl en's Clampensaiion In accondancE1 wilh thEi \A onkers' Compensation ACI a-1 thEi 3la1El of Califarnia -- Minimum of $'I,aoa,aaa Flublic Lieibilil)I, in the -kmrri all $'I,aoa,aaa, pEir accurnence, on either ClorriprehEinsive GEinEiral altEirnalivel)I, Liability on Comirriencial GenElnall $'I,(Iaa,aml aggnEigaie, sEiparatEi L iaibility w rittEin an a pEin-occurrence fon this pnojEiCt. basis Alutomiabile liaibilily, including $'I,(IOCI,(IaC1 pEir occurrence nan-awnEul and hired vehiClEis CM OF 9A FI JUAN CA R ISTRANO AGREEMENT EA97ERN Wal L9 Dn ILI ING CIP 171 B-11 Clity on its repreisEmialives sF all a1 all limes have J a nigh-1 to inspecl and reCEiive the original an a CEulifiEid ccap)I of all said palicius ai insunanae, including ceirtificalEas. Cloniraclor shall pa)I 1hEi premiums an the insunanUi hEireiinabovEi nEaquined. Suction 17. Risl and IndElmniiicalican. All wark ccavered by this Canlracl dans ai IhEa si1Ei of consiruciian cin in pnEipaiiing ai dEilivening maleuials la 1hEa si1Ei shall bEa EFI 'IhEa nisk of Canivacicar alane. Cloniracicin agreEas io savEa, indEimni')I and kEaep Ciiy, its DinEictous, CRCEirs, IIgEinls, EmplayEIEas, anginEaeias, and Clansullants -cin this Clon1nac1, and all public agEanciEas 1rorri wham pEinmils will be obirained and thEiir Dineclars, Officeus, Pgents and amplcayaEas hanrriless against any and all liability, claims, judgments, c asis and demands, including dEamands arising -nam injunies ON dEiath of pEinsans (Canlraci(ins' Eimployeas included) and damage 10 ptropEirty, anising diuecily cin indinEaclly aut all thEa obligations hEirein under akEin all au-I al the opcialicans canduclEid by Ccantnactal, savEi and excEapl claims all Ii'ligaiian arising lhnaugh 'IF a stile negligencEa ai s alEa wilillUl misconduct cif City, and will ma;a goad to and reimbLiusEi City lkin any EixpEindilunes, including rewanable-attarneys' feEis Clity may incur b)I reason of such rriallEins, and i' nequeslEid by Clity, will dEafend any such suits at Ihei scale ccisl and expense caf Can-lraclon. SEiclion 18. Sicip Ncilic a Adminislliatian. City nesEiruEas 'Ihe night Io charge Cantnac lar -kin City's actual administnalive IimEi (including aiionney's IimEa) Io adminislEir and pracEas s stap nolices filed by Conluac tail's subcanlua(tors, rrialEinialmen, on any olhEir claimant ai lienhcldeir. SEictian 19. Terminalian. P. This Conlracl ma)I be lEirminatEid in whcilEi cin in pari in wiailing by Emit' all party in the event of s ubstaniial llailune by the ashen parly to fulfill its obligatians under this Ccanivaci lhncaugh nca ilaull cif ih(i 1Eanrninaling part)I, pnovidEid ihai na 1Eirmination may bEa EaffedEid unlEiss 'Ita aihaii parly is givEan: (1) nal less ihan ten ('ICI) calendau da)Is' wnibEin ncatice (delivElnEid by (er ified mail, relunn neceipl requeslEid) cit intent to lenminalEa, and (2) an opparunily lou cansullation wish 1he 1Eanminaiing part)I piaicin to IEirmiination. 0. This Ccanlnact may bEa lEirminalEid in whole of in par in wtriling by the Clity lar ils c onvcnience, piaovided Ihcrl the Coniracican is given (1) neat less than ten (10) calEindar days' wiaitten nalicEi (dEalivElnEid by CEarlifiEid mail, relunn NecEaipt nEiquEasled) cal CITY 01 SAN JUAN CAA iSTRANO AGREEMENT RIA STERN WEI L S DRIL I IVIG a IP YAJI B-13 intent to lenminala, and (2) an opportunity for cons ulla, ion wish the lerrainaling party piston to iermiination. C. 11 ierminalian foci default or convenience is Eiffecled by the City, an equilabla adjustment in the price pricivided fail in This Cloniracl shall bEi made, buil (1) na arniount shall bEi allowed foci an'licipalEid piicifri an unperiormEid servicas an other wonk, and (2) any payrnienl due io the Cloniracian at the iirrie of ierminalian may be adjusiEid io caveii any addiiicinal casts io the Giiy because cif the Ccintuactm's defaul'I. If ierminalian 'kin default is effected by 'Ihe Canlnaclar, IhEi equitable adjustment shall include a reascinable pina'lit loin services or other wonk pterfarmed, but na adju:trrieni will be allowed fan anlicipaied pricilits. The equitable adjustmieni fon any terminalian shall piavide ficin payrriani lathe Caninaclan for services nendered and expanse,, incunned pnian io the ierminaitan, in addiiian to ienrninalicin setilemenl casi: neasonably incunned by the Caninaciar HEilaling la carrimilmenis which had become linin pnion'Ici 1he Wriminaiicin. 11. Uplan receipt of a Iemiina-licin ac-lion under panagnaphs (A) on (B) above, the Cloniradan shall (1) promptly discontinue all aflecled wonk (unless the n(itice dinecls oiherwise), and (2) deliver on citherwise make availablEr la -1he City all data, drawings, pecilicatians, nepriris, eslimiaies, sumima cies and such cilher inkinrriaiion and rrialenial: as may have beErn accumulated by the Canlnaclar in perlanming ihis Cloninacl whEithEir complelEid ar in pincicess. B . L plan lenmination under panagnaph: (Al) an (8) abave, IhEi Cily may iake aver the wank and may award analheii party an agreemient io compllEite thEi work under This Caninact. Canlnackin agnees ici pleriarm all wonk under this Canlnacl in accardance wish the City's designs, drawings and specificaiians. The Clonlnaclon guaranleas foil a peiiiad of ai least ane (1) yEian fnam 1he dale ail subsiantial core pileiicin al thEi wonk that the camplErled wank is fneE1 ilrorri all dErfecis due Io faulty materia Is, equipment ar warkmanship a nd that he shall plramptlly make whatevEin adjustments an canreciicins which may be necessary) to cure any delecls, including repairs of any damage to othEin parts ail IhEi sysiern nesul-ling lrorri such delects. The Clity shall pncimipllly give ncitice is the Ckiniracloii of cibserved defects. In ihE1 Eivenl that the Caninaclar Tails la make adjuslmEints, repains, cannactions ar alhen wank made necessary) by such dErfecis, the Ci-Iy may da sa and change the C11Y UF SANJUAN CAPISTRANU AGRE E ME P T EASTERN WELL S DRII LING CIH 715 1-11 Caninaclar the cgs-1 inc unnud. The p ori anmance band shall nemain in full kmc a anc of acl 11Hnaugh the guaranleei period. The Canlnacicies cibliga-lions uncen this clause) are in adeillicin 'Io 11tle Conllradarls crlheu expness ar impliec assurances Men 'Itlis Clanlnac cm sla A lavw anc in na %Ey ciminish any a11Hen nights 'Iha1 the Clity may Have aclainsll the Clanlnec ton fan faulty me teuials, elgL iplmeint cul wank. Sedicin X1, Assignment. No assignment ty the Canim clall cd this Clanlnac l ar a ny Klar heineicif, cin of funcs la to recEiiv(ic heireundelr, mill to recagniaeic by -Ihe City unlEisa such assignmEinl has ha c plrian written apppncnlal and canseint crl the Ci'ly anc the sorely. Sect icin 211. Attainews' Fef la. 1.1 any €Ictian E01 law on in ecuily is necessary 110 einkirce as inlEinplrel the leirms ail this Clantnec, lHe pn( vailind pie riy shell N Einlillec 110 reasonable allarneys' ivies, costs anc nEicess€iry c isburseirvenlls in aec Ilion to any o*(in neilief 1cI which i1 may be enlli-)led. If giny aiciion is tnaughl aclainsll the Coniradan on any subcantnEictan icl enklrce a Sop Notice ar Ncdice to Withhold, which namiEls 0e Clity Eis E parry to sCid aclian, Ihel (My shall be Elnlit lEIC to reE sone ble a ttarnElys' fees, casts anc necessary c isb unsameints e nising aut rill the) de(inset of such eictian by lHe City. 11He Cilly ahcell be einlillEu 1cI dec ucl i-Is rasps fan any Stop Ncdice filEid, %Helhfin aiur aclicln is involver an nal. eic ian ,'12. REIs aiu'lion of Disnu es. llhe Clity vr¶c the Clonlradcua shall comply with theL nevisians cd Califannia Plublic Canlaicls Cloc El Sec ion 20104, Ell sEia., nagauu ing resolullicln of cans-Irud ion claims tar eriy cleJma which aiiise tatween 1ha Cantne tai anc the Clity. Sed ion 213. NCI')ICeS. Any naliou recluineic an plermiiliea un(eui IN3 Contuaci mEiy be given by anc inar)l mcvil ail the CcIcaess set far h belcm. Ary pairty wt asEL arc dafLaa changers shrill notify tt(l rill hen pia rty in w ril incl. Ta Cily: Clily cd San Juan Clapislrairio 3�14CICI FIC,isea Ac elainta San Juain Claplistrairio, CA 512615 Attn: l tilities Dineciar CITY OFI SAN JUAN OAF ISTRA F IO AGR B EN ONT EASTS RN WEI La DRILLING CIF 715 13-14 10 Confimclor: SoOal Rump and Wc1I Orilling,lnc. 1510 Ralmy rita A',u F iv ensic e, CA Jd'15C17 Afro. Shiulcy Seand IN WiIN BSS WHER9011`11, the par les heuelo havc executed his Consluuclion Conlu€act as oil 11 a dale fins hereinabove vinit un. CITY CIF SAN JUAN CARISTRANCI By: N aik Nielsen Mahon SCICAL RL MP AN D WDLL OF ILUIN G, INC. Ely: Shirley Beard Pucsident ATTaBT: By: Maugauel R. Monahan, CiIN Clleuk APP OVED AS -90 FORM: ay: Oma Sandoval, Clity A omey CITY ON SAN JUAN CA A ISTRANO AGREEMENT EASTHFIN WE[LS D BILI ING CIP 173 B-15 BIC Thli is EXHIBIT Al, car sisfng o one pal e, referred to in made and a p art of tt a F IGREEMEN'I be tvl sen the OWN EA and tt a COM RE ICTCIR BID TCI: CiTY OF SKIN JUAN CEIF ISTRAINCI Tile c m den!good Bidder pro pose s and a gree:,i this Bid is accepted,to enter into an Pgreernent with ttie Clty in the fom included in the Contract Documestt (as clefinec In Article 4 of file Aj reement) to perform the Wort as specifiecl or Indicatec in said Contrac Dooun ents entitlec1: Drilling and Dove opment of Eas ten Wells C.I.P. No.775 Bidc le r oacepts all of 1F ale anis a n d o ondilions o 11 a Clontn ct Cloaumentt,including without limilation those In thi Notice Inv iin g Bli Is ai d tht instn is Ions to Biddt re di air g witl tt a dispositia r of tt a Bid Security. This Bic I v III rams in a p an fa r the p a riot I sti ted in ti e N otic a in viiin g Bic Is, un less of erWse requirec bt law. 9 ick e r will enter lata an Al reerac ni within the time and in the mar ner required in the Instructions to Biddem, and will famish tilt insurance aertifici tes, Raymarr Bond, Perfom anae Boni 1,and all Pem its rc quirec bi the Cloi trt ct DotiLlmenis. Bidder I t s c xi min c d a Wlei of t II the Ca ntraat Documents,inciuding the following Acldendt (rectdpt o. whish is t erei y ackr awledged): N urn ber "tT Date Number Date. Number Date _ Number Date Bidcler has h miliai'zed itst If M itl thi nature i n d ext(nt o the(la ntrac Doctimenta,ti c Woril,the sl e,tile loaalij where the We rk iste be perfa rrned,It a it gal requirementl (federatl,state,and local laws,onlinances,rules,and rel ulatioas), an c I the ca ndiiions of lectir g a a at,progre ss,or pgrfom anae of the W o rll,t r d I as made sc is h indep a ndt r t inve stigations as Biddtlr deems nett ssa ry. Ii confom a nce v Ili the current statulory req uirernents of(lalifo rnia Le bor Cd cle St ation 1890,e t seq.,it e i indervigned confirms ttie fallowir g a: fts aertiiication: I am a%are of the pro vis ions of Secl le n 9700 of it a Lat or Code,whict reqs are e%ioryemp loye r to i e in surf d agi ins liability for%orale rls cornpensalia n,a rto undo flake sel-insurance is accordance with t1 t provisions, beta re aomroencing it a perforrr anae of the We 6 of this Ca ntract. To ali it a fa regoing,and it chiding all Bid Schecluli(a),List of Subc ontraators,Nan-collusion Midi vit,Biddt rls Ge nevi i infom alien,and Bid Bond car tain ad in tt est Bic I Fomes,saic I Bidde r furore r al ree s io oompk lathe Wod re quirt d urx le r the Cyontrac Documents within thi (la ntrac llme stip elated it said Clontraat Documents,and to accept In full payrnt r 1 them for tt a Ca n rat Price i e sec I on tie lump Surn or Ur it Bid Priae(s) named in the afore imentionec 9do In g Scl a duk(s). Dated: -4 �` 7� © 9 Bidder: 2AVAwl& By: a�- (Signature) Title:JIM XMI-3"i.wo BIE1 (PROPOSFIL) iM 90 t BIE) FORK 9-F E GE 1 E ibi11 A This is Page i of Exbihit B consisting of 6 pages,referred to in and made a part of the AGREEMENT between the OWNER andthe CONTRACTOR. BILI SCHEDULH C IP I1 O. 773 Sa UTH CC 4 KS WEU L Schedule A Installal Ion of Augei Pole 1 e M Descrip log Estlaudi d Unit Uni Anlourr No. GUMMY Price /1 N obilizatia n I L S $ 1S ooD $ /16- 1000 P2 26"to 30° C iameter by.30 Min imum 'I'I 5 LF _ Thickness Temporary Steel Casing A3 p uger H ole 115 LF $ 116- $'2Z 2S A4 N at ilization an c Demobilization of Pt imp . 1 LS Testinq E ui ment $ 12 dD0 $ 12,,,0,049 p 6 cite Preparation and CIleanup 1 LEI A7 fiIdditional (Engineer fiIpproved) Contraatoi 48 FFI Standby Time 1 $ 200 $ All C emotiilization .I l.I Subtofai foi Bid Schedule A 9 I�545 Farzu U;1112 U1 111 Rics UH IT RFIICIB BID flCF EDL l 8 N.2W unn.wp 1310 FOFiIM:I-Pfi GB 1 Schee ule 8 Inataliallan of(lasing and Screen Rem Des c rlptio n Estimate+ Unit Unit Amoun No. Quantity Price , 611 Ellank hA ell Clasing '16" Diameter x IM 13' 72 LF Minimiurn Thickness 316 SS $ 82 .Iteel VI irf Wrap%A ell .Icae on, 16" Diameiea 30 LIG �I by 0.030" on 0.06(Y" Opening 316 SS $ 33-S— $ 6 DSG �I 93 16" Diarn c ter)i 5,116"it ick Ciellan Pipe and 10 LF End C 316 SS $ Jr �� ✓�]6 Q B4 Giiavel Pacl , 8 x 16 or 6 x '12 Glradalion 55 LF $ f;'2- E13 299 Hen ov( If rn I a nary Portion a f 26"to 317' Diarnieti n t)1 a6' Minirsurn Th5cries s, Ste41 113.5 LF Casing. $ 1 6 $ 2 �j�S B9 Cloncneie Sanitary Seal 60 LF $ 1.sI C $ 7946 B7 Alignment lest 1 L9 $2060 $ 2 L OQ , 88 Pumping Development M Pnodiic ion 1 LS ' Testing $2e OUQ 2 4 89 CJiainlection 1 LSI $/'600 /dpo � 8'10 Colon Video Log 1 LS $ 9200 $ I2-04 8'11 3" Glnaiiel Pack Feed Lina and Cap (316 61 LF /' SS 1 with Padlock Lock $ z $ 29141 8'12 2"Sounding Tube ane Cap(3,16 SSI)witt 8 LF Padlock Lock I so/,S- $ s2 G SUN atal fau Bid Schedule B $may 99 FORST ii-=Ufp erica X09i1-3 02unM.wp L IN 11 PRICE EIID SCIH13DL LE - WN 21X I 131D FCIRMS- PAGE 2 Schedule C Aklandon Atli a 11 H ola / I ani Descrlpt on Eaaw sled U01 U1 I Anlanm ` No. Quart Price all Abari cla nment of� c g a r H oie and I LEI Installation of Impervious Seal and Backfill I s 2,S GXv $ Z,9.00 a2 Disposal of Exca)ate and Removal I L;I h alerials an(l Back filling with imported $ G 06 $ /4"0419 Backfill Material N 9ublotal ion Bid£la hadule Cl $ 3S,DU� SUBT011AU - SC UTH COC KS W SU L IISCHEDU U ES A & B) Rclnlhe sum ail jea— $ 9/,_?ay (1`116(1 a in figlures) !�ale: .Ichedule C is icer infarmatianal purpases clnly. WE LIL SA Schedule a Lb InstalialIon of Aluger Hole th item Delc rlptlon Estimsted UnK Unk Amount No. Quentfty Price I71 Mobilization 1 L9 s $ sa 112 261'to 30" Diameter by 318" Minimum 115 LF th Thickness,Temporary Steel Casing $ f Z $ g� 133 Auger H a Ie 115 LI~ b D4 Mobllim tion and l3emot ilization of Flump 1 L9 Testing Equipment $ 12-10,0,o 2zodo 1 $ $ t 09 flite Flrepai atioii and Clleanup 1 L9 k $ 4 /000 th E17 A dditional(9ngineer F g ro`ed)Contrac or 48 FR Lk StandbyTime $ 206 $ t�a I]8 Demobilizatia n 1 L9 � $2600 $ 240U flubtcltel lion£Id Schedule D TS X RM W 10 i[.wp .wP D%l Uf R RICE xl141b9U2un1L N" PFI ICI13 E Ial- E13ULE NM 20 1 E ID FORMS- PEIGE 3 Schedule B Into Ilatlon cd Casing and Screen + Rem Descrip it n Fa timaied Ul t Un h Amourr No. Qua Price El E lank VI ell(lasing ,16" Illiameteii x5)116" 72 LF + Minin un Thickness 316 SS 5-2- $ 3 E2 ERe a I Vr ine W lap 0 ell Scosen, 16" Diam a to n IQ LF bv 0.05Q"on 0.060"Opening 316 55 $ /D0, E3 16' Disrne ter x 5,116-1111'ick Clella n Pipe and 10 LF 9r d Ca 316 SS $ S-76 s--6-260 ' 84 Gnavel Paal, 8 x '16 on 6)i 12 Giodal ion 55 LF 1?Z $ G r E 5 Fie n olie Temporary Portion of 261'to 30" Iliameler t y 3/8' Minimum llhicl ness, 1Itea 1 113.5 IF i Casino. $ 2 s E16 Clor a►ete Sanitary deal 60 L I'1 $ 7�ao E7 Fllignn ent Teal 1 LSI $.240D $ 2 d 6 1 98 Pumping I leveloprn en l & Pnoduction 1 LS llestir g s.2 040 2 1 E9 C isin fec ion 1 LS + la�o $ aaa 1 E'l0 Clolon Video Log I LS 1 1 1911 3"CInave I Pack Feed Line and Call(31E 11 LF 1 SS)with Padlock Lock s L/z $ .2 01 8,12 2" Sounding Tut a a tl Cap (314 SS)witt 4 LF 1 Padlock Lock of 1!!� $ Subtotal ton Bid Schedule a 1 1 1 1 !I +I +I +I +I II 1 F ��uf � IFiaI UN 11 PRICE E ID SCr E C ULB i +rw2mi 61D FORMS- FVIG9 41 I� 9chec ule A Atlandon Aluga Hole I ern Deacdptlon EsUrnatel Unit Unl Amoy nt No. Ouanft PACO F1 Abandon men t of Aug er F ole and L S Installation of Impervious Seal and Backfill $ 2S Ulna 2 6- 006) F2 Clio p oral of Exem ated and Rern oN al 1 LS N aterials and Baak illingl witt Irnportecl L LOL $ /dz6ao Backfill Material Sub'lolai for Bld:Ichedule A $ 3 LL Lo 1 SIL ETCITAL - wELL 9A 1�9(11- 80L LE.I 0 S 8) 1 ov Ran the sum of $ 1 A C 4 (Pr'ce In figures) 1 N o1a: Schadula R ki far inionmadianal glusglavas anly. I TOTAL - HOR %cICIUTF CCIC Ih S W BLL AND 1111 EL L SA QSCHEDUL 8S A, B, D, and 81 1 _00 Far 1he slum al $1 �� 3 �1� (Price in lig t rot) I (Price in words) i I i i Name of Bidder ar irm BA SIS OR AWA RD. The low bid st R 11 be'Ihe si, m of schedules AI,B, U,and G.9a hedules C and F are-lo be authorized as a change ordei1lo the conlrcict only if the wells; can not be completed as planned 9oulh CoO s Well h otice to Rroceed v ill be given initially foil Bid 9ahedule A Oh LY. Schedule AI consists of installation of the Auger F ole to allow testing of-It a aquifeil ar d the quality of the waten piIoduaed. Based on ar evaluc, Con of tt til tesling and It a waled qualibl produced by'lhe aquifer, a decision will be made to consiruc 'I) jSct edule B; an extraction only well, or 2) 19che(lule Cj abandon the Alugeit Hole. No gue Ilan ee is made that a Is olice To Proceed will be iss ued for any par of the pnoject other than Bid Schedule A. -1he Owner resenies tt a flight ,o AWaW each SO edule sepalratell wi'houi impeiat to 1he price pe id to 1he aonlractor fon MORO U1=L1Nrr1RC1 L nn PRICEI BID EChEDL LEI Wv 2ourot.wpa BID FOF ME - PAIGIEI 5 any othen portion. The c...Wecton shall include all a osis ion mobht a tion oil equipment lo perlorm all of tt e wonk required by E chedules A, on E ,an C in So hedule A. No aidditianal mcmies will tie paid -lor rnobiliza,ion au demabilization of add'ilional equipmeni nequiied lo perlomi the wouk. the aonixictoi aig nees as par of this BicI Rroposal Thal the Addilional ilEngineen Appravec1) H ourly Clontnactar tandby-lime i9 all tt a compensation the coniractan shall receive'bn standby anc impact caused bytt a Owneir andened delays to neview anc assess condit'ons nelaied to construction otihe well. The E id item quantity in Bid hem Al may be rnone on less than the quantity lialed in the Bid Schedule A. Well 5A Noi ice lo Finoceed will be givein initiall) Ion Bid Scheidule D ON LN. Schedule.11 consists of instaliation of the Auger F ole to allorni testing of the aquifen and the quality of the waieu pnoducecl. Eased onan evalualian crl it a iesiing and the we ten quality produced by 1he aquillen, a decision will be mac(i lo cansiruc t) JSchedule E) an auctractian onll wall, on 2; IS chedule A) abandon the Auge i hole. � o gua ranlee is made Thai a IN otice To Rroceed will be issued fdn ani par of ihei project oiheir than Bid S chec WEI D. It a Owrlen ueserves the right io Aware each Schedule sepaira tely rnillhout imp icl to the pricei paid lo the contracton Ion any olhen pot,ion. The conira cton shall include all costs fan mobilization of equipment lo pe'domi all al tt e wouk ieq uined by E chedules D, c n 8, on H in E chedule D. t o additional monies will be paid,lon mobilization cui demobilizalion of additional equipment neq uked Ilei per orm the work. It a contractoii agneieis as par" of this Bid Praposa I that the Additional ,lEngineen Appiioved) Hourly Qantrector Standby Mime is all 1 he camplensalion the a oni ieicton shall neceive foi standby and impact caused bythe Owner oiidened delays to review and assess conditicins iielaled is construction of the well. the Bid iiem quantibl in Bid ltem Ca maybe rnone on less than the gUanlity listed in the Eid Schedule A. NORX09 M ll1un .wpd PRICE L Nil PRICE BID SCIHEOL L13 ��1��� BID FCIRMS - PAGE 6 " ,- - -- � .-,. . . . - ,. .-.. - :,, - -- - , "' :. , '" - -",- , � , , ..,.,,-., ,-,.:":. :.. - .-,--7 . -:- � -,. ,-?- ----��,--�--�:-- ,-, -�, -,-.-�.,. . ..... ------ll ---- - -- --- -- -�l ----1-,�,-,�-,.,---. ,,.-.-,--,,-�. .. .-- -— ::-' - - - - .. .: . .--,--,,-mi-,---: ... . � ., .",-.,-,-�,.,-,� , , . -....-.- - ...... - ..- - .." � .1.1 -- - ,. : . , �-.-,- - ,.--.,.,. -,.- , ,...--, - -". -,--,-l---- --I-;l:., .. - - .- - ,.'..:. ,,, ."_: -.. Y . ...., , ,: - ..– . –— � , ,,�--,�..-� --,:, ,-l. .-I-.1 1.1-,,�.l,,,..,-,_.----.".--.:,-":, —, ,, .-I 777�*�...9...... .,., � .. ,.,..., --,- - .�.:.�,..—,.--,... - :...."., :,,-..-.:.,. .., .. . , .. IIIV AE.i.'A! HTS;; -'P J 11� 1 e :...�, . ::.` :- - , ...: ,.. - . .... : ....-.- . .: 6;; [ �! t rRteMBR t : ..,:.:., ... :. .:•- rra_ e Ccirfi a $s: tf:, ari :J i �i :imps. .... .. t. .._., ...... ..........1. - ,:._ . . .. . . .,.... :. . l:' ,�s 7IHI 'VI.. , , tyrua�►' 1stinrs� erii :call�'=# :" �' n:#tie •. . .,-..... ..... , -- : ... . , , :. -._ . b `:' .. ,.. .: ..,:.. :-. �, .-..... :......:......., :... •: _ ",' ... .:..__ r„: ..... ...:.: . . :(riot 1•aaL.� a� 1. ��i' i�irioiiili,(if-f!�bNdy . .-- .. :.;.., ;: :. .:_. - .. ... '•.:'i.:`'..;':,,�,,��Wyy1...��ii f,:� 1'7111 E�4i-t 'i4.1fY 'Ofi:l. %pJ'' - G �jv:�.7n.0•�; '1.' �J� .': ::- r -'tIS1iF1 iiA"•"' y�� - ':.,, -.�.. . . .. ..._. .. _ -1' - r .. .. .. .: .. ..:.... . .:.: ...:....:.. .. ..-: . J Rte • . _.. . :; -:>: ::r..= SIE.._ �. d:F' � h -1 6r w...— ef"r+perfijorm_:�e'W. rk:i�uh�dr�dwifiew ''-. :-::.- ,,-..,.. . ,,.... . -'.:::.: ,.... ...,.--j s. :kt .t3+r�te�'1PI .' "taCE:;Dr Curri 8 r1 a il: :;` ?':_- : .;: :.: } .. :. elllt. ; ,... . rl tti :.. .,: :_. -:'. :: :: ': ... -.: ,. _ . isib�Il; IEER ,ff Prirrcel awrld Cni�tr said fir, wtr� rri tclr1e :- r='=:.= ::-�:::.:>:., #trrnrt�il.millm�'1. i; 7041.6 ern+ i-.% r �I...... f cr; 1 " tdL. rs t�rrA t ti `it; . ,,_, .. ':iDnate-' ;'?RCI ,-,- et l YiFi ! 11d_ + ".b�7i 1ft1!g gs„ 1i91e :: B: -a5f;... .` :.-. :-..-.. >: ., :.. ..::,':,.:Irecri =: ft W. , ;; ,..:.: # iP`� ait . ti6w'rlYii `. i[ il:> . :- ,,. 1, .. . ,, ..':: c1:vdd; 15er ils�C R,�Ma�frt t�i1f' is fec :: rr r. ii t:3 Tt Vis' # `8or(il ...: `- :'':;.::: >._ �y�� y.,' :.•.: ._.:::; :: C3wiart and twrar �, c1ufr� r map; a�li i #sce�rrer]" .Owrl `ini siri siait. fil g L-111 .Y_ .vim.! ,.,.: 1. _-- :. . _.. . ..:.. . .... . . .,.. ..,, �Y . . . _ .. F:::.:: :, . :.:.. h 1 :.:.., .. . ,;�e6ou. :.-,--�NEfi .. s i s:: day:a _ _ �r ,; :-: f:- .. ._..- u:':_. :.:_..:_ .. _. . :'. .. ._ .:.-. .. . :.. - . ' ti ....: SAL- T :..:., ASW W k ....:... ..- -:?.- .. ....., -. .: .._ 1. { ,::: :. ...r::::.. A S N it <S . ... :.... ='. : { 7 : '=;= -" .- . : r _��� _ :.. .. �+kPii p:8rsf4fIl S jar a fr!:d �4 ,. 1l�ts}ai ifei�nat ( st�rar�ce Ct�tp ' _ . , . .::: ;- -. _ "' _ -:-. r P.. -,---------.-,-.-�N, - � � - l ir. :sa + lwtiro $i�FOHNIS . 7,- (, rw�srml .. . . _., - ' :. - - . . - . SAATE C F is.cc UNPY OF ;l�/1 � r - On �_ f F efa re mu. D/19` % . lajb*f SOA), Notary Public PERSC MAYA I I APP&I AIED S9,2 y /,I (flow llen<4 nA fly known to rnu(on pros ei I to nut 41n d it basis of aati.faatar7 avidana t)to l,t Mot pea on(.r)wA o.a nama(s)is/aar,mbianibad to to e within h istramea.t and aitknowladdec I to nna that he,.ha/tJ e,1 ardiimtad th lama 1n hWh u✓thafa au hu ri lei iwpagUylliom),and that l y&v&rAA ein jidnatum(,)oai 11 a in:trum,int 11 it parsan(j),i0m 1A a ariNrl upon bad alf elf wA icA to e p t►wvi(,)aat,rd,eaeautad iha iatstnunieatt. lY IA J. ROR QN t COMM. 01802642 WPIN)=t4J ml-hand mid eiffmialseal. NWaryPtttiltc- 0116 rrna OR! F Mirside Gaunty Cot= es Jun.91,2012 P Signature 31i amia fon 0 inial ltlolar*1 J eal ORTICINAL TRoug h tt a c lata bek M I Is not rept iced bi l laq, 0 mall pro%e 1 aivable to pe rsaes relying on the clan ni E nt and could in v(nt fratxlt.lent niE ttaahment of ttlia forret. CAPACITY CLAIN ED BY SK INER DESCRIPTION CIF ATTACHED DOCUMENT ❑ IND1111DUAI ❑ cARPORAT9 OFFICER TITl1E OR TYPE 04 DOCUMENT MUM) ❑ PARTNEIR(S) ❑ 1INITIIa ❑ GE119RAL ❑ ATTORNEY-111-RACT l l MSIR OF F AGES ❑ TRUSTEE(4) ❑ GUARDiAW ONSERVA TOR ❑ OTHER: DATE Oil DOCUMEN" SIO 1 IR III REPRIS ENTII 0: NAMN or MOORS)4 R SHUrv(It¢A) SIGNERS OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE 18''2U(M.W) PILL_-FIIJ FIFIC SE ACTH N 0111 L 90Ci8MSN7 STATE CIF p IrizO n a SJI. CC 11NT] C F N arica pa (n Hle bruar1174th 7 C 09 Nifbm n a, Kirst'n N. Eve rtlart PERJIOMIL.AYA)PEARELI Jeri i Ynn 1 I ompson _ paniojiall, known t, n e(i r prouad tc n e on tha ba:is of aathfactc ry euider ca)ti ba 1J a penfon(s)why as nap e(A)ivdm 31 A,rc+uAell to the wid in it wrun ent and acknowledg id tc n i thdt!e%A eA hoky tuw(iutad the same h hLvA a ivW ein at itha rued aapelcity�!is),and that b) I Lvhen4thaia .1ignattire(.-)ar d a insiawmant the!jemor(.i),on the intit) upan I ehalf of wl Mh tl it parsan(:)acted,eaiactited to a in:taimant. [rl V I N.OV~ NsleaY lhrh2�-Ai�M IIMUCWA COUNTY WVTNMS m)-A am ar d of a ial.ec iL ILL Cowww on lbpina momh 2,mi na SiStur "ter YI T)is area fin C,Qiaial 1latarial J eal OP1 IONAL Thaugl the dah belomi is nat req uirec t y lay i,i mi y prove valual;le to pgrsane rel)limc on the doaurnent and could prei gent fmi dule nt ra attacf men t of this fa rm. CE RACILY CLQ IMED BY SICINEIR DESCIRIPTICIPI OF ATI+!CHED DOCUMENT ❑ Illt IVIDUAL ❑ CORPORATE OFIIICER 171E OF TYPO OF DOWN ENT TM-EIS) ❑ PA IITNER(S) ❑ LIN 11 ED ❑ GEINERAt ❑ ATTORNEY-IN-FAC1 NUN BER OI PAGES ❑ THILISTEE(S) ❑ GUARDIAN/CONSERIIATOR ❑ OTHfIR: DATLI OF DOWN EN' SIGNER IS REPRO SENTING: NAM90F 1 ER8(*19)0R ENTM(198; SIGNERS OTHaR THAI NAME D ABOVLI 1 020(om•sn") RILL-PIL RPOSE AICk NOVA LEEIGHN BNT NA! SURETY GAC WE NCIIifIII AMGRICAr1 sPSC ALTY RII.SURAINCE CCM.A INY IM SHNCf'IICP IN'T'ERN E nONAL IN1 URANCE CCI PAM GWU RAL PCIWEA(IF A WOMEN KNOW ALE MEN BY THESE PRE:El'TI S,THAT) ortt Amecicmi Speditty Imuranl a Compaly,i oorpmatioc duty orgmrized®id existing uadei laws of the State em I ew Ilalnpshise,and hsn ling itl prindl i l atEce lai the Ciq s f b and ester,N ea Hempsb0,and WzWngyaa Irate raa1kn I Ieaoraltd Company,s awpoastion organised and w istinl ander th+I laws o f tiu 1 State s f Nevi I Henllpshi m nerd hMI g its pdneps olli Ice u th 1 City a I Itasca,Mh ois,each does hereby motor,cme to and appoh t Ml CHAEI :.NRUMI RINK,DAM ID I MC KKAN, RM I YNN THOMPSC N,MARIA LUCEl0 enc DAWN FMIM 7OU4THY OR SHVERALLM I4 bw enc Is wful Aborney.iii)in-Fad,bi malas,execute,seal and deliver,faol as id on it behat and as its act and Gleed,bad ai other writings obrptoiy In ft a sWre o1 a band on behoU of cad 4 f said Co®panies rel mmety,on conte eta of a w tysM I at ago a may be regi Ired or permitted E Iaw,rWdatialq co fed or otherwise,provii led tldt as band or undertaidal or conlrad w stttntyshiip aaecated undcl this ai thorit; she 11 exeet d the M amt of: TWENTY-FIVE MIMIQ N($25,000,000 00)DOLLAR! This Powe of A dDumly in gmntac said is sigaec by famimil+ undo end k th audwritil all the following Resolutions adopt« by the Boards of Dimutw e f both Nrnil Anwrimn Spookat, Insurnaae Compaa]]end WoahhW m laWmationol Inaural oe Compal I at meetings dull a alta I and Iu U on the Na of Moab,2001 : -M OLVEI I,thell aa; tm a f t1l k Pit idem.as y Meng nl Directo,any Senior Via PresideM sr ry Vice President any A Issistant V is Pmided the Secretary or WI Aasstad Sl=tan be,end east a any oil thead t eniby fa wAhmized to execute a Power of A homey glaliEI img thel all mey need is i the l eM 1 ower ail Attamer I tc m sxate on bdml- a f dul Comparty bonds rase ertniingl arae a Il cmitracty o I mnvt;,and that each a aq a 1 tbem hereby b m6oria d U at6e9t to the execufloml a it az y sur]I low* o l Alltorney and tr shed thenlis the ses of the Ca®pany; and it is F1.NMER RESOLVEI,that tho sigasdrn o1 sad 14 Men enc tlul=1 a II the (I omlan., m y N efExed tri any such Aver of A horoey,a to say manila tc rulattng ibereto by Amtmllc,and any tan h Pvwtd of Mom ly or matifirstn d w ng amh foeasimi o signalucea ur faoimlle sem abet I hi binding upon thel Cadpov]when so aMu4 sod in the fimul wild re8erd L any bond uelde talring ar sontn c o f amety to wl ich it]1 attached." n MY S1+: Al wsh l.Aeddra l ruder a CM UnuMn tll ow s i l s lidug n lse.r flaul emw uem Compgy SEAL' 11113ti as.mr of Is[rel Mime s INa4h Aortas slrelb'WRQ+Csmr4► .I sin! M e.yo',eodd VkSVftd4adefWuM Ire�heense tewrra i Cmspn f Yea e,a* 9d1loeh Aovlea epsee.tl 1 area esopwy . IN Wi'I'NF3S WHliItRC 1.Nail Amcricm Spl c's lty Insurance Q om]jail mid Wn khWon Interned Tonal Emunance Cas I at rye hovi emumd their e fli cial aesb t•be herquou affixed and these presen is u be signed by tbenl sort ocized a flicas ties 10tl day o f 5 eptenbar Narth An arieatl Specialty Issoni age Cooipl all Waahh gtoe toter■ettoetAI Ian on 1144 Can ipe 11;1 Staid a f I]Imds County o1 Du Page 33' Oil this 3Uth day of 84u"ah" .2(C1,bi fort Idle,i Pk tary Public personally appeared Steven P.Anderson ,President and C10 of ti{kahington International Insmaaae CompwN and Senior Via President of N orth Amar'Ican Specialty lnsmsed ce Company so il DaK I M Layman Senici Vm1 President 01 Weshingtoalalamat Mal Inmmmos CompaM and Vice President o f N olih An cdCan 1 pedally lasurand Company, pert raspy]mown tcmea wha beftit by ma duly sw om admowledw tha 1 they sued dee a Bove Ps wer o1 Attorney et affmnafwull arlmwledgedsaidinsttwnen hobs thebiountar; ac and deed oftheirraw"Jivncornow'es. D®n D.Sk eras,N otsry Pabl'c 1, Imm A.Caroenier , the duly dared Assi�ttaty _ a l Nair Anxricn i Specialty hm mhos Compaerbl and Washington Intonation bssurand Coo Ipaay.do hereby cart y tl lat d b above ern 1 IM regoinl i l 1 true and correct cop!1 oft m l ovve oa Attomcl gives by said l odb Amer can Spefclatty InsuteQa Compmhl said WsshftWw InternarJonal Inursace Com]W,which is sl it in nrl nxm and ont cL Z WLMFM WHEREOF,I have sc ml haul and of bcadthe suets aide Companies this 2rIthday of Fel rl 8ry 7111 (9. uses r1 CUPMO1,+N Pmrid st a A&doaut Crary dWI hMnsrsd iarwo 17e.^7 d Nddh Aae,6ea9pny ry la.00m Carp& 4 1 was MOM lil,0 1774 a E' • gi F i �i 4i AE DENT]UM NO. I �I 10 TE E F DP NS, SPEC III ICIA7101,4 P ND F ROF OSAL DOCUN ENTS FOR D141LI11INCI F Is E DEVFILJOPN EN-1 OR F ASTEIR N WEALS, CIP NO. 775 i Febn if rn12,2008 i 7 o: All I]FP Holder: ,j Fi om: Z he City ofSan .luau Capistrano 4 Nol ice is helieby given to piospeel ive bidden!i the l the following change:, additions, and)orn I deletions aue hereby made a pf rt of the Plans, Spec ifica tions and I noposal I( sumer is for(ri llir>L w d devalopmenl of the Easier i Vlllall.i, CIP No.775, filllil and completely as if the same u ere fLIlly set forth therein. t: Thi; Addendum N( . 7I shal l fa nn a par of the Pnopo:a Documents and I ake pree ec ence a 11 tf e origj ni 1 Piopo.al,Documents. Propo;ais stlall acknou lac ga reaaipt of this A ddendum No. 1 by si gr ing pc ge 2 and faxir g a copy of page I to the Ch I oll San.Juan Clapisu ano a t Q949' 493:1955 by Tb ursd ay,Hetes ruar) 19, 2449. Page, ,hall also be included in the Contra clor's bic ding documer i1 pack2 ge. E i DATHD: Hebr►ary 1,, 1009 oe Mankawicb Asaoaiste Hngineeii City of SF n Juan C t pistra no The following changes, additions,deletions, or mod'fias Irons shall be made to ilhe Praplos s I Documents and shall take preck enae over the original Proposal Hoauments; all ather provisions in the flroposal Documents items in iHe tame. 1. Me Clity will provide water at no change to the contiiacton, The waten use must be documented and neasa ri a bla Ior th a scc pe of m cork. Tt a City will nequire that t he c on trac or obtain a(a ri:truction meter from the Clity, F xcept as noted hare iii a ftar. Men h ` a n V t]d refdndal le dopa:i Ion the construction metes. 2. `llheie is : 7-inch irrigation main line in he park in he vicinity oil the South Cooks A ell 1 Site. 71 a paiik i; wakened al night so the contnaotor may lap info this water;upply durting ' the day. The water tal o kom thi., line would have to be melened. Any modif cations to I the irrigation piping would have to be nemoved and the cxistinl lines naturt ad to previous conditions a ften complel ion of the v call drilling. 3. Thera is an Wive wateiiline a nd PMV on the Well )` o. 5 :it( that could 1 e utilizer fa ri well drilling wa tar. Algairi the take from 1h is line would have to be metaaec .Thene is En existing inaotiva 9/11" motor near the viall site gate. if This would provide enough waken the contractor mE y utilize wateii from his meten and lbiiego the necessity of a con.,traction f meter. 4. Delete E id Ilern A-5 and D-5, Aquifer h olation Gone lasting, from the bid and car tract docutrenlr. The cantracton shall cross througi these iternis an the I id sheets. Alquit a Isolation Zone heating is not a pE rt ollthi; project. J. Alt 11 a cont"iactor's aplion, permanent conductor easings ane acceptable to the Clily providing that proper Y-feel s a nits ry:eals per California Dept rtment of Put He 1i ealll- nd Ora nge County Hea Ith Clare Agency are 11 novided betwee n the conduclor casing} a nd its borehole. The cost of conduc•lor a& ings, if used, will be hi eluded in Bid Ilems Al ant D I, as a pll ropniate. i d. 1 o live stream disc[ rgas o 9 at Juan Clr<e k will t e allowed. The canlra cor must dischaiige to the -term diiain [a cations indicated in the project documents; and conform to EI the discharge permit raquinements it eluded in d a pra•joat documents. R<< i i} Y i i } {i • r s t' 2 I F IS PAGE 0 HE Al TAC E ED 1110 PROPOSAL 11 CIC UN BN111S. I I ave raceived Pages I.-J, Addandurn Is c. I to the Plans, Specifioatious and Proposal Docurr.eats lou Drilling and Dev(lc 11mient of M stem Walls, CIP '�c. 115. Date Received by Prc Ila ser: U31: PropoMr's Compa-n Name Proposer's S6,r(ature 16a Y- ; Jan/I if2 A Typed or 11vinled Name ii ii iS of til lei ,ALIFO"l-A AL1A--FU Rf`0SE j CERTIPICAT E 01RAC KNC WLEDGMENT State of Clalillorria Count{ of On befa a rr 6, —T I . '_ Ii�c I A)S C 10, IV O 1,+t (]Jere insert name az Atle efth aflicer) parscIna fly appeared /? ey 'de4feb wl o pi ovad to ma on Ihe ba:is of,alisfaclory avidenca to N ti a p Trion Is' v I o:e nan a(s is la a subscribed to the witt in instrtment and acknowledged 'lo mill chat he/she,ltbey executed the Sarre in ME/hel,ltl eir aulholizac ca pacit)l(Iies;, and that by his/ha IAf.ei, aignatureQs) an d a instn n ant tl a pc son(.;, or ti a en-liq upas behalf of which Ilhe pe: ,on(s; aaIed, e; acul ed the u s rumlant. I aertif l Iindar fMAL]IN OF IIERJURY under 'Ihe law: of NitState of Clalilornla that 1htl ilollegoing paragi aph is M a and correct. EVERT WIN aN WITNIE SS my hand a nd off Icial seal. COMM #130 2643 x 1 Pub1u • Ialitgrn"a o NivemiA Courtly - (Na Llonlnt E tpira Jun.27,2012 lig atwe ofNetar) Put iia ADDITIONAL CII'ITIONA.I I INFCIRMAITICIIN INSTI�UCTICIT 3 FUR CICIMPLETIT G TRIS FCIRM Ana acld owlac"art camp et icl in Cahfarnia mu r em tai i+ iwabiage exa tly ai DESCIRIPTI(N GI THE A TTACIHEI]I ICICUM 1',T appears al ova it rhe rm nary sand on on a s paras acl7 owledgmen i firm mu i 1 e prop mlj camp itad ind aaachi d to that docunn,i. 771 i a;ly ea iepdon is if a docwn ant ii is A e aicc rd wl c I r.tii le of California hr mietl nnitande.i,arty aherrrae've adkeri wiledgmaru verl isle a may l+t pimad i n sm A a docun art is bna as the (title cr descriptiau a Cal net e l doeunient) i erl iala da.i not rtegivai rhe natmy to do somatAii g that a illegal fan a m ary in Caifan is (i.e. aarrfy ng thl and oriz,id aeipacity of On iignemJ. Alaane cAeak the (iitloardescrilriaoafancheddcurzaatcentinued) dawnwcarefullyforprapennatoriaw+ordirrlariaanoc) Aisformifaegnined r runt am otlPagas Dos m lel t Date • State at d Ca unity infirm tion must be the 9 tate ai d aloumty A ere the dosurnmi srgrer(s)persanal111 appea id befbn that Watery ludic ftracknawledgrrii ni. • DI to of actai'vCon must be the date INIt lid signer(s)pens+nally ar peal ec v hitt must also be a e same date the acko ow edgrlont is cc trip lade+. (�ddilemlinfermiuen) • Tie newt' pulfit mutt print is or ler Gama w it alpears withrn I is or Ier ca nirnissic a 11allowed b}l a ec mma ar l then yc to title(notar)pylbli+). • Print phi narnie(s)of document sigpei s)v ha perscaall, appear at the time of aotaruati(■ GAPA GJT)1 GLA]MEIJ BY THE Sl(INEA • Indicate the carract sbigl lar or plum forms b) aressing 4 f incora ct forms(i c. E3 Individual(s) Iieslelt}tey;islan)ercircling the oorrectilorms Fn Iwe tc ccmail) indicate Ihs int(tract't m in;I lead Lt rejec ion e.1 docume t rec+rdtns ❑ Clorpantm Off cal • The nctoy seal imintssion must bi clear aid ll'atograriirall, repioducitle Impreq i+n mu t mot covei tex or linea.If sl of imPlession smudlas,r4-seal tf a ((isle) sufrtc ie at aue a pl rmits-o therw se aorrdete a iliffernd a ckno wle+grient lk rn . ❑ Pant u(s) • aignahm of thi notar) 11 Alic must m tch ill a sigiatun on fila with d a cf Tice if dw IV untj c lerl ❑ AAttamoy-it -Tact v AddillenaI inlerm tion is mot minced I ut iauld I ell: to ensu this ❑ 3M.to a(5) as b owledgneo is rat misused ar ami ck ei to a differci t doe umeat- ❑ C)tllel Iidicata title or type c tiled ec donrm=t,ntrrnbe of gages ar i I data- . Indicate tkle ai pa(it) alairrm by that signe.Il the alaimed capat it) is a corp+rata affiaei,ind'caw the ritl (i. .(1E0,CFa,5ecrew)). • Sea uiely ttu ab this document to Ihe signs document 2008 Versii n CAPA vl'l.10117 800-6'13-5845 wwe.Natarytllasse-,cam Ih FORIN Armon R90UIR8[I OF BIUD9R LIST CFSUBCC hIFACTCRS Aa reqs iirec un c er Sec loi 414C,at si q.,c the Public Contra d Code,tl a Bis c er it all list I a lorni tl a name and I usir esti ac dress o eac h subcai tractor H ho will g e rform W ork undo Ir tl is Bid in encs ss of one-t alf of one percent of tl e C lontractor's Tota I Bid Pi'c e,and shall also list the portion of tl a 1A ork w I ich will be done bt such s ubcd ntractor. AR e r the op(n Ing of Bis IE,r c (t ange s a r substitutic ns will t e allowed c xaept e s otherwise prc vi(lec I t Is w. Thd listing of more IN o ons sub(ontra(for to r e ai t its rr of W c 4 to be pe rlorme+l Witt the v ords'a nd/or will not be E ermitled. Hailure t( ca mp4 v iith this requireni a nt will rei c er the Bid as non-re a pon s irie anc ma} ca use'r s re ject'on. Contractor's Uaensei M a rk to t e Performs d I, umbo r Subl c ntrac or's i arae&Ac dress err.�� 9D CO- Fog 1 2 3 e 6 7 8 FON M U-1c O LIff7 OF .IL 9COh TFV ICHOR;I A�ioo ai BID FORMS- PAGF 4 NON-COL LIL VICIN AF FIDAVI7 TO EIE E XI ICI.7E D EIY EIIDDE F Ah D SUBMITTOO WITF Bill 91ale of California ) • ) ss. Cie unty of ) I. S k rrt- , t e ing first cluly iwom, deposes and says tt al he on she is rl-t J 1 0-1 S C-&- "ihe party rr al ing the foregoing Sid,it al the Sid is not rn ade inti a intenesl a f,on on bel at 16f,any undisa losed pj rson,partnership, company,association,anglanizalion,or corpoualion;tl al the Bid is genuine and not aollus ire on share;that the Bic Ic I er has not directly l ou in c I ire c ly induced on s olia tl ed ani l o1 hei Bidden 10 put in a false or sham Bid,and has n of directly a r indirectl)l colluded, eonspined, aonnivec , a r at reef l Huth any Sic lc le r a r anyone else to put in a sham Bid,on tt at anyone shall refrain from bidding;that the Bidder i as not in any mann a r,direc i an indiinectly, sought by agreement,a am m unical ion,or conlenenee witt anyone Mix the Bid price of the Bidden on any otter Bidder, or to fix any of erhead, profit, or aost element of the Sid price, on a l tl at of any other Bidder, or to s eaure any advan l age against the put lic body l awarding the Contract oll anyc ne intens to d in the proposec l Clont rac; that all statements con tai ned in the Bid are true; and, fc rtl en, thal the Sid(le r has not, directi)l an inclirecly, submitted his or t an Bid pniae, on any breakdown there at, or the aontent.,i thereof, or (liwlged in formai is n or data re lative therelo,or paid,and M sill nal pay,any fee to any as rpc ration,partnerst ip,corn party, as s a a iation,onganizal ion,bid depository,or to an y l member ori ac E n t-I hereof,to a ftecl uate a ca llus W a r sham Bid. Bidder r n o By s Title P�s tick-ems►-� Organization 5 Ac I(Ires s 1!� I O 1'Q.� I'lf�[�1►r i F FVC f -07 I I i FORM"-W" N01�-COL L USIOh AFIFIIDA%IT A W1 131113 FORMAI - PAIGB 5 BIDDER'S C Rh 13RP L INFOIRNA7101N # 7t c Bidder shall furniat the following informallon. Mailure to complete all Items will caw c the Hid to t c nor-ne: pon;ive and may cause a its uejection. 1. EIC C9R►CIONTRAMOR'S Name and Street Alddre: s: , +I �, gzSo7 +I 2. CONIIRAICITCIR'S Telept one Number: (gSII 3 °� 1— So E 4 +I Fac. imile � Number: {�S�I ) 3�J/-SoaS� 95'/ 613c —las'sl clel/ 9-ms ii address dp.v-gv Or-le .I pir 3. CIONIMICriIOF'S Licer a e: Primary Cliam ification Shale License Numbeu(s) .lupplemE nlal Lie anse Classifica I ions ` S7, —6"/ 4. 1111rety Company and Agger t reiho will puovicle the requiued E onds on this Contrac: Q Nam( of Surety 1� Aciclrc;s 2 o y�o jo MIX /70 1 Surety Company�Igenl Tek pt one N umbeus: Algenl (� } 2 �1/340 D Surety( ) 1 1 5. 11W c of Firm (Individual, Partnemt ip ou Corporalion): 1 6. Clo rgo Tallon organized under the lards of the State of: I 7. Lie t the nary a s and addresses of It c pi iinciiis I m eni be r9 0l 1 he tim a r name: and tt ie; of It a principal I o�ffiqeers of the corponation or fimi: 1✓ ,� � nolimU ID FIIC[l8R';I G9NGRAIL INFORMAIIION x1aU-420i rlcLwpd Bill FOF MS- PAGE 7 Nw 20I 1 HIOUER':I OEP ERAL IN FORMAMICIN I(onf lnu ed) 8. Numbei of years e)F erience a: a conimicton in this specific type of aonsti Liction work: 9. 1 isi al least it nee related projects of comparable si3e and con piexity aomiI leted to dale: -1. Owner l� 6,CAcidness MOO V P,;�e A71411-l/A71411-l/ Coniact I'v4'+" Cllass of work Phone f -L 300 -6 !!�j Clontra c amount. LSO R1oject Da le complete( �— 4 2. G e IIddre ss 2 ?? /6e t /-O-zz Clontact tM 14,; Class of Wioi k '?,Ile4 Rhone ` GI } a:z d °c Con inac amount Rroject Date aompleied ' U� 3. Owr er A"O.Ty e-, Addres, s6-&�� ly6 1 ,A ,- Contac (3las: of work Rt c ne CJoninact arr c un Ido. UG Rrojec (___) Cate completed 10. Lis It namean title of the pens on who will supervis full=lime the proposed work fon yc lLir firm: /�lricl 1-1. Is full-lime supervis on an employes Y aan Trac services ? 12. A financial 9 to to rr a nl on oiler infonmaiion and refenence:i suffiaienil) compiehen9 ive to permit an appraisal of your current financial condition ma) be aequined bythe flIngineen. FORMU-42C Bll CEIR'S CIEs FRAI INPORMA7ION .11111-420imo.+p Bill FURMII-PAICIE 8 Nal 2a t w N I� M WORKER'S COMPENSIATION CORTIF ICATE I (ASI RECIUIF 9[] 8Y SEC111ON 18EI'I OR THE CALIROAN ISI LA90R CODE; I I I arr i a%ane c 11 he prc%isic nis of SEicticri 37 013 c I 1h(i 1h( Califc uniai U abc n Cc de, which nEiquire every erripicyei tc ire irisuned against liability 1Ic n wcrkees cc rnperisaiicri, c n -Ic uridertaku self-insukinCE1 in accordarice wiih .Ihe i pnc v isionis c f said Coc u, anc 1 will comply with such pIK visions ii eic ne 1 cornrnericing the per eimance of the A oik of chis Cc niraci. r eel E Coni raci c n 1 j 8y ` Tille10 Q hi U-M P %N OF K Ep'1 aommm c A-r ioN ceF l u icvn E XQ:1«, AaRERN ENT AM U SON DE, - RAGE 3 324QC3 PA.@ICI iIDE.L.AiV`U %, KAM ERS OF rHE CRY COUNIC It _ �� SAN JUAN C^P 97 RANO,CA 02675 1� 5AMALLE%J7C (944 493 1171 0 LAM f REESE (949)493-5053 Fi J1 s (IMM THCAB W HMN 4111 1?16 NEAR} f IIII L3[4 G F LOM RES LAS( H 071RICIATIOl1 OR MEHIIIP G OR RCI'nEN71AL Ih TERE SIT OR TF E SAIS JUAN CAPISIRA11 CI C17Y CICIL N CIIl1 The Clity Clounail of San Juan Clapis1ranci will meal al 6:30 p.m. an Tuesday, Mauah '17, 2009 in 'Ihe Clity Cauncil ClhambEin in Ciiy I-all, Io considen: "Consicellalion cif Award of Clansilnualliarn Clantracii for the EasteirlN Wens anc RipIclines Rrc(lecrl (Well Development Phasei)IICIP 775)QSaCal Pumpl and Well Dnilling Ina) " — Rcrni IS a. 01 . 11 ycua haVE1 specific thoughts ar cancerns regarding this flem, you aue Einaaunaged la participate in this dEiaision making pnacEiss. Yau can cammuniaalEi wish 'IhE1 Ciiy Cauncil through carnEispandence addressed la the Cauncil andilan by attending 1 a meeiing and spEiaking to -IhEi Cauncil duuing 11he public meerling. ClaimEispandence mclalEid 1a this item must be neCElived at 11he City Ckink's oflicEi by 5:00 p.m. an Manday, Manch '16, 2009 la allow 1imE1 fon It a Cauncil -Io cans idEir its caniElnl. 11 you wauld iikEi ici sp eal, at 'IhEi meeiing, please campleie a yellaw "Request to CIp eak" farm faund insidEl the enillanCE1 is thE1 Cauncil Chamber. This faum is turnEid in al ihEi siaff table, just in fnant of the Cauncil dais. Yau will bei aalled la spElak by -It a Maycln whEm the iiem is cansidenEid. au have reCEiived This na-1ce ai 1he rE1quE13t ail the Ciiy siaff mElmben Jae Mankawict , Assaciate Bngineen. lou may aan-laci Thai s'lafl mEimbEir a-1 (9z9) 487-43'13 with any questicins. the agenda, including agenda reparis, is available la you on aur web site: www.sanWancapistrana.cinc. If you would IikEi ic1 subscribe is 11E1CeiVE1 a naJce when agendas area pasted 11a 'IhE1 Web site, please make That nE1gL1es'l b)I sending an e-mail ta: CilyCIE1nke,sanlua ncapisirancl.onc. Meg Manahan, MMC Ciiy CiE1nk cc: SaClal Rump and Well Chilling Ina; Baleasfield Well and Pump Cla.; Jal n O'DannEdl, U1ililiEls DinElctar; ,IaE1 Man kawich, Assaciate EinginaEln Sc n31, an Cal,, h Cry in 1). 1 rrving ilht?Ilay,I it, fin he neer t,yrs Future llla8 a 1 oil 1 Ohristy JAI Fnom: Joe K a n I awia h So nt: Monday, Fat rt ary C 2, 2009 4:57 PM To: Christy Jakl Subject: RE. Eastern VI a IIs The design contlta c l went to cour cil. Al Clity Cla timi it Mayol,Nielsen mque sl ed t.Y al we insure the walls produce pliiaa Flo development of the pipeline. So wa ane biddirq out the well davalopmeni sapanately. We will take app-moval ail Ale well davalopmenl conlraa I and anvixonmantal for 1He well drilling to (lily Council in March. After we p-move we have goad walls w will bring tie pipalina dasign 1 aall to (lily Clouna il. I am s1 ill wa iting fo n an Engineez's Es I im at e from rr y 13ngine er. R .ICIE MAN KA VI ICH A€ISCICIAITE E N GUN EER CIM OF!SVn .JUAN CIAPISTRA94 CI EI2�OCI PAw EO AmELANTCI r t EIAN JUAN CIARISTRANCI,CA 9RIEI 9 M451)487-41313 From: CI risty Jz N I Sent: N onda�I, Fabn ary 02, 2009 4:35 P1 70: Joe K a I awia h Slubjeci : Easiern Wells Hi Joe, Just a aouple questions Regarding youn bid: [lid i I i9 go io council? Is there an Engineells estimate? Thanks! Chl-isl-� J1akl Citi of San Juan Capsilrano Aldmin isl rat ive Spgcialisl, City Clenk's C flliae 33,100 Rasaa Adaianlo San Juan Capistrano, CA 93aa5 (949) 443-6310 l (949) 493-1053 i1a)i 113,120(9 •I 1/4Q008 AGENDA REPORT D9 TO: Dave Adam,, , Clit)I Manage n ' FROM: John CI. OTIonneill, Ltilities Dinector SUBS®CIT: Considenaiion of Agneement for Clivil Engineeriing Servi(e; lois the Eastenn Wells and Flipeline Rrojeci (CIAI X1775) (AKM Consulling E ngineers RECOMME NDA71ION: Ey motion, 11. Appnove tl a Rersonal Services PIgneemen'l loii Clhiil Eingineerinc Seniices ilor It a Easlem Weals and Pipeline Project (GIR # 7711 ) to A114M Clonsultinc E ngineens in tl a amount of$375,791; and, 2. Aullo0ze the City Manager, on his designuer, to apinove increases due to al anges to the s(ope of work of up to ten peiiceni of Il a agreement cosi. SITUA111ON: In order to provide additional iiaw waters to Ile City's Groundwater Recovery Fllant (GWRR), the Eastenn Wells and Ripeline Pnoject (CIP 4779) proposes to cons'lruct wellhead lacilities al two tocan ions and it a insieillalion o'l pipeline to convey the pumped wailer to the GWRFL The fin t well (Well No. 5, will E e Iocaled in Cl. FILM s ell Claok Rank nean the intensec ion al Paseo 8sieban and Calle plrnoyo. The seaond well (Sciuth Clooks) will be near the inlerseclion oil Fancha Viejci Foad and Clalle Arroyo along -CIE ri Juan Creek. This projea l includes a ppnoxima ieiy 9,000 Lineal Feet (L.FI.) al '16-inch pipe. An additional 2,300 L.F. will be constrLeled 1hrougl , and as a candi-lion o, I e aniar, s Development (See Map, pit achmenl T, ThEise laciliiles will pnovide additional reliabili-y a the I lani. 1 he wont' ass ociated viii-l this agneemenl includes leas ibili-y neview o l the sele(tend pipe notte and 'v+iell sites, development of well sile and pipeline designs, iieAev+i and development oil easement requirements and daa uments, enviiionmenta l de: igri, piieliminary anti final engineering de:ign, a onsinuation engineering suppor and othen casks related to the develapmenl of the well: and pipelines. On Flugusi 18, 2008, the L lilil ieis Elepar menl sent oul F eques's fon Riiopqsal (FiIRP, to eighl linms fon Civil Engine8ring design and conslruclicin suppciri services fan the project. On Sept( mber 14, 2001 , IhEi Clily iiea(ived lour pros osals (Attachment 2). All 'kitin ne: q andenls are well qualified to perform the iie( ubed engineering. However, artier care lul review, staff neo ammends II a prapcisal fnam AP K Consullinc Engineers. 1 hein propcisal was the mast nespcin s ive, I utting the mast eflad tawaids thos a areas :tafl Agenda F ep or Page 2 N civemben 4, 2008 deemed r ecessary to en9Lire a qualify nnaject. AKM was the eng ineeiiing ilium all necord flan the Clit)l's aurinerit Dameslic and Recycled Walen Masten Rlans. Elloih of these plans wane viell ihougl 1 out and have been a giieat asset to the Clit)l as we move ilcirwand with the daveiloprneni of the City's ufllities in'lrasinuciune. C OMMISS1ONIBOARIa REVIEW ANO AEICOMMEINDA'1ION S: Z he Waier Advisory Clommi;sion was updated on I is pncijeat all their Clatober 28, 2008, meeting. FIN ANCIAL C ON SIDE FIIATIOh S: I he 'liscal )Ieaii 200812009 budge) fan the 9a:term Wells and Pipeline Pnojecl (CIP #775) is $1 ,300,000. l here is a canry oven ilnom the previous fiscal yean cif $2,115,702 ilor a total budge-1 oil $3,415,702. l he amaun-1 oil the AKM pimpa- a 1 ilor this Pnojecl is $375,79'1, and within -Ile ani aunt budgeted. Siaff will reiurri to Clity Clouncil ilor aglpiicival cif the Fllans and .Ipecilical ion: with accurate e:tirnales to base ihei funding nequesf laii con si ru a titin. NOTIFIC ATICI N : AKM Cam,ulting Engineer ' Buneau Veiiiiia: R:IOMAS Hall and Foneman, Inc. RECOMMEJNDAIIION: By motion, 'I. Appnove the Rersonal Sen iae: Algneemeni fon Civil Engineening Services: ilcin the 9a;tem Wells ar d Pipelines Piicijea (CIFI # 775) to AIIKM (]on,-ulting Engineeiis in the am ouni cif$375,761; and, 2. Aluthanize the (1it5j Manager, oii his de:ign ee, to approve incrieases due to change: to the ;aopei of wosik of up io 'leir percent of the agreement aosl. RlespE ctfull)i ;ubmiti ed, Prepared by: Jahn C . OT onnell Joe Mankawich L tililies C inecicir Associate lir gineer Alltachmenis: 1. Local ion N ap 2. Riicipasal Results l able 3. Agreameint WO wk jsY .�. �b�' ; # ra"''°�� .s A. z "r -`", -a3 °^,� a 1 r �'.; r< { �• sdd4 c e 1 a r ..tet .,p ems .,. Raw 11A,. r AatIV n y MWEart � u �4c ' A �➢ � tet;. `� �. n }r Taa.'<�. '� �� s� h�y � R� .��'��"� �`� PdA%-_a � der N° a �- ' go_ leyri Qw- �" � ➢A °��;F 5� ;�s .` Env�" � i ..rg �•� w; Easlern M F lis a nd Flipelines RI c j4 cl (CIH*1775) Propa sal R a sr i Its Fee Rrc poral- Da sign and Ca astructia n Sr ip port Bure:u TasM PSCINAS Veritas AKIN Hall& Faramr n 1. CeneralArlmiristrati(rl, Weetingls, anclPresentation s $13,894 $111,684 929,760 111,510 B viror mer tal Cc ml lianca $1;1,908 95( ,r 5a 93,1,460 9124,050 3. Preliminary Design $48,5418 961,910 915,640 1127,910 4. Sun eying, Rothaling, nd Rights-of-Wa,1 $59,49: 941,950 949,474 958,950 9. C eatachnical Investigation $14,258 929,390 915,475 114,379 9. Fir al Design 9131,434 9131,460 : 148,190 ; 168,F1a 3. Permits $3,87: $6,040 $2;961 141,400 8. Construction Biddii g thr(u91 Ca ntra(t Aviard $10,683 912,950 $3,88( $7,C 20 8. C:onstruation Engineering) Support 1110,181 ; 103,141 974,901 : 104,020 1O.Fee Re duatian f(r Plans comp late d or ly to 5( !b 1242,4; 3 ; :83,931 : 130,891 :746,840 TCITAL MMM 9408,1811 $499,970 $315,1161 $996,955 ATTACHMEh T 2 REIR5ONAL SERVICHS AGRO13MENT I F IS M IREIEMU T is made and enlere d into 'I his -th day of IN oN ember, 2008, by and between the City al San Juan Clapisir no (hereinafter rellened to as ,Ihe "Cite") and AP N Consullincl 9nglir eeiis (hereinafle n i efei red to as "Consul la n1"). RHCIIT/It 9: WH9F EA9, CIit11 desires to nellain the serviaes of Clonsulilant iiega rding the Clity's request floe q nciC os a I to provide (livil Engineering Design and ConsIrr ation %l upp ori Services flor the 9asieiin V1 ells and Ripelines Rrojeat 11CIP A1775) ; and WH9F]EA9, (]or s ullanl is qualified by virtue o1 e)p eiiienae ,training, eclucal for and e) per ise to acc amplig h such services. NOW, THE F EFORE, City and Clonsulian'l mut ually ac riee a s Hollows: Sectic n 1. : cc pe c f We rk. The scope of vioiik to be perl ormed b)l Consul-lani shall consisl oil ilhose tag I s a s set for h in 9)t ibit 'A," abached and incorporia-led herein by reference. Clonsultant warran'Is chat a II of ills services s hall t e per ormed in a aompelenl, professional anc satisfaciory manners and in accoiidz nce with 1 he pre)a lens s to ndanls oil its profession. 5 eclic n 2. Tei m. This ArEemenl shall commence on the eflactive dale oil this plgreemen'I and services requiiied hereunder shall be completed by no la-ler than E ecember 31, 2009. eclic n .I. ac rripenvalic n. 3.1 Art c unit. Tkit, I compensE tion ilor the scope of servia( s fon 1 his Riiojec shall nol exec ed Ihnee F undyed S-leveMy-five Thot sand Seven F uncle ed Sixty one Dollars(9 375,7611), as sei for h in E AM it "A'" attached and it corponaied herein by iieifeiience. 1 AITTACHMENII 3 3.2 Rate Scheidule. llhe : ermices shall t e billed ,o the City at the houuly rate se'l fors h in 9) h ibit attached and incoupa na-ed heneln t y reference. Included vii Ihin the comp ensalion ane ail the Clonsulilant's ondinary cif lice and o\ierhead expenses incurred.t y it, its agfinis and empl( yeeo, including meetings will the City nepresen latives and ina idental cc: is to pedal m the stipulated sermia es. Submittals shall be in acccmdance with ConsLillanl's prapesal. Nol withslan ding the t oui ly i ates, all servniaes and cc mplelicin of all consti uclicin shall be done fon z n amount not is e)need that sum specified in Seclic n 3.1 henein. 3.3 Neilhac ail Payment., Clensulilanl :tall :tibimit monthly irnioices t ased cin total seRicesvr t is h have been :atisfactc rily completed and specifying a pencen a ge eil prc jeated complelicin -1Q1 approval by the City. The Ciiy will pay men-lhly pnogress pa)lmenl: based on appic Hied invoices in accendance with -It is Seclic n. Fc r extra worts n of par of!this Agreement, a written atithc uizalion fnc m Clily is i eq uined pi for lc Constilla ni under z I ing any ex ra wouk. 3.4 PIE cc rds all Exper ses. Censullant shall keep complete and acctrate -neccrds of all ccs-s and expenses incidental to services coveued by This Agreement. 11 ese ueaa rds will be made availabie a l reascina ble i Imes to City. Sectiar 4. Independent Clcinilracilon. 1-1 is agreed that Cc m ultani shall act and bean independent contractor and nc t an agent c r emplc yee of City, and shall c t twin nc right: Ic any benelils which accrue o Cli 11's emplcyees . Sectiar 5. Ullmilaticir s Upon Subcentnacling and Assignment. The exp er ience, knowledge, capat ilii y an d'i ept tai ion eil Con: t Mani, its principals and empl( yees v e ne a subs ant ial inducement ie i Ciiy ie en-er into this Agreemeni. Cc nst Itan' shall not conilract \milt any oihenentily ie perfei m then servrices requined miilt out wi tl en approval of the Clit)I. This Agueement may nc t be assigned, volun tar ily e r by c penali( n eil law, without the pric r writ len approval of the Ciiy. H Consul antis permitted is suba oni ract any pari eil this Agreement t y Clity, Consul ani shall be respons ible o Clity feu the accts and omissions c,l its subaoninaa Ion as it is fou persons directly employed. N athing contained in this plgreemeni shall create any ccntnadual vela-lionships beiwEen any subaoni raclou and City. All pEirsons engaged in the we rk will bfi as nsideued emplcyees oil Ccnstiltanl. CIH)l will deal dineci ly with and will make all paymernla to Consultant. 2 4Ir cSian 6. Clhanaes to Secipe cif Olank. In the evehl (1 a change in ilhe Scope of WoO pnoNided fon in thEi a( ntract do( umEir is as requos led by the City,lhEi Par ies herelo shall EixeculEl an addendum to chis AgiiElement setting ibrth viilt par iculanity all leis o'l'lhe new.agrelemEint, in(luding bul not Iimi-lod to any additional Qansuliant's feEls. Sectlar 7. Famillanity with Al au4 and Clanstnucillion Slik . By EMElctiting this FlgnEiEiment, Clonsulianl wannanl: that: 11) ii has invElstigatEid thea wonk 10 be perfonmed; (2) i'l has investigaled ihEl proposed consilructia n site, including the lacalian al all UtilitlEls, and is awarEl o-1 all conditions theii(i; and (3) it undeiislands the facilities, difiiculiies and resirictiona olthEl wonk under this Pg1teEimenl. r houid Canst Itani dig covEir any laleal or unknown conditior s malenially difieniing from tho; a inhEireni in the \nioiik on as imp nesenled by Clity, it shall immadlately infonm City of this and shall nal pnocced with lur t en wo*under This AgreemElnt until wniltEm it ;truclior ; We nEicEIMid fnom 1hEl (city. Sodian 8. Time al Essence. Mime is olIhE essancEi in thEi per onmancEi olihis Agiioemant. eleciliari 9. Clomipliance with flaw. Consulta n1 shall comply with all applicable laws, ondin anaes, code s an d neigulations of ledenal, stale and local.govenn mEinl. Secticn '10. Clanflicols cl Inilenest. Consultant aovenanls chat it gtesenlly has no inlenest and shall not acgt ire any inleiesl, diuecl m indirect, which viould conflict it any marinen on dEiguee wish the per ormance of the s ervicas contemplated by t his Agreement. No penson having s uoh interElsl shall be ern ployeid by oii as,ocialed with Con; uttani. Sectic n 'I'I. Clcipies of Wark F naduct. .Ai It a compaction oil It a conlraci peniod, Consultani shall t ave dElliveiied to Ciiy al least one (1) copy col any final ne por sand archileciuiia l drawinc a containing Cor s uliant's findings, conclusions, and recammendations wilh any support dci(timentation. All rElpor s autmit e d lo the City s hall be it nepnoduciblo ilonmat. All services to bEi rendEineid heiieunder shall be sut ject to the dire( lion and approval o11he City. 3 cleailian 12. Clwnienship of Nicumentd. All reports, iniormall ion, dada and exhibiils prepared or assembled by Clonsul-lani in connection with the ger?ormam a of its services pursuanl 'lo'lhis Agi eEimenl ai a confirlenilial io-Ihe extent penmtlted by lav , and Consull ant agliees'11 a1 lhEiy shall not be made available to any individual on organiaalion without priori writ-len consent of 11 he Ciily. All such reports, irrlorrriation,data, and exhibits shall by 1[ a property oil ihe Cityand shall be delivered to the City upcin demand without additieinal costa or expense to the City.1Ihe City acknowledges such documents ai a insl rumen is oil(lonsulilant's prc fessional services. Tlhe Cit)I's reuse oil suet malenials on a pi ojec t other than the High Wesil Side Pipeline F el lac ement F roject shall be at the Clly's sole risl' . Seaticin '13. Indemnily. To '11 a -lullest extent pEirmitied by law, Consultant agrees lo prcte(t, defend, and hold harmless the Cily and ils electirre and appointive brands, officers, agents, and emplayees from any and all claims, liabilities, e) I enses, cin damagles of any nature, including ailorneys' -lees, •lor injury on death of any person, of damages of any nature, Inch ding in'Ifirierence with use of property, arising oul of, on in anyway connected with the negligence, recti leasness and,lov intentional v rong'lul ca nduct o1 Clonsulilant, Clonsuliani's agenls, officers, employees, subca ntiaclors, ' on independent (onlilaclors hined t )I Clonsultant in the pedoiimance of the Agieemeni. V a only exc epiion to Clonsultant's responsibility to piioteci, defend, and i old harmless the Clity, is due to the negligence, necklessness anddor wnonglul conduct of the Cli ly, or any of its elective or appointive boards, offiaeis, agents, on employees. llhis I old harmless agreement shall apt ly to all liability iiegai dies s of whal l en any in sui ance policies are ar plicable. llhe policy limits do ncrl act as a limitation upcm the amounil of indemniticalion 'lo bEl provided t )I Clonsultant. c eal'lon 14. Insurance. On on beloiie beginning any of the services oii wontc called 11oi by any team o.l this AIgnEifimenl, Consultant, at its ov+in a ost and expense, shall carry, main-lain fon ihEi duration all the agreement, and provide pnoo-ltheneof Thal is acceplAble to ti a City, the insurance specified below with insurers and under forms of insurance satisfactory in all i espects to the Clit)1. Clonsultant shall not allow any sutconiractan to commence woo on any subconinact un11il all insurance required o-1 the Consullani has also been ob-lained for -Ile subconhaaton. Insurance IEigL ined herein shall be r novided byAdmit ed Insuiiers in good standing with the;hate o l Caldomia and havingl a niiin imum Best's CIL ide F ating of A-Class 11 oii betten. 14.1 Ccimptrehensive Clenenai l.iat iiiN. 4 -1Ihroughout the leirm oil his Agneiemeni, Consuli ant shall mainlain in 1 ull 1 orae and eifieci Clompnel ensive Clenenal I iability coverage in an amounl nol less Ihan one million dollars pen oaatflmeince ($ 1,000,000.00), combined singly limit coverages fon nisks assoa iated will It e v ork aonlempialed by 'll is agreement. 11 a Clommercia I GenEiral Liabili'I)l Insura nce form on olhen -onm v ilh a gleneral aggriegate limit is used, eilhen It e gonaiial a%negale limit shall apply separately Io 11 a worklo be pedoumed tinder this agneemeni on Ihe g eneral aggregate limit shall be ai least lwia a ihEi nequiiied ocaunner ce limit. 14.2 ClampreihensivoE Aluicimicibile LiabililN. Ihnougl out thea term '01 thi; Aglneeimeni, Clonsuliant shall mainlain in lull foncEi and efiecl ComprseihEin: hie Automobile Wit ilia coverage, including own ed, hired and non-ovir ed vehicles in an amount not les; than one million dollar; ii an occtinnencei ($ I,000,000.00). 1� .3 Worker's Campensaticin. If Clonsullanl iniEir ds 'Io ampio)l employ lees 'Io pEirfonm services undo r this Agreemeni, Clonsullanl shall obtain and mairiain, clueing 'Ihe term of this Agreement, WoOer's Comp ensaiion Emplo)len's Liability Insuran ae in thei slalulory amounil as nequined by scale law. 114.4 Proof of insuiiance F equinerr enlsiOnc oiisemeni. Rrior to beginning any woo tinder this AIglneemenl, Clon: ultani shall ; ubmil the instinancei ceriitiaales, including the deduclible ori sel-nelention amount, and an addilional insured endorsement r a ming Clit�j, its officers, employees, agents, and volunleens as additional insureds as nespecls eaa l of the following: Liability arising out of acliviiieis perlonmed by on on behali of Clonsullanl, including the insured's geineral supeiruision of Consultant; producl; and comp leited openalions of Consuliant; premise; owned,oa a upied or u:ed by Clonsuliant;ou automobiles owned, IEiased, hined,or bon owe( by Consul,lani. llhe cotienage; I all a oniain no spec ial limiia'lions on 1 he scope of pnoleiclion of onded CIlt71, ils officers, employees, agents, or�iolunleEins. •14.5 Bnicnis anc Omissicins Ccnreniagei -1Ihroughout Ihe iEirm of 1 his AgneemaN, Cons ultani shall mair tain Bnraus and Omissions Clovenage (proieissiona 1 liability coveiiagle) in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars($'I,000,000). Rdor Io beginning any work under thisAgreemenl, Clonsuliant shall submit an insuiiana a cer ifica tet to the Cliiy's Genenal Counsol fon a eri ii icalion l hal 1 he insurance requineirnenis of lhis Agiieaman-I have been salisfieid. •14.6 Notice cif Clanc ellal ion,Terminal icin.cif Insunance. 5 The abovE policy Iq oil( ies sha it not tenminate, nor shall 1 hey be cancelled, non 1 he c ove pages nedt c ed, un-it afk n thir y(30; days'written notice is given to City,except that ter ('10) days' notice shall be given if there is a cancellation clue lo -ailure to pay a premium. V .7 7a nms of Campensal ion. Consultant shall no- receiN ie any compensation t ni it , ll instinance provisions haN ie been satin ied. 14.8 Natice to Psaceed. Consllttz n1 shclll not pnoceed wi I any work unden his AlgneemenI until the City has issued , v+ritten "Notice o Rroceed"veritlyin g tl ai Consuitan has corn plied with, li insunance negUinements oil tl is plgneement. Sectian '15. 7enminatian. City shy II l ave the nigh- to terminate tl is Agre ement without a, use by giving i him (30] days' advance writil en notice of termination 10 I e otl en par I n a d di1 ion, tl is AgreemE nt may be tE rmin al ec -on cause t y q noviding ten ('10)days' notice -o the o I en parry o- a material bre, ch oil con tnact. It the other party does not curse tl a breach of c onti act, 1:1 en the agreement rniay be termina-led subsequent 1 o he ten (•10] day cure period. Secticin •16. Natice. All no-ices sha 11 be personally delh iened on mailed o the bE lov+ listed addnE s ses, or o such other addre saes as maybe design, ted bywuttle n no iao. llhe se addressEs shall be used for delivery of service of process: To City: City oil San Juan Capistrano 32400 Paseo pldeta nto .Ian Juc n Capis1 re n o, CAI 92675 Atin: C irector of AIdministna-ive Services To Cor s ultant: AK N Clonsull ing E ngineet s 553 VI aid Irvine , CAI 92518 Attn: C, ry Hobson Sectian -17. Ab orneys' Fees. If any action at h w or in equity is nec essa ry 10 E nloiice ou in-enpue tt a to i s o• his 6 Agneeme ni, the prrevailing parly shall be en iile( to re< 3onabie atiarr s)is,(lees, c asisand necessary diabursernienis in ad( ition to any other+ nelieil io M is h he may t e eni hied. Slectic n ,18. Elispute Resc lull ion. In the event of a dispute arising betweer 'he parries regarding gerormance or+ it tenpneia,icor c fl this Agreement, the dispute shall be resalved by binding anbitnalian under the au: pic es of the ,ludicial AlrbiNaiian and Mediation Service ("JAMEI"). Section '19. 9nlire Aareerr eni. This Flg neemeni conslilLites the entine underrsiam ing ar cl agiie emend t etween the q ar ies and supe rsedes all q nevious n%oiialians between I hem pc daining to the subjeci rn atter Ihereoll. IN WITI� E1%119 WHHREOR, the parties herela have executed this Ag neemenl. Cllllti OR VllI J L AN CAP IERRANO E y: Joe Eloia, N ayor AIKM Consulting�Eingineens Ely: G� FIT11ES11: Margaret R. Manahan, (Illy Cler4 PIPF RC 4 ED 119 TO FIOR M: Omar 36 ridoval, City Atto y 7 AV water AW P = Aasources Ali Own AW mom AN ! re w■M AICM Cling,i'na llrginiters rnfrasirucrure 959 V�I' Ii Irvine,CA 9r IIII Templonn:EdE.3:13.7"IX Conairu hor Fensimilc q�10,R73.7..0 ManseMmaer Oc ober 9, 2008 Cit oil San Juan CI.plaitiano L tiliities Delpartn is rit 32400 Pasea Adelanto r1la n Juan Clapistran a, Cpl 92875 AIttention: Mr. Joseph Mari iawich, Associate Enginaer ubjeet: Rdvised "I c opel a 1 Work 41 t3udge l for ilhe Eas lern Wells ar cl Ripellnes Proje ct Dear h r. k ankawich: AK M C Ion suftin g gnc ineers i9 please( to :ubmit a ur revised s cc pe of we Irk and enc ineering buds i t to piiouidee cc nsulting services I c ft Imis h plans, spea ificai tions, enc in eer'i cons tri c ion cost estimate , and con strut Tori support s E rvices for the above stit ject projec in accordance Witt c ur me:erting on Clctober 7, 20(8. Ede visia ns to the scope of iAoek and corresponding budget include: 1. Cllarifying the total number of meetings eequinad. 2. Cllarifying that pipe line alignment neview is lirr iled to►leri yin c <.sun p ions n acle t y the Clity durin g:elec ion oil the pipeline alignme n t rem ainll iiafd. C la nstructia n support a e rvicea are to be a ompleted or a tine i n d mateeiah basis as dinette cl by Clity staf. PIH M is ca mmi#ed to pros tiding the Clity with a cci rr piece enc ineering des ign pati age inc uding pre- denign, clesign, obsd rvation;i during v ell drilling, It a des ign of SCA13A needeld at the in ell site s, biieaking the peojec into three or tot in se parately t id pact ages, ant :uppori durirxl tt a construe ion phase o•1 the pnojec.I he projec schedule subs itled with oun propos al remains valid. V1 le a p preciale the oppori unit)1 to si Ibrr it c ur eevised scope of wa rll arx en g ineering t udget i nd loot tbmand to be ing of service the Clity. r%hould yc a have s ny quesl'ons or neec any �idditionaI inilonn r Con, please do not ha;itate to contact tt a undersic ned. Elinceiiely I, A IH M C lona ulting Hngln ee m 1 Gary,I. Hob:on, P.E. Principal Engineer 9XHIBII"A" 7-3 - I CORE Oft MIRK III tsardt lotion Tie Scdpel cf Worll for thio project ill prepartion of argineering iksigln dr<wings, teafi l s pita ificatic ns, anc t id clocuments for canstruc ion of tt a EastE rn Weilis and Pipelim s Prcieci Tt a project is a joint effdrt between the City of San ,filen Crpi:trano and tee operlitor of the City's Graundmiater Rea va ry Plant, SoutIl well Wa eii Clarnpanll (SWWC).The contras mayl be: dill with the Clity or in direr'Ill tt rotic h SWV1 C I t( allow m ore rapic de iig n t uik procedures pell Go%iere meat Code 9956, the e; isting sen ice contract,and sut sequent agree rr ants wiitl :VO C. Till Scdpell of%t one fu r ttlis 1 rojec inoIudes pro garal'on of a feasibilitylp reliminary de sign report, CIECIA doc urnentation, ancI coni pla ton of final design dr wings, technical sprecillcal'ons, arx cc ntilt dociurilis for a new well and hoe sing at tele Site of the exisl'ng Well No. 9 and a new& Lith Godks 1A ell and I ousinc aac We pip eiine nece5s,r3 to transmit tale water tc We City's Circ ur lwiatE r A ecoveegl Plant (CIIWRP). In orKI(r to ll ravide additional raw water tc the GWIRP the Clity imposes to cc nstn.ct these weilheac facilil'es iii C 1. Rt is s(11 C loot Parl near the ie tersedia ns of Pasea Ill n a nd Calle A rr()Io M ell N o. 5) E nc I Rando View Road and Calls All (South Cocke) akn9 Sari ,Irian Craek it tle Clih of San Juan C lapistrai a, Calitomia_ This project include s al pro:0m;tE 1119,00[ L.F. c f 16 inet pl TI( two wells shall utilize Bee l er c r otl ler st leis led well cr sin g de velopme nt n(thoc. In the past, the City has i,sad groundwater from V1 ell Hc . 9 to suilp1!1 irrigation and other nc r-pc tat le wa ter no ed,.Tll( v ell h ad a caps city cel app raxirr ately 750 la Ik ns p er minute (gprn)arx has bet n tested at fl(W1 up t( aeaiIll 1,140 cpm. Prot lens had been a)iperienced vitll 1iRaton c mineral deIll sits ane I s tainin c area s irr gates with tel is well v ata r. Wa er qt ality: n alllsesi ii clicE ite tt lat ti It grot indv ater 1 a s fairly I igh levels of iron a n d ma n gan est ,al ut 3.9 mill rams per lite r(rn(#L)and 1.] m gll, re: p actively. The proMised v ate r pill es will bring scull mater from thi two wells to the C lity's G roi rr dwater H eco eery Plant Ill in th( ch is center area at 37170 Paseo Acl elan to, w here thu water treated br doniest'c wat(r use. Tie w(61 associated with this project includes Masibilitl revier► c f the si lec ed p ill a route anc well mites. deiN ek prni n t of v e tl site de s u n s, revie v and de N elopn ent of ease ma nt r(quirelr+erits arx dote meats, preliminarl and final engineering derign, and other ti sks re late d to tt e Ill ing(le men is of the%ate r sslstem img rovemenis(Seel attacl e d ae rial p hots): 1. Pipeline Segment ]CIA: Appronimatr is l 2917 Ill of 164nah diameter PVC pip( from the Clity Clic undwater Recoverl Slant(3 247( A asec Adela r to) to this e)iisting stet l a isin g at h etroLink right- of-w al I. - 3. Pill Sellrnent 7CI: i ppronimiitelll 90I I.F. of 16�aah diernaterfilsed PVCI llipe in a fill sad I0-inah fu:ed PVCI carrier within ttle (xi:ting 48" ;tee t casing pgssing under the raifrc ad ri 1ht-of-wall. Requires rein l all capping of an exist 8 inah HDPE well collection pipeline and 16 inch HDPE cell to male room for new pipq in the existing steel casing. TI a (xising 184nch treater water pip eline and 181 inch bdna line to remain. 3. Pips line S(gme•nt ZC& lrppn)innately 4711 I F. of 16 ince PVCI pipe along San ,loan Clierel behind the Va ns sl c piling center f c rn it a railroad rigl t-of-way to Clan ino Call no. ,el. Pill line Segn(int C14: Appil ately 10( L.F. of 1(I incl IIVCI pill lei a 70-inel PVCI casing it It it e trail un dercil ill at the Camino Clail tran o Bridge. S. Pipe lie ti Sellrr en t CS: N p ro:iimatel389 L.F. of 1fl inch PVCI pill in Ill trait fron C:i m ino Capistrano un clell sing tc Caltran s ric ht-of-%a)l. 8. Pipeline Sgrm rt M Apprtixiaretety 1,440 I.F. oll 16 inch fused Ill pipe v ilhin a 90 incl MOCI casing in the C7altras5 1-5 Ilrieeway cinderarossinc. rr_� NA aw 11. R ipeline;e gme nt C7: De%ek pert( design anc t uild. Cox rdis a to de sig r efforts and timing" 4. Hipeline; egmert C8: DeNieloppr to deaigi and tuild. Coc rclisatedosign effats and lirning. 9. Pipeline Se gmant(3t,.1lpproxiniatel)l 5; 0 L.F, of 1(l isah PWC pipe in Ca lie Arroyo from Paseo Iliradon to C aIle AIrroyc C oth ges(Calle Ards)lo). 10. Pipeline Segment CICII: Approxln atel)l 561 1.F. of 10 incl PVC pipe wiilhin nevi easemeiit (n Calle Ardo)lo Clottag es property to Swittl Cool s Well in Rua sell C ool Park. 11. Sdtth Clooi s W+III: Construe tlrw Wei11, well hocisirg, raclio anc SCWLIAI integrat'on witt Ike CIWRP, (n (IM property wittis Rrssaiiaoci, Paril. 17. Pipttline Swim(nt Cil: Approximately 1,4(0 L"F. of 16 inah PVC p ipi in bihewa)l/trail fr(m South Cools 4rltc.11 in Russell Coal Park to La t I(via Rareiit. - 13. Pipe Se Iment01.2: Appro)0rnatel)l 111(1 L.F. of 1f' inch PWC pipearaw ins La Nokia A%enr e. 14. Pipq Segment 013:Alpproximatel, 1,83( L.F. of 16 !not PVC pjpe from la Noviri Plvenue tc N eH Site 15. 1Aell No. 5: Cc nstrcct new well, well t ousing, radio and S( AEV integrate in Hutt Ulf CM RP, Et exist'ng wli IIs its. 16. Interstate ! Crossing. Design a 16inat grodral water feed line in a suikbit casing per Caltrans sh ndart s.Cap and ab:ndon existing acljaaent c xisting 11-inct HOPE and 19-inat HDPE crossings. iIASH S-"Che Swipe c f VI ork los this A rcgocl consists e f the following tan kll Task 1.Gc neral Administration,Meetings,ar cl Presents tlons 1.1 (loordinate a fforh of tt a project tee m ;nd a ubconti ult; nts, if an)l; moriita r the pre jest sct edi le anc bu(gel- administer tt a cantracc v itl the Cit)" 12 1 It the cxi mn ence me r t of the p rojeo, hold a "kicl c ff" mes tine w ittl City a tall tc c liscuse the n cc pci arx pgranieters of Ole project Specific goal: to be accorr plishecl will t a idantified and an effective strateg!l to ancomi: isl the pro jec goals w ill be cleve oped during tt lis meeting. A mamoraru um wall be p repgred k y the C ons c It: n t to docun ent the pro jec gc aid an c exexi t tic n s trategy ani am l deiiiatiomi fioni the contract. 1": At the be ginning of a acf c esign it ase (p reliminar'l a N nat)c f the pro*t, 11 rc para a work plan to Eet k rth tie sign ifix ant milestones and clelitiaen L les to c nsiirei carr pliarxie+Mitt the p roje at gaaln and exeaul'on :i trategy- Tt e C Iona ulb n t St all piresent a wiri tE n list a info rmal'on req uirec an( the (ates needed b)l to niainta in the design scl ecule" h eel with Cily stiff for grcisentatkn and review of tho wort plan. 1.4 Clolleat and reviev all available pl<ns, ipeciiicaticn9, reportsl, asci oper<ting clab applicatle to this project Thi k Ilo4 ing plan sets, pt oto: and i lova rnan is are i[ich dem in the CD ll rovidem wit!I tt is RFP. Some of tl a pleins require C ADD for-i ccesi: a. C it) CIIS M; p Eastern VYd 11 Pipe line b" Ail I h ap Ea sten N ell H ipeline Rc t to a(Pneferred Alignment) c. Clapistraino galley 114ate r Diatrict — Phase I Desalter Praijeat, 8' Well Collect'on, 8' C ot cen trate,and 16'Trea ed A er Pipgtin es;C ivil- Plan 5. d. C our ty a f Ora ings — RDMI]: San.1 uan Cre ek Cha n net (t OI) Proposed al a n nel A aalign nl a nt, Sr rvey Control Sct ems tic plan, Sheet Nos. 4 and 9 c 110, Toll ograpt is N ap, Sheet Nc s. 9 and U. e. Caltraina, DiviEk n of Mair teruince: F ec ueed Pla ns Temgc rary Constri Gia n Det; its, St eet CF2, San Ji an Creel 8ridl a (NAPening E Ret ofit),As-Built 1i -171-56, St eet Nos- 1,4, asci 6 of 73, ,.raMdm 2ollt ,r Sari Juan Creek Brit c e Wide r in g, As-Built Dol-24-61 , a t eet Noy. 1,. 7, and 8 of 73. Department of Pi is is W orfc_: Rig t t of Way M2 p 01 881-4 and EI 88-,A f. C: .IC—Ve red,i 8 ikewa) Ur derpzlss, Sheat Nos.1; 2, r nd 3 of a2. g- C9JCI--Carnina Ca F ista no Bd(ge at Sdn Jr an Creel, ClcobE r 1I15 --Shexst Nos. 1, 4, 6A, 68, 7, 9, 13,and 7( of 11. t. Rouh 20 N a and apre�clsh(et— sag ra(nh des cripton asci length. I. Photos: Mdtro4ink Overpa>:a Vereda Bit ewal I, / CVWC — Pt asE I DesaFbr r A roject Casit g Detaila Diawiri g 9-C 1 EI,1 Clrossd secU( n drawingI 48' sti el U sing (I rossthg Metro-ink Ri1AI J Cas ing const uctk n ptoto %jerec a like 'Wail Uecler-craissing 1-11 Bridge #55-2:I8 Overpass San Jut n C reel Ct anne I j. Pott c li k)u tkl r s nap, re is ults,and pt otos. t. CICECQIFDIND, San .Ilan [beak (101) Channel Impairerrenti, Phase fl, Boring, ❑PII Reptif,anc Site Pie n. i. CISJCI--Plans fd r'A ell h a. 5 j, lin c or W ell Construat om tog! 1. Sol tt C ool s Pilot W ell Rapt r M Arrange fa and pail rticiF ate ill in formal rr e(tings with City itaff to re+ie% p rogrress of th( prc jeut work i nd exct ange it eas and infom atk Ir. C ne n eating pa ii n a ntl is t udg eted. 1.6 Prepa re i a nd subrf it n ontt ly pr)g re<_s rep(rtsl s un m arir-iri g the acts z I wod pe rformec, prc ijec t iss ue:, aru stattis o the F rojed set ed tile and budget. All miniML m Ill ( repafis st all ref act III e foliowiri c: • Highlight% of Acdoni plishn E nta ■ Ci rre nt Project Ste tus • A(Itual vi, Set eduled Percenta c e;i Cc mpk to t y Tk sk • Eiplanatkin(f Schedule DI(via ices ■ Pro Bern Areal• ■ Actor s Tt N en to N itigla a Pi oblenl 5 ■ Ai tt ori4 Rea poli Bible for C ornt cticl in ■ Date of Prait lern Resolution • Accornplisl ment, Plat n ed fc r NE xt Re pgrtin g Pe riod • Actions Fa equired t y tt e C ity 1.3 Metit w'th City staff and representatnie;s (f utitties, goven ment agenties, and, affectec rel si(enh an+I t ua iness a v n ers to ds termir a requires enti to t e it cludec l in the cc ns truction c otuimea U. 1.4 F rE paro and a ubn ii n int to s for a a el sic n'tfieant p rojeat m es ting st mni a rizingl the pari Idpa fla g pgrsonea1, 1 ell discus sk n comments and(leciskins,docume nta deliv(rec or receivec,aii(I action(s) reqs iced. 1.9 Attenc F Lansing Clon missuin, Wat( r Aldriisory Clommissior at d City Coiircil Meetingq as regUirec foi l all prw let o the projeat p bs ns afu spe cilia tior s. P tc tai of six nieefngs(in i c dit'on to the se it dicatec in : t bta sk 1.5)t ave been bil dgetecl for Task 1. TasP 2. 11r vironmE 11 t8 Clompliar CO llhe Claliforn is Em iror rr enti I Ot i lits Aci (( EQp) 1970 re squires tilat em irommerfti I analysis b(i uncertalen f( r talose discretiorary projeats tt at ma) areatE Aoteotially signifr(xird impacti. Tta City is re( ue;titin Mat the Clonaultar L a r it-- E ul-cce sultx nt, stet, patential e r vire r menta in pacts that could arise fn:m tt le(lesig n oanoept ct ase n for ttliai pmjecl 2.1 The CIc nstiftarit`s environmEintal stab-cx rsoltaat mi si be gltialifie(I in the prcpartion of CEQA dot t ments. City approval c f a sub-consultant(s)is nequirec pric r to can mence rrm rit o work. zd a Lf,■.", _i � .: 2.3 Tle ClossutUnt is cirecec to review and appy We California Environmental Cluality Ad, ird Em iron mental In pac He port state guiclelir ea as , k enct m. rtl in re%k swing whether We de;iigri Wl1 I a ve a ml em ironmenti l consE gnercas as def neo Linc er sk to law. 2.3 Tie Clonsutti nt shall Litilizla they initial study four wi ec t y He Cit)': Cororr usity D(ve opn ent ❑epi rtment in makir g a n ern iron rr eii to I as se;slit ent a< to whether a r y of the(esign so nceph will I ave adverse em iron mental of ects. The pl ojo at is loa to i n e ai an a std t ik hi d re sic eni'ai n e igi t orhoa d and i m rdin gil 1, sk ch an, ironn ental issues it c udir g, k ut not limiteld tc: I isual im pants, gee tett n iail, constructio r tit ffrc, bic logic t av rc s, ha:iardou s rr ate rias,, aultur l re:ourees, noise, water and air qu. lir rr ui t be addressed. Tt a Miork wili ccin:list c I eompietincl tt e In its. I Studli anc recomni ending whether the proje c will require an EIR e r t DlMND. 7 t e Clone ulta nt Neill int ucle a i ite:i Lirve)I of the pipe roue ane Krell sPlei in additic n tc i pprc F ri. to literature sea ra h for tt a pt rforn a nc( of the in itial s tud)I. _4 The Ca nscdtan sl all ins u e tt at file re:u lb oil tl a em lroi meink I a:s(s; rr en are A IIS I ca nsidere< in tl ( de)a 4c pmer t of a preferred c esign cc ncept, 7.5 The err ironmerital r naly4 is will be pe rformec i n der the (irection of We City's En a iron rr enti I Adn ins:trate r. _6 Sul sel c ent to the Elnvirc nnie nth I A dni ini!tratorls de terminal'on of v it etf er to F epi to an ND, N ND, or HIR, We Consultant will then llerfomi soksecuerit environmental arialysis at direction of tale Comnunity Deielapr9ort Defiartment, pravidetl tfat ,hoiild ttie EA clatemine tha an EIR is req c free I, the contract mill be amens led accare ingly h a ecomni oc ate the additional work n eeessa ry toprepare an EIR, Trask 7 .1 Prepqr( i p relimin i rydesil n reporl and preliminary dr wing-i as res uiree I to esti blish agree ni a nt on sea pe, parameter., pgrfomiance requirements, non;t iota biI1q , traffic iml acts, i nd gene r I dig ruption to the are a. The do ft F relim ina ry den ign draw'ngs shall be sut mit ed to CPIy staff for rerr'ev i ant I i ppro%al vOttl the woril pla n preps red abc vs. A: a minimum, thel a In wings will a c dreg s the follov ing subjects: a. Vei lh a sf i umptic lits made i It ring se lec ion of the pipeline alignrn ent ren ain va lit, i r d recomni a nd ohangel to Me. Itgri ment ail n a e:dec l; b. Eva luafon(f well site recluiiern ant! , inofuding coricel t housing alit radio taw( r siting; c. Eva tuat'on c f M sell purn F red Liirerr ental; d. Review of test well data; e. Evaluat'on c f Rigl t of VW y and Eai ement requirement; f. Conflicts v lith c tilities anc a trc ctures; g. Gra uncI%Aoto of unsti ble soil; t. Preferri cl rratedills for cu nstrucf4 n; i. Traffic and pedes trill a control; j. Areas wt ere cc n s tnrction wo rk is limitec or cants:Ilec; M. C Iperal'on a n mainte na nce ccncem: ; 1. Permit reegt ireni ents; M. Description c f the recomme ndec im1 rc vs rn en is; n. Constri ctien scf edi le ar d pl asin g rectlmrnendatot s; o. Conn trn coon can 1 ea timate fd r recon mu nde( imp roma rr enh,at d; P_ Evaluat'on c f SCE DA integ n tion and ridio interface elevat'ona.of wall i .2 Meet with City sU 11 to re%iewi cc mrnent on the draft prelin inar}I drawir gs_ Respor d to cumni enh, re,iso the drift a: necessarg, and sut rr it two cc pies c f the final prelimir ar de-i igr drawings to tt e Cip.The fins I preliminerri de:igr drawings will be us(c a: the t asis for-in al c esign of the F roje cf. 4 c f AIL_ �.® � ��.�. I The e e sig in of tl a project and es pedally 9 a clic nmo nt of It a pipgline ct in I a ve a nraja r impact on traftc conta I and ease of tr:ffrc morernent through the jol s itc. It is import.-nt that the de:ign englineer consult a trffia engineer during tl a design to ins(ne the Nst los:iblt alklnrnant fou the least impaots an traffic aor trot. Tae 1 4.$cavo ying and Rights-oll-Wall 4.1 Prot is a the necE sse rl field do Isis n s urve5 s fd r thiol preparatia n of con stn clic n drawings and I E peciticat'ons. Sunrt y! will dE Item ine site to pggra phy, (canto(rs, and I ul'011y locations along the FI ipelina alignn ant. 4A Po ttlole all pater tial conftu t poin d Fi nd s urve)l utility l anc I ll ipe tine locations and c li F the_ Budget ten potholes. 4.3 Pro u isle the services c f a land sr rue+or to set toriuoc tr I and i ertical controls par Cinlife rr is Cloo rc ina to Systc In li 13 s nd locate ei isting stye ct right{f-way an( cr'tical pc of erty corn ers k ng F iii a alignni eni a nd tc prow ide ado Iitional records ora rklht-u-v ay a nd 1 rope rt I info rmatk in at require(. 4.4 li iewi a+ailE bio inforrniatic n from Oity record: to producca the an ticip:ted la cations and ale+�tic ns of crit'cal ur clergroc nd r t'lities. 4.5 ConU ct ut'lit'es as necessary to of twin ar ailal is inforrnati(n to identify antiail ate( lacabon, ;nd eleva ion s of exiel'ng i indergra it nc I L tilities. 4.6 Cloncluct a review meefng wiitt City s taff c poll carair fet'on of deti iled surae+s to o btain apr royal of fir a I r I11lnrner I. il.7 PreparE, s ubnrit and f11e necc ss ary eaeemer t docurment to correrap(nd to ac reEd upon final alignnents. Clonstructios, and rratlbe, pgrmanenteasementswill be require( foi PipEllinE Segments 2013, 05 and 010. Task:1.Geatechr teal Investliga'ion The consultant shall prov'de s ufficier t gec technics 1 v cork tc ac dress tt a net ds a f the piPeline; inch dir g bot not limitec to trent ;tal ility during exam aion, It al iiit} of Me sail to resttrain P r!FX l, It load III capaaity of the soil from'tt rust iron the pipe) and tte suitability of the sc it for ba ck ill anc almpqctkm of tt a trench. Spec fic task., for any required g eoteahniatl in+esl'gal'on :hall incudo tl a follow Irl g: 5.1 Prcvicle "heck nical engfineeriN 1errrmi, wl 0 woi ld ineiicle exploratory wiork, I.,boratcry and field test'ng, professional guidance in tests tc be made at teat k=Vosi t c sed on preliminary drawling s: nd doll ns, and F rofes sic nal into IF retation c f e3ipla raitorl anc tes t dak. 5A Initis 1 gleotechnical exF lors torywo 6 will incducle, but not be tirnitecl to: sc it borings, penetration testi, s of nding sr t si irirti ce o xploral'o nm, laboratory te.5t: of sc ils, rook f( rm atic nl, and I other ge(phl sinal F henomena; and otter told tests, fabc ratory h sts and �naljses whict are req(irec to pro,ida de:l ign inform ation. 5.: F r vk a an iri itial g eotecii icsal rcportb)I a geotecl r irtd engines r c; g eo#cl pica I fim interpret"nil the data an Re expic ratory work and tes ting anc se toll( ocit tie site canditic ns that can be anl'aipated frcim ttlis inifal c xplorat(rywiork. 5.4 AFW; Ole final clesign f as a aor ed the 10 pelrcer t comp el'a n level, rc i kiw tln: I gen technica I inveafgatic in evaivatiri tl a inil lal c eoteahnical inve.stigatic r, fic Id and label ratorl test results, and tt e initial ileotechr lcal rc port_ T1 a final evatuaticui s t all be based or ttle actual design, in(luclingl s izes, locations, s nd kW ding a f ft cilities; typed, c xtent and prase( c res of em n atic n4; ar'd sl a 11 can;ida r t otl destln ll arameters and canstrucl ifitl. If, in the opir ion of tl a rel ievii ii ss kinal or arm AN �..�, :l oil �soW Caonsultant, additional geotechnical data are rec uirec for tl( prel a rand n of the trial design (include i in oplioral item), the clata ihati to proiiidec I:y the l ectectnicaI engineer. The iinal report shall irdicate tt a anticipated perforri ante of the ! tibiurtace maid vial to N encs unto red on tt a project txth during i r d after con strarction, tinder thi loading conditions, iasel, nd types of i)iciivafon i n tia ipatec. Tasl (. 6.1 Prel are Beta ilec draH in c s, to chn ica I specifics tion:, ant It ii c loaurr eri for torr pe itis a bidding for 11 e prop osec ca nstrticl'on miorll. Conitriact'on docs mer is i t all it a It ide tl a followincl: a. Title a heat in c i din g; Iocs tiem map, c icin ii) n a p, a rnerl a nq canb ct p hone sums rs a r d signs tc re I lob s a pplicai k le tc 0 a project; b. (aelner I aite p lan %'th a1 propdate general esic.nation, shoring and neiscelta nexnts note:; c. Symbols and at t reviatio ni ; d. Plan at c prafilr drawings for tt a imts IN tion of wator ma in..ft c:litie! , valve<., a nd relates al p urtenances, including relates defy il:; e. PreNlre doU ileo dro wing: for cc ns truation of the p ra posed wells ant pumping fat ilitie:, stn eturi s, site ap p.urtenances, els etrical, instrumentation and alntrols syi tem;, and deriiolitiori of waisting filciti:W-,., inc Wing ail requires n ateriali and equipment. Well desil n sl a II t e based iipgn wdstirgl bcring logs and purng teat date from Me Sotltt Claol a pilot x els, existir g T'vs dor V1 ell and exiabi c IN ell Site) 5 boring. TI a design and specifica io r sl a uh tx baysed i pqn a a sec I well canstmcfoi (Bed el tj pel). IN i d rot=ry I as U ilec it the pre i t. Pieprlre cit it i He des gIn anc I well t ous ing coring arable to e.,isting C IWRP v ells. It to grate SCAIEIV I tt r nem i wells witt exist'ng CM RP SCADPI s)lste m. f. R lana showing a ll record it fd rmation rel arc it g ut'iitie; , a t stn ctions, i nd app a rten i nt dah ; and g. 9 a it lot, borinl p Is:n a nd prof le i heets related to [eote a hr ical im estigation rn iquirerr eats, a! required. I . Tra M a antrol pla n prep are6 t y i regia teres traffic a ngir eer, 6.� Prepare technical specifaat'ons, tad documents, atcI otter cantraat clocurnents for aorngei'tive b'dding fd r the iI ra posed coni truction H sort I and ila r the n aterk Is a nd equipment t rept aired. Tt e (ity of San Juan Capistr, na Utility 17epartmei t (UC1) Stant and Spec ificaticno and Cot tract Lloaumar is shall be used. TI e e Acting Stant la rd Speciftcatia ns ar d Co ntrao t Docuri enb a e in ftl r W it Bows fe rrriat. When i pep ifrcatic ns do not exist, t le Cdr stattali t s ha I de%eia p specifics tions as necessary fd r al is I rc jeat. Ar original I a rdcopy se t c-1 tett nka t 5pgcific abons, bic docurner ts, an d co n tract docunaentS shall l e pr(%i(eC to the Citj for ri pros t ctia n, flinal submission of all des igi and a r al)sic, mate ti i i i t all be in acts rclance H iit I the UI]Cigitall St it missicin Sts ndarx s. 6.;1 TI d Consultant t it all be ire spgnsit le for lin a I deli ign o9 Ole 1 rc posed water v ells, we 11 site, we 11 pump I ow ing, SQA DA inter ral'on ant piptlI irl es i nd all eng ineerinil woriM raft ire:c fd r the can,truction a f the water v ells and pjpellir es. The final de vign dram iinc s i tall beg repal re d such that each pro jec elen ent teal I a leer ly is le n(flable lire items. Drawings shall the prepares ora a dl" )i W nr)Ilar sleet w inc computer generates dra ftiric AlutaCAD M7 t]7 tet t niques utilizing the Cliq`s Digital Subrrission SUnd, rc s. Tie (anstiltan t'e standard aoni truc can det• ill ttlat are app Iicabk to 1:1 a project maybe tisecl. Rrcjeat dram let gs stall be siclnecl i r0 waled by a 11rcfessicinal engineer reclistered in the all prgprii to discipline in We St,to of Ca lifornii . Plaes St all ba drawn to a horizontal scale of 1"=4W and a vertical sa le of 1"=W, Detaile( plans shad be drawn to a scale of I" =t3'of larger.Ar electror is cop)I of the Auto(AD the shall bi given tc the Lail) in accords rices wilh thei (ity's pit ital Subn inion Stanch rds. 6.4 Pro,ide four (,I) se is of the clrawingii a nd spocilta tioii i to the Clity for res iew at the 75 and 9 a percent stages of a mpletion. Clonsultant st all rcisolve and incurpc Fate the Cily staff ccmn ent2 it to 6of11 w the design c IOCUrr en is. The Can:Liffe r t s hall g repa r( n eef r g mir Utes tc nate all comment! for dAtril t tior. it.5 Prepa r( a a c na truction east esfmata of tt a prop osec uioril cm erec k y tt a fir al pians aid 5p(cific0ior 9. T.s k II,Perin its 7.1 Ad, iso Il le Ci) c f a ni l pe mait requireme r is discave ra d durni g the design process. The (lit mill obta in a II pe rmits as needed ilor coni trt ction o the pra p osed pipeline_ Pe anit casts will be paid I } the C lil y. Task 1.Cc nef i ucilon Bidding Through Contract Award 1.1 E Itter cl ai cl la a d prei kid I e of fe rence at a date, time,a r d 11aa a set b} the City. 1 .2 Intarpret tte aanstruct'on contract docunieno as r(quar tecl anc reeled. Prepare Gird issue adclen(8 to tt a canstruct'on cants ct bid cloatimertts when regciired. I > Isi ist the Cily a nc ar s%i er queist'ons as appra griate during the bid( #lenin g. Tai k f.Ca nstri,ctiou 9ngineerhiI 9 ii pc rt TI is t,sl will t e(xi mpletecI on a tima Fnd rratedais taxis as cIirected b}I Clit,I staf durirg tl a con stri c r lit ase of tt e p ra jest. 9.1 R rc vide general cantraiC adrsink tral'on for cor strucitia r o-1 the pra jec:. R ravicle an er g inear a r a part-time k as is, as required, wi c stall observe the cos tracts rra c(instrt coon progress, atter d rr eat'ngs Wtll the Cit} arc the c ontracl or re£arc ling pra jest stirec Itde s, in erpreitz tie n of thea r trac t donuments (re(luestr for infcrrriati(nklarifcafon (RFI/RFCI)), ccistructior charges aid irretfularities; and in achievirg coaflrmarce with the contract plana and cpecilcations. Or site coastri c tic n ins peatior se nice: will be p n vided 1) City i tall ai d/or sepan itel) a onta Ile d can stn c tier n a nage men t team. Tl ( (lona ulta nt will not be re spa nsik W for gluaran teein g Us con frac oi'e perk rman ce. 9.2 Prov'de office er ginee ring aid car ,:into tkl r, as reel t ire( and coo aiii a to with the Clih in mar agerr ent oil tl a canstry ctia n ca ntract. Re vie w and adjust progr(ss pay regiissU preparec and submitter I } the cos tracts r far con forma nce v lith the cantrac da c un enti. 9.A R r(pare i si rF pla rr en tE ry a ketc hes and deft its as rec uirec to resolve fidW cor struci la n prof lens: the t ma} tk encs un tE red. 9.9 Rc view and pro+ ide ad+rice tc the City 4r ( t arx a ort le r(s)and/or extra w(61 or(er(s)a s i e eded. 9.6 Ravi(w a II canatruct'on st op drawings, &brical'c n an(I rr ill testing of equipmar t ai cl rnateaali irk r complete ar d str'ct coi fd rmaaee witl the aontrad t plami, spefcilcaltion s and da current.. C Ia nsuitar t sl i 11 asst re itself tt at any deviations or sr k st'tutic mi s ubm ittec bi l the ac ntra ator shall be eqt al to or of better quality the r s pec lec in the cc ntrac documents. Cons ult.-nt stall m:M e its recomroa nda tion an(I aapprmie witf the Clity st(ff all s ubs titutic m and receive the City's cc nct rrence pri( r to i pprouie g ai ) strt st'tutic n. Clogs ult2 nt shall a ubm R tc the C li y twa (2) c:pies of all preiiminarl ant final st op c swings that ha+re been re%iiewed for ccnllarmance. 9.7 Prepalre cor ssucl'an`record"drawir gs ba sed on markt d-ull ti( cloauments and( rawinge received iron the Citf's irsflection staff. Submit ole (1) full-sire origilal mtliar regrodicible set of constrt ctk n"reecrd"( ravArgs and an electrc nix copy of the AuloCVID lie to ilia Citi in accordance with Me PWD Digital 9 tibmission Sta r dan s. 7afI as" :�:� 9.f Establish a p tinct lis t witl the City a om true tion ini ppa fon staff for tf If a n trac or at Arojecl aon F letion, r¢..1 #In bf IIF � oFA .�°_® I�.ta EASTERN WELLO AWn 22=1 IhiC 212CJJFr_T el[u consulting Fnglneers F-O o.^goce1-Design and r—ns=ction Support Labor Costs Project Associate cADiQ TOFyI TOTAL TASK AND DESCRIPTION Uanagor Engineer Technician Clerical Hours -Quhconsuttsnt CpgTS I g=eneral Administration, Meetins S Presentatior 72 1AA 16 232 �7g 7f30 2 Environmental r'empliance 8 2 26 $ 31,1AQ $34.480 3 2reliminery Design 24 aA R 136 $11 ,AA0 4 Su—evin9, Qa!'cliga -nd 12i9b s-of-Way 4 - 6 R 48,676 $49 Ase 5 Geotechnical In-esti4a'-'Oo 4 A A -T iA,:ai s $15,475 -- - - --- 5 Final Design (inc.Traffic Control) An Bin 660 24 _._.._. 1'AAA t ]2,ARa $149,190 7 2ermits A 8 r'onstructlon Rb ding Lbrough Contract Award 8 2: 4 32t-4,RpO 9 (-ns►rucrlon Fngineer nu Sueoart(inc.we" development) A0 540 A: An ABU $72,A-: Tobi Hours 2-3'' 1 AAA 77A 102 7Arq,7 Unit cas' $180 $110 £a$ $60 Total Labor r-a_' $39,960- $158,840 $61,640 $6,1201 1 $ 106,801 Expenses $2,500 TOTAL rnc-r $375,751 °e-OnAu.'?on for Final Design(Plans)completed Oniv to 501 ib R Rnai Desiatn (inc.Traffic CoW ol) 200 200 Ao0 i2,a50 $51,650 7 Permits A 16 u 9A $2,960 A Construction $Iddiag t"_^ougb r"^a►ract Award R 20 A 30 $3,880 9 Construction Engleee-in- (inc.well A0 540 A0 An Aar. $72."00 Total Fee Reduction $130,880 Nota:T"e damla-ae,4^ons*,Ucilon support cost for the 1-5 Grossing 1111"12"",t1-"an`)is Cagan. AKIN Proposal No.08-2995 1 i E p< i'r, ' "€1€ii1NDCB&Tf9 �' P Bs �1 y1y f� A U DEINDUM NO. 1 '1 O I F S PIIANS, SI FIC'IFICIA1 ICII`S RIND PRCIII CISAII DOCIL M HNT S I CII DMI M%CI AND DL VI:,1.OPM ENT OF EASTl3Rl, AIEIIIIS, CIP i CI. 775 j Fabivau3112, 2008 1 '➢o: All] Fill P Holdcn j From: Z he Clity c J San Juan Cl�ipi:trz no 1` otica i:,hereby given to grwipeclive biildeni tl at the following chang4s, additions, and/on dcletions ane hereby m,da a part o I'tl e Phns, Spocifiratior s and Pnoporc I Coeuments for dr'llinp and davelopment of the Bastemi Wculho, CIP No. 775, fully and campletaly as iil'the dame wane fu1131 set for I tharain. F al 1 his Addenc urn l o. I shall ion-ri a pant of tl a Proposal Doci n ar is and tal a pracedance of the ouiginz 1 Pnopo:al Doer n anIF. 1 Pro c secs shall ack owdc d 7e l ecc i t of this plcldendum No. I b ei rn in r page 2 a id taxin 1 E II b I� Y € I P b I' ` � copy a f pago I tc d a City o'J°Sa n duan C apis°tnuno ,t 491-3955 by 7 hur:c a J1, 1"4 bmmj ry 19, 2009, Paga : shall also be included in th(i Cont.actoj'� bidding document packagri. .i if DA7 DD: Febr uany 12, 2009 oe Mankawich A:•suciaft Ingina or City orf Sats.It c n Cal is'tr,no 3F sl i+ 11 2 i� i'. i1 TH IS PAGE TO EE AI711IACN ED X10 PROPOSAIJ DOCIUMENIISI. j I t ave neceM cl >I,ge; I-1, AIddendunr No. Ito the Plana, Specifications and ProllaSal ' Documentsi flan Willing and Ela veloprnent of E,sitem WE lis, CIP No. 775. ;l Date Received by Pr( 11 a seu. By: Bra pos er's Cla mpany Name Praposer',i Signal vie ;I 11 Typed or Arintad IN ame Fi 'i 1t i� i x 48 f� i{ . t E E I t 1J :4 i.4 �.X i.t 1, Y . R FI I The following changes,a ddlillcm, deletlians, or modifications shall [( made to the Fropoas 1 j Documents and shall talcs pnee(denaa over the original Froposa 1 Daeumanls; all oilhcr provii ions in the F roposal Daeumanis items in the same. f 1. Me City will provide v is tt r 2t na change to the contractor. The Viatt r use must be doeumant(d an( reasonable for the ,iaope of work.71( City will r(quir( that the as n tnao to n obtain a cone truction rnieten frorni tl e City, (?i a ept a: noted hereinalker. 1haro is a n 9 a(( r(fun( able depot it bei the constmation rr eten. 2. ')there is a 2-inch irrigation mainline in the part in the vicinity of the 9 auth (loofa W ell Site. the pank i; v(iatened at night so tl a contractan may tr p into this miaten supply during the da y.The waters take from this line would}cave to be mt t(rod. Any modifications to the irnigation piping would have to I t rarnioved and tit existing lines rt tumad to previous aonditiami of ler coirpletion of the well drilling. I . 'Ilhere is a activ( waterline and PRN an the Wi 11 1�o. _ site that could b( Aliaec for =� mi ell drilling water. A j ain the take thorn this line viould have to be mietena( . There is an I (xisting inactive_ IS" rr eter r can the w(11 site gat(. If thi; vwia uld provide enough wata n ' the contra ctoii it ay utilize watt r frog his mett r a nd fa nega th( necessity of a cc n atnuction rn t to r. 4. ❑elete Hid Iters AI-JI and D-SI, Flquilkr I; alatian Zon(i T(stirg, from the.l id an(I contract documents. Th( aor tracto i shall cro;i, th ough the;c iterns on the I id sheets. Aquifers I lsolation a n( Tt sting is rata p a rt a ll this pro j(ct, S. At the contnaatan's option, penmanant conductor casings era acc(pltable to the( ity 'f pre rii( ing tl at pr( pt r 94-feet s•anitaipl sea JE pen (aliflornia Dap a rtrnant a 1 Public H ealtih and Orange County Healtl Care Ageuay are priovided 1 (tvi(er the c(nduator aasing olid its borehole, 'llhe aost of con ductor ca;Ings, if u;t d,will be it eluded in Hid Its ms A l and ;I D 1, as appnop ii,,te. 6. No live s tr( am dis( I argt s to San Juan Chet I will be allow( ( . Me ca r tna(tor mw t fk dis(hergia to the staurn drain locations indicate( it the pra joat documents; and conform to ' the discharge permit requir(it ents irclu( (d it the project doeurnant=. g� j E.l ?E �l i .1 t P 1 1 i} i.} CITTA OR SAN . L M CAPWIRANO BIDDING AND CIONIPPCITUAL DOCIU MENTIS A N D F ORMSI DRIV L ING AND DEVBLOPMBN T OR 13ASIERN WELLS CIP NO. 1751 Naticei Inv icing gids Insliiuciicins W Bidders Bid Rciflms Bid QPnopasal) Bid ScheldulEl Lisi of Subconlraclurs Non-Clallusian Aflidavil Bidder's Genek I In'lowrialian Bid Bond QBid Secunit� Ranrri) Agreement e n d Ban ds Agmiumen t Flai m W ori curs CampansE tion Cer ificaIEi Periclnrnaml Bond PE ymen 1 Band Ccr i'llcale of InsuiencEi xa I i jarll mpg CON INNIIS NOW zoa1 PA(38 1 NOTICE INVITING SID: Rim Drlllina and Develooms r t all ErAdern Wells ICIER No.776' Notice is here b j given tt at sealed t ide fcle VW drilling arc de velogmenI oil Ealsterrl We ills will be rem ivec al ttei offices col tte CIk Clerk of the11 Clity of Sdn .Iuan Capistro no, Ck iforTiki, until 2 p.m. on lluesday, Fehrui ryl 214, '9009 al whial I'me fey will be ope nod and rend aloud. Prospective bidders are invited to attend a pre-bkI wall through of the proposed work e ilei and exelINI fdcllitier wt ich will be canducted by tie Clkl Ltilibes DepartMeml at ' 0 a.m. c m 7uesdayl, Hebra ary ' C, 2009. Fla ilure 11 o participatel in tt e i pne-bk walk will nal disc lualif I a bkider as beirg non-w.pglnsive. The pre-bks vhit will std rt E6 11 he South Clooke,Well locatec al ttei soutt easl intemecticin of Clarlki Arroyo and Ranchci Vie ijo Road adjacenl to San Juan Clreek and ten process to Well 5A. Copies of tt e i Fllan a and Specifications are on file at the City Clem`s Offce, C1kj of San Jug n Capistranei, 3240 0 Passe Ac a ik nici, :Ian Juan caFlisin r o, Clalifomla, an d may be obta ined at the nor --refit ndab Is charge i oil$:10 plus a charge of $10 fcln each sel of Fllans and Spec ificelbans mailed. Fon more informallon, please contact .lee Mankawict , AslsociaU 9nginc4 nal (94 9)4871-43,13. I]ated: Janus ry 221, "9II 09 fiET R. MONAHAN, CIITY CLORF SAIN Jl.AN CAPI�c TRAN O E CIOUN IN, CAILIFCIRP iAl CITY OR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANC NOTICIE INVITING BIDS For Drilling and Developmerr cif Basten i A ells C.I.P. A o. 77: N-7. H OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN the sealed bic s for the drilling and developmenl of EasUrn A ells will be received at the clffrce cff tt a CIit)I Cle6 a, tt a Clk cg Ban Juan Capiiifranci, Calilarnia, unti 2 Dm cin 2A February 2009 at which lime t[eiy will U cipgr ed and reiad aloud. N-,'1 DESCIRIP KION Of TF E WORK: The Wor* comprises tt a drilling and pumph g developmlerr c If two 11211 ground wale r pros ucdon wells In Ban Jt an Capistre nc I fou tile City of Ban Juan Capist,ano.The project oonsists of two v ells,tt a fir:t al which is Sciuth Coe ks We 11 which is located in Cocks Rark apprwdrrm tely 5(1 feed east of an exisl'ng monitalrin5 well and adjacent td tt a San Juar Cineek. 1N i econ d is VV ell 5 which is lacaled M deet south west cd the pr+eriaus well locat'on. N4 LOCATIO14 OF THE M ORK: T1 a V1 ark td be constructed is located: SouC Coe k<. Well: Sc iutheast a the intersection a Calle A rroya and Rancha Viejo Road adjacent lo San Juan Cheek. We ill SIA: Sodtheast alt th a inie irsection al Calle Arroyc I and V a Rarra adjacent to Sdn Juan Creek in Cooks Park. in the Clic} ct San .Dian Capistrano, CIA. N-4 CION F1111 ET ON OF 7111E WORM: Mime is of-Ihe essence. F 11 work must be oornipleted within 75 Calendar days aftdr.the datel specified in the r otic( to Rroceed. Liquidated dartiages w ill be as sea sed as set flc rd in the Akiree meal lam f Blur( tat meet the specified completian dale. N-5 AWAR D Of I CON7IRACIT: jal The City rciserves the right after opening bids td iteject am)I or all bids, I'd waive any inlcrmallty 4nan-neisponslveness in a bid, co to make award to the lowest responsive. nesponsib a bidden and reject all cit eli bids, as it may t est serves IN int(rest cll the Clity. 11b; As-a condi is n all aware, the successful bidden will be required td submil payment ZORA 30"� N011laEINSITn+GBIDS FORM L 3 LW �+ PAGE] a Ind pe0 orrnlance bonds on d insurance in an amoun1l of, 00 percent al l he contract price. N-G BID :IECL F ITY: Elach bid shall be accompanied by a certifie id of cashloes check c r Elld Bond in the amount of 10 peicen1l of the tai al bid pdae, palyablei to the City c11 San Juan Capistlano. N-7 BIDSI TO REMAIN OF Eh: llhei Biddee shall guarantees tl a tatal Bic price fdi a period of 60 caleindr r days afller the dad e i of Bid opening. N-8 CONTRA CTOR'SI LICE NIEIEI CILASSINICATION : The Ccln tracton at all possess a valid Cllas s G-57 Clontiactc r Iiceinsei at the Iimei o1 submitting bids. P -8 CALIHORNI , WAGE RATE F EOL IREMEINIS: 11hei C:onWcton shall pay lhei geiner it prei sailing rate of pen d ieim wagers ai de ermined by the Directc i of the N partme n4 ail Industrial Redations of thea State of Claliftlmia fan Vei locality wheire the work is to bei perk meed.A copy of said v'iagle ialeis is on fie at the effte cif#a City. Thei Conlrictor and any subconinactors shall pa) not less than said specified reiles an d s t a l pc at a copy cd said Huge raters a the project site. h= 0 RSIAINACIS FIR OM PpIYME M S: '1 he Contracton may a ilea td receives- 00 percent a1 paymeints due under-It a Clontract Documents Ircim I'me to times,without iietA nt'on al any portion al the payment by the City, by depositing s e cu ritieis of equivalent valr a with tr e City in accordance with 11 he pnavis ions of Section 22300 cif the Hub is Contrcic Coci i. Ni-I ' F RE-E III]VISI7110 WORM SITE: la)Rrospecth c bidda rs are invt ed to attend a prerbid walk of thei prcipc sed wort site and e Misting ilacilides which Hull be conducted by the City L tilities Depar rnienl al 10 am an 10 Fleibruiary 210011. 1lb) Hailurai tc participate in the pre-bid walk will nct disqualify a bidden as being non- respa nsh if i. i1c] The prei-bld vie it will stFlrt al lhei Erloulh Cooks Weill and tt en proceed td Weill 5A, see paragraph h-3 Ion locadions. N42 OBTAINING OR IN SHSC:T-ING{ICIN'IRAICI'll DOC IUM Etr TV: _ Ila] Conlniat Clocurn eints may be inspected w lhoul charge at the Off ae c f the aity Cllerk, City all Elan ,Irian Capistrano, 32400 Paseo Adelantd, San'Juan Clapistre no, CIA 92675. ab] Complete sells of said Clonlract Documents may t e purch ased at$20.00 dcilars pe it set and arei oblainabte frdm thei Offlce 6 the City Clens'. N o relhlnd Will be made o11 any charl1eis ftli serfs cl Contract Documents. R0Fi-m034 6w NCITICIE Iii V17G BIOS No 12K 1 PAIGE 2 �C}Arl additional Ilse of$I' 0.00 will be chariled fain sets cf documents sent by mail. N-113 AC IDRE SE AP ICI MARKING OF B IDS:The on velopq er c osing the Bid shall be sealed and addressed td lht Ulty c f San Juan Capistrano,and shall be delivered au mailed la It a City Clerk al X400 Flasea Adelantc , San Juan Ca;listrano, CA SIA2675. The enve lope a t a I be p ain ly marked it the upper left hand corn ien watt I he name and addri as al the I Bldden and shall tx an the work s°6 id Rar...' followed by the Alrojec title,date and houu cif c pening Elk s. The certifie d ar cashiers check an 8 ld Band sha If be enc c ised in tt a same envelope witt the Bid. BN ORDS R OFI TIF E C ITY OR SARI JUAN CFIFIISTIRMO Dale CITY OR SAN JL AIN CIAPISTRANO By. N arge ret R. N onahan, CMC City Clerk FOA"" '° WAr�.+p NCITICIE IN%i•M G BICE wax"1 RAIG#13 CI1111 OF PIAN A AIN CIAPIUNRANCI INSTRL CITION E 110 BIDDERS 1. 0EF1N E0 IIERIVIV-Term s us e d in III a se Instruc ions to Bidders and the N a tice 110ting Bids and not defined t ere in st all have the meanings assigned to Ihem in tt a General Conditions. Tt a term"Bidden°st all mean one who 3 t bm its a Bid directly io the C lityl,as distinct from a sub-bidde r,wiho 3 t bm its a Bid to a Bidder. The term "Engine ern at all be as defined in the General Conditions on St.pplem entary Genenal Conditions. 2. CICIMPETIENCIY CIF 13100ERS-EAcept a3 otherwise provided undeu Public Cdntract Cox a §20103.5, no Bid for the VI onk will be acce pted frorn a contractor wiho does not f a ld a valid contnac or's license in the State of Cal'rlomia for the classification named in ti a Notice Invitinc Bids at the time of openinc Bids. 3. DISC LIA L1FICIATICIN CIF 9100ERS - More tt an one Bicl from an indhiidual, firm, partnenihip, corporation,or association tinder the 3a rn a or diffe nest names will not be aonsidene d, If III a Citi believes that any Bidder is interested in moue than one Slid for the Work contemplated, all Bids in Nit ich such Bidder is inieneste d will be rejected. If the Clity belie%iss tt at cofft sion e)iish among the Bidders,all Bids will bE rejec ed. 4. 9100ER1I EXAMIit ATICIN GF C ICINTRAC~10OC1i MHNT,l AN011H E SIIT0-(a)Itis the responsibift of each Bidder before submitting a Bid to e)iamine the Contract DocLiments thoroughly; visit the site to become familiar a iil h local conditions that n of l affect cost, pro c re s s, or performance oil tt a Work; o onside n fedenal, slate, and local laws and regulations that may afk c cosi, progress, a performance of ttl4 Wonk; study and carefi illy a orre late 1 he Sic Ider's o k servation s with 1 he Contract C oci irn a nts;and n otify tt a Engineer of all co nflic s, errors, on discna pa n cie3 n a ted in the Clontract C ocument3. (b) FIe ferE nce is made to the Supplen entail Genenal Conditions far identification of those reports of explonations and tests of subs tirfaae concltlion3 all the shewihich rr ayt a%ie been utilizes bythe Engineer in the preparation of tt a Contract Documents. HOViever,suet reports are NOT apart oltt a Contrast Documents. The interpretation of 3tiah technical data, includinc any interpolation or extuapolalion thereof,togett er witl non-technical clata, interpretations, and opinions contained therein or tte con pleteness thereof is III responsik ilit� of the Bidder. (c)Clopiei of suet reports an d drawings will k e made a%iailat le fon inspec ion bythe C 16]toan)l Bids e n upon request. Those reports and dnawiings are NOT part of the Contrac Doauments, k u anyteahnical data contained tt eri in upon wt ich the Bidder is entitled to ri ly is limited to that set for t in tt a Supplementary Genenal Conditions. (d)Subject io the pravisions of Sec ion 4315 of the C Ia l'rfomfa Go%eunment Code,information and data reflected in the Contract Documents wiilh nespec io unclerc not n d utiltl ies at or contiguous to the site i3 basest upon information and clata furnish ed to tfli Citi and tt e E ngineer bythe owiners of such t n de rc round utilities or others, and tl a Clity does not assume rei pa n sibility for 0 e a ccuuaci l or completeness 0 a reof t nless H is expressly provided otherwise in tt a St pplementary General Conditions. (e)Provisions aoncerninc respon s ibitfiies fou ti a adequacy of data ft mist a cl top rospective Bidders on subst rfaae conditions, undar9lrouncl utilities and others pl ysical conditions, ar d possible chances in tt e Contrac Doct rn ants due to diffeuin c conditions a ppeau in the Specifications and Supplerr en Iary General Ca n ditions. (f)Before st k rr itting a Bid,each Bidder m u3t,at Bidderls owrn eiipgnse,make or obtain any addilional examinations and in%iestig ations wihicl pertain to tt a physical conditions (stirface, Subsurface, and underground u ilities)at or contiguotis to tt a site or otherwise which rn ail affeat as st,grog re as,a r performance of tt a 0 ork and wihict the Bidder deems necessary to determine Hs Bid for performing the Work in acce rc la n ce with 1 he tiro a, price, and otter terms and conditions itions of tl i Con trait C oct irn e n ts. HORMU-141 INSITRL CTICIN 1I TO x01 IU-1[1 ine I.wpd t10V2001 BICIOEFIS - PAIGE 1 (g) Where feas ible, upon reql(a st in a(i ante,9 e C ity will provic a each Bidder ao a ess tc tt a site to aonduct 3 ch inv(stigatia ns and tests as each Bidder deemis necessary for submittal of a Bid. It a Bidder shall fill a II e;ig loration an(I test hof(s made b)I the Bidcle r an cI shall repair damage,clean k p,and rests re the site to its former condition upon cornipletion of s c a h expla ra tion. (h)The lands upon v t ich tl a Work is to be g e rforrn ec ,tt a rights-of-m ay an(I easements for acct ss thereto, and other lands designated for L se by tl e C ontractor in performing the "ork are identifi(d in the Contract Doo k ments. All additional la n c sand access thereto requirecl for temporary construction faciliti(s or storage of materials and equip rn(n t are to t e provic let by tt a Contractor. Easement fa permanen t strut ures or permanent than g e s in existing structures will be a t tained a nd paid for by the C it) un less otherwise pro vided in the C(n tract Doa Liments. (i)The s ubmittal of a Bid will con s titute an incontroi ertible represen tation t y the Bidder that tl a Bidder has o a mplie( witt every regi(ire ment of d is A rtia le;tt at miithout excep tion the Bid is premised upon pq ria mining the Work required by the Contract Documents anc suet means, methods, techniques, sequences, an procedures of construction as m a)I t( indicated in ori re gltiNed t y the Contract I]oauments; and that ti e Con tnaci t Docl im ents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and a onvei l understanding of all the tem s and con ditions for performance of the VI orl . 5. INI ll ERPRETArl ION S-All questions at a L t the m a a n ing or intent of the Contnac Docum ents are to be directed to the engineer. Interpretatia n s or clarifications aonside red necessary by the 9ngineer in response to suct questions will t o resolved t y the issuanc a of a ddenda mailed, FAXed, or delivered to all parties recorded br I the Engineer or the City as t aving reaeive(I tt a Contrac Documents. Questions received less than 7 clays pnia r to the date of opening Bic s may not be answered. C7nly questio ns that t ave been resolved by fa nm al wntt e n E cldenda W iii t( binding. Oral and other into rg retations or a larifia ations will be w itho(it legal or contract(ial effect. 6. BID S Ef711 RPL Y, 9CIN0:, AINO IN:URAJN CE - Bacl Bid shall be ac«mpanie(I b)I a certified or cas t ier's ct(ck or approved Bid Bond in tt( a rnount state( in the Notice Inviting Bids. Said check or be nd shall be made payat le to d a Cit) and st all be giv( n as a guarantee ti at the Bidder,if am arde d the VV ork,wiili enter into an Agreement wiitl tt e C ityan(I will fL miish the necessary insurance certificates,Payment Bond,and Performance Band. Bach of said bonds anc insurance certificates st all be in the amounts stated in the Gen( ral and Supple m(ntaryC ondition s of file Contract. In case a f refusal or failure a f the s uccessful Bidder to enter into sai(I Ag reem ent, the cl ea F or Bid Bond,as the case may t e,sl all be R rfeited to tt( City pursi(iant to the provisions of Public Contract Code 8(ation 201114. If the Bidder e1(ats to furnist a Bid Bond as its security, the Bidde n shall use the Bid Bond form bound t arein, or one conform inc substantiall)l to it inform. 7. RETIJ RN OF BID SECL R1711 • H ithin 'I gI day: after awanc o f the C ontract,tl a Cit) M sill return alit id seatirities a(corn pan)ling such of the Bids tt at are not considered in making tt( aviard. Ali other Bid securities Mull be held until tt( Agreement has been finally exeacited. Tlheil wiill tl an be returned to the respective Bidders w hose Bi(Is they acct mpany. 8. BIL FORK -It a Bid st a 11 be made on the Bid Scl ec (ile st ee is bound herein 198 FeFRGVGd-$90-M. the b0lund volun;e. UNo ss ott ( rwis( provide(I in the Notice Inviting Elds, in the eve nt there is mare than on( Bid cIchedule, tt a Bidder ma!l Bi(I on an)I individual scl(c pile or an any combination of s a hedules. AIII t ld itern s shall be prop( rly filled a(it. A here so indicat(c in the Bid Documents, Bid prig a st all be shown in viords and figcir(s,and any conflict t atween the Nis rds and fig ti r(s,the w olds s t all govern.Me em elope enclosing tt a seal((I bids shall be g Iainly market in the upper left-t and comer m ith the name and ad(Iness of tt( Bidder and stall tear the rniords"BID fICIR,"follow(cl by tt a title of file Contnac Documents for the "orl, the earn( of the "C1T1L CIF SHIN JLAN CFIPISTIRANO," tta address w1 are the bids are to be delivered or mailed to, and the date a n d hour of openiri g of bids. Tli a Bic I Sea tirity s t all be e n close( in the 3 m e envek g witt tt a Bid. 9. : IJ BN"All CIF B IL S - It a Bids shall be delle Bred by the tim( a nd to the plan( stipulated in th( N otice Inviting Bids. It is the Bidder's sole responsibilityto see that its Bi(I is reaeive(I in proper time. Bids will not t e accepted after the appoint(d time for open ing of bids, no matter v t at the treason. INrriRL CIiON S TIO NOR MAT II )d OL 1(11nsimp BIDDERS-PAC E 3 NU1 20111 10. C INCIRBPAN CIIBS IN BIG II-In the emeni That thea a is morettlan one Bid Item in the Hid Slot edule,the Hiddei shall fui ni: I a price for all Bid Items in the schedi, le, an(I failL re to do :o will ren(ler the Bid as non-respon:ive an cl may cause ils rejection. In the event that tt are are unit p viae Bid Item: in a Bid EIche( Lile and the"am or nt' indicate( for a Link pi ice Sic Item does n at equal tt is p ro(IL c of the tin III pdco and quantity U.-ted, the unit I rice shall govem and the amount will be correcte(I aacoi dingl)l, and the Clonti actor shall be bound b)l sucl a orre ction,s tibjeci to tt a p ro%iisio ns of Election 5100 et seq. at the California Public Clonti act CocIa. In the e)ient that Ihere is more t1 an one Biel Item in a Bid Schedule and the total inclicaled for the scl a(Idle does not a grec wiitl t1 a cum of prices Bi(I an the indluidual items, the pi ices bid on Ila individual items shall go)rern and the total for the sct acltile mill be domed led according ly, and the Clonti actor at a be bound b)1 said carrec ion, subject to the provision: of"lac ion 5100 at:eq. of the Clalifornia Put lic Clonlract Coda.. 1'1. QUAINT1719S OF WORN - (a)71he qc antities of viarl oi material s a'Ied ill L nit pride item., of the Bid are supplied only to give an inclication of the general scope of t1 a%oi k; the City does n a t expressly or by ito plical ian agree that the adtc al amount of Hiorl or mates ial will correspond theiemiith. (b) In the eve nt a f an inc ease or cleci ease in a bid item quantity a f a un it price contra c, the total amount of we rl actually clone or mates lair or equip m ent furnis t ed shall be paid for accor(Iing to the L nit p rice: establishecl for such work r ncler the(la ntraat Oa o uments; provide(I, Thal on un it price coni ract:, ins to a:es of more 0 an 25 percent,decrease! of more tl an 25 perde nt,and a limins ted item s st a 11 be adjL sted asp ra)idecl Irl t1 a General and Supplementary Cleneral Conditions of the Contract. '12. W17 H CRAM AL CIF BID-llhe Bid may be withdrawin by the Bidder by rn e a ns of a wiritten reque.,t, sig ned by the Hiddei or il's p rope r authorised represents tive. :lua h v iritten request rn cist be deli)iered to It c place still r lated in the Nolice Inviting Bids pi for to the:chedulc cl closing time for i eceil t of Bids. '13. N ODIFICIATICINS ANC! L NAIU7 H GRIZECI AIITEF NAIL IVE BIDS - Unauthorized conclilion:, limitations, or llro)iisos attached to the Bid +dill render it informal and +still cause its rejection a being non-responsive. llhe corn plleled Bid forms shall be+niithout interlineation,at orations,or erase r(s. AI ernative Bids wiill not be don sidered unless wipre:sly calla cl foi in tl a Notice Inviting Bids. CK], FAX,tc legiaphie,or telephone Bids or modificalians will not be aansiderecl. 14. I IQUICATED CAMA IGHS - F rovis ions for liquidated damages, it arty shall be a: set fortt in the A greement and It e p ravisia ns of the C I a na rat and Iclupplern c ntary General Clonditions. 1s. SL BS111 UT9 OR "CIS-9OUAIL"IT EMEI-llhe VI orM,if awarded,will be on tt a basis of materia s s nd equip ment describ( d in the Orawiings or specified in the Sll a a ifia s tions witt out ca nside ration of I ossit le sit slitute a r"a r-eqr sal"items. Wheri a)ier it is indicated in the❑raviings or spgcified in tl ( :Ipecial Prouisia ns that a substitute or "or-equal' item of material or equipment may t e fL rnished or used b)Ithe Contracor if aceeplable to the Engin e( r,s pplication for sua h acs a ptance rn a y be aonsidered k y the En g ineer pursuan t to the 11to)iisions of Pi, t lic Clontracl Cade Section 3400 X599 . The 11 rocedcito far 9 bmittal of any,c ch app licaiion by tt a Con tractor and cons ides ation t y the Engineer shall be a: specified in the Specifications or Specia Provisions. '16. AW ARE CIN CIONT F ACIT - Awiard a f Clonti act, if it is av iardec 1, will be to the loviest re spons ive, responsible bidder. 17. EXECIl1TION OF AIGF EEMSM - Tt a Bidder to wihom awraid is made shall wiecule a wiritten Agi eement wiith tt a Clity on the form of agreement lira)iided, shall secure all insurance, a nd shali furni., t all certificates and bonds required by the Contract Documents within 15 calendar day; after receil t of the Agreement forms from the Cit. FailL re oi i efusal to enter into an A greement as I e rein provided or to contorts to any of the s l ipulated rc quirements in conn(c ion they ewitt shall be just cause for an annulm ent of the award and forfeiture of tt o Bid Eclocurity. If the lowiest responsime, responsible t idder refuses or fails to execute the Agreement, the Oity mall award the Contrac to tl a second lowest responsive, responsible Bicicic r. If the s econd Iowa s t respons ive,r es p a n sible Bicldei refuses or fails to e)iecute tt a Ag reern( n t,the Clit�I may award AORM u-,c, II)STRUCI71ON SI 70 xM I-Id l insimpi no,aai BIDCIERSI- PAGE 3 the Contnact to tl'a tt iad lomiest nespansive, nespansible Bic Men. Clln the failure or nafcisal of scut second or third lowest Bidden to execute tt a kgreement,eacl 8Lich bidder's Bit Seaunities shall t e lil ewisa forfeited to the City. 18. W ORR WEI CON PBNSANIM REGI IRBIN ENT-The Bidcla n at ould be awa+e that in accordan a Witt lav is of tf a State of(1a lifoenia,the Bidder will, if amiaeded the Clontnact,be sequined to seaure the pays a nt of com pens ation to ita e rn p loye e s and ease cute the VI a nl a n's C la rn pensatia n Certification. - EN 0 OF IN MFIL CTICIh;1 TCI BI00ERS- INS IRLCIIONS TCI SON MAT U BI00ERS - RAGE 4 No ]001 B10 This is C XHIBIT Al, aonsisting at one page, referred to in made and a parl of ti e AICIREEMENT between tl a CIWNER and H e CIONT RAC ITOR BID TO: C ITY CIN SAN MAIN C AIPISTRAINC] The undersigned Bidder props sea and I agrees,if 0 is 9 id is acce pted,to enter into as E Igreerse nt wi h the City is the to rrn inaludc cl in It a Cantrac Doaum(nts (as defined in Alrticle dI a the Agreement) to perfa rm the Worll as speadied or indicated in said Clontract Daniments entitled: Drilling and Development o Nasteuri Wells C.I.P. No.i 75 Biddc r acael is a I of It e U rrns and a oaclitia ns at t1 a Clontract Doeume nts,iaa luding without limitation those in the Notice im iting Bids and the Instructio ns to Bidders dealing with the disposition o the Bid Sect rity. This Biel will re main ope n for the period stated in tl( Notice lavhing Bids,t nless o herwise required ty lawn. Bidderwill ente r into an Agree merit within the time and in the manner required in the Ins ruatians to Bidde ni,and Hill fumist the iaaurasae certificates, Pa)lment Bond, Performance Bond,and all Permits required b1l the Cantrac Docuumeats. Biddc r has examined cop lea of all the Clontract Documents,inch cling the following{Iddencla(receip of wl icl is hi reby as M nowie dged): Nuret er Date Numt er Date Number Date Number Date Bidder I as familiaozec itself with 0 a nature and ex a nt a f It a Clontract Doaume nts,the Work,the site,the lona it where tl a Work is to I e performed,the legal req Orements (fade ral,slate,and Ioeal lawns,ordinances,n lea,and regi lationa), and If a conditions affecting cos,pro gress,a r perfa rmanae of the Work,and has made suct independerr inve stigatiara as Bidder de a ms necessary. In conforms nce mitt the current atatuta rN re q uiremente of Clalifa rnia Lat or Clode Section 1860,et seq.,tl c undersignec coni'rms tt a to 11cming as its certification: I am aware of tt a provisions of Section 9700 of tl c Lat or Clode,wuhic h require a verM emplo51er to br insured agains iia bilityforwuorker'scornpensatian,artoUnderlakeself-insurance in accordance withthe provisicna, before ca mrsencing 0 a perfa rmanae of the Wortl of tI is Contrast. 7o all ti a foregoing,and inclucling all Bid 9 ahedule(a),List of Subcontractors,Non-(i allusia n Alildavit,Bidder's Gane ral Information,and Bid Bond contained in It ese Bid Norma,said 9 idde rfurtl aragreea tocomple ethe Work regUired under the Clontract Documents within the Ca ntrac Time s 1ptulated in said Clontract Documents,and to accept in full l ayment therefa r tic Ciontrauct Price based on tl a Limp Sum or Unit Bid Prices) named In the aforementioned Bidding Sc hedule(s). Dated: Bidder: BI I: (9 ignatuure) Title: 101 R1XOSU-3' 00 B113 PROPOS/I( xaeu-3oab��i.v+pa � ) IM 20 1 BID FORMS- PAGE 1 This is Palle 1 of Ext it it Boons isting o 6 page s,referred to in and nil de a pa rl of the AGRMElu ENT bet%I an tt a CIWN9R and the C ICINTRACTCIR. BID 91ICIH BDL LE CIP H G. 775 SC L TH CC OKS WBIJL �Ichedule A Installation oil li ugec H ole len Descripl[on Edtinahcl U+if Unk Anlaulil No. Quantiltv Price Eli N a biliaation I LEI E 119 s 6"to 39' Dia rr a er t y 30' Min irr um '115 LF Thickness,Temporary Steel Casing $ $ A0 Atigar Fole 1119 LF $ $ /14 N obilization a n d Dem obilization of Pe Imp 1 LEI Testing Equipment $ $ A15 Aglµiifer Isolation lone Testing I L9 A16 Site Pre I1 a ration and Clleanup 1 L9 A17 Additional (Engineer Approve c1} Clontracton 4a F R Standby Tine $ A18 Den of ilization 1 L9 $ $ Subtotal-lon Bid Sdhedule li $ X091-3 02 unII. IIII FIRICO OF 17 PRICE BIO 9CIHEIIL LE MY 2-30Qunil.w d BID FCIRM9- PAC E 1 Schedule B lnstallallan o' Casing and Screen Item De sl riptian 9stimatee Unit Unl Anioulr No. Quantity Price B1 Blank VA ell Clasing 16" Diameten x 9/116' 73 LF Minim tirn Thickness 316 SS $ $ B2 Steel VI ire Wrap V1 ell Screen, 16" Eliameten 30 LF by 0.090" or 0.060" Opening 316 SS $ $ B3 16" Diameter x 5116"llhicl Cellae Pipe and 10 LF End Ca 316 SS $ $ B4 Gravel Paak, 8 x '16 or 6)i 12 Gnadation 99 LF B5 Remove llempoilary Portion of 26"to 30' Uiameteli by3A8" Mir imum llhikaness, Steel 113.5 LF Casing. $ $ B6 Cloncrete Sanitary Seal 60 LF $ $ B7 Plliglnrnent Test 1 LS $ $ 88 Pumping Develagrnent 8 Pnoduation 1 IS Testing $ $ 89 Disir fe c ion 1 l S 810 Cloloi 1 ideo Log I L S 1311 3"Clraiiel Pack Feed Line and Clap (3 16 67 L F SS)wit/ Padloa N Lock $ $ 8,12 a"Sounding) Ti be and Cap (316 SS)with 8 LF Padlock Lock $ $ Elul Wal Ow Bid Schedule B ,I NORM U-M LINI7 PHK e L N lTl PF1lCIE BID SCIM EDU l E No17011 nit.** BILI FCIH N S - PAIGE 2 Schedule C Abandon Augeii FI We tem Deadiptlan ■etimated Unt Unit Amaun No. Quantfty Price {11 E t andonment of Augeii Hole and 1 LSI Installation of Impervious Seal and Backfill $ $ C13 Disposal of EAcavatec l and Removal 1 LSI Materials and Rackfilling with Imported $ $ Backfill Material Sublotal loi Bid Schedule C $ 9L E TOTA L - SOLIH COC KS WI EL L (9CHE DUL 8S A & B) Rar 1 he sum cif (Priae in tiguiies) N ale: %rIchedule C is 11ar in-loirrlalicinal purpases anly. WE Lu M Sol et ule 0 Installallon o1 Augei FI ole Item Descrip Ion Ear Imated Unl UnIt AnIcun No. Quanfity Price 011 N at ill3ation 1 LS 02 311"to 30" Diarn ater It y 30 Minirn urr 119 LF Thickness lemporary Steel Casino $ $ D3 Auge n Hole 119 LF D4 IN obilization and Den of ilization of Pump 1 LS Illesting Equipment $ $ D9 Aq t iifei i Isolation Zone lestin g 1 LS D8 ;lite Prep aration and Clleanup 1 LS [11-A E Iclditior at (En g ineen E p p wed) Clontnacton 48 F R Standby Time $ $ EIE Darrabilizetion 1 19 'lublotal ikir Slid Schedule 0 $ FORM U-3U<LII Idl A RICO LN IT PF ICE BID W IH EDL LE Nosup un�r.w,a BID FORMS- PAVE 3 Schedule 9 Instil liatlan ail Casing and Scree in 1%m aascription Estimated Unit Uni Amount No. Ouantity Price E1 Blank V%ell Clasing 18" Eliamet(r)15,116" 32 LF Minimum Thickness 316 SS $ $ E2 c teel V%ire Wrap W ell Scneen, 1 V Mani eter 30 LF by 0.050"or 0.060"Opening 316 SS $ $ E3 'I6" Diameter x 5116"Thia1, Cellar Pipe and 10 LF End Ca 316 SS $ $ E4 Grave I Pao k, 8 x 19 a r 9 x 12 Chat lation 55 LF E5 Remove llempoiiary Portion of 39"to 30" Eliarneteii by 318" N inimurn Thia M nese, Steel 1135 l F Casing. $ $ E6 Cloncrete 1 anitary Seal 60 L I1 E7 AlAynmantMat I L: E8 Pumping Elevelopment 6 Produation I L Testing $ S E9 Disinfe c ion 1 L $ $ E14 Clolor V ideo Log I LE $ $ Ell 3" Gravel Pack Feed Line and Clap(316 67 LF SS) with Padlock Lock $ $ Ell 2" E oundin g Tut a and Cap (316 : S)with 4 LF Padlock Lock I $ $ Subtatell la Bid Scheduk E $ FORM L•30A tINrf PRIDE UN III PRICIE BIE SCIHEE ULE — ?Ia LI-309 BID FCIRME - PAGE 4 Schedule F Abandon Aluger F ole Iters Deecrip Ion Estimated Unit Unl Arrourt Ila. Quantity Price 111 Mande nmiant of At ger F ole and 1 LS Installation of Impervious Seal and Backfill $ $ Ila 113ilasal of Excariated and Hamoval 1 LSI l4 ateriala and Baal filling witt Imported $ Flack ill Material :lubtotal tion Bid."Ichedule F $ SUB-HURAL - WELL SA (SCIF B13L LES D & E) Fay the sum at $ (Pica in figures) Nate: Schedule FI is lai infanmal ional purposes anly. 7101-TIAL - FOR SCIL,rH COCKS WELL AN 0 WELL SA (SCHEDUUES A, B, 13, and E) Floi the sum o191 (Pi'a a in figures) (Pr'a a in woods) No me of Bidder a r Firm E ASIS OR AWARD: The low t id shall be the 3L m of sa hedules Al, B, 1 ,an d E."lla hedules Cl an d R are to be au-1 horized aa a chap( e order'lo the coniraat only if the wellQs) can nal be completed as planned Soul Cools Well Nonce io F rocee d will be g iuen initially for Bid Schedule A ON L). Schedule A consists oil ins-laliaiion of -Ihe Aluger H ole io allow iesling of It a aquifer and the quality of the wafer produced. Based on an evalualion of the iesling and the wafer quality p roduced b) the aquilen, a decision will be made to (ionsiruct 1) [SchedL le B] an extiaciion only well, or'9) f."lchedule C] abandon the Alug an Hole. No guananiee is made ihai a IS otiae 110 Proceed will be issued fon any pari o11he pnojeci other Than Bid Schedule FI. The Ownen aieae rves the rigt t io Awand each Schedule sep arar ely vuithout impaal is the p iice paid to the conlractoii Jor IIOAhlU1Un .w 17RAICS UN Ill PF ICE Bill SICIHEIIULB .10811-301 unit.wp NW:OCI BID FCIAMS - PAGE 5 any other portion. llhe conlracton shall include all costs for mobilization oil equipment io perloum all o-1'It e work required by Schedules A, or B, on CI in Schedt le All. No additional mon ies will be paid -ion mobilization or demobilization oil addhional equipment nequined io pedomi the wonk. The coniraator agrees as par of this Bid Proposal It at the Addilional (Engineenplpproved) Hourly Clonluaclor 11 tandby'lime is all-Ihe cornipensalion the aoniraclor shall rece ive fon standby and impac-1 caused bythe Owner or( erred de lays to neview and assess conditions uelaled to consinuction of the well. The Bid ilerni qua niit5 in aid Bern A17 rnatl It e moue on less than the quantity listed in It a Bid Schedule Al. Well 5A1 Notice io Rnoceed will be given initially for Bid % at edule D OP L). Schedule D consists of inslalla-lion of the Aluge n I•ole to allow testing o'l It a aquiller a nd 1he quality of the water produced. Based on an evaluation o'l tt eiesling and tt a wateu gUality pnoduced It yI It a aquiiler, a decision will It e made to aonsibucl 'I) ,lSchedule E) an extnaciion only well, or 2) J." ahedule R) abandon the Auger F ole. N o guauanlee is rnia de Thal a N a lice To Rioceed will be issued for any part of the pnojeci oihen than Bid E ct a dule 11. The Owner deserves the dight to Atwaiid each f chedule sepa nately withoul impact to the price q aid to the contra ator ilor any olt en portion. The coniiaclor shall inalt de all as sis for mobilization oil equipment to per orm all of the woiik required by% a heduies D, or E, or R in Schedule D. No additional monies will be paid lon mot ilization or clemobilizaiio n of addilional equipment required lo perfonm the Mork. 'It a conbacion agnees as part of-It is Bid Rnoposal Thal tt a Aldditional (Bngineeii Approved) l-okirlyl Conlnaclon tandbyllime is all the compensation the contractor shall receive to i standby a nd int pact caused by'lhe Owner ordeued delays io neview and assess a ondii ions nelaied to cons ruction of the well. The Bid item quanlity in Bid Hem 117 rn ay be mode on less than the quantity listed in-Ihe gid Schedule A. Rt1AM10'3a IINITPRION UNIT PHICIE BID SCFEIDL 1 E ?1091J-3C 2unit.wpd Plus 2401 BID FORN%CI- PAIGE A IN FORN AMC IN REOII IRED C IF BIDE ER LISA OR 9L SCON I F ACITOF S As re c uirec unc c r Se 4ition 4100,et sec .,of the f ublic aor tra ct Coc e,tt a Bic der s hail list bel(w the r ami anc I busir esa ad(lress of each sul contractor who, will perform Work uncler til-iii Bill it i xcess (f (re-half of c ne pen lint of tl ( (lc ntraator's Total Bid Pii ce,a nd st a I also lis the p orth r of tt a Worl l wt ict w sill be clone by sua t slit contraeta r. Al e r the opening of Bills,r o a t ang e s c r substitutions w sill be allo%ecI e;icepI as otl a rwise providec b)I law. The listing of more thar one subaontrae or f(reach item o Work tc be p erfomi ed wiitl the%ior(Is'an dlora wiill no be p ermitied. Railure to c(mpl)l with tt is reicluin ment will render the Bid as i c n-responsive and may cause ils rejeet'on. Clontra cta is Uce n se Work to be Per lorme(I Number Subl antraator's Name A Address 1 2 4 9 e B HOAML-431 LIT OF 'IU9CON7R�ICTKIRS a s 2001 .ted BID FORlV S - PAIGE 4 NM-COLI!L SION ARRIDAVIT 10 BE E) BCL TED BY BIDDER AND SUBMITTED WITH BID State of Clalila rri is ) Clounty of ) t eing fin.,t duly sworn, deposes and ,i ys ti at h e or she is of , the party rn a b ing the fonega ing Bid,ti E t the Bid is not rn acle in ti a intens t of,on on behalf of,any un disclosed par;on,partners i ip, ca m n any,assoa iation,a rgar ization,or corporation;that tt a Bid is genuine and not a ollt sive or sham;that the Bidder r t as mat dinectl)l on in c lireatly induce c I or solicited any att e r Bidder to put in a fa Ise a r sham Bid,and i as n of clirectl)I or indirectly colltided, conspired, connived, or agneed with any Sickler a anyon e else to put in a s t am Bid,or ti at anya n a shall refrain fnom bidding;ti at the Bidder has not in ant l mar n e r,direr ly or in c lireA, s a tight b)l agreement,c ommunicatian,or conference with anyone to fix the Bic I price of tlls Bidder a r any other Bidder, on to fix anal overhead, pnofit, or cost element of the Bid price, on of that of any ott a r Bidden, or to secure any ach antage against the public body awarding tt a Contract of anyc ne interested in tt a grapgsed Clontract; that all statements contained in tt a Bid i re true; ancl, fcirtl ar, that tt a Bidder t as not, dineetly or indirectl)l, submittecl his or her Bid pnice, or any bneakdanin tteraaf, on the contents tl aneaf, or divulged in form ation a r data relative thereto,on paid,and I will n at pay,any fee to any corporation,partri a n chip,compar y, association,ongar ization,bid depository,a r to any member on ac ant thereof,to effectuate a collusive or sham Bid. _ Bidder BS I Title Organization Address - aaAMU-asa NCIN-CCILLII SICIN AFHIEVIVIT' 11 U-19ocd.+rpd Ag3011 BID FCIRMS - PAC-119 5 E ID SOn 0 M N OW Alli N EN BN 1 IH ESE PREEIEN7 S, lihat as Principal, and .as Surety, arf t eld and firmly bourl(I t nto The Clity of San It an Capistrano, hereinafler called tl a "Clwner" in the stem of c to Ilarsi (mat less 11 Ian f U percent of the td tad ameL nt of Nle bid) for tt a payn ent of wl ich sum, well and trul)l to be made, w( bind of rs(Ives, our heirs, exectlt(rs, administrators,successors, and assigns,jointly and sevf rally, firmly by tt (se presents. W t EREAS, said Principal has submitted a E id to said ChAinell to perform tl a Wolilc llequined tin dell the Bid Slct (CIL le(s) of the Clwner`s Clontract laocuments entitled: dsilling and development of Easlemn Wells CUP NIC . 775 NOW 7HBRBFORE, if said Pn'n cipai is awanded a Clontract by said Ominer, an d Witt in the time and in the mar ner iiequired in the"Notice Invitin gl Bids"and tl a"Instructla n s to BOO ns"enters in tc a written Ag ref ment (n tl ( Form of F Igie c ment bot n d v lith said Coetnaa t Da a uments, furnishes the required Certificates of Insullance,and furnis t es the reqt ire cl Perk rrea nae Bond and Payrr ent Bond,trlen alis of ligation shall be it II and void,otherwise it shall remain in full foiice and effect. In the event suit is brought upon this Bc n cl by s aid Own(r, and Ovin er g re iiaiis, said Surety stall pay all costs inct iried by s aid OmIner in S Lich suit, including a reasonable attorneys fee to be fit a cl by the aourt. SIGNIED Alda MAILED, this _day of , 20 (MEAL) (SIV IL EIN11 N071AIRIAIL (MEAL) ,<ICIN NCIW LEDON Eh 7 OF SL RE7Y) (SEAL) (SIEAL) (F rincipa 1) (9 urety) (aignatL n) (9 i1nature) A aoAwr u-0a BI0 BLIND (6113.IECIU RITY FCIRM) �,,k-41ana,iLMid BID FCIF M,I- PAICIE 6 �w201 BIC C BR'S GBN BRAL INFORMATION 7t a Biddc r stall furnish the following information. Failure to corn pie to all Items will cau:a tt c Bid to be non-respons ive and rN ay I causc its rejection. 1. BIDEIERKICINVIAOIOR':I Name and 9ueet Ic dress: 2. CION TRV IC1110R':I 1elephon e N umber: ( ) Facsimile Nurnt ar: E-mail address 3. CION TRI CIOR'S license: Primary Classification State Lic en se N umbers) 9uppic m c n tal Lic c nse Cllas;i jfjcation s 4. 9uuety Clompany and 1Igent wt o will puovide the rc q aired Bonds on this Clantrac: N ame of 9uuety Address Suuety Clompany Ag( n Vele p t one N urn t c rs: /Igent ( } 9uuety( } 5. 1>yp a of Firm (Individual, Partnership or Clorpora lion): _ 6_ Clorporation organized unc c r it c laws of the:hale of: 7. List the names an cl address e s of tt c princip al members of the firm or name s and titles of the p nincip a ofIicers of tl e c orporation or firm: FOFML-471 BICIIIER'SGENERAL INFORNATION _ xi3U-•12C'rdi.v Fd Bill FORMS- PAGE 7 to 7pp1 SIOU BR'S LIEN ERAL IN FCIRMAITICIN lClonllnued) 8. N urn I:er a f years exI le rience as a contractor in this speci is tyV a of construc ion via rl 9. List at least tt ree related projects of compai able size anc I aomplexitycorn llleted to date: 'I. Ov iner E Ic Ic Ire s s Contact Class of mioi k Flt one ( ) Contrac amount Flra jest( _) Ilate aomplete:c _ 2. Ownei Addi ess Clontact _ CHass of work Rhone ( ) Clontract amount Fli oject� ) f]ate completed Clwnei _ Address Clontact Cliass of wort Rhon e ( ) Clontract am tint Rlojec (� bate aampleted 10. List the name and tille of the ne rson wt a will supervise full-tin a the proposed►niork for yoL1n finrn: 11. Is ftili-tin a stinervison an amnloy( a contract sen ices ? 12. AI financial staten ant on otha n information and references suffix ientb I coren net a n sive to pa mi it an anpralsal of)Iour current financial condition n ay be i equired b)Jhe Engineen. R RMU-420 I111]II]ER'S GEN ERAL IN FORK ATICIN x12k1.420Wk.vipd BID FORMS - PAICIE 8 No, 2411 C IP Nal. 775 lire SFecificatio s containec herein have been prepared by, or L nc eii 1 he direct supervision cif, the following Regisi ered Civil Brigineer: Gary J. F obson, P.E. Prins ipal Engineer MM Cansulting Englineers Clivil Engineer CI-40179 Apprcn ed by: John CI.Cl' Clannell, P.E. Dinea to r Utility Department clan Juan Clapistrano, CI I L slpnl.wl d sign-1 xa UslSIM E ITL FID PE 1(3[1 I lay 2DCl WORKHR'S C01MIRENSA1110H CERTIFIIQATE (AS F SOL IRUI] BY SECTION -1 EIEI'1 OF 7F 8 CIPIF_IFORN IA LABOR WDE), I aim aiwanE al the pncrvisians a1 SEctian 371(10 of the CEdifannia Uabcin Ccic e, wt is h iiequine E v eryl E mployeIII 'la bei ins uiied aigainst liability, ian warE ei's componsalicin, of 1a undE rtaike sE If-insui ancEi in aiccai c ante wit t Ito picNisions of sEiic Cac e, Einc I will comply with st ch picivisions tlefcire commeinaing thEi PErfarmEincc at the Woik o1 his Car iiaci. Clan-1 raicl on By TME �u iP VI CIRK ER'S CIOMPEN ATIION CBR TIFICIEITE w,9 041 AC R EEMEN T AIN❑BON Mcl-PAIL IE 3 PERF CIRMANCE B01b CI NNOW LILL N BIS EY 1H91IE RRBEI EN7S, Tlhat as Con tnacar, And I as Surety, are held firm III bound unto the City of ;Ian Tian Capistrano, a legal entit)I, organized and enistin g in the C o unity of Clrangle, California, hereinafter da lied the °Ci%iner," in tl a sum of: dollars, for the payment of ► idh I M Mie 11 and trul)I to be made, we bincl ounsehies, oun I airs, e)iecutom. administrators, successors, and assic ns, jointl)I and severall)I, firmly b)I tt ase q nes a nts. W H EIREpsI said C ontractor I a s been av ianc le d and is about to enten into the an n a xed Algneeni ent milth said Own en to perform the V+a rtl a s speci lied or Indicated in the C ontract Clocurn en is entitle(I- Drilling and Cleve lopment of Eastern V%ells C IP NO. 775 NOW 7HBRBFORE, if said C a ntractor shall pq rfa rrr all the nequineni en is of said I C ontract Docum ants regL fired to be performed on its p a rt, ic t the times and in the manner spec ified t ere in, then this obligation shall be null an d void, otl a rw ise it shall nem a in in lull fonce and a ffect. PROM IDED,tt at any E t erations in the A oil to be don a or the materials to be fL mished,a n _ changes in the time of completion, mihicl may be made purstu nt to the terms of said Contract Documents,s I all n a t in an)I H iay nele as a said Ca n tra ctor or s aid.lurety thereunder, nor shall any exte n s ions of time granted un s le r tt a provisions of said C a n tra ct Doo umenti, release either said I Contrac or or saic I St met),and n otice of such altenations or exten s ions of the/Iglre e m e nt is I a rel)I waived by said Slunety. clIGNBD At C STEAL 0C,this clay of _, 20 Con traoto r Surety B)I By - 7itle Title (STEAL AN D N O1VIRVIL AIC"OVI LELIGMEN Tl CIF SL RET)I) Rows Lk 11 PORFORMANIC E WIN[ ,III 114 I(b ina.wpd ACIRREN EN 7 AN D BON DS- PAGEI. iia 2001 PATI MEN7 BOND KNCIVII ALL N EN BY THESE PRIISENTS, That as Izlurety, are t eld firm ly boun(I L nto the Clit� of plan d i ian Cap istrano,a legal(ntity,organfmd and I exis ting in the Cc lunty of Change, :Its to of California, herein i fter called tt a "Clwner," in tl e s um of: dolls rsi, for tt a payment of whit sum well i n d truly to t ( made, we bind ours elves, our heirs, a xecuto rs, adrn inistrators, s L cces s ors, and as s igm,jointly i nd severally, firrn ly by tt ese presents. W H Eh Elul,said I Clontiactor has been ay is rc lec a n d is aboi t to enter in to the annexes I agreement v ulh said awn er to p e rfomni the W ork as s pecifia d or indicate cl in the Cla ntri ct lla auments enttlled: Drilling and Developmenl of Eas.lerri Wells CUP N 0. 773 NOW 11H BIF BFORE,if s aid Contractor, its sub(a ntractors,its heirs,exeau ors,adminis 1rators,s Licees sorsa,on assigns shall fail to pay fa r a ny n ate rials,q rovisions, provender,eqL ipment, on a tt er supplies used in, Lipon, for,on about tt a perforrr ante of the VI orl contnactec I to be c la n e,on for an y w cork on fat on tt ere on of an y I ind, or for arr ounts due r in cle r tt a Un is m q loyl en In s ura nee Cla de,on fon any a m ounts required to be dedr is ed, witt t e Id, and pais I of ier to the Ern p lo"en t Devela p m e n t Departrn en t fnom tt a wages of en q loyees of the Contractor and its slit aontnactors pursuant to :laation 13020 of the Unerniployry ent Insurance Clode with respect to s uch la t or,all a s requires I t y the p roiiisia ns of llitle NV,Clhapter 7,Sec ions 1247-3252,inclusive, of the Clivil Qode of tt a State of Calflornia an(I acts amendatory thereof, and Sections of oti en Clodes of the State of Cla lifornia ne fe rred to therein and acts amendatory thereof,and q ravidec that tt a persons,companies, or corponations so furnishing) said materials, provis ions, agUipment, on oft er supplias, appliances,on power used in,upon,for,or about pa rfornr an a e of the Work aa n tri a ted to be e;is a uted or p e rformed,or any person, company,on corporation renting on t iring irn piem ents or ra as t inery a r powe r fo r,on contribr sting to,s aid work to be(lane,or any p ers on who performswork or lat a r upon the s arne,-or any person who supplies both work and materials thenefor,s t all t ave aomplied witl tt a provisions of said laws,tt an said sr meth will pay the same in an amount not exceeding the sum herein tie fare s et forth,i n d also will pay,in case suit is brought upon this bond, a reasonat le attorneys fee as shall t e fixed by the Court. Tt is Bond sl all inane to tt a benefit of any and all persons n i med in :lection 3.181 of the Clivi) Clode of the Rate of Ca lifornia so as to glive a rigi t of action to them or their ass igns in any s 01 brought upon this bond. PROV MEG, tt at any altera tions in the H onk to t e don a or tt a materials to be furnis t ed, on changes in tt a time of cern pletion,whiat may be rn ade pursuant to ti a to rrn s of said Contriac Doeumients,sl all not in any way release said Contnac a r or s i id C lUroty thereunder, nor shall any ex ansion s of time granted under ti a provisions of said Contract (3ocuments release either said Clontracta r or said ;lure ty, and notice of said alteratians or extensions of tl a ftreerrrent is herebywiaived by:iaid Clurety. ElIG14 80 AN D EIEALRD,ti is�day of 20_. Clontraaton Srire ty _ By By 1litle Title (f IEAIL RINE N MAIRIAI AICIKN OVI f. EC GMEN 7 OF till FIETY) "ORM U-&( PAN N EN-1 BON D P a�1 2011 �.wpc AIGREEMEN T AIN C BANE�c 1 - PAIGE 5 CERTIRICIATE OF INSURANCE TtliS CEP IIPICAIN IS!UID TO IHS 1 WNIRIAGBI IT9 I IS ISO I ISI OW DESIGI IAIES I Y THE CCINT1AI IT WTTH THE INSLIRNO hIAMS Pru AD13IES7 01 INS Sal Irl:URANCE COMRANIE9 AFFORDfIIG COVERAGH C7 h PMPI A B C D TYPE OF WOMI RMRFa Rh I D ANN LOCA1101I F OL Kl'I LIMITS OF LIABILITY IN THOUSANDS fx1000 TYRII OR INSURANCE PC LIC11 PIUh IE 1R M)IF IF Al K N S AIR IAS H OCCURRENCE AGGREGATE CGIMPRaHSNSIVE 111 111181111 AL LIABILITY ea DeHwt IRY Int ucI $ 7 L .11-OSION AND 01 LLI PSE PROPERTYDAMI4t3E I ! �I UNDERGMIUNDVAMAGE o' EPRODUCTS/0 MPLETED OPFJUTo1S 9O7 YIprpL�LRY PITY DI COM RACTUAL ee6URAMM E DAMM DIE CpYE BNED C MCA �MPRalMAO IPERTYDAE El eD IPENf71 MICONTRAGn IRS PERSC NAL INJURE' ;1 CIPERSONAL INJURY COMPREHENSIVE AUTOMOBILE ow yINJURN LIABILITY Including: c%I INED EACJ ACCIDENT ;I HetED PRC14 ERN DAM IF E ;1 NGN•CGINED or MDP RCJRRERACr �q� ANO PRi1 PER79 DAMAGi I Cnraall7 ExCM LIAR LITY Pam ln�udUQ: DAMW IE COkONED 1.�1 EMPLOYERS LIABILITY S WCI All IES'S 0 OMA■NSA III N STP TUTG R1 eat aMSLOYI N'll I IABILITI Int,Uding: EL , (EAU AOMDENT w C LONASHOREWMSArD WORKERS OTHER ADDITIONAL INSURED ENDORSEMENT—CAPISTRANO VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Tlla ur dersigge, rem Ifies that 1 e or she Is the re ress ntatltre d the at ove-e arae insurance cc mpenles,the I M or shii hat thl authority to execute and issue this aerl ficat to 4 all IHcate Floldrl r,IF nd IF coi n tingly,clot s he ra b ceI lit a br he d salt Irm Fence carnpa law that pl Idee of irtea real oe Iielel above I haw tree n Issue)6 the in urad ne rnei above I and are In force at this time. Not*heleal ding al y require nerd,temt,or eondMiol of any contract or other doc user wMh respect t m inlo this certificate ma]br issued or nay parteln,the Insurance ettardel b1 the I DI r esa be d here In is sW Iect tG at Iha tem i,alit uslons,am conditions of sud pt ie'es. Cop ies of line policiee shoeln will be furnished to the CI AN Icate I lode r upon request. .� INS Ce ril Iwo doe, nt I amee d,a)lard,ore Iter the coverall e or or led try the policlee tilted. Claal cello Ilow:Should anyl at the above described poll(le I e rat cellet before the earp trmtor dole the red,the issuing octaper ll dill mai]3f days MlrO an eclice to the below-nar led certificate holder: NAMEANDADDRM:11 i RADDMONALIII,IIR■D DATE III Sl ES BY _ sur,�Aae llm.®rwrwT or.rwA.ro tt]brw�arr'DreFrtl co�ae.ae AOf Mll•651 CIERTIFICIATE OF 1�SL RAIN CIS — xNov2o*+Ine.wpd /ICIREEMENT MU BCIN[IS - PAIGE 6 .III.. POLIC) NUMBER: BU: INE.r AUTO lIHI9 SNOORSIE MSN T CH ANG99 THE POLICY. PUBASE READ IT CARERULIJY. ADDITIONAL INSURED I his endansement modiilies insumince piicividec un( er the lcillawin g: BUSINESS AU11CI COVERP GE RCIRM 11 is aigneed ihai 1hf "Who Is An Insurec" ppKivisian is amenced la incluc( as ain ins uiled 1he plE nsan au ciiiganizaition c esignai ed be low ais an aic diliana ll insum c , sub}eci ici the-bliawing pliiovisians: Q I) This ins mancE alpjrIlies only with iiesplect la any, LialbiliN emisirig au'l of the oplemitian cif caveiied aiuias an the ac itianal insunec s premises c escnibec belciw, X20. The Naimec Irisumc is aluit anized to act 'Ion such ac( Mortal irisuiied in all maitlens per ainind lci this insumince, incluc ing neceipli of nolicE al cancf Ilaiian; (3). Retum ppiemium, if any, shall de paiic la the n aimed Insurec ; (4). Ndhinig canlainec he nE in sheill atlec1 any Mgt 1 cif necavE ry as a claimarl which the aic dilicinal Insuned wciule have ill not c esignaiec as s ueh. CITY OR SM JUIN CARIr TRANO Mmigainei R. Manahan, CIMC Citi Cllenk r0ffil"1' INEIMIN(16 ENCIOFISEMONT -AIUTCI Ha a iinsouu ` AC REE&EN T AN D BON DS- RAC E 7 PC U MY N L MBBR: CIOMM ERCIAL GON 9RAU LIABIL IT1 11- ICI Sh DORSE MENI CII- AMGHS THE POLICY, PLOASE READ IT CAREFULLY. ADDITIONAL INSURED - CIWNERS, USSSESS ar COP I RACI ORS lFlumm B] This Elndanserrient mocillius insunalnce plucwic ec unc er 1hu lall(lwing: COMMERCIAL GENERA L L IABIL ITYI C OVERAC E PA RT SCHEDUUB Name on Persan an 0uganizalian: CIT)1 OR %c-.IAN JL AN CIAIAICITRAI` 0 MangaliElt R. Manahan, CMC Citi CIEmk (11 na enlryl appears atclve, inlcmrriaiian requinElc 'la aamplela -Ihis unc(nlsEirrieni will be shown in thEI Declanalions as applicalt le icI This enc ailserrieni.) WHC IS AN IIN -IL R90 (%Ieclian ll) is amenc ec icI includEl aIs an insunec the penscln on cmgalnizaiian shown in the %Ichec tile, bui anlN with nespeci is Ii€Ibility anising au-1 all "yaurl wank" fail i hal insuncic t y ondau N ou. ROF M tl•852 IN 5L RAIN aE Els[MRSEMEN-n-LIAIBIL ITYx20 µ Ham 2a,ineLlet.ripd FIGFIEEMEN-n AIT U BOt 131I- PAICIE 8 CITY CIF SAM J LAN CIARISTRANCI GRILLING ANO am EudFMENT OR EA:TERN WHLU CI.I.F. N 0.775 'nAELB OF CIONIISN 11E1 TECIF NICAL Sp ECIRICATIONS 01010 Summary of Wonk and Con-lnact Considenal ion s 01200 Mobilijalion and Demobilizalion 0,1300 Subrn ittals 02100 Site Piiepanalion 02610 Temponary Steel Casing 02615 Well Casings and Sc leen 02616 Gnavel Rac I 02618 Cement Guoul 4.teal 02619 Alignment of VI ell 02621 Sandi:y 11ime 02621a Mobilizerlion and Demobilizerlion of Rump and Accessoides 02629 Pumping Deve lopmenl 02631 Plnoduction lies-ling of VI ell 02633 Disinfection of VV ell 02635 Coloii Video Log DRAIA IIN GS Figune 1 floulh Cooks Well Elliie Rlan Figune 2 Well 5 .life Rlan Figune 3 Well Riofile Figune 4 9ase Rlan and Piv He ATUCHMEN T: • Cltrli•lonnia Regional Wader Quality Clon0ol Bowd, N PDf3,l N o. CPIG919C1021 + Applicalion Package fon Report oil Wasie Diaa t ange SHCMON 0110,10 SL MN ARY OR WORK AMID CON TRACT OONSIORRATIONS 1.01 INISN 11 OR CIONTRAICI DOCL MON 19 11 is the inlenl cil the Cclntnacl Docurnenis ice provide the City cl .Ilan .Tuan Caphtnanci (he neinatlen relenred to as the City) wi'It a developed and cap ped municipal - : upply waieii well as specified. It a loom 9NGINEBR heiiein uefens le the ccinsuliani acting on behalf of the City ilon this pnojea t. . the team CONIIRACITOF t erein refers 'lo It a indivicluals, par nenship, comlonalicin, joint venture, ou other legal enli)l, and its st t aant raclors, whish have the conlract to condtial the work specie ied feui the Clity. 1.02 RL RRCISE 11he purpose oil the augen hole and temporary steel aasing is to identify the full thial ness of water-tearing sediments in these aneas and slabilije It e t cine hole ton insiallalion o1 the casing and g ravel pact. 1.03 RFOJ9CIT LOCAITIO! 11he well sites are localed as foillomis: 9otith Clooks VI ell: Sou'lhea; l al the intenseclicin of Calle Anroyo and Fanaho %iejo Road adjaaenl to San Juan Clreek. Aall 5A: Souiheast of the inlerseclion oil Clalle AImioyci and via Ranra adjacent to Ilan .Tuan Creel in Clool s Rarl . F efen 10 Rigure 'I and 2 or site localion: . See Rigune 3 and a on well layout plans. It will be It a iiesponsibili-ly of -It a Coinlraator Io have in:gected the drilling site and to make pnovision loll physiaaily mooing info and off the drilling site wilt personnel, equipment, at pplie: and material. 1.0i CIV 9RVI13W OR WOF k ICI BE 5 CIN B Wvrk includes the iumist ing of all materials, labor, equipmenl, duel, Tools, Inansportaiion, and services fain drilling, conslruclion, develoipmenl, lesling, and aomplelicin of two (2) new production wells as described in these Specfficalions. The general waiik nequined ion conslruciion of eaat well includes, bui is not limited lo, the -lollowing: • haye equipment on (and off) al lha sile(s). Ite Clonhiactor shall pnovide temporary secunity -ancing around the well sites al all times during constnuciion. the Coninaclon 011010 —1 R:17 F B ICSMWI Juan Callstrw a,0 it, oMan Juan Gal-Eastern Wails m d Pip elinesltkilllnq Sped NSW C 1I IMi lac stall piiovide 20-1oot high sound blankets on all lou i (4) sides of tt a well drilling openation al South Coaks Well. Sound blankets rn ay not be sequined at Well 5A providing that tt a Clontnacior can maintain noise levels in accondance witt the City s noise ordinance. • Contractor to prepare a Report of Waste Discharae for each well site: and provide SWPPP, sandbags testing oer NPDES requirements, and other means to control off- site drainaae and conform to the NPDES permit requirements. Cantnaclon lo obtain Clity al San Tian Capistnana encigaa t menl pe nmit. • Drill apprcrximatel)l '1,15 leet 01 the hole 26 to 30 inches in diametc ri io pnovide adequate spacing lan the tern panary steel canduclon casing Ian each well. The lempanary casing is -Io be installed in 4 lad incramenls in canjunclian with diiilling. Collect drrill a utiin gs, I,a ep a d filling lime lag, and didlin g Ings kill each well. Lags and cuttings a ie to be collected every 4 feet an when the lilhcrlog51 O anges, whichever accuns linsi, 9idders are advised that iiegaiidiess oll wheihe i tt a well is drilled by the direct rotary (drill-itnough temporary steel casing) or nevense naary (dual wall), a bonehcrle all the appncrximate diamelen, pecilied will be required. • Conduct gnaundwaien tea ting, including ge rrenal mineral, metals, bromide, am mania, iodine, 11OC and �OC's al 'I he aquilen zones encountered Ion each well. • In:tall casing well screen and blanl, well cas in g, including 10 leet of cellar pipe wilt end cap loii a ach well. • In:tall g ravel pack, nemcrving the lempanary steel casing wilt the exception of the ilinal 60 lee-1. • Install the cernenl gnaul sanitilry seal, gravel lead line, sounding line, asst ventilation line, and conduct nequisiie alignmerrl lesis -Ion each well. Removing the temporary steel cErsing as 'It e :anitary , eal is placed Wth exaeplian of the final -1.11crcrt balo►nr ground surface and 6-inches at ove grrcurn(I sur ace. Develop each well -cr its lull capacity by such methods as surging - cinUltaineausly crirlif ing crl eact , ection all well ,, aneen, swabbing, addi'lian of chemicals, and pumping. + Disinlecl well(s). + Conduct 1es1 pun ping lo deline we 4laquiler ct anacleristics 11crr each well. Cap well(s). Maintenance of the site(s) and ilinal site(:) cleanup and reslcrnaiian. Flile well repar(s) ars iiequined by law arnd negulalicim . 4'010-2 O NSI Ea MSan Juan Cad etrana,Qty oASan Juar amp-Easter I W elh and A IpelineitDdllinp specAs Id c 7 0 7 U or Tlhe Cloninactor is solely responsible Ian makir g adI nes a s;ary provi,for; ioii mobilising onto and demot ilizing ihiom the drill she(s) wish his equipment, tools, supplies, maileieals, and peitsonn el. 'A ales extracted duning the well clevelopment and pumping iesi cipeiialions sr all be safely disc I anged into the San Jt an Creel. The Coninaictaii shall poavide the iempariary piping necessary'I o convey 1 he di;c1 ange wal en 1 a-I he a neek (;e e lacad ion al the ciee l on 1 he Mans). The Clontnaclar shall be negt ined to lollaw the pnovisians stated in frRUSES Penmii CIAG511M02 discharge negt inemenls wt en dischmging wiErten to It a ciieek. TI a Coniirciclan shall provide tt a eq uipmeni an laciliiies necessary lo ineal the dischage wafer la comply with the discharge negt inemenls. It shall be the Clonfimcon's responsibility io obtain well dillling penmils 11Kim -Ihe County of Onange F eall t Repair rn eni. Subrn is sign all a bid by the Contnaci ci i s 1 all cansi ilut a as l now edgment shad, tl awanded 'I t e Claninaci, t e hats iielied aind is nelying solely on his own emirn inalian al: the sites oil the warl ; access 10 and intim the site(s); the pt ys ical aondiiions (bath sur ace and subsur a(le) and the contnactuai aondiiions under wt ich the viank is ici be percinmed; and all other claim and matters peraining to the IuIlillrnent al It a wank. 1.05 CII.ALIFICIATIIONS OF CONIRACTIOH A Siddeii shall hold a valid Class C-57 Calilonnia Conlnactar's License. Concurneni wish the bid submittal, the Con-Inacicui will submi•I a lis-I al wells and It a dales all canstruction, measuiiing all least 20011eet in deplt all similan diam( len and companable yield ici It a wells i1a be const iiucte d. Alihougt the iieverse cinculaition meltod is paeienied, the wells may be drilled by eiihei conventional diiiect notary drilling methods on by the neveiise ciratilation drilling method, pnaavided the drilling equipment is in good condition and of suflicieni mast capacity cis 10 dnill tt a hales nequHad by these Speci'lications to a depth cif appnaximaiely 115 11eeI. X111 dnilling eglulpmeni including mast and dnaw wanks, ain compnessons, dnilling fit id puml s, driil pipe, etc., mt sl be all nequisi-Ie size, suffiaient capacity, and in suitable candiiion to drill and se-1 casings to the anticipated dep-lhs. Tlhe mast rind all running gean (hoists, cables, etc.) s all t ave suflicient and demon; Inaled capacity to lift two (2) Iimies the buoyant weig hi of either tte dnill stning an the casing and saneen assembly (wihicWan is greaten]. The Clonlnactar shall ftinnish with his bid detailed infairmad7on documen'ling the capaaity cif the various corn panenls of the nig used including, bull not Iimiled to, deniiicklmast capacity, drill pipe type and Dialing, all line and hook load capcilies, air compresscm naling, mud primp capacity, etc. The clnilI rig ulilized must t ave the Eibility Io fully litl aind land the anticipated casino loads wilhou'l the t se al Coal plugs an cdhen similaii methods. VIII drill pipes must u ilize threaded Ilush on upset tool jainis, cm equal, as appiicived t y tt a 9ngineer. 1.06 LOCAL CON 111TI ON SAND CI SOLOGY 0,1010-3 R:\SFICSMj n Juan Cap ishan ,Q it. oMan Juen 0 at-Bastem Wells and RlpolinesUhIling Spec'Sea C II10.doc It is understood Thal the ClonlneIctor will lalmilialrize himself wish local weallheii conditions ion II a lime of yea i clueing which drilling occurs Bind will Llai a the necessary measures io ensure II all work will pncgness sv iflly €Ind efficienily is the ccmplelion ail the pncject. '1.07 RRS-910 SIVE LOUR A Mr in daic r}1 F rebid r-He Tcur of iho we II silos and its environs will be canducied by the City at the lime and locafian indicated in the Naiice Inviting Bids. Pill bidders will meet al Ean Juan Caipisiircino Clity Hall. The puupcse ci the Rnebid %ciie -Noun is io acquaini pnaspective Bidders with the well sides, focal ph)lsiccl iealums, site lagisiics, absi a ations, Mateo and paver sources, and walen disposail opeualions. The conditions and requirements c1l these Speciliaaiions will gavenn oven any infonmalicn pnesenied ai 1he Riiebid E He Tow. 1.08 RFI9-CION S-nRL CITIO14 CION FER9N CEI In mediately r pan sward ci Clonflieci, 1he Clity will arrange tan a precc natnuclicn cc nfenence 'lo be attended by II a City, 'It a Enginee i, the Coniracton End his Flield Superintendent/Rciiernian, and c II ens whose inpu-1 maybe desired by the Con-lraaton. AIlso upon awand c-1 Ccnlract, the CanAaator has 10 dads to e)iecute the Ccniract, including processing of all sequined documents wish the Cliiy and submitiing a deiatled construction schedules. FI pre-cc nalnuctian mf eiing will t e held al the end of these 10 days. The puupcse of this conlerence will be 10 esiablish communication and liaiison between the pEirlies, to clauuly any questionable aver is of woil on It a pioje ct, 10 ids niily the aonsinuclion schedule, to ideniHy as reen manufacturers and elea inic logging a ubconi iactoiis, to define drilling methods, 10 deline developmenl lechniques by mechanical bhemiaal/n umping methods, 10 disallaa consirllction cc sit and pcyme nisilinvoices Find processing, and oil en subjects and submittals deemed appropriate io the projecl. 1.09 CONE TFII.C-NICIN SCF EDI.LE It a Ccninactar at all aonduci dnilling operations irom 7 ALM. is 5 F.N . (10 hou is per day, 7 &iys per week). It a City recognizes Thal diiitling a iiia iency and rapid advance rales both 'Ion the auge 1 hole aie crilicrl 10 the successful and timely completion o-1 1he wells. The ConNaclon shall be expecled to drill the we IIs iron commencement of drilling, setting casing, gravel packing, and cementing wiihou-1 sig nifiaanl dela)ls. A conalnuciion sahedule sh€ill be submitted wish the bid ioii neview by the Eingineer. Clos l to be included in the lump s rim bid .Ic n Mobiliaation. 11.'10 E L REIRVIE ICIIN ANE ClOOF13RA-NION IN Conlnacton shall pnovide a q uaililied and expeiuenced loreman and drilling supeniniendent, one c-1 wt om shall be aonsianily in atienclance thnoughoui -Ihe dAlting and const iucl ion of it a we IIs. 0' 0'0 -4 RIPS I Wan Juan 4 a pistrena,Qm ok%n Juar Ct p•Eastern Wells aro Pipella es\Drllllnp Spl cs\l ea t t l tp.6w w In addition to directing all H ell ( onsli uc tion and well lesling activities, the foreman shall be capable o1 coondinaling the wonl, Wit all personnel, subcontractors, and It a Cit7l so 1ha-1 tt e ovenall pnojecl is successllully execu ed and corn pleted without ( onillicts on dela)Is. 1.1-1 COMHLST10h CIF WORN All work wilhin it a pnojecl s hall be corn pleied w'tt in 75 calen dan days. In It a event the compleled wells do not pnoduce an adequate amouni oil rnaterr, modiilicalions of price and contract schedule shall be nenegoliated wish It a City fon remedial action. 1.12 lIBRMINAITION The Cllit�l nesenies III a night to terminale 0 a work on the wells al any time. In siia t an eveni, the C on iacton will be paid fon the value o'l his wonk successfull)l comple'led at the time on the basis of 1 he un it values shown on the bid sheet. llhe C it7l nesermes the rigt 1 to select an atlenna,live well site to replace any pilot hole,lnsamed hole that required at andonmeni. 7t a wonk done at the altennate site shall be paid lion on the basis o'l the unit pnice items shown on It a bid :I eel. Mobilization-demobilization items may be subject to a negotiated price becatic a of the pnobable close pnoximity of It a two sites. 1.13 LIQUIDAITSD DAIN AIGEEI Mime is oil the essence in completing the wells on schedule. The Contnactor shall pay liquidated damages in the arnouni of $500 pen calendar day if he tails -Io complete tt a work, as specified. 1.14 FIELD OFFIC E.9 AINO FAC ILI1 IE%cl The C;onlnaaton st all furnist lion the project a iemponary field office -Ion the joint use of his pensonn el, 1 he C it}l and its representatives. The 'lleld office is considered necessary fon 24- houn pen day availability of a clean, dry shelter to g nol ect logging equipment (micros copes, eic.) and pensonnel lnam the elements, and in H hich the aforern enlioned parties can meet and review geologic and geophysical logs and athen da-W in older la discuss and decide aquifei zone iesling depths, casing completion devils, and any othein in-the-field deleurninaiions. P small house-type baiter supplied wih electuicity, ligt ting, and telephone is cansidered acceptable fon use as a field office. lleleptone service to the field office is c onsidened necessary in o Iden-lo maintain 24-hour pen day cnilical comm unicallion betm een the afoiiernenlioned parties as well as foci emergency use. EIpecial plan nacks, air conditioning, and hot running waren will nol be nequined. Suitable job site sanitary -laciliiies shall be provided foi and appropriately maintained on a negular basis by the Coniractoii foci use by all onsite pensonnel. Alt the end of the job, all such toilets shall be completely riemoved by the Conlnacloii. 01010- 5 RASRNOS\San Juar Caoen nc,city oRSan.klal Ig-Haslam Hlells and F'pelineaU Mini Spec GmI 1101Q.dod 1.15 KIS SIVE RROTSC-NICIN Throughout the cons tnuction period, the Conlractar s t all keep It a work sites free and clean of all rubbish and debris. The Conlraclar sit all pncivide 'lan the disposal all all surplus nralerials, waste piuclucis, del ris, etc., and shall make neaessary anrangemenis far such dispasal. Debris may be conlained an the sites, but only in appnaved aaniainers, until i1 is t auled away and disposed of ai an approved s He. It is aniicipaied Thai nuisance walen, such as rainlall, irrigadicrn dater, on lacal suraae runcrft may occur within it a canslruation sites during the period of ccinstruction under This Coniraat. The Canliiacton, by submitting his bid, will be held to Lave investigated the risks arising from s uah walers and shall iarl a alt due rn easuues to prevent delays in prcigresa all the work aaUsed by such warless. Tlhiiciug houi all phases c[l Huink on It is project, 'It a Conlracior shall maintain wellhead seaunity lci preclude accideniarl cir intentional damage and/or contaminarlion ofl the wells and waler supply. 1.16 TON RORAIRY VI MIE R AI`0 ROVI OR SBR\ ICIES The Caniractom shall have the nespansibility floor the cost cif wafer, the ccisl cif Iransporling the wafer 1a 1he drill site(s;, and flcir installation ofl the meter al the pains of intended use. The Cciniractcui st all prcivide all eleciric power al his cimin aosl, ars required floc aonstruciicin, lesting, general lig hiing linaluding the Field Offiae), security fighting, and for anal other pirnpcises whett er supplied lhraugh temporary or permaneni Iaaililies. The Ckinlracior shall arrange wilt the local utility io prrcivide the required electrical service al a mulually agreeable location, llhe Coniraclom shall 'It en provide adequarle jcib site clislnibulian facililies floc the pomier wt lah canfcirra ick applicable aodes and safety rregulalicros. Sh 0 C F :18C111ON 0,10-10- 6 RAFICENEm Juae Wstwo,City ahIon JuerOej-Ewe mWellaaidPipelines\arilling:picsl5ec MICA= _. V ECT ON 0120CI MOBIL IZATIOh AN D DHMOHIIL IZAT Oh 1.01 %cICIORE Mobilization and demobilization shall include the Iiiansporialion of personnel, egriipnieni, and opeira ing stin plies o and loom the well s i-e; ; es ablishmeni o'l portable sanitary iacililies; obtalinin9l an adequae source of 'Inesh waren; compliance wish noise nequinement: ; and ocher piiepanalc rywonk at 1he s i e; and nobilizalic n to i work nequined by the Clone nation. h obiliza ion shall nc 1 exceed 10% of ,t a ,otal con react amour bid; and demobilization shall nol axaeed 10% of the lolai contnact amount bid. llhe Conlnaclor shall provide a complete dinect notary o i revense drilling unit; all Tools, accessonies, power, fuel, maienials, supplies , lighting, w0er, and other equipment; and experienced personnel neaes s aryi o conduce efficient drilling ogenalic ns. 11he drilling unit shall be in good condition and cil such capacity as 10 drill tt a hole: requined by t ese cipecifications is an appnoximale depth of ail least 1,15 lee . �ois a suppression , hall be pnacliced ai all limes lo minimize des tunbanae to res idents living nearby, and to the geneikl public. The measure: to be used in eflecting noise suppnessic n shall include (but ane nol limited to) equipping all iniennal ccmbustion engines with a nitiaal nesidenlial silencens (mufflers), shielding nc ise-producing equipment fnom nearest aneas of human occupanay by locating in such positions as to direcl gnea a s t noise a mis s ion s away lnom such areas, insiallingi sound barrien walls aroun d on parially around the drilling sites (see paragnaph below), and con ducling openaiicns in the moss effective mannen 'o minimize noise genenalion aonsisteni with the piiosecution of the Coni iaot in a timely and economic manner. The Contractor shall provide 20-foot hiah sound blankets on all four (4) sides of the well drillina operation at South Cooks Well. Sound blankets may not be reauired at Well 5A proyidina that the Contractor can maintain noise levels in accordance with the CiW-s noise ordinance. The Coninaclon shall pnovide lemponary security ilenaina abound the well sites al all limes dunina consinuciion. The Ccn-lracton shall also pnovide 110-vc11 power al the Rield Office and par able sanitary llaoiliiies 1k r use by all pe isannel connected with chis projea-1. V a Contracton , hall M a ep 1he pia mises tree Irom accumulatic ns of waste matellials, rubbish, and oihen debnis nesul•ing luorni the wonk. Al comple'lic n cel tt a work, t e Ccniracion shall iierniave all waste materials, nubbish, debris, sound blankets, and I emponary secunity denting 11iom and abc ut t e well s it a s as well a s all tc ols, const it action egUipmeni, fuel tanks, rn achin ery, temporary sirua lLiries, and , wiplus materials. V e Coni iacton shall leanre the sites clean and neady'lon use by the City. 11he Cloninacton shall nes Ione to ti ein oniginal condition ail iemponary work aireas. a 1200- 1 R-.W1E0S Sen Juan aaplstran0,city a1'58n Jum Cap-■asu m Wills enc R Ipe line Y 161PIng Spscs%Sed 013014de "Ilhe Clonlnacton shall prevent damac a 10 the : iles and adjacen-1 pioperties due to pumping wafer dui inc drilling, developmen'l, on lesiing on die to intenruption or divensian oil storm on wasitiwalen durir g execution o'l the work. The Con-lracion shall pnopenly dispose of d pilling, vias te, and ni iia ar ce waren. The Coni uaci ton shall prov'de 1 anM(s) of adequate size to clarif)l and mairaulate the walen used lon the drillinc . Dirt and , edimenl shall be kepi out oil tt a drain lines at all limes. Muddy and dirty walen shall not be disat angel into the storm drair bur shall be hauled away-Ion disposal. Grill cuttir gs and dnillir g llluids are to be removed Thom the :iles and properly disposed of by the Clontnacon. Tt a Coni racton is responsible ilon any damages to pliopedies adjacent to It a wells caused by dnilling, construction, oil well lesling activities associated with the wonk describe(l herein. 02 MBASL ROMBINT AND HAYM9N11 Raymer 1 shall be made as the work proceed,, , after pnesen-latior of it voices by the Clar inactor showing t is own mobilization costs and evidence otl the changes of suppliers, 3ubconlnactons, and others fon mobilization work performed by ahem. 111 the iolal of such paymen-Is is less Than it a Coniimat lump sum lon n obiliaaiion, 'It a unpaid balance shall be paid upon completion oil all work. Rayment shall not be made under 1hi; item for tt a purchase costs oll malenials havir g a nesidual value, -Ihe purchase costs oil n aierials to be incorponaled in It a project, or the purchase costs of openaiing supplies. Rayment Ion "Mobilization" and "Demot ilizaiian" fon each well shall consti•lule lull compensa-licin for all lat or, materials, equipment, standby time not speclilicall)I paid fan, and all ashen items neaessary and incidental to camplelicin all the warl . BN 0 CIF EIBCI11ION 011x0-2 RASP945L9an Juan(Iapiatrena,04 d%1 an Juan Cap-Eaeten Wal an PlpefinealOdllinq Spem\Sed 01AdO.dic ,,, SECITION 01300 SIl1 BMITTALSI '1.01 SL SMITTAL RROCECIL REE A. Alccompany each submittal with a letten of iiiamimittal aonthining the following infonma tion: I. Cani i iactan's name and the name cif :ubcani i iactan cin supplied wt a pnepaned the submittal. 2. the piK)jec1 name and identifying nuni ben. 3. Descniplion of tt a suk rn itial and cif fenence 10 the Cantnaci nequiuern eni on technical speci,licalicin s eation and panagraph nurn ben bE ing addnea v ed. 0. Submil the nurnben and type ai aopies fcm each submittal and 'Icillow the pnocedunes described below on in ctlhen panagnapt s in this Section. .4hibmii 4 aopies of suk mittals nal cavened in This c ection 01300. 11. Elesignaiian of Supeiiinif ndeni: ." ribmH 3 acipies ion intlonmation. lnalude namf ,, addrea 3, home lelephane n umber and a k niel nes time. 2. List a1 r ubnontnaclans and Majon Supplie is: Submil 3 copies 'Icm inlonmalicin. Include address, lelephane nuns ben and namf al iesponsible party. 3. Schc Jule oil Values: Submit 3 aopies fai in Ionmaticin. N a copy will k e netunned. 4. Manulaatuners' Alffidavits. c ubrnit 3 ccip ies Ilan items specified in i f c Teat niaal Sp( ailicalicins. 5. 13nvi ionmenlal RiKilection Rlan. r ubmii 3 copies 'la n inlorrn ai ion. 1.02 E CHHOULE OR S UHN ITI ALE Al. Submil 3 copies for infanmation. No copy will k e nelunned. 1.03 RLA N OR CIRERAIICIN S Al. Submit 3 copies. S. Belare bE ginning an s i'le wank, submit a piaci v showing Cla ninacion's intend(d use oll the sties ast is ned to fl. Show Iocalicin al enclosing fence, accesa paints and gales. Show lacation Ion Cluntnacian's, Sribcaninaatan's, and Bnginef n's lield afilice and panking. Show location al Coniractan's and Subconlnacton's wonk areas and sicinage areas. 1.04 CICIN S11RU CITION E CIH ECIULE Al. : ubmil 4 ccipies for in-lunmalian. IS ci aopy will be nelunned. S. The ilonm cif Consliuia-ficin c at edule may be selected by the Clantnacicni but the cr edule shall me(i the rninimllm iiequinemenh a11he Standard c peciliaations. 0.13100- 1 a:1sleawerJue■0aplclramCitydvIan Juan Qat-las am Wells arw Pin allnes0diling5pscs%Sact01301.dd1 C. Revise the Constnuction Schedule and resubmil vliiihin seven ala) days hollowing a ny rnonihly meeting to neview Contractor's AIpplicalion tori Flaymenl when Contractori's work is fifteen 1'15) days on more behind schedule. D. Accelenated Worts if Required Io Meet Schedule: lee Standard Specilicaiions. Clive E3ngineen .I days prion nolice o•I consinuc ion Thal will lake place outside of noiimal worl, t ouiis on work days. Cla mpensate City loci extra inspection coil caused by Accelenaled Wonk required 10 meet Sat edule. 0. Clive E n gineeii 3 days Anion not ice of na ramal ►plonk days on which con s tnucl ion will noI lake place or of scheduled canslnuctian -It at will not lake place. Compensale City loci extra inspection acral nesul ing Inom lailtine 10 give nolia( . 1.05 flFOP EIRAIWINCI, RRO13LCT DA-111A RIND SI AMFILES SIUBMIT-NE0 ROR RRODLCII REIVIEW Al. This paragrant covens submittal oil Slhon Dnawings, FInciduct Daia and Samples required for the Enginee Vs review laic It a products, plans, or pnocedunes discussed in 'It a llect niaat Elpecrficalions. E. IN umben and type call subm itlals: 1. Shop Dnawings: Submit one clean, shailp higt canluasl copy wt ict will be neviewed, manked and stamped. Al single electnoslaiic copy will be ratunned lo the Clonlnacton. The CloniRacton shall make and disinibule the required number of additional copies to its supeninienden t, s ubconi raa I ors and SL n plie ns. 2. Rraduci Da-la: Slubmi-1 4 clean copies. Cine copy will be manked, stamped and netunned. 7t a Clanluaclon shall mal,a and distnibute It a Required numben of additional copies to its supenintendeni, subaoniiractors and suppliem. �I. Slarniples: Sluk mil i hne a labeled samples oil three seas of samples of manulach rens lull nange of color: and finishes. Comply milih nequinements to Technical Specification Sectians. One sample will be neiurned to Contractor. Cl. The Cclnlnactor shall mal,a all subm ittaIs early enougt to allow adequate time loll the Engineen's review, Ilan manu-iactune and Ion delivery at the aansirniction site wiltoui causing delay 10 the Wonk. Submitials shall be made eanly enough to allami lar unforeseen delays such as: 1. Railure to obtain flavonable Review because of inadequate or inccarniplate y s ubmitlal on becaLise the item submitted does not meet the re quinema 01s of It e C oninact Documents. 0. Delays in ma nulactune. �I. Delays in delivery. CI. Content oil Submittals: 1. Each suk mittal shall include all of the i•lerns and material negtiined -ion a complete assembly, system oil Elpeci•licalion Section. �I. Submittals stall contain all o•I the physical, technical and perclrmance dala nequined by the specilications on necessary to dem onslnala conclusively that the Hems comply witt the requirements oil it a Clontnact Documenis. 0'1304 -3 RiSPBISVSMI Jdan Capistrano.0it, oN Ian Juen Oaj•1ae ant WvM ear I llgi Onee'Urllling 8peci%Sect 01300.doc 3. Include inlom alion on chanacledslics of elect tical os utility service ieq uised and ver licaiion iha uequinements have been coardinaied wish services piiovided by ihe Worl and by otheii inl( nconnec'led elements of 1he A onk. 4. Rrovide veiiHication that ti a physical charactenislics al items submitted, inalucling sije, coniiguraiion, clearances, mounting points, utility connection point; and s ervice access poin is, ane :ultable fon the space pnovided and are comp alible wulh oche i inter iE laced items it al aiie exis-ling on t ave oi i will be submitl ed. 5. Label each Flnoduct Data Elubmitial, Shop C raw'ng and Sample wit lh( inlonmaiion iif quined in pa iagsaph 1.0111 of 'his Election. Highlight o i mark every page of every copy of all Hnoduct Daia submitlals to show 1he specific items being subrn itted and all options included on choices offened. 6. Alddillonal requinemenls ion submittals a ie contained in lh( 7eat niaal EIpeci'lica ion , ections. 7. C esign aiion oll work as "NIC' ou 171 of t ers," shown on Shop Dnawin gs, s t all mean 1ha' 1he wont Wli be the nespon, ibility of ihe Conlnacon rasher Than ihe subconlimaton or supplier who has pnepared the EIhop DnaWngs. E . Con'Iraclou shall iieNiew and s'lamp sut mitials prepan(d by the Con'Iracton on by Subcon-ractoiks on supplieiks prion'lo aubmitling them to It e E ngineen. R. Submittals Thal contain deviations fnom ihe negt inements al the Conivac C oat menis shall be accompani( d by a sepauate letter explaining It a deviations. lihe Clontnaciou's leti er s hall: 1. Cite the speci'lic Conliiacl rE quinem(ni inalucling the Speciliicalion Section and panag iaph num beu-Ion whict apprm al 01 a devialion is sought. 2. Descnibe 1he pnoposed allennale mateniai, i em ou construction and explain its advantages an Wou disaO anlages,o the City. 3. Stale It a nedt ction in Conivac Riice H any Thal is offe+ied to the City. CI. E ngin eeii's Review Rnocedure and Meaning 1. V a Engineeii will stamp and marl eaah submittal prion lo nelunning it Io It e Con'I iacton. The :tamp will indiaate whelhen on nol 'he neview was favorable and what action is nequired oil the Cloninacior. Review categories' No 9xceptions llai en` and 'Mai a Conieclions No ed" bott indicale Ravonable Review. 2. V a 13ngineer'3 Favonable Review is contingen'I on the Conlnactos': war anties sequined by it a cItanda ul Speciiica ions and is subject to all of ihe limitalions and condi'llons in It a Standard Specilicaiions. Havonable Review is also conlingent on: a. lite compatit ility orl items included in a submittal wish olhe i nelaied on inierdependeni items included in pnevious ori 1u'une submit als. b. Rt tune submitlal of items nelaled to on sequined o be I art of chis submitlal chat viene not inalucled Wit chis submitlal_ Ravorable Review of a subrn ittal does nal constitute appnoval oii dek tion of items nequired as part al the submitlal bul nol inalucled with the submittal. Ravonable Review oil items inaluded in ihe at t mitial sloes not com-li'lUte dele'lion oil I ecified lleattines, options ori accessories that wene not included in it e s ubmitlal. 3. The action nequiried by'Ih( Clonlnacior fou eaat category of nE i iew is as Hollows: a. N O EXCSPT11ONS TAM EN. I` CI FIBUIL SMITTAL REQUIRED. k . MAKS CORR13CT IONEI N OTED: 0130( - 3 11INSF Ila I SSen Juan C%istrane,alty ofZan Juan qaj-9asU rn Wells ad Plpi llnesTrtlling Spec{LS cl 01300.i loc (I] h O F EflL BMITTAL ROQL IRHC. The ConUac ton shall make coiirections noted piiior to manUfactune. (2I] RARTIAL F OSUBMITIIALS F BQII lF 8D. -Phe Clontnacioii shall submit nelaied accessory oii optional items as noted which ane nequined but mien not included Mh the submittal and,lon shall nesubrr it unsalisfactogl portions on attributes of items as noted. IIhE Coniractoii may pnoceed to m anuilaciure those por ions oil the submittal it at will be una-lfected by nequined ne s ubmittd Is. a. ANIEINO ARID RESUBMIT. The Oonlnacton shall amend and resubmit the s ubmitWI as no ( d on nequired to compl)I with the Cloninact Documents. (I. RE:JEaTED - ROSUBMIX The ilem subm itted does not comply with the Clontnact Docume nis in a major via)I. Resubmit items that corn ply with the nequirE mems o-1 the Contract Documents. 4. The letten of inansmitial ac aompanying the neiumed subn ittal may aontain numbeiied notes. Manking a coimesponding number on a Shop Cnaviing on Rnoduat Data submittal shall have the same afleat as applying the enlire note to It a submittal. F. Re-subm ittals that contain changes that via ne not nequesied by the Ong ineen on the previous s ubmitlal shall be accorn panied by a letien e)iplaining the changle. I. Flwionable Review F agluined Rulon to Rnoceeding. 'I. Do not proceed viith manufactune, ilabniaation, delivery on installation of Mems pnion to obtaining the Bnginee is Flarionable Review of submittals. J. Intent and Limi-lalion on Hngineen's Review I. See the Eliandand Specifications. 2. The Conlnactoii t as primary- res ponsibility foil s tibmitting and pnoriiding wonk That complies wilt the nequinemenls of the Contract Documenls . That nesponsibility carrot bE delega-lett in whole on in parr to subconinactons ar suppliers. Neil her the Or gineen's Flavorable Review non the Ongineen's failuue to notice on comment on deficiencies in It a Contnacior's submitlals shall relieve the Caninaclou fnom the duty to provide mionk which complies wish the nequinemenls of the Contract Documents. 1.{16 RRORCISIEO 9QU 1%AL9N TSI A. Comply with the submittal nequinemenls lou Shog Drawings, Rroduct C1ata, and .lamples submitted fou remiew in another paiiaglnaph of this Election. B. Glee the Standard .Ipeaificalions. C. -lime of Submittal: Slubmitiai of Flnoposed Squivalenls is nequined gnion to the Notice to Rnoceed, llhe neq uest s t all identify 'It a He m, gine the Specification iielE nence, and _ pnoposed manufacture n and model nt mben of the item that will be submitted ar cl the proposed submittal date. CI. Conlent of s ubmitlals shall be the same as chat nequined fon Rnoduci Calla, Shop Unavuings and Samples subn itted fon neview in anolheii paiiagnaph of this Sleclion_ fn addition, the engineer may neques'l that the Coniraaton provide inlormalion on several 01300-4 fASP MCManJuenQapietrana,CllyoflSanJuan Cap-Eastern WelisandPipellnis0rilling3pecaT3W I 1901.dd1 _ neceni similan insiallalions a the ilern to veniN its suitdk ility. llhe in-lormalion shall include the pirijeci name and location, the C1wr an'9 name, addre99, telephone numben and naime oil a knowledge ik le peason lo coral act log i in fanmation an peri orrniance oil 1 t a p noduci. 9. When the t oniakion has listed spa ailic makeu's pnoc uc s will its Bid no al anges will be penmitNd without submittal o'l acceplable evidence justifying the change and the Bngineen's vidtten aipp noval. F, If a non-equivalent sukstituie is submitted loi neview, it shall be €iccampanied by El pmpgsed uedt ctian in Cont iaat Flnice which shall include the incneased asst al Bngineening serviiae iiequined to evaluale the pnoposed suk 3 t t le ,twhich a hall be paid o the ON wheihen on not the subsif ule is accepted) plush the gueaten al 11) the diflenence in priaa between ,he tliusl specified i em and the item submitted and 2) 1he difle hence in value la,he C ity between the two items. 11.07 MAIN UFAC11UR9R'SI CERTIFIC Al18.c1 Al. Submit ,hnee capies. S. When specified in Technical Specification sealion, submil manu-lac Uneils' certilicale la 9ngineer Ion neview. Indicate rnaieniat ou pnoduci aonlanrn4 la ar exceeds specified uequinemenis. Slubmit supporting relenence d€la, af idavi's, and ceriifiaations as aippnopuiele. Cer ilicarles may be recent ou previous lest nesul,s cin maienizl tin Ruoduci, bu- n usi be aacepiable la the 9nginee,i. 8N la OR EIEC111ON 0 300- 5 R ASR ICS\8 al Juan Capin(rano,0 it d Sin Juae gap-Fas1E m We Ila and R ipeline i\[I0illinl Sped\Sec 1 1300.doc SBUTION 02100 S11E RRERARATION RAFFn I - C 9NORAL -1.01 C BciaRIFITION A. Site piiepanalion shall consist of peronming earthwonk to allomi dilainage to Ilow away fnom the sites, and nelaied wonlM necessary to pnepane the well sites Jon consliniation opeualion9, and -linal clean-up. B. No open bunning of clebliis, lumben, on oihen scnap will be penmitied. RARTI 2 - 9X9CU-NION 3.01 CLEARING Clearing shall consisi of the nemoval of bnush and debris Inom within and anound the well sites. Tree nemoval is not ainiicipaied. F oweven, no Inees (langen than 6-inches in size) shall t e removed will out -Iirsl obtaining a Qity Iree uemoval penmil. 3.02 C RAII`AGB Rer onm all ear hworl and g nading as negtiined io consluuat a complete and operable s-loom viateii nunoff drainage system. Clnly iimiled minor site gnading is anticipated. No excess on extensive grading s I all be conducted wiihoui 'lirst obtaining a gnading penmii Inom the City. Clonlnaclon shall maintdin dnainage ditches and sylales to dineci sile dnainage away fnom II a well silex. 3.03 CIISROSAL Clispose of bnush and debris in a legal man nen. 3.041 IN ROR1180 HACHF ILL MAMMAL None nequiiied. U C OF SBURION 09100- 1 R,.�PM S%Sed Jua( (apistrar a,Cfty"In Juan Cap•■BBD n Wells ani I IIpe(IneiOri((ing Spece151 ct 02101.d1 c SOCITION 02610 TEMRaFARN STBE L CASING 11.011 SCOR9 llhe Conlracioi shall bore a hole -Inom gnound surface 'lo ai depth of ail leaisl 1'15 feel and wilt the seirn a nominal dia n eie i as the tern pcpkiryl casing size, or as dinected by 'It a Engineeii. The temporairN caising will be instillled in conjunction wish drilling in 4 loot seciians. The condL atop casing will provide t ole slaibility, conduct chilling fluids wind cutlings sadely Wit a sur aae, and sense as a sanilaryl seal. 1.02 MATERIAL ROCIL IRAMEN18 The casing shall be a minimum 216 inches and € maximum of Z10 inches in sic le diamelen steel pipe, having a wall thickness of nal less than a8 inat , eind ai length of not le:: than 11'15.5 leei. Conduc Ior caising stall be manulaiciured in eicco idaince wish AIITM Designation A-139, Grade EI, without aoppen. A111 joint: in the aa: ing shall be ., ecunely welded and shall be wadertighl. Field joints shall be eitheii aollaned on butt welded. Centering gLlide; shall be welded to the raising wiilh a minimum cd two sel: of guides (one nean the bctlorn aind ane near the tap). Bich set st all con sk t of ihnee guide: equally,, paced ciiicumlerentially. After the gnavel paal heis been insialled, the lemparaA casing will be nemovecl wish It e exception of the lined 60 feel. llhe ainnulan space between the lemponeiry casing and It e well casing shall be lilted and seeded by means oil a 91Kiut pipe wish ;landaid pumping mix concrete (per Slade cd C ali-lonniai Department of Wader Resources guidelines for community wader-supply well:; DWR, '1991). The lempo�iaryl steel ca: ing stall be removed as It a sanitary) seal is placed, with the exceplian of the linal 11-loo-I below gnound surface Io fl- inches above gnound surlaice. Upon completion all cemenling, aonarele shall be vi: it le above -Ihe surface of it a gnound inside the :teel ceasing. Mai cementing opeiklions ale campleled, the concrete shall t e left undi.,turt ed 'Ior a peniod of not less than 24 hau is belane drilling is re.L med. 1.03 MEASI RBM91N T AIK D RA)N EIN7 Me sur aae conductor casing shell I; a paid lon on a per lineeir loos bay is in stalled for eaich viell and sha Il conslilLr a lull compenc alion loci all labor, madeniak , equipment and ott en items ,sequined ilon dnifling and setiing the conducfon aasing. For bidding purposes, the aonduclon casing shall be 115 fl in lengtt . END OF SE IC TION 02610 - 1 RNSFINCS18as Juan Cal is[ram c,Oity d1lSm Just Cap•Fastem Wells aid Plllelineal[ldiling Specslsecl 01610.daa SECTION 02619 WDLL CASINGS AND ;ICIREON 1.01 SCIC REI TI is if em 9 hall consist of providing and installing casing, nedLiaen, screen, cellal i pipe and cap, tremie pipe, and sounding pipe al the well site as 9 peciiied. The types of casing, and their appnoximate deplh settings, diametens and wall thicknesses and ioial leng hs are listed on the following -lable9. TE N11AIIV9 UASI N Cl SCHODUL9 (,IC L Th (100lt%I A E LL) hype of Clas ing Ap p no)imate Diameter and Wall Thickness Ap p ra)imate Length (ft) Depth Setting(f} (Inel as) Tlemporary 91 eel Clasing O io -115 26 to 30 x,/ 115 Blanl Well Ca: ing +210-70 16) 5116 72 "ell Scneen -70 to -100 16",A ire v mapp ec I 30 Clellar Pipe and Cap -10010 -110 1(1 ) 5,116 10 Chattel Feed Line +2 to-65 3 67 Soundir g Tut a +210-2 2 4 TE N11A11lV9 UAIIIN CI SCh E DL L9 (A BLL 5) Type of Ca:ing Appnoximaie Diameter and Wail Thickness Appnoximale Lengtl (ft) [laptt Setting (ft) (inches) Ten pa rary Spee i Ca.,ing 0 to-115 26,10 30 x'/a '119 Blan I Well Casing +210-70 16 x 5)116 72 W ell Sd neen -70 to-100 16"wine miapped 3a Clella r Pip a and Cap -10010 -110 16 x 51116 10 (lravel Feed L ine +2 io -65 3 (13 Stour cling'lube +2 io-2 2 �I Note: AM casings, etc., 9 I all be new. 03615- 1 :1,5191 Ww Am Uspistrar o,City ofV^ .plan Cep-NaMn Wills am,I 1 ipg Ilnes)Drllling Spools,IG 02915.D01 1.02 (IONEITIRL CITION MAITORIALII The well casing, screen, pipes, and all o-It en materials to be installed sl all be a'loned in a pan itary man n eu Anion to insiallalion. TBN RORAIRY EITOBL CAISING The -lempoiiaryl casing at all be steel place of diameten and thickness indicated all leasl 115 leel in lengit , and shall maei the nequinamen-Is of AIS11M Designation A1139 Clnade B wilhaul aoppen, wih welded collans attached, or appnoved equal. '111.1-21 S1IAINLHS:I SIBEL VA IRB WRAIRRBD VA 9l L SCROON Well scneen shall be o'l 1 frlinch nortin al diamete n conlinuot a a lot, w'ne-wound design -lal nicated by ciucumleiien-lially wuapping a iriangulanly shaped wine anound a circulaii ania) ayl infernal rads. -Rhe juncture t etween the hoiiizontal wine and the ver ical nods shall be •lusion we Ided under ►malar by the eleclniaal uesislance melhod. Ond -litlings or collans at all be mielded to -It Is scneen body. The well scneen at all be designed and -lat nicated to wilhsiand the stresses assaciated with casing installations io deplt s al Al least 21CI(I feet. Fon t idling p unposes, approximately 30 ,leel of well scisen is assumed fou flauth Cooks Well and ap pnoximaiely 3(I feel o1well scneen is assumed fon Well 5A. 7t a scneen , hall be equal in all nespects is Roscoe %os; an Johnson Hi-Cap, dout le extra sinong, 316 Slainless Steel well saneens. llhe ,areen shall be -lac oryy assembled in eilt en 2(1-faol lengit a on 'ICI=loot lengihs as - detenmined by tt Is On gin eeii. EIlot openings of well s a neen shall be determined by the On gineer based upon liihologic samples, sieve analysis and hydiogeologic characteristics of the aquifers. Ror bidding purpose: , slol openings at all be eslimaled at (1.(15[1-inch or 0.060-inch at this lime. 1.021-3 EITAIIN LEIS c111BBL CASING PIRG, CHI LAIR PI FIB AIN D LAIR 11he casin g an d cellan p ip es shall be pmovided in 20 feel leng chs and shall be n ominal size as indicated. 11 at all be 316 19-lainless Sleel. VA all thickness shall be at least as indicated. Clt,ange of diameters shall be accamplishad using tapered cone sections, 5-fool minimum length. The ends of tt a well aasing shall be Pitied with a 3'16 Stainless .Iteel place fully v+ielde d in place. 1112-4 3-iNCF 1.11. ECITAIINLEIS STEEL GRAIVOL REED LINO AIN[ 2-INCH IX . .9-111AINLOSEI SIBEL SOIL NM CI RIRB A permanent gravel feed line and sounding pipe at all be installed in the well bode hole. The gnavel pipe at all be canstrucled of 3-inch I.[ ., Schedule 4( , 316 Stainless Steel pipe. The waien•level sounding pipe and ain vena pipe shall be constnucled of 2-inch I.C., Schedule 40, 3'16 Slainless Sleel pipe. Bach pipe shall extend ,lo the approximate depths indicated on the llentative Clasing Schedule. 02615-2 A ASPI10 Man Juan 0 e Air Ini no,City aRSan h ae II aF-1 a ate m M It IIs and F Ipe finer V Idlfir II Spew\SeC 01615.1X70 plften tarn pleling the well wish aas ink , an( pricin Ica mechanical and pumping develapmenl, the Contnaacicir shall ensune It at the giiavel feed and sciunding pipes aiie uncibs-lrr cted and aampleiely,Inee and alean al all debris la It einlcdia c eplhs. 1.03 CION S11RL CITION M011 009 Note: Upon installation, the tops of can uct r casino, well casino, r vel fillu e an soup in i e shall be camped either Wth lockable caps or fuh welled Plates) at their togg to seal aaainst surface runoff, well contamination, and entry of insects. At campleticin o'l rearming the pilaf bone, it a Contnactcai shall install the well screen and casing ad inle rvals ars de tenminec by the 9ngineeii. the estimated a w in g lengit s s hawr in 'Ihe 1lentative Casing Schedule auie app ioximaale wind we lon bidding pt npcases on ly. Duiiing insiarllallion of aas in g in the rieame d ba nehcle, casing aentntliizens shall be used -lo prapeiily aenien the casing in the tanehcale. 9cneeris shall be selectively plaited in seindy/c navelly :on es in 'Ihe aquitens and nail within clays an dean sills. The location s cil lhese zones shall be deienmined by integinelarlion cal the geophysical Icigs. Tt a casing shall be pit mb and shall be ceniened in the hale. All field jaints shall be properly lap-welded during insiallaaiian With as minimi m call two passes pen ciraurdlenenae. Ceniilalizers wilh 90 der nee spacing, at lathed dineatly to the casing and scneen by welding al intervals cal not mane than 4011eel witt in the casing an the saneen sl all be qnw"ded in onden l a cenien and hold the casing in it a pnapen posilian t Mil the gnaivel is in place. The a enfli lizers shall be o f the same chemical and physical pnaoperi ies cis used lcua each casing on screen interval. Casing cenValizem shall be placed fnom ictal depth up icr a depth al appiloximalely 150 -leer belciw giiciund surface. The casing stall be suspender in tensian fncam the sur ace by means oil an aippncipriEite hangeii an clamp. 11he use oilllcrrat plugs to land and set caising shall ncrl be peiimitted. Flnicir to the installation 01 any casing, the Ckintnaclar s hall inspect ilor and remcive einylags, labels an other deletenicaus rnaatteii attached to the inteiiicar an extenian cal the pipe and sciieen section s delivered €it the jab site. The botiam of the casing shall be ad a sufficient dislance aibcive the botiam all the neamed hole to ensuiie Iheil nane of the casing shall be supported fncim the batiam all tt a hale. A constnuctian aind penmainent Inemie pipe, which shall k e used to install gnaivel, shall be lawened with the casing. 11he bantam a1 the penrnaneni giia►ael ileac Inemie pipe stall be placed art the trap til the gravel pack aind shall be instellied with tt a casing. Such insleillegian shall nequiiia spot welding cal the perrrianeni gnaivel leemie pipe io the casing. The canstruction inemie pipe shall be installed Ici plaice the initial gravel paick and ,linal aerinent guru t in the annulus. The icip crl the penmaineni iremie pipe shall extend a rninirnum cal 20 inches aabmia ginound surface and the lop shall be equipped with a ihneaded aap. A peiimanenl sounding pipe shall be cannecied to aind ouiside ofl the pump house casing and shall be lowened simultaneously with the emplacement cif the ceasing. Tt a scaunding pipe sheill be placed outsk a the casing, at appuciximate 180-degnee spacing lixim 'It a penmanent gineivel iremie pipe. 11he lop of the sounding pipe shall extend a minjML rn cl 20 inches above gnaund st deice and shall be equipped wish a lhneaided carp. The lap of the 02615 -3 H ASREi7 SUan Juen 0 apietrane,City oRS,i n Juan Cep-Eastam We Its ar d F ipe inesV I6IIirn1 Ip=\ES 0281l.DDd casing shall be pnovide(I w'th a Ioal ed cap al all limes when personnel aria not on the site. Locking device shall be as approved by-he 8ngineen. AI peiimaneni ain vena pipe shall be connected 'lo and outside of the pump house casing and shall be lov+iened simultaneously w'ih the emplaceme ni al the casing. The aiu riE n1 pipe s hall be placed oulside It a casing, at app io;iimaie 9(1-degree spacing Inom boll the penmaneni gnavel tnemie pipe and the perrrian eni sounding pipe. The end o1 It a aiii vent pipe shall mainlain a minimum o-1 '18 inches above -1 he finished aoncne-le surface and shall be equipped witt a stainless steel screen. All field welding shall be perlonme d in aaaondance with -he Ameniaan "elding Society Siandarsds by a a erl iilied welder. The following lield welding pnocedunes shall apply: a. AI length shall be lowered in -Ihe v+iell with the collar facing upward. l . 7t a plain end of 1 he following length shall be inser ed in the collar. In ie coniaci of t e two joints must be verified by observation through the in9peciion windows. c. Spot welds shall be placed tt nougt It a thrsee windows in ouden io hold the conlac Poo ition. d. AI iillel type Yield shall be made covening the lop edge of the collar continuously -ion the entire circum-lenence. Two passes on welds shall be applied to joints in 9/16-inch and It ici en wall m aieuial. e. The inspection windows on blank casing sections shall be seal welded io assure a leant pnooll con n ect ion. The llollow'ng elecira des shall be utilized -ion various casing and scnean materials: Mild Seel 8.60'10 of 1 9-7018 C op pen Beaning Steel 8-60'1 a oil 8-7018 Low Alloy Steel (ASTM AI 242 or equivalent) B--AI'l 8 Stainless Steel (Type 316) ®-308 L-16 Depending on wall thickness, 'It a follovning electnode sizes shall ap ply: Wall 7t icknesa Electrode Size 1/8-inch 1/8 ina h 3/16—lo '1114-inch 5132- 10 311'16-inch Oven '1)14-inch 3/16- 10 1114-inch All casino material of all be new. The Con-raaton shall insure ihat the inside diameters o'l the well aa9ing is the same as the inside diarnieieii of the well screen. NI, -Ion any iieason, the aasing cannot be landed in the aoimecl position on ai a depth aicceplat IE io the 8ngineen, the Coninacion of all consiruci anolhen viell immediately 02613 -4 MWEMSw Juin Capistran .Tp oN er Juan Cad -Eastern Wells and PipellmT ruling Epi csSSecl M 115.1)0 C adjac eni io the ouiginal location and complete Itis well in accordance wish the Specilicaiions ai no addilional coat to the Clit�j. It a abandoned tole stall be sealed in accondance vuilh dineclions loom the Clitj and in accordance wish any laws pertaining to proper viell abandonme ni, all al no addi-licinal (m t la the Citi. I1 any coil the casings shall c allapse pnian io vi( II completion, they shall be wilhdnawn and replaced al Clonlnarciar's ()ipense. All wonk ueq uined to be nepeaied and all additional materials, laban and equipment required, stall be lumished Irl the expense all the Canlnaclou and na claim lau additional compensalicin shall be made au be allowed, except as specilically pravided herein. '1.04 MBASURSMBNII AN 0 RAY MEN 11 (lull campensaiicin filar all labcon, maleniah, taola, and equipment it all be ccon9idened as included in the price bid lou applicable items of wonk as 11cnllows: 1.0411 7BMPORARY CIA%cD a - 989 9EC11ION 02610 -1.041-2 91AiN LESS 97B9L W81-1-CA91N G It a well (as ing shall be paid Ion on ai per iineann 1lacit basis in place ai It a unit price l: id. Flaymeni st all be cansidened lull camps nsaolian 11cnn iunnishing all laban, materials, laols, and equipment ne c es a ary and incidental ice completion al the Hionk. 1.04-3 :ITAIN LBSEI 9-1EBLV% BLL SCF11W 9 'the well screen shall be paid lam on a pen linear load basis in place al the unii price bid. Raymenl shall k e cansidened full campens anion for funnishing all iabon, mellenials, lcools, and equipment nec easary and incidental is completion all the work. 11.04-4 9TAIIN 1-999 S11EEL CELLAR RIPS AND CIAP 11he cellae pipe and carp at all be paid tau an a pen lineae Iaal basis in place ad the unit puice bid. Raglrnenl shall be considered lull (ampensalion lain liinnishing all labor, maleniail9, taals, and equipment necessai) and incidental l la camplelicon all the wont . 1.04-5 STAIN LE,19 SIBBL GRAb EL RBS13 LIN B the 3-inch gnauel feed line shall be paid loci an a pee lineaon fool basis in place al the unli price bid. Raymeni shall be conaidened lull carn pensErlion fan lunnia hirog all laban, maderitls, Ioals, and equipment necessary an d incidental io c ampleiion of the wanik. 1.04-6 9TAIINLE9S ;I7991-SOL N DING RIRE 026'19 - 9 U9190ASe n Juan Capistrans,city c ,Ian Juar Cap-Easton WaRsami I Nip1 IinesUrilllnn Sp cslSed 02111 I.DOC Tt a 2-inch 9lainlass Seel Sounding Ripe shall be paid iw on a linear iooi basis in plaaa al It a unit w1ce bid. Paymeni shall be considered lull con pensai ion loll lunn fishing all labon, mal erial fools, and egLlipn eni neaessary and incidental io complaiion of It a work. SND OR SHOTIOI` 026'15 - 6 FI SH OCSJ an Juan Cad istrano.QIt ofSen Juan 4a;•Eastern V ells and F ipallnesTillling Speca{Sec 0161S.D00 SHUTION 02616 GRAVEIL RACK 1.011 SCIORO Itis item shall aon sk t o1 p noviding and installing gnavel on coar:e-giiained sand, as specified k y the 9ngineeii, in the annulus of the well adjaaent to the sc ieen and blank well casing. I.OkI COIN SIRUCIIOh MATIIEIRIAILS All gnavel on coarse-giiained sand ioi packing shall be hind, wEderwonn, and washed clean of a ill, line ,and, dire, and ioneign matien. Cuust ed gnavel vu111 not be accepted. It shall be well-nounded and graded, and , ubject to the appy % l of the 9ngineeu. 7t a gnavel pack g iadalion must be compailbie with the approximadel)l C1.06(1-inch on a CI.(15(1-inch slot :ize opening being considered loci Mi:e. AI 6 x '12 on 8 x 16 giiadation corn meirial gnavel pack (Ogleba)l N or on (lolonado Silica or equal installed in the annulus of the seamed bonehole is anticipated fon 1he gnavel enuelope. AI description and sieve analy.,is o- gravel pact ing matenials to be deliuened to the wiell sites mu, l be submitted lou appivial to the Ungineeu pnioii to antiaipaded placernenl of the mElenial in the well. The Onginee i may elect to have Ei certified testing lak onaiory per orm a sieve €mal)lsis to meniN confonmanae with appiio%ied sample. Failune to meet gnadalion of the appnoved sample shill be grounds to i rejection. -1he gnavel shall be delivered and storied in supersacl: on wooden pallets al the well site_ The gnavel shall be pnotecied and kept free oil all loneign matteu. AIII chemicals used 'Ion disinleciion and well development muse be NSFi-6(I certi'lied ion dninkina widen aaplicalions. 1.013 CIOI\STIRUCITIION M9TIHOC S Mon lo placement of the gravel pack in the well, the dnilling 11uld shall be It in n ed with clean viaten in aacondance viith the insi uiation; of the Ong ineen. The Contnacto i at all also submit hi., estimate of the volunn a oil gnavel to be in;tailed based on his ueview o'l the calipeu log. It a signillicant difle i( nce exists between the estimale and the final volume of gnavel add(d, the discnepana)I may be ground., fon rejection of 'It a wiell by the City. Pill gnavel w( igh tia I et: muss be pnovided to the Enginee i fou inspec ion. Glnavel pact' : tall be placed luorn the total deptt oil tt a borehole til to a depth of appuoximatel)l 65 fl belomi ground suraa( . The gnavel shall be installed by pumping it down €i cern poiiary lremie pipe. The gnavel pack :tall not be permitted to fnee=tall luorr g nound : u ri ace into the downhol( annulai 13 p ace. Curing placement of 1he giiaiiel in 'Ih( annulan space, sodium acid pyrophosphate (SAIPR on Baiialo., o i approved equal shall b( added to the gnavel at a unifonm nate of (1.5 pound p( n 1 oQ gallon: of walen used in plea ing the gnavel. This is done to piiomoie a leanup and 02616- 1 I Ml Ea 51Sar Juan Cagatrana.Gty ot18 an Juin Cap•I astern We IIs er d Pipe inesWrillug SpacsZW 028111 development of water-bearing 11ormations and is consider ad the -Iii st phase of chemical Yell developmen t. As gravel placement gnogiiesees, the gnavel Heed line shall be gnadually withdray n. C r ring tt a eniine grave I packing opa nation, waieu shall be circulated thi oug h the annulau space t etween the Y a II of the borehole and well scneen and casing. After the gravel is installed, a swab shall be (i a rellully woi keel opposite all scueened sections. pls It a gravel settles, mone shall be added. This openalion stall be a oniinued until there is no lur I ei measurable settlemeni of the gravel. Upon completion of this opei ation, and alter i ern oval of the swab, all cock, sand and -loneign mateuials st all be removed fnom the aasing by bailing on airlifling, and the annulus shall be nelilled with gravel to the q roper level as dii ecled by the Engineer. The Cloninactor mt at provide, gMoi to installation, gnadation analyses foi the giiavel pack intended ion use in'lha v all, and all weigh tickets'lon the gravel inucked to the site. 1.04 MEVISUF EMEN T AN C PAYMENT Raymen'l lou lunnist ing and installing the gravel envelope shall be made on a lineal loos basis al the uni•I price bid. The exacl gradation and type of gnaval pack is to be daterimined upon the completion of Elid Sahedule /I work. Fon bidding punposes, gravel pack shall consist of 95 linear feat of EI x 12 ou 8 x 16 guadaiion aommei cial gnavel pack -Ion South Cooks Well, and 55 linear le et of fl x 12 ou 8 )i 16 gradation commercial gravel pack lot Well 5A. Ra yment shall k e consider ed lull compensation lon furnishing all labor, maienials, tools, and equipment necessary and incidental to completion of the woo . ENC OF SE3CTION 02616 -2 F:VSRI CS1Sen Joan CW Irene,Q iry Msec Jum Gap-Bal tem We Ile and R ipelines0rllllna!pe c8L$eG 02e16.d1x SE Chan 021618 CIEMEN T GACA.T SEAQ 1.011 Scope phis vuonk shall consisi of providing and Installing cemeni gnou'l io fonm the sanitary seal (601leel) as shown on Riguie 3. 111h4 sanitary seal shall be inslalled in 'It a annual space between the outside of the augeii hole and tt a temporary siE el casing. 11he sanitary seal shall be plaaed after it e g navel has been sealed t y swabbing and sedimeni within the casing removed by bailing or airlifting. Sf a Sections 0,1010 and 02610 •tor nemoval al temporary steel aas in g. 1.02 CICIN S11RL CITION MAIIERIAILS All cement grout used shall consist of one-hall parl cem( ni and one-hall par Roz mix with 5 pencenl bE nioniie gE I and 2 penceni calcium chloiid( added (in accondanae wish FIFI Gass (I) on as approved t y the Slate Department of Fublic Feallh. N eai cement may be stibsiituled. lit a cernenl mixtures shall not exceed six gallons of water pen cubic looi of aement. 1.03 CIONSTRl CITION M911HOOS A iemponary grout pipe shall extend 'Irom the surface to the botlorn of the sone to be gnouled. Groul shall be placed, lnom bottom to lop, in a multiplf -stage operation (depending on total lengtt ) with a minimum of 8 hours between pouirs. The gnoui pipe may be slowly raised as the grout is placed bull the disal ang( end al the gnoul pipe muss be submerged in the emplaced grout al all limes uniil gnauling is compleled. The gnoul pipe shall be maintained lull, 'lo the sur ace, ai all limes until completion o-1 the gnouling of tt e entine spe a flied zone. �l minimum oil 8 hours, or as directed by the enginee n, shall elapse pnian-lo any additional pours. No ludhei wonk shall be perfonmed in the well for a minimum cif 24 hours. N o siandt y time will bE paid while cement is sE Bing. The Cloniraclon shall be nesponsit le lar computing the casing collapse polenlial during grouling and shall stage the grouting operation as necessary 10 pnevenl damage. In the event 1he borehole collapses prior to plaaement of the aement grout, the Contiaa Ion, al his ciwn expense, shall lake vut aiever remedial sl( ps necessary lo neopen the hole and plaae 1 he s eal as specillied. Lod MEAISU R9MEN 11 AN Q WIY MEN T Raymenl for It a cement gnou1 seal shall be made on a lin eavlool basis all the unit price bid per loos for Concrete San i lary Seal al each well i lle. F ayme n 1 stall be conside ie d lull compensalion lois lunnishing all labor, maieiiials, gaols, neaessary and incidenlal to compiek the insiallalion in place. BN 11 CIR SECITION 02618- 1 FI NSF iCSOmi Am Cag istrans,C V. oMan Juan gap-Haste m Wells and Plpelin sTrilling Sd s®1SI cl 021 18 DOG SECTION 026119 AUlCM MONT(IS WBLL 1.01 SCORE This ilern shall consist of ie sting to cleieirnine It plumbness and alignmen'l of the %mall. The aiignrn eni test rn ay be perfoiimed a1 any lime subsegt eni io c emenl opeliations. 1.02 CONSTRI CITION M9TI- CES Tesis to dateiimine the plumbness and alignmeni of the casing to a depth of the casing shall be made by the Conlnacioi after the well has bean comnlaled and be-lone its ac centance. The completed vie IIs shall be suf iciently plurn b and s1 naigt t : o thal Ihene shall be no interie is nce wish installation, alignment, ope nalion on ft tune removal of the perm anent well pt mps. It a Iasi Ion plumbnesa sl all be matte will a dumm51. Rlumbnes c, and alignme n1 of the well sha 11 be tested by lowering) a dun my, z 0 feel long, to it a Iolal depih oil tt a casing. The ouleu diameter of the dummy shall not be mo ie Iha n 'I inch smaller Than tt a inside than eter o'l the casing. the dt mmy shall con ais-1 oil a rigid spindle al a1 least 4- incl diameters extna heavy pipe miiih ihiee rings (having an ouisicle than ellen 'Iji2- inch less than tt a inside diamele n of the casing, rigidly -fixed 10 tt a pipe : o 'It at they cannot move longitudinally along the pipe. It a rings shall consist of suitable mateuial which st all nol hanm the inleniou of the casing while being lowered on raised. It e rings shall be placed at the ion, middle, and bottom por ions of the tool. Should the dt mmy fail to moria tlreely lhroughoul the a none aasingl interval in which pump equipment will be installed, on should It a casing vary loom the iieriical in excess al 6 inat a, pen CKI feel in depth, the plumbness and alignrn eni shall be connected by the Clonlnaclon at his expense. Record, of deflection neadings and all ocher perlinen-1 infonmaiion shall be kept and made pari of the penmaneni Hiell log and necond. Should the dummll fail io mode freely ih ioughout the online (wing inlerval, the Clontnacior may, a1 his expense, be re quined to luiinish a video camera log of It a well to ascer ain the nE tune of the inlerleiienc e. 'I.CI3 MEASUR9MEN I AND 1`1.4IYMBN T Flaymen-1 fon iesling to detenmine -It a plumbne,a and alignment of the v+iall shall be made al the It mp sum t id. Flaymeni shall t e consideiied lull compensation for funnishing all labor, matanials, fools, and equiprn ant neaessary and incidental to completion of the worl . 9N C OF SEICIIION 026,19 -1 R.W@CWmnJuenCapistraso.0it ofl5er Juer Cap-Eastern W-i(ism nci Pipeline s\[IdlllniS1aad5ed03Ill 9,DOC CISC11ON 026211 SWIMBY TIME 1.01 SCIORB During the prog ness of drilling openalions, it may be necessar�l fon the Hingineen to perform woo -It ai will iieq uire the drilling ciiew and equipment to stand idle. In such evens, the Engineen shall iiequesi in writing -It al 'It a Conlnacloii cease operation; and shall stale the anticipated extent on duiiation iheiieol. the Oontnactor shall promptly lunnish such assislanae and cease opeialions. Fowever, this speci•lically excludes agpnoximcdely 48 hours of siandt y lime reser ad by the Eingineen -la flowing neceipi of 1he eleatnic log, during which peniod a ca s in g comple'lion s ct a dule shall be pnepaned. The Coni iiacton shall include any and all cosis associated wilh chis 48-t oun period in the cost of mobilization and/on demobilization. When aqui-len isolalion :one sampling is -lo be canducled, the ❑ontnaclai may be required lo wait a maximum till 48 hours per well pricin Ici It a cammenaemeni of rearm ing operations. It is shall allcimi 1he Eing ineer la neview the labcinaior)l nesulis and camplele the final well design. IS o slandby time shall be allcawed 'Ic in This peniod. �llsci excluded intim chaig eable sisndby lime is any nig lime asseiciaied wilh pecividing and reviewing the caliper Icig. 1.02 MEAISI F1 BMU T AI\El RAYMEN T Rayrn eni 'lon siandby 11me shall be paid an an hou dy rate ai it a unit price t id in accandance wilt the actual hours as appiio)ied by 1he Bngineen. Em a aR .rIBC714h 92621 - 1 1 ASREGMan Juar(Ial iatri no,City oHSan Juan Cap-■astern W4 IIs and Ripe ineaY frilling Spec lSect 02811.0 Da eCTIOH c 2621 MOBILIZAITION AN 10 UEMOBILI IZATION OR Pill MR AND AOCES: ORIS. 1.011 SCORE Following the initial mechanical development, and ahemical development 'Ihe Coniracton at all install and laieii nemove a deep well lest pump powened by diesel on gasoline engine to per onm pumping derielopmen'l and production -lea ling ai the miell site. 1.02 EQUIRMEN7 The pump shall be a deep well iurbine type. The capacity of -Ihe pump shall nol be less tt an 1,200 g pm again;t a tolal head o l aboul 20(1 deet. llhe pump column shall be a rninirnium of 90 feel, unless olherw':e dinecled by 'lhe E ngineeii. The pnime rnoven shall to a rianiable-speed type. The pnime moven shall meel all noi:a negulation nequiremenis during deuelopmenl and subsequent ie: ling operations. Disat ange piping shall be provided lonlhe pumping unit, and be of sufficient size and length to conduct wader according to %clealion 02631 re quineme nis. 7t a Coni iiac on shall provide oni•lices, rn eiens, on othen appiioved devices which shall accunaiely measune the flow nates. Tt a engine shall be equipped with suitable ihnotlling cleviaea lo control cli:changes between 30x7 and 1,200 gprni. The le:t purnip shall noi be eqt ipped m1h a la of valve, which mould prevent k ack; pin and inlerfeae wilh suiping openaiions. The di;at age line shall be provided wish suitable equipment lion sand iesling, such as -Ihe Rossum Centnilugal Sand I'lampler Qnelen to Jounnal of the Amenican Waten Wod s Association, Vol. 46, No. 2, Febnuary '1954f . 7t a sequined pumping unit shall be capable of being openaled without inlernupiion lou a period of 4f t auus dining subsequent aquifeu'les'ling opeuations. The Coniractan , I all p ioulde a temporary clicchange line 10 per onm aquilen testing, pump developrneni and pioduciion letting. The exaat location lo be coondinaied w1h the City of "Ian Juan Capisi van o. C oni ma to n l a p is vide i rafllc cont nol in accondance Witt the C it11 of :Ian Juan C apisinano negr inement; . Access io 9lneels and drivewia1ls , hall be rnairiiained al all limes. 1.03 MEA,IL REME h7 AND RAYMBN7 Raymeni undeu chis section shall be on a lump sum basis lor inslallalion and nemoval of lest pumping equipment and dischauge line. Such payment it all be aon: idened as lull compensation foi lurnnishing all labou, materials, tools, and equipment necessary and inaidenial to cornplelion al It is ta: 1 . ON D OF SEC TIOI` 02627 - 1 1 AS18 a Man Jus n a apisttana,QtH M.9m Jual Cap-Eastem Waft end A ipe line 1D lllinl Spar 5eq 02837.E OC SUCITION 02019 RUMPIN 4 DE'VIKORMeN7 1.01 EICIOPe Primping developmen stall consist of cipena,ing a iempanary deep well test pump to lurther remave cutlings and dnilling liuids pricui to canducling pumping tests al the well silo. 1.02 RL MPING aBV9L ORMEN TI PRCICIE11L RE Tlhe wail shall be developed by iniermitleni pumping and surging wt ich s hall be ai at it ilial rale al 300 gpm and con'inLied until the waler is alean. Suiigir g shall allow waieii io flow back ihnough the bowls wish free backspin and It naugh the perloualions of II a screen. Tlhe pump shall Ther be started and stapped sevenal limes at d Ther pumped al 300 gpm ur III the water i9 clear. 7t a pnocedure shall be iiepeaied ai 300 gpm inanemer t9 up 10 -1,200 gpm on as dinea led by the Briginee n. "alen extracted duning develapmer t and ieslina oveiialior s shall be dischanaed aaaondina to Election 02631 neouiremen,s. Clevelopmeni necoAs shall be maintained on ai leasl a hatlhour basis showing production rale, pumping level, drawdown, sand pnaduclior ,, and all olt er pen finer t inlormaiion aoncerning well develapmenl. Clev( iopmen- ai each nate shall continue until -It a lallawing a ondilions have be on mel a. Tlhere shall be no setilemenl of the gnavel pack. b. The sq e a i lic capacity (gallons gen minus a per cool of diiawdown) shall have reached a nelalivel)l cansiani valise oven a peniod of al least 4 continuous hours, on as dinected by the Bngineen. c. Sand concent is no gneaieu It an 3 ppm measured '15 minules afleu stinging, or as directed by IN Bngir een, while pumpir g ai the specified irate. 1.03 MWISUR9MBN Tl AN a PAYMBN T Payment fon pumping developmeni using a lolal pumping peniod of 48 hours s hall be made on a pert our basis. Such payment shall be considered as lull compens anon 'Ion luiinishing all labor, mal( nials, Tools, at d equipment nem ssary at d in cider tal to corn pleiion of It is 1 ask. EN 13 OR %rI9CiIION 026: 9 - 1 RnSPHGSlSm Juan Cgs rano,CM ON len Juer Oaf-Eastern Well ea,I Pipelines\Drilling 8peq IS Id 02616.DOC SIECTION 0216:11 RRODUCTION TENTING OR WELL 1.01 SCORES These items shall cans isi all ieslinc the miell to determine tt a a limun rale all pt mping and shall include a step drawdawn and a canstan'l discharge last. 1.02 STIER CIR�M DOWN 111E 1sT Pnicn to scar int the step duawdown test, waieu level measurements shall be madela assess the static wafer level. Tlhere shall be a peiiiad of al leas-1 12 hours of non-PL mping canditicins llcllcrMng develaprneril worl pAcin -lo the star all the step drawdovin less. 11he well shall be "slap" lesled al naies caf appiaximalely 'V4, 1, 'I-1)A, and 1-112 limes tt a design capaait�j. 11t a complele test far the well is eslimaied to iiequine appncaximastely 'I 6 houns. 11t a Canluac an shall cipeaale the purr p and at ange the dischaage as diiaecied by the angineeii. Dischauge ail the pump shall be aonirclled by bath a gale valve and an engine lhiiatile. The disar nage shall be aanlrolled and maintained at appiicaximalely the desired discharge lar each step with an accwaicy of plus or minus 5 peraent. Flump discharge shall be measu red wish a lclalizing meleii and stapwalch, ciraula n arilice meter, cti %entuni meter as approved b11 the Engineer. E(Ah an air lin a and electric sounds n shall be furnished by the ClanUaclor. Sand aonien'l meamutemenis shall be iieaoiided al °I0-minute intervals by the Claninacton during the step duarwdciwn lest. 1.03 CICIN S11AN TI DISCIHARM 7EIEITI Alfle r a 124 aur recovery peiiicad intim the step test, a canstaln'l tale test shall t e conduc ad by pumping It a well al the design rale (app ioximaiely 600 is 800 gpm) lot a period all not less than 48 t auras of until the pi mping level remains canstatni fan at least a hours, tui until the Engineer lerminales the lest. Al iieccavery period of 12 haursi shall fallow the termination of the aonslanl discharge ies-I. Ali It is lime, iiesidual dnawdcawn datal shall be ccliected by,lhe Bnginee n. [luring the canslanl dim at arge lest, iha sinal sand canlent lesling shall be conducled by the Ckinttacicu. The sand aanieni shall be determined by averaging It a nesulls all samples collected al the fallawing times during the llinal pumping ,lest: 1. 5 minuses after slarl caf the test; 2. afieii 114 all-Ihe talal planned iesl lime t as elapsed; 21. afleii 112 of the time has elaps ed; 4. after :V4 all the time has elapsed; 5. near the end all the pumpinc iesi. 11t a Caniractan shall provide qualified ll etscinnel can a 2,4-hour basis duuing the step diiawdomin and canstani discharge tests is assure propeii cipenalian cd the pumping lest equipment, and io assisl in water leve I m anitctiing it requested by the engineer. 02631 -1 R:1SP9etSI5aiJuas 4laFistreno,Ciy�of lar luen Cal-Easter@Wells ullfigeiines10rl11ing$pw%84odMO31.00C 1.04 AIPJORTEa 119911 VI heneveii continuous pumping at a uniloiim rale has been speci-lied, 'lailure of pimping operations lion a peiiiod goeaten it an cine peraeni cil the elapsed pumping tirnie shall iiequine suspension al It a Iesi unlil the water level in It a pumped well ha: neccNered tci ils aniginal level. Reccvery :t all be ccinside ned rrcomple'le" aflen the well has bee n allawed 10 resi lcir a peiiicid al Iea.si equal 1ci the elapsed primping lime ail the abarted test, except -Ihat ii any lhuee , uaae., ive walen level measurements spaced at lease 2CI minute: apart show no fur t en rise in the wafer level in the pumped well, It a iesi may t e oesun ed immediately. The 9ngineen shall be the sale judge as to whether chis laden condition exit. . 7t a Confimalon shall ncd t e paid fan an)l neieslinc dane if the speai lied lime cm neccivery nequiremenls al the 9ngineen ilcon the aborad test ane nca 'lirsit mel. These iesls are invalid and shall nal be const Hued as a test. 1.05 EIISCHAIRGE VI AI78R Di;change v+iateo ,t all be conveyed loam the lemparary well pump is MLid ianl' fon :atiling piiior la discharge. All temporary well piping, mud 1anM C, ), and iemponary disat ange lines shall be pravicled by the Clcmtnaciam. See Seclian 01,1010, Panagnaph 1.04, which ,tales "Waren exiiiactecl during tte well deveiapme ni and pumping iesi aperalians , hall be sEge151 discharged inia the :Ian Juan Cheek. llhe Conlracicui shall pocivide the iempanary piping necessary la convey tt e dischaiige waled to the ciieel Qsee locatian of the aneek cin the Rians). It a Claninactar shall be nequired to ilollcw 'It a pravi: ion: slated in N Paul Reomii CIAG919002 dischaiige negLiinemenls when discharging wateii to the ciieel'. llhe Caniiiaatan shall g navide the equipmeni cir liacilities nese:sary -lo iiieat llhe di;(it ange miaten to camply with the dischaiige nequinemenis." At VA ell 5AI, the (lantnactar is 11a poavide approximately 300-feet al temporary discharge line to tt a inlet side all a 36-inch HaR Slarm Grain Line that drain: la it a flan Juan ale ek. The 36•inct line is appiaximaiely 300-feet :otiihwe.,t al the pnapased well site, and an 'Ihe nartt erly side cif the bike path, acintnacior shall pnavide a lempanary pathway crus: Ing, cir fienat and neslone It a asphali pathway. 7t a dischaigle line , hail be pncdecied helm pedeslnian flaffia all all limes. At 9auih aaof s Well, the Cantnacloii is la pravide appIkaim<del)l 6001-feet cil ten paiiaryl dischaiige line io a Citi R siaiirn dnain inlet -It at drains to 'It a San Juan Creek. The stoiim drain inlet is clogged wilt leaves and debris, and tt a Caninaclon is la Olean the iniei pnian 10 dischaiiging walen. The CMR sicirm dnaln inlet sills an tap all a 36-inch 9tonm Drain Line, what is located appmaximaiely 6aCI=leell nor t east of the pocipan ed well side and siivaied ju:t narth al 1 he n an her151 aneek berm. 7t a di;a l ange line shall nun alang the edge oil the ncirthenly berm, and be pncdected 11ram pedeslnian inaffic all all limes. i.q6 R9CORa9 It Coniraclar shall keep aacunale records cd the pumping test and tumish copies all all records la it a Ongineeii an his nepne:an lalive upon aompleiion of the test. 7t a necaids : I all also be available to the Enginee n on t is nepre: enialive fon ins pectian al any tirna during a lest. Fan eact iesi, the necaids at all include phya icad data describing the consiruclicin 02931 -9 R: PGC616an Juar Iaplstrara,City aMlan luar Cap-■eetan Wells and PlparinesTidtlug Spers\SW a611.DDC r1w fealunes suc f as, bui not limited to: well depth and cliameier, complete screan descpipiion, leng-h and setting, a de:(iniplion of the measuring point anti its measuned heigt 1 above land surace and/or mean sea level, the methods used in measuring waien levels and pumping pales. llhe Coniracior shall also keep records on the type of pumping equiprneni used including engines, drive components, bows, lines, and shafts. The Con nacton shall keep records oil opepation of equiprnent duping the test including engine ppm and horsepomien, iluel use, and other essential inlonmalion That shall be useful in designing a pump a)Is'ern. 1.03 MOA: 1.F EMON T AIN D FIA) MBN1 "orik under This :eatia n shall be paid on a lump sum basis and shall consist oil fowl step dnawdown "steps" cn fouli hours each Qtotal '16 hour sl and 48 houiis of constant discharge, totaling &I hours of pumping tirn a for each well. Such payment shall be considened as lull compensation fon furnishing all labors, mEnerials, tools, and eq uipmenl necessary and incidenlal io completion oil these tasks. Additional on levlien ies'l pumping t ouns as direated by the 9ng ineei shall be paid for at the f ourly nate bid. EN 0 OR SBC71ON 02631 - 3 H:\SRICMSanJ I ar Caq 1sUe nc,11 try oASan.lual Cap-Fa1 gem we Ile and F!pal;nest[ri#ling l periled a Bal.[Oa SECTION 02633 DISH F BCTICIN OR WELL I.0 1 SCIORR 7t is itern shall consist o-1 disin eating the well against bacteria. 1.02 DISIN FBC11AN 11u1 Chlonine appnove( by slate or local negulaiory agencies shall k e used as disirnectant. the disinfectant shall be delivened to the v+ionk site in original closed coniainens bearing he oniginal tat el indicating tt a percentage of available O lc nine. Ory, granule, 66% F TF calcium hypochlorite is considered an acceptable disinlectant. 11he disinlec ani stall be necenl ly purchased. Chlorine c ompounds in dryfoam s t all not be s toned Ion m one tan one yeah. Duning stonage, disin-leclanis s t all not t e e)iposed to the aimospt ene on to direct sunlight. Unless supe nseded by governmental neguly ion, the quan lity of chlolline compounc s used fon disinle ction shall be s ufticieni io pnoduce a minimum Cr '100 parts pen million available chlaiiine in sa lutian when mixed with tt a inial volume al wafer in the well. All chemicals used ficin disinfection and well develci mens musi be N,IR-60 cerlified fon drinking way er aoplicai icins. 1.03 [IISINRECITION ME TH009 The disinfecting ag eni st all be unilonmly applied thnaugt out It a entine walen deplt till tt e well rising the iesi pump lar surging without discharge. It a dispersion a the disinlec ani s t all be assis,ed by panning into the well a volume of waren equal to the volume of waren aciniained in 'Ito viall, affen -It a disinlecian t as been ern plaaed. Itis stall cause It e disinlealana -ci llcrw out ari the well into the anea adjacent to the saneen. The disin'leclion by sunging shall be per cinmed on a minimum al 2 hours. All aacessible portions of tt a vriell above the wafer level shall be maintained in a damp ccmdilicin witt waren conlaining the nequined ccincentnaiion of disinfecting agent icon a pericid col ncrl less ,han 20 minutes. The disinleciing agent st all be left in the viell Ion a peniad oil al leas] '12 hauns. After a '12-houn, on langer, coni acl peniad, tt a well st all be pumped ici clean it col the disiniciciing agent. 1.04 MBAISL R 9MEN T AN O PAIYME N T Rayment -Ion the disin-aa ion oI each well shall be made an a Iump surn basis. Such payment shall be considened lull compensaiicin ion'lunnishing all labor, matenials, tacils, and equiprn ent and doing all ol t he wank la aomplele,his tiW . EN O OR SECTION 02633- 1 RASPOCS6W Juar Car strano,ait. &San Jun 0aj-Easlem Wells aid Pipelineeadilinp Spec 1Sad09US.DOC SECI71ON 021635 CICILOR N IOEO UCICI 1.01 SCICIRE Following well constnuction, well development pnocedunes and final chlorination, the Contractor shall be reqs fined io conduct a videa log survey Through the en-lire length of insiE fled casing a1 -lhE well 9i'le. phis log shall serve as a final inspection of the well product and copies oil -It a log shill be nelained by the City, oil San Juin Clapislrano and tt e Engineer as a penmanent record of ih( completed )AiE II. I.O�I CONSTHIL CIICIN MBIF OD 7t a Contnacton shall funnish all laban, malenial end eqt ipment nequined to provide a color video log survey of the installed well ca;ing. Hollowing pumped dischangE of the well disinileciant as specified in 1lectian 026313, the Ooniractor shill introduce clean w-cilE n in-lo the well for a su'llicienl period of lime in onden to pnoduae clear viE mung conditions. As the camera probe s urveys tt a -It II casing interval, E digiia I depih necord shall be necoided on the video tape fon nefE nence. Should 1he video survey Hail to produce a clear picture of the internal casing aondiiions, addilionad clean wader pregaradions stall be inslilu-10 and addtlional video surveys conducted until a clean video necord is oblained. This work st all be accomplished r l the Contractar's Expense. There shall be no addilionad payment fon rig lime on idle lime whilE -It a survey is being nun. VI hen a , ucae:;ful video loci has been acquinE d, two copies in CIVD formal shall be provided, one io the City cd1 San Juan Capistrano and one to the Bngineen. 1.03 MOAISi.REMBhT AND HAYM9N7 llhe colon video log suNE jI shall be paid on a lump slim basis. Raymenl shadl be considered Till compensation 11or all labor, tools, equipment and inst raince ilor doing all work necessary and incidental to comple-licin of thela., k, inch ding rig idle lime. 9N D OF SECITIION (2635- 1 R.'W IOU SA an Jum Q plairano,City dbSm hie Cep-EaalomWe Ila and Ripe llneiVlrilliag5pecsSW021X.S.WU i FIG URBS f I 1 + I I VI I I + I } I I � I � I � C� 1 Z I I MR Ulf I, 11 �� I III - �_ ! r j � r ► ! I I -- jlj I ' tni5r iNG. SOUTH C77777C5 � - - 1 I I W t LL L017A l IDN - ! � j MONI I DRI NG I + wt LL SAN 77AN CRL t K 50'e-0" - - ' '-` — ---- w0 ,,,,� evna.Ring Engineers SAN JUAN CAPIS I RANO Wold �K Irv2ne. C... 926,8 EASTERN WELD„RE PIPELINE 1949)753-7333 SOUTH COORS vvEEE SI I E PLAN w\nnn o,awn =ew..Na and Ppfi.\rw4vh\r= I. V_1�il09 � Q i O / - i \ Q ;\ S - ' r:1. vol- Nk stew—v c � �..-��-��-.�>E� � —�--��e to tGa�to�Pcr w�•Q fo sem:���z�5 �"�� �� ��^�w. / ----------- / WELL 546 LCI17AI ON r AKM Consulting Emiio—" SAN 1011111 t.+A P I b I K A U 553 nu10 SamE ne FEET 11 Tin.. E.U—,ERRHELLS AND PIPELINE (949?753-7333 YYEC[ ] �i i E PLAN 2 R\4]]0 V.-•Lon Copabano1G06 msgm wW Pn ay.w\[.hail:\rt._o_.� ve3r— TERMbIN�TE C1SINCI 2�' ABOVE CIF AGE & MEAL WITH END Cf FI SEE FIG6 RE 4 FOR SASE PLE AI E AI D PROFILE GROUND LEVEL -0 21 �IGIUAI Q IAI G P I FIE S. COOKS EL. 106 WELL EI EL 9� 71EYFICIRAF Y S71E EL YGRIVEL FILL PAPE CA�IMIGI (IcIE" 710 30",I CEM IEA T (-IOU7 SEAL 60' P6MIP HOLT SIE Cf SING d6) 65' 3LI ft CASING d16 AI(Y TOTAL) IEE N071E A 70' a I I I E Ai �e"I OR bl A 16 GIRL V EL PICK SEE AIOTE BORE HOLE 0.000' CIR 0.050' CIPEN►INGI W►IRE Wf APPECI WELL SCF EEA 1130' TCITALA SEE AICITE 11 ! 100' 110' CELLAR RAPE WITH EAILI CAF 115' AICIT 71CI SCILE I A a>1es: ►I. l ugler hole and dirk l Aogllns1 ;lo corlflrm screen eVze cna AocctAon. e. To be c eterm,lnea tly Engineer ,In Me: f+leld affil er !Li ger ho,Ie hast be len Aos lgeo Gnd cla51611fied. 4qNIM Ca.aulting Engln..r. IIIAIN JUAN CAP19'11RAN CI 513Wold KM Inil/,e, la. II2111 lf57E1M1 WELLS A110 11FIL1lI® c99!I1751-7133 %ELL PRCIRILE 3 N-WM S ion C¢11—\401 E-Mn■.ti w FM.rn\C h!M\f 1pr._�].4, 113Y]oul f 16° TC 1301 3' G RI V EL FILL P113 01ITH Cl P f 1 2" SOd NDI NC { TUBE WITH CAP 1 _ f A JA I - FINISH EL&.TCI BE DXIERM/NEL1 BY ENC IIRI EER Dd RING CIONSTRdcrF CIN 2" SOLI ND/NC TUBE G RC IUND SURFI CE LcLCIPE TCI DRI IRI � -- FROM WELL) _. �NCHCIRS CI 43*— 3/" Dlf iITYP.I ` SPICING (ITYP,I S�N111ARY SEAL ~� TEMP(IRARY STEEL -J t C�SINC J WELLI C�SINC I SECT 11O Vn' A—A 1 - J AKI I II cnal Iltinq Ingineers SO I, , LAN (M F I I S T R A N Cl � 591 W[Id Irvine, an. 9181E MA31INhi WELLS AND PIPILIPIR (149)153-73. 3 BAS E PLANAND F ROFII 8 4 J M-\0770 Sup reellrn W.0 e,d PI lnm\E,hbJl,Vlp*-04.mpn 112VX101 /"+ t I i r � .4 f� d t - A7171AC HMENTS California Regional Water Quality Ca III Board San Diega Reglliar n 114 9 ky Pe d I Courl San C el Ic,GA 82123-4340 Us cie S.Ac aer (916)341-5455•FW (916)341-11483 seae?eryrbr www.wraterboerds.ca.aov/sandiew Amo d SctlwarzermMew I cnv6n nmmu Amtecom G&A inw CION EIRAL WA ST 9 CIISCIHA R GE RE QUIRE MENTE ROR 1118CFAFIGHS FIROM GRCIL NE WA T13R EXTRAC1110N ANI O SIMILAF DISCHARIG9S TO SL F RACE]V1 AVERS V1 ITHIN I HE SAN DIEGO R13GION EXCEIR11 FOF SAN I3IE(IO BAY(WIaF) OR13ER N O. R9i0Oa 84002 N RDEIS N O. CIA09'19002 A Disaharclen, as described in the 1killciwing cable tha'I has complied w ith the requiremienis fon coveraga undan chis General "Wasle OisaI arge Re3quiremanis" (WOR), is subjec to waste discharge mquimmenbl, anise plelrmit co%eragel is efleict1w, as sf t fora in chis WOR. AIny persion with disci arggs fromi ground wail extraction acthitl E s to surface w0ers witilin the ' l]iscF angers plan Diego F egic n,exce pt fon San Qiegq Be y that c to not cause, have ttmi reason a b e p(Ite ntial to cause, on cantnit ute to ar Instream excumion a be ve any agoIcabie State c r federal walten quality objectives/criteria or cause acute or chrome to)dcfty it tt a receiving waten. i This WDR was adopted by the Regional Ba and on: Mancl 12,2008 Tlhic VI DF shall becx me efh ctliie on: Marcs 12,2009 This VI DR shall expire on: Marct 12,2013 The U.19- anvironrn e n tal Peotec ion Agle ncy and the Clalifomle F egior at A ater Quality Cc Introl Board, Sar Mega Region have a lass ifie d these discharges as ni Mor dia ct anges. z IT IS HERB EY ORDEIRBD llhat Olideii Na. 2(1[1'1-96 is reiisaindecl upon the of active) dale of ihis WOR excepll fon einforcemelnil purpgses, as spleaified Elsewhere in chis Orc an, and; In arc eii to rnieei it a pray isicins cant.- ineid-in Glivision 7 oil-It e Califs mia Warlen Code and reclulatianis ardopled iharein, and 11he provisions cif the 1edelril Olean Wa cri Acs, and regulatiam arid guideilineis adaplled tt Eire in, Oischarglers shill comply with the nequiremelnils in chis WOR. ' 1, John F . Raberi us, EAecutives Offlcelr, do helreby ceiriiN lhel follawing is ar full, true, and mmict capy all an Orlon adopoec by ihei Califairnila Regicinal Water Quality Cantral ---- ---Board-, rr.-Diegci-Regian-on-Marcl:-V I_ - -— - - — ------- John H. Robertus, Executive Officer i Ca firma ErivironmEviMI Aric isicit on Ageinciy Recycles I P" DISCHM IGE S F FON GROUNDY ATNF ORDRIF NO.R91VX EI-00Q 2 EXTR4CTIOI TO SURNACE V ATER! IN f RDES F O.CAGI19002 THE SAN DIRGO REGION VICEPT SAN O IEGO IA Y TABUE OF C 10 TEN IS I. E ISCIHARGE IN FCIRMA111ON ..............................................................................................................4 Al, GROUNDWATER EXTRAICTIOF ..............................................................................................................4 11. PERMIT IN FOFIN ATIICIN ......................................................................................................................4 ALAIPF LICATICIN......................................................................................................................................4 B. CCIVERAGE .....................................................................................................................................5 Cl. 91 IGIBIL 171 CRrMRIA ........................................................ ................................5 .. . ...................... E. 13ISCH4ROE TCI A MUNICIPA I ICIEPARAITE SI ORW IEWER SYSTEM (MSI4]...............................................8 E. TERMIM MON OR DISCHARGES..............................................•-•---........... ............................8 F. RE-EMBOLI MNN11 CIF RENEWED PE RMfll.............................................. ............................._.................7 CI. T RAM:F ERRIF G OWN9RSHIN ...............................................................................................................7 III. I INE11N GIS.............................................................................................................................................7 Al. BACKGRCUND ................................................ . ...............7 B. C ISCIARGH . LHJNC' TOVA ASTN 13SCHARG■ �CL.I1R.E.M. EN.7, 7 Cl. CIISCHARGFI Dec CRIPTION..........................................................................................._..................-....7' 11. LaGALIAIImORmE. ...................... .........................•-•-••••-.......................................-_•-•-••--•-.............8 13. BAcKGRCIUND A P C RATIONALE ROR RECIUIRF MBNT'S............................................................................8 F. CIALIRORNIA I3NV RC It M9NTALI CILIALITYAlm(CEQA,)...........................................................................8 G. 1 ECHNOI C IG!I-BA s EICI EFIL UNM I LIMITATIOt S(TBELS:...........................................................-............8 H. VIATHIF QUALITY-BA:IEIDEFFLUNNIILIMITATIONS(VVCIBELS) ..............................................................8 I. V1 AT1IR QUALI ITy CONTE OL PUN... ............................................................. ..................................9 J. NATIONAL 710xIC: RULE (N 3R)AND CA+II IFORNU ION CS RLILE (CIl R)...................................................9 H. STAiE IN PLEMNF TATION POLIO Y.....:.............. .....9 L. C IOMPL IANCI :ICF EIDULF S AND INTER IN R3Cx IIREMENTEE.......................................................................9 M. �INTIIDRGRAB ATION POI ICY...............................................................................................................10 N. DINT -BACKSL IDIF G REci IIREMENT: ...................................................................................................10 O. MONITORING AND REPOR7ING...........................................................................................................10 P. STANDARD AND SPECIAL PR01118101 .................................................................................................10 Q. N071FICA TION OF INTERS STEID PARVES..:..........................................................................................10 R. CONS IDERA71ON OF PU13L IC aOhIMENT.................... ......11 :1. ALAS KmRLILE.............................................................................................................•--••-•••...........-.11 7. OCE:AIP PLAN.............................................. .................................................................................11 IV. E 1:ICHARG9 FIRCIHISITION5..........................................................•.................................................11 V. - EFFLU EN 11 L.IMITA111CIN3 Ar1111 E 1:101 ARGE 3FIECIIFICIATIICINS...................................................12 A. ERFL DENT I IN rOA110N5.....................................................................................................................12 B. LA ND DISCHAF IGH SPECIFICA-11 NFS(II OT APF LICANLE I..............•........................................................30 CI. . R>lCL.AmATIOPI.rIHEaFICATIONS(NOTAPI ucA9L.E)...................................... 30 ...................................... V1. REIaI3I%1NC1 WA118R UN 1TAT'ICIN3..................................................................................................30 A. SURAACE WATEIR LIMITAT ONS..........................................................................................................30 B. GRCIUNDWATER I IN I'TA710NS(NOT AF IR LICA9LEI). ..............................................................................37 - VII. PRCIV HICIN 3.......................................... ..........................................................................................37 AlSTANDARD PROV 1 IONS......:.............................................................................................................37 B. Al ONITORI F G AND REPORTING PROC RAM RECIUIRNNEP TS..................................................................40 Cl. SOECIAII FIRCMSIONS........................................................................................................................41 VIII. C ICIMFIL.fANCIE C E1 ERIMIh ATICIr .............................................................................. A. AVE RAGE h CIN7HLY ERFI DENT LIMITATION(AAI EI)...........................................................................42 B. AVE RAGE W ENKLY ENFI LIENT I,IN ITATION(AMI ELI ....................... TABLB OA CONTSWES 2 0ISCHARGEIS FROM GROUNDWATER ORDER NO.R9-200140IN E XTRA CTION 70 SURFA CE VIIATER9 IN NPD®J NO.CAG919002 7HE JAN 01SIG0 REIGION EXCEPT SAN DIE GO BAY I Cl. N AxIMUM OWLY EFFL UENT UN ITA nON(N D EL)................................................................................42 U. IP 13TANTANEOUS N ININ UM EFFt UEN7 LIN r11AT10P 1..............................:................................................42 E. IP 13TANTA NEOUS MAY MUM EFFL UEW I Limn ATIOP 1..............................................................................42 l F. 91X-N OrnH MEDIAN EFHLUNWi LIMI7ATION........................................................................................43 I Aktad'mer t AI—Defir Itlor F X-1 ARtactmer t B,I —hoi'ce of Ir tens (NC 11)Form B I-I Arttac hmeirt B2—Pric rity Yoxic RollutE nts B2-1 1 _ Pft lc hmer t Cl—N!A CI.I i AIWIc hmer t I]- tltanclarcl Proiiisic ns D-'I Pftic hmerrt E—N c r itorir 9 and Reportir 9 Prc glram (MRP) E-,I Alttac hmer t F--Fact Sheet F-'I I TASLS OR CON TSNT9 ,I DISCHARGES FROM GROUNDV'IATEA ORIF NO.R912008-0Of 2 EXTRA CTION TO SURFA CE YLA.TERI IN PIF DES P IO.CAGI119D02 THE 5 AN DIEIGO REGION EX4 EFT SAN 31E-GO EM Y EIANITAIFY SaWBR Clischarfis to a sanitary sewer. V ese discharges do not neicid ccvanage uniden tte h FME Hrcgram. Oontc the agency conitmIling ihEr sanitA rA serwen akin appraval pdaii to discharc ing to its ccinveNan ce sylsilEim. L lIILITY VFILILM - Discharges frc rr i utility vaulle and undEirgrc urid strut aims. llhese activities may be covered uniden the stailewide general iN PDEEI pai mit ilor dischargers 1r[m ullilily vaultEl avid unidargraund strut ums 'la surface walen Ordeii Na. 2aa6-aCI(I8-DWQ (CAGGIC'Maa4l). HN CIF OSTEITIC/ POIIABLFI WATER— Discharges ilrom dninikinig water well dEivelapmerl. llhese discharges are cc vererd unden Ordei IS o, R9-20a:-00.`0 (CAG6790(h). D. Disc herrge to a Muniicipal 19ciplairate Eltann Sem er Sy:1em QMS4) Prior to discharc Ing inilci an MS4, the C ischargun shall demcinskrete altelmalivus to discHarc Ing EWraclEid grc undwalan was'la infra an MS4 and whN it is tett nically an Eicanamically inkas it le to implermni Nis a allarnallivEls. Without priasr approval frdm user appropriE to Intal agency witt jurisdiction oven ea MS' , the disahairger shall mall discharger EDC racied grc unidwE ley waste unlden tt is WDR Into an MEW LacaI a genclas mispcinsible lbr aglerra-ling the MS4s rriay nal glassively ruceive E nd discharge pgilutanis ilrom third pari iris. By prcvidinigI tEie anc ap(rn access to Ein MS4 thait coniverys dischangus to wa-lers cd the U.S., tt a MS4 crgerraiar assenilleilly acceipixl responsit ilit)l faii dischaiY as ink they ME 4 that it dans nal AlraHibit aii control. TI e:se discharc es rriay causer cm c antribu a la a condition all cantE minarUcin ar a vialaiian crf waicln quality standarc s. Theirelare, at leas 30 days priar to inifliating an extracted graundwalfir dischE rge to ani MEI4, Ther Discharges shall nolifjl anc receive auiharimlian from they E ppropriate lacal.agencjl with juiisdic icin aver Ihfi ME 4. This Irequiiiamen-1 encourages corrimiunica-ion beftleen Dischargani enrolled under this WDR and Intal Egencieis respansit le lar ME 4s in an effarl -Ici reduce rriisundeirstaridings avid concerns oven i he types of discharges c avem by chis WDR. E. Termini ion crf Discrharges C ischarc eir: st all submit a writ an m quest re'lerrerd to as a "Nal icc oil Temiinatian (NOT)" -lo frhis Regional Baeird when coverage L nderihis WDR is na lcingem requined. llhei NOT Ietieirc:onsiitutes ei nioiice 11hat ihEr owner(anc hiahEin eigeN) odl'Ihe site has ceiased the discharger of gnc and water a:scicidled wi-1111a grc unidwE tei mitractian activities Eit 1hic site-unden,This WEIR. llhe IN 011 shauld include "Mitice cdTeirminerlicrn (NOT)" in the subject linEl, then Waste Discharge Identification NumbEr(WDICi) eissigned tcl ffic glrcjec by the Regional 0aarc whein enrcilleid in the WE R.theI nEirrie and eiddress oll the annm ir, and be signet rind dE ted Hy the am eii in accorc ante with theI signalary requirerniernils oil Me"C R. The Clischargen shrill continue to comply with the - PEIRN IT Ih F ORN AITION 6 DISCRARGES PROM GtCIUNDWATER ORDER W .R9 21M-0002 EXr RACTION TO SURFAO S WATERS iN NPDeS NO.CAG8l9002 THIS SAN DIEGO R9 GION EXCHFq 3A D13GO BAY 1 iiequii(meints oil-If a WDR un-lil -Ihe Re�licinal Board eipprowis thea NOT. Submlttal of a P Ol leder doe s not guairaniee temiinadlan. Appralval of thea NOT daes nos relieve tt a Discharger's neisponsibility 113r paying any eipplicablc ouls{landing ` invoicc; oil einnual feels w a.resuh cif enralllmeini undEin chis 1A DR, nein dens it relieve the Discharger fram enforcement torrl existing violations. F. REI-E ni■ollrnierit c f Reniewic F ertniil ' DischargE rs einrollec undo n previous Ge neral REirmil Orde r No. 21001' -.96 tt eat plan an con•linuing lheiis dischaigle, must re-einroll by submitting an NOI to obb in covenage-under this VI CIF . Re-enmlle eI: shaill re-enrall na latero than :165 day:l after ft e delle of adaptian cif chis WDR 1a eicf ieve compliance with ttE new effiuein'I lindtaiion; and crileria este t lished bN this WCIR. G. Tr nsilerrinig Ow nershipl Enrollmarr undenihe WOIFl tan a specifics project is nal transferable. In tfa eluent cif any ct anclei in ownership all land ai waste discheirge facilitleis presentiN awned by thea Einrvllec Discharger, the ClischaNeir miusl nalify-Ihe riew 4 ucceeding owrnEir of the existenc(i all ihls WEIR by letie r ' 210 days prior 1cr prapeirly tnansfer, a copy cd which must be immeidialedN forw arc ed tci the Regianal Boars office. Addilionaliy, the Discharger mus submit a h OT 11a the RE gianed Scieird. Thei new succeedincl awn(in must sub mit aI new P Ol in appllcaiion of annallmeinl under a is WDR. i Ill. Fir dinigs 1 The Ragional l3cwrd finds: A. Backgrc unid 1 This WDR supenseides Orc er Na. 29001-96. Th(i h FIDES h o. CAG9' CUM reimalm ihEi 4amiei. Clischairgleiry cinrallEd unden previaus Orc(r Na. 21(10'1-•96 miusl ablain coverage undelr this n(iw WDR is conlinue ih(iin discharge) subject la waste discharc(i requirements in this WEIR. B. Dieicharge Subject is WastEl 01sahaiKle Reeluirerrienits To be subj(ict la was a discharge) requirements in this WDR fon cantinuec and 1 fulux discharges tel walEirs of tt a Unileld Slates, DischelrgEirs must subrrifl an NOI Bind obtain cciverrcle in cirdfiria be reclulaled undEinihis WDR as pravidEid in 4(I CFR 9 eci icin '12121.28 (bbl 0). I C. Dhichelrge Deiscriiptions I Existing and propc sed disci aglas all Llraundwaleir extrc,d`or waste io surlaice wafers wits in ihE San Uiega Reigion eiAc(ipi 'San Di(icla Bay from construe icin clraunc waieir ext radian, faundaticin clraundwal(r ext raclian and grounc walelr �EMraC On M lak-tri-'g1Vq11dWUt6t`1f"e-iM i�tioir iil�ctivefy7`e read tt51�s____---.------ _ ._--- Groun(waieir 9xtraci ion). t FiNr-iNals 7 DISCHARGES FROM GROUNDVIIATEIF OR 0 EIR NO.RM 008-0002 EXTRACTIONT( SURMACE VIIATnRS II I NPDES P10.CAGE 19M3 _ THE SAN DIEGa REIGION E)ICEP' SAND 1EG0 A AY U. LE gal Autr aril ie.1 It ese waste discharge requirernE nls are issued purst ani io .,ledians 132(13 and 'I X 1377 c If th a Caliik mniai Waien Cade I CWC). llhe Regiclnal Eloarc i hall prescriba niquiiiamerr s as la-Ihe natune of any prapased discharge) and shE ill issue waste discharge requlrerrlfinis which applly End ansune aamiplianncel wish Fill applicelble gravisians cd the Fec eral Water Rollulicin Contrd I Ala, alsa neflenrec as the Cie an Wal er/Ict ICWAI). These waste discharge requirerrieinls issued bN 'lhe Regiclnal Boairc shall eilsa seirve as an NRE1E%'1I parmil 1kir paint saurce discharges frornn graundwateln - ex race icnn waste Icn surf(ce walE rs wits"in-the San Diego Reckon e)Icapt San Diego Bay. chat(a maN requf st au t arity la issuE general NFIDE rl permits pursluainl td 40 CRR sedian 122.2E1. On June 8, '19E19, lhe California Slate Walfin Resourcias Cantrol BaEird IStEle Boairc ) submitlEd an applicalicnn'la USBP/1 nrEnquE15ing revisions icn its h RDES RrogrElmi in accordance willh 40 CHR i edlans '122.28, 123112, ainc 4031.10. The applicalicnn included a request to sidd glelner l perrriil aulharity la its anpprc veld NPOEIS Pragram. On Septernb( n 22, '11:189, U%CIEIPA, Reigian El, aipprovec the Eltak Elaarc's req tiesi wind grElnted duihanzallan fan the Slane cri Cenlifarris tcl issue g(lneral NROSS permits. E. Be akgiciunx and Rat aneilei for Redulremlentil Thel Rfngiananl Bazird df velapeid IN require rr ienis in -Ih1s WOR t msec an infam allan submit cid as pad cif the applicailk ns ton sevaii l lika agancles, individuals, and Entities, It rough rr anilalring and niepariing prc grams, anc thrc ugh special stL1dies. Attachmer> s A tt Rough F, which contain baickgrc and infarrr atian E ind rallananif fdu WDR requiem mients, Eire heneibN incorpglralec into -This VA IOR and constif u f I part all tt e Bindings 1kir 1 his W13R. F. Carlfiornlal Eniviiciniviental Quality Aci QC9QA This action len adapt a NR13ES pElrmit is exerrip'l from the .provislans al CEQAI - (Flublic Resources Code sadian 21100, fit seq, in accordance with CWC salicin 1313f 9. G. Teiahniola®y-Bel:lelc Effluents LinrnitAtianisl 171BBLal FlEir-rr its shall include applicable)TEIRLs and slaindares. (40 CIRR § 122.44(a; ). This WDR daes ncl inc ude numieric-7BELJs because USE FIA has nal pramulgarled effluent limitation Cluidelineis fan groundwalen exlrElcfon. H. Waft r QL arlity-Efasleid E IfFluelnit U innlital Ions 1 (WQBBLs) -.-----------_ ..._�.__RE rmits shall'inctiadE-WQEl1E L's td--atU'in-aind'Mglihitiin appliaDILs--numric-md--- -- --- --- narrative walen quality criteria la prated the ben(ficial uses cif IN receiving waler. (4( CIRR§ 122.44(d ). Where nurriE ria watelr quality c0leria haves not been established, WQBBLa mail be Enstatlishad t sing U0911A 0A secfan 31014(a]critenia gt idanc( , prapasec Stale criteria cin an Sla'le pcnlicy inlerpreling HIINDINGS 8 DISCHARGE I FROM GROUNDWATER ORDRR NO.Ra7DDS-0002 1 EXTRACTION 10 5UR1 A CE WA TER.' IN NPDES NO.C,AGI 1912 THE I Ari DISIGO REGION EXCIPT SM DIEGO BAY narraliva c&Eir'a sup plemented with other relE vans it formalian, on an it dicaftcln paramieitei. 44d CAR§ 1221.44(d'). i 1. 1A aleirt uallty Canllral P1Fin THe i Reigicir ail Bacrd's A aleiiQuaslity Control Plain foi the San Diaga BE is in gharelnEifter Basin Plan; designs Ies berieficial usE is, astE blitshes wail eir quality abjEic Ives, rind cc ntains imiplementation p rograms anc policies to achieve 1 hcise abjeic iv es tcir sill walEirs addressed through tt a Basin Fllan. The Basin Rlan was adopted by the Regicirmil Board cin Sept Eimber 8, 1994, and was-subsequently aspprovec by tt a Stale Board an Elecemben 13, 1 c 94. 5 ubs eiquent re Asians is the Bassin RIE in hrive also been Edaplw by the Regicinal 9oarr anc the Sie1c Sciarc. In additian, StalEi Baard Resolu icin No. t18-(13 aslE sblishas stElie policy 1hE t all waterer, with certain E xceplicins, a hauid be cons Idered suitElble ar pal Eintially suitablEi fai muniaip ail and domEistki supplies. Requirements olIhis WDR specifically inipllerriE ni iha applicable pravisicins cif the Basin Plain End Stile Ear srd plalicy. Is ational Tcixicisr Rules IN TRI and Ciilifdrr to Taxicisi Ru Is QCTRJ The LSEP A asdaplted tf e.i TR an Elecember 22, 1€1921, which wus amended on May 4, '1 c c 9, E snd Naveimbei 9, '1 c c 9. Ttle CiF was asdoplec by L SERA cin M€q 1 i. '18, "KIaCI, and arriended on FlEIbrucii 2661. Iheisei rulers includa water quality criltarki fol plrianity pclllulfinls and ami applicable la these disci aglc a. K. Stllte lmipllsmerstaillori Pcdlcy On MEirch 'd1, 21(1001, 0a St€to 9asirc adoptee the Pcilicy akin Implamerr E tian cif Taxics St.-ndasrds for inland Surface WEilers, Enclas ed Bays, and E stuarlas all CalilamIv QSIVIE Implumeniatian Rolicy of SIP,. The!IF becamia effed iva an April 28, rdiaciCI, with resped lei the priority palluianl C&Eiria plrcimulgated fcir CEslnomlc by USE RAthraugh the NIR and ici thEi priarit� polluten abjectKe:i Eistablishfid by the Regicinal Sciarc s in 1hE it Basin Plans, with the E)ceptian Of thE1 pruvisian on alternates 1Eist procadure; fou inc ividucl disaharcles iha1 have Haan E spprcived by lha L SOFA Re5licinasl Ac midisiralar. 11he EINE male tell proceic ures i provisian bec�lm0 Effective on May 21'91, 21CIC10. ThEi SIP bEcame effective an May A, 21CICCa. ThEi 81R includes procedures for d0armsining tf Ei neec fcir WQBB Ls and I fcir calcuiE sting.WQHE Ls. The %EIIR also iiaquirE s Elischarglars ici subrr it sufficianl dates to miaka the determination, and if n6censi arH to cala ulaki 1 t ei WQBBLs. Thei StEl1e Sciand Edop-led amendmien1s to the SiP an Feibruar)I2i4, 21CK19, Thai becairrie eflective on July 131, 2K108. ThEi SiP eslEiblishes imlpl(imEintailicm plrcivisicins fon priodt)l pgllutE rrt cri Eirias Eint1 abjec ives, aind p rav's icins fon chronic tclxic sty conircil. Requiremanis cif this 11113R irniplerrieini 1ha E ' U. Clarnplllarscie Salledules wind Inicirirni Requirerrieritll Ourrenl dis chargers)enrcillec it Orc Epi Na. 2CIC11-G EI shall ire-enroll na lailar than 31615 days af1E r adaption al tt is VI IEIF, essch dis a hasrgeu currantl)l enrciHEid in Order I FIN01114 CSS 9 DISCHARGES RROM GROL NDWATER ORDER NO.R%21GM002 EXTRACTION TO 9 l IR RAC9 WATERS IN NPDW NO.CA G911 9D02 THE SAN DIEGO REGIOr I EXCER T 9 AN DING0 EVY No. 20001410 shall continue to comply with Order o. 200'1 9(] until ONaiining penmlt coverage undE n this WDR. h . Ar tJ c elgraic at on Palicy Sec is n1 1 11.12 ol4C C FIR requires tha11 911E Ite wadlan quality Edelndarc s include an antldegradatic n policy cansislenl with theikidenal pc licy. ThEI Stdte Bosirc established Califcmial's aintidegradEotion policy in 'Italei Bcairc Reisoluiicn No. 618- '1(]. Rusoluticin ISO. @IFI-•I EI incarporarleis the federal alntidegradeitic n policy where tha feideiral palicy applies endeirfedural Ialw. Reis( luticn Na. EI8-10 requires 1ha l existing quality cif wateirao be malintE fined unless deigradatian is justif ed based an specific findings. ThEi Regic nal Etc arc s' Basin F lelF s implEirnent, aind incorpgralEi by r ferenceo, bolh tt a StG1eI and fedeiral antidegridaitic n palicicis. As discussed in dEitail in the Ralc "II eErl, the permitted discharges an cor sislent with tt e sintidegridation prclvisi(ni cif 40 CRFs section 131.1.12 and Stalle BoEird Reiscilution [�a. (lfl-M. N. Aw11-Backallc irll Recluirenlelrts 'lleclicris 4a2i1jo;+12) and 1103111d)Qe) adl,Ihe CN IA and fodeinal reiguladions o140 CFR seictic n '1291144 1) prohibit backsliding in IS RIDES permits. Those anti-backsliding provisions require Effluent limitalicns in a ne issued perrrlit to be as st ingenll as the so in tt a previous permit, with sc Me EixcEipticns where limitaiians may be wilaxec. All Erffluerr lin itaitians in this WDR ane a1 Wast ais stringElnt ais 11he Erffluanll lin Italians in 1hEI-prE vl( us Onden.. 4. Moriltc rlr g enc Reiplart nil Sect ficin '122.4.8 cif 410 CFR nequireu tt al Gd1 NPDRS penrli s spE cify requirements fon neic arc Ing Bind re par ing mcinitaring nElsults. %lectians 133(17 sand '1312183 all 11he CWC alutharlan tha 1RegienEll Boares'lo recluinE technical and Manitdring nipor s. The Manitcidrig and RElpor Ing Rrogram jMRFI) estcl b1i9 hers menitdc'ng and - reparting requiremE nis 1c implEomenl ikider-al and StEltei i oquiremeint:l. This MRF is provid(id iri AbE cl mEint B. P. 511vnc and gond Special Flrcnrislic nis S1Elndard Rravisions, which in acccrc ante wi11h 410 CFIR sect is no '122.,e '1 and '122.-e 2 apply tc c1l NPD99 disc halrges and must be included in every NPDBS pemiit, aire provided in Attachment D. The Regional Bc€ird hats adsc included in this)A IOR special prc visic ns applicable le 111he Einmiled Dischargers. A rritionaile fon 1f a special prclvisiic ns container in This WDR is provider in tf a altlaiche d Raict 9heel ilAttachmeinl F). Q. IS ollificiaticin cif Irlterelsii ed Parties 7ha Regional Boanc has nolil•ied tt a DischEirgeirai, inleirestec agenaieE alnd ----.--- -----------.-__.uper,brig cf hichalrges,-aind'he5prmltiE:c thElm with sin apporlunity tc submit i1hein wrlttein comments and nett mrriendaili( ns. Nciiflcation details sirei prc vided in the Faidl Sheet QAttachmeni R)of this WDR. BINDINGS 10 O ISCHARGES FAON GROUNDWATER ORQE:R 1`10.R9Ei20pE3 M 2 HXTRACI ION TO 4 uRFAC9 WA TERI IN NF OHS NO.CAG!19002 1H SM DIEGa RIGIOrI EXCIPT SAN DIS a0 BAY a R. Cansiiderallon of Pu blic Comment 1 he REI( ional Board,'in a public meeiling, heiarc and considered all comments pariaining io the dischargers. Details of the Flublic�eiaring ane prcivided in the Fact flhel(t all WOR. S. Ate aka Rule ' On March 30, 200(1, USSPA1 revise( its regulal!on that specifies whEin new and revised Sta'1(1 and Tribal wafer quality standares lWQS) becarr a effective Hair CWAI purposes il4a CFU; a ection 0 31.92, , 69 FR'9'1464,1, ArIril 271, 9`10(1(1 . Under tF a rE visEid uErgulalian dalso I nawn as thEi Alaska rule', L SIEFIA must apprcive new and revised slandards submit ad la L SEPIA aften May 'IO, 2000, beikire Laing use( for CIWA purFoses. The final rule also prciv'des tf ai stE ndairc s already in eflea and subrr itted lo LSERA by May KI, 2(1(10, may be used ikir CWAI purf osers, whether an not applrcived Hy L SEPIA. 7l. Occani Rlan In orc an to prolle:ct ihEl beinefickl uses cif recelving waleirs maim excessive conceninil'ons cif pc Butz nth as a rE sult all c roundwateiu extra(tion wase discharges, this Orc eii(oev not pr( ide fon a mixing zone on a zany of initial dilu-Ilcin exceFIt when the discharges is Wit,a surf zone. This Order allows initial diluilon oil:I in a surf acine. NI. C isiciha rge Rrah ib Itlans+ A. 1 he c iscihargEr oilwasleiwateiiEft a loa tian, on in Ei mannen c iffercird frdlm ti'Eft describe( in the FindirKls, h 01, or h slice o1 Enrollment Ie Man from the Regional Boarc is prot ibilec. 1 S. the discharge of waslawEiten shall ncl create an cruises conditions cif nulsaince al pc ltu ion. C. The discharge) st all no-I cause; have Ei reasonahlEi poien ial lo rAiuse, cir ccniribuie to an in-scream excursicin abdve any applicable crfiericin prrimulgaled by U%IBPA pursuar i to seiction I al the CWAI, on walEin qu ality ab jec Mi I adoptec by the Siaie cir Regional Boarc s. D. TNN discharge of wasle 'lo airfias dEisignailled by 11he Slats Saard cis being cif special (AISBSj bicilcigical significance is prohibiled. OischarcleS shrill be 10cal8c a suffickini distance tom such designate( ar(as to assure rr aiMeinance cif natd nal waren quEility condflion s in tt ese aneeis. I I E. Tha dischagle o'I gra undwVIEin ek radion wastes prom a specific sltei in excess of -.-------__.__------- - the flowrat sXecifteitfrrthix-Not1cwal Erwollrrwtu fror'I-the-Regional Board i�si---_- ----- ---- prohibited, unless the enmileie obtains a rE\iseid dischaglei Noncar of EniKEllmeni EEulhcirfzing an incimased flowraiei. R. The addition oil pollutant`I ,lo exiniciec gratindwakin to he discihargec to surface wailers within the San Diego Reigion EDceipl San Diego Say is praihibited.. 1 he 111SCIH/IRGE F FICIHIBIFICINS 'I DISCHARGHS MR OM GROE INEM A n fi ORE ER NO.Raz 00810007 EXTRACTION TO 9 LIRnACE WArrE fig IN NPDEa NO.CAG919001 THE SAN DIN GO REGION EXCEPT SAN 0IEGO A AY only excEiplilion to tt i9 prahit Ilion is that chemicals may bei addec to extracted graundwe'len 1a cantmi bicrfouiln g in treatmenil systernrs, pravided ilhai enc racled - graL ndwe'len c ischarged meals lha effluent limiiatians fon suer chemicals established by this WDR and in the dischaNle NcrlicfI oil Enrollment issued by-II e Regional Boarc . G. 'ilhe discharges a1 graunc waten Erxtracticin wasleis to surface watery within the San Diega REigian excep'I Sein E if iga Bay is prohibited unless an h OI has been submitted, anc then F egiona l Boars has provided the Dischargen w ith a writ Ern Notice cif Bnrallmeirl idenlifying lhei c ischarga sublact la waste discharge rlquillemen-IS. H. The c ischarcfi cit clraundwaleiiexlrrcticin wasters cram a g mundwalur numedleilion ciperaticin of en-Ihe c erte ground%erlen has be Ern rrmeic iatec .Io the sat'staction of the Regianal E acrd is prarhibiteid. I. Compliances with Discharge Prahlbitions cc ntainerc in tt a Basin Phan is also requined as a cc ridition of this VA IE R. J. Dischargev of wastes in a ma nnErr, cir to a lacatlan which hs ve ncrl been specifleally rrgulerled by waslfi discharge nequinerrianis al this VI OR ane pmhibtled. N. The disc harf a cif any radiological, a hemical, on biolagical weirlare agant, cir high level radicilagicai waste is prohibited. L. ThEi c umglin g cin c epgsition, from st are, al oil, gart ages, trash, an otheris solid municipal, ind ustrial, cin agricultural waste dinecily inicr waders s ublect'lo tided action cin eic.lacent to was er~s subject to tided actian in any manners which may peumit it la be washed-inici waiers subject-lo tidal aciion is prahibtled. M. Tha dumping on c eposlticin of-chamical agents cir erAplosives into%erlers subject to clic al a ciian is plrahibitec. �. affluent Limitat orc anc DiscHautls Spglcifrcrfticsns - A. E ffluer It Ll miW on s _ SumimicryofWadleuQuzflily-Beisec 9f unllLimitatians 011scrhair9ge Pcrinil SUmmaryl a Wateu Quality-k aseic EffluE1M f.imiteltions Table - - - ---.-._---------_..-�--- -CISCHARC-IBS,10-EIA-"&"I'AihIU-F AREIt IIS------ — - --- --__.w_.-.--- -._._ 1Ihe discharger cif groundwalen extraction wasiEi'lo Missicin Bay, Oceanside Heirban, Elel Mar laaal Basin, on Dana Poini F arbor a hall not conlain plcillutanis in excess till it e killcming effluent IimiUdions; '12 - D ISCHAF 1GEIS FIROM GF OI ItIDWATER ORDRR NO.49-7006.0002 I EIXTRACTIO11 TO LIF FIPICE WATERS IN NPDES NO.010919= THE 3AN DIE GO REGION EKCEP7 SM DIEGd EV Y Cleinelral al !no anic)I Biolo ical Effluent Limitations i Paran etE r UlFI kg ANIEL AWE L MOEI Instantaneous 6-Month Maximum Median I I Settleable Solids mVL Clop 1.501 - as tIP _ 'Halal Suspended mg,IL �Io All 5(1 AB - Scilids Hydrogen Sulfide pgAL `I AB ICI - I Total Residual pg)L - fl OF fla CIF 2 OR I Chlorine Acuter Toxicity Ilua (1.3 °P I Cit rc nic To)dc' -Nuc 1.0 OP MPNI IC100.0 AB Total Coliform 100 ml i Fecal Coliform 00 ml 21[10.0 H L nits Wiilhin limit al fl.0 lam al all furies °P I Effluent Limitations Paran eler Units Instantarlsous 6-Month AN EL AM EL MOEL Minimum N ec ran 1 I Dissolved Oxygen mg,IL > 5.o AS DO I I Petroleum Effluent Limitations Paran eter L nits Instantaneous 6-Month AIME 1 . AW EL h EEL Maximum N edian i I Ml1113E3 pg/L 5 DHS i Benzene NCI/L - - - 5 AB - I Eth (benzene ljg/l- - - - 5 AS - i Taluelne P lam - - 5 AB - I Xylene Ng/L 5 AB _ I Total Petroleum mgliJ - - 0.5 AB Hydrocarbons I I . . Metals - Effluent Limitations Parametev Units Instantaneous 6-Month Alli EL N DEL Maximum Median Trib ltin TBT lagn 0.0a'l� OF EI FHL DENT LIN mernONS RIND 1318CHP RGE SPECIIFIurmaNS ' 3 DISCHARGES FROM GROUNDWATER ORDER 110.R912DD9-111 2 EXTRACT Ori TO:URFACEI WATERS W NBC HS NO.CAG919D1 2 1 HE SAP DIEGO RE GION EXOE PT SAh DISCO BAY Organics Effluent Limitations Parameter L nfs SIN EL MnIHI. Instantaneous 6-Month Majdmum Median Phenolic Cornlpc unds 11non• pg/L - 12CI OP 21[10 OP ICI oA chlorinated Chlorinated pg/L C1.C125 CIR C1.C140 m 1(10" .I OP Phe inalies i0rachlorEthane pgju 2.21 °R - - PCA ldchlaroeilhane pg/L 5.495 °P - - - CA irichlaroeitr anel 119,11 9. - - TCA 1,,2- pgjlu 28 °P dichle roeltt rine Teltrachlorcedhylel pgu 2.C1 00 nel PCE _ Trichloroethylene pg/l. 27 op TCE Vinyl chloride pg,IL 318 op - - - etrachloride cin pc1,IL CLe10 °P - - - Base/Neutral ONIanic pg L 'ICI 's Compounds - Effluent Limitations - Harameteu Units Instantaneous 6-Monh RIMEL N CIEI. a aximum Median Flmrrlc nia as N pgL 24(10 op 60CIC1 °P 6(ICl °P Endosulfan nc11L - '18 °P 27 °P El oP HCH ng/L 8 e n '12 OP a 01 Dichicr merlhanel pg/L 45CI OP 5 AS _ -- Halomethanes pc1/L - - 5A _ ----------- .------ - _. F AHs ng/L 8.8 c1P EI quivaCDD lents pc_I/L CI.C10351 OF' E FFLL ENT LIN nvriucINS AND 13isaHPIFIGE:1PE(IIF1cA-naNS I` " DIS(HARGES F ROM GROUNDWATER ORO ER NCI.Rl)-=&W 2 ExTRACTIOP TO 9 l RF ACII WA TER: IN NPDII I NC I.CA(191 W12 THII SAN DIEGO REGION I EXCHPT SAN DIEGO BA1 I Effluent Limitations Para meter L nits AMEL N BL Instantaneous• 6-Month Maximum Median Turbid' Llg/L 75 °n '1.2 CTR 225 - Effluent Limitations Pararr&ter L nits AMEL A%8L Instantaneous 6-Month Minimum Median I Turbidi N11U 75 OP '100 of 225 OP - Elhall ncit exceed the turbidity of the neceiving Turbidityr 11U water. ' I 126 PIIICIrity Rollulani s from "Inland SLI&E CAI "later;' 2. DISCS ARGES 10 LAGOON SjIESTL ARIES The discharge all graundwataii extre cliclr waste discharges to salina lagauns i1anly Eluena Vista Lagacin is fresh water) and esluarles cpl the Ilegian shall nal contains pglllutan'ls in excess of tt e ftillciwing eff ueinl iimlltatlons: Includes lirniiis to the Elays and Harbar, Limitaiicins I Effluent Limitations Parameter U nits AMEL h DBL Instantaneous "onth I Maximum Median 7aial Nitrogen mgiL - - 2 o AB 1.0 AB. Total Phosphorus mg/L - - .0.2 "' 0.'I AB H Uni-Is Within lirritl o17.0 to 8.5 at all limes Al All REIM a Our, and Eff1u(ini Limit-1 lions from "Bays and Harbors" 3. DISCIF ARGES 110 TH B SURH ZON9 the discharg(i o9 groundwaten ax riaci icor waste)•la the surf zone 12I:1 diluticin ihictaii) shall na•cont in pgllute nh in excess cif the ft Ilclwing affluelnil limth tions: Discharges'la iha Surf ache Calculerlicin -1ha tirmula used 'lo calculate efflueint limits icer consiiuenis discharged to the surf zanei is from 7ablel B in it a Oceeln Man excep faii TClxicity and RadiacictiviU. Ca = ihu effluent cancentraticin limit, u61L Ca = ihEI conceintrallan Cwad eir qualit)l objeciiva)to 1:1(1 mei at iha cc mple'lian all init'zil dilut'on, ug,IL Dm = minirniumi probable initial dikticin expessed as pars :eawa bii pear par waslewailur r EFFLUENT LIN Ilur111CINS AHI: Discimpon SPECIRICATIaNS '15 . I , DISCHAF G IIS IF OM GF(IIINDWATE R ORD9R NO.R91,I 018-0110: EX Fu c7naN TO Sl IRF ACE WAT13RS IN NPDES P 10.CAG1191 M THIS SAN DISCO REGIO'I EXCEPT SAN DISGO RA) E m = 3 frorr findings frarn the 200, -96 Order. Cs = background 9eaweeieir concentrc- icin 11see liable C;, ugAL Arslenia 3 C loppeu 2 Mercu ry 0.0005 ihlar 0.18 2 Inc 8 Fou all other Table B parameta n 0 131EICIHARGES 10 7 E SURF GONE Q3:1 DILUTIC N RACITORI AEI Effluent Limitations Panamelell Units AN EL N BEL Irm tantaneous 8-N onlh Max M um Median TCR pgAl 32 °P 2,�0 ON 8 CIP Amrr onla (w pg/L 9600 oP 24,000 op 24[10 OP Nitrogen) Arsenic pg/L T190p 3-11 OP 23 aP Cadmlum pg/L 16 op j 0 OP 4 OP Chromium pg/L 32 aP . 80 ow 8 CIP hexavalent Copper pgfL 420p 1114 OP EI OP Lead pgn- 32 OP 80 On 8 OP Mercury pg/L 0.64 ow .EIO c' 0.'1 EI OP NiakE I pg/L 80 OP 200 ae 20 OP Silver 'Eq pg/L 10.7 c" 27.5 OP 2.32 OP Gina pg/L 2516 cP 376 aA 5E1 oP Cyanide pg/L 16 OP 4001 � OF, Phenolic pg/L Ccimpc unds 4 80 OP 1200 OP ,120°F Non-chlorinated _1,,I. ,2 . ---._._ - pg�L-- -- _... - -- ---g,2-c)-- tetrachloroethane ^ Tribu Itin TBT pg'L 0.0056 OP pg/L 2,100,000 lrichciraelh< rte on EFFLUENT LIMrTATICINS At ID ❑Isow RCE SPECIIFICErricINS '16 DISCHAF GHS MR OM GROIIN[WATE R ORD[R NO.R94 04 5-0002 E XTRACTIOPI TO VIF RACE WATEEIRS IN MR DES P10.CAGI18002 Ti-E IAN DIEGO REGION E?ICEFn SARI DIE GO EVY - Effluent Llmltations Panamaun Units AN EL MC HL instantaneous -6-Month Ma)dmum Median 1'1 i2- + g/Ll 371.£1 OP trichlorcielhrine Carbon pg/L 3A OP tetrachloride pg1 L 0.00076 RCHi 1 Tetrachloroethyle pglL 8 aP ne Trichloroethylene pg/L •108 oP Vinyl chloride pg/L '144 OP Selenium pg/L 240 OP 6010 OP 60 OP Endosulfan pglL 0.072 cA 0.1080P 0.0360P Endrin pg/L 0-01601 0.0914 0P 0.0Q8 OP HCF pg/L O.CI,12 0P 0SW OP 0.0-160" Acralclin pglL HOOP 1 Antimony pg/L 48CK101, bis(2- pgAL chloraielhaxy, °" I methane bis(2- ' pg/L chlarciisoplrcinprl) 48CICI OP 1 elham Chlorobenzene pg'lL 128CIOP di-n-butyl l g'L 'I4,C1C1000 phthalate Dichlorobenzenes pg)L .,ia,4{10 OP 11 j- pgAL 3.El OP dichloroeth leve pg/L 132,,03101 I Diethyl phthalate ap Dimethyl pg/L 3,28000 phthalate CI 00 i z ,6-dinitro-2- pglL E18(1 aP methylphenol - 2,4-dinitro phenol Eth (benzene Pg/ll -IE1,4CIOaP Fluoranthene pgAL ElclOP I Hexachlorocyclop p9n1 ;1321 OP entadiene BFFLUENT L IMITAITICINS AINi3 DISCHARGE SPECIFIC41TIOt,S '171 D19 a FIS IRGES F ROA GROUNDWA TER ORDER P M.R9-MB-0012 EXTRA CTIOt TO 9 URFACFI WA TERS IN NP➢9S NO.CAG9190112 T3•M SAN DIEGO REGIM EXC9P"l 9 AN DIBIG(I BAY Effluent Limitations Rai amgh n unit., AN E L N DEL Instantaneous 6-Month Maximum Median Nitrobenzene NgjlL C11.6 on Thallium Ng/L 8 OP AcrAonitrile pg/L 0.4 0, pCIA l 0.0000088 Aldrin Benzene PPL. 231.6 op pg/L 0.0 00276 Benzidine Beryllium wX 0.' 32 Op Bis(2-chloroethyl) lig/L a.18 0" ether Bis(2-ethylhexyl) Wg/L ' 4 OP phthalate pg/L 0.000092 Chlordane OP Chloroform lig/L Sal op µg/L CI.00p 168 DDT 3,3- pglL C1.0312k OP dichlorc benzidine ,2- pg/L 11210, dichioroethane Dichloromethane hg/L ,8(10 oP 1,34 NgAL 35.6 OP dichloro roene Ng/L a.00a, 6 Dieldrin. 0P 2 4-dinitrotoluene Ng/L CIA 0' N91L 0.64 On di hen)Ah drazine Halomethanes Ng/L 5'ela 1p Heptachlor Ng L CI.CIaaelOP Hexachlorobenze pg/L Cl.aolA184 nc --.--- HeXadhlOrobCMdi "--pg-/L7- 59 oR - ne Hexachloroethane Pg/" 10 OA EFFLUENT LurrAmONS ANO DISCHARGE SIPECIIFICIAMIICINS 18 -~ DIE CHARGES FIROM GF OLINDWATER ORDER NO.R9120D&OM EXTRACTICIN TO E L IFI F AC9 WATERS IN N1 DE S NO.CAGO19002 1FIE SAF I DIEGO REGION EXCII F1 EAN DIE GO BAY I Effluent Limitations Pal lametei 1 !nits AMEI L M13EL Instantaneous 6-Month Max FYI urn Median r pg AL nil rosc dirniertfi N IE Im 219.2°p inei N- Ng1L L nilrosodir Iheinylam 10°F ine I RAHs ��L 0.035:1 OP lig/L 'I.5 0E -08 TCDD equivalents pg/L ( .00084 T oxo hene 2,4,6- pg/L Op 1 trichlorophenol 1.'16 Effluent Limitations P1 namelen Units AMEL AWBIL Instantaneous MEEL Maximum Settleable Solids mli 1 °P 1.5 ae 3 OP Suspended Solids 750Y OF , 'Suspended Solids AMEL Is 75% removal unless the average rr anthly Influent h 80 mgA a Iesal, tten the efl tient limit shall be 60 mg/L.ap l- A IIU in limit c f 6.0 and 9.01 ail all times.°P I 310,000 Toluene OP Xylene 5 AB Toicl PetroleumAEI Hydrocarbons 5010 Aule 1 oxicity 1 Lla 0.301 Chronic ToAcity 1 uc 1 OP I Turbidfty NTL 75 OP 10x1 aP sl`.15 OF Effluent Limitations Parame-ler Unit: Instantaneous Shellfish ANIE1 AIVYE:L Maximum Harvesting 1 -MPNl1 MPN/1 1,000 OF 1 otal Coliform 010 mL *Total coliform density shall not excaled 1,000 gen 100 mL vIt an the ratio of fecai/total coliform exce ec s 0.1 P 1 c tai Cc litirm 70°p *" EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND l3isawifiGe.111PECIIFICVMONS '19 DISCHARGE S OROM GROUNDVIIATEIR ORDER NO.R942C08-0002 EXTRACTION TO 31 RRACE WATER 8 IP FIR DES PIG.CAG19 M 2 THE t AN DIEIGO REGION EXCEPT SAN C IEGO BAY Effluent Limitations Parelmelen units RIMEL AWEL Instantaneous Shellfish Maximum Harvesting Total Coliform 2410°P '' "The median total coliform density shall nal exceec1 70 pqn '100 rnL, and not more thae '10 perc+;inl 01 the samples 31 all exaeec 230 per 100 mi_.OR MPN11 rIOo OP o oP Recall Coliform OC mL MFINA1 X19 OP INOP Enterococcus 00 mL Effluent Limitations Parame or UnitaI AMEL AWEL N DEL lnstmtaneous 6-Month Minimum Median Dissolved Oxygen mg/L 5.0 AB DO oR Bas is---Ocean Rlan 21005 AB Basis- Anti-Elackslid ing, values iucim 11he previous perry ii DMS BeeisiS Depeirtmejni cif'F ealth 4lemiices cTF Basls —Cediilcimiv Taxics Rule, Slaie Implaimie Malian flan 2005 4. DISCI-AA GEEI TO IN LAND SURRACIS WATER'S T1F a dischEq ai all clraunc vwiten fixtralction miasie"lo inland 9urieice miaterci (incluc ing _ Auerk Vista Leigacin)shall ncd cont,,in 6 aliu c-nts in excels: of lhai fallowing arffluejnl. limiter fans: GEh BRAL CONSITIITL BNTIS Dai:y Instaal anec u.,i - Constituent unit AMEL Maximum Wxl=m BasiE Settlef ble So lids 1131/L 0.1 0.2 AE Tota] Susfended Solids mg/L, : a — 50 Percen Sodium % — (10 AE _. Total Nitregen mg/L 1.4 2.0 Ta tal Pbosgboru, mg/L 0.1 (.2 Mett ylew Hlue Active Substana es mg/L --- T urbidit l NTU Shal not ex ca ed the ambient turbidity o f the surfs ce wal es at an y tim e. " Fluoride mg/L --- --- 1.0 Hydrogen Sulf de Pg/,- 2 4 14 AIE - -- _ 'Ilot)i Residual- _.—......... -- Chl orinle(TRC, P g/1 2 f ]a Al 11H Units Wthintha limit of 6.5 and 13.:1 a- all times. Al Alcula Taxicity T[5a - --- 0.59 Al Cmronia Toxicity T-lh -- ] --- AE EIFFLUENT L IN HAFT IONS AND DiSCHAIRCIE SPOa1FICA7icir,S "Alo t m c HARGEa r-RO&I GRCIUNEMA ATER CIRDEIR PIO.RIM008.0M — EEXIIRACIICN 10 SURFACE MATERS IN NA[EIS NCL CAGd110 2 THE SAP DIEGO 9ElGICN EXCEPT SAN DIRK)BAY ' Daily Instantan�us C10mitituent unit AMEL maxim= Basis ` L is olvec Oxygerl mg/L Shall no I be lege than 5.0 at any time in watenl Witt designa ed wars AB fro h-orated b,bitat ber eficia usea i au 11 ess than 16.0 in vaal ers with cold freshwater habitat bene ficial wiea. I Tota Coliform MF NA]4 OmL — 1000 It Fecal.Ca liform MFN/14 OmL --- -- 200 " r �OL.AMLSS. N STAUS. PRIORITY POLLUTANTS: I Beneficial LI sa: Municipal/Potable Supply Non-municipal/Non-potable I Instanntaneaw Instantane= Constituent Llni Maximum Basis Unit Maximum Basis Dibramoc hlorapropan a PeL 0.2 DOHS WL 0.2 AB Ethylene Dibromida }1 g/L 0.02 DOBIS WL 0.42 AB I Xylene Ng/1 5 AB I !1g(L 5 AB Chlorimi ed Phenolics H g/I ] DOHS pg/L 10 AB Remaining Baseflrn eutral H g(I ]0 AB µg/L 10 AB Q mpounds I Iota] Fletroleum Hydrocarbons mg/L 0.5 mg/L 4.5 AB Irod** mg/L 0.3 mg/I. (.3 AB I Manganese mg/L .0.4 5 mg/L 4.05 AB } MME11 },g/I 5 DUES 1261hiority A llutanti 40 CFM 1: 1.38 -Ws tal Quality Standards;Establishment of 9 ee Beh w I (Ix Pudin;I m,e:tals', Numeric Crit eria fa r Priority loxia Tiollutants ion tb a State oil 1 t la ifs rnia. , 1'9I6 War% RcdlutElnts- 4a CFR '131.38 - Whet Quality 9landvrde; EsUlblishment all Numeric Crileria iklr Rr'ariN TcliIic Rcdlu ants fdr 1116&leile all Ceftklrr W. ale effluent limits foe Elighl priarit)l pallulants Will be devokipec cin EI caseaby-case basis bEICE use ilhe ire: hwaler arilElria Eire Wised an site4sMlific wEdel quality dada. Soveln mel2ils sire dependen'l cin WalEir heirdnEISS, Cadmium, Coplaq, Chramium QI11), Lei id, Nickel, Silver, and Zinc [Sae TabIEI •I 1cl d 0 CRR '131.118111b)Q29II1, and the "Canversian Rad cirs" Rij CEldmiium a nd Uead Eire eiisci water harc ness depundElnt. [See TablEI 3 cif 40 CFIR 13'1.3EI(b)2] In arc or to calculala the effluEid limits fdr #esa seven metals ihEI fagaw'ng equzlions 1lram A(1 CRR 13,1.3fIQbx21; will bu needed: Cld CRs='L'I366172-Q11LN Qheircnugs);*a.01 '1838) Cd CF = 1.101167A-fli-h Qhand n(is s))*a.N11838) Pb CFa81c = 1.4612(13-I1ILNllharc ness);*CI.148712) �Cn efidh:i NE R*CFtx*( 0(mN Lh Qh6rd6(19s)41bR PentElahlamphencil is &pendElnl an the & -wflue. [SeEI RDcitnciil(i "f to 1hible in 4 0 CIRR 131.31811b',i11', BRFLUENT Dry ITA TIC NS AND C ISCHP RGE SPEC IFICLAMONS 21 DISCHARGEIS FROM GRaUNDVIIATMR CRDE R Na.R94 0C 8-000, EXTRACTION TCI SURRACE VIIATE FI! IP I NPDE9 NC I.CAGE I W, THE 9 AN DIHa O REGICIN EACEPT SAN n IEGO Elf Y lki calcu la a 1hfl effluent limFt for P entd ct loraphenal use l i is equation. CMC =ebcpp '1.005(pjH)-4.8(19;. CCC = expl '1.005(F1H]-5.134) 11he oemaindei of ihfl cNeirta it nail A ateu quality dep Eindenil and -he efflueni limits can bfi calculai e( . Hous elves, not all ffic eff t eni Ilml,ls will apply is all i iters because cif the Beneficial use designation akin"Municipal" may not aplpyly is all sites. Efflucini UTr Its far Human F eall1h Municipal and Non-Municipal Human Health MUN NON-MUN AMEL N DEL AMEL MDEL L L L Antimonyl 14 28 43010 8000 Arsenic n _ eery liurn Cadrn sum Chromiurn (111) Cliromhirn ,11V) Copper 1300 2000 Lead Meratiry 0.08 0.1 0.01,11 0.1 I`kii el aelenhirr :Ilh Ie r Thallium Zinc +100 1400 220000 440000 Cyanide 7090000 1400004( i Asbesrim E4 IS 2.6E-08 .4E-08 9.8E-08 2,3,il,SUCEID QDioxin) 320 640 '780 1600 > :N Acrolein 0.059 0.12 4.66 1.3 Flcryla nitrile 1.2 2.4 71 140 Benzene_. Boon oform (.25 0.5 4.4 8.8 - Carbon-leti act loride 880 14(0 21000 -4200 Chia ra t enze n e 0.41 0.82 34 61 Chlorodibranl orr el haae EFFI DENT UimmAr'IaMS AND'DiSCIHAIRON SIPECIFICArric B i12 " l DISCI IAFI GES ARM GRCIUNDWATER ORIIE R NO.R 1}1008-0007 EXTRFCTKINTO SURFAC9VIATER9IN NPDE! NO,CAG91M THE SAN[IEGO REI GICIN EXCEIPT SAN DIE GO BRI Human Health MUN NON-MUN i AMEL MDEL AMEL MDEL L Clhla m a thane 2-C hl iiin I Ett ea YI Y w- Clhloralorm Dic hionot re irr omett a ne 0.56 1.1 44 92 1,1-Cliahloro(thane , 1,2­01ahloro(tt ane 0.38 0.10 99 2(0 1 1,1-Dichlareietty ene (1.057 0.11 3.2 6.4 1,2-Dicihlorograpane 0.52 I 39 78 1,3-171chlaropiopy ene •10 20 '170a 3400 Eth)Ibenaene 3'100 6200 . 29000 9f 000 Methyl Bromk a 4l 96 4000 8000 1 Mettle I Clt lodde r" Methy ene Clh1a n'de 4.7 9.4 '1600 3200 _ 1,1,2,2-Tetractloroett ane (1.17 0.34 '1, 22 lletraol loroad ylen a 0.8 1.9 8.9 18 I T011lene 6800 14000 200(00 4(10000 1,2-1r n s-EllIchloroethy ene 700 1400 1400 00 280000 I 1j,1-Trf chla roett ane 1,1,3-Tr'cNarc ethane 0.6 11.1 4(1 80 -Mcl loroett 1 yl an a 2.7 1.4 81 160 V in y1 ahla nide 2 4 510 1100 2.Clhlorophan a l •120 240 400 800 1 2,4-C is hloropt and 93 190 790 1600 2,4-Dimethy pher a 1 54( 1 100 230(1 4600 2-Med Y 4,6-Clinitropheno 13 27 770 1500 2,4-Clinitraphenol 70 140 14000 18000 1 2-1�Itropt enol 4_h itropt a nol 7:.: 3�ITethyi--d-Ohiarop�ieno : f_-_._.-- --.----. Fientt a hlora q henol 0.28 0.96 8.2 16 114 i;..:•TAS` PR a nol 21 DDD 42000 4500 000 90 00000 2,4,6-Trichia re phenol 2.1 4.2 6.5 13 A ' plcenaphthene •1300 2400 2100 5400 i- E FFLUENI UIMITATICINS FIND DISCIHA RC•1E SPEC IIFIC:AMC INS 23 DISCHAR GNS FF OM GR OI P 0 WATER ORDER NO.R9-7008-0{102 EXTRf CTION TO:I l IR RACE WATORS IN NPDa9 NCI.CAG91800: THE SAN DINGO REGION EXCEPT SAPI DIEGO SAY Hun < n Health MUN NON-MUN AMEL MDEL AMEL MDEL L L !t- >_ . Acenaq t thy a ne . Antl ra ice ne 9600 19000 'I'10 Dao 920000 Benz(dlna 0.00017 0.00424 0.00051 0:0(111 Benzo(<)An thracene 0.0044 4.04 88 0.049 0.098 Benzo(a)Pyren a 0.0044 . 0.0088 0.049 0.098 Ben ao(b)Fluorantt ene 0.0044 0.0 0 88 0.049 0.098 Beeao(ghi)Pery ene Ben:o(F)Fluoran tt ene 0.0044 0.1088 (.049 0,098 Bls(2-ClhlorootF oxy)N ethane s._ Bis(2-C hloro(thy )Ether 0.03'1 0.092 1.4 2.8 Bis(7-Chlaraisoprcinyl)Ether '1400 2800 170000 340000 Bis(7-Ethy hexyi)Phthalate 1.8 3.9 5.9 12 4-Bromophenyl Phen)l Ethel BI tyi ben zy PI fflalate 30(10 6C 00 . 520 0 '10 000 2-C t loronap hthale n e 1700 3400 4300 1(00 4-Ct lorophen yl Pheri yl Ethel C1hrygene 0.0044 0.0081 0.049 0.098 _ ❑it a n zo(a,l )P ntt ra scene 0.0 044 0.0088 0.049 0.098 t _. 1.,2 C ichloroben;Iene 2700 5400 17000 34400 1,3 E Ichlaroben3E ne 400 800 2600 5700 1,4 Elichlorobenzene 400 8(0 2809 5700 3,3-❑id loroben A&e 0.04 0.08 0.077 0.15 rya Diethy R I thaiate 23000 41000 1200(10 24(10 00 Dlmetl yl Phtk I a late 31000(1 610 000 300000 5800000 E 1-n-B&tyl Phttlalate 2700 5400 12000 240 0 0 �7 2,441in hrdta I ene 0.111 0,22 9.1 '18 , &. _ ;.;: 3 �_ 2,9-13iri tb'o1 olt ene ❑i-nClctyl Pt thala to -- .. _� �'• i;2-t0ipfienylY�y�r�zrne 0af4`---- --�Og---------�--------.-_T:1�---.._...----.._._. =' Fluorantt ene 300 600 370 740 WIN Rluorene 1300 2640 14004 2800( H exact lorobenzone 0.00075 0.0015 0.00(77 (.0015 H a xacl lorobuta diene 0.411 0.88 50 I0 0 EFFLUENlI LIMI7IAITICIH S ANO DISCIHARCI9 9PEOIF)C1mmCINS '24 DISCHARGES FROM CIRCIUNDWATER ORDER W.RG 200"M EXTRACTION 70 SURFACE WATERS W NPU ES P 10.CAC41190e2 THE SAN DOW RE 010.0 EXCEP11 SM DISC 10 BAY 1 Human Health MUN NCINWU N AMEI. MDEL AMEL MDEL I L �, r •: F exact lomocy dopgntadie r e 240 4C 117000 34000 q° H e alact l000etha r e 11-9 3-8 8.9 18 '. It den(1,2,3-cc)Hyilene 0°tl 044 0.0088 0.049 0.098 Isopl c rone 8.4 17 600 1200 I Na phthale r e Nitrobenzene -17 14 1900 3800 Is-Nitro sodimethy amine 0.00059 0.0012 8.11 •I6 N.°Nltro:odi-n-Aropy amir a 0.005 0.011 1A 2.8 N-Nllroscdiptenylamine 5 10 16 32 s. Pr enantl rat e x Py ene 960 19 0 0 11000 22040 ' 1,2,4-llriclloroberu ene Aldrrin 0.00013 0.00026 0.00014 0.000211 1 . a 1pha-E HC1 0.009 0.0078 0.013 0.026 beta-BHCI 0.014 0.028 0.046 0.092 gamma-BHCI 0,019 0-038 0.093 0.13 delta-E HCI I CItlord ar4 0.00057 0.0011 0°00059 0.0012 4,4'-DCIII 0.00059 0.0012 0.00059 0.00'12 4,4'-SCE 0.00059 0.0012 0.00059 0.0012 4,dl'-D110 0.00083 0.00'17 0.00084 0.00' 7 Dieldrin 0.000'14 0.00028 0.00014 0.00028 a alpha-Endue ulfar '1'10 270 240 48a be to-Endo;uIllan 110 270 240 40 Enclasulff "luffate 110 720 240 410 Endnin 0,76 1.5 0.81 6 Er drin Aldet yde 0.76 1.5 0.8 1.6 u u , ; FeAtac No n 0.00021 0.00047 0.00021 0.00042 ;: '..a �Ieptact Ior Epoxide_ - U 0001 - 0. 0..0 7 _._0 U001.,1.._.U�02Z.. .. --- - - `°` Palychloainatec biphanyla i 9 h ,a. (PaBs) 0.00017 0.00034 0.0017 17 0.0003r M'Y.dl II 1 BFFLUEN-1 LIN rwriiONS PIN D C ISCIHFIRCIE SPECIFICIONIONS 11151 I 0 ISCHAR GE S OR ON GROt t 10 WATER ORO 9R NO.R943 bd8.0402 EXTFu CTION TO Sl RF ACE WAERS IN NPDE9 NO.CAG91 OW, THE 9 AN DIEGO REGION E)CERT SAN DIEGO BAY Human Health MUN NON-MUN AMEL N DEL AMEL MDEL (pgtL)-.- A- :R ' Toxa hens 0.00073 0.0015 0.00079 0.001:1 E Merit Ulmits ilon Fmishm alelr alnd SatitwatlEl■ Freshwater Saltwater MDEL AMEL MDEL AMBL AN timony Arsenio 190 110 59 29 Bery Iiurrl Clac M tum 16 E CIS romic rn (III) Chromic m (IN) 1 B 8.1 83 41 Copper " 6.8 2.9 Lead 14 7 N e+cx ry Nickel " 14 6.8 °". cele n lura U 4.1 120 :1 a Slllver 2.2 1.11 i TIl allium anc 99 41 4, - SFS_ 44.5 Clyanide L5 4.2 1 0.5 wvl . Asbestos ,. 7,3,7;8-TICIDO(0.0drl) - -- _'��'� Aorylonitilile - "" Benzene } BromaN m Carbon 'lfetract loride BFFLUEM Umn Prmc1N5 AND DISC IHAIRGE SpmaIFicvraiCIN5 26 DISCHARGES FROM GROI t DIAATER ORD IR NO.rt80X"102 EXTRACTION TO SURFACE WAITERS IN NPDES NO.CAG919009 TF II SAN DIEGO REGION EXCERT IAN DIIUO BA`I Freshwater Saltwater MDEL AMEL MDEL AMEL ahlorobenzone � x Ct lorodit rc momettlane Ohla roethane 41 2-C Worm thy Any Ether Ct loroforn Die hla ra bi omom a thane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-C licl loi oethan e 1,1-Dict for nett yien e 1,2-Did loropropane 1,3-Clia hloron rc in ylen e Ethy benzene N ethy B omit Ie N eth711 C It logic IE I- N ethy ene Ohloricle '1,1,2,2-Zletrsat loroett ane I Ted act ioroett yien e Toluene 1,2-71ra ns-1116 loroethy ene 1,1,1-Trichioroethan e 1,1,2-7 id loroethane Triahloroethy ene V my Ct loride 2-Cit lorop t enol ,• 2,441chlorophenal 2,4-C imF thylp henoi I _ I-N ethyl-4,6431nitrol t enol 2,4431riitrop t enol .y 2-P itropt a not Nitropt enol _-'--- 1 3-Methy-4 Ct loropheno[ Pentsahlanip henol .. �` 13 6.5 " :. Pt enol sF 2,1,5-Trichlomphen a l BFFI_UENT L IMITATIONS PIVD C11SOHAIRGE 9PEaFIC]AMICINS 27 l Dl=IARGES FRON GROUP DWATEIR ORDEIF NO.RIM0084)t101 EXTR/CTIONTO3URFACE WATERS IPI HFIDEES PPO.CAGO19002 THE SAN DIEGO REGIO N EEXCEPI SAII DIEGO BAY Freshwater Saltwater MDEL AMEL MDEL AN EL _ IL L IL r Acenaphl l one Ace napl tl y em pinthrace n e Benzicline Benzo(a)pinthrarA ne 3 Benzo(a)A)Inene Benzo(I )Fluoranthene Benzo(c I i)Peryeno Benzo(k)FltIare,nthel e Biri(2-Cl loroe,lhox)l)Metl one Bis(2-Chloila ethy)Ettleil Bis(2-Cl lorolsop ra p) )Ell a r 9 is(2-Ell ylhex) )Rhtha late 4-Biomop l e n yl Pheri yl Eil e r ;,;,•, Butylt e n zyl Pll ttlalate 7-Qhlonon e p H hale ne 4-Clhlorophen yl Phony Ether Chry9 ene DIN nzo(a,h)Anlhracene ti 1,2 I71chla rat enze n 1,3 I]ichla rq t enzene '` ",171=0 1,4 Dichlorot enzene ??V1I-A "` 3,T-Dichlorobenzidim Diel h) Rhtl a tale n Otmeth�p Rhthalate Di-n-Bury Rhthalate =_ 2,4-Dinitrotoluene " _ a-`fit 2,6411nitrotoluene 13i-nOatyl Phthaiale - 1,1411pt enylt ycnaane - ;`. Fluoranthene F1uorE in y A, Hem la hlonobe n zein I-exaa hionobutac ion e 4 EHFIN ENT LIN ivrriolss FIND DISaIV RQE ISPEC1IScAmCINS ;18 L Dia CHARGES RRON GRCIUNDWA TER GIRDER NCI.R9 2a it B-0002 E XTRA CTICN Ta SURFAO E WA TER9 IN NR DE S NCL CAG!19002 1 HE SAN DIEGO REIGION EXCE;IF'T SAN DIE:GCI BAI I i Freshwater Saltwater MDEL I AMEL MDEL AMEL Hexachlonocycla p entac l iene F exact lonoett ane Inden(1,3,a-cc)Pyrene Isop t omone " .. Naphthalene Nitrat enzene N-Nitiosodimetl y am ine i N-N itrosodi-n-Praigy arr ine N-N Iih osa c 1 iphen yl am ine P hen a r thiene ` F yrene 1,2,4-Tnidla rut enzene PhInin 3 1.9 1.3 0.85 rA. alp t a-BHCI beta-E fiCI gamma-BF C 1 0.95 0.47 0.16 0.08 I delta-E HC I Clt lordane 0.007 0.0035 0.0066 0.0033 I .4,4'-COT 0.0018 0.00082 0.00' B 0.00082 4,4'-C DE ` 4,4'-❑OD t Dieldnin (.092 0.046 0.003' 0.00,16 ?` a Ipha-Enda ulfan 0.092 0.046 0.01 Al 0.0011 beta-Enc osulfan 0,092 0.048 0.01 AI 0.0(31 ' Enc asutfiIn �hilllate Endrin 0.059 0.029 0.00 3 8 0.9( 19 Endnin Plldet yde HepU chlar 0.0062 0.003' 0.0(159 0.0029 {'' I-eptact for Epo)fide 0.0003 0.0031 0.0059 0.0029 Ra lyr t lortnatc d biphenyls— (P iphenyls(H CBs) 0.023 0.0111 0.049 0.025 tud EFFLLi ENT U IMITArrICINS AINri DISCIHARCI9 SIF FC:IIFIcAIT w 29 DISCHARG09 FRaM CIRCIUNDWATER aRDER NO.RI3120I f-o00f EXTRAa TION 10 SURFACE WATERS IN IIF DES P O.CAG!19007 VIE SAN DINGO f EGION EXCEPT SM DIRGO BAY Freshwater Saltwater MDEL AMEL MDEL SIN EL (pg/L) L L IL Toxaphene 0.00033 0.00016 0.00033 0.00096 Use eg E 1a tia n 9 from 40 CIFR 13,1.38(b](2) U se equations'Isom 40 CFFI 11 311.38(b,(1 I fa otnote "171 Mass Limits A I permit Iimitalkin s, standarc s On prahibitians shall be expressed in teirms of muss except fon pH, on alt en pollute nts which cannal appralprla-lely be Eixpre:sed t y mass an under) cer ain circumstances including 'tin hen applicat le standards and limitalions are expressed in terms of othEir units of mivasunamen-l." (,e0 CF R Fj 'IZd.� 51II(11);. Thcre fare, all cc n cenlrallon Iirnlils stated above a xceip-1 fali SettleatlEl Solids, plcute 1 axicity, Chronic TaxlcIN, Tc011 Coliform, Fecal Colifarm, pH, and Dissolvec Oxygen shall alsa have a mass limit Lased cin its cancenlration limi' times tfe discharge flow limiii In the Nal ices oil ®nrclllrnierlt cxpmas s ed in paunds pen day I It s/d) as shown in the i esquEdions t alow: Clonccinlraflon Llmi' * F law Limit* Canvarsion Factor = Mass Limit Qmgll; *(MG13) 8.34 [lb*U(Million Gallons*mg)]=Ibslc ay _ (pg 11 " (MGD) ' 0.00834 [lb*'U(Million Gallons*pg); = lbs/day (mg 11 * (gpol *0.00000834 [Ib*U(Gallons"mg)] = lbs/day (pg 11 ' 119R d) 0.00000000834 Pb*U(Million Clallor s"pgl)] = lbs/day 5. Ink irlrri 9flFluent Limitdticir s i1hol AppIllcatIti) G. Land Disiahargei Spleeiflcationis ilNol Afrlplicableil 71. 1&iclamalion Spleaiflcatioris INcit Applicable; B. Lair d Dischangcl Specificatiar s IjNcd Ap pliciabIti) C. Reialeimatiar Speaificaitiarsl INed AplpliciabIs) VI. RE kelt)ing WatA r LIm Itallc ins) --- A--Su rface Wate r U imitF titins)_.. Rccesiving H ater limitatians are based an walcr quality objectives coniainEid in thea Elasin Pllan find are a require d part of this'VIICIR. 1 t e dischange cif graunduralen eXtreictian w=is to from any s ilei shall not, scpalkitesly or jointly with ar y other dis cheirgEi, cause vickitions cd the fallom Ing were en quality abjesctives- 1 heia e _ i 1 RAG1EIVINC I W/ rrER LIMITATIONS 31(1 D ISCHAFI GUS FROM GROUNDWATER ORDIR NO.R943008-00W EXTRACI101I TO SIIA RACI WI TERS IN P IR DES r'I0.GAGGI9003 1HE SAN DIEGCI REGIIOf I EXC9P14 Al'I DIEGO SAY limitations apply unicss rrlc mel stringelni pravisic ns exist in eilheu the Basin Plan, on an applicable Sales plan. The more str ngunt limitalic n shall apply. 1. Bac erial Characl earistics a. Waters-Contact Standards Within a zanc be ended by the shotallne and a dist nee cf 1,Oaa feel iirom tt a shoreline) c n -I he 210-foal depl h con tc ur, whiaheN em is fdrtk a Ir frd m th e she re liner, and in areas c ulside th is zone used fon we ter-conn ct spgr s, as Ldetermined by thea F egional Board, lhea following Haclearial ehjeac Ives shall bel mainlainec thrc ughout the wa-len column: I (1) Samplers oil watw from each samplin g sia-lion sh all have a density of Total coliform organisms kiss than 1,OOcl pull 10a mi (l10 pall mi); ' pro vided thal not more than 21(I percent oil tt eI samplers at any sampling 1 std-lion, In any 210-day peiriod, may eaceee( 'i xioa peri 100 ml il'10 parr mil, and prc v'deid further that/ no single sample) wheln vent epi Uy a re peal sampla to kern wltt in 48 hours shall exceeic 'i 0,000 per '100 mi ill(10 pair mi). 1129)The fecal coliform) density based on a minimum oil nc t less tan Ave samples 1c r any 30-c ay period i hall nol exceed a gcomalria mean o1 200 peri 100 mi nc r i hall mare)it an '10 pearaent ail the Total s amples during any EIC)-day peiriod exceed 400 peri 100 mi. b. 1IH elifis h H aruesi Incl St ndanc s Al all araaaas wheare shellfish may bel t aruesled fdr human consumptic n, as delermineid by ilhe Regional Board, -It er ikllcvving baccrial objectives shall be maintainec lhroughoui the waters column: The median lct91 coltfoml density shall not Exceed 70 par '100 ml, and nal me rf than 'I a parte nt oil the s a mpieis s t all exceec 2:10 pear•10C1 ml. :l. Ahysical Ch araC erisi ics a. Floalincl particulalels and gra ase and oil shall nc 1 be v'sible. b. The discharge cil waster shall nol cause)aesthelically undcairatlel discolorailic n c I the surface walcrs. c. Nalunal fight shall not be significantly rec tiaed. The rate cf deposition of solids and the characlelristics oil inerl scllids in the sediments shalll not bel changed such lhai benlhic acmmunitiels are delglraded. ,I:-ChElmiaa I.tiharaclearistics-. . - - - --- _ — _. ..----- — - -- -- - -- - - _- - a. 7t a dissciveid cng n concentration shall ncl al any lime ba deipres-cad me re than ,10 pearceni from chat which occur naiura IN, as a rei uit oil Vhe discharge c f cngen demanding wastes malerials. b. llhe pH shall nal be changed ail any 1imc more than 0.29 unils ilram that ' wt is h ocaurs naturally. I F 90EIVINCI WErrER LIN ITprTICINS1 3I'I D14 CHARGES FFIOM GROUNDWATER CIRDER NO.RMOSIH12 EXTRPICTICIAI TO 8 L RFAO0 WATERS IN NPDEES NO.CAG919042 THIN SAN DI8GO REGIO AI EXCEIIF T SAA DIE GO BAY c. ThEI c issalvec sulfide acincentralicin alwale ns in and near sE cIimEnt9 shall nal be siglnifica ntly increasec abcve thei pneseni unden natural cainc tlians. d. The cancEiniraticin cif 3ubsti nces sEtfor h in the I]isct ai(p Specficailans in marl of sedime nts shall nai be incre ased 'la levels which wauld c E grade indigernaus biota. a. THe conceninition cif organic materials in the sedimEints shall nal be Inm asec to levels which would degrade marine life. 1. Null danl male rials s hall nal ca usa ad jE c k nad le aquartic grew h an c egrc c le inc iganous blah. . Bialoclicai ahanactelnisl ics a. Maninel carr munities, incluc ing ver ebrarle, inv eirtebrate, and p1laini species, shall nal be degrcde,d. t . ThEI natural t�se, accin, wind cxdan cif fish, shellfish, on tithes aqualtic resources used ikir human consumption shall ncrl t e attered. c. ThEI conte ntre-1icin all organic materials in fist , she llfish on citheii aquarlic resaurcec used 'kin human calnsun plion shall ncd bioaiccumulaie to levEils that ane ham JUI la t uman hualih. 5. Rad iaccti0ty Dischain a crl roc iciaclive waste shaill nat dEKlrac a maidne fifer, EI. Toxic Marledails L imftaiians fon Marine WalEin (Surf Gane) OCE an Plan, A'10015 OBJECTIVE L FOR PROTECTION OH MARINE AOLATIC IJIIRE Unit! of II-M onth II wily Ing tantai eousi Chemical Measurement Median M aximurr aim Arsenic µ91L 8 32 80 Cadm:um, µg/L 1 4 :10 ChrOmium{Hexa vales) pg/L 2 8 20 Clopper pg/]L 3 '12 30 Ileac pg/]L 2 8 20 Men ury µ91 0.04 0.:16 0.4 Nic kel pg/1 5 20 50 Selenium µg/I 15 60 150 Silver µ911 0.7 2.8 7 Zidc µg/1 20 80 200 Cyanide NO 1 4 10 - 7ota1 Ch ohne _ Residual }I g/L 8 6[ Ammo nia(as nitrc gen PPL t10 0 2400 4000 - -- Phena lic C Ic mpounds µ9/L 30 1110 IN 0 (Non-eh arinated) Chle rinated { I lima tic s 99/1. 1 4 : 0 EMOSulfan ng/L 9 : 1 211 Endrin ng(L 2 4 6 RECEIVING, WA ER l N nAnlloNs 321 0ISCHA ROES HROM GROI I'DWATER ORDS R NO.R&700B-0002 EXTRACTION TO StIRHACE WATERS IN F PDE3 NO.CAGO19002 THE SAN DIEGO REGION ESI CEPI SAN DINGO SAY Unit i of (I Monti Daily Instantaneom Chemica Mae sere Median i Maw HU R ng/L 4 E 12 I Rddioactivity Noi io exceed limits sp ea fiec in TIL e A,Chapter 11, Subchapter'I,Group 3, Article 3, Sect'on 301(19 of tie Qalflornia Ca de of Regulat'ons. I OB., E CTIVE S FOR PIROTEC710P OR H UMAN H EALTh -- NI ON CARCIN OGE N S Units of Chemica Measurement 3 Olay Average,,. Am Mein n/L 220 Antic ny mg/L 1.2 bi3(2-ch1oruietYwx3j methar }ig/L 4.4 I bi;(7-c hloraiisoprgpyT ether mg/L 1.2 Ch Ia ra benzene 4L 570 Chr(mium i III) mg(L 190 Di-n-butyl phthalate mg/L 3.;1 Dzch orobenzerres mg/L 5.1 I,1-dish oroethylene mg/L 7.11 Diets yll phthaldi a mg/L 13 1 Dimetk yI phthal att mg/L 82( 4,6-cWtro-2-mett ylphenall }ig/L 22( 2,44nitrophenol mg/L 4.4 Ethylbenzena mg/L 4.1 Fhwrantl em 4L 1 H exach oa ocyqll opentadierl a pg/L " 8 l Hop1doi one mg/L 1!0 Nitrobenz we 14g/L 4.9 Thallium n/L :el Z oluar, mg/L 8.I 1,1,2,2:I etrach orc ethane mg/L 1.2 1 ributyltin ng/L 1.4 :I,1,1-triahlomiethane mg/L 140 1,1,2-tdch wioethane mg/L 43 OBJECTIVES PC R PROIECTJION 01 HUMAN HEAT TH— (IA►RCINOG"S U nits of Cblemi cal Mea$uremen 30-day Average Alcrylonitri le Pg/L 0..1 Aldrin ng/L 0.021 I Benzent 49/L 5.9 Benzidine ng/L 0.0!19 Beryllium ng/L 33 — -- - bis(2-chlomethyl; ether 4L 0.045 bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate µg/L 3.: Carbon 1 etrachloride 4L 0.9 Chla rdane ng/L 0.013 Cbla ra Jlorm mg/L 0.13 DI]T ng/L 0.17 I RECIEN IPIGI WArrim Limiwf1ONS 3:1 i Dl:a HARGES FROM GF OUNDWATER ORDER NO.R9-;008-0 i E X-1RACnON TO SURFAU WATER! IN NPDE9 NO.CAGH1908i Tr 9 SAN DIEGO RQ GION E Xa E PT SF N DIEGO BAY Unit~ of Measurement 30-dav Average 1,4-dich orc herdene 99/1 18 3,3dich orc benzidine n9/1 8.1 l,2dich orc ether le mg(L (.13 Dich ommetbw le mg/L (.45 1,3dich oropropene µ91L 8.9 Dieldrin WA 0.04 1,4-dinitrc toluea a 99/L 1.6 1,2-dipher yllhydrazizle µg L 0.16 Ha]omethancs mg/1 CA 3 Hlepti chlor ng/L 4.72 Hle rhlorobeazen a ng/L a l l Hlexachlorobutadiena µg/1, 14 HlamMoroetbwe Ng/L 2.9 N-nitra sodimetlr yl]amine 991L 7.3 N-nitrosadillhenyhunine Pg/1 2.9 PAH, ng/L 8.8 PCIBS ng/L 0.019 TCEID equivalea s pg/L OAa 39 lebuchloroethyle a Hg/1 99 `Aoxaphent n9/1L 0.21 `lric hlorc eth311 era H g/1 27 2,4,f1-trig hlorophend Hg/I 0.29 Vinyl chloride 4L 36 7. Taxic Materials Limitaiians and Objectives for Inland Sud ace WEdeus (Flims h; (a; Discharges oll eAractec gticiundwaier shall ncd cause violailans of surface waier quality abjectives presen•lec by h)drographic subunit and subauea in 1 able 3-,I of •It a Compout ensive Walan Quality Cdninal Flan Repart, flan Diego Basin 99;, as amended. QbI Discharges oil Enc racted graundwalean shall not cause Volatians all cher follawing object iveis in inland suriatce wafers; 'I. >`a individual pesticide an combinal ion oil pesticides shall be present in cancentraiions That adverselyaifklc beinetficial uses. Thcre shall ba na incrusso in peisticide concentrations 1kiund in batiom sediments or aqua•lic life. 21. flan tf a pralect an cif public health and aquallc speaciea8, waiers designa e[ 7-__-.__---.._-.-- _ .- __--_---___----------..lar use as darrterstic caii-municipal supply 41ML NJ-shall raicit contrl in -- -.------.--- --. . concenlraticins crl taxics in excess cif lhei maximum contamineint levels ilor �. contaminants sei ikirih in the California Code all Reigulalicins, Title '912, ars amended, aii watteta qualify objuctivus lis tec in 40 CRR 131.3fI QAttechmeni D,, fan tt a protection oil aquatic species and pralectk in o•I t umatn health, whichevan canceniraiian JDn at specific chaff iical is less. Curren maximum _ RECIEIV ING N CATER LIMITATIONS 34 -- DI:CHARGES FRON GROUNDWATER ORDER NO.R9-2008-0002 t ExrRACnONTO 9 URFACM WATERS IN NPD■S NO.C4G919D02 T119 SM DIEGO REGI061 EXCEFT;AN DIEGO BAY a coniarniir an•1 levels fdr the pro-leclicn cd hurn an health frarr the ingestion c-1 walen are as fdllaws: ClonstRuant 7ille22 Maximum Contaminant Leivel (mallL' a. Incrganic Aluminurr .I ! Ar$einic 0.05 r Barium 11 r Cadmiurr 0.01 Chromium 0.05 Lead 0.015 Meraurl (1.0101 Nitnite �5 Selenium (1.01'I "lih en 0.05 Ccnstitueni Tit eZ1 Maximum Clc nth minanil Level (malll) I b. Organic Fltnazina 0.003 E eniazon 0.0118 Benzene) (LOCH Clart on)lepra chloride) 0.0005 2,4111 01.1 i Clibrxarn c chlaraprapanc 0.00021 'l-,4-C ichlc Ire berme ne 1 0.009 1,21-131chk roett ane) 0.0(105 1 1,'1••Dichlaroad y ene 0.006 11,3-Dichic ropropone 0.0009. Endr'n 0.000,1 1 Ethyl Bene K 1ne 0.68 i Eihylune Dibromide 0.00002 Lindanel, CIACI4 Meth oxychlc 1r 0.11 Molinale 0.021 Mc nachlc robe nzene 0.03 �limazine O.(1.1 '1,1,2,21-Tatrachlaroedl hane U1011 11(are chlc lroerl by ene 0.005 Thiclbencarb 0.07 )toxaphene) 0.005 2,4,5--RP %11lih ex 0.01 '1,,1,1-llrichlora0h€ne 0.21 •I,-1,291-11rnchlarc ethalr-e,-- --- - - -0.011:1 _ ---- --- -- - - — -- Tsichloraedhylerne 0.005 Vinyl Chlarlde 0.00(15 Xylenols (dingle or sum of isomers) 1.75 RECEIv1NCI WfrrEA Uh nvrwON5 35 DISCF IAA GES NROR GROUNDWATER ORDER 110.R912008-ODW Ex RF CnOt I TO 9 URFA(3 WATERS IN NPDMS NO.CAM19002 THE SAN DIEIGO REGIOPI EXCEIP'A 1 AP DIE GO SAY 81. Minemil Objec No far Inland c unlace Waters ,liresh,: F yd rojimalph In L reit C bjelctivE1 (1mgi L) , IDS Chloride) Sulfahi Bollorl an Juan L nil 1.10 100a 100 500 0.75 1.:0,'1.30,'1.4 CI,1.5(1 5(la "d 50 1950 0.75 San-1v Marc ai iilEl L nit 2.20,2.'0,2.5(1,2.60 50a : 5a 25CI a.75 .d .7a,-ma,2.90,2.10,2.:10 750 3a0 3100 a.75 San Luis Rey Unit 3.'10,3.20,'1.30 5aa 25CI 25CI CI.75 Clarisbad L nit 4.1(1,4.4C 4.2(1,4.31[1,4 .5C1,4,6CI 5C1(1 250 2 50 (1.75 an Dieguito L nil 5.10,5.20,5.31(1,5.4(1, 5:5(15CIa 250 5a (1.75 Penasquitos Un1'l 6.1 a,6.r.0,6.4(1 50a 25a : 5a a.75 6.30,6.50 --- -- -- -- S21n Cliec Ia Unil 7.1 C1 '10(1(1 4a0 500 1A 7.11 11 5C 4a0 500 IM 7.12dd, iacioA,15(ia 4a0 50CI '1.0 7.2C1,7.3C1,7.40 3CIC1 50 65 'I.(1 Clolonado Uni-1 110.10 1`A A NAI NA EwaeMaier Rivem Untl ' 9.10 1 t as 500 50a (1.75 X1.2 0,9.'1(1 :(la 250 2 5a (1.75 OU ly L nit 1(1.2a 100CI Oa 500 0.75 10.3CI 5aa 250 : 5a 0,75 Tijuanei L nil. 'ICICI NA N NA 1-1.20,11.30,11A .11.50 11.6(1,'1'1.7[1,'1'I.M. 5a0 25CI 250 'I.CI RECEIV INCI W.A Fi IlIMnpR ICINS '16 - DISCHARGI9 MaM GRaummAIER (IRE ER NQ RM008-0002 EX RA CTICIN 1K I SUR■ACE WATERS IN NPDE9 NO.C:AG4119001 THE SAN DINGO R3GICIN©IICEII SAN DIEGO E AY 9. Wale rs c esignaited Acln use as a gricultural supply (AIGR) shz II ncill conlain cont( niraliar s all chemica I ccinsi Iluerntl it amaunis the 1 adveirsely affect such beneficial w e. '10.Radlciactivibl: Clischarg(; ai radiciaclivel waisile shall nal degrade marine life. I 9. Grauncvualor Lirniitelticinsl ilhol Applliaable; VII. I✓IIICNISIC In el ' A. 41tar dard Prov isior v I 1. -llhe Di;chard en shall comply wilh all Eliandard Prcvisians includad in. Pttachmenl D till tt is VA ICIR. 2. Regional 8aard Slandarc Rravisians.Me Clischargar she 11 comply with the lcillawing prnvisians: a. IN Discha rgE n shall ccimply %1t11 all reqs Irerm r is wind canditians cif This WEIP1. Any perms-I nan-cc mplia nce canstituie:l a vicilalliarn of lhe.0A IA and cm crl-lh a CWCI and Is grc unds fo■e Mbraerneril action, permit lerminalicln, revace titin and reissuslnce, an modificalicin, clrfon denial cif an applicalicln lain pelrmll renewal, rniodificatian, an refs; uance. b. llhe Discharger shall comply with all applicablE fedE ral, slate, and local ' lawa and regulaticlns icer handling, transport, lreatrrienl, cin dispasal cif wa ate or thea disci arge all%aste lci wailers cif the state in a marnnelr which causes cir ihrealens to ce u a a E condillian of pgllulior,, contaminalian nr nuisance as lhcls(i Terms aria defined in CIWC 13090. c. 11ho Rcirteil-Ccllogne Waten Quality Contnal Act provides,kin civil and criminal penallieri comparable to, and in same caseis gne atein then, thaSE prr vided far undE r the CIWA. I d. Any nancompliance wilh this WDR is a vialalicin all tt a CWC and/ontt e UWA a nd is grclunds fdr dEinial oil an applicatic In lar Orc en renE w al on moc ificatian. r e. IN ci discharge all we s e inla waters all IN stale, wheithE r cm ncil the disci arge is mad( purse an'I to WDRs, shall crease a �ieslEd rightta ' conlinuE the discharge. All discharges all was1E intal %e Ie1rs cif the state are privileges, n(it rights. r f. Fan,he purpaseis cif T his W DR, tt a le rin "perrnitteie" u sed in par; of 4 0 ' CF1RI inconpci alec inicl this VI ICIR by nefene nce and,klri a pplicabla to 1 his WDR shall have 1hE same meaning as Il a len-n "DischairgE rl used edsE w here in this W ORI. r RRcN 11,110NE1 37 DISCHARGES FIROM aROIIPIDWAiER ORDER NO.PS2008-0002 EXTRACTION TCI5 LIFI FACM WATERS IM NPDES NO.CAGII19M THE SAN DIEGCI REGION ExCEF T SAF I DIEGO BAI I g. This WDR exp fres on Maruh '2, 20, 3, afleir which, it a terms and conditions 01 this permt are auicimatice By cantinuec pending issuance of a new WDR, provided that all requirerriants of USBPA's IS RIDES nEiguiaiions at 40 CIRR 122.6 anal 1 hEi Stdte's reguladl ions ai CCR Iitic 23, Seic ion- 22 39.4 regarding tt a coni inuE Man of expired Or( ere) E Ind wasle discharge) requirements anei rriet. h. Bxa epi as provided lcir in 40 CFR ' 29 2.7, no inlcirmatian a n docurricinis submitted in aecorc ancel with cin in applicalkin fou this permit will be considered confidarillal, and all such inlormaiion and docurnEints shall bei eivvikibl for rEiview by'lhe public at -The office of the Regional Vi Ialen Eloarc i, A copiy-ol this WDR shall be mairr ainad on-sita at lha ReiciliN, and shall be available to Regional We'lein Baarc , Slaic Watefi Baard, and E RA personnel andbilhein cutharized rupNrefseintaiives eft all iimeis. j. The Dischangefn shall comply with ainy interim limitations esta blished by Eiddanclurri, enfc rcemernl actian, an revised waste discharge requirernenla tt al have been ar may be adopted by thei Regional Welun E oarc . k. Raillure is cc mply with plrovisions on iNiquireniienls cif this WDR, or Aolalian of crlhen eiplpllicablei IErws ar nEKluialllons govEiming discharple; 1rclm this facility, rrivy subject tt a III;charger to administrative on civil liabilities, criminal peinvItias, and,kin crlhen Ernlcrrceman-1 rarmedies la ensure carr plionce..Addii icinally, cert cin vialat Ions may subject 1 her Llischargen 1 o civil on criminal unfarcerricn111rorn apyplropiria'ef local, stet-Ie, arfedenai law enbrce rrieni entities. I. In l[a awini )her Discharger daefs ned camply cir will be unElble to cc mply fdr any reason, wilh any prohibitian, elffluenl limitation, discharc e splecifica tion, cin receiving water lin ftalion of chis WDR, IM Discharilen shall notify ihei Regional Wallen 9osird by lelephone (858; M 7-'d 952 within 221 hoursi all havinc knowledge a'l such noncompliance, and shall cc nfirrr ihis notification in writing within fide days, unless 1 he Regional%A lalein Eloarc waives confirmai ion. 1he wnitl(in ncilification shrill state 11 he natt re, iirric, duralian, and cause at noncx n pliance, and shall describei 1hei rrifiasurefs being lakeln'Ici nomeldy 'The currerr none mplliancEi and pireveirr recurrence including, wheire aplpllicablei, a sahe c ule all irnlplemeintalicin. Other noncompiisnce neiquirefs wfiitiein ncliffcEfticin ars above al Iher lime all tt a normal] rnlaniioring report. m. The DiscHarcacl r is ifequi d �ci re i�-r rials; it�clfrc inn'all'r ricnilc ring-- - informatian and copiers of all mipor s nerquined by this WEIR, fan five years unless direfctec citherwisel by the Reigional Baard. n. This WOR maty be modified, nenioked and n i33 ed, ciniemmina-ed lcir cause due to pramulgaiion of arrlendEid regulations, receilpi of L SBPA PRCIN Isron S 38 DISCHAA GES NROM GROUNM ATER 0 ROOR NO.R9-2008-0009 EXIRACTIONTOUIRFACEVIATERB IN NPDEB NO.0AG91WM THE SAN DIEGO R9GION MCI OPT SAN DIEGO BAY guidance ca ncaming regulated activities,judicial,ducisicin, ar in accordance with 4( CodEl al Rederal.Flegulailicins (CFF) '1211.6121, 122.EI3, 122.614, and 124.5. 4 ci. Dischargers enralkid in 1hi; WOR planning ilei discharge)eixtraciEld groundmEiten HEiste of en I h a expiraban date cif Mauro '12, 20'1'3 may bEi subjeic to nElw prat lbilians cin requinumarTis liasec c n Iha reylssuance c tf is WDR afkin Manch 12, 20 I3. p. llhe enrollee shall take all reasc nahlei sleips 1c minimize) c r correct any i advarse implacl on thEl envirclnmElrr resulting from nancompliancu witF this WOF and tf e N clice cif H nrallmen111rom #c Regic nail E ciarc, inch ding i such accelerated c r additicinal mcinitaring as may be necessar l to dalarrnina the nature, aind a kic of the noncomplying diset arge. q. This WDR ar the Natice all Enrollmeinl from It ei Regic nal Boarr , mail t a madificid, I alvoked and rein s uec, or leirminatllad tir caumi including, bull nat limiled Ia, the follaw'ng: (,I] Vialailian all any farms ar conditlans of #iso WDR ar lhei h cdice ai Enrollment from thEl F egianal boeird; i (2)Obtaining enrarllmeft in this WE A, of a h citice cif Snrallmeinl from the Reigicinal Bciarc , t misieipresentation arlailure la disclase fLJlly all relevan, fact s; I (3) A changle in any cant ition 11hat rElgt ireis et t em a temporairy ai I pElrmanenil reduc icin ar eliminadicin al IhEi discharge subject to was-Ici discharge requirerrienls; cir (�) /I finding that monitaring "indicator" pollutant s llstec in ihls WDR da ncll ensure ccimpliance milth wader quality criiluria cir abjectives for the pallutE nis expected to bel reipresenkid by 1 he "indicalar" pollute nls. i I. llhe filing all a re quasi[ by ihEi enrallee fol mcidificaticin, revocation and iaissuance, cir lElrmina is n of-his AUR cir an as s oeialec discharge N atice ai Enrallmenl from tt a Regional Baarc , ai a natificaticin cd planned change in ar aniiciperled noncompliance with this WDR ar discheirge Ncr ice of 6nrallment daes nal ste y any, con Man cif this WDR ai -t e Natice cif 8nrollmant from 1hEl Regional Hoard.. i I PRcMSIONS 39 1319 CHARGES IIA ON GROUND 1A ATEIR ORDER 110.R9-2 IDS-OM EXIIRACTIOP I TO SURFACE IAIATHRS IPI NPDE S NO.CAGE 19D02 TI E SAN 0 IEGC I REGION E MCEF'1 SAT I DIEGO BA Y s. Notwiihslanding Prc vision 2.Ei above, ill any applicat le toxic Eiffluent sta ndarc an prc hibiilcin 11ineluding einy schec We of a mipliance spacifled in suet effilueint sianedarc on prohibiilion; is prcmulgaled under Section 307(a; of t EI CWA fail a laxic pollutant and 'I hai stil ndarc oil prc hit Mon is mo re vAngent than any limitdticin an the palluta nt in This WDR, the Regional Board may inslitule pnaceedings undeE ilhese neguledicins to rr adify cin revc kEi and reissue 11his WDR lel canforrrl to tt a tacit eifflueni srlandeind or prc hit ition. 11. In addition)tci any oilhen grounds spEicifie d herein, 1his WOR cii a Notice of Bnrc Ilment ircim that F egional Boarc shall be modified on revakEld ai an y timEi 'rl, an tt a basis of any data, the Ree ional Eloand deoleirmines That canIinued dischEir+gEis may cause unneasonable dega dailicin all-1he aiqualic ern iilonmieinl. u. 1 he Regional Ellclarsc on tt a Elineici cin cif the) L SHRA meaiy nequire an y peirson nequelsling enraillmenil undElr this WDR or subject to waste discharge ijaquinamen'ls under this WDF to eipply ton and obtdin an individual NPUBS parmit. Clases where ain individucl N PDRS perrrii may bel Ileiquired include but aIle not limited to the set described in 40 CFR '121,91.2J8 ,Ib;+13)+til and ill: )113)�Jll,, an d where #Ei volurr a cd a discharge exceeds 10 million gallons pan year, all the duralicin of a discharge exceeds 3 years. ' v. It shaill not be a derlense fdr the Einrc flue in an erifdreemlent aid ion Thal erffiueint limitailon vicilations etre ai re9uft of analytical varieibilityy rendering -Ihe results inaccunalEi. 1hEi validity cif thea testing res ulis, whEither oil not _ the Em rc Ilea has mcmiloiiad oil san'l:11ed rric ire 'IrequEntly Than req uinec by. this WDF, shaill no-1'be a defense icl an Einfoncemenl aict'on. w A copy of this A EIR, and the Nai icEi of Enilollmeni 'from the Rei icinail E loeirc shall be pclsle c art a prc n inenl lacalion at or near the EEn rollem's facility, and shaill bei availablei'Icl operaling persionned at all 1lmieis. x. 1 he enrollee shall.takei all reasonable slaps io minimize)an preven-1 any disehEirgel in violatian cif This WDR which has a Reasonable likelihocid of adversely affecting human health oil the Env'ranmeril. y. FloR'Ihe purposeis of This WDRI ffic term permit, gEinerril pemilt, and arc on, shall have-Ihe sarr a meaning cls the)-term WDR uses ellsewhane in this WDR. a. Foil the punpOSEl of INS WDR, It a term Discharge i and EinrollE Ei shaill have --..----.---....---__.-_.-,Ilei same rreianirig"mi ths'IE nm-discharceil u.ied Eilsomhere in this WDA.---B. Moriilcuing and Replarting Pragrarni Rec uirerrierUl I he Efischarger shall comply with the MRP, and lulunei revisions lhenedlo, in At eichmanl P of tt is WDR. RRM ISIONS 4( DISCIW IGHS FROM GROUNDO ATER ORDER NO.R917008-0002 EXTRACTION TO SURNACE WATERS IN tINDES 110.CAGA1=I 7HE SAN DIEGO REGION 1iXCEPT SAN DIEGO BA) f C. Specrial RNOVISlions ' 1. Reopenei Rrovisions (T of Applicad lel) i 1 2. Special "IIludieis, llechniceI Reports and Additional Mcinitoring ReigL iremeinIs (Nat Applicable)) f 3. Best Malnage meant Flraciices and Railution Rreventicin Plan {h ol'Applicable l f 4. Compliance S&ec ules +hot Fipplicableil 5. C lonsl ruct ion, Olperalion and Maintenance Specificeltians , I of Applicable) FI. Special Rrovisians fdr Municipal Facilities (ROTWs ClnlyJ {Nal Applick le; 7. Otheir Speaial Provisions ThEI Dischaglers shall dispose of solids remcivad irom ligL id wasters in a mannen Ihat is cansislen-1 witt Title 'd17 al it a CCR alnd appraveK by 1ha Fkiglanal Sciarc . 8. Ordeir 1 a. R9-2[108-CICI021 may bE rr adifield by the Regionlal Board and BPPI-lo e nabla the c ischeirgen to participate in comprehensive IleglamA manitodng r alctivities canduclEid in IN Southern Callilarriia Hight during IhEI terra al this perrritl. Zlhe irlE ni cif regional manilorincl activities is td me dmiae 1hEI effarU of I c,ill monitaning palrtnelrS L sing al more cost-effective) manilciring design and to best utilize ihel pgolec scientific resourceis of It E rection. During ihesel cciorc inatec 5 arr piing ef'loris,INN discharger's sampling and analyl ical effor I nay bel rea Ilcicaiec io provider a-relg icinai alssElssmeni o1 tt a impa Ict ai i he I discharge al municipal wastewarler la tt a Souiherm Califamia Bigt I. I Aniicipatet madifications is the manitaring prcigrain will bEI eciaidinalec so as llo pravide ei mare compnehensive pica urel a the acologica l and stat'stical significance of rr oniiaring results and to deiarmine curnlulaiive impacts cr 1 veiriaus polluiian sour ces. li predicta b1c rete lionOips among tt El bialogical, warlen quality and Erfflueni monitoring variables can bei demonstrated, it may be apprapriaie'la dWrerase'Ihe disaha rgers sampling rA 0. Can versely, the monli#aring program may W intensiflec if it alppelars thali the objectives cannot b6achieveid tt rough ihel dhcharger's exisiirig manitorincl prclgrc m. llt ese chainges will irr prove ihEl civerall effeclivenass o1 monitoring in the Soul hem Calilarnial Bighi. Minon changes rr ay beI madre wilhau fur hei pt blic not cEi. I I. Camplialnce with thEl effluent limitations cxmttinec in Sec lon IV of -It is IAICIR will be delerminec as spealied belovi: I 1 I ` C:aN H I I/INCIE DETEFIN IN/ITICIN 4'I I DISCHN M S ItflOM GROUND WATEIR ORO OR NO.R9-7008-0007 EXTRAC111ON TO SURFACE WATE RS IN NPDES NO.CAGA 18002 _ THE 9 AN DINGO REGION E)ICEP11 SAC I DIEGO BAY a Al Avferagei Mcinllhlyl EfflueW Lirrilleitlan (AMEV) 111ha average o11 daily discharges civfin al calendair month Eixceeds the AMEL 11or a given paramciten, an alleged violeition will be flaggec anc the Dischargfm will be considered caul oil compliance icir each clay cif tha ll manih lar ttarl pareimeter QEi.g., nes uliing in 31 days ail nan.-corr pliaince in ai 31-c ay me nth 1. The awiragel ail dally dischargeis owinlhe caleindair manlh Thal exceeeids tFei AMEIL fdn a peirarrlEilen will ba consicifineid oul cif carripfiaince ikm chat mcinth only. til cinly a single) sarrlplfi i; 1akeln during 1he caleindan rrlonih and -Ihe analytical result ikir that sample exceeds ihfi AME L, 1hf i Discl argen will bfi cc nsiclaneid out cif compliancfi faii'll ali caieindar rrlcinth. Fall any ane calandail nlarrlh during which nci ,arrlple Qdaidly disaharge; is-laken, na compliance determinarlion can be made akin Thal c leindan nlon'lh. B. Aviiraige Wemklyl Bfflueinit Lilmiltat an (A1111E11) I-1 the avanage crl daily dischairgEis civen a calendan weal a xceads tt a AWEL fdr ai given paramd1ar, an alleged violalian will bei flagclf Id anc lhei Clischarclen will be consicicred aui of compliance fon each day cd iheit week tin 11hal pFirameten, resulling in sENEir days cd nam-compliance. The avenge cif daily discharges civen#a calelndarweek lhfit exceeds Ni AWEL akin a paranlelfin will be considelred ciul all compliancE 1 lcir Thal wEiek only. Il anly a singlEi sarrlple is Taken c uring ihei calendar weak and the anally ical result fan thal sampl(l exceeds the AWEIL, the Dischargen will be considered caul ail ccirrlplianae stir that calandan weak. Ran any cine cellfindcir week curing which rici sampla Qdaily _ c iachange; is taken, na conlplliancEl deiarminarlicin caln t e n•iadei fon-,Ihat aalendan week. Cl. Ma)Iimum Willy Effluoinit Vimlitalliori (MDBL) If a daily dischargfi awxieds lha MDELI fon ai given peinameler, an alleged violafiian will be flagged zinc ihfi Disa1 arclenwill be cxinsidEired ciut al campliance kin ttlert parirn6len-kin ilhat anfi day cinly will in the repgr ingl pEirf od. _ Rcin any cines day during which na wimple is telken, no carripliancei determination can be mac a akin That day. D. Infrtanitanierciusi WRY Iun1 Edffluelnt11imlitalions Ill11he analytical resul Wei single grab sample is lawen ihain Ni inslantanelous rrininlurrl Siff uelnl liniitalian fan a pararralen, a vicilaiian will bfi llacicled Bind the Dischargleii will bfi considf Irec oui cd corrlpliance stir Thal panarrialen kin chat singlei sarrlplf 1. N on.-com�llizinca ik n ezich samgllfi will bfi cansic eiield separdlely 11a.g., 11he iKi,ulis all twci grab samples to kf in within ai calenc an day Thal bad h ages lower than 1hEi in,tanianeaus minimum r: fluani Iirriltaticin wciulc nEISL It In two inste nceS cif nan-complianice with -11 a InsiAntancous minimum efl'1uEint Iirrlillarlicin;. _ E. Inslt;d rite nelciusi Maximum E ffl uaril U imlltal ions I-11he einalAiceil a suit al a single grab s arrpla is I IghEir than the inslan'laneous maiximurrl effluf int limita'tic n 1c r a peinarr eten, a vialaticin will. be flaggled and ihfi Discharger will be considfnec oui of corrlpliancel ak n Thal plararrlEiten fon llhait singlfl aarrple. Ncin-campliance t n each sample will be ccnsic eiiiec sepeir.iely CCIMPLIAINCIE DETERN INAmCIN 42 DISC HARGES FIRM OF OtIt10WAIER OAC 9R Na.RI-21106-ODM EXMC71CIN Ta S l IF RACE WATERS IN NPDE1 Na.UG919002 P 9 SA?I DIEGG REGIaN EXCER T SAN DINGa SAY (e.g., tha results of two grab s amplas taken within a talent ar day#hal both elxceec the instant neous maximum offluelni limitalian would result in twc irlstancels of nan-compliance m Ht ihel it slanlanecurs maAnium efifluoni Iirrltl align). H. Six-Mcinilh Median 9fflucini Llmiitaliori Thel Disahardeln shall de1E rmine the six•man# mec ian effluent/ vafua IISMEV)fdr a given pare-imeler by clalcudating-It a slatisticall meK !an of all daily OIL ani values ilDEVs) lbr each plarameters within eaah sbi-mar th cakindar pericld I iIJanu aryl u nel and July-Deceimben). It a c.IME:1r1 delElrminailar ibi a gliveln a ix- rrlonih callendan N riad stall not/ inciude DEVs halm any ocher six-month I clalandar pri(od. If only a s inglie DIR is otlainec fdr a paralmeilelr during a six- rrlonih calelndal pen'od, thal DEV shall del censicered the SMEV fdrthal pararnlelier ibr that givan six•-month talent an pq riod. Me 1IME V shall be at ribu ed is each day all the slx-montt calendars period foi delarminaiion of compliance with the sic-rnonlh median effluent limiialion (ISMELJ fal a given pararrlelei cars each day all Thal givar six-month calendan pleriad, Multincl in alppraximaleIN 180 days of non-compliancle CIE pending an the numbEI of days in 1ha six-rr onih calendar plarioc- If the SM E V ealcaeds-ihe six-month median, the Discharger will be conic eI ed ou of cc rnlpllianclel fol cacti c ay fol the six-ma nth par'od. Me SN EN cannai be dalermined fon any six manth clalandal period d uri ncl wt ict no 13EV is adtainec. I I I I 1 7 CUMPLIAlh CIE I]ETEFiMINArrnN 43 I DMHARGES rIROM GROUNDWATER ORDE R NO.F 9-20084102 EX 11ACTIC N TO SURFAO 8 WA TERS IN P IPDES NO.CAGG19M i TIM SAN DIEGO RE GI ON EXC EIPT SAN DIE GO BAY Atiaahmenl A— I]efinitionl9 I Aniili neitic Mean1 (p' , allsa called ihEi average: ft a sum of measured values divided by fF a number ail samplers. Flar ambient waien concentraitcins, 11he art hmelia mean is . I calCHaiec as fclllciws: Arirlhmletic mean = N =Glx l n where: Fac is tY a surri ail iha measure d amibienit wallErn concernllratians, and n is r the numlban cif s amiplas. I Averaga Man11 fi ly Effl ueinl Limitation (AMOL,: the highest allawabie average col daily I clischarges c van a calendan rric nth, calculated as the sum cif all daily disahaNles 1 measured cluhngl a calenda n rric nth divide( by 1ha number c f daily disc 1 arges mleaSCied 1 during That micinth. Averag Ei H enakly Effiuenit Limit;fan JAWRL,: lhei highesl allowable average c1 daily I discharges c ven a calaridan wEiek QE-lunda y thrULigh flaiurdayl , calculaled as tt a SLrrl(f all daily disci aisles rriciasulled during a rA lendar week divided by the numnbE r al daily 1 discharges.measured clurinlg Thal wEaek. i . 1 Biciacau miu lailiv a Palluta nti: these subsianceslakein up by an c rganlism frdm its surrounding med iurnr through gill membnaines, epith elial liss uer, cin 1 rom ik od and 1 subsequeiniiy concuntr;l ted and nEdalnec in 1hEi be cry oil ti a c rgeinism. i 1 Ceiralr ag en la Flollutar ts: Substances that arse known to ce use ca.ncen in living c rganisms. i I Coefflaileir 1 of Valuation (CV : a measure c11F a da'IEi varirability and is calculalerd as the esfmalec siaindarc cleviaiic n divided by the airitbmEitic meain c'I the c- t ser%ied values. I Cone oil gErpinessionl: A (repression in-rhe walar Table that delved(ps auc and a q umrped well. 1 Corer oil Influeir ce: Tho depression, roughly conical in shaipe, q ruclUced in a vialein tElble t y the pumping c1 watell from a well. Cor tairilnlaoljar 1911ter A site thal is currently under invesiigaition c n cleanup ik r any medium Fair, se il, wales', aii is praviclud oversight by any local, slate, c r 1kideral environmEirrtal reclulaic ry agency, such as t a ac unty cif 9Ein Diegc , Air pc Ilu is n I Cl(nircil Dislriat, and DepatrlmEint cil Toxics Elubsiaince Conilrol, c r the quality oil surface watell on groundvl aleil al a site has been at erec by wastes lo a deguee whiah 1 uniiiiascnably afllacts either the waters fern beneficial uses ort faciltlias wl ich semi these beneficial uses:._ 1 Daily Disaheirgii: Daily Discharge is defined as either. 111) 11he iciad maiss cf the constiluenl dlschargad even the calendair clay,117 a.m. lhrouclt '11:119 p.m., c r any 24- hour period lhait seasonably rlepresenls a calendar)day fair purposes cf sampiincl (as specified in the permit), -Ic r1 a cc nslituent with limilailicns expressed in units c-1 mass cr, AITTFIC IHN INT A-CIERINETIONS A-'I 1 I ' i DI: (}IARGES FROM GROUNDY1AT01F OR[9R NO.F 9;740810001 EXTRAC710N TO SURFACE%A ATERE IN NPDES NO.CAG919002 THE SAN DIEGO F EGION EXCEPT SAN[ IEGCI BAY 112; •I he unweighted arithmieiic rrlEian measurement of ilhe conslitilere civeu the day foli a conslfluen-1 with limitations expressed in othen uni-Is of measuremen-1 (e.g., con cent cation). The daily discharcle may be detenmineid by the analytical results of a c ampc site.samplel Taken ovein cher courw oil one day lei calendan day, on o-It en 24-Ihauu poricid defined as a day), or by 0 a aniilhmeilic mean of analytical wisults fiiclm one on more gnab samples 11aken over then course of-Ihe day. H on c omposile sampling, if one day is defined as a 24-hatin period other t han a calerndan day, the analytical result akin the 24-hclur pericid will be c onsidelned as'Ihe uesuft ilor the calendar day in w hich the 24-hciun pericid ends. Datecleid, tlui IN o1 Quantified 101NQ): those sample iiasufts less111an 11he Reporting Leriel QRLI, buil gneEden tf an an egUal io the laboralclry's Melhod Deitectian Limit illy CIL). Dilulhrn Creldil : the amount of dilution grantedlo a Dischaglai in they calculallicrn al a ,Amen qualityl-base.( effluent limi'latian, based on the allawance cif a spea'rfled mixing zone. V is calculated from the dilution nalio, do delerminErd #rough canducting a mbdng acne study, on modelling olIhe dlsahairge and iieceiving wallen. Eff lue nii Cance nllralionl Allows nee QEICIA : al value derived frrlm 11he wallen quality cri erion,objecilve, dilat'an credit, and ambfen'l background concentnalion 1ha-1 is used, in con juncilaln with the coufficien'l o1 vainiatian foci It(i effluent monitoning dattl, to calc elate a long-term a)iorcgo ALTA; disaharge ccinaentration. "the 9CIA has the same rri6aning as waste laad allareiilicin QWL4) m useid in l SERA guidance (llechnicaii Sud par Documen-1 Floe Wateu Qualify-bused Toxics Corr nal, March 1991, sucand printing, ERA150&2-901(10'I'. Enialased Bayq: indentaiicins slang cher coasl that encllaise an area cif ace anic water within diatincl headlands an hartan Acirk3. Bnclosed bays include all bays wheiie the - nannowast distance between the healdlands on autemiciat harhan%abs is less than 75 percanl of the greatest dimension ail the enclosed portion cif the bay. Enclased bays ~ include, but ane not Iirrii'Ied to, F umibd idi Day, Bodega F art cm, 70males Cay, Dral e's Esieiro, :Ian H rancisco Say, Morro Bay, Las Angeles-Laing Beach Harbar, d ppgr and Lawen Newpart Islay, Miss icin Bay, and San Diega Eay. On closed bays do ncrl inc lode inland surface wallers ar ocean waters. I Ncrticic oil Enrallm i w: A notice ilrom the Regional Sciarc to tt a disaheirgem that the N 01 appliaaliain has been accepted aind 'Ihe project is enrolled in tt Is WEIR. '1Ihe N mice of 1 Ennollmenil will spe cifyl the disclharcle flcm limit, any additional or increrase in manitoring i due lo specific aircumatancEis of the discharge, or othen re quirement€1. Esi imiated CHEirr1cal CanciE nlrat ani: the esiimailed chemical conceni ration That results from tt a confirmed delEIG iCln oil 'lhe substance by the analytical method belowihe Minimum Level value. AM ICHMENT A-[161HIN[TIONS A-2 D19 CHARGES RRON GROUNDWATER OR[ER NO.RD-200"D07 EXII RAM ION TO 9 URFAC9 WATERS IN NPOE9 NO.4 A09IMM 1 TF 9 SNI D IEGCI REGIO?I EXCE PT SAN DIEGO BA11 E alluaries: w.-iten, including coast I lagoons, locailed at tt a mouths of strecims thci i sEirve as areas i; of mixing tan fresh and cacean wateirs. Caast91 lagoans and niouihs cif streamsthai ane temporarily seapaaeated irami the ciceain by sandbars shall be considEared astuariev. 9sivadrie wallEirs shall be considered to extend from a bay cin&e open ocean I -1 a ai pclint upstneaam wheirei ihEire is na 9 ignificarrl mixing of ire sh water and seawaleir. I Esl uaarinei wateir includee, t tit etre ncd limited -lo, tt e E acrarr enter Sean Jaaaqtiin Delta, cis defined in Wailer Cade section 1221210, Suisuri Stay, Carquinez Strait dawnstrean to ihEi Carquin az OddgEi, and apprapriale auras all•Ihe Smith, Maid, Elfil, ISciyo, Russian, Klamath, San Iaiegca, and Ota l)1 riven. 13sltiaidEis da not Include inland stidaceawater, on i acean waters. in leant Su rfacie Waters: till sudaice►Writers cif 1 hu E tate ih.t do not include the oa ean, enclosed bays, on easluaries. Inlaanc suit aace watE r consisl of ilarshwarlear and do not I ave ny measurable salinit)j. I I Instar tar eau Maximiumi Efflucrill Limina-liar : •11 ei highest allowable values fcu any I singles grab samiplEi of aliquot I1i.Ea., each grub sample car aliquoil is indepeandein•lly comp irad to tt a instil ntaneous mevimiumi limitations. I Iristar taneous Min Imiu mi Hfflu or t L imilU tion: the kawes allowable value icor any in gle grab samipici al aliquot iji.e., each graib saimple or ailiquoi Is indepEindently companEad to tt a instdntanec tis minirnium limiita tianj. I Maaiimiumi Daily EfFluer i Urnitator IMDBLI: thea highest bliciwaable dE ly discharge of a pollu•lan1, civet as ealendcr daN (cii 244 hciui ped ad). Rai pallularr s W,lh limitations ' expressec in unitd cif mass, the daily dig chart a is eaiiculEated as the lcrlal mass of the polio ani dischairrlEid over the day. Fol pollutants with limbficins elxpalssed in other I units of nwiasumiment, the daily dischagle is calculated as the arithmiflic mean mEiasumime nt all the pollul aan t ovein 1hEi day. I I Median: #Ea m iddiEa meaasurernaerd in E i sell of daki. llhe meidiE in of a set cif daitd is found by firs f arranging 1Iho measure rnienis in cinder all magna tide I1eithei increasing on deeneaasing arc ei 1. 11#E i numben of miE109 ureme n•ls (n� is odd, then t he mEadian =Xl„+jy2. I til n is elven, thEin thea median =Q(ry •+I X w,)+11121 Iji.e., 11hc midpoint bEtwE en the ntlil an d 1 r,12-H'I�. ' Method Detection Uimill (MD1J): tt a minimum concern rasion of a substance•11 ail can be m easuned and neapor EX with c c peirnic int confidence thai1 the ainalyte ccancenti slion is greater than zero, ais dErfined in title 4( cif thEi Code of Federail Redulalicins, Ravi ,1'116, Atiachmein-I a, revised eras of JUIN 3, '1 c�9. Minimiumi Level IlMLI: tt c cancEantraticin all which 1hEi entire Einalylical system mull give - -- - - arrecagnizableisig nalair d"a we ptablecalibrationpainil,- TheMListteconcentnalioriin-r - sample 11hal is eiquivaleni •Ica the concern raiian o1 1h(i lowest calibrattan stxlndaan einalyzed b)1 ai spEacific analytical pacEidure, eras suming III hal all t1 ei rr el had s pecifaed saarniple weights, vcalumes, and processing sic ips have been followed. I AT7AaHMEw A• DEFINITIONS A-3 1 r C ISCHAA GHS■AOM 0 A OUNDWATER OR DER NO.R91200"002 ' EXTRE CTIOI I TO Sl RAAC9 WATERS IN NPD1 9 NO.CAG111002 THE SAN DIEGO REGIOP EXCI1Pll SAN DIM aAY Ming Zanie: €i limitea vc lurria of receiving walein that is allocaieid fou rriixinc wi h ai wastewalein dischEirgei wt Eire waleu qualit l ciitleirki cain be excEiedeid wlthoul causing adverse eiffEicts to the overall wafer body. h of Deltecited (It d): too a sample neisuils less Than the IEiborator)I's MOIL. h otl ae of Intenit IN01): A corm compleded and signed by a C ischargeu nottfyjng lhei FlegianEil Board Thal tt a d isa harden is applying icer einrc Ilmenl undein thei tends and aondttions a1 the VI laF and AIII comply with the WDR fdr a groundwatein extre-cticin activity al a specific site. T olicie of 1lesminizrda-ni jN07): A lEglen eompledec and signed by a Dis a hagjeu ncltifying the Regional Boarc That 1ha Discharger no longeii wishes to discharge undein ihEi WDR. Submission of a NOl cons itutes nalice that the owner Qand his hen agenil oil the site identified on -II a 1etlEin has ceased disaF arge grc undwaieir assaciateid wilh grcund-olaten wdrac icin activilles at the site under tt is WDR. Ooeair Wanleirs: the -lenri cirial marine walers cif the %I1ade as defined by CEilifcinnia taw to the ex enl it ase wafers are cru-lside of eincicised bays, esluaries, and coastal lagcions. [11scharceis la cicean%ei ers are reigulaled in accondance with the SUie Boarc's California Ocean Fllan. Rum anicindl gnoundwEiter exitnaclticir acolivilles: Ground%ei en ax naction opeiralions icer atn.ictunes which ' ' ane not designed or consin cted io witl stand hydrostatic pressure cin _ do not preclude infiliraiion oil groundwa en, Eind 2� require reimaval cif grc uridwa-en to preivenl waian in1111uatian -o the struclure(s, Rersistenl ;alirilainits: substEInees fou wt ich degradation on decomposiiian in -t e einvirc nmfmt is nonexistern cin veir)l alciw. Radius cif InifiiIG111C U 7 I era dial distance from the center cd a w illbore •ci 1he1 pclini - wheirs thare is na low ering oil it a wElten tE ble cin poi eintiomed ric surface Ill he edge c111 I ha cone of depnessicin). Replan incl Lavel iIRII): •he ML (and lis assacialed analytical melhcid', chosen by it e _ d isct angers-Ion Irepor ing and compliancE i ded ermina ion lrc m t he MLs Ina luded in it is VI CIR. Tha MLs included in this V1 CIR correspond -o appnoveid analytical methods fcln wporling a sample rEisult Thad area saiecled by the Regional Soarc eilhen 11rc m Appendix 4 al the SIP in accordance with seicticin 2.4.21 cif ihEi SIP, or established in accardrmca wish sectior 21.4.;1 of the 31R. The ML is basad on the proper application crI melhod- based analytical prcceduue9 fan sample prepeiralion and it abseince a any ma'rix - inierfenEinices. Ott en faclars may be applied -Ici the ML depending on-I e specific - - s triple pnipsrz tiort steipv err played:-A of .e xaimple,,Ihe tri atrr e M NpicEilly appiied-irr------- ._--. -. cases wt ene -It ere are matrix-eflecls is ici dilute the sampla cn sampler aliqluol by a falctor o111en. In such Cases, this additionai ilaclon must be applied lo lhei ML In -he computation all Iha RL. ATraici� N ENT A- DEFINITiciN5 A-4 DISCHARGE1 FRCIN GRC IUNDWATER CIRDER NC I.R9 2(0&0002 EXT RAOTICIN TO SURFACE WATERS IN PIR DES Na.CA091904 2 TI-E SAN DIEGa RIIGION EXCnPT SAN DIEGO)W Elate Hit Collect one %stem: thea porgy lan, i1 any, cif a sanity aryl selwar syslarri awr ec aii ciperale( by E i Of eire rrl public agency than tt a sgency that awns and ciperaites the waslevraitaii treE trrElnt lacility lha'I a seinitaryl scweii sy.tam is lribUairyta. Elix-Mareth Median Offlt ent LJimitaaticini: tt a hidhesi allcmE ble melt ian cif all tally d ischE rgEi. , bE sed cin 241houn flow weighted compo-Ole samples, fdr any 1 a(]-< ay pElriad. I I :ICIUKiE cif Dr nking Waiter: any wE tan c esignatec as municipal ail damestic surlply I IIN l h) in a Regicinal E oarc Bassin RIE n. Stalnceirc Oeviatron 4,: a mciasuim a1 variability ilhat is calculated eis fallaws: I C1 = (Z[Ilx - p)']I n - '1;,0.9 when: I x I. thEl abserved w It e; i N i. the Elrithn etic mean cIf the) cik same id values; aind i n is thEl numbell cif samples. Te rr plararyDisah a■ge: CJischargf i of ek rats ec C round AElten wast E e frd n 5 roundA ate i cif ianurl with eI prcjEicted cleanup cafe ain( subsueElce EDccavation that reiquirEis grcundwaii m Eix rad icin than is not a pamianant droundwataii Eixtraciion acliviN. I I laischargE es ail c rcundwalfir ian the Flurpc se a1 prc'lecling subtelrranciEin stat cturEi9 ircm grcLindwallErn infiltration ane) not consideirec grc unc%witeu cleanup prcjeld's, wheihaii ar nal suet dischargEl. cleanup an remove ppllu'lanls from the)groundwE teen. These aci'vlties may ba covenied unden the stE,I(wide gfinelral � RDE;= F em it lion discharges I frcrri utility vaults and undElrgrc and struciu res lci surface walar 11CAGgEloom1). Tcmiciity Ret u citicin 9vak,a:Iticini i TRS): EI .tudy Conducted in EI .tep)wise prc cess design(id 10 iden-lifythei causalive algenis cif effluent on ambient toxicity, isolala the I SOUIV IS ai toxicity, Elvalualel 11he EIf ectivenElss of toxicity conlrc I options, and them confirm 1hEI 110dudiian in taxicity. The fir:t slops all the TIRE consist cif the CoIlEiclicin of I dalal relElvE n1 io ihEl tOACitj, including addi'licinal Icixicit�l telsling, and an ova luaiian of + facility apenat ions and mainlensince par ectices, and bet,t managemad pracl ices. A Toxicity Ic en'lificalion Evalualkin IlTI9) mE y bel requirec as par of#(i TRO, ill. appropriate: (Al 7II8 is a set of procec t res to idElntify 1hEI spgciilc chErnical[s] ' aesponsible fou toxicity. )these proceiduneis are per onmec in three t:lhases [charadieriaalion, ideln-lification, ainc confirmallion] using aquatic one anism lcixicity lcisls.1 A alers till ilhe L nitEld .Itdiles cin waiters cif tt a U.S.: 440 e-GF R 122,2, Ma rch 2% ' 20(13) Ila) All walars which are currently tisec, AenEI tis ed in tt a past, on may be I SUSCerltibie lause) in.intelrstE. C11'le fdnnign commairCe,I�ncludingl ail M18 ar's' _wHich a... subject o the Elbk and flow of tFa WEI; (b; All in'lerslatei welers, including inlerstaki r "wlellands;" jc; All alhen walars such as inlraslate lakEls, rivens, sllreams Qindluding ` iniamiitlant sliiElamsl, mudflats, saindflads, `,o at lands," sloughs, prairie) Flolhalfis, wed meadows, playa Iakf is, on natural pant s the) use, degrr dation, on dustruclicin till which would siffeid cin could afkict inters ale on iareign commerce including any such waters: ATTPICIHN ENT A-CIEFINITiaNS A-5 { I DISCI HARGES RROM GROUNDM ATEFI ORDER F M.R912008-M2 EXTRACT ION TO SURRACE MIAT■Rs IN NI 10 9S NO.CAG119M2 TH9 SAF DIEGO RIGION EXCEPT SAN DIEGO BAY r -4 (1) Which are or could be used by in'lersiaile aI forcign travelers fon recreational or alheir purploscis; (21 Fram wt ich fig h or s t ellfis h are or could be to kem and sold in irltersia'le on iklreign commerce; or (3) Which are usEid of could be used fon industrial purposes by Industries in intersrlate commerce; (d)VIII impqundmEirts oil wateiis crtherwisel defried as wale rs ail lhel Unileld Sales under this definilion; (e) l ribuilaries cf waters identifield in paragraphs (a� -It rcuglh ild) of this defrnhicln; 11f)llhe lerriiorial s ea; and I1g) "Vole tlands" adjacent -Ic waters (cilheii-It an wafers tkal aIle themselves werllands,' lde ntified in paragraphs (al -It rcugh i1f)cf this definiilion. Waste trealmeln'l systems, including lreatme ni ponds c r laglc ons designed to meErl thE1 requirements oil CWA(cltt en tt an cooling pc nds as de fined In 40 CHF 423.11(ml which also meal the criteria)c 11his defir ition' are not wallcirs cf the United Stdtes. This e)Iclusion applie s only to manmade be(lies of wateii which nelthen were) oniglina lly cnelaled in werlers cf the Uni'led .Itales (such as disposal area in wellandsl neu resulle d barn 1hE'1 impqundme nt cil welters of the Unite d 9lalee. Wa Iers of the L n1led stales c o nic l include prier ca nve rted cropland. Notwithstanding the delle rminatic n e1 an aneai's status as pnc r conve rtec cropland by any olhE1n ielderal agency, fan'lhe purposes cf the Clears VI alelr Act, the final autt only regarding Clean MiterAci jurisdiction remains with EIRA. 1 . I - { 1 _ ATIACJHMEM A-CIEFINITIONS M �. r' DIS CHARGES F;ON GROUNDWATER CIRDER Na.R9-:I c a-oow EXII RAC11ON Ta SURFAC9 WATERA IN NPDNS NO.CA 0919002 TFI9 SAN DIEC30 R11GIOP EXCERT SAN DIEGO BAY Atte chmeni E 1 — Ndlicei at In-lenl Farm NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISC HA RG E G RCIUNDINATER EX`FRAICI ICIN WASTE TO -IURRACE WATERS VI ITHIN THE SAN DIEGO REG ICIN EAC aP1 FOR SAN DIEC CI BAY SUBJECT 1 CI C EINEWIL WASTE-DISC HARGIE RIEQUIRIEMENIS IN ORDER NCI. R9-�I0CI8-CI0(12 gNPDES NCI, CAG919002) GEINEWIL.'AAS11B DISCHAIRGB F EQUIREMSI`TS HOF OISICH ARGEIISI FROM GROI h UWATER EX 17WICITION ANO SIMILAR VI IASTEI EIISCH ARCIES TO SURFAICE WAIEIRS WITHIN THS SAh D18C30 RUGION DICERT F10R SAN DIEGO BAIT (WDR) Attach Roar 201CI (carr pidec and signed) and addilianal shEIE to as ne cessarl to provide complete inikirmation requeisied in this Nance crf Inleint I NOI). 1. STIPE L.A710N OR APPL ICABIL.ITYI ANO CORTIRICIATION ❑ I have dE1e rrr ined that 1hE gr( rindwalen ex racled wasla discharge will be ici navigable walE rei cif the Uniled SWE s will' it to San Diega Region and Thai any Volaliain oil efi ueni IimiI3 will be subject 1ci Mande iar� K inimum RenaltlE s undo r Clalifarr is VI la1E r Cade secticin 13%oI85(h) a nd (i). ❑ I havE de-1E rrriined that this discharger is eligiblE fail enrcllmenl in this General "Was1E Elischarc a Requirarr E Ms' (Vi EIR) because the dischargE will ccirriply with the ElischargE Specificaiicins ai111his WOR. ❑ I helve nE aid This WDR Order!`o. R9.20108.•QOCIrgi and herEiby C*irtify theft: 1. 1 undE rstd nd the nequiremenis cif Orc er No. R9-20(6-C1 laz ,2I.- ThE E nciciseC inlarmalicin describing my pr(pasec graundwalE r extrsialicin MSIE discharge is aaaunale and describe: a dischargEi 1hol mentis the requireiments all Order�o. R9-,diaa8-aa(12, which is the appliczblE gEnE nal graundwaier mcivacticin waste discharge pemii'l. .I. I will cc imply with all temis, conditions, and ne91uiramerrls of WDR Onc en No. R9-0ow-OaCl2. ATTFICIHIN INT 81 —IS MKIE OF INTENT S' 1 D19 CHARGES HRON CIROUNDNATER ORD OR NO.H 9-300MIl IX EXl RAM ION TO 9 URFAa 0 WATERS IN MPDES NO.CAG919M P 10 SAP I DIEGO RaGiOPI EXU OPT SAN DIEGO aA)I I. SIMULATION OF ARRLICIABILIT111 AND CER711FICATION I I cer ifjl unc ell pElnalty of law that this documelni, Rorrr 21CICI, and all attachrr encs wel E prepared under rr y dll c ction oil superaisian in accordance with a syslam designee to ensr.ire J at qualified perscinnel propurly gal hen and Eivaluale 'he infdrmation submittec. Based an my incluirA cif tt a person ai pgrsons who manage l he sysic m cin tf ose dlreclly re sponsible ilor garlhering Ih,, infclrmalian, tla inikirmarllan sul: mittEd is Irue, accurala, and comple'le to 1hE best cd my knowledge anc belles. I am aware Thal there are significant pEnafties son submitting ilalsE inikirma-lion, including -t e possibility o'I line anc imprisonmunt. In addition, I cerl'fy that the provisions of tf a permit, including IN crilEria lkir eligibility will be complied with. A. Printed Name: B. SignatU ties": C. Date: + U. V IC : I f 'The appropriate pens on must sign the application form.. - L Aa sept: k Is s ignatures a1le: 1.for a carp ovation, a prim ipal a xmiNo offlcen of at leas t tha leve I of 3 n ion lice-pne; ident; 2.Jor a pa rtn a 1lship c r individua I(sola r ropnietc n5 hip),a gee nera pgrtnen on the p roprietor; 3.ilon a ga vevnments I or put lic s genal, elft ev a principal executive office r a r rain king else ed/apps intact ofticia . i II. ITHMS RHC IL IFIBD FOR OB78RM IN CI 8L IGIBILITYI ❑ Al. Iden1IN wind discuss technical and Eiconorr is feasibility_ oll alternative disposal options. ❑ B. I•I dh chard ing is an MS4, obtain authorization frcrr the apprclpriaiE municipality and submit praioll. ❑ U. �lubmit scale apprapriate vicinit)l map{s,. ❑ U. flubmil a cornlpielec and signed Form XIC1 Vpplicailicirr/;ilportoil Wasilei Disclia rgei, Clen a ral In farm ailkin fcir Waste Disch a rgei Re c.uirem(inllsi or NPE ES Pem it). AmICIHN ENT 9'I --N CTIICIE OF INT'EN7 B'1-2 I DISCIRAF GES FROR GROIIPIMME:R ORDER NO.89-5 DO&D00, I EXTRACTION TO 3LlRFACE WATERS IN NPDE; NO.CAGG19009 I THE SAN DIE:GCI REGION EXCEPT$API DIEGO BAY III. I OTICE OF INIEN79TATUS I - A. Is dlis a rer ewal 011 an expidnl W1]RI7 1.❑ No 2.❑Yes,Clyder P Ia.: I - IV. GROIJ N DWA7E R EX'IRAC'IIOh M RORMATION A.Nate re a 1(Iroundwa ter Extractic n Acth airy: y 1.❑SI bsurfaae E:cave Ila n a.❑Foundation b.❑Tiinne ling a.❑Ca r struction d.❑ Fa ting e.[ O>fhen 1 2.[ Remec iaif'c n Praijec 1 3.[ Otl e r I B.❑ Tt i:i project is assoclatec wittl a project that requires Rgllonal Board license,pgrmit,or oversight? Explc in:Ck r strvction storm vmb n,4C 11 Nrtiflcai'a ray WDR,UST c r e eanup pro jeci,etc) i C.DIL raticn and Start Gate 1.Praipow Start Di to of G1raikindwilter ExtrActian Cpscharg': 2.Es in ate d Clurantion oil Clroi indwaten Extraction Dische q e: I G.1.0 Descrit a ttle I isle ri ail use of tt a land withfr 111E cone radio s oil influennce: 3.❑ isle ntify a II kn owe con tamin al lar-sites and grc un d wate r ph mea wlft In t alfl m ile a lead I gra indwater extraction point tc bd used In Me project. E Itti ch a source of cxxtE ruination deiscripf'on a nd lis of constit i nts. I E ItU a h s its assesarr ent(11 c ne t as bee n(ions) f I E.For a as h c lisa hart a pqint Identify tt a locatia n of discharge accoR int I to ttle 1a llowrnl,(shoe In v'cln ity map) 1-❑Stom'Draln, C Athict prom a f authorVation from the appropriate munlclpalitl fon the d dare rge Into ttle I 9 orm drs in a r ca rn ieye nce used I W cam iet thil I disd arge. 3.❑Directll into i urface watE n,❑submerged or❑an#M III urface I " 3.Salinity of tl•Ie Tilt ME ry a t the dlsche rt a pa int I I F.Will treatrr ent be rgc uired tc meet the Discharge Specificatla ns of alis W DRI 1.❑Yes ].❑ No III ea,attach the following: a.[ �I repgrt curtilyla g U If ac lege racy of each cora ponent of the trwI tmant fi ciliilen on aft n type A contla(ency plan. Tt a re port sl all alsa cartffy ttlel- i .(1)❑all treatmE nt faa ilftyl sh Irh Ip and I c peratior instruclk n manuals a re i ac legi ate arm available tc opE rat'ng personrie 1, (7)❑e dequate treatmc a fd cfif)I rneia tenar cel anc U sl Ir g(f I treatment M cilif'es are a n"stanc by) :n cl a duly s a re inc uc le d In It le th alma nt facilibI a pen tion a mane al, (I)❑tm atn ent fan pities and a p pi rleria n ces car be fully c perat onal,e s designed,within 7 d ha uni,enc (I)❑i r I tient and efluent sampling locet'ons a r parts)E is Ic ci ted in i real when se mpleai rellreruartedi ie I of the we ste strewn to t e moot ored can t e of tainec . - ---t.❑ - --Tile da sig n engineer st a 11 afllx I Is/her sig n ate re:n nd e n glnwrfng license-ii umbE n b fl Ifs - - ------ -- ----- ---- cartilaition report i - d i - ATTACIHN ENT 13"1 —NCITICE QF INTENT 131141 1 1 DISCHARGES FROM GROUNDVI ATE R ORO 9R NO.R912008-0107 EXTRACTION 70 SURFACE VIIATE RS IN NPDES NO.CAG919W: THE SAN DIEGO R 9GION EACEF°'T SAN D IEGO BA)l IV. GROW DVI ATER EXl RACI 10h M RORMfi TION G.Additional AttEct mania 1.❑ Das a rite tx st rr ar age me r t pre dices (brr p)ani amtingerl cy pian. 3. ❑ Proiiida the results of the ana ly'i! of the(roi ndwater h be extracted frlr all of those caasdtuents,es ileterm In e d bl the a an piing req ulneme nt arrmrh, describer In tt III WDR,f l r the proposed receiving Ovate r 41:d. 1 V. RECE W G WATER II+ F ORMAITION I A Nan a of receiving water(s):(San Diego River,Rainbow Creek, Pacific Ocean,etc.) B.Descrit a tl a types of receiving waters affected:(bay,creels,river,etc.) J 0.Re ca Iv ng water 1 om seasor ally 1.❑Y ei 2.[]t Ic D.M a n:I0Is n a r e slischa►ge pgint h prgposed? 1131e: 3.0 No tf'iei,how rrary? M d distan a l betwee a poir b Incit ide In\1iair ity N e p - 3. 1 tior of 0 Ischarl a Po nti:(attach) E,is mil le: Outh II Q 01 (L atituck I ai c I_"Ituds) E. Proposes Fia w(MGD or gpr I)al the discharl e: J 1.N az'mun• Dische rge 2..AM raga Daily Illowra e: 3.Bai Is for i ow rata a stirr ates(if necessary attach): w FI.Hysin:logid Subarea Nsimt er(s)at Die pc int of cliscl F rge: I ' AmicIHN 8 N7 81 (TrICIE 01 INTE NT B'1-4 11 ISCHARGIIS FF OM I ROUNDIA ATtIR ORDER NO_RS 2408-0002 EXTRACTION TO St IRFIACE 1A ATER9 IN r IF DES t IO.CAG!1900 2 THE SA N DIA GO REGICIN EXCEPT SAN O IEGO BAY VI. AFIPLIICA71ION RE E The initial fee and an nuaI fail are t ased upon the type o f pgllutants to bE die cl arged or pglx ntie III diachaq ad. Mal a aheckE pays ble to'SWR CIB'and inalude thi project's name in ttle'marrW field. ❑ CJalegory 3 L cmies TI rest to Wates Quality The discF aglle will not reqs iire a ny treatment. Clurren file ie $1,001 phis: 1&1 surete rile=$1,1M ❑ dategory] N oderste Threal td W ater Quality The disci arg a will be from a well then ha s a contarrinsh d sib within the ra( iva of influence. Curren fed ie $9,901 p Ii is $1,31 surrh an:l e-$3,437 ❑ Category'I Hlghesl 7hrea 'lo Waten Quality The disdtaq Is will require tri atment to meet eflluem Arnitafoi :. Current file in$A1,800 pltiF $9611 surcharge=$5,688 AnAial-IN ENT 81 —T ❑IUCIE OF IwIEW 811-5 s DISCI IAF GE S IIROM GROUNDWATER ORDER 110.R9120DB CO12 E>CIlV CTIOI I TO:tIRFA(1EI WATER: IN NPDEIS NO,CAG919D02 THE SAN DI9GO REGION EXt19PT SAN DIE 0 D BAY VII. M TIE E GREDA1110h P OLICIE 'S A.❑Statern(nt c f cornplis nae wilt 41 Cf R 131.12 and Stdte Wsrter Resourt ea Control Bptlrc F E idutlon No.68- 16 &16(atta(h)(collectively antidegreclai'on pc licies) 41 Cf R 131.12 A M'declinadation po0cy. (a)TI e :tate al all c evelop and adopt a stalgWi le a nildegrader to n poiicyl ant Ida ntlfj the moU ods fdr ini pie m or tlr 1 such pDlicj ptiniumunt tc this subpart TI a antldegrac atlor policy a nd Imp Ie me ntat'on mothc i s shall,al a minimum,be cDas Iste at%th tl Is fi111owing: ' (1)Existing Instrean water ua es ant Ole lemel a ws ter qualilll ■ecest aryl tc p roted the axlstlin g uses st all be nee tnta■ec ant pro bl stet - (2)W1 a rei the quallb of Mi w.tars a xeeet levels necessary tt support propagatlor o list,sheillis h,end vildlthl and rec reai'on In and e in the ws tar,tit t q uelft; o N II t e n1 aint.Ined and protected unless the State finds,after full ea bsfaction a BIe intotgt ria mme ntal coon Ina tlon artd public participat on prav4 Ions oft Stain's cont ming planning proaam,tha allowini towel water q ua It is r ecessa ry to ac carr modeb I Imp ortan so nom Ic c r so ficial dem etoprll ent in 1:1-ml area Is which Ole water arai locaeted. Ii albwim 6 aunt i lei raclailon c r love w.ter qualltl,the SU to shall assure vA Iter qual ty a dequate tc p tutee a xisfo E use: fully. EI Irtheii,the Sb:tr a hal assures tilt More a hall be a chleved the high est statutory a rK regi laic ri reigt tiro merits fort all new and exist rq point atreses and s 11 cos-ef etive a nd rasa on at le beast manaB smart pre a ccs for ni npoinl source a irrbot_ (3)Will an higt q uslity waters a netu N an a ulstt ding 1lalIon a]resoura i,a uct as wate rai of National a rm State parks a nd w Idllfil refulleai,,nd yr tars of excel banal ri c eatia no I or eco log cal s I£nii tante,thal vrital q tri lit)s 112 11 a m alota r ed arc protectec. (4)In those c4 eas wheral pole nilal water qua Ity Impairment associated whit i therm:I dischi gis is Involved,the anttdegroc ation pollal1 or i irri pleme nting m e rho I shat!be conslshm, w11h secl'om 316 of d la Ad. REI CILUTICIN NCI,4 8.11 STA TEMENT Of POI ICY WITH RESPECT TC N AftITAINING IIIGH CIUPLITY Of WE TEM IN CALIFCIF Nip WHEREAS fin GIIIforr is lei islatum I an c eciared that it h tl Is polic7 of 9I State 9 tat the granting d pormth and ticenses fdr ural propriatm water and the c la pass I of wastes lntc the wate re i f the Stilt it he 11 be no regulated an to achleve highest waU r qi Ie11tI I cans stet»w 8 I ni aedmt m i be nsfit bI tl Is people d the Std til arm stw 11 be eontri Ileid so e a to p rornotl the peq ce,heattl 1, ser sty and we Iia re a Etta poop is a It a Sb te;and WHERE A9 ws ter q ua Ilty control policies have been and are being adopted for wateni a the Sb to;and WHER1 AS If n q[ality of so in i e we tars of the Ste h Is t ighe r than that estal list ed by the ads ph d p ollcles as c It Is the into ut a nd piIrposs i f#lie 1cand thlatsurf higher quality shall be rnalntaInad It: the ma drnurii exisnt possitIs i onsisteotwfth the c eclaradc n of the Leglsiature; P 001,THERE30RE,E E 111 R9:OLV90: 1.Whe no ver the ex sting c uallry o water to I etter the n*Is quatlty estat list ed In polldet a s of the date on which surf pc isles I:it co me eifective,such exl en r lE hlgt q tiallty w 11 be e7 alntain ad t mill it has be on t err onstratec b the State thal i nI cN nge will be ct niIstent wittl maximum I E18 tc *If Peon 10 o the State.will not unreasonably affect presen. and t nllclooted banoWel usei of a ucl w ter and will n of rest cit Is water quallp lase 1hr n dnl t 1 tea icdbed In the pollci 3& 9.MI aellvity wt tai prc+ um a niall 1 roduee a waste or incniasec +iolurna or concantratlon a wr,ste.nd wl it In dis large o-or I;nlpases to dischaargle to extall(4 Ngt quality vote nl will t a retlulm td meetwash ilischar9le recluiremenbl which vnil result in tt e bell pr;cdcal Is treats on t r contn I of the c ischarl e n ecesa art tc ass t Ire that(a)a p ollutic i or r uisanra will not occur,arm 01) itis higt est water q uallk consis ant with max mum t an eflt tc thio poll;Is of itis State w it be rr alnts Ined. 1.In iniFlern ontir4 0lis 1ollcy,lie:ecretan a the inteniorwill be eptei vises aro will be pn vided with suet infbm ath r as hewftl r ee to disc home t Is res pane lit Villas tint er the Federa Watt r Pollution Control Acll EI F I` FURTHER R13SOLVED IN t a copy d this re a olution I e fdrwan e i td the Secret ry c f thle Inter'or as I a rt of Callfdto its wah r glue Iity ct ntrol pollcyl st ibmisl For. C9 RTIAICATiON THo urm ersigned,Executive 0fl Ic m a f iiia:ti to Wetter F esourc es Control Soorc,c a e a I oil e t 11 certlf; that the fdregoing Is a full, tum,a rx sorted cop,1 of t rest luta n cluly and rel lula rty ada ptet ata meeting of the!b to Water Resdurces Control BoArd heck I on Oatt ter 24,1961. Dotac:D ctc bar 28,1966 Ke rry W.Mul11E an,E:act tl+is Office I tate Vlater Resources Contra: Soon Al—inv OHMENT 0"I —N aTIOE Of INTENT 91-6 DISCHARGES FIRON GROUNDWATER ORDER NO.R9-2009-0002 ' EXTRAC1 ION TO 9 URFAO B WATERS IN NPDESI NO.CAM 9002 T118 SAN DIEGCI R11 GION EXO E PT SAN DIEGO BP I I III. CALIRORNIA CONS71TUMON COMF LIAN CIS A.❑Disa11ss the potenl'al uBaB aft le extrectecl grsiurrdwaten,effort( m(de to ensi ire use h the fulled exh Int possiblt and cclmplk not watt ArtiaN 10,Section 2 a t1 a Call1fdnnis Ca nsptutlon(etb IG ) CALIFC FINV I CONSTITUT101' AIFITICLE'10 WATER SECT.2. II is he reby declared that beta List olthe cond'rtiome prelva cling in tris Stahl the general welfa Ire rec vires that ttr(I water n souni es all tt a Stats be pul tc.b( nefic'Ial use to the fulls st a xtenl a i which ttley are capgb e,and ttlat the missile or unr-e2 sant Is use or urireE sonable rnethe d a use e f water be prevented,and that the con serve tion of such waten is to be exerC sed wilt I Am i to the r-es sm at a ant l t ne trial L se the rea f is the in eras of the people and f( r the.p ub lewelfare. The rW t h water c u h the L 89 on floW a l watt r in or frd m any natural stream or watDr a rLrrse in this Stx to 4 anc I st all be lid Ited tc such water a s a he 11 t e re iasanat N requires fon the bei e&Tal use tc be se rvet 1,and a Lich ric Iht does I no and shall not a)ten d fit the was a or un reiasa no t le user on un reE sonat le meethoc 10111801 or unrec sal nal Is method a dtve rale n of watt r. Rip a rian rghtt in a stn am on watt r course attach U ,bu Is no rr ore i the In sa n uct of th(I I flow 1Nerea it as nl ey be require( or i sed curvilstenl y via alis as ction,fon the p L rposes fd r which s us t la n ds ani,or ma)1 be I mecle adaptabe,in Vow suet reasonal Is E n(I bent finial use(;pro%clad,however,that nothing he re in cot taro ad shall t e can stn led as clap riving c n!I ripg1 ru in own or of the re asanaibla use of water i of the stream h which the owner a land is rip aril In unc er reasat+a ble mathocls a-I diversion and use, or c t de privincl an y a ppra ipriata n a watt i I til whlct tt e a p prop ristor k lawfl Ily entteea. i This sect'on sl all be sel, �executlog,c rxI the Leaclislatll rei may alsa enac Iswa In the furtt erancei of the pgliq In this sectk n cantainec. I I , Submit the NO],Ant annual fee, map, and oihell Eattad menle to he following address: I . CIF WQCB—San Rif igo.Relgicln 9'M Sky Rark Cour , Eluile 'I 00 I plan Diego, CIA 92123 r Attn: G ioundwatetl Extraction lc1 San Riegel Reigion { CI011E1 S egulaioryl L nil I N CI1110E OF IN TE NT I I I i I I I I I I ATTAicF N ENT 81 —NoTial C F INTENT EI1-7 I I I OISCHARQ9S FROM GTI OUNDWATER 0 R C ER NO.R9-2108-0a 02 EXTRACTION 10 SURRACE WATERS IN NPD9S NO,0AG919002 THE:AN DINGO REGION EXCII RT SAN DIFI GO BAY 1 i IX. STATE USE ONLY I V1 G W: Staff In itlals: 91alus: ❑ C omPlelle ❑ Incornp leiel Date NOI Rlece1)ied: Clhecl #: ❑ Wilt dr'ewr [ Rending Additional Information Date NC)I Processed: Fee Ani c unt Rleceiued:I CMOs Place#-.1 = CIM D5 Reg.Meas,# comments-,'. L 1 AM IOHMEN T 81 — crnCIE OF INTENT 9'1-F i 0 ISCHARGES FROM GRCIUNDWATER CIRDER NCI.R912908-0002 I E XIIRAC7ICIN TO SURFACE WATERS IN NF DES NO.CAG!18002 THE SAF DIEGO REIGICIN EME PT IAN DIEGO BA11 9 I Attalchmerr a'd — Rdarit) Taxic PalluM Ms Sourale: 169 RR %317111, May 18, 'd000, Els aimended al 66 FIR 9961, Nib. 13, ' 001; 68 FIR 62Ild 71, Nagy. 6, 20031] I I - eit Ic iin P 21ragropt (d I a'1] Cri 40 CF R 131.38---126 F F IORITY F OLLL TANTS t umeric clritede foil riod toxic pollutants for the State of Cal3fomia I Firestwrrale Sam i3unmi E I®ILti 110'6rmipI= ! I Fd wnamOm ad I 1 cm"Po ca os CdImItsr d)4l4e km Cdbrim CHI 'Fl I Ware & omomm" Nu bw 1A■xfmm Cord oxw bhwf nua I Cat*rrrwre Crouisrrs 0* I cm, ' Cam' coral I Cone` Bi 132 G a 0"11 S 1 1.AAN�npny 1440361 U s s 4301 Aj 1 +.Ar oris° 14+10M 3401,m w 1501,rgw W Ora 31 k" 3.Beryllium 14411 1i1 n ■ 41.Cadnlwn■ '144"39 4.3 a 4m w,x 2.2 e4T w 421A 1.7 W n 1 I 91x.Chromkw(III] 1906'.1b31 5450 a,i;q,■ 180 e,Lrrta r I I al.ichw mi "I t$Mokm •1$i,rrlw 1i!Akw 1101 Ln 5111M n A I 4.ctpw° 74409X 1 17■,i,Ir�wal 9.0a,m+w 4.8IM 3.1 In 130( I 1.Leat` 7439921 w Dim 7 S omi 2140 &110 t a Mara ry* 1496871 FftomM I +rod I x Illdu 74900211 470 1 J,r11,w 5 8 ALVI 74i,xf I w I'M @10 a 4000 II ICI.Stll tw° Y?wm r floor 1Ad1 II :IJI I 2901.x1 111 re n I I'll.Suer® 74401 9.4 e,Le 1.91,rrr 12'fhaiarl 7440290 12 a At &; al 13.Zbc 7440M 1211 121 IA%w 91 [A 110 e,l�ryarx I 14,CYwgde' 971211 22v Si a 1 r 1 r 70171 220,001 I a j I 15.Aa6ealoe 133271+ 7,00400(I I 116e■r1111�1 1 113~213,'AiTCDD(C1bft) 144WA 0.800000/13 11.0000000'14 � c I 17.Acme n 4117021 3211 s 791 t 1 I6.Acnl C r&i 147131 Lam 9 yr s 0.861,t;t 1 18.Beruom 714371 1,20.-. 711,0 20.61tompfc9m 7'S2& d a>a 3w2,c I 31.Carbon 7e1adlIbrlda 5623! 03: a c„9 d.441,4t 1 JZ cw4mbwt"I low.. 190 aA 21.001 I rO 23. Morodbommmodum 124481 0.401 a,a 34 A lc I _..____----- ----- 114.C1dwa Itharle 760 - - ---•----- I 25.2�in}t E1� 1"I II 761 1 I I I ATTAICIk-114 EN-i Bi —RNIORITY -BOX ICI RCU UTAINTS Be-1 I DISCHARGES FR ON GROUNDVI ATO R ORDER P O.R8 20DEH OW EXTRAMION TO SURFACE M ATI R S IP NPD9S NO.CAG911104 2 TF E W DER GC REGION OD CEP' SAP DIEGO]BAY 'Fable In Flaklgmplh Ijb]1j1) cif 40 wR 111.3181--12®1 PRIORITY!PaLLU7ANIS h umElric cdielria icer priority iaxic pollutants fam tt a Tai Elul Califomia A a c C Frfthwa* sdmo■ t4arsi I H■s1111 Fbr owwz1 pl�rr 0. #C&Tw&.+d Gas OIM■lon Caller!= CdtMon c,lledall Wear& Numm Madrtn rn coammo Un n us, Orru vote i OfDwdmm oldy Cm.° Umar cont. tort l' 1404 44" at >2 Cl 03 cn m za{;aaelard � � 21L Dk1da o4ron%me>.Ijne TV 4 ops ac 41 04 2111 Ma 2 M 1,2-C chlol+oe11a1a i670u 4,38 x4S W$0.1 31. 1,1.1113MMXNWMM 71351 AM7 acs 7t 7 q c; 3 i, '[,2-Qiohle�prapaae X8876 Q�2■ 3d la 32, 1,'3-pArfileu+ctQrppylar� �2if9B iffAl '1.700a: 37 mr'kryane 100411-1 3,106a,s 29A00ak 31.Irls0gl$tomids 74630 48■ 4.1 0(a 35.kiWM Ca&** 487 ■ r 38 M1eBryh■9tr 4*xkle 76092 4,7 a,o 1,809 I a,a 1,2. 4okaChibrd6t1wm Isms 6.-17 SAS 111140.1 35 T60d*MM)1!116 =15 6,6 to 9.9S 6 t 39 'Noluem 18886 M 00 it 29Q 0001 All. 1a-TrawDkhioncrWry+Mm 15611M 7wil 14M a 41L 1,11,I-Thchkovouorna Elam ■ n 4211,1,2•Trkdll a 75003 D.WsAd1 421kAi1 ASI 14dimetrAem 7we 2,?ca 81 q 44,V1■y1!Chloride 7501-1 2c,■ 5 e Olt 41.2- hbmM and $ ill 1 4CO a 4612,41DIetlornphow 120 12 03 ail 7IM4,t 1 47?a4-1)kn*ft 9pl nc4 1=9 341 1 2,%M* 48 94deM*4,& ophmol- 53M 13A s 765t 491 2440 FMNXd NO 812x36 70441 14,0(0 a t - 54.2ropl�m9 887x5 - i 1.4.1d911tghenoi 'ta0�7 !12.UA1Mlyi4-0y+lcvwr W owl 11 Pont Ciller mO no $71110 11 fm 15;Zar 18 1.9 0-maul 8A ae j ry 5.$1 IRMO) 1f18g' 21,01) 11 4601!:.800 — 55. xA,B•Tri11o1APhorsgi 8$062 2 1 A.o 6 a a1 W.Aur■omm" 83320 12W $7601 S7.Acww$4ylerrl 268058 51.Alaboom rm21 9.80611 11Rom f ATTEICHN EHT E,'I—RRICIRITY 7CACI PCIt_t_u7AIM 9 B2• 0 ISCHARGI S FRON GROUNDHIA rMR ORDER NO.8912008-M 2 EXTRACTION 10 SURD ICE 101A rrER9 IN T M 0 ES NO.CAG111 D02 THE SAN DINGO RECTION EWGEPT SAN 01EGO BAY Table in Palragraplh ]b,]'1; of 4( CFIR 131.38—' 21C F R10MTY F OLLL TAN IS Numeric crii cria i cm priority toxic pollutants for the State of Caiffomia A: e c a Fr�ltwalar Salter NUMMI Hadlh (10 rbk for ) Fal on a,- V a at *Ca� CAS c" Crbrbo C holt c4kwion 9Hela1& OMW"w lumber Ili Thw carte 1W kMw Garowue Orawil mr 0* C'M 40 Cal, . cw c 4 Cmc,' (4 LI b9gj 11 02 01 C2 01 02 �.I�1 r �Its a.914aIa a,,,s ao9nsl a.�t 801 Beamo W traa re s Low a c O,A46jr,o1 91,f wa*ap� 30M 0.0044 a q- O.Ma a W BeraMbf1tw 20M F C419"ax 4.1946 aA E0i i3e11sq�i 1$7�1i 841 2MMI L.Mkc � � 117911 eat sbR-cmoroe" 1Eme 1114aA 11.M acs 1 I a at 61 L > 1,40G a 7OA40 a:L bel Bfe42-E1h+yilrergrl�PFAtrak Is Vali a Sacs ea 44kotr,pw"Ph"*MW 101 ssa 10 aa"aMl�I PhthaW awl 3.O0A a 9 BOO a 11. 2-C�hla=P 9'S6f t,70r1 a 4.30D a 73.civf"" 21wt9 M004A aA 0449,0 14. E smIa YWlrtrraa;mr 69 703 0-0444■,c 0.049" 751 tr Dkmwpbwmuw 866[1 3 7OL a Il X00;I 79 1,3 DWorobunew 5497$1 41M S 600. 77.1;1©iddowbwomm 10591 400 a ew 781 J,3r43dftwbwmklm 11 ifl41 0.04 0.ca 0.071 a.%t 711 LM W34 F'hhAM 84 862 Z.=BA %A OW a,t 801 UMoqy Phsom 131117 313,rIQaa 2.800-00!11 el.ixa-GL%I Phlltltiaa I 0�74: ;.700 ma 12 400 i,1 as 2,,14)W3oldwne 9711141 0,111 CA 9_i 1.1 � 3,8-Dlnrkolaluaae 6492171 84 a4,-(W 1hshalael 1:7841 83 1,2431pharryl►ydra 1226!i .0411 a ct d.5 a,ct 89 I Mo atdhenr 2XW40 ;100 a Von 1.300 a 14,800 a ea. llexadtoub male 9100 OAO!75 aA 0.=77 ac- C.44 a c a 14 a l.1 99 1811a T 474 rA1 8 A 1:,400 41 $11 MwoftwWowR 611721 16 a,c,$ 8.9 act ATTWICIHN EM B2-- PRIORfTY Tax cl POLLLYTAAiTS 82-3 DISCHARGES FIROM GROUNDWATER ORDEIR NO.R9120D8-00W EX'I RACTI OP I TO 9 URFAU E WA TER9 IN NPDES P 10.CAGI 190M Ih is SAN i11EGO R11GIOP F-XCBF T 9AN DIEGO BAY lab ki In Re ragraplh (Id I(,I] o1 40 CF F 131.381-1i16 FF ICIRITM ROLL UTAK'ns Numeric criteria for priority toxic pollutants for i he S aie of Clalifainia r A 9 C p r 61 661oNwor Hun as Fic Wth fle Asir for mnhoWw) For corpsnplon of 1 Cwlpourn C1 i oftKIan &No PM Q IIhw en Cditt on Wow A flegn hma Nu bor m Cbw9rarous MaNk wr Cortmmal OrganWm 0* .Cffn.l Com I d Candi 0=1 d t,911 4+4 L M e cl C2 a, 02 1 921 Indena[i AA-cd)Pyram 19Q139; 0.00011 QM1 jo Oa.Jsoph mne Mill 8.1 all I"t 94 Iophtmkw q,= ,7 fu '1.9OI18,t,1 in N pwrr#tyw Im IV,7',9$ 9.00069 a.AA &I a41 ff76 52nd 0.0032 ,Aa � N-1+i1r06�p1Pdk�1AYldriD 8�0! !I,I I R,ea 16 a,qE 99 P69np 100,Pyrr M 12M 931 q 11 1k 111. 1.ZA-Tfkfdorohoenzwm 12OW 109 Ph d1 309042 31 1.39 0.40419 i x I OOOf4aA 108.re hB4 w- 319841 1 I AO©6 Js 0.0111 A4c 144,bEFa-E HC 319857 OAA4 d,t 4.016 al c 0b,li�►m�^ 58849 111 +I. 4 OAY11 a 040C - IM deFA40 C 312M 107,CW*Fdmn 57749 9:4.0 0.0043 9 0490 1ADdio O,OOM co 0.000598A 1119 jl,r-cdT 50294 1.11.0 am 0.1311 OJODi i 0momaa &am 4,0 - 199.4,4H7DE T1959 4:040Sdfa,r 0.00059a,a 110 r41 1 72b48 G.-OOK, a,C 0.04084 e,o 111.Dfiw" EI05i1 4.24 w CI M w 11316 4,001911 0;00414*A 0.000,4 aro 112 aWL*E nftwd an 998988 OM LI 0-0880 0.0340 OMIJI 110 a 240 a - 1'19. OY2q 1AMg 4,13411 o.owg 11(a 2409 - 114.EndmWF=SL 1W4 1@31078 110a 240 -115.Era fin 72748 (.01 aw O MO W 4.437 9 0.00231 Olga U'I r J j 1,8.Endrin Nd 9014 1421934 0.79 a it,1 I a,t 117.Heuer 1844( 4.1 1 1 O.MM E 1 jM g OMM11 11 040031 as 0.00021 ax - 1110 H IurEpmdda 1024573 4 521 0A)GM g f-M g 0j"11 O.0 11c w oXfo 1 a,c 110-42I.Polye 11,014u OIq ri 9A4417s.w 0.00017.01 blpl Ian*Ulm TON Nbrabor ofCANK6" 22 21 211 70 192 T r .4 ITT)iaN MENI B21- Pwc wry,TC M lC ROi LUTA INT S 92.4 A 1_ Dls 0 HARGES NROM GROUNDWAT13R ORDEFI NO.Raz 0084M EXTRACTIOPI TO 3LIRFACE WATERS IN P F DES•P G.CAM I9= THE SAN 0 IEGO REGIOP EXCB FIT SAM DIE UO BAY Facitr odes f c I Tad Is it pplraguiptl(b)(1) ail 40 CFR 1311.3EI—126 PRIORITY AOLLUTANTS: r a_Clriterrie remise cl to refloat the Algenc-A q'1' ( r RfC, as contained in the Inlegraf(cl Rklk InformaN n System (IFAS)a s of Clctoben 1, 1999.TI a frs t I issue biocorl c antral ion fi(torr(B(IF)fro im the 19f 0 i 4k cum enis was retained in each ease. I b.Clriteiila al F ly to Calnbrrnia waiters exaa pl ilor tt ose walersi subje at to objets es in Table: 111-2A and III- 2B oil tt a Elan Francisco Regia nal W ater Cluality C:dntra I Board's (SFRINQCB) 1986 Basin Plan that more adopted by the EIARW QCB and tt a Stale Water Rler;ources Cdnbol Bc ard,appro%d by EPA, I and which continue to appl11. Forr cal:per and nicl a 1,criteria a F F 1y to Clalifomia waters excelF-I for vuaters s outh of Clunr t a No n Bridge in ;Ian Fran a isca Bay tt at are subject to tt a object hies in the SFRWCICIB's Baser PIE r as am er decl t y SFF W CICB Rieso lutia n R2-2( (2-0061, date( N ay 29,2007, r ar cl approve cl by tie State V9 ate e F lesotlroes Cdntrol Bo ard. ER AI apl re med it a aquat'c life si e-spegffrc of jecthies on Januar} 21, 2003.llhe cappen and nidel aquatic life ailelspelcH Ic objecthies contained in I the am ande( Basin Plan a F ply instead. I c. Clriterla ane be se(1 on cancin ogenlclt oll 10 (4)risk. i d. (Irlteria Ma)limt Irn Con c enttatia n (CN C)eq uah I he hig t est cc noon tration of a pollutant t( which aq batt I Iife cant a ex0 osed fon a s hort period of time witho u I dole lerious effe cts.aline ria Cc Inti+ nous (loncei tra tion(CICCI)equal the I ighas t concentrat'on of a F Oil iU n t Io wt let aquallc life Car t e I exFlosed Loran exte nded per'ad ollIIme(4 clays)Mlitl atri dele ledous effects.uglL e(luals rnicrograrms per I Itei i. I e . FseshmLater a(Ilatic Ift trite ria ion metals arre a)Iq re sse cl as a -lune1'(.n of nota hardness(nI gll)in it e crater body.The eqt atlons;a re provided In matri)I at parag ra F h (b)(2)of this sec ion.Values displays( I abode in t a matrbl correspgnd to a teal t ard ness of 100 mg! . f. F re shwe Item aqt IE I Ic lila trite rIa ibr per tact Ioropt an of are a xpress ed as a function of q H.a n d are calculated as follows:\jaItit s displayed at ove in the matrix ca mea pored tc a ph of 7.8.CN a= exl ('1.(05(ph)-4.869). CICC I=exFl(1:005(l H)-5.'134). r S.7t is( ii erion is bast d on 3 04(a)aqI Iatic Itie a riterion iss ued in 1980, and was iss t ed fr one of the I -bllowing document:Al drin,10 lelc I r'n(EPA 44CI,IS--80--019), Clhlondana (iHPA144015--80-4193), DE 11 (ERA 444/9-60--03E), Elldosuifan(EPA 41064110-046), En(Irin (ERVI440,45-80-047), Hal U chlor r (4406-4 0-052), F exachlono(yclohexane(EPA 44(1I5--84-054), Sih e i (ERAI 44(115-80-071).The I Min imum Data Require m ents a nd der'vatic n procec ures were diffe re nI in It 91980 Guidelii e s Char in the '1985 Guidelines. Fol am mple,a'CIIV(I'deiiNe( usfnc the 1980 Guiclelir e s was derived t( be usec as an Inst+ntaneaus maxlimum. tf assessment is to I a done tis Ing an averac ing per'od,the Nigh les i gh er shot Id be divide( by 7 to WE in a v.ilua tt>-V is more comparable to a CIMCI derhiec using the 1985 Guidelines. I h.7t ese totals simply sure the cr'teria in eact column. For aquatic life,tt a re are 23 F dortty loxia i pollutant witt some type ofl fre s thwa 1 er or s aitwe ter, acu Ile or c t ronic a riteria. Ao i human t eaFtl,there I are 92 q riosity toxin pd It its nes with a ithen'walen+ a rg lank irr'os"orgalnism only trite ria. N ote that I hese) totals count chriornium as one po lutan t even thougi EPA hm developed cri feria t a sed an two vale nc i I states. In file matrix, EPIAI has asaigne d number: Sa and 5b to tt a triter la -br chrom iunl tc reflec the fact ttlat the list o f 126 polo rftyl pollutan is in cludes only a single listing for cl romium. I L Criteria IN the se mete Is are expressed as a ill Inction of the watec-eflec t ratio,WEFT, as defined in paragrapl (a)of.this_sec ion.aMCI.=_ccllurnn B1 0i C1vahlexVV EA;{ICICI=column B2 or a2 valtiex\A ER. No criterion br protec ion ofl I uman I ealti flom con sung l tion of aquatic o iganis ms(ex(: t ding water) was piiesented in the 1980 arlteniE document or in the '1984 Chialit� Cnllerla ibrWater. Nevurtteless, sufficient intorn ation wvs pres enled In It a 1980 clocume r t to allow a calculation o1 a criterion,won i thougt the results of such a calc ulation were not showri in the document. I AITTArHMENT E 2-RRICIH ITY Tci i IC PCILLUiiAINiIS 02-5 i j DISCHAF G9S FRON GROUNDWATER ORDER? O.R91 210843012 EXTRACTION TO SU RFAC8 WATERS IN NPD9S NO.CAG919012 THE SAN DIR 00 REGION EXCEPT SAH d f GO E AY i. the CM�1304(a)art erion Ian asbestos is the MCIL. L [Reserved] rr.Ihese -i iesl%ate r a nd saitwate r a niter is fa r rn etah ane wq lresse d in to nn E of it e disc a lvec I fra is tia q of the n(tal in the waten calumn.Criter'on values weine ca lot elated t) using EPA's Clean"ater Alct 304(a)g uidance ve lues (do scribe d in tt a total re(ioverat Is frac ion) and then app lying the conversion i 1lacto is in E 131.3 6(t)(1)a In d(2). n. EPAI is not promulc aling hiirr an heath criteria fonthese(xi nts min ants. Foweiven; perrj11 authonittes sI c t Id address thea a contain inapt: in NPOES pe rrr it actions us ing 1he Sta e's mitsling narr'ath e j criteria for tc xica. a.It ese criteria wc ire peomulg a led for a pecific w;tern in Cc lifornla In tF a H;tional To)Jos Rule("N7FR'),at §131.36.The specific waters to wt Icl the NTIR criteria apply include:VI aters of it a State deemed as bay_ or estuark a and weitees a'l the State c lefined ;s inland,i.e., all surface waters of the State not occna n v aters. TF ese w.-iters a pecif tally inc ludo the Elan French co Bay up stream to;nd Ina ludin g Suis t n Bay;nd the Sacnarnenlo an.laaquin getta.7t is section clops not apply instead of the MIR 'Ion thea criterion. p.A c itelia n of 7111 ug was prom ulg;ted-[or speatfia waters In C;Itfonnia in the NTR and w.-s pron t Igatec in ttle total deco►enable tam .the spa chic wE iters to v►hic h 1t a NTIFI trite non applies include:V1 a ers o the San AranciE co Bay upstiean to and Inch iding Suisun Bay and the Sr aramento-San.la aquin De 1ta; and Haters of Salt SIC ugh, Mud;Ifough(nortf )a nd the Sr n Joaquin River,Sao N CI; rr to the rr out of the N arced Rh er.phis :ectian does not app ly instead of the NT R-Tor this crilenk n.It a:hate of California adapted and EPAI approN ed a site specific ccrterion fa r the Elan.I(aquin Fliven, rn outh of i Mewx d to V enna Iii; tt ere ore,this a ec ion dcx s not a ppl)I to itIe se m aters. f c .7t is criteea n is expnessad in tt a total recove rant Is loan.This triter on w s pron ulgaied fion s pecific waters in California in the NT R and we s p rorr t Igated in tt a tot; I neco3 a rable form,elle spegffia wt ters 1 to wt ict the NI R crttenion applies in a lude:W ate re of tt a:Ian Fnana isoa Bay upstne;rn to aid I including _ :lutst n Bay an d the Slacnan a ntoc an ,la;quin 11elb ; and miaten of sail Sllougt, Mud Siougt (north) and tt a :Ian,la aquin Ate or, :lack Clam to Vern;lis.It is ca iter a n does not app ly in stead of 0 e M R for these w;ters.TNS trite rion appihea to addit'onal wate r; of thel Untied States in the State of Caltfannia purst is n t lo 4[ CFR 131.31(1).the Eltate of Califalrnk adoptec anc I EPS I appoovec I a site-3 pecific criterion for ttle C Iras slam c I We er District, So n L uls National V1 Ildltle Raluge, ; n d the Loa Ba nos St;to VI Wit Is Refugq;therel one,tt is crterlon Claes not appil to tl ese waders. Er.Tlhes a crt lenla were p rain ulgatec loin spea ifie wate rs in Claltlornh In the NT R.7t a spea ifta wate rs to wl ich tt e M R 4r'teuia apply Include:VV aters of tt a.Itate cIefinec as bays or eatuaries inch cling the San Francisca Bay upstream to;nd inoIudirtfl Suisun l3;51 anti the Elacrarnento�4 an Joe(t to 0sit; i This section(Ices n of s p p ly instead oil the NIR fa i these criteria. 4. It ese ca iteria.we re prom ulg; led for s p ecif Ic wE tens in Ca life rnia In Is NIR.Tlhe s g ecff le w.-lers to which tf a IN TR mritenia apply include:Waters of tt a Sacran a nto-San.la aquir D eita and w.-tens of the Stn to defined a s inland ( i.e.,all s urface watens a 1 the St;to not t ;ys or estuaries on ocean)1t at _ include a NUN Ilse designatia n.phis section does not apply instead of the NTIR for these criteria. t.TI ese crt erial were grain ulgatec 'Tor specifla waters in Caltlonnia in tt a NTR.llhe m pegific w tern t< wl ich tl a NTR artleria apply in cit cle:%A a ters of tt a:hate(lefiinc (I as bays an cl estuarte: inc uding San France:co Ba) upatrdam to and including St isun Bal and tt a.lecran entoSan Joaquin []site;and _. waters oil tt a:hate(let ned as inland (Le.,all m t rface waters oi.the Spa to not bal s or estuaries ar ocea n)without a N U h use designation.Tt is seal'a n does not a p ply instead o' the N IR is r tt ese crltenia. u. PCIBs an a class of chemicals wl ich include aroclar; 1241, 1254, 1221, 1932, 1248, '1260,and 10,111, CAIS nun t era 1134692,19, 1109769 1, 11'1047 8 2,'111111165, 12672299, 11096825, and '12674117, resp(c Ii a ly.Tt a aquat'c life cnite He apply to the suns a• this set of seven aroclors. - ATTAIC IHlil aw 112-- RF IORITM 1 OhICI PCILLUIFIMS B2-6 i 0 ISCHARGEIS FROM GROUNDWATB R ORDER NO.R9-9008-6001 9XTRAa TION 10 SURFACE WATERS IN NPOINS NO.C4G919C 01 I HE SM DIE GO REGION EXCEPT SAN 0]EGO 9 AY i v.This criterion applies to tots PC IBs, e.g., tt a sum a all congers a r or isomer or hone olog oa anoa los analyse s. i %A.phis critt rion has t een recalculated qursuantto the 1999 Updates:Water Cluality Clriteria Documenh 'lor the Protect'on of Aquatic L He in /Irnblent Water,Off de of W eter, EPA I--820-B-96—Q01, September i 1999. See also C Meat Ickes Watt r Quality Initlathle ClrttaVia Documo nts ft r the Protection of Aqua is Llie in Amblen Watt r, Office of Water, EPA-80-3-95-004, 14 arch 1995. �r.The Spate of Clalflomla I :s ado Ated and EPAI has approvec site speaifra crite ria,oil the Sacramento River(ant I trik utaries)s k ove Hamiltor Clkt}l; therefti re, these a iteria clo not s F ply to these waters. 441 CJFIR 13' .7 8 Edilorial �ote: At 66 FR 9961, Fek. 13, 2401, §131.3( wars anis r ded in the tat le to I par,graph (b)11)under tl a coltirT n heading for"13 Freat water" k y revising the column I(adings 11or 'Clrite10or Maximum Cie ncentration"ari d"Crth rion Clontinuaus Cclncentration'; under the column heading for"CMaltwatera by reriisiri gI the calurn n headings ion"Criilerion Maxirr um Cloncentilation'and"Crileriora i Clontknuous Clonctir tlation'; an d by revising entr-es'23.', n d"67.', ef0ec ive Feb. 13, 2001. F ovieven,ttlis is a photographe(l tak le and tl a arms ndment; could not k 0 incarporated into the tt A Fon file convenlen ce i .oi tl a user,the amenclec text is setiortl E s follows: I 1)§ 131.38 Establis t meet of Nt meric Clriteria -Ioe palorlb toxic pollutant; 11or tl a St to of Clalifornia. I (b)(1) . .. I Hunian Heath I B C (1Crlsl for cam rmnMus) A _ Fresftwaean _ Saitwate I Aor consumption of I — --- — Crate rion Cribsrion CtltsAan �.--- — m axim um: Corrt rion maximum Crlte rill r Welter& f Organists s CAS cantinlaus ' orgsnlemi outy I III Compo ural number � a �e ca cone.Wigg.° (l glt} i (POOL) C] D E1 E2 C1 1 OZ 23.Chiorodibromomethane « 67.Sis(2-CNoroisopropyl)Ether j68801 1,400 N'tI70,0001 i r ' ATTACIHMEN-a Ba—PRiciRiTY Tam ICI R01 LUl ANfTIS &I-7 i DISCHARGIS FF OM a ROL INDWAIIER CIRDER NO.R91](II S-0M MXrFU MalI TCI Sl IRRAC.E WAIIERS iN 11ROES NCI.CAG1119M THE SAN DIEGO I REGiaN ENCEF T SMI DIEGCI EV Y Alttachmen 1 C-- (IS of app Iia at le) Attachment D— Slandamd Rrovisians I. Starlc and Pnovisionls— Pon-nit Compliance Al. Duly le Clorr ply 1. The C iscl argon must comply with all oil Il a conditions of this WDR. A ny noncompliance cans'litutEls a violalicin crl the Clean Water Ac' (CVS A; and #e California VIS atom Qode (C"C) and is grounds lam anfdreemanl acticln, fdm permit lEirminai ian, ravac*tian and relies uance, am denial of a NInmlit renewal applicai ion [4 0 UAR Ll1 2a.41(a;]. I 2. The C iscl argar shall comply with effluen-1 standards cir prohit Mans eclat lishad undeil section 307(g i) ail the I Cllr A ilon iaxic polluta nts and Witt standard s fon sewage) sludge use on dispass I established under secl'an 405,16, cd the CWA within the tirrle pravideK in 1he Regulations thal Elslablish Ihese slandards cir prohititicins, even if-this WDR Nis nal beEln mladitleC tat inaamponerla the requinemeni K( CFR§1e10.41(a)(1)]. S. ISti9c to Halt ar Reducie Adlivitg Not a Delferlsc I 11 shall nclt tela defense Ilan aI DischargElr.in an unilarce men'l action than i'l wauld hava belEin necessary)la l all on reduce the permitted activity) in omdenIa maintain camp lkince I will ihE1 conditions oil this WDR [46I CM�J'Q21.41I(c)]. a. Duty to N 111glalc ThEr C ischairger shaill tike all reasonable steps to rrlinirrlize on p revElni any discharge al sludge use ar dispasal in vlolaiian all this WDAI than l as a reasona t le 11keilihaod crl adversuly afilec ing human l eailth on the enviranmenl [40 CFA §1"1:1.41(d)]. C. Prapen 0perallorl alnlc Nialinllcinlarlce The DischalrgElr shall al all tirrics praperly aperalle and maintain all falclilties and systems oil ir(almEnt anc control fiend rellalec appur enancus) which ares insUilled or used by the Dischairgelr to ac hievel compliance with the conditians cif this WDR. Prapen ciperalion and maintenance allsa inc Was adequale labd raiciryl corrlrols and approprialte qualit l ass umaina a procec ures. This provision require s the operaiticin all backup cir auxiliairyl facilille,, om simikir systElms That are inslalied by a1 C ischargcir clnly when necessaryl to achieve compliance will the candilions of this WDR 14L CIFR§11"121.4 1I(ea]. E. Puoperty RigNU __,.._-- -- -----._____.�...------------------._... .. --. ----- ---- 1. This WE R doers not convey any property rightcl of any sar ai any exclusive priv'leges [z 0 CRR f11213.41(g)]. I Attaat ment C1—Standard Nov's ions D 1 DIE CHARGES RROM GROUNDWATER ORDER 1'10.R912008-M 2 9X I RACTI01' TO a IIRFAC8 WATER;I IN NF1[ 0 S NO.CAG910MI2 THE SAN C IEGO REGI01' EXa aF r 9 AN DIOGO BAY i 21. The issuance of This WDR dcifis no-1 aulhori ze any injury to pEmrscros on prc pf rorty or invasion all al hen privaif i right:, am any infringEimeni (ill EIta1Em cin Icical law o1 reigulalions p a CFIR §12121.511c;]. F. Insgedlian anc E nilry ThE1 C ischagE n shall E liclw the RE gianal Wa en Quality Ccn-lrol Raz rc IlRegional Bclarc J, California Stale Waien Resc 1uirAis Clonlrai fkarc 11"Itaic Bof rc J, l nited f Silaters Env irc nmEmntal F roleiclic in AgEmnc y (l 9B F Al, a ndk r the in aulhonizeic i represeMEmtives IlinalUding f n aiuthorivand con-Iractor actincl as ihfmin represeintfltivei;, upc n the pre sEmntalicln of cnE dentia Is and cltheir dacumenls, as may be inquirE d by law, lci [4(1 CFR�1122141(0] [CIMC 1.1383(q)]: 1. Bntea upon ,Ihe Discharger's piorvises when a rE gulaled 11a�ailily on aictivfly is iocalec of eclnduc ed, ar whE re ra corcs ane kapt urlden the conditions of tt is VI IDR [40 CF R 41' 21.411111 1' 21. F ave acc(s la and copy, al reasanabie-limes, any iiscancs tr al musl bE1 l epi unc en tF a canditic ins cnl This WDR [40 CFR§' 2121.41+1111 1211]; 31. Inspact and pho-lognaph, E t re as oriarbla times, any 11acilitics, equipmE n I1including monllaring and can'lral Equipmerit), practices, on openitions w1Elgulaled ami retipired undeir this WDR [40 CFR §' '912.4,1 11)J13)]; 4. .lample om manitor, al reasonablEm times, -bn the puliposes cif assuning WDR carripliance an ais otherwisc aulhorizeid by the CWA Or ttc GWC, any substances an paramE tery at ainy localion [40 CRR 2121.4 iji#J]. G. By F lass L Deplini'l is 1n: a. 'ByFEiss° means the inlE nlional c iversicln cif waste E tneams 11rom ar y N rtion cif a lnmIrr1e1n1 facilit�j 14 CFR §'1221.4' I1m)11' )I1i1]. b. "SEivere property dE macic" means substantial physical c amlage to property, df imEi le i to tt a In atmE nl lacilities, wt ict cause is the al la become inclpeirrible, cir substantial a nd pfirme nc int lass c na'lrira I resaurceis chat can nuisonably be eixpeclemd to accur in tl E l absence of a by pkis s. Severe propEirty d ama gE i daes not 1rr lean f iconomic Ic 1ss caused by c elays in produclian [4( CIRR §1221.41Qm)Q1j(ii)]. Byplass not v ceading limitations--llhe Dim tart eii may allow E ny byp ass to..___._........... ..__ .. occun which does not cause excecidances cif effllueni lirniitrltions, but anly if it is'kin EissE ntial rriE intenancei ki assume of icieinil apeiraliein, -11h(se bypasses Eine not subjEict to the prc Ask ns listec in SWndarc Pncivisions . Peimilt Compliances I.G.3 and LGA bEiklw[4C CFIR 41. 2121.4, ilm)112)]. Atfal chmen t[1—Standai d Pr ovis ions 0-2 DISCHARGES FROM GIROUNDNA ATE R ORDER NO.RW20OB-OOM EXTRACIIION TCI SURRACE M ATEIR 5 It I NPDES 1410.CAG91M THE SAN DIEGC I REGION E ACEP7 SAN DIEGO BAY I 3. Rrohibitian al t yposs— bypass is prohibited, and 1hEl Regional Eciard may take enicircemeni action again sl a Dischargen fdr bypass, unleiss [4C CFIR 1'9191.41(m](4;(i)]: I a. E ypass was unavoidable'lo pnevenl lass of life, persanal injury, on seN iene pra pElrty darnlage [e 0 CRR f 1121291.41(rn1)i 4)1 A]]; b. There wEinel no 1Eiiaisible allemalivEls to ihEi bypass, such els thea us a all auxiliary treEdmerl facilities, relen ion of unilrealed we istes, an rniainteinaince during normal periods all aquipmcni dawntirrle. This conditicin is ncl sallistiec if adequalC baick-up Elquipmeinl shot Id helve been insiellled in the exercise cil reasonvble angineelring judgment 10 prEIVEint a1 bypass that occurred during normal periods cd equipment downfirnie cir prievenilivEi ' meiinteneince [40 aFR §122.41(rr)(4](E)]; and c. The Dis chaigleiii submittEld ncllicei to the Reg icinal E oarc as required undfin 9landard Provision — Permit Corrie liaince 1.0.5 below [40 CFR §'121.41 m)4,(CI]• 4. The Regional Eoarc rniay appravc an ainiiciparled bypeiss, aflan considering its adverse effects, if'Ihe Regicin al E oarc delermines 1hall.11 will meErl the three conditkinls listed in Slandard Pravislans— Perm! Clompliaincei I.G.3 abd ve [4C I C RR §122.41(m](4](ii)]. 5. IS c Rice I a. Anticipaiec bypass. li the Discharg en knows in advEince cif the neer ft n ai bypass, it shall submit a notice, if possitlei at least 1(I days balkire lhel dale I oiihe tyNss [40 CRRI§1ZIA,lim;i3�i]]. b. L nanticipated bypass. The Discharger shall submit ncrdce crl an unanticipasled bypass ars requined in Standvrd Pravisions - Repartingl�.El below [40 CRR f1122..d 'I(rri)(3#)]. H. Upserl Upset means Ein wcaplicinal incident in which there is unintenticinal and ilempanary noncomplianrAi wilh ieichnology bases pgmiil effluent lir'Iitalions because oll-hictars beyond thea reasonable ccinlral cif the 131scharclen. An upset does not include nancompiiarice io the EDdElnl caused ty cipenaltianvi errar, imprar arty designEid treatment facilities, inadequate luealmeni illacilrlies, Iacl o1 prevElntir a maintene ince, ar carelless au imprapgr opelratian ',,140 CFA -1. Efleict a1 an upset. Pin ups(it constillutes an adfimaItivei defense to an action brouglhl fc r nancomplialrice with such technology bass ed parmiil effluent limitations hi-Ii a iiaquinernient; of paragraph F.91 all 11his section ami mel. No delterminalian made during adminisbaitive reiviEiw cIf clairris-Thal ncinceirnipliance was causes by upset, and bEikire an alcitan fan fi ttelchmenl 11—Standaiiid Provisions D-3 DISCHARGES RR OM GR OIINDWAIER ORDS F NO.RBI]D08-0001 EXTRACTIOFI TO SCIS RACM WATERS IN IR DES NO.CAGE 19W I THE SAN DIEGO REGIOFI EXCEIP-19AF1 DIE GO ESPY n oncomplianca, is final administr�tive action subjec to judicial review[4( CIFR §1'912.41,In)2)]. 2. Clondilions necessary)lion a demonslralion of upsel. A Dischargein V11 o wig t as to eistA blis h Zhu afflrmallvel dellenset o1 upsel shall demons irerlei, Through prc p ady signed, cordarrnip oran eous uparating logs on tither nellevani eividance tha'I [40 CF R fl'1212.4.1(n)(1I)]: a. An upsErl occurred and chat ihEi C ischarc ein can idenlif l It a-taus e(s; of iha upsel [40 CFR§'12191.4.1 iln)I13} i;]; b. llho permitleid facility was, a'1 the 'lime, bEfing praparly opeiraleid [4C CRR §'1'9L1.4-1 (3)(i)]; c. lihe C iact anger SUbmitleid nollice of lhei upsell as ncquineid in .Itandard Rravisions— Reporting V.E.3.b [40 CFR§'12121.2 'I(n)13)(iii)]; and d. the IN chargee corriplieid wilh any remedial measures required uncleu .Itandarti Provisicin s— Permiit Clamipliein ce LC above [1 0 CRR §1912.41,In,i13,(iv)]. 3. Blurcen oll prcaf. In any enforce meal protesting, Oe Dischan au seek'ng to asU blish t a occurrence) of an upset has the burcan of praof 14C1 CFR §1221.41(n;114;]. 11. %rItaaidIvrc RrcN hiialnlsl Fieirruit Actlon A. General It is ATIR may be modified, reivaked and i els s E ed, on larminerlad ilor causes. The filing ola request by Tho [Nat al genfclr maddicalion, revocation wind Ieiissuance, or lermination, or a notification al plannEid cheinges on ani icipEded nein compliance does nal s tay any WCR con dition [40 CFR§ 12121.E li f q. Til any lcDdc eft uen] standarc on prohibitian (including any schedule cif compliance specified in suah eff ueini slandalrt on prc hibilicin, is promulclaied undem sect ion - 1107(a)ail tt a CAA fon a toxic pclllutt ni which is pnesenl in Ther discharge, and tt al silandard on peohibitian Is mone slringemlt than any limiierlion an the pcIllutanll in this WDR, 1his WDR shall be modified or mvoi ed and reissued 1a conlarm to 'll e Ilaxic effluent standarc on prohibition and the) Discha q eau so notiflud. j B. Duty 11a Reapply If the Dischar�Eir wist as to conilnuci an activity negulated by this WOR afleir the e xpimlion dales of This WDR, the Dig chart an muss apply fol and obtain a new perrr fl [4C CFF I§1,21 W 1(b)] or submi'I a new NOI fon re-ein rc Urrie nt. Flttaa t men t 13—Standard Pravis ions 0-4 a 1SCHARGEa FROM GROUNIM ATBR ORD■F NO.89120184 002 EXTRACTION 10 SURSACE WATHRS It P ADES f 10.CAGI190(12 THE SAN DINGOREGION EACEFr1 SAf I DIEGO BAY I C. Irainslairs I his Orcein is nol tnanskinable to any pelrson because the Regional Marc Is nequire d to modify or nevoke and re Issue i this Orcen•lo change the namei oil tt e Dischaq en and incorparcIte such othem nequinelmentd as may bei necassarM unden 1ha CIWA and the CIWC [4(I CAR ['01 CAR?1 12x6;1]. A new awnen ar Openalor s haul submit an NOI applica•lion to einrall In # is WDR and the previous ownen or operalar shall sut mit a NOT. D. r evelrald ilia I hei provisions of this A OR EInei severable and if any prov i9 ions of this VI OR of 1ho appticalian oil any pravisicins oil-It is VI ER-In any circiumsiance i9 held invalid, I the applicalicins of such provision la tither airoumsixlnces and thea remvindeir of chis WDR shall nal be affected thereby. I H. Ra Ilu tic n, Cc nt<I m inatJ c n, on N uisalnce ECIIVIC 1111310501 N either the tneiEitmeinl non tt a discharge a hall crew-le a con dation of pgllulicm, eom•laminarllan or nuisance. III. E tar dalyd Provislcr s—Monitoring I A. Sample is and measuremeinls taken fan the pu rgoscl of monitoring shall be >Eipneisantadive of 1hel monilared vctivitj [4C CHF B. Montloring nesulls must bei conducted eiccarcIng to les pmeEiduras'undein 4C CRR seat ion 136 an, in the case of sludges usu an disposal, alppravec unden q 0 CRR sect'on 136 unless Olt eirwisei specified in 40 CFI; section 503 unieas citheir least praceidune is have been spacifled in this WDR [4 0 CIRR t11221.410)11�)] [4 0 CIRR 8122.44 II)41)Qiv',1• IN . E talr dalyd Prov isia nis—Reconc a All 9xcepl akin recorcs of moniloring infonmallon requinEK by tt is WDR redrlted IcI the C isaharger's sewage sit dgei uses alnd dispgsa I activitles,which sha II be oetainec lion a period of al least five ylearei (or longer as R quired by 4( WR section 503), the Otschargelr shall retain necarc s oi.all monitaing inlarmadion, in cludincl all calibivilion and maintenance re cards and all original strip chars retort Ings lion canlinuous muniloring in stn mentation, copiers of elll reparts reqs irec by this i A OR, and reicarc a oil all dal'la uses la complete•It a application lion eis WDR; llar a peric id of E f least'l hnee3; ye gars from l he de Ite o1 tt a sample, me E Is urernlerrn, _neipgri on application. This pericid rmill be edc ender by rE quest of t:hei Reclional__....._..__.__. Rclarc Exeicutive Otficen at alny time [40 CRR F11221.41 S. F ecorc s od monitoring in fam ation s haul include: 1. Thei dale, exact place, and lime cif sampling on rnleasuremelnt,-1 [40 CHR §'122.4'10](3;(I)]; Atlachmeni 11—Sllandard Raavisions 0-3 0ISCI IAF GE S FFION GROUNCMATE R ORDE R NO.R94 0081COW EXTRACTION TO SUR9ACE WATE R5 IN PIPDES NO.CIIG919001 THE SAN DIEGO REGION E)CEP1 SAN DI9G0 MY 2. IN individual(s) who per ormed the samplincl on measurernE nis [40 CIRR §'I A-2.410)(3)(ii;j; 3. The date(s) analyses were perfamled [40 CRR §122.' '10)(3)(iii)]; r 4. The individual(s) who perfarmed the analyges [4C CFIFI§'121 .4,10)(3](iv)]; I 5. The analyt'cal techniques ar metlhods use( [4 0 CIRR§I1A'21.410)(3)(v]]; and 61. llhe results oil such analyscls [40 CRR §'1«1.4 C. Cllain'Is cd confidentiality for the followir g inilormation will be denied [40 CFIR §I1:12.71b]: 1. The names ar d address of any pon-r it applicant on Discharger[40 CFIR §I1221.7 ft'l]; and 2. Pen-nii applica icins and attdc l meln-Is, permils end efflucini da a [40 CFR §I1212.7(bx2;]. V. .ItA nd Clic Rnclvis insi-• Replcnl inn Al. C]uty is Provide Information The Discharcelr shall fdrnish lci thel Reigiclnal Basra, ,Itale Baand, on U S19PAl wilhln a ueasonabie lime, any'irformalicin which the Regional Eloarc , SUlle Eloarc , ar U98PA may requE st to detemiir o whO en cE iuse ea is1 s foe modifying, revaking and reissuing, on 11cirminating this WDR arlo d0emiine compliance with -This 111108. L pon reque:i , t ei 111schangelr shell E Isa flhrlish to tF a Regional Baard, Slate Eloarc, oe USHRA copies of raaorc s required is bel kEipt by chis WDR [4G CFR§122.411 fl)] [CWC f�:2671. B.. r-lig na cirM and Cler ifice-1lan RelquiremE rrts 1. All E pplicalions, reports, ar iniomiation subrr tt ed io the Regional Eloarc, SIE to Marc, and,kir L SIEFA sl all be signed and celrtiiled in accorcE r ce with paraigraph I113.e) and (8.3; cif this prc visian [4[ CIFR§I-122.41(k)]. 2. All permi-1 appiiceflans shall bei signed as follows: I j Attachment D--Sllandan Rrovisia n: D-6 l 0ISCHARGE9 FROM CROUNDMATE IR ORDER F O.R0 20 08-000 2 EXTRAI"ON 1 O SURnACE N ATEI F S It I NPE ES NO.CAG11W 2 1 HE SA N DIEGCI R nGION E)CEP-1 SAN 0 IEGO A AY a. Fon a corploralion: By a nesporsible corporate officer. Forthe quipgse oil This section, a nespons ible Corporate offlcen means: (i) A press iderrl, secretar)l, tnea9 uner, on vice-presiden'l oil tr a corT orad for in charge of a prin ciq al business fur ction, or any other perscin wha pert orms similan pcllicy cin decisicm making fur kens lbr the cc rporation, on Iii) 1he managen crl ones or mcire manufacturing, prraductian, on cinerating ilaciiities, provided 1 he I manageir is autr cirized 11c make I management decision s which govem ih(i apelralicn of tte regulated fadik including I'av'ng the explicit on implicil duty cf making majan capital inveustmerr necommendations, and initiating and directing otter cc mp rehensivei measure s io assure) Icing ieirm einvironmente I compliance)wiilh einvirclnmental laws and reagulalions; the manageir can ensures that It a necessarSl syslems are establis had on acticins-laken la gather complerle and accurate inilorma-lion fdr permit apnlicatian requireimen-Is; and wt Erne aulhority io sign dccumentd t as be len assigned car delegated -Ici the rn anagen in accorc ante'AAd corpcllralea proceduries [�0 CFR§1 22.22(a)(1 b. F on a pan nership on sole) q roprielorship: by a gcneral party en car the propriEiloi, respectively [40 CF R§'122.22Qax2]]; air c. F c in a mur icipality, Stale, lederll, cin off en public ageing l: bN cithein a pr'ncipal executive officer on rank ng electec affilcial. For purplc.it as all ff is provision, a principal executive crfficen of a ikideirll agency includes: (i) lhei chlel execu'live officer of the ageincy, on Ilii] a sElnicln eixeacut've afflcen having iKisnonsibillty for the over)ll operations crl a principal geagraphic uni'l oil Ni agenay (e.g., Regieinai pldminisirrlors cif 1 SERA] [40 CF R §122.22(a; 13)]. 2. All neporls requiem by chis WDR and atF ein inicarmalicin requesleid by tt c Regional Boarc , 9laie Sloarc , cin l SERA shall be signed bN a pgmn dElscn'bed in panagnapl (EI.2] of this grovisian, on by a duly authcar"aed rapre seintalive of Thal peirsan. A person is a duly au horizied repreisElnte tive only it a. It a aulhorizalion is made in carting by a flarscin described in PEIrgraph iIB.2) ata lhis ravision 40 CHR l22.22 b I p [ §' 4 X' ll, i b. It a au-IF aftalicin specified eitheir an individual cir a pclsiticin having reasnonsibility'kirIhe overall c perition oil ti a regulaicid 1lacility or activity such as the position of plan) rnaanac,an, cipeiraton cif a well cin a well field, I supeninienden'I, nosilion cf equivalcril reispgnsibility„ car an individual car posilicin having oveaaall respcinsibilltyj fon einviranmenial matieirs fdr the i1a duly authorizec re gresentalivel rnuay thus be eiittein a individual on any individual acaupying a narnied posillicin; [40 CHR §'l22.22i]b,IIa)]; and a Atiachmenl D 1andarr Rnovisia ns D-7 D13 a FVIRGE9 FROM GROUNDWATER ORDER NO.R911011184 002 EXIIRACIION'IIU SURFAC9 WATERS IN PIR DES PIU.CAM 1002 T1 IS SAP DIEGO RE GION EXC9AT SAN DIM O BAY c. Tie wr'tten aulhonizalicn is E ubmiit ed to thea Rfigional Board, S1aie Eloarc, c r L E ERA [40 CIRR §1'd12.221U,I13;;I. . I'll an authonizaiion Lindero paragraph 1113.3) of this pravis ion is no IongE n accura-le because a dif1E reni individual c r posi-lic n has neispons ibilkl fon the Ovc nall c peralion Of the facilkl, a new auihonizalic n salisb1ing the requirerrenis c paragraph (B.31 oiihis prevision miuit be submitieid to the Regional) E ovrc, S1Izde 9oalrc on L SE RA priori to or togE Then wit h F ny reipe rts, infonmaiien, on applicailcm , to N slgnEid by an authorized represen-lative [40 CHR §' A'12.2A'IQc;;I. 5. Any pews( n signing a do cumE nt unden paragnapl' 118.2 on 1131.3) aI.1hh pravisic n shall make ilhe ilollowing ceirtificalic n; "I carlify under PE nalty oyl law.lha this do cumeni and all EittachrniE nis were PIE Pau(l Under my direclion eu supglrriisien in accorc ance witt E syslem designed to assuiiE ihEit qc al'rfied persc nnel property ga-lhen and evaluate) ti a inilormaiion submitlec. Basec e n my inquir)l of -he persc n on pen(ins who rranagc the- syslEm on ilhose person: directly iRisponsiblE fcln gathering the ink nTation, the informal fon submitled is, to the best ci my i nowle(ge and balifif, i rtie, accuraiei, and complete. I am aware th vt there anti significEni penaliles fan subrniitling false irrionTation, including 'he pgssibilit) cil fines and impri sonmieni fc r knowing violations" [4C CAR §Its 2.21 1'a,]I• C. Monitc ring Reipor s 'I. Moni-loring rE SL rts shall be reported a1 1he iNEirvals spficified in the MRR in this WDR [4 0 CRR §122.41(1}1,e )]�. 2. Moni oning imscifts mus bei repgrted on a Se if-Monii on ng Reipod IISMRI lc rm c n fora s pravided c n speicifieid by i he Regional 9oarc on S1 ate E os rc fon report Ing n sulls cil moniiadng crl a ludgei L se c r disposal practicEis [40 CRR §- 22.211(I1,I141,I1il]. { 3. 111he Discharger me nitc ns any pollute nt me re -Irec uenily Than rec uired by this WEIR using test proceduneis approved undelr 4a CRR section - 3fl on, in the case(I sludge use on disposal, approveid unc eir 40 CRR section , 3i; unless of her%isei specified in Q CHR section 503, c r as specifled in 1 his WDR, thea rE sults c]this me nitorincl shall be included in th a calculaiic n and repgr Ing c,l the datd submitted in the SMR or sludgE repor Ing loran specified by rhes Reigic nal Board [4{I CIFR f1122.41(I)(4)(Iii j. 4. Calculations lk n all limilar is ns, which require alvfinaging ei measunemen-s, shalll utilbie an airilhmetic miean unleis; eiheirwisei spciadlfid in chis WDR [40 CRR §'1212.4'11111 Q41(ii i)). Atlachmeal D la ndard Pnov's ions D•8 D SCHARGE 19 FROM GROUNDIAIAT9R ORD9R NO.RSL'00 B-0009 EXTRACIIION Tc SURFACE M IATERS I 1 P PDE9 NO.CA091900, THE 9 4 DINGO R 9 GION©ICEP7 SAN DIEW BA) D. Ccmpliana 1IchedulEs Repc rl s of compliance c r nc ncompliance with, c n a ny pre guess re ports c n, inierim and finE I requirerr E nls con-lalnec in any compliance scheidule c-I-I1 is WOR, shE II txi submitted no lacer 1hE n '14 days 1:Ilowin�l each schec ulE claiei [40 CAR§121d'1.4111l�(4]. a E. TwentJ-Rouii Hour Repc rung 'I. llhe Dischargeli shall ifiper any nc ncorripliancei that may endanger healtt oli i the envinc nrrifint. A ny information shE It be provided orally within 24 hours, cram the time the Discharger becomes EwE re cf thei ciniumstances. A written submission shall also bfi provided within five (15)days c f the lime '1 e I Discharger becomes aware c1 the circlu mstsnees. The%A rftten submis s ion 1 shall contain a deiscripftn c f lhei noneon pliancEi and ills causEi; the pE riod of I noncompliance, incluc Ing exE ct doles and times, E nd tithe noncompliance has not been correc ed, tt a anlicipatec tlmei 11 Is E xpected lc continuer, Eind l sleips laicein oli planned #e red LCEI, eliminates, and pufiveni reoccurrencfi olihe I nonccmpliance [40 CIRR X11221.410:; l6} 11]. 21. the ik licwind shall be includec as inlormE tion That must be repclrted wilhin 24 he urs undeu This paragniph [40 CRR§'12121.4'Illl,' 16�111]: I a. Any unanlicipalEid bypass 1ha-I exceed9 any off luenl limitalicn in this WOR [�0 CRR §1:12.41(1)6)�Jii1(AI)]. i 1 b. Any upset That exceeds any effluent limitation in this WDR 1140 CIFR l §122.41(1)i16)Ilii;i191]- f c. Violas ion c f a maxirriL n dE ily c iscN irge lin itai is n for any c f the poilL tzl nis Iisled in this WE R la be impgrleid within 2� hours [40 CIFR §1122.41(I)116)ilii)(3)]. s.. 3. 11he Regic nal 13c iarc may waivE the abevei-requ ked writtein nepqrl unden tt is piovis ion on a case-by-c< s e basis if an ciral rapot has t f ien received w iihin 214 he L rs [40 CRR §'I 212.41(I)(6)(iii)]. F. Planned Changes Tf a Dischargeu shall give notice 1c if a Regk anal Boar as scion Els pose it le of any planned physical Eilier-clions cir addiiicins too tt E pE antttfid facility. Nclicei is requirec underlhis provisicn only when E4(1 CFR§11'e1i1.41(11i71,1]: 'I. The allfiratian cin addition is a permittfx facility mqI meet cine olihc criteriE fbi delermining whelh(ir si facilkj is a new sciurcei in 40 CFR§1ZI.21911b) [40 CIRR §122.41(1) 1}1 i]]; or 2. The alleraition c r adc ition could significantly a hange the naiu re or incresasf i the quantity cl pgllutaNs c i9 a haigled. This nc tiilcatian Eipplieis-lo pollutsnls wf ich At achmeni D c bdndard Rraivisions D9 DISCHARGa9 FROM GROUNDNIATER ORDAA NO.R91I008- U2 EXTRACT ION TKI SURFA CE VIATERI IN P F DES P10.CAG919DOI THE SANT DI9GO R 9GION EXa SPT SAN DIE GO SAY are subject neliihen io erffluerni limitalicins in it is WOR nan to notificalian re quinoment;l unden 4( CRR i1see Acdilicrnal Prcvisians--- Nalification Lavells VILA.1 [40 CHR §120.4, ilii(' 1(l1)]; an 3. the eitenalicln oraddtlicin ra9rllts in ai significant changei in 1hei Discharger's sludge) usei an dh pcisal practicas, and such ail-leinaiian, aiddition, on change) may jusi fl the Eippllicallicin col Alermit conditions therl rine diffenanl tram an eibsenl in the existing permit, including notdicat'an of additional use ar rlisplasal si-les.nal naparted during the) permit eipgllicalicin process or nal neporiEK plurs uainil la an apprc ved land eipplicalian plan [4C aF9R§122.41(1)111�iii']. G. Anticipaillad Noncompliance The Dischargan shall give eidvance ncrtia a la the Reclicinail Baard crr rIlale Baan cd any plannec cheinges in the permit ad kiciliN crr aicl ivity)had may 11(14 ult in noncaniplianca wilt 1hEi leicluimmenls of lhis WOR [40 CFR§1122.411(91;)]. 1- . 01han Nonaompliance The Dischargan shall replori rill inshIncesi cd noncompliance ncrt repoided undar Stdndeird Rrovisicins-RErpoe ing 9.3, 8.4, ainc 9.5 al -Ihe tirTiei rriclnitoring rlElppris Eire sutmitted. The repcids shall contain -Ihe inikirmailcln lislec in fltandard PrarvN ion - Repclrting V.E [S 0 CIFR&11;12.41(1))(7]. I. Dis&eirgei N anillaring Quality Ass uranae (JDMQAJ Rrograrrri [SITAT9 WA7BR HOFIF OIL SERA 106 MOP] The Oischail ger shall conduct appraplriate ainalyses an any sample prcvidad by L SERA-a: part oll'Ihei DMQA prograrmr. ThEi results cd such analysas shall be submittedlo l SEPFI's Oti (tel meim.igel. J. Ott en Irlarmadicin Wt an -Ihe Discharger becomes aware that it fdilErd to submit any relEnrani ilacts in a pE rmiil appiicailian, cur submitted incorrec infdm align in a perrr ii appilicailicin or in any nepori to ttlEl Flegianal Bdart, Sia-lei Boar( , on LSERA, the Discheirgai shall pnompilly subirilll such fdcts ai inforration [40 CPR�J;I212.� I111(6�]. N I. Standard Rre if liar s- Enk irc emeir t A. The CWA provides (hall any parse n wha vicilaies section 111(1'1, 11(12, 2:106, 307, A 308, '318 an AC15 o1 ilhe Act, ar any permit ccinditian on Iirrlitalian implerneinting ---- - -=-- --- ---arny such sections in ai Rlenmil issued under seclian �(17, crr any requirerrianl imposed in a pnelreeiilmen'l program Eippraved under seclians 4a21Ja)IJ'1) ar �031b;i18) cd the Acil, is suCjeict 11a a civi[ penEdty not to eixcued $291: ,OCKI pai day 'Ion EiEich vialaticin. The CWA provides That any gierslan wt a negligein-lly violEites serctians 30' , '1(12, 30fl, 307, 3(18, 318, al 4a5 of the Aril, cur any canditicin aii limiialian implerrianling any cd s uch sw inns in a pem it is a ueid undar section �02 of the Acl, crr any naquirEimenl impasec in a p1reirciatrT ani plrograrm aippravad Altlachment D--Stdndand FRoVs ions D 0 O ISCHARGEs FROM GROUNDVIIATER ORDER P IO-RO1200EI-M EXTRACTION 10 SURFACE V11ATER3 IN NI t IS NO.CAG919002 7HE SAN DIEGO REGION F)CEPT SAN t IEGO W Y i undeir aact!on 4CI21(a; 3; or 4C I(b; 8' Of&E Act, is subjE C 'lo criminal penalties ail 9121,50[1 to $'915,000 peer day of violation,of irriprisanmeni os nal mare ti'an one(1: ycan, or bcith. In ill hEi case oil a seconc om subsequent conviction lion a negiigen'I i violatic in, a plerson shall be subjEictiei cidminai plEinalilies of not mart than $5amoo pEir dEiy of vicllalion, c1a by impdsonmc ni cif nail more I an twd (211 years, cin ball . Any perscin who knowinclly v'olales such self icins, or such conditions or Iimitatians is subjeicil -Ici criminal penEit ie s of$5,aaci to $5a,acici pec c ay oil vicilaIion, cir imphsclnmenil fc r nci moire thein Ihrce I.1) ye ars, or ball h. In the Case cif a second or subs equE nt convict icin fol a kncWng vlc ilatran, a pe rsan shall be subject to chrriinal penallies 01 ncit moire Than $1(IO,ciao per day cif Nilolalion, on imphsonmeini al not more Than six 16 years, ai bath. Any persan who kr ow ngly vicllales secs icin Wi, .1021, ":K 3, 13(16, 3(17, 11(18, 31fI ou 405 of the Act, or ainy p ermit condition or limitation implemE ming any of such secs icing in a ' perrniil isst ed undEir section 4021 cif the Act, and who knows all -Thad ilrrie it al hei ttlaraby pllaCE s anott en person in immirmeinl dange r all c E at cir sericius boc ily injury, shall, uplon cionviction, be subject Io c finei cif nal morei thain $215CI,0001 cir imprisonmein'l at not more than '15 yE ars, or ball . In the case al a seconc on subsequent con viclion,br a knciwing eInd angc rmE nt violalicin, a pc rson sI all be subject io a ME ail not more chain$5CK1,000 cin by implriscinmerf,, of nol mioie Than X year. , oil bcillh. Ar orclanizalion, as Wined in section 11(1911x3; 8)([111, al the CWA, shall, i ppin convicllon of v olating ttle irrimineni dalnclEm proivIsion, bE subject to a finc oil not more chain v,(IOa,CKid anc can bei fines up ici 9121,OCKI,OCICI ft n secan d cir subs ejquE nt convictions [40 CHR EI'12121.411 ax2[] [C)A ICI '133F15 and 13387]1. I B. Any Fie rsan maty be aSSE sm an admiinisi rative punatty by tt a Regicin al Hoarc fcin v'iodaling CAA section 3CI'l, 3CM, 3[16, 3CI7, 3CI8, 31 El cir 4CI5, On€iny PE rmil con diticin on iimilr pion implement incl any cd such sE coons in a peinmit is s ued unden CWA section 4M. Administrative pE nalties ikir Class I violcitians ane noel ,lo exceec vci,acia p en violalicin, with tt a miaArmiumi amount 01 any Cllass I penalty Eissessec not ilo exaeed $25,(I(K). Penal-licis kill Class II Violations aiie not ic1 E)iceec $'ICI,(ICIa PE r day fon E Eich day, c udncl which-thE Volalicin cantinueis, with lhE maximum afficiunl of any Class II pgnalt�l nal -la exceed $'1295,[1(10 [4(I CFIR�11221.41(ai, 3;]. C. The CWAI pravic es That any pe raon who salsifies, tamipers with, or knciwinclly nende rs inaccluraic any mcinitodng deivice on mEithoc required ito be ffivintelnec under this PE rmit shall, upon convicl'an, be punishec It y a finE of nal mane i lhaln $1a,aMl, oil by imiprisonmE nt ism not morel 'II ain unto years, oil bdth. if ai convic ion cif a pcirsian is ilor a v icilation coma itted afleir a firsll conviction of such pE rsan undelr chis paragraph, plunishmeM is a fine cif ned monE tt an 912a,CKIO per day of viola-lion, cir by imphi onmc Wcill nol more 'It an-faun yeiars, or bo-lh [4C --__.....------.--------- --- CRR §12921. 'I G.{5:]----.._...------- ----- ------------ ------------- --.___...- -_.- ----- --- -----�._..-------- —D. The C%A IA prav is es that any PE rson who knciwinclly makers any false sl ateirriunt, mepreiseintalicin, cir cert ifim icin in any reicarc on olhEir documenil subrniti ec an reiquineid t0 be maintained undeir this WDA, includ ind maniitoning reports oil iepods of compliance On noncompliance shall, upon conviction, ba punished by Attachn ent 13-Standard PllDvisior s 113-11 DISC HARGE9 FROM GRaUNDNIATEIfR CIRDER Na.R9-24 08-OM EX]RAC-ION 10 SURN AGE WATHF 5 II I NPDE S Na.CAG919OD2 TF IEI SAN DIEGO F EGICIN II IC:EP7 SAN DIEGCI BA)I a fine of not mare than $1(I,aaa peln violalicln, ar by impnisanmeni fo n no 1 mare than six marrhs perviolalion, an by both [d a CAR VII. Ac ditionial. F navisiansi— N aitificiaticin L.dv els i A. �amiMunicipal Racililies jDischargers ai axislIng man uiachiring, commercial, mining, and silvicull ural wask s shall notify)th a Regional Board as soon E s they Hnciw an have reason to I: elieve [�0 CPR� ;122. 2(�i,J]: 'I. Thai E ny aclivil has accuniad an will accurthal would Kim ull In -It a discharge, on a roUline an'Irequanl basis, all any toxic pallut I n1 that is ncd IimilEld in this WDR, ii Thai dischargEl will exceed the highEist all 11 he iallawing "notification levels" [10 CRR§122.121E)(I 1]: a. 1 a0 mianagrams pelf Ii1Ein IIpgAL; p a CRR §122.1: (la]( J(i)]; b. 200 pg)IL fon acralein and aicrylonituile; 50a pg/L for 2,,e-dinilropheinol and 2-me1hyi-4,0-dini-Iraphelnal; Eind 1 milligram pen filer jmg)11_] fan an imany [40 CFIR §'129.42ila)i11)I ii;]; c. Rive 15; -limes Zhu mia)iimum con(entra ion valise repar rid icir thal pollulaM in 1hEi Report of Wasla Disct argyle [40 CFVR §'12'9.4211E )111Niii;]; on d. INN levan eslablis hed by 1h Miglional Boa rd in accorcE ncei Wlh e 0 CRR s ecl ian '1221.14(f1 [40 C FR §' ZI.4211a)(1)Qiv;]. 2. 1 hat ar y activity hE s acc u rred or will occun 1 hat wauld result in the d is(t arge, _ an a nein-rclutins ar infrdquEint basis, orl any lcixic po Ilulant iha-1 is nal limited in this WDR, if ttlat discheirgEi will exceed ihEi highas of 1hEi following "ncititicalion levels" [40 CRR §122.42(a; 12;]: ar. 50(I miCIKUnams per liteii 1pgJLJ [40 CFVR§'122.42N1a)44I)IG;l; b.- -I rniillidnam p en liter 1lrrig)Ll fat antimony [40 CHR§12.2.42111a)(12)IJil ]; - l c. 1 an 11110' limes the maxima rn concentrallan value nepcirlEid fou that pollutant in the Report of VI aste Dim charcle [10 C RR F11221.4:1(aJ(211(iii)]; oII 1 d. 1 t e level establishad by 1 he Regional Baird in arca rc ancei wilh 40 CRR §1221.44 If [40 CHR §-122.4211a)(2xiv)]. B. Flubli(ly-Owned Treatment Wori s (FI0'MIsJ QNo1 App licable] 1 Attact nia n t 0—.Itandaid Prlov'sions D'17 1 $ E ISCHi IRGES FROR GA OL PIOWAiER ORnER NO.ROMI as 9XTRACTION TO 9 UR RACE WATERS IN NPDES NO.CAG9191 Ir THE SAN E IEGC11MGION EXCEM SAM DINGO BAY I Atlachment E — Monitoring and Reporting Rrcgrarn QMRP) Tille140 of lh(i Calder of Flederal Regulaticlns 4CRR) secti(In 123.48 require s that sill National Pollutan-1 Elischarge Elirrinalion System 4NR11SS) pglrrrits 9pgcify monitoring and nepordnc wuirements. Ckilifomia Waiei Cade sections '132671 and '13383 also auihclrize the Clallforr is RegionEil Waten Quality) Clontrc I Board IlRegional Eloard)to re quire technical and monilaring neipgr a. phis MRR estabiis hes malnitaring and icipor ing rEagluinernienis, which implEimem the ileo eral Eind California rE gulallions, 1 1. General Mar i[lcanir ig PI ov is[air is A. Samples and rricasure menis laken Ess neaquirec heiciin s hall be reprosentdtive odl it a vailumEa and natumi cilihe mohitalrec discharge. All sairniples shall be tskein at the maniloring IcacalIon idenlifiec in thea representEitive sampling aind anclysis program. Ancitheiwaste staaesm, bddyof vwalun, car substance shall not dilute Thea mcani orEld dischairge. Mor itcaring pcairrls shall not be chEingeid withou notification to and iN approval of the apprapniale Migional Bcaard. B. M(I nitaaring must be conduc ed according -Ica USSPA test prc cedures Ei;lprcved und(in 4C CFI R sec icin '11I6, Guidelines 94tablishing Tes Rrocedunes kirthe Analysis of Pollutants Unden tl•Ei Cleain VA later Act as amendEid, unless(Itheu test procedures are spec Hied in this WDR andkin by I the apprnclrialEi Regional Eloard. C. 1.1 tt a DischairgEir mcanilcire any pollutant mare frequently than recu[red by this VI TOR us ing ieisi procedures E ppreived under 40 CFR section 1"Ip, car as spEacifieid in this WDR as by the - apprc prialEa Regional SoEird, ,he resulls of ft a rr onitoring s hall bEa include( in the calculaticin and iieporting oil-it a datil submitted in-It a DischElrgers Annual Report. THe increased frequEincy of monilcidng'shE II E tso be repcirted. D. Calcula-licins fcln a II limiiaiiclns, which re quire avEiragling of measi re rnienis, shall utilbie an arilhmerlic mean unless alherwisEa sF1eCHI& in this WCiR. E . All analyses s haill bei perfc mr ed in a la bowic Iryl cEirtilled to park rm such anE lyses by the + Califcarnia Deiparl meani oil F Eialth Sen iceis can E laborataary appy aved by ii a apprapriale Regional Boarc . + F. A III n oniloning instrL menls and dEIViCAS used by the Discharge) 'lo fulfill 1 he mantic aring progl am shE it be plK ipetily maintdined and calibrated 'ca ensure accuracy. All low rrieasur€imeni deivices I shall be calibrated at least (Ince pEir year to Bins urE a(curacy cif thea devices. G. On:er Na. 1`19-2008-0002 rr ay bei modified by the Regional Board a nd SPA to Einable the -- - dischE rger to participate in'compnehEmsive rE gianal manitoring actio fiEas conducfec in IbEi - ---`- ScauihEam Caliiamia Bighi during the term of this pEarmil. The in-enl crl reClicinal moni'lori ng activities is td maximizEl the eaffori s of all man itoring partners using a mono cost-effective moniioning design and to best utilize it a pooled sciEantrfic nesources cif the region, [luring 1hEase aoorc Mal Eid sampling efforts, i hu dischaiglees sampling E nd analytical effort may be neap acatec to provide a negional aassessmeni of the impact of th Ei dis at arge of municipal wa Si Me en to the + p'IttachmEant 9— Monitoring and Repar ing R rcgrama (MRFI) 8 -11 0ISCNARGHS ER OU GROLINDWATER ORDER NO.R9#20 DEH 002 EXTRA CTIONTO StIRRACH WATERS IN PIRDES NO.CAGIIW02 THE SAN DIEGO REGION EXCEPT SAN DIEGO BAY Souihcm Calitbrrita E igh1. Anticipated madifaillicina to the mcinitaring progr.,c m will be caorr Inalec s as-la provide a mono compreher shie picture cif the ecological and stdiislical significance all rricinitaring results and is deitem in a curr I.Ilalive in pacts of varicius pollution saumes. III predictable relatianshipa among that biological, water quality and eiff ueni mon itaring variak les can be deimanslraied, it may bei aq propriale -la deicreiasa thel disaharger's sampling effort. Conveisely, the rrionitaringl pnognam maybe inieinsdiec if it appuars ihal tf a abjecilveis canna 1 bei achieved through the dischargar's ex'sting rricinitciring program. These a hangeis will imprave the aveirall effectiveness of manitoring in thel Sauthern Caiifdmia Bight. h inoii changers may bei matte without fdrihar public notice. II. Mon itadn g L cicat or s A. Dischargers enrolling llar thei first 1 imel undeir this WOR shall c evelop a nepneisentative sampling and analysis pragram to be used as case s udlels io represenl the tyd ical types of dischargea occurring within their sarvicel are as. 7hia study, to bei subrr it ed as the fir:it annual report, will include ffic monitaring localians and rationale fOii choosing 1hase lacalions. B. Rei-enrolleeis must submit a neiw case study defining manitoiiing lociaiione anc relionalc foil -Ihesel locations, if tt erE ani n erw tyF EIs oil discharges. III. Influer t Maniilor nCI Requirvsmenh (N ail Aplpiicah'le) IV. Eflluenll Mar itarir g Requ Iran or A. 111schangers who-are unralling fan the fired time unden tf is N IEIR s hall c eivelop a repro,.entalivel ampling and an alysis prograim based an the discharge ani iciipated from tt a extracted graundwalar activity as companeid 'lo*Ei Elffluent Limi-lal'ans and Dischanga Spelcificaiions esta blished in chis PElrmil 'lo ensure 1h(i discharges will not N ioliate Regicinal Boarc C7ischarge Rroh!billion,. E. Tlha Reigianal Bciard rniay incne:ase rT oniloring reiquirernientz cin a ce se-by--casei bei:i:. pldditlanal rnoniioring akin individual dischargeis may be required, where necessary, tO showlhall dusting the tem oil the discharge, applicablei wateii qualitl abjeiabves will be rnia inlaineid. C. Far aertain melah , thea hart neiss of the recieiiving walcin is required la aaiculateitt ei effueinl limit, theirerkire the l3ischargeir shall measures that hart ness all the receiving watea sat ihei same j illnelquancy, as meMis analysis. - I D. 'nreai rnieni System Sil situs 1 ThEI c aily stalus le.g., onsite, in apelnalionfon stcl ndby, Eitc.J of any'lreatmeni systema used 'IcI ' aahlevel compiiancia Witt this WDR of the Notice of E n rallmeni fram the Regional Board shall be rupgr ed monthly. i AIttachrnieni E_, Monitoring and Reporting Pragnam tJMRP; E -2 ^ rs 1 DIS CHARGES FROM GROUNIN AT■F ORDER NO.6 20084 009 EXTRACII ION TO SURFACE VUAT■F 9 IN I IF I ES 110.CAG91901's TF E SAN DIEGO R9GION EX{IEFrr SAN DIEGO HA Y I S. GROUNM ATOR C ISCHA RGE MCIh 11IORING 'L,, Han dischauggs associalec with gascilin a ar diesel un dergraur d an aboya arour d slaraige Uniks (Rernieldiailion Rrallects (as delarrriined by the Reclicinal 9oarx ), -Ihe discharge rricinitaring sheill bei (onducted as lis fid bEilciw. Han rE media]ion al groundwa tars cantaining inclividuai solveints Qel.g. ttchicircatt ylene, Ielsachlaraelhane, e1c.) r of assacialed with fuel praducls, cin crit ei subslanlcEi9 wilt effluent concenlrail'on limitalicins in Ordei h(I. Rg-20084003 , the man Raring re quire mienls may N madif led in the Notice oil E nrollmelnt la include a sampling•Irequfmcy all cince every two %efil's fdii ft e individual compound Is) present in lieu cif benzElne, etf ylt enzene, td luene, and xylene 11callectiwily 9TUX) marlitaring requirements, provided That BTEA ane nal present, and lhci results nepgrled monthly: Ar alysis Miplart ng ' lei) Clalrstltutin I Lnibl EhlmplleIyp i Fniquenay Rrequelra] F lowrale gpd �A daily manihly Icital � itrogen mg,IL geab gluareriy quarterly IbAd " 'Halal Rt asphonus mg,L " I IbAd " Slattleabla clolidg mi/L Ib/d Tcrla I Suspended mg,IL quar firiy quar arty Elcllids Ib/d Analys is Reiplarting it)Clorstltuak Lnitd S2lmplie INpe Fiequfingy Hicquenay I-ydrogfin �lulfide pVL gralb sElmiannuallyselmiannually Ib/d " Total Residual µg& daily if morIlhly (It lorid(i ('IRC) Ib/d chlaninaiing " p}- Uni-s mcinihly mcinihly Benzene µg)IL emery 2 moni hly Ib,Id weeks " Elhyltienzeiri l HgAL " 1 b,Id " --- - --Tol ueri a -- - -- - _ Hg/L - h1d ' I Xylene fg/L ' Ib,b " MTBE Hg/L I Attachmeni E _., Monttcming <Ind Repgrling Frogrelm 11MRP) E-3 DISO�ARGES A RON GRUL NDWA TER ORDER P O.R9 2008 E XTRACTION TO 9 OF FACE WATERS 1N NA U E S NO.CAG919002 THE SAN DIEGO REGION E XCEPI SAN DIEGO SAY Ar a ily9 Is Reparting Carsitiluenit L nuts 9airriple Tyne F NiqLencN F ■equcinq TcrUlI REdraleurn pg,IL c rab rrionihly manihly I-yd noc is rbc Ir s lbik of " If Tributyltin pc/L Ifsemiannually semianwally Ib,k If If " Ar:enicl N g/L if " If Ib,ld " Clad rr iiumi H g/L IbAd To Clhiiamiurri HgAL " " „ (huxava lant) lb,Id " Cloppen CTR pg/L Ib/d LElad µgj1U quartauly quarteuly 1H/d " Marc ury µg►IIJ s eirriannually sarrilannually Ib/d of " Nickel pg L it 1bAd �Illvean pgj1U l bk Zina pg,L " " " IbAd If to CyEinidei pc,,IL " Ibik TV If Rhenalici Cron ipc unds N g,IL " (ncm-chlcirinallcid) lbdd " Aniailysis Renlartifig (a] Clanislituer 1 Uriits :larrniplle Ty Ale F Eequ EincN F requeinaN CIF lauinateld RhEinalicis pg/L grab Sam Jan nuallysen iiannuEilly luikl w „ in Ac lute Taxicity l L a c uail edy quail Elrly Clhrania l oxic it)l l L c " ' If 1,1,2,21-Terlrachlaroelheine NgAL samiannually semiannually (FICA) ------- .1,1,' -Trichlaroel hang- - --n igAL (MA) -- ------- ------------- ----------- -_.— ---- ---..�_- ------ ---_ _.__.._._ . •I,1,2-Tricihlaroelhane n ig/L " (MA) y • .'el-Diahloroalhane µ9/L " - l(ltrachlaraethylene µg)L " (PCs) littachnienl E ---Montaring and Reipor ing Rix�qrarri (MRAI) E -d DIS CH ARGES rROM C IF Ol It ID WATFIR ORDER t 10.R912008-WW2 EX7RACTtOr TCI 9 URFACII WATORS It] NPDHS NO.CAG919011 i THE SAN 0 IECICI RE66N EXCEPT SAP I DIEGO MY Arialysisl Reporter g Conlatlluelnit L nitil Sample)Type Rrelclue ncN Rneulucncy Trichlaroc1hylenc pg,IL " + 1110E, Vinyl Chlan'deie Canban Tetrachloride µglL + BaseVIS euirals PgAl " IbAd 426 Priarity Rolluiants-Attachmeni 1361 (Sxcluding Above Marked PollUemis 1 �I. Far clischElraels which ane nal associalec wl-1h casclline aediesel uncleraround an aberel grcund siara-au tanks Ilas determined by the) RElgional Board;, dischagle manitaring shall bei conducted as fdilaws: AnlalMalsl Replort'ntl I1d) Canlstiluelnit L r ltd SElmplle Type Frequency Flrecluer cy Rlawraic gpd n a daily quarterly Taial NiUagEln mgAL grab quarterly quarterly Tats I Phas phorus mgAL 11 " " Settleable Solids mVL Is 11 " Ibld it 11 11 I Taut Suspendec mgAL Salids -Ib ld Hydrogen "Sulfide mg)L sem iainnuailly seer ialnn ually I Ibld " " IF f TatWI Reisidual p WL daily A man hly Chlan'nEl (11RC; Ib.ld " c hlorinaiing " t pH Units mare hly quarterly AnlalNvis Repan ing 11c) Canalituent Units Sample hype Fllequelnlcy Prequencry Tolail Pelroleum Hg/L grab quar erly quar enly Hydrocarbans Ibld " " " MTE E µglL xit 11 lln'butyli in �Lgll- scmiannuallly sum ialnnually Iblld AInsenic p g IL " ib,ld " ---- - - Cadmium - - - "--,pgIL -- Ib,ld " Chrc mium Rg IL " Qhexavalelnt) Ibld ' Coppan p gIL " IbAd 11 11 Attr chmeni 3 - Monitoring and Relpgrting Pwgram QMRRJ E -5 i DISCHARGES FRCIN GROUNDWATER CIRDEER NCI.R9120884=2 EXTRACTICIN 10 SURFAUS WATERS IN NF E EIS Na.CAGMOM THEE SMI DIEGCI REIGIM EXCEIPT SE IN DIEGCI SAY Analysis Re pcirting Conalliluelnt U nitsl 9arnlple Typed F necluenay F w quench Le ad µg11 " Ibild " Menaury µg,L Ibib Nickell µg/l. " Ibild " Silver µg,11 " I bald " Zinc µgm n n lbAld " Cyanide) µg/L " lb,ld Rhe nolia Compounds Hg/L " (ricin-chlarinaled; Ib,ld " Clhlorinatec Rhenalics µg/L _ Ib,ld Plclute toxicity TL a qualr elrly c uarteriy Clhranic-no)!city TL c IN " Base ulNelutra Is µgAL semiannually semiann ually Ibld " '136 PrioriN Pallulanls—,Attachment 9:1 (ExcludinciP beve Marty ed Pallulanis) - i R I 1 Atlachmani 8 — Moniioring and Reporting Rrcgram QMRP) 0-6 _, 9ISCHAR 0 E5 rl ROM GROUNDWATER On DER NO.RG 2008-OI 02 EXTRACTIOP TOO URFACS WATERS IN NPDE9 NO.CAM 9002 1HE SAN DIEGO RIIGIOP F-XCe PT SAN DIEGO BAY I 3. Rau Iona Term discharges (area sn Than 6 months) in RL RAL AREAS +las detelrminec byihEl F egional Board:, disc t agle mYloniiodng shall be conducted as fallaws: Anai)I sis Report ing (f] Clonistii u on, L nine! SalmipllEl 1w a Fraquercl Fralquiincy Rlowmile gpd na daily monthly Tor al N itrogEln mg.L gnab guar edy quare clrly Tcolal Rhcl, plharus mg,L 11IN IN Ib/d IN " i Settleable Salids mVL Ib/d " Tonal Susnleindcld Elclli(i mgrlL R IN F ydmgen :IUllldel µg/LI " IN Toilal Feilraleum F ydmcarbans Isg,IL IN " Tcnlal F esidual Chladrie NgjIL dailyI if mono ly QIIRC; It/d ahlclrinating pll- L rills n rani hl) quay firly I MIIB9 Isg,IL quaredy quanElrfy Acute Rixicity TUa s(lmiannuail)l sE mlannually Cit conic Taxicity TUc " IN " Base/I`au rale NgJL " '1216 Priclrity Rcllluiants—Plttachmeni B21 ' IN " I Rar shay term (duratian oll 6 mion't a alt less at a particular gr tindwalen extraclian stile) discharaes in RURAL PIF EAS, mclnirladrig shall be condudec as ikmlkmws: Ar lady Is Replant n!:I (Ell Cloristtiuent L nitel SalmiplIci Type Fnegc ency Rmcluer cy Rlmrlte gpid na dail)l mclnihly i ncr al A itragen mgr L grab Elver)d bA o wet iks mclnihly hotel I Rhasplharus mgr L Ib/d Settleablei Solids mIJL " " IbM RrUll Suspended Scllid, mgJL F)ldmgein %lullldel pg,IL " Tonal REilraleumi F)I d ria carbons -- - ---- Ng SIL - _....- -- e very twd wearks---rrl(it y - - -- TOtJ I Rem,idual Chlcidn a pg,IL dail)l if " ' (-IARC; ib/d chlclrina-ling ' Pl L nits moni hly quaried) I MIIBE quay Elrly Anialyals Replort'ng I Attachment E — Monitoring and Relplar ing F ragrlm IIMRF; E -7 DIS4 h ARGES FROM GROUND WA'IER OR DER NO.R9-2008-01 C, EXTRACTIOPI TCI SURE ACE VI ATHRS IN NP0119 NO.CA09194XI THE SAN DIEGO REGION EACEPI SAM DIEGO it AY (li 1 Clar sl ituenl U nits Saimple Type Fnequ en q F recluer cy Mutes Taxicity liL a grab semiannually s erriiannually Clhru nic lk Ixicitys 11L c " IF If Bas ailNe iubials' pg/L If It 'I2E1 Rriority Pallulan is —Atte chmernt E 2 " If It 5. Far shciri 1com (duration cif 6 months cin lass al a particular aroundwalen extraction sllef discharges in U RBAI` APE:AIEII disahargei manitaring shall be c:oncludad as falk wa: Ar ialpiis Repardri 1111 Canisltiluew Urate Selmplle Type Fnequercy Flrequenicy Flowrale gpd NA daily monthly llcrtal Nilr( gen mgAL grrab ever)d other wereik " Notal Phosphanra mg/L " Teti laablei Solids mL " Ib,ld liote I Suspended mgAL " Salids Ib/d Hydrogein Sulfrdei mgEL " Ib/d " 7olal Rusidual µgulL daily ill " Chlcirina (11RC) Ib/d chlarinating " pH L nils " everA olheir weieik " 7olal Pellralcum pgAL " Hydrocarbons lb/d M-nBE pg►L " Tnibutyltin py L 'semiannually semiannually lb/d ' Alrsanic Ib/d Cadmium pcy L IbAd Chrurr ium pgAL jheixavaleinl) IbAd " Capper pgAL " IbAd " Lend lbAd Marc ur µg,IL " „ If IbAd Nickel µgdL grab lb►Id 'Atiachmeint EI — Mcinitaring and Reparting Pr'c gram ilk FIR] E -8 i D{SCHARGB: FRC M(IRC l P 0 WAT9n C RDER NO.H94008-00171 EXTFU CTION l O SURFACE WATE RS IN NPDFA NO.C.AG91MOI THE SAN DIE 0 C REGION E XCEP-1 SAN DIEGO BA)1 i Arallysisl RepclrtIrg Q] Clanstilluenit Unirts Saimplic 71ype Fmiquency Frequilncy Silver . t g/L semiannually semiannually Ib,ld " ainc t g!L " Ib,ld " i Clyanide µg/L " lbAd " Flhenalic Campqunds 9911- (non•-chlar'naied] Ib,ld " Clhlarinated Pheinalics µglL " t lbAd Clhrcinic TaNicib l L a quarieriy quarledy Sas ej N eui rats 4L " IhId " 26 Priarity Rallutd nis—AttdchrnEint 92 (Excluding AN ve Maiked Pollutants) semiannually seimlannuallr] 6. Flar discharges associated with Sewer System Replacement, or Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction or Expansion Projects, In addition la mans-laring fol ihosei Constituents listed in Manilciring Pravisian EI, discharge mar itaring shall be conducted ikir #a lallcrwing: I Clonstitueni Unit: Sample Minimum Fregluency Reporting 7 Type CII Analysis Frequency Total Ccllilorrrl MPN10QIml grab weekly Monthly Flecal Cdlifom-i Dissolved Oxygen rn g/1 '126 Rriority Flollutants --- semiannually Semiannually — pfttachmeni 02 S. REICEIN I G WATEIR MON ITORIN G `f he ciischart aii shall abtain a mcnil hly upsireiam samplie cd the receiving waiei if the dischargei is to a rivar ar sirearr, of from an area unafkictec by-Ihe discharge)foci citheii receiving walers, and analyze the scmple-kir ilurbidib crid re pgri 'It a insults monthly. ThEi turt idity ol1hel receiving we,tai is nece:isary ilo deie rmine campllisince cr the effluent -luibidity. The disaharcei shall also submfll a rTicinthly idporl i iscuM06Q any Wit idiiy plumes enlated by the dititlt arglei, - including a deiscripliian (e.g., coloi, eXie nt, duratian, a tc.; cd any Airt idit) plumes. Atte chmiant 9 -- Monitoring and R erpartin g Proc ra m (MRpI) E -9 i I I I ! DISCHW ICES I IROAI GROUNDWATER ORO IF NCI.RWC 08-00a2 - ExTRE cTla1 TO 9 IIRFACB WATERS IN NPDES T'O.C.AM18DO2 THE SAN DIEGO REGIOI EXCE F T SAN_DIHGO BAY For dis a harges 10 surf son els, in liou of obtaining lurk idity samples in un aft ected areas, l he tlisahallgen shall s ubrrlit a rrlonlhly Vapor describing I1e.g., cclk n, extenil, duration, elta.) any lurk Idtly plumes caused by 11 he discharge. Thel F egianal 8aard may increase receiving watell monilorin g requirements an a case-by-case basis. Ad&ional receriving wai an mclnitaring ion in dividual disci agles may be required, where nec essaryl, 110 s t ow th at du ring tt el elrm oll,Ihe dischange, applim ble surface)walen quality abjelc ivas v ill bel mairTlained. Fclr certain metals, 11 ha harc ness of the receiving watw is required 'Io calculate the eflluenll lirrlii, lherellore the disc harflean st all mlelasulle the hardness ail 11he recelivinig wa'len er the same llrequency as me als analysis. - F. Ah h UAL SUMMARN OF MON111ORIN G CIA7pl A surrlrnlaryl cif mlclnitaring dal a fan-the previaus ycam shall be subnuitied to 11he Reg ianal Baan previous 11c1 Marat 'I" of each year. 'Rhe maparl shall eoniain bosh tabulan and grriphical summariels oil 11he pliaviclus yewls da,a. HI-he duralian of)her discharge is six monihs clr less, an annual summary)is nol requliK id. G. REFIOFT OF DISCHARCIB TERMINATION _ Within -It irty day:) of the lerminaticln all-t a discharge, the dischargeln shall aubmlit a letten'la the Regiclnal Boar( specifying) iha dale'lhe groundwatell extract ion wasia discharges was erminated. F REFICIRTING FF BAUD Cly N oniioring repor s shall be submitted 11c1 the Regiclnal Boarr in accordance with'Ihe iallawing _ schedule: REPORTING F RHQL BNCN REFIORT PaR1013 REPOR11 DUE Man'Ihly January, Felt ruary By 9 a 301h h arch, April, Mary day cif the June, July, Alugusl fallowing Saptemlbell, Octoben marllh . N avemlben, Delcerniben The nionllhly report lclr.lanuarA its dile no latenThan FebruarA28ti;� 1 . At achrrierni R— Mclniloring and F eparting Prograrr .QMRPl E -10 j DISCHARGES HRORI GROUNDWATER ORDER NO.H9-700&0007 EXIRACT10M TO S URFACE WATERS IN NPDES NO.CAMOM TH9 SAN DIEGO RaGIOtI EXCaM SAN I IEGO BAY QUar eriy Januair)l- Mairah April 3a April -,luno JI ly 3Cl July-Eleptlember Oc tobeir 3CI Oc ober- Deceimbar January 3Cl SEMiannually Jan uair}l-June July 31a July- DecerYiben January 3a r Annt at Januair51- December Marah 'I i Labaratories analyzing maniloring samples shall be certifiec by the 13cpair man-1 of F salih Scrvices, in accort ance with iha pncivisicin of Waien Code Election 13176, and must include quality assurrinceilqualfty control data with thein mpor s. I The resulls of such ainalys it shall bel neipadec in the annual nepori. Grab samples shall be collac EId erl the applic able poin t oil-discli argyle (Elill en at thEI slormi drain onilhe receiving wafer). I-I a Dis c hargen rrioniiors the above - consiliueints rricire frOlquenlly than required by-This "13R, tt an the resulls of such mionfloring ship be included in 'II'a calculaticm and rept riling of t u dala submiittec in the annual report. .4laparalei annual reports are relgt !red faI each regian. 1 I. The Discharger shall re'lain records of all man itoring iniamiaition, including all i cailib raiian and maintenance records and all a riginal strip)cH art recorc ings akin ocintinuOUs monitoring instrurnientdtion, copies of all report: neiqt inec t y this WDR, and IEieords of all datd used to complete the application ikir this WDR,lar a pKiriad of erl Wast five yEkirs ilrorn 1f a da1lu o11he sample, rnaasureimenil, repali, ar application, phis periad may be exleinded by request all this Regional Buarc . Theses records shall include: I. The dale, place, and time Of silo insplect'ons, sampling, visual obserwilian, aindllar meast remenl; 2. The indiv idual(s)who Flarlarmed tri a site inspoctians, seimplling, visual I abserwr ions, andloii meaisuremanis; ,1 The dirt iension, s iza and/aa valume at verull; 4. Flk w meeis uleiments ilif required] and duration oil disci ange; 5. The Eistimaied volt me of discharge; EI. The date and lime of analyses; 7. The laiboralciryl, staff, op whalosalel who pcirlormk Ihe ainalyElea; and 8. Analyl icat results. Pie enrcillee shall develop ai Toxicity F ec uciian Evaluatian (TRE ) work plairi. llho wart'plian shall be subject la the app caval oil tt a Regianail Board and shall be modiflec as dir-Eicted by the REigional Bc ard. Enrcillecs shall at bmf#tri EI TRO work plan to the Regional Baurd upon request of tt u F egional Boarc. Thu TR9 r Attachment E- Monitoning and Reporting Ei-t 9 i DISCHARGES FIRON GROUNDV ATNF ORDER! 0.R912008-0002 EXTRACT ION TO 9 URFAO EI W/TER9 IN NPDII9 NO.CE G919002 Th IBI SAP DIEGO RI GIG FI EXaNPT SAN DIEGO WI wort plan shall be developer no later#I an six months after adoption of tF is WOR in accord ance with the fdllowing mianuals: 1. Generalized Methodology 1br Clonducting InclusWal Toxicity Reduction Evaluations (13PA160012-8810701. .I. Ta>ic'rty Ideniificaticm Eh ah ation (1118', Rhase I (EPA180016-911005F;. 3. Medlhods 110 AIquatic Toxicity IdEint'Ificaiicin Bvatuations, Phaae II 8PA1600,IR- gzl(180;. 4. MEIttf ods 1110 Aquall1c Toxicity idE i n1l H i call io n Evaluations, Phase III (SPAIe00,IF;- 921t18'I]. H. 11 loxicit)-testing results show a violation of any acute tc)ic4 limitation identified in Discharge)Specifica'lions cdl This "11111R. it e1 ennallse shall: 'I. )lake all Iieasonat le measwEls necessary to immedialeily minirrliae toxicity; anc 21. Increase the ikequElncy o111he 1axicitylElstQs;, which shouter a violation, to al least two times peu man-lh uniil the IIEISUtis a1 al least twd consecUiNa toxicity tests do not show v solations. L. 1111he Regional E oarc delerminEis that ,loxiaityiesling shows consisleni vicila'llan of any act to icixicity Iirnitlalion identified in 131schaNIci Speciflaalians of tt'is WDR, the enrollee shall conduct a TF E that includez- all reasonable steps to identify the sourUEi of toxicity. Once the source oil ioxicity is identified, the E Inrc Ilee shall t8 ke all reasclnable s1cps to reduce the lox'clt� to rnleel the toxicity limitations ideni flet in Elisaharge Speclf talions of this WDR. M. Within '14 dadis of cc rniplldion o11hEi TRE, ihEi enrc HE a shall submit the rEsults of 'I he IIRS, including a summary o111he findings, data genereled, a lis' of corrective actions neceslsary'lo aahl(ive consislent carrlq fiance wilh all the 1cmici'ly limilaiians of this WDR and to prevent recuivence c v'alallans oillhose Iirriilations, and a time)schedule)fcln implemElntation of a itch correcliv a actions. The corrective ac tans and time schedule) shall bei modified al the direction of the F E lgional Board. V. Wflalei 91111uent Rixiciity 1kisling Rerclufremlentil Whole Elffluenl ioxicit) (WELT; 1Elsts measure tt e aggnKlale toxic eiffelcl of a mbdule cd pblltitsln's that miay be present in a m este stye ars and provides - infam allian on potential laxic impacts to iicceiving walers frc m the discharge oil -' wastes. WEN tests miaasuiia the deg]E]EI oil response of exposed aq ua-1c lest z i arganismis-o an effluen-l. llhe WHT approach pnciv ides a means oil assessing com]plizincel with tt e narra-1hEl toxicity walElr quality objective skin aquatic life pNcltectian of 1hE1 Basin Ran while imlplemenling nurnieric cAfiria icer loAc4. w Attachmeni a—Monitor iTi g and Repoli ing E-12 J DISCHARGES FROM GROUN[WATUR ORDER 1`10.PAN2008-0002 EXIIRACTON 10 SURF ACE WATEIF S IPI NI DNS NO.CA0119M 7HE IAN DIEGO REGION 3XCEP1 SAN DIEGO EV Y I 1 heixi are unto types of"IET iestvl: acid a and chronic. An acus a taxicity lest is conducted elven E shart time pericid and measures rr ode lith. A chranic-loxicit) 1 ieis•I is conducted ow n a longer pericic oil lime and magi measure rrKidalityl, reipgraducfan, and develaplmf rill. 1 t is ore en re glullieis that a Tcixicity Rec ucticin Bialu€tian (TRB) bfi conducted tf a discharge causes cin con,ldbules to chronic lcaicity in € nelcaiv ing walfm bddy. 1 his WDR requiiies the Dische rgeir la perioc icalIN monilcin the toxicity till 'Ills discharge and lci develop a 1 RE Wort' plan ii fx a laxicity Eiden• Ilrr italions are I excauded. 111. Uand Clisahaige Monitaring RequireunicinUl (hall Applicable) 1 N II. Realflmlatiar Mcinitosing RE quirarneinib lh of AnlpIllaahki) # %H111. Receilvin(I Wa an Mon itar nfI Relqulserrlentsl --SL RFAae WA1 ER AN Cl GROW OWAT13R lh all ApglicablEl) I). Oilhaii IN an Tithing Requirements 11ho1 A; Rlllcablal Reinlortln g Requirerriarlb Al Gelnenal Monitaring and Reporting Requirements A I reparts submitted in respor se la this WOR shall torr pIN watt .signa•lorM raquiremenlls sal far t In tt a 9tel ride rd Privisians. I B. Set! Meiniloning Reipqrts 49MRs,' lei 9talei r nd Regicinal 9ciar9c 'I. At any lime during tt a tern oil tt is p armit, lhfi 91E to cu Regicinal Sciar5c may nalify 1t a DischE rger to eilec ronically submit 9ellkMonilaring Reporls iISMRsI 1 using 11 a .I1ale 9ciart's CE lilomia Integrrited Walar Quality SW fim IICIWQ9) Flrogaim Weib :ite ilhttp:►Vwww.weleirbciards.ca.gciv/cimigsl'indEDi.hirrill. l nlil such natilicalicin is giv en, tt a Discharger she II submit hart coply SMRs. The r CII%A ISS Weib site will priv is a addil Tonal direclians lion SMR submittE I In It a event there will be san ice inieirruplicin kir eleclrrnic submittal. 2. IN C isct argen shall submit annual monblaring lie aults is It a Regional Boar by lha 2alh day of March floc the preceding Galenc an glean. The Dischargeir shall napgar in the SMR the of; ults 11th all man iciring specifiec in this MRH. THei Clischargf n shE II submill annual SMRs including IN re sutts all all requires mcinitor"ng using U%1EISPA1-aplpra%eid tesl malhads or tilt err Iesl rneithads - -- - - - " -- specified in this WOR. H•Ihe Dischargerminitor: any gcillutan•I mon treguenily Than required by tt is WC]R, •It a result: oil tt is manilaring shall be 1 included in IN calculations and repprtir g o-1 It a data submitter in the SMR. I I Attachment 0—IV on i•Dring a r(I Reporting EPI 3 i DISCHARGHS MOM GROUNW ATUI OR[ER NO.R%200e1-[007 EXTRACT IONTO SURAACE V IATEM III NPDES NO.CAM 990(,1 I THE SA N DAM REGION EACEPT SAN O IEGC SAY 3. The Discharger si all submit %IMRs in eiaamidance with -IF a ikillowing re quine Imenis: a. l he Dischargers hall arrange all repgrted data in a tab ulall -kirmat. The data shall be surnimad2 ed ici claarly illusiratei whether the facility is operating in complliam with Interim andicir final: off tient lirnlitailam . I he Discharger h ncd recluired ,lo duplicate the submittal al data it at ane einteued in a tabulan ilairmal will hin CIIWQ!1-I. Whtn aleclrcinic submittal al c ata is reiquirad and CIIWQrl doers not provide fau Entr)j in-lo a Tabular 1kirmat within the systerni, thea Llischargen shall elecircinically submit the data in a iabulail,.brmat as an atlx chment. b. The Cllscharcer shall attach a cover IeVcrlo iF a SMR. The inforrrialion contained in the cover let ar shall clearly ideln* violations al tr Is A DFI; c iscuss canective actians Taken air planned; and -The plroplosud lime schedule lar conuctive ac lams. Identified vlolaiiains muni incluc e a descrinition oyl the requirement that was via la•led anc a deascrip�ian ail-The vicilatian. c. SMFh mull be submitted to I he appro plriad a Regional Board, signed and aee I-Ilad as requlned by the Siandarc F rovisions (Atlachmuni D,. C. Dischar� a IVanitairing Replarls (DMF s)io EPAI VI hen requested by L SEF Al, thel Discharger shall also complleite and submit ' Discharge IVcinitaring Replcirts ted L SERA. The submittal daie i hall bei splecified - in the recluesil. _ 0. OTHER RBRORTS IN 071 ARPL ICABL E: Mhl6t me nt 8—Moniloningl and F eF orling 81-•14 01SCHARGE9 FROM GROUNDWATER ORDNR NO.R9n00"10J ExTRAcnaN 10 SURIACE WAT9RS it I NPDES NO.CAG919= THE 9 A N DINGO RE GION EMCEP7 SAF I DIEGO®AY Altlachmeni F—Hact Sheel Als described in section III cif this WDR, this Facl Sheet includes the legal nequiremenis and technical naiicinale lhai serve a,. lhe1 basis ianlhe nelquiremenls al ilhis WDR. L Reinrn11111nformailion A. IIN 71RODUCIIION } This Order eslablishreu a W13R regulating 'It a discharge)cif grar.nndwaien exlriation waslei discharges 1a surlacei walers in the San E ielga Region excepl San Dlelga Bay from all consliuction gnoundmiaten extnaci ianl, and similan wasla discharges, H. BACK GROI IN D In 1972, U a RElderal Wailan Illolkition Conlral Act, currenlly neifelrm d tc as the Fedural Clean Watelri Act (CWA), was amanded tcl pr avidc iha'l the discharge al pollutants to walelrs all the Unitec StEltes 111ram any pginl sar.arce is prahibi-led, unlelss 11hc discharge is in compliance witt a Natianul Rcdlutani Discharger Elimination .ly,.teem ] FIDES) permit. The federal regulations allaw autharb(id slatels is Isst a eithEin genenal pernills an indi)idt al parmits 1a negui.,rte dischargers cif pcdlutc rats lc walersi cif the Unnillec Stalus. Cln January e8, 1991, ihe.0 alifornia Regional WEdeir Quality Control Baard, San Diego Reglan ilRegicinal Baarc) Issued a Generil Waste Dk charge Requirement sail Graundwaler Remeidiatian ' ar d DewailErring Wasim Clischurgci, to Surface Waleir Witt in IN Nan Uiega Region except lion San C iega Flay ijOrdEir Na. 91-101. Phi pleirmlt was reissued tWa marei limes an Junei '13, 1996 ilOrd Eir Na. 96-4,1] and October ,I0, A'001 (Order IN a. re 001-MI6). In accoidancel wiih Tiile 40, C tide cif REiderd Reit c lalians (CIIIR,', the Regicinal Baarc must mesal general praglrram ncquineimenis prion la the re-issuance and ac cipticin cif a gfineual f PD99 pe rmit. Geinural program relcluirernenis include pnePlaring a drafil WDR, public nolicing, allowing a public comment pglriad, and canducling a public hearing. Tc meed 'lhe:se requinemeinis, they Regional Bacirc prepared a drafl WDR. The 1Enntative WDR was made available la inleneisied parties and pasted an 'lhe Regianzil Sciarc's web,tle an Fat ruary 5, 20(81or cammelnis. A pt blit hearing lei recaivei test imany from in lenesled pari ie s was schec c led )kir Marx h 1 A', 2008. A public hearing nc itice was poslec in the San E iega Unic in-Tribune i, The Riverside Pei: s-E nteglri., e, and 7Ilhe Oringe County Register, mcijcm neiwspapeiri in the San I]ieiga Region, an February 8, 2C08. 7111 e public writlen commend pericid endec March 5, 9 008 and the public ciral cammenl ended March 12, 2008 ai the Regional Sciard meelinig. C. CIE NERAL C RITaRIA + Extrc eel grciundwalen may contdin palluttlnts which may be-kiund in groundwalen as a misut cil deccampastlicin all cirganic materials Qei.g.,'hydrogen Atta a t rn ent F— Fact f Il eat F-1 ' U11 t ARLES HROM GROLIPIO WK ER ORDER NO.R9-2DWOC 09 EXTRACTION TO 9 LIR RACE WATERS IN NPDE9 NO.CAG919002 TH0 SAN DEGO REGION a CEPT SAN DINGO BAN sul#id€i), leaking underground staiage oinks and fuel Iina.9, surface spills, sewage, pass use of liquid wasla imipaundmenis, an Ni polEntial presences cd ` nubieints Qphasphorus and nitrogen compounds:. The San Eliega Reclional VI alai Quality Control Board +lheiicinafller Rergianal Board' is awaxi lhail petroleum pcdlutanil plumes axist in graundwateus in aneas subject 11 cons'l rucl ion groundw ater eWreiction. In addition to consiruction gnaundwaleir ex'raclian dischargers, graundwailEm iemiec iation projecis requiued by cleanup-and abatemenl ortcirs issued by the Regicnai Sciarc may requiiia the diaahaq a crl treated ground%Won. In addition to peilroleum products and solvenis, gmund%allEns may conte in elevalcid conceintratians cicithein pailulanils that/ cxiuld degnade sure ce waleirs. Theisei tithe r pc Ilutc nts rr ay Ina We meita Is, nuinEinls I1nitrKigen and phospharus), hydragEn sulfide, solids, and crlheii inoiganic and organic compounds. Emis'ling and proposed disci angns atllgraundwalEm endraation waslEi frarri consiruclicin grciundwaleir eWraatian, foundation graundv ateu extraction, and graundw ziten cluanup projects: a Fkis ull ilrom similar opepiatians (all involver axtneiction and discharge crl groundw ales); b) Are the sarrie types all w aste I1all area graundwalEir,; C' Require similau effluein-1 lirr Italians fon tt a prolacl ion of the be n(ficial uses C thea receliving wa ters; d) Require similar manitcning; and e) Ane maim approprialoN reigulalerd under a gEnenal pain iit nalhen Than inclividual pemiits. Orceir Na. 2acii-96, applied to all graundwalar ew'raciian waste discharges oll - gm ateii than '1 claxi6o gpd. Flor purposE s Of nE newing NPCI E S pE rmil Na. 200,1.. 96 IITentalivei Order hci. RNreloos-(am, hislorical monikIring dala has beEin neiviciHEd. Basec ontre (Iola rervieva results, lack of complaints oiladversEi impar(s to %ateii qualitl a ndilor bE neficial uses of the iiec:eiving v alms, and lack -• at docurriE dedian of advE rse irripacis -lo wateii quality and)lan beneflciell uses Oil 1hEi recolving wale r., discharc es crl graundwaler la all receiving waters within ihEi region errcE pt dischargers lo San I]iego.Bay IE ss than i Qa,C10(I gzdlons pen day and where na known contamination axist9, piiabably will ncrl F ave an - adverslE Efteci an IN receiving %ateidenviranmenil. _ This WDR does not given: 1 STORM WA-BER - Slam v ateu runofl due la ccinstruc icin activities. ThErsEi activities may bE cxrvenEd undEuihE stalEwidE general NARES permit lorstom waren discharges associeled with ccnsiruction acliviliEs (CIASCICKI(1132; ,-thE Attachment F-- Fla at Sheet F-2 0ISCHAF GO RROM GROI NDWATER ORD9H NO.R9-7008-0002 EXTRACTIOF I TO 9 URFAC9 WAT13RS IN NPDES NO.CAG919009 THE SAN 0 EGO RE CION EXCEPT IAN DIEGO BAY s-latewidei general NFICIE'S pe rmil 11or"Ilona Waten Runofli Associaled Wifh Small Lineae L ndergrciundilOve rhead Canstruclion Projecls ijCAS100CIC105;, a nd,lon Clean Waken Act IICWA, Section 401 We tel Que Iltj C er ifications. Slih ITAFP SEWER - C ischarges to a sa nita ryl aewer. These discharge s do n0l need coverage undenilhe NFIaSS Flrogram, €Ilhaugl the ageincy coniralling 1he sanitarA se wen must app rave (lischargles to ils conveyance sysle n . UIPLIT)l VAIL URS - Discharge s from titilit51 vaults F nd undeglrc and structunes. Tl ese activities rray I e coveirec LInderthe steltewide general i Fl 13011 pelrmitlar discharge s frarnl utility vaulls and underclrcund slniclunis to surfacer wa en Orden No. 20a6.•OIClCl8-DVI 4 ICAIC1990002;. f Hl C ROS7ATlQl F CITABLE WALE R-- Discharges from driricing waleir well devulaprr ani. Thesc disc hargleas are coven id in Order No. R941a0rdI-Omits 11CAG67(l1a011). oliilicalior Requirements llho purpase of lhis WDR is to facilitate regulation of dischargers frau grcitindwar en EDdTaciicin aclivities. Ta cibtelin coveiragei unden This WDR,ih(i Dischargei rr ust submit a Nalice,of In'lenl ills OI), a pro* map(s;, e n inilial Manfloring Report, and firm annual'lee. %ligning the cxwW aaiian on lhu �CII siglnifies -Iha1 11he C ischarden inlunds lo comply with the provisions and uaquirerr anis cif this WEIR. AIN IS 01 musl be sign(id io be valid. I 0. UISCHFIRGH TO A MUNICIPFIL .EPAIRAME SlIORM E EWER SY.TOM IJMS4) Frion td c is charging inlla an MSe , the Discharger s hall demonstrate al-lem€to es to c is( harping Ex raclec graundwallanwasiei inlo an M�r-4 anc mhy it is luchnically on econorr icali)l inleiasibla la irriplerrenl these altemalives_ Wittciui priori appravai frau lhei appiraprialle local ageincy with jurisdiation aveirlhe N SZ, the c ischarcjea shall not discharge exlnac�led c roundw€iter waste under chis I WDR inla an MS4. Local agencies respgnsibier faii operating the M�11 4s rr all not passively neceiive i e n d d ische rgea polluU nl; frau 1 hirc pantie s. By plravic Ing free and ape n access la an M%I4 the t coneys c is chargleas lo walers cif the L.S., tt a MS4 ope l eiton esse nfialiy accupts m sponsibility fdr dischaqles into the MSS thall it does not prohibil an contrc1. These c ischag1es inlay ce use an contribute to a condition of contelmination or a viala-lion all wealen qua lit l standarc s. lihenskirea, al leasl 30 days priar to initiatinc an eixtrac ed grciundwe-len discharge to an MS4, 'Thea Dischargeal shall ncitJfy and naceive authorizE tion 1Irom1 ilhe appropriate local ageancy wilh jurisdiciicin oven-[he MSe. This requirement eancounage: corrin unicailicin beitween Discl aglears aniolled unce n chis WDR'and i Am achment F—Fa ct S heart F-3 i 1 DISCHARGES FF OM GROUNDMIATFIR ORDER t10.89120 094 00 2 EXTRACT ON TO 9 URFM E N ATEF S FI NF DES NO,CAG919002 TF E SAP DIEGO RJ1GIOIs EM EPT SAN 0[EGO BAY lacrll agenaie; respclnsible 1kin MS4s in an erffbe to rec uce rrlisundEirstalndings End conearris civen the 6peis al dischargeis ccveirw by tt is WDR. E. 131SCHARGE DE1ICRIPIKII` Graundwaleirs in some urt an areas are known Ila be coniaminatec with peilroleum pradLiCh and solverr s due la undergrarund sicinacle lank leaks and t pipelines leaks. Discharges cif gratlndwalen la neCeiiving waters wfthln lhei reglan will be uegluined to comply with the eifflueini firriltd-lions oonlained in this Orc en and prxited the beneficial uses cif the receiivincl water-. Regicinal Boarc staff e)pests chat a numbein all-1he graundwc ten praject proponents will propose dischargfis to surfaces wa-lers which will iiequiiie IN aiianal Pallutdnt Disci arge Elimination Sysleim iJNPUSS; perrr its. - Any discharges cil untreated graiundwa-len'lo a surface walein may causes on cantnibutei ici ey cursians above narrative waten quality objecdfvess cxiniainec in the Ocean Plan a nclllon Basin Rlan as a result cif thea poten'lial discharcle cif Patraleum relates compounds, scilvenls, and rrsfitals. Enrolleeis undem'Ihis VI EIR that are In close pres)irrnit�j of Ihei ocean, a bay, harbou, lagacin ais astuaryl, may eincounicr salines graundwalar, in which ciise the use cif EPA Meitf od 1638, and E FIA MEithad 164[1(Clean -lechnolcigies; wciufd be appropriate kir the analysis al metals in saline samplf is. FAIOILITY DEEICIRIMICIN S -TREATMEb T FAICIL 11-909 AND OUIIFALLS This geneiral NFUE1I pgrrrnit cart ains eftlufint firriitaticins which may nequine the application cif'best availables Weiairrient economically achievable' stir the rerricival oil palrofeum praiducts and ort anis compounds 6xim e;eich gruundwaieir prajecl propcincril's dische rgei_ The genfsral In FIDES peirmit will neiquim fiach Onrallee[to ceirtify the adequacy of each component cif Inualment laciliiies or a corrlingency plan priori to - initiating a dischargfi. Bach Bnrallea's cerlificalicin reipcirl shall ccinlain a requirEnienl- by-requirerrieni analysis, based on accepleid enginfsering practices, of haw the con'lingenay plan sir praaess and physical design of the facilities will einsure compliance with 'I his Orc en. Groundwaleii may be disaharged -1a a vaiiieity of receiving wailfirs, slarm drains, cin clhen conveyance systerris trlbule ry la recesiving watens within tF a regfori. Bficause autlalls are nat designed Ici achieve maximum initial dila ficin and disperr,ion of discharges, it itial dilution ilaators fon discharges ici inland surlacei waleirs, bays, fis'luaries, and lagoons ane ccm senir tively assumed to equal ;mira. An inilial diluiicin factoii cif three is assumed fcin discharges to the Suri zane. Thea inf-Ifal dilution factaii is based an a preliminary dilulicin madal submit e d by Professaii Gerhard H. Jfrka, Schaol of CIVI ant Envirarnmantal Engineering, Cornell Unfver:iity, fcir a derwaterring project-ionthe interrialianal tneetmen-1 facilftycicean outfall nead Tijuana. This particular rricidel assumfis thai: - Attachmenl F—flat Sheet F-4 two, i DI8 CHARGES FROM ORCIUNDWAI ER OA 0 9R Na.R912008-DOM EXTRACTION Ta 9 URFACI WATERS IN WDIS Na,CAG919M TINS SAI I C IEGa RI GICIN EXCHAT SAN DINGO BAIT J a) Mixing aI -t a do walelring discharger is primarily canlralkid by wave-induced i Iurbuleince and Icings tare Con dilians; b) CI.55 moteA wave hEligt t wilt a 15 secand pelriald accurring with a 95 pElrcen'I exceeldance prababi%; c) A IangshonEI velacity of 5 tai '10 centirnlelots per secanc; and d) AI nelar-share beach slope a1 3 perc MI. The mlcldel resLIlts in E n initial dilulian raffia of six. Since the mladel dans nal represent lapcgraphia and wave con difans ihroughoul tt a raflion, I he initial dilution fElciorkir dische rges tial sur zanEls wE s t alverd. I F. DEISCIF IRTION OF VI ASTEV1 A7E1R AND E ICISOLIDS TREATMENT OR CONTROLS ISN OT ARPLICABLE) G. GISCHA F GE ROIhTEI ANL RECEIW G VI RITE RS I Lndeiithe WDR, ihere rnla)l bel multiple discharge) paints. Additional in-klrma'lion regarding Ihel receiving wailelrs can I a lkUnd in tt a carripledec N Ol which delscribels the) discharge and ldfin ifieis-It a paints al discharcic. I The CompiichensKc WatEsi Qualifi Claniral Rlan Flepert, Elan Diega Eaflin (19), (113asin I Plan) was adciplelc by chis Re(licir al Boarc an Selplembeit 8, 1994, and subsequently appraved by'It a Ste I(i uA aleii Rescuiraei Con Iral Bae rd i1heiElinaflelr SWRCE) an DeIcamber '13, 199' . Elubselqueni revisions ici It a Basin Plan have also teen adapleld by ihel REigiclnal BcE rd and approved by the) SWRCIE. The HE sin Rlan designates bElnelficial urAis, na rra'livc and numellical wateu quality cibjectivels, and prohibitians which are a pplicable la the)gnoundwalaii extract icer waslel discharges migulalec undElr this Orc ei. I the Basin Plan iderlifleis'It a 11cillawing benErficiE I uses all tt a Surfaces walelrs in the San E ielga Felgian'la be prolocteld I1nal all surFacel wa'lers have all cIf the)b(lneficial uses listed below): Municipal and domestic supply, Algi'culiural suppl)l; Industri a I se tMce supply; su • -- -- - ' Indus'Irial process supply, • Graur dwalelr rEicharge; • Frdst walelr replenishmElnt; • IN E vigal lain; ` HNdropawcti ganelrition; Attaat n eni F- Fact Sheet F-5 D19(IHARGE9 FROM GROUNDWATER ORDER 110.R912(OE4 002 EX RACTION 7a SURFACE WATERS IN NPD11S NO.CA(30 19002 THY&V DIEGO R EIGION EXCEPT SAN DINGO BAY • Contact wa'len recreation; • Non-con'laci wa'len recrEatian; • Con mercial and sport fishing; • Wa rrn freshw ater habitat; Clold 11neshwaien habitat; • Rreseniertion cd Elie iia gical Habitats o-1 Specia I Elignilicanae: • Inland aaline Hsten habital; - • A ildliile habiiail; • Rane, thicarle ned, on eindangered species; • Marine habila'I; • Migration of aqualic organisms; • Elpaiwning, re production, and of elarly delve kipmF nl; • Elheillfish harwis ting; Estuarine habitail; and - • AquacultuiK In circ en'lo prc lett These benelficied uses, the Bassin Allan EstablishEis N ate ii quality objectives ilfon baclurial, physical, chemical, and bioleiglical characteristics, and-kin nadiciactiAt l), ge neral Ile quirE mems fcir manage menl crl wanate discharc a to the baiyslhanbars, quality rec uineimenis fan was(i discharges,leafflueni wailer quality nequirem( nis), discharge prahlbt icins, and gene ral grcvisians. - It a EWRCEI adcipleid a nevise cl Walein Quality Contac I Plan fdr Ocean Waters of Caliloiinia (Ocean Plan an April 2' , 2005. The Ocean Plan iden'lifles the foll(imiing beneficial uses c sieile oce an walars to be pratecled: • Industnial wEdeii supply; • Navigail is in; - • Aeslheilic anjciymen'I; Wal an cc ntaci recreation; • Non-contel cl we'l an recre al ion; • Fish migraiicin; • Maricull une; • Marines NNW; - • Rmserua-licin and einhanceimeal of areas till special t 1cilogical significaince; • Rieseruailion and enhanceimenl a1 r net and eridangered specias; _. • Fish spawning; _ • Shellfish hairvesling • Ocean carrmencial wind spciri fishing; RIG 0 estd blishes mall€iii'q ualitSj object iveis'�lk ri t E cleric 1,-physical,chE mical; _....___ _..._." and biological charactenislics, and -Ion re dioacl ivity;, genet I requirerr anis for rranageirr eni of waste disaharc ei ici the ciceian, quality r*quire me nts for waste discharges ijeffluen 1 walen qu alit l ne quire rr enis;, die charge prohibitions, and geinaraI provisions, Attachment F— Fact QIP eet F-6 i D11 CHARGES RROM GROUND WATE R ORDER NO.RM008-[)D12 EXTRACTION TO SURFACE WATIMS It I NPO E S NO.CAG119M 2 TME SAN E][EGO RE GION E XCEP7 SMI 0IEGO SAY I 9enedlaial uses oil-Ihe bays a nd estuaries in the San Diego Region wire sirr item lcr those ail-Ihei Ocean A alers of lhu Stale. in orc er to prolect the benfdic'al users of lhfr bays and asl uariers, discharger s pecificarlicin s and reicfiMing walem duality lirr itatians fan SOFT a I pairarrifiters, derived frarrl the Ocfian Plan, have be an include d in 11his Orc en 1km discharge s-lo bays and eisiluarieis (when oplen to lhei ocean and cons[sting of marine wale rs,. If a lagaon os esluaryl is nol open to ilhe Miciflc Ocean Bind consists oil fresh water, discharges shall ccimply wilt Iher requirements a stablished In This Ordein fdr discheirges-lo inland surfaces waters. i This region has continuous and al: herrierarl rniers and stieiams, bays, eisiluaries, lagoons, and appraiximalely 8 5 rmiles all cciaastline. No receiving waders ccniereid uncer the lerrns and conditions of this Or(em have been dusignailec an outstanding national i resciurce ,Aalen by'lhe SWF CB. HcmEiven, Heiisier Rarfc geological Rerseruei, localec in cciaslal waters nfian th(i City all Laguna Heath, 'Ihe Sa n Diegq-La Jullar 9colagical REisenie, and -1 he Sa n Diegci Mariner Lifu F erfdga, localec in coasts i)Aatersi near La i Julla, a communkl of thea Cl[t71 ol.9an Diego, hanie been clersignated an Aneiaa of�Ipeclal B[alciglica I Significance (A.19S] by Ther SWRC9. I he"aten Quality Conlral Plan for Ocean Walers till Califarnia 10cean Allan) cantains the following prohiditicins applicable Ila FISB%91: 'Masle shall not be discharged -la areas deisidnaled as beinC cif speiciad biolcClical sklnificancei. .Cl[schargeis shall bei lcacalec a sufficient c istancei fmrTi suah de signalled ! areas to assuni mainle nancfi all naturs 1 wa len quality conditicins in these areas." Orc err h o . R9.2008.0(02 Alrahlbtls thea c Isct arge all eat raction A as'le to the aaba ve I ASBSs i H. SL MMARY OR 97i ISTIN CI RgQL IRE MEWIIS AIN D SELR-MONITORING R9RORT CIATA Orr ee No. <1001-96, which this WDR replaces, requires 11he Disaharger not ilo excead the Effluvnl Lirniitatians fon a numben all cionstituenls, and to rnionilar and iiapor tt a concfinlaitian and rriaFss alilhe conslituants in lhair discihargei. .ligniicanl ahainges accun-ed in It a Effluenl Limitalion requirernienls 1km sornae eanslfluenls. Efflufinl LlrritUltians under Order ha. 201.96 were develciped using tt a ClIR, %A hilei the SIP was uscid for this WDR. 1. C ornipliancfa Summary) I11sial Applicable] J. Rlanned Changers �Ihol Appliaablei) II. Appilical:ki Fla nis, FIcillcles, a d Reglulaticinsi Ther requirements eontdined in 'It is MIOPI are based on tt a ie( uiiiifirrieints and -aulhorities described in 11' is secticin. c AMaahrn a r t F—Fact Shee' F-7 DISCHARGRS■n OM GRQUND%A ATFRR OF C ER NO.R940W4X 02 ExTRACTIaN TCI SURRIACE V+ATF IRS R I NPI7Ei NO.C AGG 194 C7 THE TAN DINGO REGICIN EXCEPT SAN C 1EGC RAY A. Legal Aluihcirilies 111 is WE Fl is issued pursivar 1 lci CIWA seta ficin 4(12 and implementing negulailons _ adopted by the U1.9EPpl and ChaplEin 5.5, C ivisicin 71 cif It Claliforniel Watenl Ccide iICWC). 11 shall serve as an N RDE 19 perry it tcir pciini sounic i discharges ilrom groundwalein eixt racticin was ei discheirgeis to surfacei weitersi. This WDR alsa seirves as Wasic Discharges Requiramenis(WEIRS) pursuant 1ci At iclei 4, Chaplen ,� otilhe CVA C ibu dischaq es That ane not subject to Iregulallon undein CVA A sect'on z 02. Stdtes may request authority lci issue genes I h PDES peinnitAl pus:uani 'lo 4CI CIFR sac icin 1,12.28. (In June 8, 19851, the Sia'le aoarc submitled an application to the l SBPA relquesting nevisicins to fits NPC ES PrcigrcrrI in acccirdancc with 40 - CIRR 'l22.a8, '12'1.62, and 403.'10. 'Rhe appliaition included a neiquest to add geineined permit auihoriN 11ci its appraveid N RDES Rragram. On Seepleniber 22, '198(11, 1h(I U38PA, Region (11, appravec ihE1 Ste tet Board's Iiequesll Bind granllEid auiharizalicin-bn 1ha Slate to issue)gen eirril h RDE9 pgiimits. B. California Envireinmeintal Qualit)l Act(CEIQA) 1 hit act icor ici adopl a h RDE9 permit is(DEimp1 fnoirT the provisions of CIE QA - ilRublic Fleisciurces Code secticin 2'11{10, ed seq.; in accordance with CWCI iecl'on _ 133851 fore the following reasons: 'I', A Dia cheirgaii cann(t oibllain caiverc ge undeu this WEIR if pc1lut<nis in the discharge, cause, contribute, cir haven the reascinable - poler lial to caFise or conilribule to a%%&en quality siandarc s vicilallon; 2) The perrritl requires E ischargeirs ici moniicir and repc ri 'Ihei dischangei to ensune -Ihe ElischaN ears w ill not cause a violeil iein; and 3) The Re5lic final 9oiar( 'i gr n ting of 'Ihe exceipiicuns does not have iha pollential tar causing significanl adverse - enviranmianial effects. :r a Califomia Code cif Regulalions, 7i'11(i '14, suction _ 'I 5CIE11 Qb)113). Cl. Slate and Rederal Regulatic ins, Pcilicies, and Plans - 11. M laille n Quality Clar tiulol Plan On Suptemben 8, '10,4 , ihEi Fief Tonal Boand adoprlec a Wallar Quality - Con-Iral Plan fcin iha San Diego Region 11hareinaflen E asin Pian), thal dei ignafn beneficial users, establishes waten quality objectives, and cantains implementation pncigrams and policies'lci act ie 11 hose cibjectives kin all wailers addieissed through then plan. In addition, :Mate - Board Resolution No. t18-63 regUires ihai, witt• certain exccpticins, the Regic anal Board assigns thEi n unicipal and domeislic supply uses to waler ------ -- - - - - bodies 1 all do nol have baneFlcial uses listed in the 9asin Plans. - - --- - --. --- 2. Naiticinal Tax ics Rule INTF) and Callfarnia Ioycicsi Rule , CITR) _ USERA eidopleid the NTR on Decer it 22, '1992, which was amended cin May 4, '190, and h ovemben 9, '19951, and the Cl R on May ' 8, ricilaCt, i whicl was amended on Reibruar)l'13, ,IOg1. llhese rules include%alen qt aliiy crferia fon priority poliuian-Is and eine applicable-Io this discharge. _. Attact rn a nt F- Fac Sheet F-1 .ti E ISCFiAF ICES ARCIM GRO1tIP E WATER CFtDEF NO.RMDO8-M E XTRACTI4 P 1 TO 91.RFIACE WATE RS IN PIPEDES NO.CAM 19002 THE SAN DIEOCI REGlaN E.CEPA SAN DIEGO E AY 3. 5tslte Imipllervenitaillonl Palicl (SIR; On Wirct 2, 2(1(10, t cSlaile Hoard adopled the SIR, vihict be:cairnsel Effac lve on April '918, 21(1(10,with re spect-lo lhei priartt pallulalnt crilelriv pramulgaled fou California) by the L SERA ilhrough thea IN TR and to the fllriarit�j pglluta nl objectives eslablished by the Regianal Boards in lhahi basin prams, with lhu eaceplion aril tt a prov'sicin an attelmallei lest procedures fon individual discNirgas it al have bene n aglprcved by U SERA Regional Adminis Talar. It e allemarie test procecures prcvisian was 1 eiffeclive cm May.121, diaaa. The SIP became eiffect've cin May 18, 2CI(10, wish naspact to the pricirFty pgllutalnl crt•aria) promulgalted by the US9RA 1hrougt the CTR. I hei Stales Emird zidoplec amielndrrielMs Wit a �IIR on 1 flebi uarA'9k , 2CI(I1% , tf E t became effective an July '13, No. The SIP includes procedures ikir delerminincl the need ikir wind caiculaling VI ateu Qwility-Bois ed Effluuni Limi'lations(WIQBBL3), and requiues ©ischangars lai sLbmil data sufficient to da aa. The Stzt(i Scud odap-led alirlesndmants td ihu SIR cin Flubrualry 214, 20105, thal becaime efledive on July 13, 21(1(15. 1 he SIH establishers implamantdticin provisions fai pnicirity pglluMnt crharia anld abjectives and prcvislans ft11 chronic lcaicity conirc I. Requirements of this WDR implemerl the SIH. 4. Anlilidailiadallionl Flolicy i Seclian oil 4C CIFR requires'll all Staile walen cluality-stdnc alrrs include)an einik egradaticin palicy cansis'leni Wth tF a Ile(evil pcllicy. ThEi s Sialei Baan estdblisheid Caliicimiai's a iniideegnsdaiiain palicy in Stale Board Resalulion h a. 68-16, which incorporaies lhei requNerrients ail it a ileo erall anildageadation policy wt ere applicable. Resolulicin P a. 68-16 requireis 1 that existing wallEir qua litjj be maintalinud unless dugna Idaltian is jus Ned bakes an spec fflc findings. As discussed in detail in this Heic Sheet, the permitted dischallrclu shall bei consisleini wt t the anlidegraidEtion pravisicin cif 4C CHR sectian '131.12 aind Shite Basirc Res olui ian P a. 68-'16. 5. A r1 tf-Backsiidin g Requ irem antA Sec ions 4Chl1a]112] and 3(131ld144] ON tt a CIWA anc 4a CFR sectiarl I 122.4-d 11, prohibit backsliding in N PD9S penT its. ThE se i an,li-backsliding pmvisians requires thad effluent limitailicins in a missuad permil musl Ni as s•Iringent as ihm a in the prav'cius permit, with same umcesplians in which limitaitians may be relaxes. All ef#lue n'l limi"rlatians in the WDR aiic at leeisl as stningent as the esffluenl limUlicins in the previous Orr ei unless speia'ifled. 6. Mon iltarin g and Replartin g Reicluirerrientsl %ledian '1212.4+`10114(ICFRrEi uirvsthan) all NPUBS peiml,lsspecify I EiquirE n renis fan reieorc ing and re parting monitaring resulls. Sectlans 'I%;67 and •13383 cif the CWC air hoeiza-the Regicinal Saa;lrc s to Iequire lechnical and manitcieng repairU . 1 he MRP eslarblistles rrunitaring and 1 neipan ing nequirerr encs 110 implerr ani F ederal and Stc ie iequineimenls. This N RFI is prcvided in /Itlachmeni E. Attachment H--Fact Slheel F-9 DISCHARGES FROM GROUNEW ATE R ORDnR NO.FU-2018-002 EXTRAM IGN To 9 URFACE M ATEF S IN NPDES 1`10.CAG919002 THE 9A DIEGO REGION EX09PT SAN aIEGO BAY D. Irripalired Wader Elodies on CIWA 30311d; List The fed elral Clean Weitet Act nequine is .Itaif; to ide nlifj and make a list of; urtace wadeu bodies tt al Eire polluted. These waien bodies , w einred to in law ais "wader quality limkid segmeintd," da not meal waleir qualify siaindarc s eve n elf n discharges of wastes 1lrom point souracs haivei t een treacle d by the minimum requine d leivels all poliulian conirc I technology. Waistewaler inea lmf nt plants, a city s stom drain system, aii v burl yeirc , Eire a-lew examples: of point sources thed discharges walsias la surface welterv. .hates Eire reiquhE(l 10 cc mpik the water bodies inla a list, relferwx la a., #ei "Clean Waiteii Acl Sec ficin 303Qdl List all VI ale n QuallkI Limiter Seclmenis" 11.10311: List). States must also prioMize -Ihe waillar bodies on the list and dev( lop eictian plans, called icital maximum daiily loads QTMDLs; to imiprnve tr a Wa'rlem quality. llhe St -lei tic arc upcielted the 2004-`008 303ild) List lkin Caliicimia c n Oclaben 2111, 2006, and EFIPI E ipprc veld H cm N averr iber 30, 2006. I There wire sipprcAmEdely '100 impcilred %Edell bodies on the 1I0-31d, List in the San Die go Region. Most TIM❑Ls icor water badles Witt in ihei San Diega Heigicm are undem developmeir t c r have nal been started. Howeven, fac n IIMEILs lkir lhei San - Diegc Regic n need anly State Hoand aippr vEd to be complerle, aind Three are - allnEM(ly complelei. Of iha thre a corripleteid TIM❑Ls, two impEicl iha waiar quality _ of San ❑ieiga Bay and the thirc impact s the waien quiilK)l of Rainbow Cneek. E. Oihan Plans, Polices and Regulations - 0cle3a rl Plain llhe .Rados Boairt adapted t E WEter ualily Control ME in tion Ocwin Waders oil Caliicimiai +]Ocean Plain] In 2005, it Weis agprcveid bbl L SEFIA, and became = efleclive cm Re linuary •14, 200(1. -nhe Occian EllEin idEin,i fi(s the following ^ beneficiail uses cd stEde oceEin waleins 10 bei praleictec: a. Indusiriad waien supply; d. Navigation; C. Aes1 het is a njo)l mania d. WEiten contact recreiEltion; e. ficin-contact widen neicrecdian; f. Ocean cc mmeraial and sport fishing; ! I. Mariculture; h. Rresen E Mian and a nhanaement of Alms cif Special BiolagicEil Significance; -_— - -i: Rresen E itian and and ance mrent of rine End enc ar gere;� - 1 j. Mairine hElbital; k. Fish migi atic n; - 1. Fish spawning; and M. Shellfish harvesting. s Attachment F-Ract-cIheet 910 I DISCI FIARGES F FIOM GROUNDWATE R OF 0 ER NO.RQI2008-0002 EV IRACTION TO 0 URFACI WATE RS IN NPDH9 NO.CA091901 a TH9 SAN 0)EGO Rr G101'1 EXCaP7 SAN 01300 BA) In orcen 1 o prclted tt a abdve beneficial uses, llhe Oceian Ran estA bli;t es wale r quality abjeictives (fun bacteriolOC ical, physical, cherr ical, and bicilcigical I charactedsltcs, and ilor widloactivity), general requinernlenis lion rranageme ni of wase a dischanged Who ocean, quality requin( me nts ilkir wa;to discharges ijeffluenl qu alit�j requirements), discharge prahlbitians, and c e in eiral pnavislans. i Limns derived ilrom the Ocean Flan have been incl(dec in this WC RI to prateci beneficial uses oil enclosed bd ys and a stuarics be cause Moir beneficial uses are similan to 11hose of the accan wale rs oil,he "Italei. i F. BASIcl HOPI WHITE C 141CHARGIB REQUIRBMBhT%fI Ick ct'on 4C'1 of tl-a federal Clean Werler Ala (C WA; c iv eei the U.S. E PAI tt a autt c irity lo'issuei NPDE S perrmits fou discheirges inici nanrigable wate rs and ici prescriber conditians fon such perTT its necessary to cairry out tr a pit visians cif the C;WA, In I C alikim ia, EPA has delegar ed this authc rity to the Std-lu of Califomia. The dischaNie of exi raic ed grc undwaten tt reatd ns to cat.se c in contrl bt Itei td excursions a ibovei m irra five wate r quality.objectives as a rE sult cr tt a dische rge of + pedre leum dilated compounds, metals, and oglanics. On May 216, 1989, t e L.S. ElPAI enadec nevisians tc 4O CFFI "1221 i1NFIDE'I recltilations;. Whein a prc posed dh charge( all a compound on chemical tt realens to caluse cir contrfbute to an e)icursian eibove a Stalfi narretivei wE,Ifm quality standarc and ai numeric water l quality standarc fc rthei specific chErrniical has not beren eslablishec,the NFIDE41 revisions require tt(I ire tic anal Boars W: 1 a) Estd blish an effluemi limitation using a praposec Staie waten quality abjec ive cir sta ndarc or an explicit Sti to policy on regulailicin interpreting tt,l nary five I wale r quality objective which will protect and maintain wed eir quality and de;ignaled beneficial uses of tt a recehAing wafer, b Establish erffluent.limilations an a case-bye se basis, using EF A's waien qc ality criteria pc blishec undEir 307ilei)o1 iha Haderal Clean Wage r Act; an c; Establish Eiffluent Iirnitl ffK1ns an an indicaton pairarrer en iorthe pollutants of i cancan, +jStdie Boarc merriorandurni dade( Nc verribd r 3, 1989). Graundwatelr pollultn'l plumes area often complex mbduras of hundreds oil F pcdroleurr relalec compounds le.g.gvsoline contains oven 2100 chdmical compounds wt ict makes complele chemical ark lyses very expensive and sorrieiirr as impract'cable on irripasaible dile to sari ple rrivIrW interleirences, i consl ituent rrlasking, or the lad(ct sk ndarc analytical techniques. 'line weilf r quality crilfida fdn many oil tt e F etre I%rni hydracart on a ompounds have nol been proposed cir eslablishec by the Slate an EFA, tt a permit will require mon t oring grc undwaler(lis ct argec us ing "Indicalcir constituents"fou tt a defection and ' evaluaiian of complex mixt(res cill petroleurri relalec compounds;uch as gasolinEi and solveinis. TIM indicat(In constituents used tir enraluatinc compliance with tte l nanraitiva walau quality crileria in the permit fdr dischsigles of geisoline relalec pmduc s are banzene,elhylbenzone,iolc ene,xylene, and ioiat petroleum i AMaat rr ant F— Fact Sheei F-11 C ISCHARGEs FROM GRCIUNMA AT9H 0RD9R NCI.R913018-(002 EXTRACIICIN TO SURFACE 10 ATEAS IN MPDES r10.CAG1190(2 THE SAN DIEGO F E GION E)CEPT SAN O iEGa BAY hydrocarbons, since it is believed ihei fuels have been ad(iqueielN sludik to jusMI lirr iting -I he a ncly sis io tt ese carr pounds. On June 8, '1989, 1 he SWRCE submitted an Eipplicabon lothe U .S. EPAI rec ucsting rev'sions io its N RMS pragrarn in acccirt ance w'th 4C CF FI 11213.6:1 and g 03.10. The E ipplica irc in includ ed E request to add ge inera I perm it eiuthodty to its E ipprave( IN PDES progr m. States meiy request mutt arity io issues generail perm ils pursueint ta 40 CF FI 122,21fl. On Sepierribeili'912, 1989, the ERA, Regicin 1), appraived ttei SWRCE's requesi and gra nted Eiuthorization i ii the Sle ite's isa uance of general N RDE S pem its. 4C CF FI 1221.218 r 1ravidee fidr the issuance cif general perrr its icy regulE to discheircles alwaisie which result frclm similaiii opeir,tions, aide the samei type cif w€este, iiequire i he se ime effluent limitai ians, require situ Ilan me initoring, a nd sire mare aiplpropria ely rec, ulaied undeii E general pem if ra ihea the in indiv'duail permits. _ In ardeirto protect thei txineificial use is of grricindwalerE wind receiving waieirs in tt e reigion sis a'result crl e;cak fing numbers of graitindwaieii extneicticin wF stei c ischeirges, neiw perry anent grourx wateii extractian waistei discharcleis will bel considered fon enrollment cin a case-by-av basis. The regul€Ilion aldischEirges 'Irom nEiw peim eineni grouncwaten eixtraction operations to rec(Iving welters will reducei the waste cif gmunc we teu E is intended by Alyda le X cd the Ce ifcirr is - Cons titutian and .leicticin 275 crfthe Califomiai Vi ateii Code, ainc may rec uceiit(I paienilell numbeii of new pt rmeineni dischE irres sis inI ended by the ilec era I Clea n Waten Act(.leclion 101(ai) 1)) E ind the VI alien Quiet% Contral Ralic) fan Enclased Beiys Bind Estuanieis cif Cclifomiai. Tha pre ctice crl pem E ineini groundwaten extraction fdr the punpose crf prrcitecting - undergraund parking off alhen s ructL res aind the subsequeini discheirge colitt e graundwaiers, willhoul using the groundwe-lars tc ihei "hemi ex eni is which tt ey arecEIpable, 'as required bbl the Cailifarr is Cclnsiituiian, is sin unrcEisonaiblei use of _ such weplars, if the weelars have designEitec beneficial uses. Artia lei X, Seicticin:I, of the California Clonsiitulicm requires the "vwaiei resouuces crf the State be pu do - bEineficieil use is ttEl fullest extern of which they Eire capElble and 1hari the weiste an _ unreaisona t le use cir unree is a ineibla mein oc of use crf we iten be pre vented, and that if Ei conserval ion all such walEirs is la be exercised with e viEiw to the re;asomible a nd beneficiel use there of in thea in ere s cif the peciple i and kin tt a public welfare." Waieir Cclde fleclian 2175 stales, "Flhe depeirtmeol Eine bocrd shelll t,E kei all apprapriate praceedings or aciians befdre executive, legisiailvei, an judicial ageincles ici prevent waste, unreal oneible use, unreeisonable rriett od crl us e, air unreieiscmable method of diversian aFwaten in this stale." --__"-On Mairoih 2, 2000, the'SWFICB, in Resolu ficin N x.'2000-'15, adapted a Rciffcy Clrr - Impler nentaiion cri Tax is 5SU r dards icii inland :lura ace Walers, Enclosed Bays, and EsluElries a1 Califnrr lei- Rcilicy;. Tha Rclicy impien enis th a prc visions prom ulgaled by the WE 1. Environmental Rroiecl icin Agancy(U.S. EFIAJ in ihei Califorr is Rixics _ Rule (CITR,'. Cdicinia ilii 126 pricirity pcliuteints are estElblisl ed bN •Ihe CITR. Alt aa t n eni F—Fe c Sheei M-12 r� DISCHAF GES MROM(190UFIn WATER CIRC ER NO.R91200"OM EXIIRACTIOPI TO 9 LIRF ACE WATERS iN NPD99 NO.C.4G919= THE SAN d IEGCI REGIC]N EA CEP'1 SAM DIEGO RAY U.S. 6 FIA promulgated 1 his rule)to fill a gag)in Claltfomia wa er q ua lity stc ndarlds#t at was crealerd in 'I M when a Staler oauil civerlurnled the SkIte`: waters qualit51 control plan.- coni aining waren qualt a rlteria fc in pric ldty lcLx is pc IEutants. Tt e F ec aral criten'a are legally applicable)in the Statd cif C•altfornia ftIn inland surface waers, enol(ised bays and els'uan'es Mi all purpgses anc programs unden tt a Cllean VI atern Act. 7t a Floliay was of active cin April '9 8, 2000, with respect ici the I pricirity pc Ilutani cel erria promulga ad taio Calif+orniai by th e L.S. ERA'hrough the Neiticinad Tactics Rule iINTR) and to to priairity pc(luta nt oibjectirels establishec dy F egional Boards in th Elir wafer quality control I plains tlba:in plans',. llhe L .S. BPAI prclmulgaiec thE I final Callfomial Tcudc Ruler iICTR) an May '18,'000, as requinac by 'clect'on 303 Ic)1I"d x9) all tt a federal Clean Wed cr Act ThEi CTF regulations, coc tflec in 4C CF R 1%':11.218,establish numeric cril eria fdn wa,an quality slandards skin pricirity toot c pollutants fcln ihel SIEr EI al California. ThEI Rcllicy Elsa blisheis: a; impleirnrentalticin prov'sions fdr priairi#y pollutant cr'etEln'a pramulgai ec by the L .S. BPA thruugi the Nalicinad Taxic Rule iIh TR) and the C11R, and fdn priardj pellutanl cibjec lveri establishec In the Basin F lain; I b) manitciring requirements fon'9 ,31,71,8111CDD 4101rachlorcic ibenzc")-dioxin; } equivalcints; and c Ct runic W)!city con rol provisions. I Pursuani is Sec icin 5.31 cf he F cllicy, the Regtanal Bdarcl rruly, aflai compliance wii h tt a Caltforriki Bnvircln meal all Quality Act,ICIE QA;, allaw ahclrl•'Elrm car seasonal Eixcciptians�irom rn(iel'ng ihEl pdarfty Nillu ant crilEiria/cibiEictives if dEil(inr inert tea be neces: aryl is implemeint contrc I rnleasurc.- erither. El Han resourcE an pest managE lmeft Ii.el., veci ern an weer cantnc I, pest Elrad icai icin, oin fisherryl managE ImarT conducted by public.(intit'e: to lulfill sia utar)l requirements, including, but ncd limited fclr, thaser in he Claltfclmia Rish and Game, Rood and Agricrilturel, Health and Saf y, and Harbors and Navigat'cin caries; cir i b' _ Regarding dn'nking waten conductec to fclifiil statu'ciry,relquiremeas unclen the feidamil S"cifEl Orinl ing Vitale))Act cirthel Califcrnlia 1-sallth and SafElty CodEI. Such categarical eaceiptions may also bel graniec fon draining municipal storm wal Oil donueiyaneAS Wi c flaniM car rnairrlenance, c fall dralining walen treatmant fatcilitie .fan cleaning cir mainiernance. Scction 5.::1 cif thEl Poiliq staters that, wt'are site-specific conditions in individual wEden tx(lies airwarlershecs diffen suffiicientlyfrom statewide cond'rtians and these: diffeminca., cannc I be addressed 1 hrough other provisicins cif this policy tt a SIWRCS I Attachrn eni F— Fa c Sheei F.13 013CHARGI 9 FRAM GROUNDIA ATF F ORDOR NO.111943008,01M EXTRAC!ICIN WI SURFA CE WATERS IN NIFIOES PIQ.CAGGIO M TF 0 SAr1 DIEGO REGiCIN EXCEPT SAN DI0GO BA'I may, in compliance with the Caltforr fa 9nvironmerdail Quality Act(CE( VI), subsequent to a public heaft , and with the concurrences cif tFe L.S. EnVranmenlal Prolaction Agency, c rant an exceptiein til rreet`ng a priority pallLk nt crilcrion objective on any alhEsn provision of this Roticy whara the Slade Eloard determines: a) The exceptiein will nal compromise prakiction ollEinalosed bary, estuarinel, and inland surfaic:e waleirs ftln bene Acial us els; and b; Ill e i public interest will li a sem eid. Section 4C 2(ai)('1; cif thea Clean Mileir Act authcirizeis the issuance all bEist available lachncdogy el U(int limitations in NP139S permits using best plrifess ionail judc Eimeintl L sing best prolessicm i judge imenit, best ervaiilaible i leahnciiogy Esconomically achievable loirlhei removal of volatile and semi-volaitila organic compounds, and analytical prictfcal quantitation levels is 1hEi basis 11or affluenil Iilriitalicins, lar tt ese ccimplaunds, in the Disc harclE i Specifications all the Orcer. Thus, N s available taut noloc y Eiconomically achieivaiblEi k1n tt a mimoval of ciglania compounds is the basis fon Effluent limitations skin xy eine and otf Ein volatile _ hydr=rbons, and beise/neiutral compounds Inc t included in 40 CRR •131.38). WEden Qwilkl Blaisec Bff uenl Disaf argEI SpE ciflcations (limits' weire aslaiblishEid fcin this grciu ndwailEir eDdra ctkin waste dischagle permit, using 4( CRR •131.38 (Wadeir Quality Standards, 9stablishmEnt of P umieric Criteria fclr Rriority 'lki)riC Pollute n'ls-br the Stale of Califorr iail, and tf a State's Implesrnsederlion Rollcy. W811Eir Quality - 9aisec 9fFluer-1 Discharge birnii s do nal Eipply to dischagles oil Ex racteid graundwalerto 1hEs sura zone. In generail, theires are t W acceplWd lachnologieis in vise fon tt a namoval cdl syntt Eitki - ciglanic carr pounds fmrri wader. aeration anc adsorption. Rernioval efffcierncies al _ volellis organic eompclunds lhrciu4 h aer,tion processes can iia eistimErlec based on Esaich carripgund's Henr/a Law Coefllcienl (increasing coafl"Icients indicate inciieasing valaiiility'. 81Emzenes is rElartivEly scllublei in wateiiv%hen comparec ilei otl en Mel acInslituents and solvents. Piny compound which has ai F enry's Lbw coEfficierr _ greater then that crl benzene will lhec reiically valalilix fasten than benzenes -lassun-ling maleaulairan chemical interactions are nonexistent on minirr izeid). Most cif the compounds associaileid with ftlel proc ucts and solveints commonly found in aintarrunaited grounc wateli haivE I"E nryl's Law COEfficienls c reaiten lhan that of _. benzeniE and will be E ff•eciEiatly remcsvE d through eieiration if banzenE is re mavesd. The general consensus in the lileirclure isthErl a 951 peirceni rerricived EtfficiEincyof volat'lE i compounds witt simileir concerruaticins may be achieve d through ae n tion processes. Based cin best prailiddsionasl judge ment, if bd nzenci is remove d from - -- - -'"- — resundwalEiria IEvelS ai rciaichin defection lirnsits rcicticeil uantitation IEvEiI , otf Eir vaialile cirganic compounds of aon ceirri (e.g., tetrachloroatt ylE n(i, lrichlorcia&yleinei, cart cin leitrdchlorlde, ' Ic.)will bEi remcived from 1hEi dischairgud - grc Lindwarlar ais well. A tachment F -- Fact Sheet F-14 -4 n t DISCHARGES RRON GROUNDVi ATE R ORDER NO.R IMS-0002 EXTRACTI ON TO SURFACE V ATE R8 IP I P R DES 110.CAGE 11100 2 TF E SAPI DIEGO REI GION EX{EPi SAN DIEGO BAY ONlanic compounds which are not removed frarr graundwa'lers th a Ligh aeration processes may be ranxived th rough ac sorption processes(e.g., granulau activated I carbon'. Wher pm:perly designed and aperalec , most granula) aictK-c ted cart a n systems ca n lawen thei concentration all syntt eiic organic contaminants to bellaw dalection limits. 4 In geneiral, most synthetic organic cont=minsints can be r£Imoved ih m gnatindwaters using the iteration of adsorption processes of a combination therecd. Establishing eiffluen limina tions in the) practical quantitation limit range (1 is 5 [1g/Ll,' i and monitoring requiremenI s fon 9TID as indicators oil fdels, 40 CRR ,1136 lisp ec volatile compounds as indica ors oil scilvElnts, and t ase/neii I ca mpounds as indicators of diesel prc duct,will, based on best prufessionail juclCleiment,Bins Lire th al 1 compounds of concern Eire not dischairgec in kivels which will cause excursions frorni narratve wK ten qucift ariteda or objectives. On Jeinuar)41, 1998, Senate Bill (913; 521 was passed. 905211 adds lainclu<ige, applicable'lo leaik'ng undergraund storage tz nM s,tc the Health& clal* Coder as follows: " led on 215219C.37.1. No closure lets f it pursuant io this the iptai shall t e issued unleiss tt a soil on groundwaier, an bd th, where)applicable, at the site halve L been-tested ibr Methyl 1 a iairy Buty Eltt en]MI B9) and ih(i results of tt at testing are knciwr to the Regional E oard." Suit sequerr ly, on Fiat ruary 210, 1998, tt a Elan ❑iec o Regional E loam, 9itei N litigation &Clleanuq Unit, issued written noitflcation to i intereis ec pair ies of ti andatcl PA MTSE clarripling Foii Undergraund Storage Taink IL 9T) ;lite Clk:Liras-Sena a Elill QEIE 1 521,1. The Februa iry 210, 1998, notification i speictties that "Fon ground Wallen impvc ed sites oii soil siteis ftit may threaten ground waieiii, bott soil and ground widen samplincl and analysis fc r MTBE will be requir+f a I." i The Por fin-Ce Iognei Waiein Quality Coni rml Alci (January) 1, 200CIJ, Elf iction '1 1121721.1 and Election 1:19189, address dischaurgfis of MTBE. l he Chilifc rnia Departmeirr cd Heart t Elfirviafis (13F S' last updaiei IMarah 9, 21000) oil Califomia's Maximum Coniarninarrl Levels QMCLs] fon MTBE stal cis It a fcllowing: As estat lished t y the Dl- EI, tt a prima iry MCL Is 1.111g11L fc r Ml BE and iha seccindaDl MOL is 511g►L. I t e Om en requires that grc undwaten discha irgec to bays and estuaries mus'l not contlin pclllutGnts to excess of applicat le receiv'ng waten quality) objectives eantc,iin ed in 4 0 CFR 113'1.*"I8 (Waters Qualityi Siandairds; E stE bli: hmieirrl of N umieric Criteria fon Priority l oxic PallutE nts R n ihei SU Ile of Califon ia;,on effluent limitations t t asec on achievable ca ncerrl rartions using t est available tach noiogy(FIAT), whicheiver results in a lower eft uent concenlrali in. Bfflufint limitations t ased on ___ EIA) are equal to on Ifiss tt an the practical quantitation level. initial dilulia n ilactor fon t}fi disct arclei is zero, a discharge could not cause an excur=sion from numeric reiceiv'ng waters quality objel'ves foI Tables ,I and 21 4Gruundwaier Exlreieticin Disct aides til Says aind Harbc rs, aind Groundwailen Ebdraction Waste Disct airclas to Lagoons/9stuarias;, if the discharges is in compliance with the effluent lirr itaticins conicined in the Orden. Likewlse, j Attachment F-Fac Sheet F-'19 DI:CHARGES RROM GROUNDWATER OROFR NO.R912108-0012 EXTRAC MON To:URFAO E WATERS IN NPDEI9 NO.Cl G919012 - THEISM DIEGO REGION EXC9 P'1;A N Dli GO BAN c ischargEIS'Io th El Suri zone)cannot cause excursions ilrom we ler quality objectives i based on the precec inc, and assuming that it a dilution ilactori will always bl grealer than tt raee. Par disc t argEls to inland surface wale m, effluenil limiilations are based on the BFIA waiten quality arileiria fon tt a pralection cif aqua is spf lc les,1 hEi ERA wal e r quality cr'teiria fon tk EE pralection of human heal#, efffuerti concentmillons achielvablEl Lis inc best availablei technology, 4fl CRR 1311.38 (Walar Quality SWndards; Bstablis hmenl of Nurriciria Criieiria fon Priority Toxic Pollutants fc In tt fl EtElte all Cal'ifomia), an, in the cases wheire lhf i receiving waleir is c(is ignaled polabie on municipal s uppty wafers, rr axirnurn Contaminant levels fon municipal waleirs elstd blished by tt EI Califorr is DeipartrrElnt ail I-lealth Scrvices. Sinai ttfl assumlec initiall dilution fdclon fonlhei discharge is zaTu and a mix'ng zone) is nal alloweld, a dischanga could nol cause an Elxcursion trim numeric receiving wG'Icr quality abjElcth(is if that c ischagle is in compliance with tt a effluerTl limitellians contained in the Order. No(Mdence tt al graaiundwalers in tt a region contain biocides, dioxins, oii radial ion has beE n found to dalc. F oweve r, dischagles of pfisticides in delEEctablfl conceinlra tions td inland surf ace wale ins are prohibited by 1hEi Clompraelhensh a VI aten - Quality Contrc I Ran REiport, San Diego Basin(9) (Basin Plan;, and byIhei Ordeni. In tte ado VIion of waste i discharge miquirarrElnts and Eifftueni limitell ions to praleict the N neficial usEis of waters oil it a StAic. `f ictkm '13[1(1 E11 seq., oil the Califon'is Waten Code, au horizeis tt a use of relevant watesn quality objectives or othen crfler'a in ttei absence) of numer'cal eflueiN conoentradlion lirnitatlons in ihfi Hays and - Bstuarleis Policy. Campliance with erffiufint limitxltkms shall be dakirminec as ibllows (pursuant td 40 CRR-- 13'1.3fl): a Discharger,shall be deemed out oil compliance with an erfflueni limilalion ill S 1ha concEintration of the pdodbl poliutanl in the miontloring samples is greaieir - Than ltiei effluent limitation and Gn aleai Shan ar equal ki the re ported - Minimum Level (ML). _ i b) Dischairgeircu ahail be required to conduct a Pallute nt Minimization Rrograim (RMFI)whem iheiie is evidence (e.g., samples rcisulb reported as TEitec ed, but Nal Quantified" (ONG when tEr effluent lirnitar ion is le ss Ihar thea _ Mett cid DeRiction Limtl -IMDL,, sample roe sults front analyq'c al methods more s onsitivei Than those mett ods includec in Ihe.peirlrit, presence oil whole efflueir t toxicity, health advisoMEis fon fish eonsumpi ion, results of bElnthic on - aquatic organism tissuEE sK mplfngl' tt all 1hEE priarity pollu and is present in the effluent above an effltitlrrl limitgl&and e'rlhflr: 'I; A sarrr iple resut is n porter as Oh Q and 11:1-c efFluein'l limitation is less lhan It e repor Eid ML; or 1 - AMchmenl F-Fact St eat F �B I DISCI AF GES FF OM GROUNDVIATER ORDER NO.R912W84M EXTRA Cita P I TO 9 URFA CE VI IATERB IN NPDBS NO.CA(31119M TH■SAN 0 IEGO RHIGION 11)ICE PT SAW 0 IEGCI BAII 'ell A scirniple reisull is repclrted cis Nan-Detect (IND; anc the (ffluelnl limitat`on is less tt an the MDL. When determining compliance wt h an Average Monihly Efllue ni Limitation ilAM9L) and me rel than cine sample result is ave ila ble in a montl-,tt e c ischargeu shall eompule the aft meiflc matin unless the dEita set cantE ins one ar mlcirei relpclrted c Ederminalions o1 M CI ou ND. In those cases, tf a (IL,ct arc er shall comptite tie median in placEi cif the elrithmelic mean In accordance with the follow'ng procedure: 3 a) Tile Bala set shall bel ranked from low to high, repclrted ND dd erminations lowest, DNQ dell orminations next,fc Ilowed by quanih e c va 1tI as(if any;. The orden coltf a individual ND cul DNQ deilerminalions is unimpclrtarii. I b) -Re median value col ff e d atd set st all bel detEI rminec. H th ei data set ha s an odd number all datE pgtntl, tf an the median is thel mk die value. If the dEU seil he s Ein even numN r al date pgIMs,#en the mec ian is the avarage of the twd values around the middle unless ones of boat all tF a pgints are h D ou ON Q, in which case ihei mediE n value shall be tl-Ei kiwen col the two dat;d points where DIS Q is lowen thein a value and h D is lower than DNQ. 11a simple relsut, on the Ei iTiet'c mean or median of multiple sanllple reisutts, is be low ti"a repgrted ML, a nd tt are is a vidence tf all t he pdarity pc IIIutE1 ni is pre se nl in lhei effluent aN ve an Eifflue nt limiledion a nc the discharc an c anducts a PMR, the discharc an shall nal t e decmed out all compliance. i Ill. Rationlala Fla■ Efflu ent Lirr itaf ans and DUsahai gel :IgIcciflciatlonel I 1Ihe CIWA noquires pginl sawicei discharc era to contrc I thel amaunl oll conve ntional, na n-cc nveinlicinal, and toxic pcllluU nis Iheit ane dischE aged inlo the wateirs of it-Ei lr nited Siateis. 'Ute control oil pollutan-s c iscl argled is a stilbli9 t ed throt gh eiffluer1 limitalians E nd cltheii requiiiemen-is in �FIDEIS parmits. 9fflueny limitations ana basec on the following principles: Al. 40 CFR se clean 1'9I2.44(a) rerquiuei Thal perry ihl include applicable 'lechnalagy-based lirrlilations and standards; B. 40 CRR selction 1'9I2.44(d; requilie a ted permits lnclude waten qualtty- based a ffluEinl limitations to attElin and maintain appliceible Mrrleric and narrltive waifin qualii)1 criledu to protect-he beneficial usEis oil th e receiving water. Wheue numenic wateu quality crhe na have nol been eslablishec , 1hrce op-lions exist io pra,lect water quality: 1,' �0 CIRR section - - - - _ - .122.4 (d] a petcifieis that WQ9FLs may bEl astablishE c using L SEPIA criteria guidanco unc( r CWPI section 304(a]; 21) praposed shite chleria of a stale poliay integIneling narrative criteria supplemeinlec Witt atheir Relevant infarnnatian may be used; on 3] an indicEi an panameler may be e�M blis had; i Attao I rn 4 n F—Fact Sheet F-17 { DISCHARGES FROM GROUNM TER ORDIR NO.R912(084 012 I EXTRACTION TO SURFACE WATER! IN P IF DES NO.CAG114i002 _ t THE SAP DIEGO RNGION EXCE F T9AN DIEGO BAY I[ C. An} dischan a of unlrealed groundwalell 'lo sur we waier in 11he 'tan Diego Reigon It realens 1c causEi on contribute 11c excursions abc ve nanra live water quality ot}ectives cc ntainad in the Hasin R Ian as a iif salt of 'I he pciantial discharge of p6rclaurni iiviatec compounds, sc Ivenis, and metals. On May 26, "1989, L SER A enact ed revisions 110 I1 PD95 prc gram ret ulalic ns (4C CFR '1210). Whein a propqlsed discharge of a dornpound c r chemical ihueaiens to aiu:a om contribute to an excursic n abc ve a Sla'le narra,live watal cluality slandarc and a numunia waieu quality slandard for 1W specific chemical has not been established, the h F DES pragnam negulallions recluine ff a Regional 9oarc to do ttefnllowing: 1, Establish eifflueni limit itions using a prepc sed StE to wafer quality♦ objective on ,. sllandard, or an miplicil State policy on regulation inlerpneting its nanlative wa-len duality cbjec ive which will prcltecl and maintain water quality and designated beneficial uses of the naceiving water, 21 Hstablish a f ueni limitalians on a arse-by-case ba;is, using L SEI~A's walen clualiiy cnileria Flublished unden CWA s( cfion "117(x); on 2:I) Bslabli;t eifflueni lirritU tions cn an indictiton paiarriede fou t0 a pc Ilutanis of concenn; and D. 40 CFFI section 1211.4�ql; requines that whern a permit is minemeid on neissued, effluent Iimi'lations must be at lea:t as siringen'l as iha effluent - limitatic ns in ihEi prelvic us permit. Sincei this permit is a relnEmal of a pnevic us glermit, anti-ba( k:tiding is appllicable and iha fc Ilowing pollularyls .aue included: Setileat le Solids PhErnolic Compc unds+1non- - Notal S uspended Sc lids chic ri nalec) _ IF ydragen Sulfide Chic dnaied RI enc lies Notal Residual Chlorine 1,1,21,21-11eirachlanethane QPCPI pH 1j,1-trichlorciekhane ffCA) Heinaene 11,1,21-tnichle r( elhanei i1TCA) Elhylbenaena '1,21-dichlorc Erthane Toluene Tell rachloroel hy lene QPC9) - Xylene Trichlc raeth)lenei ijTCE - Tot,I Pefro[OLm F)dreiairtons Vin)I chlorides Arsenic Clart c n telrachle I ide Cadmium BaseAP eul ral Ort anic Chrcmium Qhexaval€nt; Clompclunds Coppler Acute Nc xicity Lead Chranic Tcxicity Marouryl Nributyllin ilTEIT) IS ickel Notal Coliform Silver'--'-' .. - - -- -...�____ .--- ---- ecai C la l' orrrr - - --------- _ - Zinc Dissolved Ox)gen (DO) Clyanide E, MW yl Nartiaol Butyl 131hen(INT1313), is a cheimicEd corripclund -Ihaf is i manufactured b) thea ct emical reaciic n 211 melhanc I and isobuNlene. Mad raieni F-Fact EIheel E1-19 r' a ISCI-WILES IR OM GA OLINDWATEIR ORDS R NO.R94008-0001 EXTRACTION TO SURRACO WATERS IN NPDE9 NO.CAG91EI009 I HE SAN DIEGO REGIO!I EXCEIRT 4 AN DINGO BAY MIN is prciduced tri veryl large quanlities (over 2C( ,00(i barrels pelr day in the U.S. in 1999) and is almost exalusive ly used as a filel addilive in moilon I gasoline. 11 is cine oil a glrci up cdl ct emicals commonly known m t1axygenME s" because they raise)the)uxyge n content c gasoline. Al room lemperatti ne, MTB8 is a volatile, flammable and colarless liquid th at dissc Ives rather easily in wale n. Be cause MTBE dissolves easily in wale n and due s nc 11 "cling' to soil ver)l well, ill migrates Maslen and farther in the ground Than cilhe n gasoline companenis, it us mal,ing it more likely lo migrate to gra uri dwale r eoc raction wells. MTBE daes not degrade I1breal,down] easily and is difficult and costly la remove from grmindwaile r. I On January) 'I, '1998, Slanale Bill (S8] 52'1 was passes . adds language to the l,i ealih $ Sailet)l Clode which is applicable to leaking underclrc and slarage UI nks as 1k )lows: "Sectian 25299.37.1. h o closure letlen pursuant tc 'It is at aplan shall be issued unless the soil or groundweltei, on bclth, where applicable, a-1 the silo have t een lesled fon Methyl llediaryl Butyl BItien (MIIBB) and the results of Thai testing are known to 11he Regional Bclarc." Subsequently, c n Fle bnuarYl 2(, 1998, the Regional Boaid, Siie Mitigalion 81 (lie anup L ni-1, issues written nolificalian la interes ed pad ie s clf Mandatc r)l M1130 Sarr ipling For L n dergro and Starage flank i]ILSI)Site Cllosures,�Se nale Bili QSB) 521. It a FlebrL aryl 21C, '199EI, ncllificalion specife-a tha11 "Pon grlaund wallan impacted si-lee on sail sties ihal may lhreialen ground water, both soil and grcund weilen sampling and analysis 1k n MTBE will be require d." Elections 1327'91.'1 and Selction '13185 col tt a CWCI address discharges of MI BE. The Calil ora is Departrr a ni of F a alth Slan icels (Di-S] adc pted limits ilor Maximum Corr aminant LEvels for MTB8. The Rrimaryl MCIL oil '13 pgAL was adopled by DHS on May'17, 20CC. the SecondarYl MCU i1fom L tasla and odor not heat h arflects) of 5 Nq U was adopiec on Jamiaryl 7, '199EI. Ilhe L ST program uses -It a me re consermalive secondary MCU of 5 pgjIU R. C ischange Rrohibillions ' C ischanges und(ir chis WDR aIle required 110 be ncinicxic. Toxicity is the advel se neisponse c f organisms lc a hernicals c r physical agents. phis pnohibi'lic n is based on'It a 9asin Plan, which require that all walars be maintained 1ilees ofiox'a subsilances in concenliations that are lett ell or praduc:e ailhe n de trime ntal responses in aquallic c rganis ms. Deirimenial ____--- -. ._._ ....... ...... ... responses includes, bull etre nat limitec lo, derreasec grcwtt rate and decreased ne prc ductive success of resident c r indicalon specie s. IN Basin Plan also requires walers 11a be duce oil loxia substances in concenlr-Itions tt all prciducel del rimenteI physiological Responseu in human, plan), on animal life. This objective applies regardless of whether I Flttaahment F- Fact "Iheet F-'19 D ISCHARGE9 FROM GROUNDV+IATNP ORDaR NO.R%J C 18-010 E)CIRAC110N TQ SURRACE 101ATEW IN FIA DES PIO.CAGIII9102 _ 1HE SAN DIEGCI RE GION EXCEPT SAP!D IEW BA Y iha laxicit� is caul ed by a single substance cir the intericiive effect cif multiple E ut stances. Mass esmi., Sion Irate iirrilstions will be deleismined using the dischargfi flowraiei and effluent ccncanirc tian limila ictus speicifled in -If is A OR; theuefars, the daily maximums dische q a flawrE tel limitation fon elan h d19aherc ei will be specified in lhei disahaiige h alicei crf E nrallrrrenl from 'If e Regianal 9clart. Thes discharge)flowrale will bei deisignaied as lha maximum discharge flaws to and the Dische rgEir shall bei f rohibilec lrcim discharging in excess cif rhes maxiMLim dischargEi flown-e. 'I. THe discharges cif gmundwataii to sur ace %erle rs is f mhibi'led unless s auihoriaec, exampled, on issuesd an individual N FIDEIEI F errr 1 by the RagianaI Baarc. 2. 'Thea c ischargei all A ce tes ics area: designated by thei SWRCB, and necommende;c ty thei REsgicinal 9aarc , as aneE s of speciial blalagical i€Indlaance is pncihit ited. Discharges sf all be locaiec a suifciesnt c h tance from such designaled auras ics assures me intenance all - nail ural waleiii qG ality Candi,icer s in the:f i areas. 3. Thei discharc a cif groundwalen eDd raciian vve ste ics sur ace walesrs from pormanfint groundwalem extradlan apeiraiicins in b€ sin; witf designated beneifickil use*i cif industrial, egricultuisal, ais municipal and dameslic s upply are pmhiibrlf id unit iss such eAr cted gra undwer fin (Inal used b eneificially) is used beneficially ijApplication Requiiiaments, :leciicin FI.17, and F.'18). If the Enrollee of such exlracied graundwailesn wishes,a discheinge is s urface walfirs, ii shall be thei resF(insibility col tf a Elnrc Hem to cibtain an inc ivic ual P F UT%I RerTr i1 fan the c ischange. - 4. `Ilhe c fE charge of groun( wales extrecticin wastes to enc o., ed bays, hesitan , lagcic ins, E nd etituaries, on Idbularies Ihuraia, is prohibited unlesslhe Enrollees deirricinslr-es laihe saiisilactian cifihe Ragicinal Baarc That afteimai iva dispasal sties (e.g., surf aoinEi) ane nal pradicablei as required in Applica-lion Relquirerrsesnls, Seiciicin; F.'la, and F.'l8. - i 5. ThEi die.ct arc a all groundwater exlr ction we s a 1a any surface _ wE rtes fro m E grc unc w E to n extra cticin prcje ict of if in i he dsd e i al aim f la icer all cc nslructian cif sin ctUres requiring groundwateii fixircticin, cirfrcim a clraundwaleiimrnsediasticin apanaticin aflerihe - dMe the glroundwaiEir has been raMediated ,n ffic ,aiisfelcticin oliN - - -- Regional Bcsard, is prc f ibited. g. Thu dischaq a cif g raunc war en in excess ail,Ihe llciwralei E pecifsed in each Enrolleei's Nalice at Enraillmelni is prohib fled unlet : the AMchmeni 1=- 1=a c Shed E-20 DISCH)IRGES FROM GROUNDWAIE R ORDER NO.R9-2008-0002 EK RU C IOPI TO St IRnACE WATE RS IFI NPD9S NO.(1AG919W2 THE SAN 0 IEGCI REGiaN E XCEI I SAN DIEGO E AY Elnralleic obt ins a revised discharge N aticea cif Snrallmelnt aur horizing an increasec flowrate. 7. ISO individual pleisticide aI comb inalton ofl plesticideas ahall be plelseint in ihEi water column, sediments', of biota al conceniraliarnis) chat adversely afleact be n etltcial uses. Pesticides shall not be pIn seryl a levels which will bioaccumulate in aquatic orge nisms to leavels wl is I argil harmfdl to human health, Wliidlilki on aquatic organisms. M tel designated 1br usei as dameslic ar municipal suplpliy IMuls) I (drinking walEin, shall nal contain concern rattans cit pleisiicides in excess oil the rr aximurrl eanlaminant levels spEacififid In Califomia r Clode of Ficgulaiicins,Tltic 22, Tablea 64444-A a1 Section 644114 (Orc an is Clheirnricals). 11SEae Basin. Plan Chapter 3-1�.I). t 8. Complltancei wN th Ei waste discharge plral ibit'ons containeid in ihEa Basin Ran is a candition of this Orc el. gl. The discharges oil graundwalai extractian waslea to a s(inn water - conveyances system wiihoui notifying and receiving autharizatian from tt a agEincy having jurisdiction civet ihEa storm wale) conveyance systerrl is F rahibited. I . 'ICI. The dischargEa-01wasi as Iritu aryl of dinictly t0 areas designaiead as boing all special bicilogical significance by-Ihe 1IWRCEI is plrcihibiiec. Discharges shall be located a suffICieanl distances from such dEasignatec areas to aSSUre mainlenance of na ural wa-lei quality canditions in These areas. G. TEichnalergy-Hased Efflueani Limtations (-IBBLs) 'I. 1Icope and Authority Thea CIWA requires that TEISLs be establisr ed based on sEavural leiveils cif conlrols: Beast RnacticablEa Tmiatrilen>ri Canlral 7echncrlogy tIBIIT; replreasenis-11 e average of the beast pleriarrrance t y plants within an industrial calecloryl of subccrlegorA. The BPI standands apply to toxic, canveinlional, and nonconveniicinal pgllu#e n1s. — - - - - - Bes Available'Heichnalogy Sconamiirally Achieivable iIBAT- replresein s the — - — besl episl inc plerforrr ancei Of b eiatmeint icchnalogiess -Ihal are eccinamically achievable within an industrial point sciurou caileSoryl. The BAT siandarr s all:1plly to'loxic and nonconveni ional pclllutanls. I Attachmeni F—Flact Elt eet W2, } DISCf IAF GES I=R OM GF OUNDWATER ORDEIR NO.REI 01 84 11 C EXTRACTION TO SURRAC9 WATERS IN MRDES NO.CAGQ1G= THE SAN DIED[I REGIOI I E XCIIRT SAH DIEGO RAY Eleat Canventianal RcilI r ant Conlrol likiahnolagy (BCIIIj represenla the control frclm existing industr'al paint sc urcim of conveinllonal polluivnls including SOD, ISS, lecal colfikinT, pl- , and oil and grease. The BCT st�ndarc is estE blished Eflen considering the "cost neascinablenese oil the IEEilEdionship betWean tie cost all attaining E reduction in eflluenl disci airge and Zhu k enErfits ihefl would rasult, and also the cosi (rffeid iveness oil cdclitianeil induslria l treetmen'l t eyand SPIT. New Saurce Pelrfonmance Ste ndarcs (l SPS) mapmeseni -Ihe buil available demonstrailed ccntrcI IEichnolagy slalndeirds. The inlelni of�SP1I guidelines is to se-1 lirniftalians ihat rapiesent slarle-akhe-ar tnearlment technology lcir neiw sources. ThEi CLAVA imquimus l SERA 110 develop ElfflLien1 Limiia'Iions, Guidelines and SLaindards ilELGs) repre senting applica(tion crl HPI, BAT, EICT, and �SPS. I Secticin 4(12jei)(1) ail 11 he CWA wind 4C CFR aecticin 125.3 oil•it a 19111 E.9 regulaiians aruthonize 1hEI use Of SElst Rrofessional Judgment (EIRJ� to derive technolagy-based eflluenl limitations cin a ca seat y-case basis wham Ell-Gs Eire not available fcin cortain industrial categories anc/all - pclllulainls of concum. Where EIRJ is used, ft e parmit wri-len mLIst considEir spElciffc faclorsi ouilinec in 40 CF FI section 11'd15.13. - el. FipplicaUe Iechnalagy-Seised 9ffluenl Limiila-ficins The USSPA has not c evelopec numenk Tec.hnaloc y-Sassed effluen - limitaltions akin pollutants in discharc Els frr m gmundwerten extract icin. H. WEiten Quality-Elased Effuent LimilEdions ijWQBBLs; 1. Scope and Fluthod-11 - Pis specified in 40 CF R s(iction 1e1.1.44ijd)1j1)Qi;, permils Eire iiequinEid to include WQBBLs ikir pclllullants Qincludin g to)iciNj therl aim on may be _. dischaq ed c-t levels That cause, have reascinablei.polential to cause, oil contrfbule lo an excursion abcvEl any stariei water quEifty standard. The pri aess for dularrrining neascinablei poten•liall and calculating WQBE Ls �- when necessary is inleincled 11ci pic-lect thfi designated uses till the IierA n ing wadeir as specifled in 11 he Elasin Man, a cf ieve appliaablei widen i qualft51 objeclivEis and crileuisi cclntaiined in stsiEi plans and policies, and meet waieir quailMl c niietric in thei CTF11 and NTR. - i 2. AIpplicaibIci Eeneficial Uses Elnd Ih aten QuafiN Cd-leria wind - - - - - Objuctives - The do isignal cid bEineficiall uses cif sur Eice wal arm Ihrouglhoud ttci State nlay incl udEl municipal, domest'c, industrial, and agriaIiltural supply;warl(in con lact anti non-contacl IiEicreeIicin; navigEition; grnunc wader rechaugEi wind freshwalen rE pleinishrr ens; hydre powen gfinenaition; wildliile habits-l; cold Attaat rn eni F-Fact Sheet F-22 -. r DISCHARGES FROM GROUNDVIATMR ORDER NO.Ra 2008-0002 EXTRACI ION 10 SURFACE M ATBIR 9 IN NF 0 ES NO.CAG91 OD02 7HE! All DIEGO RHGION EXCEPT SAN DIEGO BAY flushwaicr and warm fnesh%eilen he bital;fist miglralian and fish spawning; marine habital; cis tuarine habital; shellf st harveslingl; ocean commercial and sport fishing; areas of sgleicial biological signilicancei; and preseniation of ranee and findangenec sgecieis. la thea ex a n1 lH at lhes Basin Rlan desiglnales additional c n diffeneint be neficial uses, the Basin Plan shall apply. A 3. Q elerminingl 0 a Neec fdr WQBELs All applicable pravisions c f sed is ns 30-1 and .402 al-It a MA IA must bei mel 1 fon Is PDB9 permils fc n dischargle;s le surface waters. Theisei provisic ns neiquire cantrc Is of pgllulaint discharges-It al utilize) BA7 and ow to rec uce pollutant and any more slringeint conlrols nescaissaryl to mee'l w�iten quality standands. As specflled in the SIR, the Regional Bcasrd shall conduce an analysis fc n each priadty polls tan) wllh applicable cdcrion or objeclive to da leririine if a waler quaIN-based effluent I!mita ticin is nequinec. pata are unavailable 1c conduct an a nalysis because a WDR as a Geneikd Permit, does not require a Re pqr of WaslEl Elischargei. Thairellore, the disci arglen shall conduct an inillial sample based on flow 10 del eimsine 11 he i requirements. Reasonable Roteniial Analysis IF RA; In arc fin to delerminei wheil 1a sample fon and whal frequency, an initial sei cif dales is nequired. If the discfl argair proposers -lo discharge leiss than 1 d 0,000 gallons pen day, then the dischargen st sill initially conduct Monitoring) Rrograim A Qsample llor lha enlire aonsiitveints listed in IIID. and MTBE]. However it the sliest argen pnaposeis lei discharcici '100,000 gallons per clay i ar me re, lhan the discharg(in shall initlally Conduct Manitoring Program B IJsample It a entire constn uenls lishid in Ill.U., MI HB, and all '126 priarity pallulanis�. Based cin tte ini-lial monilor'ngl program 11 the discharges does nc t iW10ne lreatmesnt ici rrieeil ttei discharge speciflcal'cns cf lhis V1 EiR, than the discharger will only need -lo conduct Monitoring Rrogrc m A Qif discharging less lhEin '100,000 galleins plain day) os N cnitc ring Prog ram B llif discharging -- - — - ---- '100,{100 glallons per day c r rric re] onces pern ycian. This w II pravide dala 1cidentify reasonable reiaisonable potent sal fon ilutuKi effluent limits. 1 if the diechagle w'11 require lreatnienl prion to dischagle, tten in addition ics i 'I he once per yeah monil ciring required listed atave, the dischEirgeir will also manilar kir all the constituents listed in It a dischairgei specMicalian w it s Attact mens F—Fact Sheael F-23 DISCHARGES FROM GROUNDWATER ORDER 1'O.R912CH1840092 EXI RACI ION 70 SURFAa 9 WATERS IN NR DES NO.CAGI1W 2 T119 SAN DIEGQ RHGIDN EXC9RT SAN Dig GO BAY affluent limits a9 It a ilrequancy nuqubicid in it a Monitoring and Repor ingl Prclgrc m si f sled in Atiachrnenyl 8 bec*use c f the reeisc nable pc lentigil of Elxc:eec in Ihei effluent limits in 'II e c ischarge speciflc€lions of this A EIR. If lheinei are einy contrlminvIed siteis wilt in 11hc rac ius of influence c f thei gra unc%alen Eix naclion aciivitles, then the constitueirrl oil concem will beI uric nitolled a1 'I he tequency requirelc in the i Moniloiing and RElpori ing Firegram slaieid in Abachmeini 0 bcviuse oil itei neasc nsiblEI potenik11 oil exceeding 'It a Elffluenl limits in the c ischzlrgel specifications c f this WOR. 11 the constatc ant of aonceim is ncl listed in lhei h enilodng rind Reporting Rmgnam staled in Attachment E then cc mcni-oning find repert'ng lie iquancy will be stxtled in tt ee NoiicE of Enrollmein-l. Table summarizing effluent limits and monitoring 13I'IC111-ARGE EFFLUENT MaNITURING PRCIGRAN LIMITS 100,000 Program A Annual _ >= 100,000 Program B Annual Ilreatnl a r t Yes lV onita r'n g ar(l Reporting Program in Aftachment E Cla ntamli ated Mc niton and Report constitrienXs)of lite in Radius cancerr as stated Ir the�otiae of of Influence Enrollment 4. V1 Q99L Calculations The Aven igei Mc nthly Effluent and Maximum Daily Effluaril WQ313LS%Elr'eI cailculEdeld using a statistical approach with the tllewing cansidert tions and assurmpllons: No dilution credit is considered fou the dischartlei. There forei, lhEi discharc a muse comply w A-It a Wei ein Quality Objeicliva at 1hel point " o-1 discharge. The WQBEL beised c thei CIIRvieire implamenie c using She procedure) lis in the SIP. The procec uiiEl is listed below wilh coppen as the example. - I C'IRISIP calculaliens - Ceppgln Example: Cri-f eria f in Pric rity-loxic Rollutani in the Stale of CGliforr is is describec in t he CRR 1abIc i listed in 40 OFR 1"T1.2I8. Attachment F-Fact Sheat 0-24 ^* DISCHAF GES Fria M GF OLINDWATER ORDER NO.FI9-9OD8-0003 EXTRAMOP I TO Sl IR I'IAC9 WATERS IN NPDE9 NO.CAG919M THE SAN I: IEGO REGIO?I EXCERT 9 AN DIN 00 BAY I 9131.31 40 CFR Ch. J Q7-1-00 Ec Mon] I +� a C ■ renew 4 CA& aim obawl an.fl OdUNIM YAIW41 04-'- NIII�E I IAtr*MM 4 wftuow M""M � �Y ■ e1 IN a1 a Q2 1,Arm ?440M 14 oA 4aw1k, 2 Anmlc° 7440M 301in w 130 LMV gulp 34 tin a. 74a u 4.C4,*nk '1 b 7440431 4.30l.YIL71R,If 2..2 e.XWt 41U W tX r t SL CA(O i WM 014 &o6b" W00A rA 1840.Ar.0 n n a.Chmmkun Mit 18840291 "It UwAl 141AI1.W 11MMI 59 1.11 n P E,fbpwt 13e.i.MM1 ■A-4sm al.aIm ms L, 1 i Saltrnlaten crhericm maximum coir cent ration IAC MC) = 4.8 pg/LI Saltralaten crltericln ccn'int crus cor centrdtion IjCCC) = 3.1 pGlL TheIsu crileffa are expressed in terms olihq dissolvec fractian ori the mEbl it thElwateu column. 1113ee fdatnol Ei"m" to Table in paragraph (Ibx,l) of 4C CI9R '131.381] 40 CRFs '13,I.' 5(jc) nequires chat this WDR inc ude efflueal limitaiians as a tcltal recovElrablEl concenlnallicn. The SIP ieiquires that if F is necessary to elxpness a dissolved rnieWI an selenium value as total recoverable and a site-speicific ransla c io has nal ye, beien develclped, tt e Reicliclnal Baard shall use i he applieablEr ca nversic in iactan frdm 4 0 CIRR 1301.381. The lerrr "Canvemion Hactar" (CR) representl the recommendad colnversian factar Rio canveriing a metal crtfirian Empressed as ihel tonal recoverable fraclian in the walen column Ici a crilledan eocpressed as ilihe dissolved fractian in thEI water cult mn [Seu nate ki Table 2 cif Raragraph (b)(. )I 40 COR 131.38] 1 lk tai recoverable c ancenir811ion * CR = Clissclvw concantiatic in cri'lurian air I 1k al necovenable cancard r-c tic in = QissciIvEld can centrallicln criterion d CH I I Attact rnienl R-Fa c Sheel F-7 9 Us CHARGES FRON GROUNDY ATM R ORDER NO.R91200&1012 EXTRACT ON TO 3 URFA(E WA TER! IN NF E MIS NO.CAGRI 9002 TMH SA1 [[EGO RaGIOPI EXCHPT SAN 01EG01AY j 131.: 1 40 CFR Ch. 1 11-1-W Edlild fl) (tv) Table 2 to pwagrzl ptl (1 (2) of this 9 ev !on: CF to,imm OF-Jar mqt- OW mdbdft uetw ft=vde afts valar d� OF CLIO Mt" "Die d Wrib aft Arffipw. ................... AmBdc .............................. 1AX Lom 1.0W 1.0m BewffLm CudhnTum ............................ US94 4.95WI ctumkm QIq ............................. M (I CWWtWR IM) ...................... 49W 0.962 4.03 01%1 ............................... 0jWI CF fan acippan = 0.83 T reociNarabis concenimbans Rip OCIDDer e .8 pg/L disscilyfid I CMCI A 0113(CHI =5.8 pg/L 11alal wicovcnalba fbij CMC 3.1 pqAL disscilvad I CCC' J 0.83 (CIR' = 3.7 pg,IL Mal ieociveiralbe lion CCICI Efflu ani v a da bility rr ultil2lier and Caeffigi2nit all Vaik Alan QV) Far each conCEintralicin based on an aqueffic life afteinfan, 'It a long-learn averages(L1 A' is calculallcd by rr ultiplying IN i concAintrallon w*th a faclai thaill adjusts stir efflucrill variabilit)l. Ihe rr ulliplien can be laund in Table 1 al the c.IIFI. SInc-f i this is 6 WDR w1thaul existing dates poin1s, 1hEI r urr ben of effluf ini data paints is less thein tan; tt a CV shall be sed aqual 11a 0.6 pen the SIP. Tat le I- MD.!-eril Cancer tvificin, Mc wance i gCA) -MiAt4 Ilicra for C a]culsdng Ung-Term Avemqr s (LTAs'l Coeff cierM A curie Mulfplier Cibi onk MuNpIfer Of I Variaticin 99th tk 1 (ICV) Hercentf le PerceflWe Occurrence Probabifty 0coMee ProbabiEty 0.1 (1.791 0.891 0.2 G.&3 0.797 0.3 0-327 0.715 0.4 0.440 U 43 0.5 1 0.373 0.581 0.6 01.3 2:1 0.527 111heneifona, from TA le 'I al It a SIF, the frR uen-1 variabilily rr tiltipflai will bei as fallaws: Aulle multiplielli = 0.321 Chrc nic Mullipliun = 0.527 It a lang-larm avarago(LTAI is cg k Walled by rr uft'plying thea toted wcoverable conceni mitions lion cc ppen with -1 he sicute aind chrc T i( rn u 11 ipliars: Aftlact mant F- Fact;It eel F-2 e 0 ISCHAR GES OR OM a F O[INDWATER ORDIR NO.R9-7008-0003 EXTRE C110IN.TO Sl R RAC41 WATERS IN NPDE1 NO.CAG9190M 7HE F AN DIEGCI REGIaN EXCI"SA N DID GO BAY ' LIA acus = 5.8 pg,IL * 0.321,1 = '1.51 pglL LIA chrcinic =3.7 pgiL * 0.1;27 = 3.(1 pgiL The h EI8L and AMEL will to baked an tf a mas-1 limiting cif the Vcule Ind chronic LIA, in the vise lar coppen it will be LTA alcul a of 1.5l pg,IL. W€ten quality-cased effluent limits ane calculEited by multiplNing the mast limiting LIA with a la c cm iImuliiplienl shad E Idjusl s-kin i hE over,--ging periads and E xceedelnce fnequc ncies cri the criledal rind the effluent limitaiicins. Ilt a mul,lipliein cern be lkulnd in Tattle 2 a111he SIR. Since this is a WDRwithcu existing dalai pglints, 11he CI1i wiil bE set E quail 1a 0.6 rind since scImpling fnegtlency is kiun times a mcinlh ar ie ss, n shall bE set E qua[la 4 per SIR in=:4). I 116ble 2. bong-perm Average(11TA, M>i tippers for Cla culating i El lueni 11inai to 11 ions NME11 A1V11r11 Multipbor ML BVA-N EL Multiplier coefficient Multiplier of N ariatlon 06 percentile 95"'Percentile MUM=99m"Plena cath e Cacurrenca ClccurrenceRiobability A.MEL=95'h Pen enii]e i Prababilit3 Occturwm Prabability I (CV) ]I =21 n=1 Ti=30 a=4 n=1 n=30 i 0.1 1.25 1.08 1.06 1.43 1.1d 1.18 1.22 0.2 1.55 1.17 1.12 Lod :1.3.. 1.39 1.46 0.3 1.90 1.26 1.18 .09 : .IC 1.60 1.74 0.4 2.27 1.36 1.2: 1.12 ;1.(17 1.92 2.DI 0.6 3.1 : 1.51 138 1.19 1A 1 2.25 2.61 Thdrokire, from Table '91 all the SiR, the LTA rr iultipiier9 will N as lallaws: MDE L Multiplk n = 3.11 PIN E L MultipliE r = '1.55 Tt a MDBL alnd AM13L limit:l are calculaled t y mutliplying 1hE LTA with Ein LIA multiplier fan each limit: Maximum Daily E fl ue n11 Limit ilMDE L) = 1.9 pgAL * 3.11 = 5.8 pglL Average ManthIN Effluc ni L1rrlil QAMEL; = 1.9 pglL* 'I.€6 = 2.fl pg,IL I. WhalE Eff ueinl Taxicity(WBT; Whole efFluE nt toxicity 11WE1111 tests measure tt.e aggregak toxic effect of a rr ix Lire of pallul elnis ftft maty be premed in a waste slneelrrl and prcvides ' in,kirmeltionl an pok ntial toxic impacts to receiving war ers ilrorr 1 he Attac hmen t F-Fact T eet F-27 Dill CHARGES IF(A GROUNDWAiER OF DER NO.F 9-7006.0007 EXi IRAC71ON TO II1IFIFACII WAITERS IN NPDES NO.CAG919a09 - THII SAN Di9GO REG(M EXCEPT SAW DMIGO BAY I dischaq a of wasles, WET lesls meiasuie thea degree odl response oil expose( Eclualic 1lEist onganisms is an eiffluenil. The WEil approach prclvides a means all assessing campliance with the narrativEi iaxicity wafer quality objective)fcln ac ualic lice p rcleicticin of the 9asin Plan while im plEimer7 ing numerlc crt enia fon lcixicity. These are tWo types cd WEII lasts: acule and at panic. An acula toxicity lesl is conducted civ Ein a st ciri lime pai iced End measures mor alit)l. Plot ncinic toxicity lesl is conducted - m Eir a Icinglar peiricid ail ilirr a and may rr easure rr cirta llfy, repiKiducticin, and 1 dEivelaprrienil. The SIF requires that a TaAcity Ret uct'on EvaluE ticin ilTRO) be conducted ill a discharge causes ar aonl1ribules to chronic taAcity in a receiving wales _ body. This WDR mcluires the Dischaiklen io periodically mcinitan tt e laxiaity a1 its discharge and to develop al TRO Warkplan if the ioxiaity effluent limilalicins ails exc eeidod. J. Anti-9acksliding EffluEint Lirriilalicm s 1I(ictions ,e 021lci)112) and 3Q3jd,ije )cif tt a CV1 IA i nd -e 0 CIIR seic ficin 'I22.441l1l prclhibil backsliding in NF CIE;1I permits. The 11cillawing limits deisignalec with PIE in tt ei Hinal Ilffluenl Limitalicins table below havo the) sarr a limit E s Ihei previous penrrlll. = K. flinal Off lues-1 Limitaticins Su.trlmarylolWallerQumill"-Bslsec Eff Lc0l Limilbiliaric - DlsahargEi Hoinil Sumrr ary of Vi alar Qualify-t aced EfflucrIl Lirr Italians liable Mass Lirrii-Is ,All parmil limil0ions, stO ndairc s ov prc hibilicins shall b(i expous sed in tenr s cif mass excep•I fowl pH, cm alhen pollutants which cannot appraprialleily be expressed by mass or undun cartain ciraumatancEis inaluding "when - applicablu slandands and lirritd ficins aiin expm ssed in -lerrrs cif citt en units of rricasuaurrien'l." 140 CRR � ' ZLe 5(11(')). 111herE fore, all concentraticin I limits stale( abcive except fai SEitlleable Solids, AcutEi Toxicity), Chronic Taxicily, Tallai Clciliform, Fecal Coli-kirm, pH, and Dissolve( OxyglEin shall also have a mass limit based cin its concentnalicin limit IimEIS the discharge) law limbi in the Nalice cif F nrcllirr(inl Eixpressec in paunds per dEiy Ilbsild; as shawn in 1ho equations below: ConcEintnaticin Limit'' Filaw Limit' Clonvemsicin Rattan = Mass Limil - -- - - - - - gmg,l)"(MGI])' 8.34 [Ib"U(MlAlon Gallans"mg)] = lbs/day (pgJI)*(MGD)' 0.00834 jib U(Million Gallons"pg)] = It sAday - (mg ll) '(gpd)"0.00000834 [Ib'U(ClalIons"mg)] = lba/dall R illag11)"(gpd) 0.00000000834 [Ib*U(Million Gallons pg)] = lbs/day I - i plt'lachment F-Fact ucIhe el F-2t r-• DISCHARC ES FROM GROUNDVIATaR ORDER NO.R,9-70084=3 EX11RACTON 110 SURNACE W LATE IRS IN NR DES NO.CAGI 113 007 T}E SAPI DIEGO R EGION EXCEPT SAN t IEGCI SA)I B. 019101HARGE URECIHIOATIaNS I 1. 0113CIHARGE51 10 SAYS AN 0 h'ARBORS the discharge of giioundwa'lei EDdr~ad ion waste'la Mission Bay, Oceanside Hart ol, Dui Mar SOW Basin, ar Dana Wini He rbor 9 hall ncil conlain pollutd nis in wicas 9 Cil tt e ilclllowing (filueirrl limilailans: i Genf iral) Inorganic 1 Biological Effluent Limitations Paramets n Ur lb AM EL AW EL h EEL Instantaneous 6-Month I Maximum Median I Settleable Solids mVL 1:CI Op 1.5 OP - 3.(1 Op - Total Suspended mg/L 30 AB - - 5CI All - Salids I Hydrogen Sulfide pg/L it AS - 4 AB 'I q AS - To-lal Residual pg/Ll _ 8 OP 6q OP OR Chlorine Acu e1lloxiclty 11ua CI.3 oP I Chronic Toxicity 1ua 1.(1Op i I Total Coliform 1(10 rrd 'I gCIC1.0 Aa MPN/ Ae Aeaal Coliform I(KI ml 2gCl.(I H L nitcl Within limit cl 6.C1 to 911 al all -lim as Op I I Effluent Limitations Raramelea UnitsInstantaneous 6-Month I AMEL �IWEL DELInstantaneous Median I Dissolved Ox)19en mg)L 5.C1 AB DO Petroleum Effluent Limitations Paramelen Units A IEL PMEL ME EL Instantaneous 6-Month Maximum Median MTE E Ng,IL 5 VIS _. . Benzene . - -- I g,IL `.__ -....... _. 5 Ae Eth (benzene Ng L - - - 5 AB Taluenei I l)L - - - 5 AB Xylene Ng►L - - - 5 AB - Attachraeol F—Faci Sheet F-29 I D19 CHARGES F ROM GROUNDA AISR ORDER t O.R9124OW42 EXTRACTION TO EI URFI CE H ATIRS IPI NREI EIS NO.CA 0919002 11.19 SAN DIEGO RE CION E)ICEP7 SAP I DIEGO 1/Y Effluent Limitations Parameter U nits AMEL AIWEL N DEL Instantaneous 6-Month Maximum Median Tadal Petroleum mgjlL _ - o.5 AES _ Hydrocarbons Meleils Effluent Limitations Raraimeiev t nits AMELM13EL Instantaneous 6-Month Maximum Median _ Trio Itin TBT pgAL 0.0014 oP _ Orclanics Effluent Llmitations ` Pargimetev Units AMISL N DOL it staniansous 6-Month Maximum Median PhElnolic Ccimpour ds i1non- pg[L - '20 oP 300 OR 30 °A chlorinated Chlorinated pg/L 0.025 ITR 0.049 CTR 1009 1 on Phenolics 1,. ,Ar ,2.. 'Iedrc chlarcitheine pgAL 2.3 °P - - PCA trichlciroeelhanEE pgAL 5.495 °p - - -. TCA r lrichloraelhainei pgiL 9.1e OR - - - TCA 1'2- pglL 28 °P - - - - dichloroethane 1 etrachlomethyle pgALr.0 ON - - - ne PCE _. Trichloroethylene pg/1.1 27 OP TCE ' Vinyl chloride pg L W °p Carbon _ .. tetrachloride 0.90 °P - - - i Base/Neutral Orgeinic pg L 10 AS Compounds Effluent Limitations I M ralmets n L nits I In 6-Month AN El Mt1EL Maximum Median Ammonia as N), pg/L 2400 °P woo Op E00 °P - Attachment F—Fact Sheet F-30 DISCHARGE; FRCIN GRCIUND%A ATMFI CRDER MCI.8812108-0012 EXTRACTICIN ICI SURME WIATEA S III NR 0 ES NCI.CA G91 MI 11HE!A N DINGCI REGICN E)ICEPT SAN C IEGO B AY i Effluent Limitations Panameten Unils AN EL MOEL instantaneous 6-Month Maximum Median E nidosullan ng/1 - 180, '2I7°P 91 OP F CII- ng/L - 8 °P 1`I CR oP Dichloromethane lig+IL 450 °P - 5 A B - Halomethanes pg L - 5 AB RAF s ngdL 8.8 °P _ TCDD Equivalents pgdL 0.0019 °E - - Turbidity I•IgjL 75 °P 221 CTR 0915 - Effluent Limitations Paramaler Units AIMUL WW EL instantaneous 6-Month Minimum Median Turbidity NIL 75°P 100 °P 2215 °P Shall riot exceec the turt idity of the receiving Turbidity NIL water. All I 1:16 Prior ity Rallutan-Is from "Inland Sudacc Waters" il. DISCI-ARCIE S TO LAGOONSIIE STL ARIES I The discharge ail groundwater extras ian wasle discharges is saline lagoon s Ilonly Sue na Visla Lagaan is fresh waieir) and esluaries oil-It a iiegion shall nol contain pglllutanils in excess oil ttle lkillowing efflueni lirr it2ltions: Includes lirriis to the Bays and Harbors I imitaiion9 Effluent Limitations Palamelel Lnits AAIEL MOEL instantaneous 6-Month Maximum Median Notal Nitrogen mgAl_ - - 21.0 A8 ,I.(I AB Total Phosphorus mgAL - - .0.2 A' o.1 AB r H Unils UA lit[ in limit al 7.a-Ici 8.5 at all iiMlEIS 4B All Parameters and Effluent Limbiian9 cram "Bays and Harbors" Attact rn e ni F— Fac Sheet F-T DISCHARGE: FROM GROUNDN ATE R ORDER NO.R910084 C12 EXTRACTION TOSURI ACE WATE M IN 1'IRDES NO.CAG919042 1HE Sk DIEGO RE CION II)CEPT SAN DINGO BAY 3. DISCI-AFIGES ICI IH E SU RF MIS E The c isahar�a oil groundwa'lein ext ractian v aste 11ci the sura acine 3.'1 c ilutia n -Iaciali) shall not cc ntain politltarrls in excess of ttei fallawing efflluent limilalicinc Discli ark es to 11he Surf Zane Clalculal1cm llha formula) used io caiculaifl effllt,elnt limits fcln cc nst tlenis c ischarr Odic, ihel sur zone is frcm `f able 9 in 111(i Ocean Rlan earelptiorIwjcit�j and Radlaalr iviiy. Ce=COq IDmI CO-Ch ) Ce = i hei efil luf Int concent fiat tan limit, ug,L Co = itie cancelntreticin (mEiteli quality of jective) to bfi mei at the corrpledian of initial dilulion, ug IL Drrl = minimum probable) initial dilution expressed fis par s seawalen pen pari wets eM ateii Drrl = 13 frornl findings from ihel 2001-96 Order. Cs = backgliounc selawaian cc ncelninition (sec l able C), ugjIL Arsenic 3 C Ic pper 7 - Mera Uryl 0.0005 _ aih ler 0.16 Zino 8 - Flor all otheu 1 able B paran etc rs 0 - 111ECHAIRIGES 701HE SURF ZONE 1'%T,l DILUTION FACT OR)A' Effluent Limitations Parameter Ur Its Instantaneous 8-N onth AN EL MCIEI Maximum Median TCR pg L :12 OF 24 0 op 8 cIP Ammonia (as pg/L 9600 OF 24,C C 0 OR 24 00 OIi Nitrogen) - Arsenic ugn 1,190, VI'I-I Op 21;1 P -...-- - - Cadmium pc1JL - -- '16 op 4C op- 40P Chromium Pg/L 321 cP 80 op 8 c P (hexavalent)Copper pg/L 421 oP ,1,14 OP 6 or Lead Ng/L 32 op 8C OP 8 OP Alttachmenl F-•Fact tilt eet F-32 D19 aHAFIGES RROM GROUNDVIATER CIS DER NCI.R912008-M 2 EXTRACTION TCI SURFACE V ATER,' IN NPDEI: NO.CAGG190I 2 Ti 10 SAN D I EGO RE GION EXCEPT SAN a I EGO BA Y ' Effluent Limitations Pasameles Units AMEL MOEL instantaneous 6-Month Maximum Median 1 Mercury pg/L CIA 14Op 'I.EI(IOP (1.'1$0P N ickel pg/L 80 OP 200 OR 2(I OP 9ilvfm pg/L •10.70 27.5 Op 2.32 C" Zinc pgL 96101, 77(1 Op 5EI CIP Cyanide pg)IL 16 M 4( OP 4 op Phenolic pg/L Clompounds 4f 0 OP 'I.2 00 Op 'I 2CI OP Non-chlorinated '1,,1,2,2- pgdL 9.2 aA tetrachloroethane Tribu Itin TB pg/L 0.005E1oP pg/L 2,1(0,00 trichomethane 0 Ol' 1,,1,2- pg/L 37.610" trichloroethane Carbon pg/L 3.6 op 1 -Ielrlcl loride pg/L 0.0 00076 PC99 f Tetrachloroethyle pg/L 8 OR ne 1 Trichioroeth iene pg/L 108 OP Vinyl chloride pg/L 144 OP Selenium pg L 24C on E100 op 610 OP Endosulfan pg L 0.072 OP (1.'108 OP CIA 136 co Endrin pg'IL 0.016 OP (1.024 OP CA 080P H CIH pg/L 0.03'9 OP 0.04E ora 0.0'161 oP filart lein pg/L NO OI Antimony pgAL 4 80C OP bis(2-- pg/LI ' chlaroelhaxy 17.E1 c� melhanei - _ -- bis(2- - - _ pg/L -. _.. - ahlorailsopropIll 4E(0 OR elhEln Chlorobenzene pg/L22E1( cIP di-n-butyl pg/ 14,00013P phthalate I Ittachrn en1 F—Fact:It eet F-3 3 i DI9 CIHARGES RRO M GROI R 10 WATER On 118 R NO.R 9-20(810002 EX1 RACTION TO 9l IRF ACE WATE Rs IN NPDE9 NO.CAG919002 THR SAN DIEGCI REGION B XCEPI SAN DIE GO BAY J Effluent Limitations Rarameter Unity Instantaneous 6-Month AMEL N 179L Ma Amum Median Dichlorobenzenes pg/L 20,4 00 oP { i, 1., Ng,l 3.6 OP J dichloroe#h lene pg/L ' X12,000 DjethA phthalate OP Dimethyl pg/L 3,280,000 hthaiate OP 4,6-dinitro-2- pg/L 880 oP meth I henol 2,4-dinitrohenoi Ng)L 6 OP Eth benzene pgjL 181400 OP - Fluoranthene pg/L 60 OP Hexachlorocyclop pg/L �13210R enl adiurl e1 _ Nitrobenzene pg'L 9.60P Thallium Ng,L 80R Ac lonit6le pg/L 0•,e OP _ pg/L 4.000088 Aldrin OP 9enzelne pg L 21.6 0P - pg/L 0.000276 - Benzidine OP Beryllium p9n• 0--- 321 OR _ Bis(2-chloroethyl) pg[L 0.']8 OR ether _ Bis(2-ethylhexyl) pg/L .12 OP phthalate pgjL 0.000092 Chlordane I OR Chloroform pg/L 52( oP pg►L 0.00068 J 011T 3,31• pg/L 0.032,e OP dichlorobenzidine -1,2- . pg,L-, - 1-124H ,12aR dichloroethane Dichloromethane pg/L 1,804 °P pg/L ?15.6 OP dichlororo ene i Altachmen9 F—Fact .It a at F4 41 i i DIS CHARGES FRCIK GRCIUNDWA TEIR CIRDER�O.RD]008-M12 EX71RACTION TO SURFA a 0 WATERS IN NIDE S f O.C.AG4119002 TF EI SAP DIEGO RIGIOM EXCEPT STAN DIE I(10 BAY Effluent Limitations Panametell. U nits AMEL >4 !]>=L Instantaneous 6-Month Maximum Median 1 Pg/L 0.00016 Dieldrin oA 2,4-dinitrotoluene pg/L 10.4 OP I'2- pg/L 0.64 aI di hen lh drazine F alarriathanEIS pg/L 52C cw I Heptachlor pg L 0.0002 OP Hexachlorobenze pg/L 0.0008, no CIE? Hexachlorobutadi pgJL 56 OR ne 1 on Hexachloroethane pg/L I0 N- pg/L ] ni-Irascldimalhylam 251.2°P ina N- Pg/L niirascldiphanylarn 10011 inu ApIF s pg/L 0.0315,1 OP SIA '1.560E-08 TCDD equivalents pg/L 0.00084 1 l oxa hene on 2,4 ,6- Nt/L 1.'16 OP tdchlorohenol Effluent Limitations Pa rameten U nits RIMEL AW EL Instantaneous h DEL Maximum SEM eablc Solids mVL I CIP 1.5 OP 31 op Suspended Solids 750/4, op "Suspended Solids AMEL is 76 removal unless the averagE ri a nthh inflt a nt is 80 rig L or fess, then the affluent limit shall be 60'mg/L.of H Within limil crl6.0 and GI.{ ai all-limes.OP _3140,0CC Toluene Xylene 5'B Total Petroleum 5(0 AB Hydrocarbons Aute Toxic' 7 Tl a 0.11 cIP Amachrneni A_, Fact rit eel F45 DISCHARGES nRO% GROUNDWATER ORDER t 10.R91200840012 EXTRACTION TO STIR FACS WA TERS IN NA DE S NO.CAG919012 THE SAI I DIEGCI RECQOI I EXCBA T SAN DIEGO SAY t Effluent Limitations Pare meter U nits AMEIL AM E3L Instantaneous MC ELI Maximum f Chronic Toxicity l uc 1 °P Turbidity NTC 715 OP 104 oP 2250P _. I Effluent Limitations Palameiel Units AMEIL AWEL Instanianeous Shellfish Maximum Harvesting lkttal Coliform I CIQ mL PNV 1,QCICI OP _1(I,4CIO OP _ MPN/ 1004 OP Total Coliform 100 iTiL _ '1 otal coliform density shy II rot exceed 1,000 vP 100 ml- when Lwhen ti a ratio of fecal/total californ exceeds 0.1 Tats I Coliform 710 OP Total Coliform 213(1°P _ "The median total colibrm density shall not exca ed 70 per 00 rat_ and not none tha n '0 percent of 11 a samples sl all exaeed 290 per 100 mL.OP Fecal Coliform 'I CIO m L 20C1 OP 401CI°P MPN/ 35 OP 104 OP Enterococcus ICIO mL Effluent Limitations _ Parameleu Units AMEIL IWEIL MC EL .Instantaneous 6-N on th Minimum. Nedian Dissalved Oxygein mg.IL. 5 C All DO OP Basis— Ocslan Alan 210(15 AB Basis—Anli-Saaki tiding, varies ilram iha poevious purmil °HS Basis— Department ai Heialth "Elemiceis CTR Sas is— Califamia Taxies RUIELI State Implumeintaiian Ran 20CI:I I I Attachment F —Fac Sheet F-3 6 E ISCHARGIS OROhI GROIIh C WATE R CIRC ER NO.R94 68-0OM E XTRACIIaNTO St IR RACE WA E RS It NPDE9 NO.CAIG919002 THE SAN ME GO REGIOI I EXCEPT SAII DIEGO BAY 4. C ISCHARCIE S TO INLAND SURAACE WAVERS The dlscharc a of graundwallan ex radlian waste ila inland s tit ace wale rs {including Buena Vista U agaan,' shall not contain pollutanils in e)Iccss c11 tha fallawing affluenil limitations: CIE NE RAL COIN:I7111TU EINTS Daily Inst antaneousi Constituent Unit AMEL Mazmmm Maximum Basi: Settlwibie So 1"ds MIA ( .3 --- 0.2 AB Total Stupent ed Solids mg/I 34 50 F e:rcea Sodium '/ — -- (10 AB Total Nitrogen mg/1 it.0 2.0 " Ilotal Fhospharas MWI 0.3 0.2 " U ethylene Elue Aa'live Substances mg(! --- -- 0.5 " Tui Ibidil y NTU Shall nal exceed the amk ien turbidity of tt a surfs cc wata at any tend Fluofide mg/L — -- 1.0 " H11droge n Sulfide N g/1 2 4 10 AB 'total Riesidua C lhlorhm(TRG",I N g/L 2 8 10 AB + PBI Units Within the limits oil 6.3 and 8.5 al all time-1. AB Acme Toxicity TUs -- --- OX AB Chrc nic 7 oxiia ity TU a -- I AB + l3issalvedOxlygen mg/L Shal not ba less that 15A Et any time inwateri with dealigmlcc warm AB flesh water habitat beneficial uses us loss than 11.0 in we-lers vaitl: cclld filesh we ter habits I beneficia us e i_ Tota Colic orm NON/]0 OmL .1100 " Fecal Cloliform NGWI O OtnL -- -- 20( „ %OLATIUEIS., METALS, PRIORITYIPOIJLl.TAAITS: Beneficial Umo: Municipal/Potable Supply Non-municipal/Non-potable Inc Itantaneawi Instantaneous Constituent Unit Maximum Basis Uhii Maximum Baais Dibromochloropropane H g/L 0.1 DOHS pg/I 0.2 AB Ethylene Dibromic le H g/I 0.92 I]CIHS FI g/L 0.02 AB Xylene H g/L 5 AB }g/I 9 AB Chla fins•ed Phena lira N g/I 1 DCIHS H g/I 10 AB Remaining BasdN e:utzaa P g/L 10 AB H g/L 10 AB Co mpounch I c tal F etroleum Blydrocarbc ns mg/L 0.5 J mg/L 0.11 AB Irc n mg(L. 0.3 I n g/L 0.3 AB Mangan es a mg/L 0.05 it _mg/L " 0.0'I AB MTBFI Ng/L '1 DOHS I'I RI Priority Pollutants 40 CFR 131.31 -Wiater Quality Standards;Estabhshmdnt of Seel Below IlIncludinj meta s) Nund eric Crilexi a foi Prion ty Toxic Po llutanti fan the State of Clalifomial I ARU chmeni F-- 1a ct 9heel F-37 I DISCHARGE 9 FRON GROUP 0 WATER ORDER NO.RKI Od 8-O 003 EEXTRAC7ION 10 SURF ACE WATERS IN I HEI ES NO.CAC41IW, - 1HE SAT DIE GO F EGION EACEPT SAP I DIE GO HAY 126 Hniodly PoliuUnts - �0 CFR 131'1..19 - Wa'len Quality'EItdndards; 9stadlishmeini of Numenic Crilania ,on FIr'orily Toxic Pollutants fdr the St€-le of Califomia. The a hien' limits fas eight prioritil pollulanbl will R ei deiveloped on al case-Uy-cases basis because the freshwalen crilElri_a wire based an s iter-specillc waten quality data. SevE in medals ane dependent an walen handness, Cadmium, Coppen, Clhramium (1111, Lead,-N ickel, flilven, and Zinc [Sleet"lablE f 1 to 4C CFA '131.3811b)112)], and the "Canvarsion Factoru"lar Claidrr ium and Lea d are also water hard nee a dependent. Dflee Mable '3 of Q 0 CIFIR A 1211.381b)3,] In cirdar to callculale the effluent limits fcln these seven meta Is'lhe ilollciwing equatians from ( CRR 131.%I81b](2; will be neleided-: Cd CFa=1.'136672-11,1LN Qhareness,]`0.04'18�18; CdCFc= 1.'10'1672-1[1LNllhairrneiss,1*0.04'1838; Pb CHaSc = 1A 3031((JVN,1hardneissJ)"0.'1'5711I1 - Cni'IEirian=-WBR'CF)'IlexpllmAI*LIN{lI acidness]{bA Pentachlaraiphencil is dependent an the pH value. [,lea I'lloatilcife T 11D Tables in 1 0 CF R 13P1."1I8(b;+1'I)] Ta calculate the effllUElnt limit-kin Penta ahlaranhencll use this equation: CIN CI = ED p('1.005(jpHJ-4.861x;. CICIC = ei)ip('1.005dpH,-5. 13,e) ThEi remainder all{Ihe criteria is nal water quality] c epeindeni wind thEi eftlucint limits can _ Ce calcullated. F owevei, not gill the effluent lirr Fs will apply to all sites beicaivae oil1hec Fleneficiail use designation ibr"Municipe 10 rrEiy nal Eipply to all siteifl. - THesei pdaH4 pollutan{I E filuen'I limits wens cailculaled the same wary as the effluent limiils'cin#a bays and hairborv. I -- Eff uer it lllmiltailonis c Ialclu latd d fram CTR anlc SIR Eff u eni Urn Its fou H st main F eailtr Municipal 8 nd Non-Munici pal Human Health - MUN NON-MUN AMEL MDEL AMEL MDEL L L L L AIntlrnon Arsenic — Bery Hum 1 Cladrn ium Chraimiurn (III) i AlttAchmen'I F-Fact Sheel F-30 D SCF ARLES IFI a M GFI a I.IP IDVVAI ER ORDER NO.RINI008-0D01 EXTRACTION TO St RFIAC9 WATSRS IP F F DES PIO:CA0919001 THE SAN C IEGCI REGION 9XCEII T SAN DIEGO[SAY I Human Health MUN NON-MUN AMEL MDEL AMEL MDEL L L IL l- Clhiornhim I aA . .< Cc r P61 '13Da 2600 Lead N ercury 0.05 f .1 0.051 1 .1 I- N icke Seleniun "lilve n Ilhallium Zinc i 00 A ( 23(000 440( { Cyr-nit le A00000 14000(00 ... A:(best(a UE-08 2.9 E-0I 1.4E 08 2.9 E-0( 3,3,7,8"IICI1Ir](Iliaxin) 320 6A( i8D 1600 J Icrolein 0.0 59' 0,12 0.69 1.3 a Acrylonitrile 1.2 2.4 71 140 Benzene 4.3 8.6 360 ',20 Bromoform 0.25 0.5 r .4 8.8 C.,Irtla n Tetrad loride 680 1400 21000 47000 I ONDra be nzeri a 0.41 0.83 34 68 Qhiorc dibrorn arr ethane Clhloroett ane ' =k 2-C It loroettly vin yi EiI e r .<10- Qhla roform Clklhlorobr(mometllaro 0.56 1.1 40 92 1,1-Dic hionoett ane 1 2-Dic hlc roa It ane 0.38 0.46 99 200 +.A. 1,1Aichio oethy one 0.05; 0.11 3.2 0.4 o+ 1,2•Dichla ra propane 0.57 I 39 78 5. 1,3-13ict loropropy ene 10 20 1900 340 0 aAy� SIFykk enzene .. .._ _ i - - -62t{.. - -Alum-, 513{{i3 he thy Bron ide 48 9(1 4000 80C 0 N ethyl Chloride rd 11'r ! N ethylene CIF Ioiide .7 9.4 16DO 3300 •1,1,2,2-7 etrachloroetha n e 0.17 0.34 11 22 Attachment H-Fact r-heel F-39 D ISCHARGEIS FROM GROUNDWATER ORDER NO.RW2088alM EXTRACTION TO SE RFIACE I WATERS IN P PDES P 0.CAG919 C] THE SAN DJUGO REEG10t I MFIF T 9A PI DIEGO RAY I Human Health MUN NON-Ml1N AMEL MDEL AMEL MDEL 6jg/ L IL L ........... To trachloroethylen a 0.8 1.6 8.9 18 Toluene 6800 14040 900000 4(10000 M 1,21 rans-Dia P loroeth)Ilene AX 1400 14000 9 80000 w< 1,1,1-160loroethane = 1,1,2-1 dchloroethane 0.6 1,: d10 80 T eta t laroetl Yana 9.7 5.4 81 160 Vinyi Clhla ride 2 4 530 1100 -Chlorophenol 120 :40 400 800 _ 2,4-Clio ioeophe no l 93 180 790 1600 _ 2,4-Dirrethy phenol 540 1100 2300 4600 _ 9-Methy-4,6-C initropf anal 13 97 770 -1500 - s 9,4-DiniVopl enol 410 140 14000 28000 2-Nitrophenol 4-Nitrophenol 3-Mett yl-4-C Ihloropl an of Pentachlarophenol 0.28 0.56 8.2 16 PP enol 21000 42000 4900000 9000000 2,41,6-1 richly ra g henol 7.1 A1.2 6.5 13 Ploenaphthene 1200 2400 2100 500 plcen aphthi Ilene Ardweene 9600 19000 '10000 224000 .. _, Ben zi dln a 0.00 012 0.000:4 0.00054 0.0011 Benao(a)Anthracene 0.0444 0.0088 0.049 0.098 Benzo(a)Pyrene 010044 0.0098 0.049 0.098 Beuao(b)Fluoranttene 0.0044 0.0088 0.048 0.098 ,r :: 2=• Benao(ghf)Pery ene Benao(h)Fluoran tt ene 0.0044 0.0088 0 A d19 0.098 0ls(2-Clhlora it thoxy)N ethane 5lr. rr 8!s(2-C hloroe tl yl)Ether - -0.031 - 0.062.. - 1.41 9.8 Bis(2-Clhle ra lsoprop y1)Ethee ' 400 28(10 '410000 340000 Bis(2-Eth)0he;Iy)Phthalate 1.8 3.6 5.8 12 4IBromophenyl Pheny Ether ,. Buty benzyl Rhtf alate 3000 6004 9900 10000 Attachment F-- Fac Sheet F-4C DISCHARG9S FROM GROt It I WATER ORDER t 0.R912008-00031 EX7 RACTION TO SURIIACE WA7ER5 It I NH DES NO,CA09190C 2 7HE 9 A N DI9GO REGION 9XCE11 T SAN DIEGO BAY Human Health MUN NON-MUN AMEL MDEL AMEL MDEL L u; 2-0 loeonal t thalene 17l a 34t70 43(( MCI i -AP, 7-..., , 1 4-Qhlompheny Pheny Ethea �r Qhrygene 0-0044 0.00 a 8 0.049 0,091 Oil enzo(a,t)Antt raaene (.0044 0.0(18 0.049 0.011 1,2 Dict loroben:ene 2100 5400 '17000 34000 1,3 Dichlorobenze ne 4(0 800 7800 5200 I 1,4 Dict lorobenaene dI00 800 :600 5200 30-Dichlarot enzicline 0.041 0.08 0.177 0.15 1 Dleri yl Phthalate :<000 4601 ( '12000X1 240000 .. Dim ethy R thala to : 10000 630( (( 7 90C 000 58000130 D1-r-8t ty! Phthala to 2700 540(1 12001 24000 2,4-11nitrc toluen a 0.111 0.22 t .1 I a 2,6431nitrotoluen e 111-ntictyl P1 thalate 1,2-Dir heny hycln 31ne 0.04 0.08 0.54 1.11 1 4: Fiuorantt one 30( 604 370 740 Fiuonene 30a 1600 140(0 21(00 H exact loeobenaeno 0.00075 0.0019 ( .00077 0.00'19 H exact lorobt to cliene 0.44 0.811 3C 100 He)achloeocyclol E n tad le n 24(1 480 A00 34400 Hexad loroethane 1.9 3.1 8.9 18 Inclen(1,2,3-cd)Pjpene C-0044 0.(088 0.044 0,(4 6 z, lsop fx tone 8.4 17 600 1200 N aphthalene N ftrot enzene 17 34 1900 380X1 N••Nitrosoclimethyamine 0.00059 0.0012 8.1 •16 _-t N-Nitrc socli-n-Prol ylani lne 0.003 (.01 1.4 2.8 "8 N-tlitrosacliphenyamine 5 0 16 3: _--�:. ---- -- -Phenantheene..- -. ._- -- ----------.---- --------- -- --_.... . - -- - -- ---- ....-•---- ---.-._,-- - s . Pyrene 960 1900 1 10( a 220(0 1,2,4-Trichic ra t enzer e Alldrin 0.013013 0.00020 0.00014 0.0002( ... .; alpha-E H Cl ( .(039 0.0076 0.013 0.026 I Attachment F-Fac Sheet F41 | ' oISCxxmGmc pnomGRCUNDnArmH ORM|RNO.m94008-OmI sXTFUcnomToSURFACE mwTBRSn rPoEGt10.cAqU164Cn ' THE uAmDINGO n0cPON sACEpTSAN uIEC 10mm| Human Healkh be ta.BHCl 0.014 (1.028 0.040 0A 92 garoma-BHCI 0.aig (1.038 0.061 0.1 delta-BF(I Cl loidane 0.00457 0.0(11 4.00059 0.0412 414'-IIDT 0.00159 0.4012 4.00059 0.00'2 '1,4'-EIDE 0.00019 0.0012 0.00059 0.0012 '1,4'-EIDCI 0,00083 0.0011 0A 0084 0.00' 1 IlielclHn 4.00014 0.0002f 0-00014 0.0002f a 1pha-Endo c,ulfam 220 240 410 Endain 1.76 1.5 011 11,6 Emdrin AJdeI yde Q.76 1.5 0.81 1.6 - - - ' _ - _ _ - - _ | Polyc h loni n al ed bloheny (PCIBS) 0.04017 0.00034 0.00017 0.04034 - | T oxaphene 0.00073 0.001S 0.00075 0.0015 _ - - ' - _ - _ _ _ . _ � _ _ _ _ � � _ � } Attaut menF-Fact Sheol F42 ~~ � ~~. ~~ DISCHARGES AR OM GROI NDWA7r9R ORDaR NO.R942006OW2 EXTRACTIOPI TO 3LIRFACe WATERS IN PIF DES NO.CAG91WW TNI SAN 0 IEGO REGIOP EXCMF T.41 AN DINGO BAY Eff usnil Limits for RresHwatflaa nd Se Itwatllm Freshwater Saltwater MDEL AMEL MDEL AMEL L L a% Antimony t Arsenic 250 120 50 29 I Be ry Hurn (h dmiurn 10 8 I Clhronl ium (III) Chron ium (IV) 16 8.1 6 3 41 I Copper 5.8 2.9 Lead * 14 7 Mercury N la kel * * 14 6.8 Seler ium 8.2 4.1 120 58 I Silvel * 2.9 1.1 .. Tl allium Zinc * 95 47 Clyan ids 8.5 4.7 I 0.5 Asbestos 2,3,7,8 T(30 0 (Cliox'n) Am fein filer, onitl'le Senze r e Bra rnvform r Caabon Tatrachla nide CIF for obe n zene Clhionod bromon is thane (II lmoetharia nV 2-CI iomoethylvinyl Ether C hioraik nrn - -- -- -- - s=, Dict lorobron c m ethan e S � w 1,1-Dia t loroetha n e . '1,7-C is hloroetl ane I =, 1,1-Dichlc rcathy are I Attact rn eni F— Fact Sheet F-43 D ISCHARGES FIRON GROUNDWATER ORDMF N0.RBI1[18.00011 EXTIRAC-ION TO SURFACE V IATER1 IN PIF DES Nf .CAG411M 2 71-IE-SAN DIEGO R11 GIOPI EXC9F T SM DIEGO BAY Freshwater Saltwater MUEL AMEL N DEL AMEL (Pgl /L ,.k 1,241(t loroproN ne a 1,3-Clic hloroprogyier e y . Ethy t enter e fi; N ethy Bromide h e thy Clhla ride Mettlylene Cthlauide = 1,1,2,2-Tetra cf loroett ane - Y etraa t Ionoett yler e _ Toluene '1,2-Tna r s-I]ichla ra ethylene r 1 1,'I,'1-Trichlonoe thane are 1, 1,7 Tnichlonoettane ny . : 1 richla ua ethylene %Any M fortck 2-Clhlonopt enol - 2,4-11ichlarc phenol - 2,4-Dim etf yipf a nol 2-h a thy-4,8-fain ftrclpher of _ 2,4-134 itraphenal _ 24%Itroq t e nol 4-h itnopt is nol - 31 N ettryl-4-Chlorophen of _ Pentaa hloropt a nol 113 8.: - Phenol , . 2,4,6-7 uic t lollopt a nol Ace napf ttlene `Hr Ace nap t tt yler e _ Mao Anttlnacene Ntt'� Benzidine Benzo(a)A ntl ra ice ne .iSXV' ? Berizo(a)Pyuene F= Benza(t)Mluouantl one _ Benza(g t i)Perylen e Benza(I)Mluorantf a ne ANN ct ment F— Fact Sheet F-AM I DISCHARGES FROM GROUNDN ATIIR ORDER NO.RD-208-W12 EIXT RACTION 10 SURRACE V AT■R8 IN NPD99 NO.CAG91 M 1HE SAP DIEGO R13GION I XCEPT SAN I[EGO W Y Freshwater Saltwater MDEI_ AMEL MDEL AMEL sra V B a(2-Chia ra ethoxy�N ethane au Bh(2-Chla roe thy)Et1 er "a Bis(2-C t lorola a p ropy)EV e r Bis(2-Ethy I e xyt)PU ttialate 4-Bnom oph any] Pt eny Ether I ' Buty,benz)II Phth,late 2-C I lononapl tt aiene 4-Cl lolopheny Pheny Ettiei[ cihryo ene i Dibe nza(a,h)Plnthralcane . ., 1,2 111chlorobem a ne . ' ; 1,3 C1ict lorobenaene 1,4 Elict Imbenzeins 3,3'-Dia hlonoben zic line Diethy Phthalate Dirr ethy PI thalate DI-n-Buty Fltthalate 2,443initra ita luene 2,6431rittrotc luen e 01-nClaty Plhttialab 1,2-Diphenyll ydna:ins ' Fluorandlene ` Flumene s Hexad lonobenaene He xacl lorobutacIlene Hexachlonacydopen tadien e f' Hexachlonoethan e .. Inden(1,2,3-c icl)Py ene fsopl a re ne M1 Naghthale ne h itrobe n zer!e may'ac �s ,.. h-N itrosodirr ethy amine N-Pi itlosoc ll-n-Pnopylarn ine „F N-h itrosoc iphen y am ine Attachment F—Fact Sheet 'F-45 D13CHARGES HROM GROUNDWATER OROER NO.R9-200860009 EXl RACT Orl TO 3URFACEI WATERS IN NPDe19 NO.CA 09190C, THE SAN t 1EGO REGIA t EXCOAT SAN DIEGO E AY Freshwater Saltwater MDEL AMEL MDEL AMEL IL IL IL L Phen a nthnene Pyrene 1,2,d1-Tdah1onobenzene - Flldnin ] 5 1.3 0.99 alpha-BHC ` beta-BH CI gan n a-BHCI 1 .95 0.47 0.16 0.08 dello-BHC I - Cl Iolidane 0,(a 7 0.(035 (.0066 (.0033 - ' ^: 4,4'-E OT 0.0( 16 0.((082 ( .0018 0.00082 - 4,4'-EI11E `_..i 4,4'-DOC - Cieldrin 0,093 0.448 0.0031 0.4d 18 _ alpta-En(asulfan 0.092 0.08 0.414 0.4Q71 _. beta-Endosulfan 0.092 0.044 0.4'Al 0.4471 _ Il Endosulfa n Sullate _ Oil- Endnin 0.059 0.029 0.0098 0.04'19 _ En dein Met)Ids _ . ` F.eptaa Nor 4.0062 4.0031 0.0059 0.0029 _ H eptachia n 9p oxic a 4.0062 4.003'1 0.0059 0.0029 Pol)1chla nin ated t iphlee 11s (PCIBs) 4.423 4.01'1 0.049 0.025 - 11 ' {d Toxaphene 0.00033 0.00016 0.00033 0.00016 - L se equations tome 0 CHR 131.38(b,(2) *" L se E c(align s from 40 CFR '131.38(b)(1' 1lootnale T _ Ats Cf rn a n 1 A--•Fact Sheel F-46 "' DISCHARGEI9 FROM GRIOUNDN ATEIR ORDER NO.RR 2008-01 a EXTRACTiON TO SURFACE NIATEIHS IPI W DES 10.CAGQi 9W, i THE SAN DIEIGO REGICIN WICEP1 SAE DIEGO BAY I 5. Glroundwa-en eix Taction was a discharged to surface writers muss be essentially fne a 01: I ts. Maleniail chat is floaUble aii will be come flaalat ie upcin discheirge. f b. Seittleablea maiericl on substances therl form sediments which degneide" berntf is commun ities aii olheir alqualid isle. C. Substsnceis which will accumuleile laic xic levels in eiquaitic sec imeints cir biais. d. Substances that signifacanily`" deareasel the nal'urai light la benthic communities and othe r aqui itic life. G. Malerials lhal result in aesihe•lically Undesirable discalciralicin of surface walears. i B. Groundwateua extraction waste dischaglfd la surfece waters st all nctl causer na-ural waleir quality condilicim to bei aliened in areas designa ad as being cif special biological significance can meas lharl existing maninei labeuatorieis use eis ell sourcei all seiawalen. 7. Gra undwe ite ii extraction waste discharger la surface waters shall be dischrirged in such a mannan as to prrivide maximum praloctican Ica aquartic a nviranmeinls. el. Gratindwaten a xtnaction waste That contains patf ageinic organisms aii viruses shall be diset arged a sufficieni disiance 1rnm shellfishing and waleir-contact spc its areas to mainivin applicall lea baclearial standards without disinfection. Wheire conditions auiea such -Thal tan ade qualei distances canncil be esttained, neiiatIE disinfectlian in conjunction with a reason alt lea sepaiiation cd the discharges pain'l from he area must be provide( . Disinfection paacicedunes that do ncit increase effluent lcaxiciN and than conslilu'lei the least environmental elnd human hazarc shall be used. 9. The Enrollee stall comply with all items cif the ° 40 CFR Slandaird Flrovisians Re feii ances" that ane part all this Orc can JIM earl me nt 8). IV. Raflanalc iclt REsceaiving Wateln llimitalions A. Surfaicea Wallin Re reliving Waller Limit;-licins arc baser upcln water quallity{ objeactives conlaine( in Thea Basin Plan. the discheange of grC tindwalEan Ew Taction weis'le cram any site shall nal, sepeiralealy cin jainlly with any olhfin discharges, cause vicilctions o-1 the icilkiwing waleir quality cit jeciives in tf e--.- surface waters al the Sain Diego Regicin. �. I. Bacteark it Cihare cteristics Attachmeni FI—Ract rIheel FI-47 DIS CHARGa9 FROM GR(A ?I I WA11ER ORDER P 10.R9124 08-W 2 ExIIRAC111ON.1 O SURHACE WATHRS IN NPDE S NO.GAG9190112 THS SAr1 DIEIGO REGION E)ICEPII SAP I DIEGO 1A Y i a1. Water-Contacl 5 alndarc s Wiihin v zone bcunded by the st oIE fine and v distx nce of '1,000 c el frdm the shoreline or the 30-fool depth contour, whichever is _ further iii the shoreline, Bind in aneEis outside this zone used fol walen-conleict sports, as deteumineld by the Reigionall Board, ,Ihe following baciericil objeciivels shalll be rr ainlaincid lhraughau'l the waaten column: (1 Sampled of waIIE r iirom eeich s alrrpiing station sheill have a1 . density of icltal colliorm organisms less thain 1,000 pear '100 ml il'10 pen mil; prov'ded tt al nal moixi than 210 percent of -the samplers al any sampling siallon, in any 30-day period, may excef id 1,000 per 100 rr I il'10 pen ml;, and provided -urlher that no single carr pie wl-Ein verifiec by a replEiat sample iakfin within 48 hculrs shvii exceeid 1(I,acio pE1r '10(I ml 11100 Par [Till. ild'I) I he 1 ecali calilorm dEin s ity based on c'1 minirrlum cif ncd less than fivE i s alrr plE is fou �1ny 30-daffy period shall no'l elxceiE d a - gearr f itric rr can of 200 per 100 mi non.shall more 11N 1n ,10 _ gleinceni cif the Icital samples during siny Ba-day peiri od exa ead 4C Cl pqn 1(la ml, b. 5h(illfiish I- wiles tins 5ta ndarc s Al all arecis whare sheillflsh maty be harwisled fcin humaln -, aonsurr pilon, as c Ederrr ined by the Regicinai 9oairc , ihf following balctcrial abjc ci'ves shall be meiinlarined -Ihraughout the watew - columin: - 1,' The miedian 'lotal caliicirm densit)l st all real exceerd Al Aen 'I CI(I mil; and 211 N of moi(i ihE1n '10 purce rr of tta samplies s hall eixcE ed 2130 - pEin 'I(I(I ml. _ 21. Hhysical Cha Inac f Irisiics a1. Floating palrticulaies and grease and oil shall riot lie visible. b. The discharge of wasle shalll ncit cause aesthEitiaaily undesircble discolora-licln cif the surface waters. C. N E tuned light shvil not be s IcInificantly reduced. - d. ThE1 rater of cepositicln cif solids and the characteristics of inert solids in the sec irr encs shall not bf chaingEid siuch that ben t is comirr unities eim degraded. 3. Clhemicall Clhaiiiaatelrisiics a. The dissolved oxygen cancentralion sha111 no-1 art any lime) be depnessed miore 1 han ,10 g eircien t i ram 1 har which accurs nE rturc-illy, as a nelsult c 111 he discharge cif oxygen demanc ing wt 1s to rot denials. b. I he pH shall nal be changed alt any time more than CLI units from l hr 1l which tact furs naturally. Attaar rr1 a nt F—Fact 'EIt eel F-48 -� ., DISC}IAA GES FROM OF OIINDWATER ORDEIR NO.R91201 8-0001 EXIRACTIaN TCISIIRAACS WATERS IN 1'IPDES�O.CAGI190a2 Ti IH SAN DIEGO REGIV I EXCEIPT SAN DIEIGO BA)I C. The dissalved sulfide conceininition cd waters in and near sedimerris st all nol be siclniflcanily inareasec abavei that pre scurf undaii natural condtlicins. 1 d. 7t a conceniratian cif subslancels sal f&h in the Elischarge Specificalicins in marines sediments shall nat be inareased 11a levels which we uld degrade indigenous bicho. El. ilhe calnceintre'llan cif aiiganic materials in J a sediments st all not be incre as ed is levels which would dagnade rr arine life. i ts Orient malerials shall ncrl causes abjact'onable aquat'c growth or I c egrade Indigencius bicita. 4. gialagical Clharacteris ics I a. h arirKi camnitinitles, including verlebrale, inver ebrate, and plant species, shall not be de(Inaded, I b. The natural taste, odar, am ccllaii cif fish, shellfis t , ar a1 he in aquas is resauiices used tiii human cansumpticin s hall ncFl be atterec . C. The cancentr tian cif arglanic mateiiie Is in f Ish, shcilffish aii tither aquatic reisourc es uses 1cir human cansun piicin st all nat biciaca urr uiate la laveis that aiiEi t am ful la hL rr an healtt . 5. Radioactivity f Enact aiCcle all radiciactive wane at all not degraide rr arinei life. 6. 1 cixic N alerials Lirr lie tions 1 Since there is no dilution, toxic malfirials limits ane the sarr a as the effluen-1 limits. V. Rallanaile lcir Man flodriSl and Replcartir g Requirement.4 Selcticin '1'412.48 cif 40 CF R requires a 11 NPEIEIS penT its la s pacify recorc Jing a nd reporting cd mank ring results. Sect'cns 'I:1267 and -1'1�.1831 cif the CWC a ulharian the Redianal l3aard ics requirf technical and mani-loring reports. 1t a MRP, Attachment E cif this WDR, establishes monilaring and reporting recluirerr ents ics implement federal and slate requlimmenls. The following provides the ralianalel fan tF ei manitaring ant rapar ing requWamenls cunta ined in #f ei MRP fc r this peimrit. Al. influent Monitoring QNa1 applicable) S. Elffluen-1 Manitaring In rev'ewing the manitaring reports, thel%Itale Bciard iaund eat allhaugh Elisct arg(irs welre repuri ing Tal<i F f itrc icium Hydareart ani (7 F H), a dis inction betty can diesel and gasclline was not a Iwo ys made. Rlfis t Its lar TPF should be repartec as taW TPH, TF F diesel ijTPF-c), and TF F gascilinei 11PH-g). Also, 1kir deilecticins cd IPH-g, the amount all benzfine,etylbenaenei, telucna, a mid xyieric i fi tlachme nt F- Fact Sheet F-49 C ISCHARGES FRON GROUNDV'IATI R ORDER 1'O.R9120 084 002 E✓XTRACI ION 10 SURFACE VIATER9 IN NI[9S NO.CAG9190112 i THE 9 At DINGO RE GION EXa OPT SAN C IEGO SAY shcuild be re pared, Ben2nne, elhylbenaena, and toluene are pnion'ty polluianis. 1140 CF FI § C. Whale Elffluent 1 ci)iicity (WE1) 1 fisting Requlnernlenls _ I A WET Limit is requined if a discharge causes, has ai neaEsonable palenttal to cause, aii conlnibules lci an exceadance of aippliaable walen qL ality siandarc s, includincl nurniedc air d narrative. Since these types o1 discharges Eire prahibiled undfrn this WEIR, WET limits acne not applicable. D. Recei%ing VI Eder Maniloring States arf nequire d t0 adopt nurnieric criieriai whene they Eire neciaissary to prc,lett daiignarled uses. QCWAl §§ 303(ei)- 3031c)). llhe Regional Baar( adapted - numeric ci ifiria in 'lhe Bas in Rlain. The Basin Plain is a rieclµilalor) nenleinence fon meeting the State and Fec eras requirements for v alar quality contral, (40 CH R 931.20;. Slate Baaird Res olulion 618-161, it(i pintidegnadailion Flolicy, dales not - allav+ &einges in water quality less than that pnescribed in Warlen Duality Control Rleins QBaisin Mains). the Basin Rtan s iers that; "The numericail and nary tive n v aien quality objectives define 'lhe leavI sli riguni sMndarc s than the Regional. VI ader Boarc will apply to regianail ►maters in arc en'I(i piio-lect the beneficial uses." This WEIR contains Fkiceivincl Waleir Limitations based cin the Basin Plan numerical and narrative wader qu Edit) objective;)foil Biosllmulartory Su bslances, _. Chemical Constituents, Colon, Dissolved Oxygen, F locegir g Marlerial, Oil air d Grease, pH, Pesticides, Reidlluactivity, Salinily, Sediment, SetlIfiable.Matelikil, :luspfindfid ME tenial, Tastes and Odons, IlemipemIure, Tox'city and Turbidity. Secticin ,1`12H7 of the California Wa(in Cade stales, in part, ja)AI negional board, in establishing ... vI asie discha role _ mquireimenis ... rniay invest igate tt a qualfly oil any wEiters cif the slErle w"thin its iiecjion" and "Qb) Q1) In conducting an inves'ligardian ... the re gional board may nequine tt ad air y person who ... dischaigles ... waEslel ...it at could affect the quality of waders within its negian shall fury ish, undfrn penalty oil perjury , iechniaal oii monitoring program neports wt ict the negicinal bciand nequires. l t e bunden, including costs, of these rE par s shall begin a reasomible - relationship 10 It a need ikir the repc rt and the benefils'la be obtained 11rom1 the Wept ris. The attached Monitoring and Rapor inch Rrograrrl is issued pursuanl to CVI C �. sect'an '13'eIE17. The graicindwarlen ex ractian waiste discharge monitoring and - - - - - re pori ing pragiiaim required by this WEIR and It a attached Monitoring and Reporting Piiograim are r eEcesseiry to detem ine compliance with these wals e discharge requinerrlents. The Dis chaigleo is rerspcn9 ible lali the discharges of I waste at the ilaicility subject to this WDR. i -- I E . Ottlein Monliciring Requirements jNol Applicable) plttaa hment F-Fact Sheet F-9fl { DIE CHARG9S FROM GROUP CM All R ORDER P 10.RMO08-000J EXTRACTION TO St IRFIACE WATERS fF NPDE 5 NO,CAGI19001 THE SM DH GO REGION BXCEAT SAP DIEGO BAY 11 I. Rationale ficin Novisillans Al. Slandart Rrcvisians s-landaiid Rrovisions, whist in accordance will 40 CIFR seclicins '122.4'Iand IZI.42, apply la all N F DOES di;charges and rrlusl be included in evury NR OIHS permH. are prcvidec in ktachmienl D. I B. flpeiclal Prc visions 1. Reclpencr R rovisians (N al Applicable) el. �Ipecial Studies and Additianal Monitaring RequiremElnt, QNcit Alpplicable; 3. Best Man agemenil F racticeis and Fkdlution Prevenilan Plan QNall Applicable; 4. Compliance sct ec ulels IINal App licable,' 5. Cclnstulctian, Opeiiation, and Maintenance 9pecificatians (Noll Applicable', 61. special R rovisians Fon Municipe I Racilifes QR OTWs OnIN J QNci-1 Applicable] I 7. Otheli Special F rovisians I The ❑ischargeirs shall dispose cd solids re rrlioved from liquid wasieis in a manner tha,l is c:onslsteini with Title'9I7 all-it a CCR and approved by the Ragiclnal Baard. i VII. Public Par icipat'an In consideiring lhu rel-Issuance and adoptian at INS WDR tie Regianal Boars has developed a diiaft WOR. The Regional 9ciarc enecuragec public plar lcipation in -1 he WDR adaption process. A. N aiiffcaiicin all Inlem steel Pa Met llhe Regianal Baarc noifieid interested agencies and peirsains all ils inieint to prescribe waste discharge nequinemienis in this IA OR and provides tt earn wilt) an cippcirtunity ici submli' thelia written comments and rEcommeindations. N cit'rficatian was pgsled cin ihel Rellgianal Bciard's weibpage on Rebrn ary 5, .IQ OEI, and published in lhei Se n 0 iegci Union 1 lift ine, The Rivelrside Pre ss-Bntegi6sel, and The On ngei County Reic isle in newspapers an Rebivary E1, 20Cf1. On Mamh '12, �It 08, 1he F egianai Eciard semi out ncrlitica icin --- thrt ugh the F egiclr al Ec and Agenda by an Edea snits mail list, 1 AIttachmeni F—Fact Sheet F-51 DISCHARGIS FR C M GRC l It 101 WATER ORDEF NO.RI-2008-GO02 EXTRACTION TO SURFIACE WAISRS IN PInDES NO.CAG91M 2 THE SAN DII(I C REGION IXCEP1 SAT I DIEGO BAY S. Writiein Clammenis In,ere ed pc rsons %fire invileid to submit writ en cc mmeints ccnceirning 'It a 1EinIII al ive WDR. Corvmeny s �A ene io bEr submiitlec in parson, by fila), emlail, or r-nail -o lhel I Execulivei CNi ire r al INN Regianal Sciard at ihei adc ress on the cover pages of this Permit. 10 be fully add nesse d and considered by the Regional Baard, %ritlen cc rrimiants mus'I have been receiveic al ihei Regional Bciand office by 5 p.rr.. an Manch 5, 2008. C. Rublic F easing The Regians I Boarc held a public hElaring on i he tentative WDR du ring its iiagular mleeting on the following date and al the ilollowing localian: Dal Er Mvrah 'IA'I, 2008 Localion: Califamia Reglior ail Waiter Quality Clortnol BcaInd Saint C logo Reg lar - Reigic nal Boand MFIeltirlg Rc orrl - 9'174 Sky RarM Caurt, Su Ito 100 _ Sam Dlaj c, Calk mlai 921123 Inieres101d penton s wenei Invited 'Ici attend. Al i he public hearing, lhe.i Regional Board heard lea imany-perl inf int lo tt e d ischairg a and WDR. CI. In'lonmation and Clopying VI CIR-raUlted documents, IEintalive Ei fluent lirrlitalians and spacial prrlvisicins, corrlmenis - icceived, and cr hen infarmalion are on file anc may k e inspected at the addiias s abovei - a11 any brr Ie befinlf en 8:.10 a.m. anc 4:4f p.m., Manc ay through Rric Ery. A partial lint oil - lhese itUrns aria on It a Regional Boarc's wab site at: wwYi.w,,leirboarc s.ca.ggvlsandieigo Capying cif dacurveinM may be arrr ngec through -Ihe Rec Tonal Sciarc by calling (8581 - 467-2952. - E. Fle:gisteu of Intereis ad Reasons r - Any pamon in'lareslec in being piacec an 'lhe mailing iist kiii informalian regarding tt e _ VI CI FI was invileic 'Io con1lact ihei Reigional Bcord, releiiencei tt is WDR, and pravidei a name, acdIIEISS, and -lelephonenumbeu. R. Addilionallnllorma-lian - ---- - - - Reique'Is1sficin additional infcirma ion cir quEislicins re giarc Ing chis WDR may k e c irecled 110 ---- - ------- - Vicen-la Rodriguez ar (858) 627-3940 on al: VRodriguez@%alElrboelyds.ca.gov This WDR will axpine on March -12, 2012. anrullereis coveireid unden tt is WQR Ert 1hEI'ime cif wpir, tion will bEI required -la re-enroll undeir ihei reissuad perm it. Attachmeni F—Fa c Sheet F-52 INTRO17UC7ION This appliei tis n package ea n stitute l a Rely a rt of Wla std Disc hai ge (RCMD) 1l ucsuant tc Clalifc rnia Wlatei Clods Seg tion III(1(. Section 13260 states (71st poisom 61chaiging (r p:(posing to discharge v arta that cai ld ailfei t the qui litl oil tie w ateii of the Slate, other Than into a c(mmunity sawei system, shill file a ROWID containing information which mall be requi: ed Ill the appiopiiale Regicnal Wlatdr Quality Gondol Boaid (1R'W1QJ(IH). 'llhis package is to be used to start tie application pi ocess fcr all -caste discharge regi iroments (NMIDRs) i nd 1, otic nal I c lhrtant Discharge )_lin instic n Sys lem (1�JPDI S) perry.its* issued 131 a RWiIQCIH en a ept: a) Those landfill Aacilities that oust use a joint Solid Wave Facility lermit Allillication Foim, Oalilbrnia Integialad Wlasts Managanent Hoa)d Foim E-1-17; and 1 ; Cleneral WDP s o: gone:al r PDF 9 permit: that wie a Is otice of Intent to 4 c mply c: spec illy the usa oil an alternative apilli(a lion ilorm designed Ifo) that permit. Tlhia applies tion l s aka ge a c Maim: 1. Applicatia n/Clenei al Iniloi matic n Form foi WIDR s and NPDHS Pei raids [Foi m 204 (1 Q/9'IJ]. 2. Apllicatia n/Cleneial lnfo:maticu Inatiuctions. Instructions lnatrw tic ns ase provided to assist you wilh c ompldtic n oil tl a applicatie a. Iil )lc u are i nable 10 find the answers 10 yow gnertions ai need asaislanca with the comlldticn of the application package, please contact ycun RWIIQCIH ielnesentstNe. Mise 1IWQCBd i4nongly r,i(iomniand Haat yaii maAa hihial alulallhone or Aenranal cantac,l ri1A Ti WQCIA ragulailory .d laff ilo discuss a 11noplosed Pier di,eaharga I ajora siidn,Wing yaiin iFlplicailion. the RWI(JOH selm montative will 1a able to answer procedure: and arnu. I fee ralaled questions that you mall have. (Sea map and telephone numbers inside of applic;tion ca nm.) All dischargers regulated under WIDRs and 1\PDES Ilermits must pay an annual fee, e:icept dairies, vahich pay a Oiling fee on1]E The RWIQCIH will notify you oil }lour a nnual fee based on an eva ualion of yc ur paopa sed discharge. Please do NOT sul n it a check fc: youn hist annual fee of filing Ilse until requested to do so by a RWIQCIH :up eaentative. Diss t a I ens applying fir raissuanae (nendwal) oil an existing NPDES penmil (i update oil an existing W1131R will 1 a 1 illsd flu ough the annual lee 1 illing aystam and ars tharah Pie aequested NOT to submit a chock with tlair apillication. Clacks should be made p,liable to the State Wale] liestu:ces Clonilof Hoard, Additional Information Reguiremenilsl A li WQCH nellnosantative will n(tiny you within 30 clays of nec eipt c f the applir otic n ilorni and any supplemental documents whether youn application is coml lata. Il your application is incomplete, the RWQCIH jeliesentatinc vill send you a detailed list of discharge speciM information necessary to acmplela the application pioiais. The complaticii date Ayoui application is normally the data wlan all iequiied information, including the acrreal fed, is nec eived 111 1he RWI(JOH. 1' NI DES F ERMI7 S: Irl you are applying fon a permfrl to discharg( to surface water,ya u will ni ed an NPDHS pexmill which is issue cl under both State and Fec et al laysl and miry be required to oomph tc one or ma rc of the following Fa deral NPDHS permit appliaation font s: Shor Horne A, Standard Farm A,Harms 1, 21 ,1 C,2B,2E,and 21R. These normal may l c obtained al a RVLI QCB office of cars be orderec from the National Cc ntel far Enidionn ental Put Fcattions and Idforrnattion at 11511; 891-65(11. Ps Ile 2 CALIF(RKIARIIMRCECMENIML Stabs ofCalifoxriia ec GrR4nlOVR AGZXC Y Re gional Wa ter Qua3'ty Gmhol Board ARPU 1CIA710N IRISPOR l OF WASTE DISCIH ARGE GENHRA L INF ORN ATION F ORM F OR �P WASTE DISCIH ARDS REGUIRHMEN 71S OR NROES R13RMIT s P,4 - Ir STIRUCT IONS ]]OR COMPLETING THE API 1111CATIONAREPORT OF WAS]H DISCHARGE GI NERAII INFOIRN ATIOIN HOIRM MOR: WAS] I DISCHARGE REQU IRHMENTSANPDES T HRMI] II)lou ]aue any juesticns on tie aomplation o:l any part of the al pli atie n, please contact lour RWQCB rolnesentativii. A niap o:l RVIQCB locations, addaessas, and talop]one numl ass is lscate4 an the eeuesse side 0 the alpliaatien cavae. IU FACILITY INFORMATION You must lrovige the factual information listed bolov for AILL owner., olmatass, and loaatians and, vihare appaapniate, far ALL general pastneas and lasso holders. A. HACIL1T11: legal name, 1 lysieal addsass inaludinl tie county, person to contact, and phone aurabal at the laaility. (NC HA. Bax numbensl 11 no addles: emits, use treat and newest asoss street.) 1 . HAICILIT31 0W1%Ell: — 1 age] o-anes, ac dsass, par on to aoataat, and pl one miml es. Also include the av ner's Fedalal Tar Idantiliation Number. OWNER TNHE: Cleok the alpsolriato Ownas Type_ The legal owno:e will be named in tie WDRsINIDE9 permit. C. FAICIL1T31 OPERATOR (TI a ageaq sr business, not the eerson): PI applioal la, tie name, adds:s, peasoa tc conu ct, and telopl cne numl er foe the feq ility aperatt r. Cl eak tl e — aplrapsiata Opeaatoa lype. If icentiaal to B. above, ante■ "same as owns". D. CIWNEA OF THE LAIND: Legal cvnor of tie land(s) vhave the faoilitj is loaltef, adcsess, poison to aentaat, and phone ■utrbae. Cl eak tie appropriate Owner T)lpe. I1 identical to B. al ova, antes "carne as owner". E. AIDIIAI1A4 WHERE LHGAL NOTICE MAIM BE 91111VIHD: AAdnass whale legal notice may be staved, person to cantect, and phone numl at. If idantioal to B. above, enter "same as avnar". F. BILLING )DURESS Pildress vbaae annual live iavisiaes shouli t o sent, poison to oontaat, and lhona aumbor. Ill ideutical to B. above, _ eaten "same as c nee". Pani zoo(fi/47y ,.. P1 go 3 CALWORNL41 ZNVIRORMEP' AL Stdte of Califdrnia PROTRCTICIN AGMNCY Re gianal%ate Quality Control Board ! a�• A ARRUCW71CURSPORT OR WASIE DIVCIF ARDS " GENBRAL INHORMATION FORM FOR WASTE DISCIF ARGE REQUIREMEN V OR NRUES RERM111 [L TYPE OF DISCHARGE Chacl tie aphropriiie 1 ax to clesi rite wl cd er the waste will ti cli elaiged to: Al. Land, a B. Strflice Watet. Chit cl ti i a plrapriatit 1 oo(es) wl W I est de scril a the at tivitios at yaur faailit]l. Hazarcloi s Waste - II]leu cl ea it thi Haman dot i Wa stn I!ax, 9701 and uantaat a reps ea totstive e11 d a HWQCB fat duel en iosti uiitic ns. Landfills - A separate horn, APPLICATION FOR SOLID WASTE FACILITY PERMIT/WAISTE EISCHAIIIGE REQUIREMENTS, Ca lifernla IoteInatod Waste Man agomet t Beare! Fcrn E-J-17, may ba ce4tlrcd. Ccntoct a RWQCB roproaet tatiul to I elp doter mine the appropriate floe an gib■ )lot n diecl arge. jgp LOCATION OF THE FACILITYI 1. Eater the Alsse ssoz's Patoc 1 Numl er(s) (AIPN), mili l is lociti d on the Iroperty tax bill. T]a numl er oae also I a obtained from t1li Caunt} Alsscsser's Cffll(o. Indiaata tin AIPN for bath the faoilitj and tie dischaige paint. 2. Jlnur tie Latitude of the et trance to the proposedeniitinJl kcilit) and of tl a disalarfe paint. Latituch and [engi- t.da infbrmation i as 1 e of tainad from i U.I. CI alo8ical Survell qui cirangle tolagrap] is map. Other map: may also i antain this information. 1. Enter tl t Lon11ittde oil the ei treaoi to thi h olased/existit g laciliq and of thi disal arge point. LU REASON FOR FILING 1\EW 1 S CFIA IRC E CIN FA ICJ LITY: AI disalaTle or Ilacilit) that is Ilreposeit tut dos sat neva 1 mist, or that doe., net )p t lave W111is o: am TPUE3 hermit. CHANGE N DESI C N OR OPERA ITICIN: AI mati Tial cl anf■ it design or oharation from enlisting disal ar,e i equirc ments. Final doteaneim tion of vahe tl ler the neported aha ng a is mi teria 1 will t e n ade 131 the RWQCB. CHAN(E 1N QUA IN TI TV/T1Il I (III 113CHAN( E: A mataaial mange in clatactari tics oil the waste fionf cxistial disclarle aequiramonts. Hinal cleternfinatian of wl etl er the relarted el ai gn would J eve a sigoiftnast a.lfeat will I e made bil the RWQCB. CHANCE 11% OWNERSHIP/0111MATOR: Chsnle of l gal owner of the llrcilit). Completi ]arts 1, Ill, and 1-I only and +iantiit t1ii RWCICB to deferrrit a ill additional inllermation is required. WAISTE I ISCHAIA( E REQUIREMENTS UI DAITE CIR P1 DES PERMIT REISSUANCE: WUNs must be tpclatod periodically to rofleat elai find to lnololy standards and aorditians. AI name apllication is roydred to re issi a ax NI DIEL Ierrnit wl icl I as onpired. C17HER: 11 tl ern is a asaaor otl cr than tl a ones lined, Ileaso dosaribe thi nassan or thi slaae Irovicled. (]f moan slaan is me(d(d, a tta el a at pa lista sl ec t.) Fore 20016!971 Paget 4 CALMORNIA ENVIRCIR1d11:14'fAL Sts to a:ICalift alfa , ^• PSK 111RCTIC IN AC MNCY Region %ater Quality Control Bow d APRICATIONIIRERORT OF WASTE DISCHARGE '41 o GEIN ERAU M RORMAIM RORM ROR , WAS TE DIE CHARGE RHOL IREIN E N TS OR h RDEE RERMIT }J CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OIIALITY ACT (CEOA) It should le emllasiaed tlat communication with the alpiolriato RWQCB stiff is vital bafom starting Hie CE(A doauneatatian, and is naacmmonded I afojo eonrpletind tlis opllicatioi. Tlera aae Basin Ilan issue!I wl ic] ma}l camlli,eate - tlo CEIQA effort, and FWIQCB stEff may be all It to I ell in paovidinl the needed information to eoniplote t] a CE(A cl oe u ma nta tic n. Nami tie Lead Ageac11 raspossible lar aotuplitioa of CEQ.0I naquilen eats fir tie pnajeat, i.e., ai mlletian and eertifioation of CEO I ila Eumenti tion. Cl eek 11II9 n NO. Has a lublia aleac]l detanmiaed tlat We lrapE sed project i;I extropt flan CEQA III the easwor is )119, hate the U sis foo the exemption and tl o name o1 the al moil suppl}ling the axacnptii n on tie space l rovided. (Ritwenboa Hat, if extra slave is needed, use in iixtra shoot of paper, lut It sure tc indicate tl a attached sleet undar 9e(tion VII. Otl ea.) Choi 1 1119 of NO. Has the "1,otic4 of Determination" I eon filed undii CEQA 111111 9, gine tl o data tie sotiao was filed and enaloee a copy o1 tl a Notre of Detern ination and the Initial Study, Eivinenmeatal Impact F el oat, on 1,elativo Declaration. If TO, el eck tl e 1 ox i f tl a oxleated t3 pa ail CEQA document far HIiii ploja Et, and inelude t]a oiElo,teal date of cnigNtion using the timelines given undej CE(Al. The date of eon pletion sl ould be to]on as H e data that the Notice of I]etorminatie n will 1 e sul mitted. (If not 1 nowEn, white "Un kncwm") YL QTHER REQUIRED INFORMATIOI\ To be alpnolied, ]lour spl licati a NU9T ins ludo a COMPLETE ahl Miteriaation of tl o disc larle. If tale obanacteriartion is lound ti le inconplebi, RWQCB staff wilt eentact you and request Hat sdditioaal specific information lo sul mitted. This alpliaatian MUST ba ac cn laniod b]l a site map. P USGS L9' Quadnaagla map or a street mal , if n ono it lnolriato, _ is auffiIiest faI most applications. YJL OTHER If 1 m i f t]a nswons an youn �pplication farm need furthan explanation, sttacl a sepwatc sheat. Please list Enll attaclmoats wiill the .titles and dates on the sl aae l rovided. VIII• CERTIFICATION _. Cortif iatien b'I t1 awnor of the Al ility I r the olentot of III le 1lacilit3, is the olarj for i:i clifferant flom the own an, is required. ` Tl e �ppnelriato person must sign Me app lication farm. Ai coptoblo sigiiatunes Ene: 1. fan a e13111C11911i0n, E principal exeIutive off"iEer of it lei it d level of senor vice-pnesideat; — I. fen a panni rehil en indinialuaI (sale pnolnietatn®hill), a EenenI partner an d:I lTO]r'eton; 3. ]an a ger+niameufal or llutlia agingl, eitler I llineipil 031COutiue oifiaer or rinking eleatedlappointed elfficiE1. DI5ICHARIGE SHHC1I10 INFORMATIOn In most tests, a voquest to eulplll Edditional discl alga spocifie informiatien will be Teat tc you bll a rellresantltive of the RW(CB. If the RWQCB determines flat Edditioeal disehirgo spa,iftc infarmEfiot is not needed to pvocesa your alpli(a- tion, you will be so notified, — Form loo 161 97) Page 5 CALUORlNM ENMON11113MAL Sdbe of Califorriia n o1'EMOR AGENC11 Regj ona till ate Quality Control Boal d AFIFILICATIONAREIFIORT OR WASTE DISCHARGE GENERAL INRORMATION FORM FOR �I WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIR9MEN71S OR NPDE S PORMI71 A. Facili I• FAICI]I]TI ]NFCR IMATICRi I aia: Address: City: ro+mt state: mil code: Cadtaat Hmraon: Ta]aphonu tltatib.dl: B. I aeffity Owner: 1 ua: onnra Type (Charly Om.) 1. Ind'.!dull X. E] Carpor.t:iad Addxa.s. 3. Govarnmaaatsl 4. PWU..hii Agency Eit;l: State: Lip Cada: 5, Ott..: Cod4ai Paean: Telephone Umber: 7drral'.lea m: (I. I acRity 011eralor(11hd agdnc]l or business,mit the parse l): I aaa: Opea.tor Typq (Check oma Iadivida.l 1. Corparatial 1_ El Addm u: 3. Cid varymental .I. ❑I Partsm wp A,■acP City: state: 7131 Codd: S. Othea l ontaal &aaan: Telephone m *mw1: D. Owner oil 1Ihe Iland: Name: 0 Type (thaell Omer :I IrAnvidoal 7. El Corparatim Addr:esm: 7. Dovey ."tal 4. Pert. .bU Atnc71 Cit state: Ell Cada: S. OtIm C=tict Paaaoo: 7016phm Nasbeil: E. Addro ss Who re Ile gal Notice May Be Sensed: Addres.: qty: State: mil Coal: Contact Pe:moms: Telaphont Number: R BURng Address: Addrr,a■: qty: Stl to. X131 Codd; Cantacl Peaaaa: Telephone Ntaobaa: Eon 20016/971 Page 1 CALIFORNIA %tc oil Califoriiia p PROTECTION!K 9tNCY Regional We ter Quality C'ontrc 1 Board ARRA ICIAVON IREPORII OR WASIIE DISCW ARGE GENERA L INRORN ATION FORM FOR a; - VI IASTS CIISCH CIRC 8 REQUIREMENIIS OR NP08S RBRMIT H. TMPE C F DISK HANIGE Check TlyAle a f Diss 1 a rl e(i)Desi ril ed In tl is A Ipplia atie a (A 91 H): ❑ A.WAS]E IIISC IHARGE 70 LAND F-1 1.WASTE DISCHARGE TO 9URFACIE WATHR _ (I)ea k all tha,l apply: - CE amt stic/Munk ipal Wasuwatea Anima: ar A uacultu al Wastevi atr r Treatmr nt anc I]isl asal F- Animal Wastc Solid! ❑ 9 ❑ Coolizig Water ❑ Land Tieatmant Unit ❑ Biwalida/Rasi(lual ❑ Mining ❑ EStec ge Material I]isposa ❑ Hazai dot a Wasto Qsea instn ctiens) ❑ Vast Pile ❑ Surface Imloundndent ❑ Ilmidfill (sae instru(tions) ❑ Vf e;iteviatas lie(lamation ❑ Industria Pdacass Waattwaun ❑ Storni lhatom ❑ OtNej, plea a describe: 111. LC CA TIC N OH THH I AC ILIT)J Der cr be tl a pl]laic al Ioaatle n oll the fa cil'ty. _ 1. AsseslcA's Passel Numbes(s) 1. Latitude J. Longittdo Facility: Naoilit;I: Fs cilita: Disc]saga Pi int: Discharge 1 eint: Disc]asge Paint: IM. RE A 9C N FC H FILING r ❑ Nev Discl argo of Faeilih ❑Clhanlaa in Owderihip/Clpnratom Qsec instructions) ❑ Ohm ge in 11 a sign a r 00a ratio n ❑W aste I]is(Karg a 14equirementl Upc ata os NT 11 H 9 Permid Raissuanca _ ❑ Changs in Quanftyfllype of E iaeha ga ❑Chhor: — NL C ALIFC RNIAII ENMIAONMENTAL C UA LITY A C 7(IC EQ A) P sme eil Lead Alonoy: liar it jubl o egenc7l dotesmined that the psoposed Ina jest is exempt flim CEQArl ❑files ❑r o If Yes,its to t1 a basis 1c s tile eaemptlan and the ns ma i I t1le agenell supplying the exeniption on the I no below. Iasis J s Esemptia n1A tome, Has s "Nouse ell Detesmiaastion" lea■ Had under CE'QlA1? ❑ Yes No ^ 11 Yea, enclose a cop!I of the [IEQA doaurnant,Eavtrenmestal Imps ct Plepglrt,ori Negai've Declination. 11 so,identlfj the enpacted type of C1 QAI document s ud expected delta o1 eomllet'ar . Expected CIEQA Documents: ❑ EIA P egatNe Dooiaratlor Exeectec CEQAI Clompletion Date: corm 200(6/97) w Page 7 CAWFORIGA rd VUWNeaBIf'DAL State o,ICalifsrnia ■ PROTMCTiCIN AIGMNC:Y Negjona W ater Quality Control Boal d AFIRUCAITIONAR9RORT OR IAIASIE DISCHARGE G13NEPJIL INHORMANON FORM FOR IAIASIS DISCHARGE iiBQUIREMENIIS OR NPDSS PSRMI7 • �,� �,,,�• MI. O THER RHQUIREII INHO RMA TION Blease pllovide a CON111111111 TH aharacllerization of yo-wl discharge. A complete chanacieriaation includes, bu-1 is not limited to, design and actual flows, a list of aonstittlents and the discharge cclnaentnition of each constituent, a lis-1 of(ither appropriate waslle discharge characterimtios, a description and diahemailic drawing of all traatmenl proaames,a dwaription of any Hast N anagemeni Arlacticas iO3MPg)used,and a descriptiarl of disposal mlatht d,. Also inalude a site map showing tl a location of tf a facility,and l ill you are subniittiA g tt is applia atlon for ar NADP 91 permit,identif}j tt a surfaa a water to which you pnopose to disaharga. Please try to limit yowl maps to a scale of 1:14,000(17.S' USGS Quadrangle; or a stree-1 map, if moge appgopriatt . MH. OTHER Alttaah additional A ee:ts to explain any resgenees mihish neo d elarif cation. Lis atlaehmenta with titles and dates bilows: 1 You wil be notified 131■ iron tesem tai Iva of the AIWQICB within:I t days o i ecdipt e ;lout epglicatian. The notice wil state it Jlaus a pgkid atia a is 1i nplet of if thou e i additiel as inform s tie n J lou a lust sul mit to iso mg lets J la ur App]co tie nfRiip■ri a i Was ti Dischange, punim hit to 1711viido a 7,Soction l:I 10Ia d f this Cs life ri is We tier Ce do. VIII. CERTIFICATION 9 certify under pee altll of Is Ni that this doeun eiit including all attachments and son pie mental information,were prepared under m;l dlroatlos and ii in sion in aviondae it with is sJlstem dosiined W sstui a tl at qualit ed gtrseamel progesly gat]eoil d as d eve Ws ted the ill foions tie a submittal d. Based en nql inquiry a:I the pared n on pereone Nhe menage the s)Ntem, on tllasa Bensons diiectilI retgamail Iii foi Iadleriug the ill foams tit a,the uifoinet tit o sul emitted is,to ti It 1 eel of m,l knaNledle and l elief,true,aGul ate,and a mnleu 1 ion swore that there the sigi Wesset lies shies far submilling 11alse intloimitie n, including ilhe posafbility of fine ai d in pi isoument." Print 11 aerie: Title: Signature. Da te: FGR OFFICE USE ONLI Date Form 200 Received: i otter to Discharger: Fee Amount Received: Check#: Fom 20046/971 Califormia I nlvironmlanlld Al ollealilnl Aganlc3l Bill of Righis fol Envfronmlani4l Permit AAplidanlls Ca Mariia En{IironmentaI Ira tea tioa Amenay (Gil/HH)I) deaog>liaes that many oamlle3 issucs must be addresscd uihcn pursuing - meirnms of awAronmint,iI learn its and t1 at significant cb,iIle ngss remain. We have initiated reforms ,incl intasd to nantinua thl effort to peke eaviaa:mental permitting made efficient, lass eastly, and to cnsurc tint those seeking padmits aeaoiNia timely real onses from the t oadds ac d departments of the Cal/NVfI. To furtHed lit is goal, Cel/EVA enclarses the fallowrina ldeaepts that farm the 1 asis ail e - permiit alplicast's "Bill of Rig]ts." 1. lermit apl iicints have t1 a rigl t to assisunae ii unclarstanclingl rcgc lat4r31 asci lermit reit idemez ts. All Cal/EHA ]ragrams maintain ai Onsbudsm,ir to wank diractIll wait] apl licants. Hermit Assistance Center, loeatcd thrauglout Catiaon ie have I ernait sl eaiaiists flan alt the State, deliosal, and 14 ail agencies to identify pc omit requirements aid assist in permit I re eassii F. 7. Permit apl licents hive the night to know tl a pnajeated fees Lz maviaw of apl licstions, lowi any oasts will be determinall and ] illed, and procedures far moss tvi:g any dist uto s aur he billings. _ I. Permit ap] licants have tl a rig!t oil access to aompll to and oleadly wflues guidance clooun er is that arlleii the rcguletor71 requimaments. flganeias must ]ublisl a list of all informatioi uqc ired is a permit alplication and of aritaria used to determine wl ed er the sutnaitted infodmation is aclel:ate. 4. Permit alpliaants lane tl a rig]t of timely icnipletoness determinations fes hair apjlicm tions. In gonadal, agonaios notify tl e alplica:t witlin 10 ca31s of anal cefficianeies ci dotedmins tlat tl a alplicat'on is coml leto. California Ennidonmenta1 Qualit3 _ Pet ((INQAl) and put lic Icaaing mqucsts may rnqui:e ad(itiosal infarmatim. - - 5. Permit al plica:is 1 ane the right to knew oxactl3l tow their a]l liesticns ai a deficient and wl at furtl ei infarmatiol is needed to make their applicatienr aomplate. Pursuant to Qalillarmia Gonenimant coda Seatim (15144, after a: alpliaation is accepted as oompiote, an afamay may not aeluest any newt ai additianml information that was not specifiad is the original a]l licatiol G. Hermit al plicants I ane the rig]t of a timely deoisian or their l ermiit al pliaatian. T]a al ai cid I u a inquired to astal lish tirade limits fol permit I eluevas. - 1. lednait a]IIiaauts 1 ave the right to el teal pa mit ieniewa time limits ly stats to or administativel3l that lake teen violate( wait]out loac causc lar state eniuronmenu1 alenaies, appeals are mads ckeatly to tle CIIIEPAI Seaistarl or to a spaoi1lic toads. Fod Awl ennidcnmentll agencies, opl ails ace gana:all3l made to the lcael gevar:ing toad or, wider certain 6cumstin4es, to Cal/EPAI. Tilroug] tl is apleal, a]phowts rraa31 obtain a set date Aar a decision an their permit am , in - some oases, a reiind of all alpliaation ilie9 (ask boards ani (el artaents for (et:ils). - - a. Permit apl licants have t1a right to wio:k waitll a single lead age:c3l wl ere mult'pte enirironmentat aplrcvals au :ended. For - multille ] ainaits, all aglciigl actions can le oonsolidate( (nder a laid aaesc7i. Nor site :eme(iation, all alpliaablo lavas can la a(mhistainc thiaugl a si:glo ellenay. I. Permit apllicants have the right to 1 navw milia will be reviewing their apllicatian ass the time rags ired to coneplete the full w Ieniew pia ad ss. AI