17-0801_SJCHA_Minutes_Regular MeetingMINUTES August 1, 2017 SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO HOUSING AUTHORITY REGULAR MEETING BUSINESS SESSION: Chair Farias called the August 1, 2017, Regular Meeting of the San Juan Capistrano Housing Authority to order at 8:46 p -m., in the City Council Chamber. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Derek Reeve, Kerry K. Ferguson, and Chair Sergio Farias. COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Pam Patterson, Esq. and Vice -Chair Brian L. Maryott. Agenda items are presented in the originally agendized format for the benefit of the minutes' reader, but were not necessarily heard in that order. CONSENT CALENDAR: Commission Action: Moved by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Ferguson, and carried 3-0 with Commissioner Patterson and Vice -Chair Maryott absent to approve Consent Calendar Items 131 through B4, as recommended by staff. B1. HOUSING AUTHORITY MINUTES — SPECIAL MEETING OF JUNE 20, 2017, APPROVED B2. REVIEW OF THE CHECK REGISTER FOR CHECKS AND ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS DATED MAY 12, 2017, TO MAY 25, 2017; AND MAY 26, 2017, TO JUNE 8, 2017; AND JUNE 9, 2017, TO JUNE 22, 2017; AND JUNE 23, 2017, TO JULY 6, 2017, RECEIVED AND FILED (300.30) B3. CASH AND INVESTMENT REPORT FOR THE MONTHS ENDED MAY 31, 2017, AND JUNE 30, 2017, RECEIVED AND FILED (350.30) B4. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO THE PERSONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH MDM AND ASSOCIATES, TO INCREASE THE NOT -TO -EXCEED COMPENSATION AMOUNT FOR THE MANAGEMENT SERVICES BY $122,000, WITH A TOTAL COMPENSATION AMOUNT OF $333,924; AND, APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR $6,405 FROM THE HOUSING AUTHORITY RESERVES TO INCREASE THE ANNUAL COMPENSATION AMOUNT FOR THE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, APPROVED (600.30) BOARD ACTIONS: None. BOARD COMMENTS: None. 8/1/2017 ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Farias adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m. to Tuesday, September 5, 2017, at 5:00 p.m. for the public Business Session, in the City Council Chamber. Respectfully submitted, 0 L��k C ISTY JA <L, AqSIVANT CITY CLERK Approved: September 5, 2017 ATTEST: SE IO FARIAS, CHAIR 8/1/2017