HAC Minutes-2011-03-2332400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493.1171 (949) 493.1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE MARCH 23, 2011 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS A. CALL TO ORDER- 6:02 p.m. B. ROLL CALL MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Gila Jones, Chairperson William Bonney Dave Solt Nancy Campman Ernie Vique C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -N/A D. REORGANIZATION OF THE COMMITTEE - SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE LARRY KRAMER DEREK REEVE JOHN TAYLOR Chairperson Jones turned the meeting over to the Secretary. The Secretary requested nominations from the Committee for a new Chairperson. Committee Member Solt nominated Committee Member Campman for Chairperson, which was seconded by Committee Member Bonney. The Secretary called for votes on the motion, which was passed 5-0. The Secretary requested nominations from the Committee for a new Vice Chairperson. Committee Member Jones nominated Committee Member Bonney for Vice Chairperson, which was seconded by Committee Member Campman. The Secretary called for votes on the motion, which was passed 5-0. Committee Member Jones and Chairperson Campman exchanged seats and the Secretary turned the meeting over to the Chairperson. E. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 17,2010 - The Secretary noted that on item F 2 of the minutes "Camino Las Ramblas" should be added to the second paragraph for clarity of which project Committee Member Bonney had concerns with. The Committee Approved of the minutes with the change 5-0. The City of San Juan Capistrano complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with special needs should call Kathleen Springer at (949) 443-6321 at least 48 hours in advance to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future 0 Printed on 100% recycled paper Housing Advisory Committee Minutes March 23, 2011 Page 2 F. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Update to Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park Closure Application Memorandum (Bill Ramsey, Principal Planner)- Committee Member Bonney requested clarification on what the Committee's next task would be with regard to this project and emphasized the need for the residents to know of the review so that they could attend to provide comments at the meeting. The Secretary related that the next step would be to review the Relocation Impact Report which is being prepared by the Consultant Paragon Partners, which would likely occur within the next few months and that as a part of the closure project the Project manager will notify all interested parties including all residents of the park of all meetings which Committees and Commissions, review the report. Chairperson Campman related that ample time would be required to review the report as it is likely to be a considerable sized document, the secretary concurred. Committee Moved to receive and file the Memorandum 5-0 G. NEW BUSINESS- Chairperson Campman moved New Business to the end of the meeting to allow for Member Jones to leave early. 1. Housing Program Status Report (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). Ms. Stokes provided a summary of the Staff report detailing households that will be exiting the Little Hollywood/Rental Subsidy programs due to the programs time limitations, the HOME Grants/Application, and the Owner Occupied Rehabilitation (OOR) loans, the potential to bring a consultant on board to oversee the OOR loans issued to utilize the $200,000 received through loan payoffs, and grants issued for Emergency Rent Relief. Committee member Vique requested details regarding verification of income for the programs and Ms. Stokes related the different methods between the state and Redevelopment Agency Program income verification, including bank statements, pay stubs, unemployment or social security verification, with the state requiring longer periods for all proof and third party verification for all identified income. Approved to receive and file 4-0 with Committee Member Jones being absent. 2. Housing Project Status Report (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). - Ms. Stokes provided a summary of the Staff report detailing the Habitat for Humanity project's final reimbursement due April 1, 2011, updates to the Camino Las Ramblas proposal, and the Groves project. Committee Member Bonney and Solt inquired over the Distrito La Novia/San Juan Meadow's proposed development and entitled development regarding possible affordable units. Ms. Stokes related that the entitled project does not specify exact numbers of affordable units; but under the General Plans 10% Housing Advisory Committee Minutes March 23, 2011 Page 3 inclusionary requirement, the project could produce up to 44 affordable units. The Distrito La Novia/San Juan Meadow's project was reviewed by staff and determined to potentially produce 28 affordable units, but further details would need to go to the project manager Bill Ramsey. Approved to receive and file 4-0 with Committee Member Jones being absent H. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Su Discussion Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator)- Each Sub -Committee provided a summary of their activities for the benefit of Committee Member Vique. The Committee agreed to remove First Time Home Buyers from the sub- committee list, add "Legislation" to the name of the RHNA sub -committee, add Committee Member Vique to the Foreclosure sub -committee, add "Conversions" to the name of the Request for Proposal sub -committee, finalize the members of the Conversion/Request for Proposal sub -committee to Members Solt, Campman and Vique (noting that only two may meet at a time and they cannot confer on agreed items in between meetings), and keeping Beautification on as a sub -committee. The Committee approved of the amended Sub -Committee List and members 5-0. 2. Sub -Committee Comments - i. Grants (William Bonney)- Sub -committee Member Bonney provided a list of tasks and programs the City could utilize grants to continue. Committee Member Jones also recommended combination grants for bike paths, pocket parks, and/or children's play equipment with an affordable housing proposal. ii. Homelessness (Gila Jones and Nancy Campman)- Sub -committee Member Jones related continued efforts by the organization iHope to assist homeless within our community, and discussed the details to SB 2 which required City's remove barriers to shelters being approved. iii. RHNA (Gila Jones)- Sub -committee Member Jones related ongoing actions with RHNA, including attendance at the Association of California Cities - Orange County, work group session, AB 1867, and RHNA legislative action. Member Jones requested the secretary forward RHNA information on to all Committee Members. iv. Mobile Home Parks (Gila Jones and Dave Solt) v. First Time Home Buyers vi. Public Relations Advocacy (David Solt)- Sub -committee Member Solt requested the secretary continue to send applications to him on behalf Housing Advisory Committee Minutes March 23, 2011 Page 4 of the committee. vii. Foreclosures (Dave Solt) Sub -committee Member Solt provided update regarding the educations Foreclosure Taskforce's efforts. viii. Request for Proposals- Sub -committee Member Solt related that Mayor Allevato is expected to address the Council regarding directing the Committee to pursue a Conversion Program under AB 1867 regulations and begin forming an Request for Proposals for the program. ix. Beautification- Ms. Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator, related that due to significant budget constraints to the . City no programs or projects are being proposed to the Council at this time, which resulted in the Council directed action of the Committee creating a Beautification Program to no move beyond the Committee. Sub -committee member's Solt and Campman discussed possible sponsors to the program so that when the program is presented to the Council it will not require City funds to support. Discussion led to contacting Armstrong Nurseries, DeNaults, a Public Relations contact, and local businesses for assistance. I. COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS - New Committee Member Vique provided a short summary of his interests and background. Ms. Stokes related details regarding the potential removal of Redevelopment Agency's under the Governor's budget proposal and the ramifications of such action on Affordable Housing funds. Several cities are forming overseeing entities to take on the responsibilities of the Redevelopment Agency or Housing Authorities in response to the threat. The City's lobbyist has related that no action needs to be immediately taken as the state has made no action and the final bill with final language has riot been approved which may dictate the final action to be taken. Ms. Stokes related that there is no action at this time due to the Council proposed to be reviewing potential actions on April 5, 2011. J. ADJOURNMENT TO MAY 25, 2011 AT 6 P.M.- Adjourned at 8:26 p.m.