HAC Minutes-2011-06-22 32400 PASEO ADELANTO ii MEMBERS 6E THE CITY COUNCIL SAN JUAN CAF ISTRANO,CA 92675 SAM RLLEVArO (949)493-1171 InIaBPa89TE6 LAURA FREESE (949)493-9053 FAX ® �srna��swsa � 661 LARRY KRAMER www.sonjuancapistrano.org 1776 DEREK REEVE JOHN TAYLOR MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE JUNE 22, 2011 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS A. CALL TO ORDER- 6:12 P.M. B. ROLL CALL Committee Members Present: Nancy Campman, Chairperson William Bonney Dave Solt Gila Jones C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS-None D. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 25, 2011-Unanamously approved. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Mobilehome Park Closure 07-01 Capistrano Terrace Mobilehome Park, a request to close an existing 152-space, 17.5 acre Mobilehome Park MHP located on the east side of Valle Road south of La Novia Avenue Assessor Parcel Number APN 6616-292-05 A licant: Capistrano Terrace Ltd. / Rick Julian President Cit Pro'ect Manager: William Ramsey, AIC,P,,Principal Planner) William Ramsey, Principal Planner, provided staff presentation summarizing the staff report regarding the Mobile Home Park Conversion, Closure or Cessation of Use code and the review process for the Relocation Impact Report: prepared by Paragon Partners for the Capistrano Terrace Ltd. Closure application for closure of the Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park. Staff advised the committee that the recommendation from staff would be to continue the item to July, in response from many resident request, and to provide additional review time. Art Perez and Peter Carpenter from Paragon Partners were present to respond to any Committee questions. The City of San Juan Capistrano complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with special needs should call Kathleen Springer at (949) 443-6321 at least 48 hours in advance to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. San ,luan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future ...� trinlar!nn 7 fill%rr:rvNarl narxrr Housing Advisory Committee Minutes June 22, 2011 Page 2 Committee Questions: Committee Members Bonney and Jones requested additional information regarding the Appraisals. Mr. Ramsey replied to all inquiries and related that the following: • Fair Market Appraisals were completed by Paragon Partners and included in the Relocation Impact Report, • The residents may dispute the appraisals through City Staff or Paragon Partners, and, • Staff will consider encouraging a deadline to make contested appraisals known; Committee Members Campman and Jones requested additional information regarding notification. Mr. Ramsey replied to all inquiries and related that the following: • The City's obligation was solely to notify the public about the meeting through post the agenda in three public places; however, in addition to the requirement, staff also send individual notices to all Capistrano Terrace Mobile Home Park residents, and, • All park residents and the applicant received hard copies of the relocation impact report, as was required by the code. Committee Member Jones additionally inquired about the demolition compensation, relating that the wording made it confusing as to who would pay; what the goal of the evening's review was; and what the resolution would be based on. Mr. Ramsey related that the Relocation Impact Report would be made clearer to show that it will be the Owner's responsibility to remove debris, that the discussion goals would be related to determining mitigation measures of the Relocation Impact Report, and that the resolution would be based on the decisions addressed in Attachment 1 of the agenda report. Public Comment: Residents Jess Lopez; Ruston Calisch; Mark Blanda; Jim Nanziq; Jim Vance; Sally Rather; Dale Newman; and Mark Strampec spoke in opposition to the item addressing the following concerns: • Short notification time resulted in no time to review the reports • Approval would displace 150 households • City and Redevelopment Agency have acted questionably • Management has increased maintenance • Need investment of property back should the park close • Inaccurate appraisals • Applicant has acted unethically in attempts to close park • Act expeditiously • Effect upon residence will be great Residents Jose and Martha Garces, Jean Parman, David Zimmerk, Jerry Moody, David Shouse, Domingo Gonzalez, Pedro Villamil, and Amelia Lukaszka provided notification of their opposition. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes June 22, 2011. Page 3 Committee Discussion: Committee Member Jones inquired if it mattered who submits the evidence of the Mobile Home Parr Owner's improper removal of residents, to which staff replied that it did not. Committee Member Jones inquired who's responsibility would it be to find locations for the three movable mobile home units and what would occur should no spaces be available. Staff replied that a relocation specialist would assist with this action, but that neither staff nor Paragon would dictate where a resident would want to move. Committee Member Jones recommended that should a viable space not be found, the relocation cost to move the unit the full 50 miles should be provided to the home owner. Committee Member Jones requested further clarity regarding appraisal without interior assessment and if differing rents were considered. Peter Carpenter from Paragon Partners related that notices were delivered to all residents offering to meet and inspect the home, only a few households contacted Paragon, but this option is still available. The appraisal in the Relocation Impact Report is the official appraisal and does not include additional notes, is not sure if the differing rent rates were taken into consideration in the appraisals, but will ensure the appraisal is clear in the future. Committee Member Bonney inquired if the unit owner could sell the unit above the appraised value and if another mobile home park was to purchase the park the Relocation Impact Report would not be reviewed, staff related that the unit owner always retains the right to sell their unit at their asking price and that if the park was purchase by another mobile home park operator there would be no proposed change in use and no need to review. David Solt ensured that all comments received between meetings would be delivered to the Committee and related that the Committee would consider all parties rights and privileges prior to making a recommendation. Chairperson Campman requested that staff investigate Attachment 1 of the written correspondence provided by Sally Rather further, recommended providing psychological assistance in addition to budget assistance for the residents, and requested further detail regarding the providing translations of the meetings. Mr: Ramsey related that staff does not provide translators due to potential conflicts, but encourages all residents to have or provide translators if they desire. Committee Member Solt moved to continue the item to July 27, 2011, Committee Member Bonney seconded and the motion was unanimously approved. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes June 22, 2011 Page 4 F. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Sub-Committee Comments- i. Grants (William Bonney)- Ms. Stokes related that Staff anticipated applying for the 2011 HOME Grant through the California Department of Housing and Community Development. Additionally, Ms. Stokes provided information regarding HUD grants and the CDBG Neighborhood Stabilization funds. Committee Member Solt recommended the sub-committee contact other jurisdictions about the types of chants being applied for. Recommended utilizing the group South Orange County Alliance for Housing our Communities, which has excellent networking events. ii. Homelessness (Gila,Jones and Nancy Campman) -Sub-committee related that the organization iHope have rented an office space in San Clemente to operate as an outreach and information center for the homeless. iii. RHNA & Legislation (Gila Jones)- iv. Mobile Home Parks (Gila Jones and Dave Solt) v. Public Relations Advocacy (David Solt) vi. Foreclosures (Dave Solt) vii. Conversions/Request for Proposals (Dave Solt, Nancy Campman) a. Update on Council Direction- Ms. Stokes provided an oral report of the Council discussion on moving forward with preparing program guidelines and Request for Proposals relating that the Council directed the Committee to move forward and requested to not only look at the Villas, but at all condos. Ms. Stokes also related that Committee Member Solt, Development Services Director Grant Taylor, Council Member Kramer, and Habitat for Humanity met to discuss the potential to participate in a Conversion program or Project. Habitat indicated that they would prefer sticking with their ownership product, which will also assist the Villas in keeping FHA standards for future loans. Staff and Council Member Kramer had indicated that the program is good, but would be difficult to provide funds for as it would not contribute to RHNA. Council Member Kramer had recommended a pilot program of one or two units due to the known value of the program and partnership with Habitat. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes June 22, 2011 Page 5 Committee Member Solt emphasized the benefits to continuing partnerships with Habitat and using them as rehabilitation contractors within the Villas or partnering within Habitat for a Program. Committee Member Solt sees two primary opportunities for the City. First, the City purchasing units, rehabbing them with Habitat or a similar group, and adding the units to the City's Rental Subsidy Program, and, second, the City purchases units, transferring those units to Habitat for Rehab and to join the Habitat Ownership program. Committee Member Solt related that Habitat was looking into changing the policy so that the ownership units would count toward RHNA as well as rental units. Committee Member .tones related that this was one of the initial proposals with the City initiated AB 1867, but it was removed due to the states initiative to have affordable rental units. The State feels that affordable ownership is difficult to monitor and prefers affordable rental. Sub-Committee's next steps will be to formulate Program Guidelines, possibly creating more than one, and form Request for Proposals for the final guidelines. viii. Beautification (Dave Solt & Nancy Campman) G. COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS Staff related that Committee Member Vique was moving out of the City and would no longer be part of the Committee or any of the sub-committees, reminded the committee to not "reply all" in emails, as it may result in Brown Act conflicts, and related that the Committee could only meet in pairs due to the Brown Act, Committee Member Bonney commented on his attendance at three events: his review of the Villa Montana proposal next to the San Juan Hills High School, his attempt to attend SCAG's RHNA workshop in Los Angeles, and his attendance at a Tonight Show taping. H. ADJOURNED TO JULY 27, 2011 AT 9:04 P.M.