HAC Minutes-2011-09-2832400 PASEO ADEL.ANTQ SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 4.93.11'1 (949) 493-10353 FAX www.sanjuancapistrano.org MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 28, 20'11 •6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS A. CALL TO ORDER- Meeting called to order at 6.05 PM B. ROLL CALL MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SARA ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE LARRY K LAMER DEREK REEVE JOHN TAYLOR Nancy Campman, Chairperson Dave Solt, Vice Chair arrived at 6:19 PM Gila Jones William Bonney arrived at 6:10 PM Sentelle Eubanks C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS D. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JULY 27, 2011 Committee approved of the minutes unanimously 3-0 E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Supportive Housing Facilities Municipal Code Amendment (CA 11-01) Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator summarized the Staff Report and requested the Committee provide recommendations and direction regarding the proposed Code Amendment. Committee Member Jones requested clarification regarding Senate Bill 2 (SB2) intent, specifically if it solely addresses provision of emergency homeless shelters. Ms. Stokes clarified that SB2 covers all Supportive Housing Facilities for homeless, including, but not limited to Emergency Shelters, Transitional Housing, and Supportive Housing Facilities. The City of San Juan Capistrano complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Persons with special needs should call Kathleen Springer at (949) 443-6321 at least 48 hours in advance to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility. Scan .dean Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future Printed on 100% recvcled paper Housing Advisory Committee Minutes September 28, 2011 Page 2 Committee Member Jones recommended the Amendment have separate language for the different types of housing, specifically citing concerns with hours of operations, 24 hour onsite management when there are no operations to manage, management not. being permitted to not live onsite, waiting area size should be a minimum not a maximum, loitering regulations, and requirements for onsite parking. Chairperson Campman related similar concerns, specifically with operation hours for a transitional housing facility, and recommended separate development guidelines be established for each use. She additionally recommended smoking be added to the prohibited onsite activities. Chairperson Campman opened the item for public comments. Nancy McIntire, resident of San Clemente, addressed the committee as a representative from the nonprofit organization iHope, which seeks to assist the homeless within south Orange County. As a supporter of Homeless assistance, Ms. Macintire commended the City's initiative, in response to SB2, and agreed with the committee that such varying types of Supportive Housing would require varying types of development standards, and that it is important to allow for "wrap-around" services because there are many kinds of homeless, which may all need different types of services. Susan Parmelee, Director with iHope, related that she has many years of experience with homeless shelters and services, and encourages communities to communicate so that needs can be addressed and covered by the different communities. Ms. Parmelee provided some statistics regarding typical shelter development standards, and related that she would be happy to review proposed standards to ensure they cover most shelter's concerns as well as not being overbearing. Committee Member Bill Bonney recommended tracking the homeless to determine where the need is and what services are most needed. Both iHope representatives related that it could be beneficial, but social services protect the clients of Supportive Housing Facilities. Vice Chair Solt recommended Supportive Housing Facilities be located along bust routes. Staff related this would be ideal, but dependent upon the applicant. Grant Taylor, Development Services Director, related that this Code Amendment will need to be initiated by the City Council before any approvals; however, the Housing Advisory Committees initial review is expected to flush out many issues up front, and thus create a smoother process in the future. Mr. Taylor also related his own experiences with Supportive Housing Facilities, including shelters, and "soup kitchens" and related that the state licensing is an important requirement. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes September 28, 2011 Page 3 Ms. Stokes requested the Committee review the proposed guidelines and relate which development standards should be different depending on type, and which ones would be sufficient across the board. The Committee related that the Capacity, Off -Street Parking, Waiting Area, Onsite Management, and Lighting standards should be different for each type of use. Committee Member Jones motioned and Committee Member Bonny seconded for staff to revise the Draft Code Amendment according to the Committees discussion and bring the item back for the Committee to review, passed 5-0. F. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Discussion of Sub -Committees and Establish Completion Dates Ms. Stokes provided a summary of the Staff Report, and requests the Committee discuss and determine end dates for the remaining sub- committees. After a Healthy discussion regarding the Brown Act and intent of the different Sub -Committees, the Committee unanimously motions to eliminate the Homelessness and Public Relations Advocacy Sub -Committees, establish a termination date of 12/31/11 for the Foreclosure Sub -Committee, and a termination date of 1131/13 for all remaining Sub -Committees. 2. Sub -Committee Comments - i. Grants (William Bonney)- Sub -Committee related that there are very few grants for Projects and Programs, but several available for individuals. Hopes to provide staff with a list of Homeownership loans available for individuals to post onto the City's website. ii. RHNA & Legislation (Gila Jones) iii. Mobile Home Parks (Gila Jones and Dave Solt) iv. Foreclosures (Dave Solt) v. Conversions/Request for Proposals (Dave Solt & Nancy Campman) 1. Update on Conversion Program Guideline Development Ms. Stokes provided a summary of the different guidelines and possible programs. The Committee discussed the Ownership option within the second program, locations of the potential units and dispersing throughout the community, and overcrowded units. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes September 28, 2011 Page 4 Committee Member Jones had concern with limiting the maximum purchase process to $200,000, recommended streamlining the purchase process and empowering staff to act upon opportunity, and has concern about how many organizations may be interested in the programs, Chairperson Campman motioned for staff to incorporate the Committee's Comments, finalize program one and two's RFP, and bring back for final review and the motion was carried unanimously. vi. Beautification (Dave Solt & Nancy Campman)- The Sub -Committee distributed a memorandum to the Committee detailing a less intense program than the committee originally approved. Sub -Committee requested the item come back for Committee discussion. G. COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS H. ADJOURNED TO OCTOBER 26, 2011 AT 8.52 P.M.