HAC Minutes-2011-10-26 IVAN* . 24 1 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL 32400 PASTE®ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO,CA 92,675 SAMALLEVATO (949)493,11711 LAURA FREESE (949)493-1053 FAx WORMED LARRY KRAMER wwwsanjuancapistrano.org 1776 DEREK REEVE JOHN TAYLOR MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE OCTOBER 26, 201 1 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS- MOVED TO CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE ROOM A. CALL TO ORDER-6:13 P.M. B. ROLL CALL Nancy Campman, Chairperson-Excused Absence William Bonney, Vice Chairperson Dave Solt Gila Jones Sentelle Eubanks C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, D. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 28, 2011- Unanimous 011-Unanimous approval. 4-0 E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Housing Program & Project Status Report (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). Ms. Stokes summarized the status of the programs providing detail to Committee Member Eubanks for clarity. Committee Member Solt requested information on status and successfulness of program participants after they leave the programs. After discussing the best way to report this information, given the subjective assessment of "successfulness," it was recommended to report annually on the status of past program participants, using a similar format to the existing quarterly report. The reports will include time participating within the program, household makeup, current city of residence, current income bracket, rent/mortgage status, employment status, and comments about the household's goals, successes, and drawbacks. The City of San Juan Capistrano complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act.Per on ct'Perpon§with speci I ne s should call Kathleen springer at (ftrAA�= Gapismawars 'At*Wnts to ensure accessibility. Printed on 100%recycled paper Housing Advisory Committee Minutes October 26, 2011 Page 2 Ms. Stokes provided a summary of the sites identified within the Housing Element which could support affordable housing and barriers that resulted from the City's ballot Measure X. Staff then detailed the project "Groves at Williams Ranch" including the tasks accomplished and reports to complete. The Committee questioned why the Groves project was not moving forward. Ms. Stokes related that there were several stockpiles of dirt onsite, and staff was postponed from completing several tests until the stockpiling is removed. The committee members related that they would take it upon themselves to individually contact different councilmembers or management to encourage the removal of the stockpiling and permit the Groves project to continue. Unanimously approved to receive and file. 4-0 F. OLD BUSINESS 1. Continued Consideration of Supportive Housing Facilities Municipal Code Amendment (CA 11-01) (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). Ms. Stokes provided a summary of the staff report, specifically identifying the changes to the draft Code Amendment since the Committee reviewed it in September, and relating that the City Attorney determined that "with respect to transitional housing and supportive housing, S132 specifies only that such uses must be considered a residential use of property, subject only to those restrictions that apply to the other residential dwellings of the same type in the same zone. Unlike emergency shelters, SB2 does not permit a city to enact objective development and management standards for these two types of uses." Therefore, the development standards were specified to be for only for emergency shelters. The Committee requested changes for clarity to section "B" and "C," specifically ensuring that both sections clarified that the "manager is to be on site during all hours of operations". Additionally, the committee had a discussion regarding adding additional regulations and determined that the Committees draft should be as un restrictive as possible and leave further restrictions to be implemented by the Planning Commission and the City Council. The Committee unanimously approved to forward the draft code amendment to the Planning Commission with recommendation of approval 4-0. G. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Sub-Committee Comments- i. Grants (William Bonney)- The sub-committee intends to meet with staff to discuss the possibility of posting all grant opportunities on the City's website for the public to access. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes ......................._............._.____Octo ber26.,._201.1---------------------------------------------------__----------_------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 3 ii.. RHN.A & Legislation (Gila Jones)- NIA iii. Mo-bile Home Parks (Gila Jones and Dave Solt) - NIA ` iv. Foreclosures (Dave Solt) - NIA v. Conversions/Request for Proposals (Dave Solt & Nancy Campman) a. Continued Consideration of Conversion Program Guideline Development Ms. Stokes provided a summary of the staff report, specifically identifying the changes to the draft Conversion Programs since the Committee reviewed them in September. The Committee discussed the different proposals, and agreed that the fist program was suitable and approved of it with the changes provided. However, the Committee requested program two and three be brought back, and requested the sub-committee meet to discuss the RFP formed for program two, ensure mortgages are included as well as rents when referencing affordability requirement, and to finalize the RFP for program three, determining if it will be for both rental and ownership, or just rental. Committee Member Jones identified one grammatical error being in the Attachment two in which the "I" within the sentence, `rehabilitate, and covenant existing residential units I." The Committee unanimously approved of Program One, and requested staff brings Programs Two and Three back for review after the sub-committee provides edits, 4-0. vi. Beautification (Dave Salt & Nancy Campman)-Staff related that as of the meeting date there was no indication from the City Manager's Office of if the program would be pursued. Staff must wait for this authorization prior to moving forward with the Committees review and recommendation. H. COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS • Committee Member Solt informed the Committee about the Habitat for Humanity Dreams tour being held November 2, and 17; 2011, which would allow interested parties to see the Habitat for Humanity Orange County headquarters and the non-profit process. I. ADJOURNED TO JANUARY 25, 2011 at 7:50 P.M.