HAC Minutes-2012-07-2532400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org • "Z �r FA U 1111L r • MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE JULY 25, 2012 - 6:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS A. CALL TO ORDER- 6:05 p.m. B. ROLL CALL MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL Nancy Campman, Chairperson Dave Solt William Bonney, Vice Chairperson Gila Jones Sentelle Eubanks C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS D. REORGANIZATION OF THE COMMITTEE Nancy Campman was selected as Chairperson with a 5-0 vote. William Bonney was selected as Vice Chairperson with a 5-0 vote. E. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF MAY 23,2012- Approved 5-0 F. PUBLIC HEARING SAM ALLEVATO LAURA FREESE LARRY KRAMER DEREK REEVE JOHN TAYLOR 1. Consideration of Approval of the FY 2011/2012 State of California Community Development Block Grant Grantee Performance Report (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). Ms. Stokes summarized the Grantee Performance Report and noted that the report for FY 2012/2013 would be more in depth due to the City continuing with the Owner Occupied Rehabilitation Program. Chair Campman opened the Public Hearing for public testimony. There being no public testimony, Chair Campman closed the Public Hearing. The Committee approved of the 2011/2012 Grantee Performance Report 5-0. The ty of S�,aan Juan apistrano complies,with the ACnericags wl Disabilities,AAc� Persons ynth cial needs should call Kat E�6pf F?a�(.s3 PW4r0` 10bt tV'a9e*El oldr'�'Ji_a i�t�Se i 1CidMtyZA=t NA31b 0rangements to �s• ensure accessibility. t, Printed on 100% recycled paper Housing Advisory Committee Minutes July 25, 2012 Page 2 G. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Housing Alternatives Used by Cities to Meet Affordable Housing Requirements, (Laura Stokes, Housing/Redevelopment Coordinator). Ms. Stokes Summarized the staff report and reiterated how the Committee established two groups to research other cities programs and projects respectively. At the May 23, 2012, meeting, the Committee determined that Chair Campman and Committee Member Jones would research programs, and Vice Chair Bonney and Committee Member Solt would research projects. The two research teams provided staff with their findings, which were included as Attachments One and Two of the report. Attachment one detailed programs repeated amongst cities and identified potential programs for the City of San Juan Capistrano to implement. Attachment two summarized email and phone correspondence provided from the staff of Dana Point, Yorba Linda, San Clemente, Brea, and Tustin on their successful and unsuccessful affordable housing projects. The Committee thoroughly discussed all programs identified in Attachment one, and edited the list and made motions on each program listed. Program 1- Motioned to approve with the phrase "and allow for zoning overlay districts" included after 30 du/ac. Committee supported 5-0. Program 2- Committee supported 5-0. Program 3- Motioned to approve with the phrase "only if onsite management is incorporated" included after affordable housing projects. Committee supported 4-1. Program 4- Motioned to approve with the phrase "of multiple programs" included after Housing Element compliance, the phrase "preferred, and" included after expedited process is, and the quantified number of days be finalized for San Juan Capistrano timing. Committee supported 5-0. Program 5- Committee supported 5-0. Program 6- Motioned to approve with the phrase "for projects with more than 10% of their units covenanted" included after fee deferral. Committee supported 5-0. Program 7- Committee supported 5-0 Housing Advisory Committee Minutes July 25, 2012 Page 3 Program 8- Motioned to approve with the word "suitable" included after Rezone, and the word "rental" included after sites to affordable. Committee supported 5-0. Program 9- The Committee combined Program 9 with Program 1. Program 10- Motioned to approve with the phrase "When a development provides more than 10% of the unit as affordable, allow the below specified" included at the beginning of the description, and remove the phrases Consider associating and to percentage of affordable units. Committee supported 5-0. The Committee thoroughly discussed the communication from the staff of Dana Point, Yorba Linda, San Clemente, Brea, and Tustin identified. The Committee focused on the unsuccessful projects and the trouble the cities experienced with lack of oversight and responsibility, which resulted in the buildings aging faster and households abusing the privileges of the affordable housing (overcrowding, multiple vehicles, unqualified incomes, etc.). Additionally, the Committee discussed how some cities have found that there is a lack of demand for housing affordable to moderate income households, and how this dilemma results in vacant housing and housing staff putting in substantial effort with minimal results when attempting to fill the units. After discussing potential downfalls the Committee motioned to recommended that onsite management be required of new developments, when economically feasible, to help alleviate potential overcrowding, inadequate parking, and neighborhood repercussions. It is additionally recommended that moderate housing be sparsely subsidized until the market shows a greater demand for the housing bracket. H. SUB -COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Sub -Committee Comments- N/A i. Grants (William Bonney) ii. RHNA & Legislation (Gila Jones) iii. Mobile Home Parks (Gila Jones and Dave Solt) iv. Conversions/Request for Proposals (Dave Solt & Nancy Campman) I. COMMITTEE AND STAFF COMMENTS - Committee Member Solt commented on Brea's firm stance on their Inclusionary Housing Policy and their recommendation to stick with the policy as it has greatly assisted the city with RHNA. Housing Advisory Committee Minutes July 25, 2012 Page 4 Ms. Stokes related that the tentative date to take the In -Lieu fee reduction and the Alternative Program options to the City Council on September 4, 2012. Chair Campman relayed that the City Council wants to promote the Urgent strategic priorities and will be emailing those out to the Committee. J. ADJOURNED TO OCTOBER 24, 2012 AT 8:55 P.M.