CHC Minutes-2006-11-14MEMORANDUM November 29, 2006 TO: Dave Adams, City Manager William Cunningham, Interim Planning Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of November 14, 2006 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their special meeting on Tuesday, November 14, 2006. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. A. CALL TO ORDER Chair Porter called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. B. ROLL CALL Present: Lorie Porter, Chair Tony Forster, Vice-Chair David Belardes Janet Siegel Don Tryon Absent: Jess Andrews (excused) Ed Nunez (excused) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary William Cunningham, Interim Planning Director Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. D. OLD BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Amendment to the Inventory of Historic and Cultural Landmarks (IHCL), Mission Hill – Mission Flats. (continued from October 24, 2006) A request for further consideration of the historic designation of the Father O’Sullivan House at 31442 El Camino Real, APN 124-202-28, relative to the impact of a new fence and arbor on the historic integrity of the property. (Applicants: Jorge & Estela Puelma) Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission recommend Dave Adams, City Manager 2 November 29, 2006 designation of the site. The site is significant under two criteria for architecture and association with a historic person, Father O’Sullivan. Ms. Delcamp described the seven aspects of the National Register of Historic Places criteria for integrity. Staff’s position is that the home and site retain sufficient integrity of age, design, materials, workmanship, feeling and association in spite of some detraction by the arbor. The site warrants historic designation. Staff provided copies of an email from the owner, who may decide to withdraw the designation request; the owner was out of town and could not attend the meeting. The Commission agreed that the history and architecture of the house warrants designation. However, most of the Commissioners concurred that the arbor in particular detracts too much from the visibility and setting of the house. If the owner were to eliminate the portion of the arbor that is higher than the fence, and then submit a new application for designation, the Commission would be inclined to support the designation. Commissioner Belardes stated his position that the site should be designated even with the arbor because it is a significant site. After due consideration, Commissioner Siegel moved, and Commissioner Tryon seconded, a motion to not recommend designation. The motion was approved 4-1 (Belardes opposed). The Commission directed staff to convey to the owner that they would support designation if the owner reduces the height of the arbor and re-submits the designation request in the future. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Buildings and Sites of Distinction List (BOD) Status for Mexico Lindo-Vaquero West at 26755 Verdugo Street. A request for the Cultural Heritage Commission, which originally created the BOD, to determine whether the site meets criteria to remain on the BOD. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano) Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation and requested input from the Commission regarding the history of the building and whether it should remain on the BOD. The request is a result of comments by the Design Review Committee (DRC) on a proposed project at the site. The DRC suggested the existing building be demolished so that a new building more compatible with the City’s historic character and design guidelines could be built in its place. Chair Porter said that the building is as important to the town’s history as the Swallows Inn and all long time residents went there. The building served as the headquarters for the Portola Rides starting over 40 years ago; the rides started and ended there, and the horses were hitched next to the building. The building relates to Verdugo Street, which in itself is a very historic street. Dave Adams, City Manager 3 November 29, 2006 Chair Porter said people have grown to love the building, and would be upset if it is torn down. Vice-Chair Forster stated the building should remain on the BOD. Melitas Forster owned Mexico Lindo there for 10 years, and other families and history are associated with the building. Commissioner Tryon said that, compared to other historic buildings in San Juan Capistrano, this particular building’s history is not that interesting. Commissioner Belardes said that the building is significant for its association with the Basque history of San Juan. Nick’s Café was owned by Nick Arbonies; the Arbonies family was of Basque descent and came to San Juan in the late 1800s. There are close connections between the Arbonies and Rios families, as well as other Basque families including the Echeverrias. A complete history of the Basque community in San Juan still needs to be written and documented and the building warrants preservation for its association with San Juan’s Basque heritage. The building and site meets all of the designation criteria including the potential for archaeology. Commissioner Siegel said the building has no architectural value and should be deleted from the BOD. The site is located at the gateway to the Los Rios District, and would be better served by a building that is architecturally sensitive to the area’s historic context. The history of the building belongs in a Historic Depiction Program that should be developed for the project to commemorate Basque history. Paul Douglas, representing Busk Development, stated that the building does not meet historic criteria, and should not be returned to its Depression-era appearance. Jonathan Volske said the Commission needs to consider the value of the building within the context of the whole area, and whether sacrificing one building would better preserve the rest of the area’s historic character. Deborah Bogdanski, representing Sarducci’s, expressed concerns about the proposed proejct’s massing which would impact views to the train depot and the Los Rios District. She suggested that perhaps part of the building could be preserved if the rest of it is demolished. Ms. Bogdanski also asked if Arquello Way, a historic pathway between the Mission and the train depot/Los Rios, could be preserved. Robert Hagstrom said the building has been made to look historic, but it is fake history and should not be preserved. Commissioners asked several questions about the project, which was not under consideration, to which Douglas Dumhart and the applicant, Eric Altman, responded. Dave Adams, City Manager 4 November 29, 2006 The Commission concurred that the building should not be restored to its original Depression-era, unadorned rectangular appearance. The Commission generally felt that the Monterey style elements that have been added to the building in the past, or similar types of enhancements, are appropriate to retain and do not detract from the integrity of the potentially historic building. The Commission expressed concern about the size and scale of the proposed addition, saying that the two story addition should not extend all the way to the rear of the project boundary. Such an addition would be a visual detriment to the train depot. After due consideration, Commissioner Belardes moved, and Vice-Chair Forster seconded, a motion to retain Mexico Lindo-Vaquero West at 26755 Verdugo Street on the City’s Buildings and Sites of Distinction List. The motion was approved 3-2 (Siegel, Tryon opposed). F. INFORMATION ITEM None. G. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS None. H. ADJOURNMENT Chair Porter adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m. cc: Bill Huber, Assistant City Manager Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Sandy Kell, Administrative Secretary CHC Members CHC Minutes File Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager