CHC Minutes-2006-02-28MEMORANDUM March 17, 2006 TO: Dave Adams, City Manager Molly Bogh, Planning Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of February 28, 2006. This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, February 28, 2006 meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. A. CALL TO ORDER Acting Chair Siegel called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. B. ROLL CALL Present: Janet Siegel, Acting Chair Jess Andrews Tony Forster Ed Nunez Lorie Porter Don Tryon Absent: David Belardes Staff: Teri Delcamp, Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary Molly Bogh, Planning Director Karen Crocker, Community Services Director David Contreras, Associate Planner C. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. D. OLD BUSINESS None. Dave Adams, City Manager 2 March 17, 2006 E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Election of Commission Chair and Vice-Chair Acting Chair Siegel opened nominations for the office of Chair. Commissioner Andrews nominated Commissioner Porter. The nominations were closed, and the Commission unanimously elected Commissioner Porter as Chair. Chair Porter deferred chairmanship of the rest of the meeting to Acting Chair Siegel. Acting Chair Siegel opened the nominations for the office of Vice-Chair. Commissioner Tryon nominated Commissioner Forster. The nominations were closed, and the Commission unanimously elected Commissioner Forster as Vice-Chair. Acting Chair Siegel announced the newly elected names of the office of Chair and Vice Chair. 2. Architectural Control (AC) 04-02: Consideration of an Amendment to the Historic Depiction Program (HDP) for Ortega Ranch, to include an additional bronze wall plaque at the main entrance to the Mission Cemetery. (Applicant: Centra Realty Corporation) (Project Manager: William Cunningham, AICP, Contract Staff Planner) Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission approve the proposed amendment to the Historic Depiction Program (HDP) for the Ortega Ranch development. The Mission has expressed concern about the size of the plaque and the text font, and staff seeks input from the Commission. Steve Sandland, applicant, described the plaque’s consistency with the other approved plaques, requested that Condition No. 3 be revised to reflect that the Mission will ultimately be responsible for maintaining the plaque, and displayed a sample building plaque. Commissioner Nunez suggested a change in the wording on the plaque to replace “Descendants of the Mission…Native Americans…” with “Indigenous inhabitants…” The Commission agreed to the change in Condition No. 3. They also reached consensus that, while the plaque size could be reduced somewhat, the size of the text font should not be reduced because it would adversely affect its legibility. After due consideration, Commissioner Tryon moved, and Commissioner Porter seconded, adoption of a resolution approving an Amendment to the Ortega Ranch Historic Depiction Program with the stated changes to the conditions regarding maintenance responsibility, text wording and the plaque size, subject to Resolution No. 06-02-28-1. The motion was approved unanimously. Dave Adams, City Manager 3 March 17, 2006 3. Site Plan Review (SPR) 05-04: Consideration of Los Rios Park and Parking Lot (CIP 465), an application for the construction of a City Park and Parking Lot within the Los Rios Historic District. (Project Manager: David Contreras, Associate Planner) David Contreras and park design consultant, David Volz, made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration, approve SPR 05-04 as consistent with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards, and recommend that the Planning Commission approve the Architectural Control portion of the project. The Commission generally commended the project, with Commissioner Tryon noting it is an excellent design. Commissioners questioned staff and David Volz regarding particular aspects of the project. Commissioner Nunez asked about lighting and the number of parking spaces. Staff responded that the lighting plan will be refined to provide low- level lighting primarily for security purposes at night. Staff will reconfirm whether the number of parking spaces is 82 or 83. Commissioner Porter asked about seating areas, linkages between areas, and fences shown on the plan. She noted that there needs to be room for the large school groups that visit the Los Rios Historic District. Staff responded that seating will be provided in the area adjacent to the Montanez Adobe to the south, behind the proposed restroom building and in picnic areas of the park. Pathway linkages are provided throughout the park. The fence next to the Montanez will be more blended with the proposed landscape and will likely be split-rail. Commissioner Forster asked if any of the grass areas in the park will be moved, to which Mr. Volz replied that the grass will not be turf, but rural, gently mounded native grasses that will not be regularly mowed. The park is intended to be a passive park, not encouraging use as playing fields. Acting Chair Siegel asked about the base material for the tot lot, maintenance responsibilities, and whether the restroom will be locked after dark. She also suggested that the restroom building could be designed to resemble the old outhouse. Karen Crocker responded that the City will maintain the park, including locking the restroom after dark, as part of the Community Services overall responsibilities for park maintenance. The base material for the tot lot will likely be bark chips or a similar material. After due consideration, Commissioner Porter moved, and Commissioner Tryon seconded, adoption of a resolution approving SPR 05-04 with a recommendation to be forwarded to the Planning Commission that a larger Dave Adams, City Manager 4 March 17, 2006 area be provided for activities and seating of children’s groups, subject to Resolution No. 06-02-28-2. The motion was approved unanimously. F. INFORMATION ITEM None. G. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Acting Chair Siegel welcomed new Commission member Ed Nunez. Commissioner Tryon said he had taken a walk through the Los Rios District, and commended the appearance of the Stanfield House after its restoration by the Douraghis. Ms. Delcamp reminded the Commission about the upcoming California Preservation Foundation Annual Conference in Sacramento, April 20 – 22, 2006. There is budget for two Commissioners to attend, and members need to respond to staff as soon as possible if they are interested in going. H. ADJOURNMENT Acting Chair Siegel adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. cc: Bill Huber, Assistant City Manager Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Sandy Kell, Administrative Secretary CHC Members CHC Minutes File Karen Crocker, Community Services Director Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager David Contreras, Associate Planner Bill Cunningham, Contract Staff Planner