CHC Minutes-2007-09-25MEMORANDUM October 4, 2007 TO: Dave Adams, City Manager Steven Apple, Planning Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of September 25, 2007 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, September 25, 2007 meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Vice-Chair Nunez called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Ed Nunez, Vice-Chair Jess Andrews Nathan Banda Alana Jolley Lorie Porter Janet Siegel Absent: Don Tryon, Chair (excused) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary Lynnette Lehmann, Senior Management Analyst ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Architectural Control 06-14, Tree Removal Permit 07-131, Little Hollywood Expansion (Little Hollywood Affordable Rental Unit Expansion Project) City Council Priority #7A. (Applicant: San Juan Capistrano Community Redevelopment Agency) Lynnette Lehmann, Senior Management Analyst, made the staff Dave Adams, City Manager 2 October 4, 2007 presentation and recommendation that the Commission provide input, find the project consistent with the Los Rios Specific Plan and recommend approval to the Planning Commission. The project includes a site plan, elevations, grading, landscaping, and tree removals for a proposal to add 10 additional affordable manufactured housing rental units on approximately 1.67 acres in Little Hollywood located at the northern terminus of Paseo Adelanto between Ramos and Mission Streets (Assessor Parcel Number (APN) 121-142-01, 07). Commissioner Andrews asked if the extension of Paseo Adelanto through to Avenida de la Vista is still a possibility. Ms. Lehmann responded that staff took that issue to the City Council as a separate item early on in the process and the Council voted not to extend Paseo Adelanto through. Commissioner Andrews commented that the project is very attractive, the landscape is appropriate and she is happy Paseo Adelanto will not be extended through the project. Commissioner Porter asked about the removal of trees at the northerly end of the project, and commented that this plan looks more “designed” or “master planned” than the existing homes. Staff responded that the previous affordable housing units were placed directly on the pads of the demolished structures; however, with this project, there were no existing pads. Three different site plan scenarios were developed and reviewed by the DRC and the proposed one was selected as the best to meet all of the various codes and needs of the project. The maintenance of some of the existing landscape in the area has been an issue, and some of the existing trees are too close to structure. The current plan is intended to address this and retain as many trees as possible. Staff responded to additional questions regarding the total number of existing affordable units in San Juan Capistrano, and the number the city is obligated to provide. The Commissioners concurred that the project is well designed and will be an asset. After due consideration, Commissioner Siegel moved, and Commissioner Andrews seconded, to approve staff’s recommendation. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. INFORMATION ITEM 1. Congdon House ADA Improvements, 32701 Alipaz Street (CIP No. 452); (Applicant: San Juan Capistrano)(Case Planner: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager) Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager, made the made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission provide input regarding the pending Administrative Approval of the plans and their compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. The plans provide for an accessible parking space, wood ramp, path of travel to and through the first floor Dave Adams, City Manager 3 October 4, 2007 of the Congdon House and an accessible restroom in the rear to facilitate use as a museum on the first floor. Commissioner Andrews asked if the changes affect the front door to which Ms. Delcamp replied the front doors will not be touched. Commissioner Porter asked why the existing house bathroom is not being proposed for the ADA restroom. She said that the laundry room was the back porch where the milk was delivered and Rita Nieblas’s family canned foods; she feels the room should be allowed to be interpreted in this way instead of having the ADA restroom there. The existing restroom should be modified instead, even if a door has to be cut through the small closet to get there. Staff replied that, while the existing bathroom is large enough to meet ADA requirements once inside the room, it is not physically possible to meet ADA requirements to get into the room without significantly affecting existing historic materials by cutting a new doorway through a wall. Vice-Chair Nunez asked if the museum’s programming is known yet, and wanted to make sure the improvements are reversible. Several Commissioners discussed their concerns about spending money on permanent improvements for a use whose future success is unknown. There is no way to know how much these improvements will be used. They asked if temporary improvements could be installed instead at first. They suggested a temporary metal ramp and a portable toilet in the farm buildings behind the house, etc. Some Commissioners said that the City had been talking about a museum in the house for a long time, but nothing has happened so far. This seems like a lot of money to spend. Staff responded that the City has actually moved forward on this project. Although the restoration was completed a few years ago, the City pursued two separate RFP processes to identify a potential tenant. The RFP process was completed; the City Council selected a tenant, San Juan Family Farm Museum. A license agreement with the tenant was executed last year. That agreement places the responsibility for the ADA improvements on the City, and the operational aspects of the museum on the licensee. Staff submitted a CIP for the ADA improvements and both it and the budget to support it were approved by the City Council in the current fiscal year. Regarding temporary facilities, the Building Official has indicated in the past that the City will not approve temporary facilities for a permanent use. Staff will forward the Commission’s input to the Planning Director and other department staff for discussion before the Director makes a decision on the Administrative Approval. Staff will also discuss ideas with the project architect, and meet with the licensee regarding the proposed plans and his time frame to process Dave Adams, City Manager 4 October 4, 2007 the necessary approvals for the museum operation. Staff will report back to the Commission on the outcome of the discussions and action at a future meeting. 2. Status of Mission Rectory Garden; a status report from staff regarding the site plan review application and permit request and consideration of holding a special CHC meeting on October 9, 2007 (Applicant: Mission San Juan Capistrano). Teri Delcamp stated that the Mission has submitted the necessary application for the non- permitted rectory garden improvements. Staff has reviewed the application, deemed it to be incomplete, and notified the applicant regarding the additional information and revisions to the plans that are required. Staff ascertained that a quorum of the CHC should be available for a meeting on October 9. Commissioners requested that staff arrange an opportunity or opportunities for them to have access to the project site area prior to the adjourned regular meeting. Staff agreed to work with the Mission to set up a special meeting during a window of time for access. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Commissioner Siegel announced the following: • Over 100 women have registered to attend the annual Questers convention in San Juan Capistrano October 11 – 13. • With City approval of a Temporary Use Permit, the Historical Society will be hosting a month-long exhibit in the Arley Leck House featuring Alice O’Neill Avery’s doll collection from October 5 – 28. • October 27 will be the Historical Society’s annual Ghost Walk in Los Rios. Commissioner Andrews announced that nine alumni from her alma mater, Lake Forest College in Chicago, will be in San Juan Capistrano on September 29 to complete a community service project in celebration of the college’s 150th anniversary. The project will be re-painting the wooden crosses at the Mission San Juan Capistrano cemetery next to Peregrine Chapel. Teri Delcamp announced the following: • Work will be occurring at the Blas Aguilar Adobe to clean out the sewer lateral. • The archaeological report for the Ventanas project’s CEQA process indicated that archaeological testing should be conducted. A Native American monitor will be present during the testing and the reports will be brought to the CHC for review in the future. • The City Council approved an agreement on September 4, 2007, with Iraj Douraghi to allow him to process the necessary approvals to relocate the Troubleman’s Cottage to his property, which is the historic Rios-Stanfield House at 31701 Los Rios Street. The City will be the lead on the Los Rios Specific Plan Amendment to change the zoning on the rear portion of his lot from Park to Low Density Residential, and Mr. Douraghi is required to submit and process the site plan review application which will come to the CHC for review. Dave Adams, City Manager 5 October 4, 2007 ADJOURNMENT Vice-Chair Nunez adjourned the meeting at 6:15 p.m. to the Adjourned Regular Cultural Heritage Commission Meeting to be held on Tuesday, October 9, 2007, at 5:00 p.m. cc: Cindy Russell, Assistant City Manager Grant Taylor, Assistant Planning Director Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager