CHC Minutes-2007-12-11MEMORANDUM January 17, 2008 TO: Dave Adams, City Manager Steven Apple, Planning Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager-r1b Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of December 11, 2007 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, December 11, 2007, adjourned regular meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Chair Tryon called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. Present: Don Tryon, Chair Jess Andrews Nathan Banda Alana Jolley Lorie Porter Janet Siegel Absent: Ed Nunez, Vice -Chair Staff: Teri Delcamp, Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary; Grant Taylor, Assistant Planning Director ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Archaeological and Paleontological reports for Architectural Control (AC) 07-001, Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) 07-002, Grading Plan Modification (GPM) 07-008, Ventanas Business Park (Applicant: Centra Realty) Grant Taylor made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission Dave Adams, City Manager 2 January 17, 2008 consider the Ventanas Business Center project reports regarding cultural resources assessment, archaeological testing, and paleontological assessment and recommend that the Planning Commission approve the reports as part of the Environmental Impact Report. The project consists of eleven (11) multi -tenant office -industrial buildings with a total of approximately 236,329 square feet of building area on a parcel totaling 20.33 gross acres (13.83 net acres) located at the west terminus of Calle Arroyo bordering. Interstate 1-5 to the west and San Juan Creek to the south. The reports address an archaeological field survey that identified an isolated site; follow-up archaeological testing which discovered a small number of isolated artifacts in what appears to be imported .fill; and a paleontological records search. While the archaeological site is not culturally significant, the archaeologist's recommendations, in conjunction with input from Native American representatives, are that archaeological and Native American monitoring should be required. In addition., based on the high potential for the area to yield fossil artifacts, paleontological monitoring should be required. Steve Sandland, Centra Realty, discussed the project and responded to Commissioner's questions. Chair Tryon and Commissioner Porter asked about the project location relative to the bike trail and whether the trail would be public. Staff responded that the trail traverses the project site, but the project will relocate the trail to an area still on private property but within a trail easement. Commissioners Siegel, Porter and Jolley asked about the number of monitors, frequency of monitoring, and procedures if artifacts or fossils are discovered. Staff responded that the monitors would not only be required on three of the five work days, but every day that there is ground -disturbing activity. In addition, all three monitors have to be on site because they each have their expertise and responsibility. The applicant responded that the City had brought a large amount of fill onto the site in 1999 and although some of it was removed the rest was spread over the site so there may be six to 14 feet of fill; he feels it is unlikely that resources will be found. Staff responded that the City and state laws set forth procedures for the event that resources are discovered, that work would be temporarily stopped in that area, and that determinations would be made based on the significance of the resource. State law requires, among other tasks, notification of the coroner and appointment of a Most Likely Descendant by the Native American Heritage Commission in the event potential Native American remains are encountered. Commissioners commended the applicant and commented that they appreciated receiving the reports. After due consideration, Commissioner Andrews moved, and Commissioner Siegel seconded, staff's recommendation. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. Dave Adams, City Manager 3 January 17, 2008 INFORMATION ITEM Discussion and input from Cultural Heritage Commission on the City's 2008-2015 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission provide input to the City's Capital Improvement Program Committee on projects relating to cultural resources for inclusion in the 2008-2015 CIP. Staff summarized the current CIP projects for the City's historic sites and stated a new CIP for the Congdon Water Tower will be proposed by staff for the upcoming cycle. Staff also raised the issue of street lights in the Los Rios District as they are still in an outlying year of the CIP program. Commissioner Andrews asked staff to follow up on whether or not the re -painted stencils in the courtyard of the library were the right proportion/size and colors, and asked if a future repair project or the expansion could include re -painting them. The Commission discussed street lighting in the Los Rios District. In spite of the recent violent crime incident on Los Rios Street, the Commissioners felt that adding street lighting to the District would not be a compatible change. They questioned whether any owners or residents in the District want the lighting, and asked if there are any preliminary designs. Staff replied that no work has begun on the project since it is not budgeted in the current fiscal year and is still in an outlying budget year. In addition, there will be some required lighting associated with the Los Rios Park project and it may be wise to assess the need for street lighting after the Park project is complete. After due consideration, Commissioner Porter moved, and Commissioner Siegel seconded, to recommend the addition of the Congdon Water Tower to the proposed CIP for the next fiscal year and to completely strike the Los Rios Street Historic Lighting project from the overall CIP program for FY 2008-1015. The motion was approved by a vote of 6-0. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Chair Tryon mentioned that the owner of the San Juan Law Center project has been working with the Historical Society on a theme and should be submitting a proposed Historic Depiction Program (HDP) in the. near future. In addition, the Distrito La Novia project proponents have also started working on concepts for that project's HDP. Commissioner Porter reported that the Montanez Adobe was open again for the City's tree lighting event this month, and a lot of people visited and toured the adobe that evening. In addition, there were over 200 participants at the Los Rios Ghost Walk event. Commissioner Andrews additionally reported that there many visitors to the Blas Aguilar . Adobe which was also open for the tree lighting event. Dave Adams, City Manager 4 January 17, 2008 Commissioner Siegel announced that she still has historic San Juan Capistrano calendars for purchase. She also displayed a new book that has been published, The Most Beautiful Villages and Towns of California, and announced that the author will becoming to a book - signing event at the Library on February 13 from 6 — 8 p.m. San Juan Capistrano is the only Orange County town featured in the book. Teri Delcamp made the following staff announcements: • The schedule for new City Council appointments to the Cultural Heritage Commission. The annual California Preservation Foundation historic preservation conference in Napa in April 2008. Commissioners should notify her of their interest in attending as some money is budgeted for two Commissioners to attend. ADJOURNMENT Chair Tryon adjourned the meeting at 6:20 p.m. cc: Cindy Russell, Assistant City Manager Grant Taylor, Assistant Planning Director Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager