CHC Minutes-2007-11-13MEMORANDUM TO: Dave Adams, City Manager Steven Apple, Planning Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager,11R. ,, Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary December 17, 2007 SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of November 13, 2007 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, November 13 adjourned regular meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Chair Tryon called the meeting to order at 5:00 p -.m. ROLL CALL Present: Don Tryon, Chair Ed Nunez, Vice -Chair Nathan Banda Alana Jolley Lorie Porter Janet Siegel Absent: Jess Andrews (excused) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary; David Contreras, Senior Planner; William Cunningham, Contract Planner ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS 1. Mills Act Contract for Esslinaer Buildina (continued from October 23, 2007); a request for consideration of a recommendation on the execution of a Mills Act Contract for the Esslinger Building located at 31866 Camino Capistrano (Applicant: SPM — Esslinger, LLC/Rivendell Land Company, Inc). Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission recommend approval to the City Council of a Mills Act contract for the above property. Dave Adams, City Manager 2 December 17, 2007 William Griffith, owner of 31866 Camino Capistrano, said he owns other property in San Juan Capistrano and has experience with historic preservation and restoration. He requested the CHC to modify or delete the condition that requires restoration of the front door. He showed some examples of designs for the door that he would prefer instead of returning the door back to its original design. When the building was previously rehabilitated, some changes were made that reduced the amount of light in the interior entry. The non -original door there now allows light to come through the door, whereas the original style door was virtually all solid and would make the interior entry too dark. Commissioners Siegel and Porter said they did not like the original porthole door. However, Commissioner Porter said that the porthole door was particular to the style of the building at that time. Staff indicated that there is some flexibility under the Secretary of the Interior's Standards regarding material of the door given the Streamline Moderne style of the building; the restored door could be metal or steel and glass instead of the original wood material. Ms. Delcamp indicated that the designs shown by the owner would not be appropriate because they show a modern interpretation, instead of restoration, of the original door's style. She cautioned the CHC that approval of the actual design of the door is not on the agenda, but would be subject to future review by staff and/or the CHC if the Mills Act contract is approved with the condition. Staff will continue to work with the owner to try to resolve the issue to meet both the owner's goals and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. After due consideration, Commissioner Siegel moved, and Commissioner Banda seconded, to recommend that the City Council authorize execution of the Mills Act Contract with the property owner for the maintenance and preservation of 31866 Camino Capistrano, subject to the condition as proposed by staff. The motion was approved unanimously. 2. Consideration of Historic Depiction Program (HDP) for the Los Rios Park and Parkinq Lot (CIP 465): a request for approval of a Historic Depiction Program forthe Los Rios Park and Parking Lot project located within the Los Rios Historic District. (Applicant: City of San Juan Capistrano) David. Contreras made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission adopt a resolution approving the Los Rios Park and Parking Lot HDP. Two samples of the proposed HDP historic photo plaques were displayed. In addition to an initial text plaque with a brief history of the Los Rios District, the final list of photos that would be etched into the zinc plaques are as follows: • Rios Adobe • Montanez Adobe • Polonia Montanez Dave Adams, City Manager 3 December 17, 2007 • River Street • Combs House • Modesta Avila • Cannery and packing house • Train Depot • Damian Rios • Children playing on Los Rios Street • Delfina Manriquez de Olivares • Chief Clarence Lobo Vice -Chair Nunez asked about graffiti and scratching, to which staff replied the metal plaques are coated for ease of graffiti removal. The company can buff out some scratching, but the plaques would be periodically replaced over time. Staff is also considering placing Plexiglas over the metal plaques. Vice -Chair Nunez also asked if it was too late to add a plaque at the beginning sowing an artistic rendering of an Acjachemen village scene. Staff responded that it is too late because this is the final approval for the HDP which has been to the CHC previously for approval of the historic photo concept, the theme and subjects of the photographs. Staff is planchecking the plans and specifications so the project can be forwarded to Council for bid authorization. The specifications need to specifically include provisions for the HDP. However, it is a good suggestion and should be pursued for another HDP in the future. Commissioner Banda requested text corrections to refer to the Acjachemen Nation and to include the tilde over the second "n" (or "ene") in "Juaneno." Commissioner Porter said she likes the plaques because they are plain and will not detract from the District, and look old which was the intent of the concept. She also likes the idea of protecting the plaques with Plexiglas. She asked if a map keyed to the building plaques could be added to the HDP or in the District so people know the buildings when they see them. Again staff responded regarding time constraints, but would look into it or upgrading the existing plaque's map at the District entry plaza. The Commission also requested a text change to clarify that the Rios generation number is contemporary. Katie West, artist for a separate item on the agenda, spoke. in opposition to the proposed material. She encouraged the use of granite instead as a more organic, impervious surface. She feels the zinc plaques appear dark and dull and she would prefer the granite because it would appear brighter and more appealing. She also said it would not take long to create the Acjachemen village artwork to include in the HDP. Dave Adams, City Manager 4 December 17, 2007 The CHC thanked Ms. West for her comments, but generally responded that the concept has already been established and the city needs to continue moving forward with the HDP. After due consideration, Commissioner Porter moved, and Commissioner Banda seconded, to adopt a resolution approving the Los Rios Park and Parking Lot HDP as proposed by staff with the recommended text corrections. The motion was approved unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Consideration of Historic Depiction Program (HDP) for Centra Pointe Office Park, Architectural Control (AC) 06-17; a request for approval of a Historic Depiction Program for the Centra Pointe Office Park project located on the 4.8 acre site located along the west side of Rancho Viejo Road and north of Golf Club Drive. (Applicant Representative: Steve Sandland, Centra Realty) Bill Cunningham made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission adopt a resolution approving the Centra Pointe Office Park HDP. The HDP theme is the "EI Horno" or oven. One Mission -era horno and a potential two more, existing in proximity to the project site along El Horno Street. The HDP consists of an etched black granite plaque depicting an artist's rendering of the horno and text on its history, set on a concrete pedestal. Steve Sandland, Centra Realty, and Katie West, artist, presented the proposed HDP mock-up and passed out a more detailed image of the artwork. In response to a suggestion by staff that the HDP pedestal be slightly higher, Mr. Sandland said that the 8 inch height at the front of the pedestal which slopes up toward the rear, was selected to discourage use of the pedestal as a seat. The concrete pedestal will be painted or colored to blend or match the project buildings. Vice -Chair Nunez requested a text change to add "Acjachemen" to references to Native Americans and include the "ene in "Juaneno." Commissioner Porter strongly supports the HDP. However, she suggested a slight separation of the two figures shown in front of the horno so they can be more easily distinguished, and more clarity of the horno walls behind the smoke in the image. After due consideration, Commissioner Siegel moved, and Vice -Chair Nunez seconded, adoption of a resolution approving the Centra Pointe Office Park HDP as proposed by staff with the recommended text corrections and minor art image modifications. The motion was approved unanimously. Dave Adams, City Manager 5 December 17, 2007 INFORMATION ITEM None. ADJOURNMENT Chair Tryon adjourned the meeting at 6:50 p.m. cc: Cindy Russell, Assistant City Manager Grant Taylor, Assistant Planning Director Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager