CHC Minutes-2009-07-28MEMORANDUM August 5, 2009 TO: Joe Tait, Interim City Manager Steven Apple, AICP, Community Development Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of July 28, 2009 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, July 28 meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Chair Banda called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Nathan Banda, Chair Janet Siegel, Vice -Chair Ed Nunez Lorie Porter Absent: Don Tryon (excused) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS SPR 09-001 Denial (CC McCary House Addition. Vice -Chair Siegel presented a letter she had prepared to present at the meeting next week. The CHC had denied the project and the letter encourages the City Council to deny the appeal and uphold the CRC's decision. The CHC concurred with the contents of the letter. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion on Participation and Roles for Los Rios Park Grand Opening Celebration. The event is planned for August 29, 2009. The intent is to have the Montanez Adobe open for the event, showing an image board regarding the Joe Tait, Interim City Manager 2 August 5, 2009 pending repair project and so docents can relate the building's history to attendees. There would also be docents by the Park's Historic Depiction Program (HDP) wall to explain about the plaques that portray images and the history of the Los Rios Historic. District. Various CHC members volunteered for shifts at either the Adobe or the HDP wall during the event. INFORMATION ITEM Consideration of Preliminary Concept for Blas Aguilar Adobe Repair, 31806 EI Camino Real (CIP No. 455). Project Manager Teri Delcamp presented the preliminary drawings for the roof repair and restoration at the Blas Aguilar Adobe. The current roof form, even though it was there when the Adobe was listed in the National Register, is after the period of significance identified in the National Register listing. In about 1900, the Adobe still had a lower roof at the rear of the Adobe that was covered in clay tiles whereas the front slightly higher portion of the roof had wood shingles at that time. The plans, based on prior direction of Gil Sanchez's assessment as updated by the City's current preservation architect consultants, IS Architecture, call for the removal of the later era garage addition due to the need to lower the roof height as part of restoring this historic roof appearance circa 1900. Staff also presented an update on the future restoration items that were listed in Gil Sanchez' earlier assessment. Michael Martinez, representing the City's historic preservation architect consultants, was present to respond to questions. Ilse Byrnes does not want the garage to be removed. The garage was there when the building was listed in the National Register so it can and should remain. The Adobe shows many layer's of history all the way through the time it was owned by the Catholic Diocese and was turned into a duplex. David Belardes understands the concept of restoring the roof line, but he is concerned about losing the storage space, unless he could build a separate storage shed behind the Adobe. He is also concerned about security in the area that would be a "notched out" at the rear of the building since it cannot be seen from ti uamino Keai ana tnere's aireaay issues witn nomeiessness ana peop congregating due to events in the area that do not involve the Adobe. The CHC discussed the restoration of the roof line with staff and the preservation architect and questioned if there are other alternatives. One suggestion was to remove the garage and lower the roof, but to re -build the garage where it was to maintain important storage space for the Blas Aguilar Adobe. Staff and the architect responded with significant concerns that a re -constructed, non -historic garage would not comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. In addition, the purpose of the project is to move toward restoration of the historic appearance of the Adobe based on the direction of the 1990 assessment that the City has been following. Joe Tait, Interim City Manager 3 August 5, 2009 Commissioners Nunez expressed concern about needing to comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards and supported roof restoration. After due consideration, the CHC encouraged staff to look further into whether or not the existing garage could be retained or re -constructed, or a separate shed - type structure could be built, in order to preserve an existing storage area. Staff committed to investigate and return at a future meeting. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS = ADJOURNMENT Vice -Chair Siegel adjourned the meeting at 6:10 p.m. cc: Cindy Russell, Assistant City Manager Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager