CHC Minutes-2009-06-29MEMORANDUM June 29, 2009 TO: Dave Adams, City Manager Steven Apple, AICP, Community Development Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of June 29, 2009 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission (CHC) at their Monday, June 29 Special Meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Chair Banda called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Nathan Banda, Chair Janet Siegel, Vice -Chair Ed Nunez Don Tryon Absent: Lorie Porter (excused; requested staff to clarify that she.would have been present if meeting had occurred on regularly scheduled date of June 23, 2009) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Goodwin -Rosenbaum House Disposition, a request for a recommendation to the City Council regarding the disposition of the salvaged portions of the Goodwin -Rosenbaum House and other items currently stored by the City at the Camino Real Playhouse. Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager, made the staff presentation and recommendation that the CHC provide input and Dave Adams, City Manager 2 June 29, 2009 make a recommendation to the City Council regarding a proposed plan to address the stored items which can no longer remain at the Playhouse due to the City Redevelopment Agency's approval of a revised and expanded license agreement for the Playhouse. The stored items include the salvaged portions of the Goodwin -Rosenbaum House previously located on Ortega Highway until 1989; some items from the train Depot; and other items as yet to be determined. Staff proposes to move the items out of the Playhouse so that an inventory and an assessment of condition can be made. Once the City determines what items can and should be kept for archival storage or display, a notice of the remaining items' availability, including the salvaged portions of the Goodwin -Rosenbaum House, would be announced to the public and the items would be conveyed through appropriate negotiated agreements upon approval by the City Council Following questions, the consensus of the CHC was that an additional bullet item should be added (noted in italics) and the plan to be recommended to the City Council should read in its entirety as follows: Staff to assess condition of the salvaged and stored items. • Cultural Heritage Commission to hold special meeting to view the items and make recommendations for the appropriate disposition of the items before the City Council considers the recommended plan. • Staff to prepare an updated inventory of the salvaged and stored items to be conveyed by the City, acknowledging that some items may remain in the City's ownership if appropriate for either continued artifact storage or display purposes. • Staff to issue a press release on the availability of the salvaged items to seek written letters of interest with a short window of time for responses (two weeks). • Staff to negotiate an agreement to convey the salvaged Goodwin -Rosenbaum House items for at a minimal cost to an individual or an organization subject to a structure being feasible at a particular location and assurances that the individual or organization commits to building such a structure with adaptive re- use of the salvaged House materials. • Any remaining salvaged or stored items not conveyed that are deemed of value are to be put up for public auction, or disposed of if not successfully auctioned or of no value. There were no speakers, but interest has been expressed as follows: for the salvaged Goodwin -Rosenbaum House by Dave Davidson; for the Depot baggage wagon and scale by the Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum in Vista; for other potential items by the San Juan Capistrano Historical Society. Dave Adams, City Manager 3 June 29, 2009 After due consideration, Commissioner Tryon moved, and Vice -Chair Siegel seconded, to amend the plan with an additional bullet item as indicated above and to continue the item to Thursday, July 9 at 3:00 p.m. for the purpose of completing the additional bullet item in a timely manner. The motion was approved unanimously by a vote of 4-0. INFORMATION ITEM None. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Chair Banda announced that CREER has extended an invitation to the Cultural Heritage Commission to participate in the annual Indigenous Festival to be held in September. The CHC will take the invitation under advisement and staff will address the item at a future meeting. Commissioner Tryon asked about the status of the Mission Rectory Garden project. Chair Banda stated. that a settlement on the litigation had been negotiated. He has been contacting the Native American Heritage Commission on behalf of the Juaneno Band of Mission Indians every three weeks regarding, David Belardes' need to re- bury human remains encountered during a project on the Mission grounds approximately 12 years ago; no date for re -burial has been established by Mr. Belardes. Staff reported that the Mission has followed through on all of the conditions of the Site Plan Review approval to date. Ms. Delcamp said the Mission still has time on one condition for appropriate means of commemorating the cemetery. The latter may have also been addressed in the settlement agreement, but she said that staff has not been advised of any requirement for staff to follow up on the requirements of the settlement agreement. Staff reported that a Request for Proposal for an archaeological study and field reconnaissance for the Northwest Open Space Phase I park conceptual plan has been issued to support the environmental analysis for the project. Proposals are due on July 20. Staff responded to questions about the status of the Los Rios Park project, which will open August 29, and the Montanez and Blas Aguilar Adobe projects. Staff announced that the City executed the grant agreement for the Save America's Treasures grant from the National Park Service in the amount of $197,000 for the Parra Adobe so work can begin again on that project. The grant was secured through the efforts of Congressman Calvert in response to City staff's request for funding assistance. Dave Adams, City Manager 4 June 29, 2009 ADJOURNMENT Chair Banda adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m. to the Adjourned Special Meeting to be held on Thursday, July 9, at 3:00 p.m. The meeting will convene in the Community Development Conference Room at 32400 Paseo Adelanto and then move to the City Yard at the same address. At its conclusion, the meeting will then be adjourned to the regular meeting to be held on July 28, 2009. cc: Cindy Russell, Assistant City Manager Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager