CHC Minutes-2009-05-26MEMORANDUM June 1, 2009 TO: Dave Adams, City Manager Steven Apple, AICP, Community Development Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Managerl Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of May 26, 2009 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, May 26 meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Chair Banda called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Nathan Banda, Chair Janet Siegel, Vice -Chair Don Tryon Absent: Ed Nunez (excused) Lorie Porter (excused) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS None. NEIN BUSINESS Consideration of Site Plan Review (SPR) 09-001, CC McCary House Addition (Applicant: David & Reagan Ewing) Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission adopt a resolution with conditions to approve the project. The request is to allow a 686 square foot second story addition to an existing 1,377 square foot home. A Minor Exception for a proposed loft coverage of 36.8%, which exceeds the 35% maximum allowed for a two story house by less than 10%, will be considered subsequently by the Community Development Dave Adams, City Manager 2 June 1, 2009 Director. The project site is listed on the City's Inventory of Historic and Cultural Landmarks and is situated in the Mission Residential (MRD -4,000) Zone District, is General Plan -designated Medium High Residential and is located at 31501 La Matanza Street at the corner of Acjachema Street (APN: 124-203-43). Staff's analysis is that the project is consistent with the General Plan, Land Use Code and the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Rehabilitation, and staff is recommending approval with conditions. Staff is recommending one change to the conditions of approval as detailed in a memo provided to the CHC members at the meeting. A letter opposing the project from Tony and Orrie Brown was also handed out to the CHC. The Chair opened the public hearing. David Ewing, applicant, spoke in favor of the request and responded to various issues raised in the letter from the Browns. Ilse Byrnes, San Juan Capistrano resident and local historian, spoke in opposition to the project stating she has deep concern about the character of the Mission Flats area, and that no more alterations should be allowed in the area so as to preserve its existing character. Mike Secor, neighboring owner and 11 year resident on La Matanza Street, spoke in opposition to the project, stating: he wants to keep the existing character of the area; he has issues with other previously approved projects in the area, including the "snow roofs previously approved for the Ewings' property; and that the project will block his existing view of the Mission Basilica Church domes. Orrie Brown, neighboring owner and resident on La Matanza Street, spoke in opposition to the project, referencing the letter already provided and re -stating the main points: although there are two physical lots it is only one parcel; there are already three structures on the lot; they could build out to the north with a single story addition; and other projects that had additions were approved with variances and they do not fit in with the neighborhood. Tom Entwhistle, Don Juan Avenue resident, spoke in opposition to the project, stating he worked with the City on the new zoning district standards to preserve the character, and that "minor exceptions" and variances all set precedents. He asked if the stairwell is open or enclosed. The Chair allowed David Ewing to address the CHC again to rebut the comments. Mr. Ewing stated there is no private view protection ordinance in San Juan; his parcel has always been two separate legal lots and anyone could have built a house on the other lot at any time in the past; he was also very involved in the process for the new zoning district standards; he believes in intelligent growth and it is not reasonable for neighbors to prohibit a second story if the zoning allows for it. Dave Adams, City Manager ` 3 June 1, 2009 The Chair allowed Mike Secor to address the CHC again. Mr. Secor stated the proposed colors and post modern style do not belong in the neighborhood and it will be an eyesore that will change the whole character of the area. The Chair closed the public hearing. Commissioner Tryon sympathized with the neighbors and stated the project is too much and will not preserve the character of the area. Vice -Chair Siegel said the project is too massive for the area. The rest of the buildings along the street blend in until you reach this site and the addition will not help this site blend with the character of the area. After due consideration, Vice -Chair Siegel moved, and Commissioner Tryon seconded, adoption of a resolution to deny SPR 09-001, subject to findings that the project massing is not compatible with the area and will not preserve the character of the area, subject to Resolution No. 09-5-26-1. The motion was approved unanimously by a vote of 3-0. Staff will prepare a revised resolution for denial for the Chair's signature. Staff stated that before the denial becomes final there is a 15 -day appeal period which expires at 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 10, 2009. INFORMATION ITEM None. COMMISSIONISTAFF COMMENTS Vice -Chair Siegel commended staff for a very successful Historic Preservation Week including the training reception, the movie night and especially the building tour on May 16 with over 200 people participating. Staff returned the compliment to the Historic Preservation Week Committee for a great team effort. ADJOURNMENT Chair Banda adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m. cc: Cindy Russell, Assistant City Manager Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager