CHC Minutes-2009-02-24MEMORANDUM March 17, 2009 TO: Dave Adams, City Manager Steven Apple, AICP, Community Development Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager. Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of February 24, 2009 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, February 24 meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Acting Chair Banda called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Nathan Banda, Vice -Chair Lorie Porter Don Tryon Absent: Ed Nunez, Chair (excused) Janet Siegel (excused) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Consideration of Nomination to the Wall of Recognition, a request for the Cultural Heritage Commission to consider the submittal of a nomination to the annual Wall of Recognition program which recognizes individuals whose contributions and selfless efforts have made the community a more productive and enjoyable place to live, work and play. Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission discuss and select the name(s) of an individual to nominate for the honor. Dave Adams, City Manager 2 March 17 2009 The Commission discussed several individuals as potential nominees, some of whom are not residents and do not meet the criteria. The Commission voted 3-0 to nominate one individual who is a resident of San Juan Capistrano and associated with the Historical Society and other local organizations. Vice -Chair Banda offered to complete and submit the application to the City before the March 25, 2009 deadline. INFORMATION ITEM 1. Consideration of Status Report on Capital Improvement Program No. 484, Williams/Swanner Water Tower. Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation on a pending request that the City Council authorize funds for foundation repair work at the Roger Y. Williams/Swanner property's house and water tower. Staff and the City's maintenance contractor have been monitoring the condition of both structures for three months. The tower is tilting to the west and the northwest comer of the house's foundation is settling and cracks have appeared and/or expanded. Although a budget request for the construction phase of this CIP project is due to be submitted for next fiscal year's budget, the situation is deteriorating at a rate such that the work needs to be done now, before the new fiscal year begins in July. Staff will be presenting a budget appropriation request for $97,000 in Agricultural Preservation Fee funds at the March 3 City Council meeting. If approved, staff will have the repair work commence before the end of March 2009. Because there will be ground -disturbing activity and this is a historic site in close proximity to recorded pre -historic archaeological sites, archaeological and Native American monitoring will be conducted during the project. COMMISSIONISTAFF COMMENTS In response to Commissioner Porter's query if the Koll San Juan Historic Depiction Program had been approved, staff replied that it had although the final verbiage for the plaque portion of the program will come back to the Commission in the future for final approval. Acting Chair Banda mentioned that the Juaneno Band of Mission Indians, Acjachemen Nation, is closing in on the March 9, 2009, deadline to respond to the Federal Office of Acknowledgment in the pursuit of federal recognition for the tribe. . Staff reported that a large limb had fallen off the large Sycamore tree on Junipero Serra Road ("Trysting Tree") along the JSerra north campus frontage over the weekend. The City's arborists will be removing the limb debris and providing recommendations on the continuing maintenance of the tree. There are also four pines and one oak tree that have Dave Adams, City Manager 3 March 17, 2009 died at the Old Fire Station complex that the City's arborist will be removing. The budget far tree replacement was eliminated for the current fiscal year, so these trees will not be replaced. However, staff will try to obtain one of the 15 -gallon oak trees donated by Joan Irvine Smith to replace the oak tree. Staff reported thatthe exploratory wall and foundation work atthe Bias AuilarAdobe (CIP Project 455) had been conducted by the contractor and the archaeologist under the supervision of the City's historic preservation consultants. No obvious structural or foundation problems were identified in either the adobe wall or the foundation. The consultants will continue to prepare the plans for the project which will be presented to the Commission at a future date. The work on the Congdon House ADA Improvement project (CIP 452) in support of the Ecology Center is also scheduled to begin before the end of March 2009. ADJOURNMENT Acting Chair Banda adjourned the meeting at 5:34 p.m. cc: Cindy Russell, Assistant City Manager Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager