CHC Minutes-2011-11-30MEMORANDUM November 30, 2011 TO: Karen P. Brust, City Manager Grant Taylor, Development Services Director FROM: William A. Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner Acting Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Action Minutes of November 30, 2011 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission (CHC) at their special Wednesday, November 30, 2011 meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. A. CALL TO ORDER Chair Porter called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. B. PLEDGE Chair Porter led the Pledge of Allegiance. C. ROLL CALL Present: Lorie Porter, Chair Don Tryon, Vice -Chair Rhonda deHaan Janet Siegel Nathan Banda Absent: none. Staff: Grant Taylor, Development Services Director William A. Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner D. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. E. OLD BUSINESS None. F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of the Draft Historic Town Center Master Plan Draft Form -Based Code for the Historic Town Center, and Draft Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) (Project Manager; William Ramsey AICP Principal Planner). Bill CHC Action Minutes 2 November 30, 2011 Ramsey made the staff presentation on the project and informed the Commission that the 150 -acre Historic Town Center planning area, includes the 31 acre downtown core which includes the Mission San Juan Capistrano, The HTC Master Plan would provide a framework for redevelopment of the Town Center by both private landowners and the City and/or Redevelopment Agency. The HTC Master Plan would establish a broad framework for future development and does not specify absolute development capacity. The Plan allows a degree of flexibility to account for future changes in market conditions. Mr. Ramsey gave a Powerpoint presentation covering several Plan -related issues that had been identified by staff and other advisory Commissions as well potential revisions to the Plan. Mr. Ramsey recommended that the Cultural Heritage Commission forward review comments and a recommendation to the Planning Commission on the Draft Historic Town Center Master Plan. Public Comments Ilse Burns reviewed the issues raised in the California Preservation Foundation's January 2011 letter in response to the Notice of Preparation (NOP) on the Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR). Commission comments The Commission reviewed the topical issues raised in the agenda report beginning with the proposed Yorba Street extension: a.1. Commissioner Siegel opposed the proposed street extension. b.1. Commissioner Tryon stated that if Yorba Street were only extended to provide access to the Ortega "Park Once" structure, that would be acceptable. c.1. Commissioner Banda concurred with Mr. Tryon that Yorba Street should only be extended to provide access to the Ortega "Park Once" structure. d.1. Commissioner deHaan also concurred with Mr. Tryon that Yorba Street should only be extended to provide access to the Ortega "Park Once" structure. e.1. Chair Porter stated that the Yorba Street extension should not extend through the Historic Town Center Park. The Commission reviewed the proposed Forster Street extension from Del Obispo Street to EI Camino Real and all five Commissioners concurred with the extension subject to the staff -recommended limitation on the geometric design of the street so as to eliminate any impact on the Historic Town Center Park and minimize impacts to sub -surface cultural resources. The Commission reviewed the location and massing of the Ortega "Park Once" structure and had the following comments a.2. Commissioner Siegel stated that the proposed location is not the "right" place for a structure of this size and mass. CHC Action Minutes 3 November 30, 2011 b.2. Commissioner Tryon stated that the location was acceptable but the massing was an issue so that the structure should not exceed two -stories (one at -grade and one above -grade). c.2. Commissioner Banda concurred with Mr. Tryon that the structure should not exceed two -stories. d.2. Commissioner deHaan also concurred with Mr. Tryon that the structure should not exceed two -stories and furthermore, the structure should provide an appropriate setback from Blas Aguilar Adobe and the two commercial free-standing commercial structures depicted on the illustrative Master Plan along the south edge of the parking deck and the rear of Blas Aguilar Adobe should be removed. e.2. Chair Porter stated that she opposed the proposed Ortega "Park Once" structure because it would be "poor" visual character for the entry to the community. The Ortega "Park Once" structure is inappropriate for the historic town center and needs to be located near the train depot where the massing would not compete with historic buildings. The Commission reviewed the proposed location of a future City Hall along the eastern edge of the Historic Town Center Park and made the following comments: a.3. Commissioner Banda stated that the proposed location within the Historic Town Center Park is not appropriate. However, locating a future City Hall along the west side of EI Camino Real across from Blas Aguilar Adobe would be acceptable. b.3. Commissioner deHaan stated neither Historic Town Center Park nor the west side of EI Camino Real were appropriate locations for a future City Hall. c.3. Commissioner Tryon stated locating a future City Hall along the west side of EI Camino Real across from Blas Aguilar Adobe would be acceptable. d.3. Commissioner Siegel stated that the proposed location within the Historic Town Center Park is not appropriate. However, locating a future City Hall along the west side of EI Camino Real across from Blas Aguilar Adobe could be acceptable if the site planning and building massing were appropriately designed to the historic context of the area. e.3. Chair Porter concurred with Commissioner Siegel that the Historic Town Center Park is not appropriate for City Hall, again, because of the massing. However, a site along Del Obispo Street would be acceptable. The Commission reviewed the proposed Franciscan Parking Deck southerly expansion onto the Oyharzabal property and made the following comments - a. 4. omments: a.4. Commissioner Banda stated that the Oyharzabal Barn should be preserved and if additional parking deck is need to serve the downtown, move the deck to another location. CHC Action Minutes 4 November 30, 2011 b.4. Commissioner deHaan concurred with Banda that the barn should be preserved and the parking deck relocated. c.4. Commissioner Tryon stated that preservation of the Oyharzabal Barn is preferable. d.4. Commissioner Siegel recounted how the view of the Oyharzabal Barn with Colinas Ridge as a natural backdrop has remained essentially unchanged for the last 100 plus years and the barn should be preserved. e.4. Chair Porter concurred with Commissioner Siegel and added that the Oyharzabal Barn could accommodate a farmer's market or a community theatre. G. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. H. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENT Staff advised the Commission that the December 27, 2011 Commission meeting would be cancelled and the next regular meeting would be on January 24, 2012. Staff briefed the Commission on the status of Cook Barn which had recently substantially burned down. The City's Building Division had red -tagged the property and a demolition permit had been issued to the family to allow removal of the remaining wall. I ADJOURNMENT Chair Porter adjourned the meeting at 6:35 p.m. The next regular Cultural Heritage Commission meeting of December 27, 2011 has been cancelled and the following regular Commission meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, 2012, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Approved: William A. Ramsey, AICP, Princip lanner Acting Secretary