CHC Minutes-2011-05-24TO: Dave Adams, Interim City Manager Grant Taylor, Development Services Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Managerf"Pr - Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of May 24, 2011 June 20, 2011 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, May meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Chair Porter called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Lorie Porter, Chair Nathan Banda Don Tryon, Vice -Chair Janet Siegel Absent:: Rhonda deHaan (excused) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager/Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Consideration of Architectural Control 10-036/Site Plan Review 10-002/Zone . Variance 11-001/Tree Removal Permit 11-014, Mission San Juan Capistrano Gate House Preservation, Entry and Gift Shop, a request for approval of modifications to a historic site including but not limited to preservation of the historic gate house and construction of a new entry gate, reconstructed arch, group entry and gift shop located at 26801 Ortega Highway, with a General Plan Dave Adams, Interim City Manager CHC Minutes, May 24, 2011 2 June 20, 2011 designation of Public and Institutional, and a zoning designation of Public and Institutional (APN: 124-180-06)(Applicant: Matt McKinley, Barnard Ventures and Mechelle Lawrence -Adams, Mission San Juan Capistrano). Project Manager Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation regarding the site plan review aspect of the project which is within the CHC's purview to approve. The Planning Commission will consider the rest of the project entitlements. A Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) has been prepared for the project and circulated for public review and comment. Staff is recommending that the CHC approve SPR 10-002 and recommend that the Planning Commission approve the MND with the rest of the project. Commissioner Banda recused himself from the project due to a financial conflict of interest, and left the room before action was taken on the project. Public testimony: Jerry Nieblas, Vice -President of the Blas Aguilar Adobe Foundation and President of the Capistrano Historical Alliance Committee, spoke with concerns about the project. He asked if reports will be available for the public to follow-up. He wants the CHC to consider whether the project will preserve the historical, sacred aspects of the Mission, or will be too commercial in its appearance at the front entrance. Changes made long ago were to enhance the sacred and historical. He wants the CHC to be the watchguard for this project. He is not questioning the use or need for museum space and the Sala, but is concerned we may be losing the historical sacred invite the Mission has always had. Mechelle-Lawrence-Adams, Executive Director of Mission San Juan Capistrano, summarized the project and highlighted several aspects. Their goal is to separate the operations from the Mission's historic core and re- create an entry statement with the arch for the 330,000 annual visitors. She wants the community to like the project; it's not about commercialism but saving the rest of the historic buildings. The Sala is one of the most sacred areas of the Mission and the project will end the commercial use of that sacred space. The historic gate house needs to be restored which the project will accomplish this. The Mission needs to address accessibility issues. Since the public sidewalk is not able to accommodate the 52,000 children who visit the Mission, they are solving the space issue partially on their own site. In response to CHC questions, the applicant clarified: The current docent room is the gate house which will be restored and "hyphenated" to the proposed new ticket area; The portion of the front perimeter wall that has recently begun failing needs to be repaired sooner rather than later. Although portions appear to have been Dave Adams, Interim City Manager CHC Minutes, May 24, 2011 3 June 20, 2011 re -built with adobe blocks, their structural engineer's report indicates the wall needs to be precision block like other portions repaired previously since it is partially retaining. The tree species in front of the gift shop and entry will be a Palo Verde and an oak. Vice -Chair Tryon indicated he has a `lot of experience working with the Mission in the past and will be happy to observe and provide periodic updates about the construction progress. He commented that the Mission used to be open to the south, then Father O'Sullivan added a fence and gate and charged admission. There have been a number of changes over time at this location. Commissioner Siegel said the project is exciting for the,community. Where the gift shop is currently located is a disservice to the Mission. The Mission needs the Sala for museum space because they have so many more artifacts that need to be displayed. It is important for people to be able to come into the gift shop without having to enter the Mission. The gate is the essence of the entry to the Mission. She would like to have regular updates to the CHC on the construction progress. Chair Porter commended the applicants on the project. She likes the current project better than an earlier iteration she had seen. The double gate is important for the entrance. She understands Jerry Nieblas' concerns, but there is a fine line between progress and preservation. The gift shop is low key and balanced with the historic gate house which will be restored. She also likes the fact that people will see more of the Great Stone Church. After due consideration, Vice -Chair Tryon moved, and Commissioner Siegel seconded, adoption of a resolution recommending approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration and approving SPR 10-002, subject to future approval of the other entitlements by the Planning Commission, subject to CHC Resolution No. 11-5-24-1 with conditions as proposed. The motion was approved by a vote of 3-0-1 (Banda recused). COMM ISS ION%STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Delcamp reported on the recent California Preservation Foundation (CPF) annual conference in Santa Monica. She only attended one day because she also had to attend a mandatory state Nature Education Facilities (NEF) grant workshop in Sacramento the following day. The CPF session she attended on preservation incentives was particularly interesting regarding Palo Alto's density bonus provisions for historic rehabilitations. Staff will be moving forward with the rest of the design and the CEQA and public review processes for the Blas Aguilar Adobe NEF grant project. She also handed out a memo regarding a recent update to the City's website to include Dave Adams, Interim City Manager CHC Minutes, May 24, 2011 4 June 20, 2011 photographs and nomination forms that we have for San Juan Capistrano's National Register of Historic Properties sites. Commissioner Banda announced he has a new baby, and reported that he is stepping down from the Tribal Council but staying on the CHC. Commissioner. Siegel reported that the Orange County Archives website has information on historical sites in Orange County but hardly any in San Juan Capistrano. Staff responded that the County Archives should be able to add a link to the City's website for that information. Commissioner Siegel also reminded the CHC that the 50th Anniversary Committee is sponsoring a talk on the history of San Juan Capistrano by historian Pam Hallan-Gibson on June 14 at 7 pm at the Community Center. In response to'Vice-Chair Tryon's question, staff responded that the City's website does have a link to the Historical Society's website. ADJOURNMENT Chair Porter adjourned the meeting at 5:50 p.m. The next regularly scheduled Cultural Heritage Commission meeting will be held Tuesday, June 28, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. cc: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File