CHC Minutes-2011-02-22MEMORANDUM March 15, 2011 TO: Joe Tait, City Manager Grant Taylor, Development Services Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary, SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of February 22, 2011 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, February 22 meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Chair Siegel called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Janet Siegel, Chair Lorie Porter, Vice -Chair Rhonda deHaan Don Tryon Absent: Nathan Banda (excused) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager/Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 1. Consideration of Final Inventory of Historic and Cultural Landmarks Map. Project Manager Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation on the final display and small-scale version maps of the City's designated historic landmarks. The Commission commended staff and indicated the map would be very helpful for Commissions and the public. NEW BUSINESS 1. Annual Reorganization of Commission: Selection of Commission Chair and Vice - Chair. Chair Siegel opened the nominations for Chair. It was moved and seconded to nominate Vice Chair Porter as Chair. The nominations were closed. Joe Tait, City Manager 2 March 15, 2011 The motion was approved unanimously by a vote of 4-0. Commissioner Porter elected to take her place as Chair at the next meeting of the CHC. Chair Siegel opened the nominations for Vice -Chair. It was moved and seconded to nominate Commissioner Tryon as Vice -Chair. The nominations were closed. The motion was approved unanimously by a vote of 4-0. INFORMATION ITEM 1. Consideration of Draft Los Rios Specific Plan Land Use and Los Rios Historic District Map. Project Manager Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation on the progress of updates to the Los Rios Specific Plan Land. Use map including the Historic District. The existing Land Use Map consisting of a hand -colored blueline copy of a mylar original was displayed, as well as a progress print of the new digital map created on the City's GIS software. The map utilizes some information from the recently completed IHCL map and adds pertinent information regarding the land use zones, contributing and non- contributing structures to the National Register Historic District, sites that are exempt from the residential occupancy requirement and those that fulfill the residential occupancy requirement for adjacent buildings, etc. Staff will come back to the CHC with the more refined map in the future. The Commission thanked staff for the report on progress. Having the final updated map in hard copy and GIS layer form will be very helpful. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENT Chair Siegel stated she was distressed upon her return from vacation to hear about the potential out -sourcing of the Historic Preservation Manager position. The position is critical for San Juan Capistrano to have as an in-house employee. Although the CHC could not act on a suggestion to prepare and send a letter because it was not agendized for discussion, Chair Siegel encouraged Commissioners to send letters as individuals. Vice Chair Tryon announced that the Historical Society will be preparing a new time capsule for the City's 50th Anniversary. Celebration, which will be buried on the Historical Society's property. Upon the Chair welcoming her as the newest Commissioner, Commissioner deHaan said she is looking forward to learning and participating on the CHC. Commissioner Porter announced that there will be a Montanez Adobe docent training meeting on March 9, 2011, at 11 am. CHC members are encouraged to pass this along to anyone they know who might be interested in spending a couple of hours a week or month volunteering as a docent. Joe Tait, City Manager 3 . March 15, 2011 Commissioner Porter also said she recently met with Jennifer Gates, who was formerly a preservation planner at the City of San Clemente and a walking tour guide in San Juan Capistrano. She is the new Field Services Director on staff with the California Preservation Foundation in San Francisco. She is meeting with various towns and organizations up and down the state on preservation planning advocacy efforts and is available to assist with preservation concerns and projects. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, Chair Siegel adjourned the meeting at 5:58 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 22, 2011, at 5:OO p.m. in the Council Chambers. cc: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File