CHC Minutes-2010-11-30MEMORANDUM TO: Joe Tait, City Manager Grant Taylor, Development Services Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager,' Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary December 15, 2010 SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of November 30, 2010 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, November 30, regular adjourned meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Vice -Chair Porter called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Lorie Porter, Vice -Chair Nathan Banda Ed Nunez Don Tryon Absent: Janet Siegel, Chair (excused) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager/Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Eric Groos, San Juan Capistrano resident, representing Great Opportunities non-profit, addressed the CHC regarding their organization's participation with Trout Unlimited to restore steelhead trout to Trabuco Creek through a planned trout ladder project. Great Opportunities provides disadvantaged youth with hands-on involvement opportunities to make a difference in communities. He hopes they can partner with the City through CIP or other avenues. George Sutherland, Trout Unlimited, said they have been working with the City primarily through Ziad Mazboudi for the last seven years on the trout ladder project. He and Great Opportunities are excited about the opportunities for partnerships with the City and the community. OLD BUSINESS None. Joe Tait, City Manager 2 December 15, 2010 NEW BUSINESS 1. Discussion and Input from Cultural Heritage Commission on the City's 2011-2018 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). Project Manager Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission provide input to staff regarding the City's 7 -year CIP program relating to cultural resources, identify new capital projects for consideration, and/or make recommendations on project priorities for existing capital improvement projects. Commissioner Tryon expressed a desire to see appropriately designed monument signs at gateways to the City like other nearby cities. Commissioner Nunez recalled a suggestion that he has been making to the City Council and staff over the past few years for a Native American Village Site. He feels that, rather than the Native American community asking for it, the City should initiate a site and project to recognize the importance of our indigenous heritage. Vice -Chair Porter asked about the feasibility of a project to locate a Bower's Museum satellite at the Garcia Adobe as recently suggested by Chair Siegel, and about the status of the sidewalk project on EI Camino Real fronting Historic Town Center Park. Staff responded that the Garcia Adobe is on private property and it would not be appropriate for staff to initiate a CIP without the owner's initiation or consent. Interested parties could follow up with the property owner to ascertain their level of interest. The sidewalk project at HTC Park was combined with an SDG&E undergrounding project. The funds had to be transferred to a different undergrounding/sidewalk/bridge widening project at Del Obispo over Trabuco Creek so the HTC Park project was eliminated. If the City is successful in obtaining funding from the State Proposition 84 NEF grant application for the Blas Aguilar Adobe project, then a decomposed granite sidewalk in front of the Adobe down to the HTC Park entrance will be completed as part of that project. Commissioner Nunez asked about the sidewalk that was currently being installed in front of the Blas Aguilar Adobe. Staff followed up with Public Works and determined that a temporary decomposed granite/concrete slurry material was installed prior to the December 4 Tree Lighting Event to eliminate some uneven surface issues for event participants. Staff received the input and will take it into consideration in developing the CIP submittals for the FY 12-18 CIP program. The public will have opportunities to review the program recommendations as the CIP budget moves through Planning Commission and City Council meetings early next year. Joe Tait, City Manager 3 December 15, 2010 INFORMATION ITEM 1. Consideration of Inventory of Historic and Cultural Landmarks (INCL) GIS Mapping. Project Manager Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation on the status of creating more user-friendly GIS -based IHCL maps that will be available in large and small scale hard copies. The next map will utilize data from the IHCL map to create an updated Los Rios Specific Plan land use map and National Register Historic District boundary showing which sites are the contributors and which the non -contributors to the district. Staff requested any input from the CHC on suggested revisions to make the IHCL map more user-friendly. Questions were raised about whether the IHCL sites are on a map on the City's website, and whether the draft Historic Town Center Master Plan has a map with the historic sites in it. Staff responded that the GIS Community View page of the City's website has several layers that can be clicked on and off, one of which marks the IHCL sites with a colored dot, and another which shows the Buildings and Sites of Distinction sites. Information is available by clicking on the dots, but the dot does not tell viewers the boundaries of the sites. The consultants preparing the Historic Town Center Master Plan have exhibits in the appendices showing not just designated historic sites, but also archaeologically sensitive sites and sites the community considers important based on the IHCL list, archaeological site records and community input obtained through the public workshops on the document. The CHC thanked staff and was in consensus that the version of the map which has the aerial photograph as a watermark background is the most user-friendly. Staff will bring the Los Rios map to the CHC at a future date after it is completed. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Commissioner Banda announced that Monsignor Holquin and Mission Executive Director Mechelle Lawrence -Adams have invited him to be an official Mission bell- ringer. He was honored to accept the invitation and will begin training next month. Commissioner Nunez reminded the CHC that November is Native American Heritage Month and numerous events in the state and region have been held to celebrate that heritage. Vice -Chair Porter announced that the Montanez Adobe and Garcia-Pryor/O'Neill Museum will both be decorated for the holidays and open for the City's Tree Lighting Event on December 4. Staff noted that the City had a contractor install a single large tarp on the Parra Adobe to protect it from the elements this winter while the City investigates marketing the Harrison House/Parra Adobe property for sale. Joe Tait, City Manager 4 December 15, 2010 Staff noted the City's Proposition 84 NEF grant applica tion projects have m et the threshold to warrant site visits by the State. City staff will be meeting with state Department of Parks and Recreation staff at each of the City's NEF project sites during this next level of review before the state makes decisions on the grants in the spring. There are no business items that need to be discussed by the CHC in December, so the meeting tentatively planned for December 15 instead of the 28 will be canceled. The CHC should adjourn to the January meeting. ADJOURNMENT Vice -Chair Porter adjourned the meeting at 6:02 p.m. to the regular meeting of January 25, 2011. cc: Steven Apple, AICP, Deputy City Manager Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File