CHC Minutes-2010-06-22MEMORANDUM June 28, 2010 TO: Joe Tait, City Manager Grant Taylor, Development Services Director FROM: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Managerr° ` Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of June 22, 2010 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, June 22 meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Chair Siegel called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Janet Siegel, Chair Lorie Porter, Vice -Chair Nathan Banda Ed Nunez Don Tryon Absent: None Staff: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager/Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ilse Byrnes reported that there was a large group of 133 students from Valencia Elementary School that toured the Blas Aguilar Adobe and it was a very good experience for everyone. The tour emphasizes the importance of the Blas Aguilar Adobe. They will also be re -scheduling the silent auction to a future date. OLD BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Final Historic Structure Resort for the Parra Adobe (CIP Nos. 07402/07405/07407); a report on the history, existing conditions, character - defining features and recommendations for rehabilitation and seismic upgrade of the Parra Adobe located at 27762 Ortega Highway (APN: 666-191-18). Project Manager Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager, made the staff presentation and recommendation that the CHC approve the Parra Adobe Historic Structure Report, noting the revisions that had been made to the report Joe Tait, City Manager 2 June 28, 2010 by the City's preservation consultant following input from the CHC, staff and the Capistrano Indian Council. Ms. Delcamp also reported on the status of the City Council's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget considerations. She noted that the existing Parra Adobe CIP project is currently proposed to be canceled and will not be included in the CIP budget for next fiscal year unless the Council takes action to put it back in the CIP. The Council continued consideration of the CIP budget until July 6, 2010. The Council has also directed staff to place an item on a future Council agenda to consider selling the property which contains the Parra Adobe and the Harrison House. Public Input: Jerry Nieblas, Juaneno Band of Mission Indians and San Juan Capistrano resident, stated the City has allowed the Parra Adobe to continue to decay through deferred maintenance. Oral histories have said the Parra Adobe may have originally been an outbuilding from the Mission's early period. It used to be open to the community as a museum and for the annual mass until its condition deteriorated so much. The City now has a federal grant to help pay for the repairs and they should fix the Adobe. David Belardes, Juaneno Band of Mission Indians and San Juan Capistrano resident, stated the City has a responsibility to maintain the Parra Adobe. It has been in a state of disrepair since the City acquired it. It is a home associated with the family of town Matriarch Helen McMullen. No one is going to purchase the property with the Parra Adobe in its current condition. The City has lost other historic adobes like the Canedo and the Burruel. The City owns three of the 9 or 10 adobes that are left. The Council is considering CIP priorities such as a dog park, skate park and playground upgrades, etc., but the Parra Adobe is important too and should be repaired. Commissioners asked several questions of staff. In response, staff indicated that there is not enough money left in the existing CIP to undertake the proposed scope of repair for the Parra Adobe; the federal grant is specifically for the existing Parra Adobe project scope; the grant has a specific time frame and just received a one year time extension for construction completion by June 30, 2011; staff anticipates the City would lose the grant if the project scope changes significantly; the federal grant program has been canceled by the current administration so will not be available again for the foreseeable future; if the CIP project is canceled, staff will try to develop a temporary mothball plan with remaining monies to protect the Parra Adobe from collapse; to do minimal repairs to the roof and south wall to stabilize the Adobe would still require some additional CIP funding. Joe Tait, City Manager 3 June 28, 2010 Commissioners commented that both the Parra Adobe and the Blas Aguilar Adobe are important historic buildings and need to be repaired. Vice -Chair Porter stated she agrees with the public comments. She does not want the Parra Adobe to melt away. The historic adobes have more protection under the City's public ownership than they would under private ownership. The Parra Adobe won't last if we don't do something to repair it now, especially the most critical repairs to the roof and the south wall. Commissioner Tryon commented that the Council appears not be in favor of doing anything and will likely defer the project again as we have in the past. Commissioner Nunez also agrees with the public comments. Part of the City's mission is to preserve historic buildings. The site is difficult in terms of access and parking so perhaps a shuttle could be utilized when necessary. The Parra Adobe is an important historic building and it needs to be preserved. Commissioner Banda concurred with the public comments and that the Parra Adobe is a significant site. After due consideration, Vice -Chair Porter moved, and Commissioner Banda seconded, a motion to strongly encourage the City Council to fund the minimum repairs necessary to preserve and stabilize the Parra Adobe, especially to the roof and the south wall.. The motion was approved unanimously. Commissioner Banda moved, and Commissioner Nunez seconded, a motion approving the Parra Adobe Historic Structure Report. The motion was approved unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Concept Plan for the Blas Aguilar Adobe Nature Education Facilities (Prop 84 NEF) Grant Application; a report on the proposed concept site plan for submittal with the City's grant application for the project located at 31806 EI Camino Real (APN: 124-160-08, -19). Project Manager Teri Delcamp made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission provide input on the proposed grant concept site plan, which was developed by staff with input from key stakeholders and displayed at the meeting. The project includes re- creating the historic well and horno; a native plant garden; improving the front entry and access; and possibly locating and outlining the Casa Tejada foundation, all to enhance natural and historic resource education opportunities at the Blas Aguilar Adobe Museum.. Ms. Delcamp also reported on the status of the City Council's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget as summarized in the above agenda item. Unlike the federal grant for the Parra Adobe which is a 50% matching grant, the Prop 84 NEF grant is a 100% grant. Staff's original plan to commence Joe Tait, City Manager 4 June 28, 2010 construction on the repairs with CIP funds this summer, followed by construction of the educational enhancements after a decision is made on the grant, would change depending on the Council's decision on the CIP budget. In response to questions, staff noted that if the Blas Aguilar Adobe CIP project is canceled, then repair of the Blas Aguilar Adobe would not occur unless the City is successful with the NEF grant so it would be at least a year before the project could commence. The Blas Aguilar Adobe is in need of repair, but its condition is not as critical as the Parra Adobe. Public Input: Jerry Nieblas, Blas Aguilar Foundation, supports the concept plan. It represents a way to expand the experiences for the public beyond the Mission San Juan Capistrano. The Bias Aguilar Adobe has been somewhat isolated but this project will open it up and make it more inviting to visitors and enhance the hands-on educational value of the Museum. Vice -Chair Porter commented that she loves the concept. She questioned staff about the material proposed for the front plaza, saying a more natural material would be better, and asked if the native plant garden could be located there or on the north side instead of at the rear. David .Belardes, Blas Aguilar Foundation, responded that there are photos of the Adobe when it was the last alcalde's residence showing a tiled patio so there is historic precedent for the proposed plaza material. Staff responded that detailed design work will need to occur if the City is successful getting the grant, and the timing will allow for further details to be known about the Camino Playhouse project to the north which may have a bearing on relocating the native plant garden. Commissioners Banda, Nunez, Tryon and Siegel all, concurred with the proposed concept plan. Commissioners reiterated the importance of the CIP projects and especially repairing the Blas Aguilar Adobe because of its historic importance, prominent downtown location and public accessibility. After due consideration, Commissioner Tryon moved, and Commissioner Nunez seconded, a motion to support the proposed Blas Aguilar Adobe concept site plan for submittal with the City's Proposition 84 Nature Education Facilities grant application. The motion was approved unanimously. INFORMATION ITEM None. Joe Tait, City Manager 5 June 28, 2010 COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Commissioner Tryon asked staff to respond regarding a rumor about use of the Williams/Swanner House. Staff indicated that there is a current one-year residential lease in effect being handled by a residential property management firm. Staff will be taking back to Council a business case for the long term use of the property as a City rental facility as part of the development of the Northwest Open Space Phase I Park. Staff has no knowledge about any other plan for the property. Vice -Chair Porter and staff updated the CHC regarding the re -opening of the Montanez Adobe which is planned for late July. Interpretive furnishings and artifact displays are being set up in the Adobe and volunteers are being sought as docents so the Adobe can be open on a more regular basis. Several historic tours are scheduled in town this summer and staff and the City Guides will ensure the Montanez Adobe will be opened for the tours. ADJOURNMENT Chair Siegel adjourned the meeting at 6:09 p.m. cc: Steven Apple, AICP, Deputy City Manager Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist, CHC Members CHC Minutes File