CHC Minutes-2010-01-26TO. Joe Tait, City Manager Steven Apple, AICP, Community Development Director FROM; Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary February 18, 2010 SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of January 26, 2010 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, January 26 meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chair Siegel called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Janet Siegel, Vice -Chair Ed Nunez Lorie Porter Don Tryon Absent: Nathan Banda, Chair (excused) Staff: Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Commission Secretary ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. INFORMATION ITEM Manager/Cultural Heritage 1. Consideration of Revision to Concept for Blas A uilar Adobe Re air 31806 El Camino Real (CIP No. 7403/formerly 455); an informational report on the response to prior preliminary CHC input and a revised storage concept for the rear -wing restoration of the City -owned Blas Aguilar Adobe. Project Manager Teri Joe Tait, City Manager 2 February 18, 2010 Delcamp made the staff presentation and recommendation that the CHC provide input to staff regarding the revised conceptual plants for the partial restoration of the Blas Aguilar Adobe, The CNC in July 2009 had considered conceptual plans to restore the roof to a circa 1900 roof form and materials as part of the project when the front roof ridge is repaired. The restoration of the roof was originally recommended by Gil Sanchez's report on the Blas Aguilar Adobe completed in 1991. The CHC in July 2009 did not support the removal of the later era (circa 1940) garage which would be necessary to achieve the roof restoration. The CHC requested staff to investigate whether the garage could be retained, re -constructed or a separate shed -type structure built if the garage were to be removed given the garage is a primary storage area for the Blas Aguilar Foundation and the museum. The City's historic preservation architect consultant prepared an analysis of these options as well as staff s preference to restore the roof form based on preservation and restoration goals, storage capacity and cost. Their analysis supported restoring the roof based primarily on the historic preservation criteria, and they also prepared an enhanced storage layout for the museum's non-public room that would remain as a means of replacing some (but not able to replace all) of.the storage capacity that would be lost with the removal of the garage. Public Input: Ilse Byrnes, City resident and member of the Blas Aguilar Foundation, spoke in opposition to restoring the roof to a circa 1900 form and removal of the garage. The garage is important for the museum to function and it was there when the building was added to the National Register of Historic Places. She also would not want a separate shed structure. The rear room proposed for an enhance storage layout is used by both the Blas Aguilar Foundation and the City for various events and City functions at HTC Park. Restoring the roof material to shingle is also not necessary — it likely would have had a tile roof in 1794, and although circa 1899 photos show wood shingles, by 1938 it only had tar paper and then in the 1940s it was re -tiled when the Diocese converted it to a duplex. The roof should remain as clay tile and the garage should remain because there is not enough storage space without it. Jerry Nieblas, City resident and member of the Blas Aguilar Foundation, spoke in opposition to restoring the roof and removing the garage. The Adobe has changed through the course of its years of ownership and has constantly evolved. This is part of its history and it tells a story on the exterior as well as the interior displays of the museum. Other members of the public associated with the Blas Aguilar Adobe and HTC Park event organizations were in the audience but did not.speak on the item. Joe Tait, City Manager 3 February 18, 2010 Commission Discussion: In response to Commissioner Tryon's query whether money is budgeted for the project, staff stated the project is budgeted in the current fiscal year Capital Improvement Program. He concurs with the public comments that the garage should remain. Commissioner Porter stated the site is a significant historic destination for. tourists. The garage isn't visible and it is needed and its removal would deter the efforts of the museum to accomplish their mission and goals. There are other historic adobe museum -type buildings in San .Juan Capistrano that appear original (Montanez Adobe, Silvas Adobe and Parra Adobe, etc.), so the Blas Aguilar Adobe does not need to be restored to remove the mid -1900s modifications. She could see doing that if this were the only adobe in town, but that is not the case. Commissioner Nunez: reminded the other Commissioners that the July 2009 discussion had raised concerns about consistency with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. He asked staff if the project would still comply with the Standards and still provide the necessary seismic upgrades. Staff replied that provided the project does not include re- construction of a non -historic garage, and is re -directed to be a Preservation project instead of the originally envisioned partial Restoration project under the Standards, it will be consistent with the Standards. The building would still be preserved and seismically upgraded to preserve it for future generations to embark on the restoration that is appears not be supported at the present time. The project would also cost less to complete than the envisioned partial restoration. Vice Chair Siegel stated that the integrity of the entire building and what it represents should be preserved. The Blas Aguilar Adobe represents a number of eras during its ownership and. it is not that important to restore it back to an earlier period. The garage is needed for storage and the rear room also needs to be available for use; a separate storage building would not make sense; and the tile roof should be kept because it would have been tile in its earliest era with the shingles added in the 1800s. Commissioner Porter added she would like to see the horno (exterior oven) re- constructed and the cement floor removed in the museum. Staff responded that would be an option if a future Restoration project is pursued or if the Foundation desires to pursue these items. Based on the CHC's input, staff committed to following up with the historic preservation architect consultant and the Community Development Director to determine the structural feasibility and appropriateness of re -directing the project to be a Preservation project under the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. Joe Tait, City Manager 4 February 18, 2010 COMMISSIONISTAFF COMMENTS In response to Commissioner Porter's question, staff summarized the status of the Montanez Adobe restoration project. It is anticipated to be complete by the end of May but may be done sooner given the contractor's progress to date. After it is complete, staff will be working with the community to finish and plant the six planters around the Adobe, prepare enhanced interpretive and archaeological display exhibits for the interior and solicit volunteer docents to enable the Adobe museum to be open on a more regular basis after it officially re --opens at the beginning of the summer. Commissioner Porter announced that the Historic Depiction Program plaque that had been temporarily removed behind the Avila Adobe (Whim) has been restored and put back in place, looking even better than it did before, and she commended the property owner. Vice Chair Siegel announced plans for the next year by the San Juan Capistrano 50th Birthday Celebration Committee. An item is on the Council's agenda for the next meeting. Plans include encouraging events during the year from May to April 2011, which is the actual birthday, to adopt the 50th birthday theme; two new events for the year-long celebration; brick paver tiles that can be purchased and personalized as a fund-raiser; street light banners for multiple downtown locations that have been designed by youth artists and can be underwritten for advertising; and culminating in the April 2011 main celebration event at the Rancho Mission Viejo Riding Park at San Juan Capistrano which will be a western event, carnival, dog show, and school band competition, etc. The Committee is requesting Council to support the efforts by committing staff assistance and waiving all fees. ADJOURNMENT Vice Chair Siegel adjourned the meeting at 5;40 p.m. CC.' Cindy Russell, Assistant City Manager Grant Taylor, Assistant Community Development Director Teri Delcamp, Historic Preservation Manager Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager