CHC Minutes-2012-04-24MEMORANDUM May 2, 2102 TO: Karen P. Brust, City Manager Grant Taylor, Development Services Director FROM: Nick Taylor, Associate Planner Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of April 24, 2012 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, April 24 meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. [WAIRMLOX90:101:11 Chair Porter called the meeting to order at 5-03 p.m. Present: Rorie Porter, Chair Nathan Banda Rhonda deHaan Charles Gildea Absent: Jan Siegel (excused) StaffNick Taylor, Associate Planner/Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary Grant Taylor, Development Services Director Bill Ramsey, Assistant Development Services Director Ilse Byrnes and Jerry Niebles addressed the Commission on various topics including the Oyharzabal Barn. Continued Consideration of Historic Depiction Program (HDP) for Architectural Control (AC) 10-18; Marriott Residence Inn Hotel; a request for approval of preliminary design plans for a Historic Depiction Plan for an existing 130 -room extended stay hotel located at 33711 Camino Capistrano, at the southwest corner of Camino Capistrano and Stonehill Drive (Assessor Parcel Number 121-254-44) (Applicant Representative: R.D. Olson Development, Anthony Wrzosek). Bill Ramsey made the staff presentation and recommended that the Commission approve the working group (Chair Porter and Commissioner DeHaan)-recommended modifications to the HDP consisting of substantial text revisions and incorporating two sketches, one of the Pablo Pryor Adobe and one depicting hides being thrown CHC Action Memorandum 2 April 24, 2012 from the bluffs above Dana Point Harbor to a waiting ship (brigantine) in the harbor below. After due consideration, Commissioner Banda moved, and Commissioner Gildea seconded, approval of the modifications to the HDP subject to final approval by the working group. The motion was approved unanimously. 1 Consideration of a Proposal for a Wine Tasting and Special Events Venue at the Historic Roger Y. Williams / Swanner House and 2.6 Acre Property located at 29991 Camino Capistrano.) Grant Taylor made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission provide comments and recommendations to the City Council. Ron Tamez, Hamilton Oaks Vineyards responded to Commission Questions. The Commissioners generally expressed concern with the adequacy of the septic system. Chair Porter recommended consideration of the garage for the location of portable restrooms, use of a trellis/tables/benches for the educational area, use of Downtown way -finding signs at the applicant's expense and preservation of existing landscaping. She expressed concern with tenant maintenance of the orange trees, adequacy of parking, and discouraged off-site signage and water tower signage. Commissioner Banda expressed concern with the volume and duration of wine tasting inside the house. Commissioner Gildea inquired about vineyards, type of grapes and number of vines. Chair DaHaan commented the plan was well thought out. After due consideration, Commissioner Banda moved, and Commissioner Gildea seconded, recommending the following to the City Council - 1. connection to a sewer line, 2. allowing 1 commercial sign and up to 2 directional signs with no tower sign, and applicant pay to amend way -finding signs downtown. 3. ensuring adequate parking area, 4. incorporating trellis/tables/benches in the education area, 5. limiting special events to 150 people and house -use to 49 people, 6. supporting outdoor string lighting, 7. Provide landscape maintenance plan. 8. provide adequate portable toilets consistent with industry standards. 9. Tree removals shall require arborist report. The motion was approved unanimously. CHC Action Memorandum 3 April 24, 2012 2. Selection of Commission Chair and Vice -Chair for 2012-2013 Chair Porter opened the floor for nominations for Commission Chair. Chair Porter nominated Commissioner deHaan. Commissioner deHaan was selected as Chair unanimously. Commissioner Porter opened the floor for nominations for Commission Vice -Chair. Chair Porter nominated Commissioner Banda. Commissioner Banda was selected a Vice -Chair unanimously. None. The Commission discussed concern with an on-going problem with photographers misusing the Los Rios Historic District. Director Grant Taylor responded that staff is aware of the issue and is proactively contacting known photographers, as well as directing Code Enforcement staff to investigate on Saturdays. Chair Porter discussed concern with the Oyharzabal Barn. Grant Taylor responded that an item will be paced on the agenda for the May 22 meeting. Commissioner Gildea commented on the 300th anniversary of the birth of Father Serra. Chair Porter adjourned the meeting at 6:24 p.m. The next regularly scheduled Cultural Heritage Commission meeting will be Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Approv d: Ni k Tayl d: Ni sociate Planner cretary ',- cc: Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File