CHC Minutes-2012-03-27MEMORANDUM April 2, 2012 TO: Karen P. Brust, City Manager Grant Taylor, Development Services Director FROM: Nick Taylor, Associate Planner Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of March 27, 2012 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, March 27th meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an .item. CALL TO ORDER Chair Porter called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. Rnl I CAI 1 Present: Lorie Porter, Chair Nathan Banda Rhonda deHaan Janet Siegel Charles Gildea Absent: Staff: Nick Taylor, Associate Planner/Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary Grant Taylor, Development Services Director William A. Ramsey, Principal Planner ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Director Grant Taylor introduced new commissioner Charles Gildea. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS 1. Consideration of Historic Depiction Proaram (HDP) for Architectural Control (AC 10-18. Marriott Residence Inn (Applicant Representative: R.D. Olson Development. Anthony Wrzosek) Project Manager Bill Ramsey made the staff presentation noting that the project consists of preliminary design plans for an HDP for an existing 130 -room extended stay hotel located at 33711 Camino Capistrano. CHC Action Memorandum 2 March 27, 2012 Staff recommended that the Commission refer the HDP narrative to an ad-hoc committee of two Commission members to prepare revisions for future Commission review and approval; that the Commission render a decision on the location of the planned HDP; and that the Commission continue consideration of the project to the April 24 Commission meeting. Bobby Olson, representing R.D. Olson Development, stated that they would be willing to work with staff in selecting an appropriate location and acceptable language for the HDP. The Commission discussed alternate locations for the HDP including east of the entry, near the American flag, or overlooking the Pryor Adobe, and did not support the proposed location. The Commission agreed with staff that the HDP narrative needed to provide more detail in the text and the story of the Pryor Hide House. Commissioner Gildea suggested that Pablo Pryor's untimely death could add some interesting history. After due consideration, Commissioner seconded, forming an. ad-hoc committee proposal for future consideration at the approved unanimously and Chair Porter selected to serve on the ad-hoc committee. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENT Banda moved, and Chair Porter to prepare revisions to the HDP April 24 meeting. The motion was and Commissioner DeHaan were Commissioner Siegel expressed concern over the current status of the Historic Preservation Manager position and stated she would be attending a meeting with the City Manager on March 29 to discuss. Commissioner Banda stated he had been in contact with Duane Cave, SDG&E, to discuss concern with the demolition of the 1918 substation building on Camino Capistrano. Chair Porter stated that hundreds of visitors were at the Montanez Adobe on Swallow's Day and the Gardening Angels had an upcoming event on April 28-29. Director Grant Taylor and Mr. Ramsey provided status updates on several projects. Nick Taylor, Commission Secretary, informed the Commission of several upcoming conferences. CHC Action Memorandum 3 March 27, 2012 ADJOURNMENT Chair Porter adjourned the meeting at 5:57 p.m. The next regularly scheduled Cultural Heritage Commission meeting will be Tuesday, April 24, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Appro ed: ick Taylo A sociate Planner Secretary cc: Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File