CHC Minutes-2012-02-28MEMORANDUM March 12, 2012 TO: Karen P. Brust, City Manager Grant Taylor, Development Services Director FROM: Nick Taylor, Associate Planner Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary SUBJECT: Cultural Heritage Commission Actions of February 28, 2012 This memorandum summarizes the actions taken by the Cultural Heritage Commission at their Tuesday, February 28th meeting. No action is required unless the City Council wishes to hold special review of an item. CALL TO ORDER Chair Porter called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Lorie Porter, Chair Nathan Banda Rhonda deHaan Janet Siegel Absent: None Staff: Nick Taylor, Associate Planner/Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary Grant Taylor, Development Services Director William A. Ramsey, AICP, Principal Planner Joe Aguirre, Planning Intern ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT CALENDAR None. PUBLIC HEARINGS BUSINESS None. CHC Action Memorandum 2 Meeting of February 28, 2012 NEW BUSINESS Consideration of potential future land use(s) of the historic Roger Y Williams/Swanner House and 2.6 acre property (29991 Camino Capistrano Grant Taylor made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission receive the staff report and provide comments to the City Council on preferred future land use(s) for the subject house and surrounding property. Public Comments Ron Tamez, Hamilton Oaks Vineyard, Trabuco Canyon, spoke in support of a winery on the property and provided details of his proposal to operate a winery. Commission Comments The Commission discussed potential land uses for the property and supported the following: Educational and non -profits, agriculture uses similar to the Ecology Center, and a winery and winetasting especially with an educational component. The Commission also supported a wedding/events venue but stated this type of event should be limited in size, scale, and access to the interior of the house due to parking constraints and the need for preservation of the historic structure. Valet parking should be considered for this type of use. The Commission stated that any proposal for the property should include anticipated patron volume. No action was required for this item. INFORMATION ITEM Consideration of Inter -jurisdictional Project Review (IJPR) 12-01 San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) South Orange County Reliability Enhancement Project (SDG&E Project Manager: Mary Turley) Grant Taylor made the staff presentation and recommendation that the Commission receive and file the staff report. Mr. Taylor identified that SDG&E will be submitting an application to the California Public Utilities Commission which will include demolition of the 1920's substation building fronting Camino Capistrano, which is presently listed on the City's "Buildings of Distinction" List. Mr. Taylor informed the Commission the city did not have local land use jurisdiction over the public utility project but would be able to provide comments on the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) once it became available to the public. The Commission stated that they had attended several public outreach meetings put on by SDG&E and that they expressed concerns with the demolition of the substation building and proposed wall height with limited buffer/setback from Camino Capistrano. No action was required for this item. CHC Action Memorandum 3 Meeting of February 28, 2012 COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENT Commissioner Siegel inquired about the status of the Marriott Residence Inn Historic Depiction Program (HDP) and Mr. Ramsey responded. Chair Porter stated that Cox Channel 3 was filming a video on Los Rios Street. Chair Porter asked staff to investigate parking problems on Los Rios Street and if the vacant Los Rios Park Phase II lot could be opened for parking on Weekends. Commissioner deHaan inquired about signage in the Verdugo Parking Structure. Grant Taylor said he would investigate the situation and provide information at a later date. ADJOURNMENT Chair Porter adjourned the meeting at 6:00 p.m. The next regularly scheduled Cultural Heritage Commission meeting will be Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. .6 Taylor, so iate Planner E)ta ry cc: Christina Gomez, Administrative Specialist CHC Members CHC Minutes File