CHC Minutes-2017-01-24MINUTES January 24, 2017 CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING A. ORGANIZATION: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Lawrence -Adams called the Regular Meeting of the Cultural Heritage Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano to order at 4:35 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. 2. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present: Mechelle Lawrence -Adams, Chair Nathan Banda, Vice -Chair Rhonda DeHaan Lorie Porter Commissioners Absent: Christie Smead STAFF PRESENT: Joel Rojas, Development Services Director Charlie View, Project Manager B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. C. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Draft October 25, 2016 Cultural Heritage Commission Minutes. Approved, as presented by a 4-0 vote. D. PUBLIC HEARINGS: k E. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. F. NEW BUSNESS: 1. Consideration of Appointing an Ad-hoc Subcommittee to Assist with Preparing an Updated Application for the Determination of Eligibility of the San Diego Gas and Electric San Juan Capistrano Substation for the National Register of Historic Places (Project Manager: Charlie View). CHC Action Minutes 2 January 24 2017 Charlie View, Project Manager, made the staff presentation and responded to questions. Adoption of Motion Commissioner Banda made a motion, seconded by Commissioner DeHaan, to continue consideration of the Ad-hoc Committee to the February 28, 2017 meeting. The motion passed by a 4-0 vote. G. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS: 1. The Cultural Heritage Commission requested that an item recognizing 2017, National Historic Preservation be placed on the February 28, 2017, Cultural Heritage Commission agenda. 2. Director Rojas updated the Commission on the Cultural Heritage Commission Goals for June 2016 through April 2017 were received and filed at the January 17, 2017 City Council meeting. H. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Chair Lawrence -Adams adjourned the meeting at 5:14 p.m. to Tuesday, February 28, 2017, at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Approved on February 28, 2017 Joel ojs , DeveWpment Services Director Actin"C tural Heritage Commission Secretary