CHC Minutes-2016-03-22MINUTES March 22,2016 CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING A.ORGANIZATION: 1.CALL TO ORDER: Chair Porter called the Regular Meeting of the Cultural Heritage Commission of the City of San Juan Capistrano to order at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. 2.ROLL CALL: Commissioners Present:Lorie Porter,Chair Rhonda DeHaan,Vice-Chair Nathan Banda Mechelle Lawrence-Adams Christie Smead Commissioners Absent:None STAFF PRESENT:Joel Rojas,Development Services Director Sergio Klotz,AICP,Assistant Development Services Director Thorn Coughran,Interim Public Works Director Lindsay Ortega,Contract Planner B.ORAL COMMUNICATIONS:None. C.CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Draft February 23,2016 Cultural Heritage Commission Minutes Approved by a 5-0 vote. D.PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1.Consideration of Site Plan Review 15-008;Trevor's at the Tracks,an expansion of the existing dining patio including construction of a new bar with rooftop,expansion of existing exterior waiting area,and new landscaping, located at 26701 Verdugo Street,APN:121-141-17 (John Rix,Architectronix, lnc.)Project Manager:Lindsay Ortega). Lindsay Ortega made the staff presentation and responded to questions. CHC Action Minutes 2 March 22.2016 Commissioners expressed support for the proposed signage mounted to the existing trellis entry,citing concerns with mounting signage to an historic building. John Rix,Applicant -provided presentation and responded to questions. Stephen Rios expressed concern about potential noise issues in the Los Rios neighborhood. Steve Behmerwohld,Tom Ostensen,Dick Paulsen and Matt Gafney spoke in support of the project. Approval of Motion CHC RESOLUTION NO.16-03-22-01,SITE PLAN REVIEW (SPR)15-008 A RESOLUTION OF THE CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO.CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING DINING PATIO INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW BAR WITH ROOFTOP,EXPANSION OF EXISTING EXTERIOR WAITING AREA,AND INSTALLATION OF NEW DROUGHT TOLERANT LANDSCAPING,LOCATED AT 26701 VERDUGO STREET (ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER:121-141-17)(TREVOR'S AT THE TRACKS). Commissioner Banda made a motion,seconded by Commissioner Lawrence- Adams,to approve SPR 15-008 for the patio expansion of existing dining patio including construction of new bar with rooftop,expansion of existing exterior waiting area,and installation of new drought tolerant landscaping. Additionally,the Commission recommended that staff allow signage to be attached to the existing Trellis and a finding that it is consistent with Design Guideline of the General Plan and that the project meets the intent of the National Trust.The motion passed by a 5-0 vote. AYES:Chair Porter,Vice-Chair DeHaan,Commissioners Lawrence- Adams,Banda and Smead. NOES:None ABSTAIN:None E.UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. F.NEWBUSNESS: None. CHC Action Minutes 3 March 22,2016 G.COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS: Interim Director Coughran provided an update on maintenance and,cleanliness of downtown,as well as maintenance of city owned historic structures. Commissioners discussed upcoming Preservation Week. Chair Porter announced that she would not be attending the next meeting. H.ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business Chair Porter adjourned the meeting at 5:37 p.m. to Tuesday,April 26,2016,at 4:30 p.m. in the City Council Chamber. Approved on May 24,2016 Sergio Klotz,Assistant Development Services Director Cultural Heritage Commission Secretary