PC Minutes-2006-06-13g32400 PASEO ADE:LANTO AN 'JAN CAPIS'FRANO. CA 92675 949) 493-1171 (9491,493-1055 FAX 1t'11'11'.5cl/7jltcf7TCtl�)fd'll'tU7U. rprg • • CALL TO ORDER • .ate • �✓� - �InrineonprL L�,un ' 146E 1776 • MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 2006 i MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO DIANE BATHGATE WYATT HART JOE SOTO DAVID M SWERDLIN The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Cardoza at 7:05 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Robert Cardoza, Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chairman Tim Neely (arrived 7:24 p.m.) Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: Joe Drey (absent — excused) Staff members in attendance: Molly Bogh, Planning Director; Omar Sandoval, Deputy City Attorney; David Contreras, Associate Planner; Douglas Dumhart, Economic Development Manager; Sue McCullough, Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion and one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately, Chairman Cardoza separated the Consent Calendar items for separate consideration. San juall 011)1.4t; -an ): Plc'.1'en-i11g the PcIst to hnhunce t{tcr 1 1111111' Qp Printed on 100% Recycled Paper PC Meeting • 2 June 13, 2006 1. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MAY 9, 2006 AND MAY 23, 2006. Vice Chairman Cohen moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, of the Minutes of May 9, 2006. The motion passed by a vote of 3-0. Vice Chairman Cohen moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, of the Minutes of May 23, 2006. The motion passed by a vote of 2-0 with Chairman Cardoza abstaining due to his absence at the meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. CONSIDERATION OF DOWNTOWN WAY -FINDING SIGNAGE PROGRAM. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW OF THE CITY'S PROPOSED DIRECTIONAL WAY -FINDING SIGN PROGRAM. Written Communications June 13, 2006 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Dumhart gave the staff report as a request for consideration of the proposed signage program with the primary objective to enhance and complement the • City's visual character while providing direction to the traveling public. Staff recommended the Planning Commission review the proposed Way -Finding Signage Program prepared by Hunt Design and forward the program to the City Council with a recommendation for adoption. Wayne Hunt of Hunt Design showed a PowerPoint presentation and said that an organized task force of City residents, various Commissions, and staff gave input resulting in an aesthetically appealing signage program intended to be both pedestrian and motorist friendly. Sample mock-up signage was on display for Commissioner review. Mr. Hunt said that the Transportation Commission asked that pedestrian signage be angled to be oriented towards pedestrians on the sidewalk and that the Cultural Heritage Commission recommended wood signage be created for the Los Rios Historic District. Commissioner Questions and Comments Vice Chairman Cohen asked if all of the major buildings in the downtown area had been identified on the rendering and if an attempt was made to identify restaurants and shops. Mr. Hunt said that the pedestrian maps identify the direction of shopping or dining areas rather than particular dining or shopping businesses. Mr. Sandoval said if the program is used to identify specific businesses, a code amendment would be needed and that policies and procedures would have to be adopted as to which businesses would be listed. PC Meeting 0 3 0 June 13, 2008 Ms. Bogh said there was discussion of this idea at the ad hoc committee level, ® and that signs have been placed in strategic locations to point the way to more shopping and dining areas rather than to individual businesses. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if there would be overlap with Caltrans signage. Mr. Dumhart said that some Caltrans signs on City property will be replaced with new directional signs, but directional signs will not be placed in the Caltrans right- of-way. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked about the sign along Del Obispo directing vehicles to the Sports Park. Mr. Dumhart said we want to encourage people to go along Dei Obispo to get to tournaments at the Sports Park. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if a sign is proposed at Del Avion and Del Obispo. Mr. Dumhart said that the suggestion would be noted. Chairman Cardoza asked if the Chamber of Commerce would be issuing additional brochures showing individual shops and dining in the Los Rios District. Mr. Hunt said that he would be happy to issue guidelines for individual merchants to produce brochures that match the signage colors, but there are no brochure programs planned at this time. Public Comments Carolyn Gonzalez, 31791 Los Rios Street, Zoomar's Petting Zoo, asked that the historic Olivares House and other places of interest in the Los Rios District be included in the signage. Tom Bodanski, 26701 Verdugo, asked that the word "Historic" be used on the signs to refer to the Historic Los Rios District and to Sarducci's Historic Train Depot. Vice Chairman Cohen asked if there would be a directional sign at Arguello Way. Mr. Dumhart said that an existing street sign mounted to the historic EI Camino Real bell identifies it as Arguello Way. Vice Chairman Cohen suggested a sign at Arguello Way to indicate the Los Rios/Depot area. Commissioner Ratcliffe said she prefers the brown to the black signage background on vehicular signs, and distinctive sign material in the Los Rios District. Vice Chairman Cohen asked that cardboard mock-up signs be placed for viewing prior to installation to evaluate if the number of proposed signs is appropriate. Chairman Cardoza said the signs looked large. Mr. Hunt said in an identity -driven program, the size should be uniform. Mr. Dumhart said a sign at Ortega Highway and Camino Capistrano targeted for removal is about the same size as the proposed signage. n LJ U n PC Meeting 4 • June 13, 2006 Chairman Cardoza said there were differences in color preferences at the DRC regarding the vehicle signs, and that he prefers the brown signage instead of black. Vice Chairman Cohen asked whether the signs have glass covers. Mr. Hunt said the industry is moving toward a Formica product to provide a hard -to -mar sign surface. This material is inexpensive to replace and easy to clean. Ms. Bogh referred to the destination map and said that staff has reviewed the destination wording on vehicle signs at each intersection, which will vary based on the turns needed to reach each destination. Commissioner Neely said he prefers the black vehicle sign background, asked for simplified wording on vehicle signage, and the removal of excess wording such as "historic" downtown. Stan Waleslowski, Executive Director, San Juan Capistrano Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Center, said he agreed with removing excess wording such as "historic" on Town Center Park signage. He stated the Chamber supports the sign program. Vice Chairman Cohen said that he prefers the black vehicle signage background and simplified wording on vehicular signage and that the Chamber supports the program. Motion Vice Chairman Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Neely, to forward the Downtown Way -Finding Signage Program prepared by Hunt Design to the City Council with a recommendation for adoption, with incorporation of the following recommended changes: 1) Simplify wording on vehicle signage to remove excess wording such as "historic" downtown; 2) use pedestrian signs to emphasize the historic nature of the Los Rios District and the train station; 3) place cardboard mock-up signs for viewing prior to installation to evaluate whether there are too many signs proposed in the program; 4) add two signs: a pedestrian sign at Arguello Way to indicate the Los Rios/Depot area, and a vehicular sign at the Del Avion/Del Obispo intersection to indicate the Sports Park. The Commission discussed whether the background color on the vehicular signs should be dark brown or black, voted 2 for black and 2 for brown, and referred this issue to the City Council for final decision. 0 PC Meeting 5 June 13, 2006 AYES: Commissioners Neely and Ratcliffe, Vice Chairman Cohen, Chairman Cardoza NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Drey ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 4-0. OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Cardoza suggested, and the Commission concurred, to take Item H-3 out of order. 3. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 03-08 & CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 04-03. SHEA THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER. A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A REVISED PHOTOMETRIC PLAN FOR AN EQUESTRIAN CENTER THAT IS UNDER CONSTRUCTION LOCATED AT 26284 OSO ROAD, GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF OSO ROAD AND APPROXIMATELY 100 FEET WEST OF AVENIDA DE LA VISTA. (APN 121-07-19,32 & 34) (APPLICANT: FRIESS COMPANY BUILDERS INC.) Written Communications June 13, 2006 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Contreras presented the staff report and said that staff has determined that the amount of lighting proposed is quite excessive and is more than what is called out by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), which recommends a footcandle average of approximately 0.6 for parking areas that contain a medium level of activity. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the applicant's request subject to removal of the light poles along Oso Road and along the Equestrian Trail, no more than 4 light poles be located in the south parking lot and no more than 8 light poles be located in the east parking lot, maintaining an overall lighting level of 0.6 footcandles, and that lights be turned off after 9 p.m. Public Hearing Ken Friess, 31506 Paseo Christina, representing the applicant, agreed to reduce lighting levels after 9 p.m. provided that adequate security lighting is maintained, agreed to eliminate four light poles, and to consider alternate luminaire type and PC Meeting 6 June 13, 2006 wattage to reduce glare. He stated the site is under construction and a decision on the number and location of light poles is needed to allow installation of electrical conduit. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Neely asked if the fixtures are down lights and if they would be shielded. Mr. Friess said they are down lights and the lights on the south side would be shielded. Commissioner Neely asked if the wiring decision would need to be made quickly, and if the 250 -watt metal halide lights could be downsized. Mr. Friess answered yes to both questions. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if consideration was given to lower lighting in the north area where staff parks. Mr. Friess said lighting is needed along Oso Road for staff security. Vice Chairman Cohen suggested that the illumination be turned down in the future if the lights were too bright. Mr. Friess said the lamp and transformer in the unit could be changed out. Ms. Bogh recommended a change to Condition 6 to reflect the discussion regarding lighting levels, and a change to Condition 1 regarding deletion of four of the light poles. Commissioner Neely suggested wording regarding substituting high pressure sodium bulbs for metal halide, wall packs, and nighttime security lighting after the 9 P.M. Ms. Bogh said the Municipal Code contains minimum but not maximum lighting levels, and the City may wish to address this. In the meantime, conditions of approval can be used to specify maximum lighting and protect night skies. Motion Commissioner Neely moved, seconded by Vice Chairman Cohen, adoption of Resolution 06-06-13-2 conditionally approving a modification to the photometric plan to increase the number of light poles and increase nighttime lighting levels on the Shea Therapeutic Riding Center property located at 26284 Oso Road, with modifications to Exhibit A, Conditions, as follows: Revise Condition 1, third sentence to read "These plans are approved as revised to delete four poles from the plans as submitted,..." Revise Condition 4 to specify that lighting levels shall be reduced after 9 p.m. except for nighttime security lighting. Revise Condition 6 to add the following at the end of the condition: "Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy a field observation of lighting levels will be conducted and if lighting levels are determined to be excessive the applicant shall reduce illumination to an acceptable level as determined by the Planning Commission." PC Meeting 0 7 0 June 13, 2006 Add a new condition No. 8 to read: "The applicant shall consider use of high pressure sodium bulbs instead of metal halide, and shall reduce wattage of each bulb to the extent possible while providing for public safety and security. The final plan for luminaries, bulbs and lighting levels, including pole lights and wall packs, shall be approved by Planning Commission." AYES: Commissioners Neely and Ratcliffe, Vice Chairman Cohen, Chairman Cardoza NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Drey ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 4-0. Vice Chairman Cohen recused himself from Items H-1 and H-2. 1, ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 01-03 MOD#2. CAPISTRANO CHRYSLER JEEP DEALERSHIP. A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF SIGN PROGRAM FOR THE CAPISTRANO CHRYSLER JEEP, AN EXISTING AUTO DEALERSHIP. THE PROJECT IS LOCATED AT 33301 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, GENERALLY LOCATED AT 1,500 FEET NORTH OF STONEHILL DRIVE. (APN 121-240-50.) (APPLICANT: JIM SYMONS) Written Communications June 13, 2006 Staff presentation $ recommendation Mr. Contreras said that staff recommends that this item be continued to July 11, 2006 to allow applicant time to submit additional information. Motion Commissioner Neely moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to continue the item to the July 11, 2006 Planning Commission meeting to allow applicant time to submit additional information. AYES: Commissioners Neely and Ratcliffe, Chairman Cardoza NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Drey ABSTAIN: None 0 PC Meeting 0 8 • June 13, 2006 RECUSED: Vice Chairman Cohen 0 The motion passed by a vote of 3-0, with Vice Chairman Cohen recused. 2. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL (AC) 05-07 MOD #1 CAPISTRANO NISSAN DEALERSHIP. A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF SIGN PROGRAM FOR THE CAPISTRANO NISSAN DEALERSHIP. THE PROJECT IS LOCATED AT 33375 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, GENERALLY LOCATED 1,000 FEET SOUTH OF AVENIDA AEROPUERTO AND 1,600 FEET NORTH OF STONEHILL DRIVE. (APN 121-240-50)(APPLICANT: JOSH PIATT) Written Communications June 13, 2006 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Contreras presented the staff report, stating that the applicant had responded to DRC direction and that staff recommended allowing internal illumination of the monument sign because other dealership monument signs are internally illuminated. Mr. Contreras said the program is consistent with the General Plan, the City's architectural guidelines, and the Municipal Code except for internal illumination of . the monument sign. Nissan is proposing to illuminate only the logo portion of the monument sign. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review and approve the proposed sign program for Capistrano Nissan. Commissioner Questions and Comments Chairman Cardoza asked for comments made by the DRC. Mr. Contreras said that the DRC requested a sample of the actual fixture and the Plexiglas located on the Capistrano sign, and recommended that the height of the text be in scale with the building. Joe Rosa, 29215 Calle de Caballos, Sun City, of Certified Sign, said the red "N" is a 24 inch Nissan letter, the white sample is a representation of the color of "Capistrano," and provided a sample of the grey monument sign material. Commissioner Neely said the DRC discussed the lack of contrast between the white lettering and the off-white fascia in the service and parts area, and suggested painting the fascia a color other than white. Tana Kurding, representing the dealership, said the option of the fascia color could be explored. Mr. Dumhart said the intention is to give the dealership the new Capistrano Nissan logo, and that the dealership may replace the showroom in the future. 0 PC Meeting • 9 0 June 13, 2006 Motion Commissioner Ratcliffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Neely, to adopt Resolution 06-06-13-1 approving a Sign Program and a Development Standards Adjustment to allow internal illumination of a monument on the Capistrano Nissan Auto Dealership property located at 33375 Camino Capistrano. AYES: Commissioners Neely and Ratcliffe, Chairman Cardoza NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Drey ABSTAIN: None RECUSED: Vice Chairman Cohen The motion passed by a vote of 3-0, with Vice Chairman Cohen recused. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Chairman Cardoza asked about a letter received regarding athletic field lighting at J. Serra High School. Ms. Bogh said that staff would check to see if the lighting level conforms to the approved pian. Commissioner Neely recalled that the DRC and Planning Commission voted against night lighting, which City Council approved. Commissioner Ratcliffe said she went to the scoping meeting regarding the Ortega interchange, and that her Spanish-speaking coworkers appreciated seeing the Spanish response form. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 27, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Approved: Molly fth, Phthning Director C