PC Minutes-2006-04-252400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. CA 92675 (949) 493.1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx it' %I W. S(MJN(IJ1eopiS/r(ano.org, CALL TO ORDER L SREARPCIPH1 e EVOLISREI 1A61 1776 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, APRIL 25, 2006 0 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO DIANE BATHGATE WYATT HART JOE SOTO DAVID SWERDLIN The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Neely at 7:03 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Robert Cardoza, Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chairman Joe Drey Tim Neely Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: None Staff members in attendance: Molly Bogh, Planning Director; Omar Sandoval, Deputy City Attorney; William Ramsey, Principal Planner; Sam Shoucair, Senior Engineer; David Contreras, Associate Planner; Karen Crocker, Director of Community Services; Sue McCullough, Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion and one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. 1. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 14, 2006; Saiz Acm Cal- 5t)-ano: Piesei-vh7g the Pa.St to FDMcmce the f'u u►e .0 Printed on 100% Recycled Paper PC Meeting 0 2 0 April 25, 2006 2. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM) 05-154, TAVASSOL; CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL DENIAL OF AN APPLICATION TO SUBDIVIDE AN EXISTING 2.65 ACRE PARCEL INTO THREE RESIDENTIAL LOTS GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF FORSTER RANCH ROAD IN THE MCCRACKEN HILL NEIGHBORHOOD (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 675-341-02). (APPLICANT: JAFFAR TAVOSSOL) Commissioner Drey moved approval, seconded by Commissioner Neely, of the Consent Calendar. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS None OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL AC 05-09 LOS RIOS PARK AND PARKING LOT (CIP 465); AN APPLICATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A CITY PARK AND PARKING LOT WITHIN THE LOS RIOS HISTORIC DISTRICT. (APPLICANT: CITY OF SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO) Written Communications Staff report dated April 25, 2006 Applicant/Prope& Owner City of San Juan Capistrano, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Landscape Architect David Volz Design, 17050 Bushard Street, Suite 300, Fountain Valley, CA 92706 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Contreras presented the staff report as an application for the construction of a City park and parking lot within the Los Rios Historic District. In April 2005 City Council authorized staff to retain landscape and architectural design services by David Volz Design. The park design encompasses 4 acres of the 7 acre park site, and includes an 83 -space parking lot, trails, a pedestrian plaza connecting the park to Los Rios Street and the Montanez Adobe, a tot lot, a group picnic area, natural pasture area, and historic plaque. Ms. Crocker said that two public workshops were held and the preferred design has been reviewed by the Design Review Committee, Park and Recreation PC Meeting • 3 • April 25, 2006 Commission, and Cultural Heritage Commission, all of which recommended project approval with design modifications. Staff is recommending that the Planning Commission adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and approve an Architectural Control (AC) application for the Los Rios Park project. Commissioner Questions and Comments Vice Chairman Cohen asked if there has been any environmental site assessment on the property. Ms. Bogh said this property was purchased by the Redevelopment Agency and Douglas Dumhart did a Phase 1 environmental at the time of purchase. There is no contamination on this site that would affect the park design because the Solag area of the site is in phase 2, and the park design requires fill to raise the grade. Vice Chairman Cohen asked if the parking lot will be the only parking lot. Ms. Crocker said yes, but there is room for additional parking in Phase 2 if needed. Vice Chairman Cohen asked on what basis we determined that 82 or 83 spaces were required for the parking. Ms. Crocker said when the parking lot project was first presented there were fewer parking spaces, and as part of the park design the number of parking spaces was increased. Vice Chairman Cohen said the plan is to use the parking lot for Los Rios District Area businesses and downtown visitors, as well as serving the park use. Vice Chairman Cohen asked if there is a plan to include a gate to control access to the parking lot after hours. Ms. Crocker said there is no plan at present for a gate, but the possibility exists in the future if needed. There will be no use of the park at night. Commissioner Drey asked the plans for the house up on blocks. Ms. Bogh said this is one of the Troublesman Cottages and will be relocated to the Mission Hill/Mission Flats District and restored for residential use. Ms. Bogh said notice of tonight's Public Meeting was sent to neighbors and stakeholders who attended the other Public Meetings, and suggested that David Volz provide information regarding design of the Park. Mr. Volz described the park site and related Montanez Adobe landscape project, saying research of historic photos of the area was done to ensure that the design reflects the area's ranch era. Vice Chairman Cohen said we traditionally require historic depiction programs in connection with buildings around town, and that this would be an ideal opportunity to provide historical depictions. Mr. Volz said that might be a great use in the restroom building area. Ms. Bogh said the historical depiction program PC Meeting • 4 • April 25, 2006 will go to the Cultural Heritage Commission, and that a "path to history" along a walkway had been discussed as well as a plaque or sculpture in the plaza center. Public Hearing Marianne Davidson, 26621 Ramos Street, asked about the parking lot paving and lighting. Ms. Bogh said that the parking lot would be paved in permeable material to allow infiltration or drain into a bio-swale, the plaza area will be pavers or decorative hardscape, and the pathways will probably be decomposed granite. The parking lot is not intended to be lit, other than security lighting around the bathroom building. Chairman Cardoza asked if the final detailing would be in a separate agreement. Ms, Bogh said the next step would be for a landscape architect and engineering consultant to work on the final site plan and final grading plan to go out to bid for construction. Final decisions on lighting, landscaping, street furniture and fixtures would be routed through the DRC for final review, and substantial compliance with the design approved at this meeting would be expected. Ms. Bogh said that a condition could be added to have the restroom building come back to the Planning Commission for final design review. Mr. Contreras said Condition 1 could be modified so that the restroom component would go to the DRC and Planning Commission for final review. Vice Chairman Cohen said any significant deviation from the present plan should come back to the DRC and perhaps the Planning Commission. Ms. Bogh said that significant deviation would be treated as an AC modification, and would have to be approved by the Planning Commission. Commissioners Ratcliffe and Neely thanked and complimented Mr. Volz on the conceptual park design, which reflects the Los Rios history and character. Ms. Bogh said Condition 1 would be modified to require that the architectural design of the restroom building be forwarded to the DRC and Planning Commission for design review. Motion Commissioner Drey moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to approve Resolution 06-03-25-1 adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and conditionally approving an Architectural Control for the Los Rios Park & Parking Lot located within the Los Rios Historic District, with a revision to Condition No. 1 requiring that the architectural design of the restroom building shall be forwarded to the Design Review Committee and Planning Commission for design review. AYES: Commissioners Drey, Neely and Ratcliffe, Vice Chairman Cohen, and Chairman Cardoza 0 NOES: None PC Meeting 0 5 • April 25, 2006 is ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 2. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM) 03-142, FORSTER ESTATES; CONSIDERATION OF CONCEPT TO SUBDIVIDE AN EXISTING 2.2 ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO RESIDENTIAL LOTS GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF VALLE ROAD (FORSTER RANCH ROAD) AND ABOUT 90 FEET SOUTH OF THE MCCRACKEN HILL GATED ENTRY; (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER 675-331-02). (APPLICANT: ANVARI ASSOCIATES CORPORATION) Written Communications April 25, 2006 ApplicantlProperty Owner City of San Juan Capistrano, 32400 Paseo Adelanto, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Landscape Architect David Volz Design, 17050 Bushard Street, Suite 300, Fountain Valley, CA 92706 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Ramsey presented the staff report as a request for consideration and preliminary comments regarding the General Plan consistency of the proposed parcel map concept. After denial of the previously submitted 4 -lot Tentative Parcel Map by the City Council on January 3, 2006, the applicant indicated to staff that they are looking at an alternative of two lots instead of four lots on the 2.2 acre parcel. Mr. Ramsey referred to photographs of the site and asked that the Commission provide comments to the applicant. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission make a determination regarding the General Plan consistency of the proposed concept. Public Hearing Donna Brady, Attorney with Nossaman Guthner Knox & Elliott in Irvine, representing Anvari Associates, said the applicant has spent considerable time and resources, and has addressed the previous concerns. Commissioner Drey asked what the easement is for on the north side of the property and asked how the easterly right-of-way line compares with the present edge of the pavement. Mr. Ramsey said the easement on the north side is an existing water line easement. The road easement width varies and the existing PC Meeting • 6 • April 25, 2006 road surface from the entry of McCracken Hill to the top of the hill has been widened to 24 ft. Vice Chairman Cohen said there are severe issues with the slope and landslides in the general area. He noted there are many projects probably coming before us in connection with McCracken Hill, and the City Council's action on the other pending parcel map requests will give an indication of how much development they want to see on McCracken Hill. Commissioner Neely said that even though reducing the density to two lots avoids the need for the requirement for exceptional design quality and important amenities, the General Plan Community Design Element requires hillside residential areas to develop well-planned lot sizes in relation to existing topography and the requirement regarding steepness of the slope and lots sited properly. The design with grading as shown is conventional and the hammerhead may require retaining walls. A more creative design might be a shared access drive going into the backs or sides of the units. Commissioner Ratcliffe said that the feasibility of the site is a concern due to the topography. Commissioner Neely asked if it is a legal building site for one unit and if the grading would be subject to discretionary review to comply with hillside design standards or issued as a ministerial permit. Ms. Bogh said the parcel is zoned for residential in the McCracken Hill Specific Plan and construction of one house would be subject to only administrative approval under the Specific Plan, if there were no grading issues. However, you cannot build on this site without changing the grade by more than two feet, which would necessitate a Grading Plan Review Application which would come to the Planning Commission. Commissioners Neely, Drey and Chairman Cardoza agreed that development on this property would have to demonstrate creativity and produce a high-quality product, in order to be consistent with General Plan Community Design policies. Ms. Grady said the proposed plan is at the low end of the General Plan zoning designation, the designs are preliminary, and asked if two units could be approved if slope stability and geological conditions are addressed appropriately. Leslie Anvari, Applicant, 24452 La Hermosa, Laguna Niguel, asked what the Planning Commission would allow on the lot, and said that a MND had been prepared for the previous submittal. Commissioner Questions and Comments Chairman Cardoza asked for clarification on General Plan criteria. Ms. Bogh said that one provision in the General Plan is that anything over the mid -point on the density range has to show exceptional design. The General Plan guidelines on 0 • PC Meeting 7 April 25, 2006 hillside development, community design element, and neighborhood character need to be followed. The Subdivision Map Act findings must be affirmed, including findings that the design of this subdivision is consistent with the General Plan, the site is physically suitable for residential development, that the site is physically suitable for this density, that the design of the subdivision is not likely to cause environmental damage, and that the design will not cause serious public health and safety risks due to soil problems and grading. Mr. Sandoval said the Subdivision Map Act findings would not be applicable if the application was for one house. If the applicant does not subdivide, it would only have to meet the hillside criteria. Mr. Sandoval said the City does not intend to keep the property as open space. Vice Chairman Cohen said there is not enough information before the Planning Commission to make a determination as to General Plan conformance at this time. Ms. Brady said that the applicant would like to move forward with input from the Planning Commission, and asked the most important considerations to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Neely suggested that the applicant bring a refined proposal to the DRC for review and guidance. Motion The Planning Commission indicated there is sufficient information provided to determine the General Plan consistency of the proposed parcel map concept, and asked that the applicant provide the Design Review Committee with a refined proposal for review and guidance. COMMISSIONISTAFF COMMENTS Ms. Bogh said that Teri Delcamp and Ilse Byrnes will be presenting information on Historic Preservation Week at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 27 on the Cox Forum TV show and at 6:30 p.m. Friday, April 28 on the Real Orange TV show. She said that a presentation by Tom Merrell to the Open Space Committee on ridgeline preservation efforts in the 1970s is scheduled at 7 p.m. Monday, May 1 at the Community Center. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked if City employees routinely take down garage sale signs. Ms. Bogh said Code Enforcement Officers routinely remove any signs in the right-of-way. Chairman Cardoza said that some of the trees on Ortega Highway in the Rancho Viejo area have been brutally trimmed. PC Meeting 8 April 25, 2006 Chairman Cardoza asked when the Joint City Council and Planning Commission meeting would be held. Mr. Ramsey said the meeting date will be confirmed two weeks before the meeting. Ms. Bogh said the main agenda item is the Ortega Widening Project and to give Caltrans input on the sound walls and retaining walls; and that information would be provided to the Planning Commission and City Council prior to the meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 9, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Approved: J44"W Molly BoM, Plafihing Director n U 0