PC Minutes-2006-03-280 32400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO. CA 92675 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493•1053 FAx 11-11 -11-. saary raaneapasrrc1170.01%Y CALL TO ORDER MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, MARCH 28, 2006 MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL SAM ALLEVATO THOMAS W. HRI BAR MARK NIELSEN JOE SOTO DR. LONDRE5 USO The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Neely at 7:03 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Tim Neely, Chairman Robert Cardoza, Vice Chairman Sheldon Cohen Joe Drey Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: None Staff members in attendance: Molly Bogh, Planning Director; Omar Sandoval, Deputy City Attorney; Sam Shoucair, Senior Engineer; Richard Greenbauer, Associate Planner; Brian Perry, Senior Civil Engineer; Sue McCullough, Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None, COAT ENT CALENDAR None. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM) 05-154, TAVASSOL (CONTINUED FROM THE FEBRUARY 14 2006 MEETING): A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A THREE LOT SUBDIVISION FOR SINGLE -FAMILY -DETACHED, CUSTOM Sass Juan Capist►•ano: Aj esei-ving the fast to Enhance the Fiam-e CA Rinlea on •ecyrieo Gaper PC Meeting • 2 • March 28, 2006 HOME, RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON AN EXISTING 2.65 ACRE PARCEL. THE LOTS WILL TAKE ACCESS FROM THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF AN EXISTING PRIVATE ROAD CONNECTING TO FORSTER RANCH ROAD (VALLE ROAD). AN EXISTING RESIDENTIAL UNIT WILL REMAIN ON ONE OF THE LOTS. THE PROJECT SITE IS LOCATED ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF FORSTER CANYON ROAD ABOUT 950 FEET SOUTH OF THE MCCRACKEN HILL GATED ENTRY AND IS MORE PRECISELY REFERRED TO AS ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER (APN) 675-341-02. THE PROJECT SITE IS GENERAL PLAN- DESIGNATED "2.0, VERY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (0-1 DU/ACRE)" AND CLASSIFIED ON THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP AS "RSE-20,000" (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY ESTATE -20,000 S.F. LOT MINIMUM). (APPLICANT: JAFFAR TAVASSOL) Written Communications March 28, 2006 Staff presentation & recommendation Ms. Bogh said that staff is requesting a continuance until April 11, 2006, and said the applicant is working on a conceptual grading plan, building massing plans, and view simulations and having the DRC review them. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to continue the Public Hearing to April 11, 2006. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 1. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL AC 05-05• SADDLEBACK VALLEY CHRISTIAN SCHOOL (SVCS), A REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PLANS TO DEVELOP THE EXISTING PRIVATE SCHOOL SITE WITH PERMANENT STRUCTURES CONSISTING OF A TWO-STORY, 39,100 SQUARE FOOT MULTI-USE/CLASSROOM BUILDING; AN 8,000 SQUARE FOOT "SPRUNG" (TENT) STRUCTURE FOR INTERIM PURPOSES; A TWO-STORY, 21,050 SQUARE FOOT CLASSROOM BUILDING; AND A 14,000 SQUARE FOOT GYMNASIUM ON A 6.13 ACRE PUBLIC & INSTITUTIONAL (P&I) ZONED PARCEL LOCATED AT 26333 OSO RD. (ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS: 121-070-55,5)(APP LI CANT: JACOBSON ASSOCIATES) Written Communications March 28, 2006 Applicant / Architect Terry Jacobson, Jacobson Associates, 1470 Jamboree Road #200, Newport PC Meeting • 3 • March 28, 2006 Beach, CA 92660 Owner Saddleback Valley Christian School, 26333 Oso Road, San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Engineer Ron Bundy, RMB & Associates, 1 Technology Park J-725, Irvine, CA 92618 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Greenbauer referred to a memo dealing with the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND), a letter of comment received from the Department of Toxic Substances, and a copy of the Settlement Agreement and Release that will be referred to this evening. Mr. Greenbauer presented the staff report as a request for approval of a phased development plan for the Saddleback Valley Christian School (SVCS). The intent is to replace the existing modular structures that are on the project site with permanent one-story and two-story buildings. Phase 1 would consist of a 2 -story, 39,100 square foot building and an 8,000 square foot "Sprung" temporary structure for gym -type purposes. Phase 2 would consist of construction of a 2 - story 21,050 square foot classroom building. Phase 3 would consist of a single - story with a high roof approximately 14,000 square foot gymnasium, with removal of the "Sprung" structure at that time. The Public Review Period for the MND closed March 27, 2006. Two comment letters were received, one from the California Department of Fish and Game and one from the Department of Toxic Substances. Comments have been addressed and do not affect the project. Staff identified three issues for Planning Commission consideration: 1) Consistency with the Settlement Agreement between SVCS and the City, 2) Consistency with the Specific Development Plan for Oso Ranch, and . 3) Consideration of the proposed building heights and a request for a deviation to exceed the 30 -foot limit within the Specific Development Plan. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission by motion adopt a resolution adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the proposed project and approving Architectural Control 05-05 for phased development of the Saddleback Valley Christian School site. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked if all street improvements have been accomplished. Ms. Bogh said the Oso Road improvements have all been completed except for turning on the street lights, which are to be activated prior to occupancy. PC Meeting 0 4 • March 28, 2006 Commissioner Cohen asked about approval of the multi-purpose auditorium. Ms. Bogh said in 2003 the Commission approved a multi-purpose building, which could not be built because it was too close to the creek. The applicant has redesigned the site and pulled that building further into the center of the site. Commissioner Cohen asked if the temporary structures will be removed as the new buildings are built. Ms. Bogh said the modular structures placed under the year 2000 approval will be removed once the new buildings are built. Commissioner Drey asked when the Oso/Camino Capistrano signal will become fully operational. Ms. Bogh said that if SVCS or J. Serra High School gets to a specified enrollment figure first, then that school would finish the signal and the other school would reimburse their fair share of the signal upgrade. Vice Chairman Cardoza asked the status of the trail easement. Ms. Bogh said it is still on the County and City Master Plan for Trails, and the ultimate alignment of the 20 -foot trail extended through the SVCS project site has not been determined; however, a clear 20 -foot area has been reserved along the edge of the bank for future trail improvements. Public Hearing Terry Jacobson, architect representing the applicant, said the school master plan was previously approved by the Planning Commission, the applicant has complied with DRC recommendations, there is a greater setback from Oso and Camino Capistrano with the new plan, the modular buildings will be removed with the first phase, and that a small portion of the stairwell element at each end of the L-shaped building massing is 2 feet taller than the 35 foot predominant roofline. Commissioner Cohen asked if the tower element functions as an interior stairwell. Mr. Jacobson said there is a reading room at the second floor library, but that the tower element is primarily for esthetic purposes. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Drey spoke in favor of the DRC and staff position recommending approval of the tower height. Vice Chairman Cardoza and Chairman Neely asked that lighting and building elevations go to the DRC for review. Ms. Bogh said that Condition 46 can be revised to indicate that the final building colors, materials, and elevations must come to the DRC. Commissioner Ratcliffe concurred with Commissioner Drey regarding support of the tower height, asked that ambient night lighting be minimized to be consistent with the neighborhood, suggested edge treatment between the trail and the PC Meeting 0 5 0 March 28, 2006 school grounds, and asked about impacts to the Sycamore tree. Mr. Greenbauer said that Condition 62 provides for the surety bond and construction boundary areas have been defined. Commissioner Cohen said that he would like to see the temporary structures be removed by August 2008, and said that the tower element is too high and should be returned to the Planning Commission for review. Mr. Sandoval suggested revising Condition 2.e to remove temporary structures at the time permanent structures are constructed. Ms. Bogh clarified revisions to Conditions 2.e, 46, 63 and 64. Chairman Neely said that he would like to minimize changes to the roofline. Vice Chairman Cardoza said the trees to be planted would provide a skyline. Motion Commissioner Drey moved, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe, to approve Resolution 06-3-28-1 adopting a Mitigated Negative Declaration and conditionally approving Architectural Control 05-05 for a phased development consisting of three new permanent school buildings and a "Sprung" tent structure on approximately 6.13 acre of land located at 26333 Oso Road (Saddleback Valley Christian School), subject to staff conditions and modifications as follows: In Condition 2.e, add wording to the last sentence ", provided that if the permanent structures are constructed prior to this date, the temporary structures shall be removed at that time." In Condition 46, add wording following the word "permits" final building elevations, colors, and materials shall be submitted for final review and approval by the Design Review Committee, with the tower element returning to the Planning Commission for final review and approval. Upon final review and approval of building elevations, colors, and materials by the DRC and the tower element by the Planning Commission," In Condition 63, replace the words "Planning Director (or designee)" with "Design Review Committee" and replace the words "Planning Commission" with "Design Review Committee" AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Vice Chairman Cardoza, and Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None PC Meeting 0 6 0 March 28, 2006 ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. 2. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS (CIP) 404, J. SERRA ROAD AND RANCHO VIEJO ROAD IMPROVEMENT: CONSIDERATION OF CONCEPT PLANS FOR PROPOSED JUNIPERO SERRA ROAD AND RANCHO VIEJO ROAD INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AND A RECOMMENDATION THAT FOLLOWING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF THE GEOMETRIC DESIGN, STAFF WILL COMPLETE DESIGNS FOR LANDSCAPING, SIDEWALKS, AND RELATED IMPROVEMENTS FOR REVIEW BY THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE AND PLANNING COMMISSION. Written Communications March 28, 2006 Engineer Austin -Foust Associates Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Perry presented the staff report as a request for the Commission to review Rancho Viejo Road at Junipero Serra Road Intersection Improvement Concept Plan and forward a recommendation to the City Council. Caltrans has indicated that they are generally -supportive of the proposal, and recommend implementation of a split phasing for the north -south traffic signal, recommend restriction of the right turn on red movement for southbound Rancho Viejo Road, the opposite of the recommendation of the Transportation Commission which recommended a free right turn there. Staff supports further review of both of these concepts. Caltrans commented that the southerly park and ride access from J Serra Road should be retained as a right -turn entry only; exiting vehicles would use Rancho Viejo Road driveway. Mr. Perry said that related projects are listed in Section C of the staff report and alternative projects are noted in Section D. Commissioner Questions and Comments Commissioner Cohen asked if a green arrow would be contemplated at the right turn southbound onto J Serra. Mr. Perry said no, they want a split phasing. Commissioner Cohen asked if a right turn arrow with a green light eastbound on J Serra would require Caltrans approval. Mr. Perry said the J Serra / Rancho Viejo Road signal is largely up to the City and that the ramp signal falls under Caltrans jurisdiction. PC Meeting 0 7 March 28, 2006 Commissioner Ratcliffe asked about the short stacking distance where people turning right block the intersection on the northbound side, and asked if there is a way to limit that. Mr. Perry said that Save Our San Juan proposes a "Do Not Block the Intersection" sign. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked how many additional cars during the eastbound green would be able to turn onto J Serra, and would they then fill up all the empty space so that people northbound and turning towards J Serra would be unable to make that left-hand turn onto Ortega towards the 1-5. Mr. Perry said Item 1 on page 3 of the traffic study talks about the two west -bound lanes on J Serra being more able to enter the northbound 1-5 onramp simultaneously and this, in effect, provides a free right turn onto the freeway. Chairman Neely said the driveway on the south side of J Serra between the freeway and Rancho Viejo Road is not needed, and that landscaping could replace it. Mr. Perry said that could be discussed with Caltrans. Vice Chairman Cardoza asked if any sidewalks are being eliminated. Mr. Perry said the current sidewalks are along J Serra Road from the northbound ramps to Rancho Viejo Road, and we would be reconstructing those. There is a sidewalk on Rancho Viejo Road north of J Serra that only goes to the first driveway and there is no potential for it to be extended further north. Vice Chairman Cardoza asked if there are sidewalks, would they be adjacent to curb or would there be a parkway between curb and sidewalk. Mr. Perry said that we would propose sidewalks immediately at the curb. Chairman Neely said he would like to see less sidewalk that leads nowhere and more landscaping. Public Hearing Bob King, 29422 Spotted Bull Lane, Save Our San Juan, said the Caltrans plan of no free right turn from southbound Rancho Viejo onto J Serra would be a traffic impediment. Mr. King described the three proposals offered by "Save Our San Juan" included in the letter in the staff report. Robert Foresman, 26902 Paseo Cardero, said he looks down on Endevco and this intersection from his house. He suggested removing the Caltrans sign that says "5 North" if you go up Rancho Viejo Road, in order to help the situation. Mr. Perry reviewed staff comments in Section D of the staff report. Commissioner Comments Commissioners Cohen and Ratcliffe concurred on the need to evaluate the option of the right turn on green arrow. Vice Chairman Cardoza said softening can be accommodated with proper landscaping. PC Meeting 8 March 28, 2006 Chairman Neely said the widening of the radius on the northbound onramp to 75 feet will help to smooth the flow in that direction, and that he likes the idea of photo -enforcement at the intersection. Mr. Perry said he believes the sign on Ortega Highway immediately west of Rancho Viejo Road is an indication for the northbound onramp at Ortega. Motion Commissioner Cohen moved, seconded by Chairman Neely, recommendation for staff approval subject to also considering the right turn on a green arrow, to explore the possibility of criteria for red light camera enforcement, initiate a study to keep this as an open idea, that DRC looks to find ways to maximize landscaping in the design which may or may not include closing off the J. Serra driveway on the Southerly park-and-ride if amenable to Caltrans. AYES: Commissioners Cohen, Drey and Ratcliffe, Vice Chairman Cardoza, and Chairman Neely NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS Ms. Bogh said that two Commissioners and Ms. Bogh attended some interesting courses at the Planners Institute, including clarification on the tribal consultation law which requires any city in California that is going to do a General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, or designate open space, to consult with local tribes which may or may not be federally designated tribes. Ms. Bogh attended a session on the idea of relaxing parking standards in downtown areas; some cities have completely repealed parking standards in downtown areas, and some cities are setting maximum parking standards in downtown areas. Vice Chairman Cardoza said historical preservation and cultural landscaping was discussed and that form -based codes could provide architectural styling direction and guidelines for the city and developers. Commissioner Ratcliffe asked for a progress update regarding the park project near the Little Hollywood area. Ms. Bogh said the park is scheduled for the second Planning Commission meeting in April and is scheduled for City Council input on April 4. The DRC, Park and Recreation, and Cultural Heritage Commissions have recommended approval with some changes in conditions. PC Meeting • 9 10 March 28, 2006 Staff is working on an RFP to put out to bid to get the final design plans done as quickly as possible, so that construction of the park could begin in spring 2007. Commissioner Cohen said that one of the more interesting seminars was on walk ability of communities. Tom Merrell spoke at the hillside management seminar and discussed what San Juan went through in the 70s for ridgeline preservation. Commissioner Cohen suggested that Tom Merrell give the same presentation to City Council and to the Planning Commission. The seminar on how to read and interpret traffic studies was beneficial. Commissioner Cohen asked for the logistics of the March 29 session. Ms. Bogh said the input session will convene on the site at 7:00 p.m. and the Public Hearing will reconvene at the April 11, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 11, 2006, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Approved: Molly Bogh, Planning Dir for PPROV Y/1 leo