PC Minutes-2007-08-2832400 PASEO ADELANTO SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 (949) 493-1171 (949) 493-1053 FAx www.sanjuancapistrano.org CALL TO ORDER i MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL —U SAM ALLEVATO EST LISH THOMAS W. HRIBAR MARK NIELSEN 1776 JOESOTO DR. LONDRES USO MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2007 The meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order by Chairman Cardoza at 7:01 p.m., followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Commissioners Present: Robert Cardoza, Chairman Sheldon Cohen, Vice Chairman Ginny Kerr Tim Neely Gene Ratcliffe Commissioners Absent: None Staff members in attendance: Grant Taylor, Assistant Planning Director; Jason Retterer, Deputy City Attorney; Molly Bogh, former Planning Director; Sue McCullough, Recording Secretary. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. CONSENT CALENDAR Items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered routine and will be enacted by one motion and one vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item may be removed from the Consent Calendar and will be considered separately. n San Juan Capistrano: Preserving the Past to Enhance the Future `� Printed on recycled paper PC Meeting Minutes 2 August 28, 2007 1. APPROVAL OF ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 13. 2007 2. APPROVAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES OF AUGUST 14 2007 Consent Calendar: Vice Chairman Cohen moved approval of the Consent Calendar, seconded by Commissioner Ratcliffe. The motion passed by a vote of 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. OLD BUSINESS 1. DRAFT REVISIONS TO LAND USE CODES TITLE 9 (GUEST SPEAKER FORMER PLANNING DIRECTOR MOLLY BOGH) a. Appendix: Definitions - Track Changes b. Appendix: Definitions — Final Version C. Section 9-2.337 — Public Improvement Plans — Track Changes d. Section 9-2.349 (i) — Tree Removal Permit Violations and Penalties Written Communications August 28, 2007 Staff presentation & recommendation Ms. Bogh reviewed the revisions to the Land Use Code Appendix Definitions based on input received at the August 13, 2007 Planning Commission workshop. The Land Use Code changes are intended to clarify procedures and definitions and bring more consistency into the code. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the proposed changes at the public workshop; provide input to staff to finalize the draft code sections, and direct staff to schedule a public hearing for October 9, 2007. Ms. Bogh reviewed the revisions to Section 9-2.337 and Section 9-2.349 (i). Mr. Taylor said there is not yet full buy -in of the three -tiered process by City departments, Engineering, Public Works, and Parks, Recreation and Equestrian reviewed the draft language. Ms. Bogh said that the following wording is PC Meeting Minutes 3 August 28, 2007 proposed: "Based on a determination by the Planning Director in consultation with other affected department heads." Public Input Angela Duzich, 31372 Don Juan, voiced concern that food distribution points for the less fortunate create negative impacts on local businesses. Ms. Duzich suggested language regarding tree trimming cleanliness and said that pine trees are dying due to bark beetle infestation. Ms. Bogh said that definitions would be included, that cleaning of equipment falls under Chapter 5, and that negligent clearing is subject to the tree ordinance. Commissioner Questions and Comments The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed changes and provided input to staff to finalize the draft code sections for public hearing. The Planning Commission thanked Ms. Bogh for her assistance and directed staff to schedule a public hearing on October 9, 2007. Vice Chairman Cohen asked that any revisions be given to the Commissioners one to two weeks prior to the October 9, 2007 meeting. NEW BUSINESS 1. DISCUSSION OF AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE CODE — SIGNS' DISCUSSION OF AN AMENDMENT TO SIGNS PROVISIONS SET FORTH IN SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION 9-3.543 IN RESPONSE TO AN URGENCY ORDINANCE PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL REGULATING THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING MOUNTED SIGNS AND MONUMENT SIGNS. Written Communications August 28, 2007 Staff presentation & recommendation Mr. Taylor said that on April 24, 2007 the Planning Commission continued review of proposed sign code amendments and rather than render a specific decision at that time directed staff to perform a broader more complete review and that the City Council should adopt an urgency sign ordinance moratorium that referred all sign applications to the Planning Commission until staff could draft amended standards. The interim urgency ordinance adopted by City Council on May 9, 2007 and extended on June 19, 2007 is due to expire on December 19, 2007. Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the existing sign code provisions, review previous sign documents, provide comments and input, and PC Meeting Minutes 4 August 28, 2007 direct staff to prepare a draft code amendment to be considered at a future public hearing. Commissioner Questions and Comments Vice Chairman Cohen suggested a comprehensive review and possible overhaul of sign standards as well as addressing the urgency ordinance. Chairman Cardoza said the Planning Commission initiated a comprehensive sign standards language review prior to the urgency ordinance. Ms. Bogh said that recent case law has supported the idea that sign language has to be content neutral. Mr. Taylor agreed that the review process of the sign program is important. Commissioner Neely said that Laguna Beach has an upscale approach tc signage. Mr. Taylor said he would go online to see their signage approach. Ms. Bogh suggested looking at Claremont's signage program. Public Hearing Kent Ahlering, 29222 Rancho Viejo Road, said he works for Mammoth Equities, asked if the Planning Commission would be reviewing the sign items tonight, and urged the Commission to help Mammoth Equities obtain monument signs. Mr. Taylor said the item would be brought before the Planning Commission September 25, 2007. Mr. Ahlering said that he would ask the Planning Commission to consider the building -mounted signage at a future meeting. Chairman Cardoza suggested that Mr. Ahlering provide to staff a written request for signage wording. Richard Boyer, 1356 Felipe, San Clemente, said he is president of San Clemente Citizens for Integrity in Development, which is suing the City for the Marblehead Coastal Signage Exception. He referred to sign programs for Santa Barbara, Sao Paulo, and the New York Port Authority. Commissioner Questions and Comments Vice Chairman Cohen asked if 10 sq. ft. signage is needed for office complexes where there are interior corridors. Mr. Taylor said there is no differentiation in the code between interior and exterior, and 10 sq. ft. signage seems excessive. Chairman Cardoza asked staff for clarification of City Council urgency ordinance concerns. Mr. Taylor said that staff will prepare a draft code amendment to be considered at the September 25, 2007 Planning Commission Meeting. COMMISSION/STAFF COMMENTS PC Meeting Minutes 5 August 28, 2007 Mr. Taylor noted dates of the upcoming Housing Advisory and DRC meetings, and said that prepping work is starting for the Villa trash enclosure, which should be coming back to the DRC soon. Vice Chairman Cohen expressed appreciation for the collaborative effort and quick response by the community, staff, and City Council to the postal service situation. Commissioner Ratcliffe said she is pleased with the reduced signage around town, and expressed disappointment in the City Council's decision regarding Los Rios Park. ' Commissioner Neely said the black and brown directional signs look cheap and the poles are too tall. Mr. Taylor said he will talk with the Manager of the Economic Development Department. Chairman Cardoza said he was disappointed in the design review workshop minutes language regarding Vacaro West, which supported an applicant who did not comply with DRC or Planning Commission direction. Mr. Taylor said that staff will do their best to implement Planning Commission direction and that he would look into the situation. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m. The next regularly scheduled Planning Commission Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 11, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers. Approved: Steven A. Apple, Planning Director